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good evening, i'm ken wayne >> and i'm heather holmes. right now, we are tracking dry brush and possible lightening strikes in parts of the bay area. a fire weather watch in the north east bay hills cancelled this afternoon, but the threat of thunderstorm still exist. >> dry brush is all over the bay area. here's a live picture from san jose, looking at the east hills, you can see how dry it is. >> we have live team coverage. jay hernandez talked about the fires. we begin with mark with more on the conditions that could lead to thunderstorms. >> >> reporter: changing conditions, temperature drop 20- 30 degrees. you think that is good you news, that is great news, but we are tracking another potential the meant in the form of thunderstorms. right now, we have the low clouds and fog making a big push back into the bay. we don't have the showers and thunderstorms in the bay area. but some activity to our fort and to our east, especially north of lake tahoe. you can see lightening strikes around susanville to the east of it as el with. fire weather watches posted to the north and east of the region for tonight, right on through monday morning. that's fire weather warning in place, right now, in fact, for the next at least the next 12 hours. we do still have the chance of an ice lamed thunderstorm across the region, especially to the north and east bay hills. an unstable level above developing there is a system that will be approaching that is close enough to warrant the slight chance of thunderstorm. it takes one lightening strike to set off a fire. that will be the concern with fire crews tonight. right on through monday morning with the potential for dry lightening and possible few thunderstorms. only a slight chance right now, a big concern at least in the short term. >> >> thank you, mark. >> >> it is much cooler today than yesterday when firefighters responded to this 200-acre wildfire. firefighters were battling the flames and high temperatures in the triple digits, in fact, liver p more had a high 067 yesterday. that is a record. bay area firefighters keeping a close eye on the weather because of the potential for the lightening strikes. jay jade hernan is in the area of particular concerns. >> reporter: temperatures have dropped. live in lafayette, 64 degrees. yesterday, temperatures hit the hundreds in and around this area. there is still concern over westerly winds, dry vegetation and the possibility of dry lightening tonight. >> we are a month ahead of fuels being dried out by the heat. >> reporter: within the past hour, we talked to the berkeley fire chief, heavy fog in berkeley, even in oakland hills reduced fire danger to some degree, but firefighters are still worried since extreme temperatures yesterday hit some parts of the east bay, as i mentioned 105, 106 degrees. this means vegetation is as dry as it usually is around late summer. >> >> any fire that can initiate can quickly be spread. it doesn't matter there is a nice, moist westerly wind. if somebody is burning in their yard or being irresponsible in the park, if this wind takes it, it will run quickly. >> >> reporter: firefighters were on medium fire danger in and around berkeley. we talked to a firefighter at a local station and he said the fog definitely helps this afternoon. reporting live, jade hernandez ktvu channel "2 news." is >> a herd of goats to help with fire prevention. 300 goats are grazing in the hills. city officials say for the next two weeks, the area will be temporarily fenced with low voltage electrical wire while the goats eat away weeds, poison oak and other things that provide fuel for wildfires. goats are used as a natural form of fire control. >> >> you can go to our website for more on the fire danger, advisories and warnings. >> >> police in fresno say a 15- month-old baby died after he was accidentally left in a car during the triple digit heat. the family just returned from a shopping trip with multiple kids in the vehicle. somewhere in the exchain for getting while getting the groceries out and the children, everyone thought someone else had the baby. a man from the bay area visiting friends across the street was one of the very first people on the scene who tried to perform cpr. police say there was no wrongdoing in the accident and are calling this an accident. >> >> aen ma shot and killed outside sofa sports bar. alex savage tell us the bar was filled with people watching a hip cop conference. >> >> reporter: gunfire left one man dead and another wounded. this shooting around 1:00 this morning sent people inside running for cover. >> people rushing in and people hitting the deck kind of thing like you see in the movies. >> reporter: dean was at this bar watching a co-worker perform during a hip-hop show that featured artives from the bay area. he gave us this photo from the event. after the shooting, he went outside and told me he saw a man laying in the middle of the parking lot. >> sad night overall. went tragic at the end. is >> reporter: sunnyvale police is not sure what prompted the shooter to start shooting. >> we don't know what happened. obviously, some altercation started and prompted the shooting. >> >> investigators were able to talk with witnesses, but are still trying to find people who could offer useful information to help solve sunnyvale's first homicide of the year. >> >> we have new developments on the mass shooting friday near santa hon could college. the college said a fifth victim has now died it from her injuries. marcella franco, a new student, heading to college to buy textbooks. she was in an s.u.v. with her father near campus when she was shot. she had been in critical condition since friday. her father was a long time college employee and he was also shot and died the same day. >> >> it was a somber mood on the college campus as santa monica students gathered to mourn those. plans for a vin ill are being made. counseling for students will be offered tomorrow and throughout the week. the police chief said students and staff will see an increased presence of police on campus tomorrow. >> tomorrow, beginning at 7:00 am, we'll have a heightened patrol presence on the main campus, which will continue until further notice. we will also have our police escort services available the entire day. >> >> reporter: also, today, several media outlets are identifying the suspected shooter as this 23-year-old. police say the gunman was once a student at the college and had a brush with the law when he was a teen. officers fatally shot the gunman outside of the school library. a total of six people died in the rampage, including the shooter. >> >> authorities are warning women who use the east bay trail to be on alert for a man who has flashed himself to at least six women. >> reporter: investigators tell me there were six victims they say the inis incident happened, two of them happened on this portion on the trail. four more further down the iron horse trail. tonight, police have released a suspect sketch. iron horse trail running through walnut creek, busy thoroughfare. now, police are warning this man is using the popular biking trail to expose himself. lieutenant john king said the suspect has been targeting a wide range of women and the incidents don't follow a specific pattern. east bay regional park police released this sketch today saying the suspect is sometimes on foot, sometimes on a bmx style bike. >> he approaches women on the trail, usually women by themselves. he is exposing himself to them. he is not saying anything. there is no violence involved. >> >> reporter: investigators are warning women to use the buddy system. liz walks this to the farmer's market every week and she said the incidents are a wakeup call. >> it heightens my awareness. i need to pay more attention to who is around me and what is going on. >> reporter: nanny has advice for anyone who is cycling around the trail. >> just don't go alone. be aware of what is around you because you never know. >> >> reporter: police say the suspect in his early 30s with a thin build and dirty blond hair. they are telling women to call the police immediately if they encounter him. no one was hurt after a limousine carrying a group of senior citizens caught fire in the east bay. we spoke to the limo driver and he said all 10 women inside were able to escape. it caught fire after 11:30 this morning. the protection district told us they responded and put the fire out. this comes just over a metropolitan after the deadly limo fire on the san mateo bridge. five women were killed on may 4th when the limo they were riding in caught fire. >> >> police are looking for an armed robber that held up a walgreen's. witnesses say the man said he was armed and he demanded prescription drugs from the pharmacy. after getting the drugs, police say he ran off. witnesses say he was wearing a black jacket, gray shoes and a bandana over his face. >> >> san jose police are looking for help to find an 87-year-old man that suffers from dementia he was last seen at his home on 2nd avenue. lee is known to visit 10th street and several vietnamese businesses in the area. he is vietnamese, 5'4, weighing 110-pounds. he has brown highs and graying hair. anyone with information is asked to call the police. >> >> new developments of the elderly woman that disappeared after arriving at a san francisco airport. we are being told this woman has been found. 9-year-old lopez-ramos arrived at san francisco general hospital this morning. sheriff's deputies tell us it's unclear how she got to the hospital. she flu in from mexico on friday. but disappeared by the time her family arrived to pick her up. >> >> more fallout tonight over the government's surveillance program, what one lawmaker is now threatening to do. >> >> lake merritt wasn't always a lake. i'll tell you about the efforts to restore it to the bay and the immediate results people are seeing already. >> we will solve the problems on that bridge. >> governor brown talks safety concerns surrounding the new bay britain. what he says about a possible delay of the grand opening. or. s... . and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. continuing coverage on president obama's four day visit to california. the president left southern california this morning and is now back at the white house. before boarding air force one, mr. obama man aned to squeeze in a round of golf this morning with somehood friends. >> >> lawmakers on both sides of the aisle expressed out rain over government surveillance of phone records and internet activity. one senator is threatening to sue over the surveillance program. >> reporter: newly disclosed details of the government collecting data is drawing criticism from some on capital hill. >> the fact that every call i make to my friends, my family is noted where i am, the length of it, the date, that concerns me, particularly bus americans didn't know this. >> >> democratic senator mark udall said he will call for erenewed debate on the patriot act. >> i think the line has been drawn too far that we are going to invade your privacy versus we are going to respect your privacy. >> >> rand paul said the intelligence gathering strategy has gone too far. he will be suing the federal government. >> i'm going to asking all of the internet providers and the phone companies ask your customers to join me in a class action lawsuit. >> reporter: not everyone thinks the plan is a breech into america's privacy. those plain complaining now should have paid more attention when they were voting to renew provisions in the patriot act. >> we passed the patriot act, we passed certain prohe visions that allowed for this program to take place to be in operation. now, if members of congress did not know what they were voting on, i think that's their responsibility a lot more than it is the government's. >> >> reporter: ktvu channel "2 news." the highest paid employee in 2012 reportedly earned more than $330,000 that year. even though she was never once on the job. bart's former general manager left her post in may of 2011, but according to the mercury news in 2012, dorothy dugger cashed in nearly 80 weeks of vacation time. almost two months of vacation and had benefits. that money comes on ton a $920,000 deal she reached. dugger said she is entitled to the money because after two decades 006 bart, she accrued more than 3,000 hours of vacation. >> >> some of the actions supporting the "love our lake" he day. >> >> reporter: where i'm standing used to be a parking lot. the roadway behind me, a anyoneny from way, now, it is green space with a beautiful park is he at the center of today's celebration. all part of a project to improve quality of life. >> this opens up a whole new lake for me. >> reporter: crowning jewel along lake merritt is a new park covered with emerald grass >> i love the new park. i have been waiting for it 0 open. >> reporter: by cutting 12 lanes of roadway down to six. developers created a four acre lawn, am if he theater and bike lanes. for this slugger, a place to hit the ball. >> he loves it. he don't want to leave. >> this is a great place for him to run around. >> funded by croater approved measure, conservation and highway grantses. lake merritt boulevard and project cost around $50 million. it has been in the works for more than a decade. >> glad we got it done. wish we could have got it done faster, but this is good enough for government work. >> reporter: meanwhile, long time residents say they are happy to see the landscape change. >> ultimately getting on the map and in the right way for a change. >> in addition to the park space, a long time goal is it restore it to what it used to be. you can see the overpass where the water will be connected once again to the bay. i'm told in the next couple of weeks, the last remaining culvert will be removed >> also in today's lake merritt event, the governor talked about safety concerns surrounding the new bay bridge project. >> i'm telling you we will involve the problems on that britain. it may take us awhile. i don't know, i'm not an engineer, but i'm smart enough to figure out when we are ready to open based on the science and technology that i pull together. . more violent protests in turkey to tell you about. the message from the country's prime minister to his people. >> >> easing tension between north and south korea? families showing their pride. the event held today that could indicate the turnout for the great san francisco pride parade later this month. . now there's a solution. introducing sleep number dual temp, the revolutionary temperature-balancing layer with active air technology that works on any mattress, including yours. whether you sleep hot or cool, sleep number dual temp allows each of you to select your ideal temperature. and it's only at one of our over 400 sleep number stores nationwide. sleep number. comfort individualized. anarchy meets order. working with at&t, doctors set up a broadband solution to handle data and a mobility app to stay connected with their business. so they can run the office... even when they're not in the office. where do you want to take your business? call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ crews in new york city demolished an empty building on governor's island to make way for a new park. it once housed coast guard families, but it has been cants meet build codes. the implosion took about 12 seconds. >> >> the philadelphia crane operator charged in the deadly collapse was ordered held without bail. the 42-year-old faces six counts of involuntary manslaughter and 13 counts of reckless endangerment. police say he had marijuana and pain medication in his system on wednesday when he was helping to demolish a i will being. the four story wall ended up collapsing into a thrift store kills six people. his attorney said the collapse was an accident. >> > in news of the world in turkey, police used water canons and tear gas on anti- government protests. today, he gave special speeches saying his patience is running out. the prime minister said he intends to have massive rallies of his supporters next weekend. >> >> a sign of relaxes tensions, delegates from north and south korea met in abortertown to arrange the first cabinet minister level talks in six years. today's discussion lasted 18 hours with both sides agreeing to proceed with two days of minister levels talks on wednesday. on the agenda, sessions on a joint industrial park. cross border tourism and the possible reunion of families separated by the korean war. . in south act, song and prayers for former president nelson mandela woe is in the hospital suffering from a recurring lung infection. there was no official update on his condition after his second night in the hospital, his condition was described yesterday as "serious but stable. " u.s. senate set to vote on immigration reform. aowed tv that, a conservative republican announced her support for the overhaul. >> this is a good solution to a tough party that's why i'm going to support it. . >> the bill needs 60 votes in the senate to evercome a filibuster. proposed legislation create as 13 year path to citizenship for an estimated 11 million immigrants currently living in the u.s. illegally and creates and expands the number of visas available for high-tech workers. is pride events getting underway all over the bay area,ing withing a family affair. >> our children need to grownup a world where they see themselves reflected back in their community. >> special events in the east bay, aimed at he kids and their lbgt parents. >> >> i have never been to san francisco. >> we are getting our first peek at the new woody alan film shot right here in the bay area. we'll tell you when moot i have hits theaters. the new i pad app is available for you to download. you can watch it live. and get video and breaking news any time, anywhere. . ♪ roundup ♪ i'm a loving husband and a real good dad ♪ ♪ but weeds just make me rattlesnake mad ♪ ♪ now roundup has a new sharp-shootin' wand ♪ ♪ i'm sendin' them weeds to the great beyond ♪ ♪ roundup yeha! 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[ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. ♪ the 2013 volt. charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. ♪ one person killed in a rollover crash in south san francisco this morning. it happened at 3:30 am on interstate 280. it overturned and landed off the freeway. when officers arrived, the car was already if flames. the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. >> >> three men recovering after a triple shooting early in san francisco. it happened at 2:15 am in a parking lot near second and howard streets. when officers arrived, they found three men all in their 30s suffering from gunshot wounds. they were taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. investigators say the gunman is described as a latino man 6'tall between 150-175-pounds and they say he fled the area in a gray sedan. >> >> gay pride, come minute ating with the big pride parade and celebration at the end of the mon. people gathered at several events today in east bay. festivities normally brought people together but is also aimed at increasing acceptance. kara is here. >> >> reporter: contra costa pride held in concorde, including live performances and picnics and it rapped up just a short time ago. amy brought her daughter to family pride day. >> our children need to grow up in a world where they see themselves reflected back in their community. i think that's really important, especially because we live in a world where we are not openly accepted everywhere. >> organizers say they started the event a few years ago to connect lbgt families and provide support. >> reporter: the family pride day was scheduled for the beginning of june. here in the bay arena and beyond, other events scheduled. in concorde, hundreds turned out for the pride celebration promoting equality and acceptance. >> we are people, too. we spend money, we pay taxes. just like everybody else. >> >> reporter: in hundreds of thousands are expected for sf pride the last weekend of june. organizers announced friday that former army intelligence officer bradley manning would not be reinstated as one of the grand marshalls despite continuous protests from many groups. when we asked, some supported it, some were against it. some had mixed feelings about whether manning should be recognized. >> >> thousands lined the streets of boston as the first active gay athletes marched in the city's pride parade. >> [ cheers and applause ] >> jason collins walked along massachusetts congressman joe kennedy, his former roommate at stanford. collins becomes a free agent next month. >> >> jury selection is set to begin tomorrow in florida for george zimmerman, the man charged with shooting unarmed teen ander trayvon martin. the neighborhood watch volunteer followed martin and he said martin attacked him so he shot him in self-defense. but martin's family said the teen was the victim of racial profiling. >> >> environmental activist, erin brock very much, facing charges of boating while intoxicated. a game warden said she showed signs of intoxication docking her boat. she was booked into the county detention center and posted bond. she came to came when julia roberts played her in a movie about her life. >> >> identitier, young, out of a jail after his arrest on suspicion of breaking into a home. young posted bail thursday. he was arrested may 11th for he allegedly attempting to break into a home and getting into a physical altercation with police. young has had other legal troubles, including arrests for dui and car theft. >> >> five men arrested in vallejo as part of an undercover prostitution sting. taken to the jail on friday. operation goodwill focused on an area north of downtown known for prostitution. the sting was a collaboration between vallejo police, county sheriff's department and highway patrol. >> >> a public hearing will be held on next year's budget. calling for $16.4 million to restore police officers pay. $3 million to boost police recruitment and $3.5 million more. the budget calls for the creation of a team to address concerns about homeless encampment. city council will debate and vote on a final budget recommendation on tuesday. >> >> a public meeting on a proposal to ban single use takeout containers. plastic and paper, it would be an exception for paper bags made of 40% recycled material but customers would pay five cents each for those bags. the ban would apply to styrofoam containers. >> >> we are getting our first look at the new woody alan movie shot in the bay area last summer. >> never been to san francisco. >> trailer for "blue jasmine" was released this weekend. the film follow's blanchette's character, jasmine a wealthy new yorker who loses all of her money and moves in with her sister in san francisco. alan shot it last year in several san francisco neighborhoods. expected to released june 26th. >> >> bacon bacon restaurant reopening this wednesday at the brick and mortar music venue. temporary location while the owner works out a dispute with neighbors. there is reportedly a verbal agreement that involves the installation of a filtration system to try to cothe odor of bacon. >> >> apple he apple kicks off their conference, many analysts are expecting the unveiling of a new streaming music service that might be called i rad yo'. tickets reportedly sold out within minutes of going on sale last month. >> >> there are reports that google plans to pay more than a billion dollar for the user based navigation app called waves. it collects real time traffic information from drivers to help other drivers navigate through accidents and other road problems. the deal is not finalized yet. there are reports facebook and apple are among those bidding. apple's ceo denied any such dealings. >> >> hot button issue in france, right now, behind the protest. >> >> bay area saw a mainly cool down after yesterday's hot weather. our meteorologist will be here with a look at the work weather forecast. ey love. . the new $4 lunch. a 6 inch sub and 21 ounce drink. tons to choose from. all day every day. they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. rescue crewser in auburn, when the river suddenly rose after a water release upstream. initially, it was a family of four that was stuck on a rock, then two bystanders bow tried to rescue them became stranded. one of broke his ankle in his rescue attempt. it took crews several hours before they got everybody out of the river. >> >> a neighborhood back to normal after a water main break left two dozen homes without water. the main broke at 5:00 am. firefighters were the first ones on the scene. they say when they got there, water was flowing into the street causing some of the road to buckle. east bay crews were able to shut off the water before any of the surrounding homes were damaged. the break was fixed and water was turned back on by this morning . big fog making a comeback, temperatures inland over 100 degrees. today, only in the 70s basically across the region. you could see courtesy of the fog bank pushing into the area. deeper marine layer making the push. pretty strong wind. a lot of complaints about the wind, out towards the line, moving across the bay and the delta, look at the tart temperatures from yesterday and temperatures today. from 28-32 degrees of some coolly especially out toward fairfield, 106 to 74 degrees this afternoon. here's a look at the readings. the coast in the lower 60s, upper 70s toward livermore. san jose, 7 degrees. we are tracking thunderstorm, not sheer in the bay area, but to our north and east, especially outside. thunderstorm producing numerous lightening strikes, the concern as we head into the overnight hours first thing monday morning. we have the fog to contend with. the cloud deck is hugging our coastline. a big batch of high clouds heading across the bay as well. current numbers cool to mild out there. san jose checking in, 73 degrees. as far as the wind speeds, gusty, fairfield, sustained out of the southwest, in the 30's and you can seeliermore, and half moon bay, winds out of the south eight miles an hour. sf o, winds 1. we'll go with the cloud cover, partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies, gusty winds, tomorrow morning clouds and breezy, minor warms, but no mainly heat in the five-day forecast. tomorrow morning, mostly cloudy skies, drizzle, temperatures start out today mainly in the 50s. we are watching this system in southern california. here's your forecast in general for tomorrow, morning cloud cover, there is a chance of a light shower, first thing tomorrow morning we'll get to that in a little bit. wind speed a factor as well. here's the track of the system as we head into monday morning. with this track, it generates unstable air up above 10,000 feet. there could be enough moisture that we bring in a slight chance for thunderstorms for the north and east bay, especially for the hills, as a result fire danger remains a concern, at least in the short term, we would not expect much in the way of rainfall. that could trigger some fire. we'lling on the lookout for that tonight and monday morning. tonight at 10:00, lots of cloud cover, look what happens tomorrow morning. mostly cloudy skies, a little activity here, we could have a light shower or at least some drizzle tomorrow morning at 9:00 and then into the afternoon hours, skies becoming partly cloudy, shower threat, thunderstorm threat moves out of town. forecast highs, basically stablizing, 60s and 70s, no mainly heat in the forecast. oakland 66 degrees. antioch, mid-70s. san jose, forecast high, 71. san francisco, definitely bring the jacket or sweaters, temperatures in the lower 60s, upper 70s. look what happens over the next few days, five-day forecast we warm thins up tuesday and wednesday. weekend always in view, it looks like a little cool down for saturday and into sunday. with the slight chance of a thunderstorm and dry lightening. still a cause for concern at least over the next 12 hours. >> >> by the way, you can follow mark and the rest of the ktvu meteorologists on twitter and facebook. we are posting updates even when we are not on the air. >> >> today's french open briefly interrupted by a protester that ran onto the court with a burning flair. there is the scene, shirtless manwaring a white mask and had the words "kids right" written on his stomach. security officers wrestled him to the ground. protesters were reportedly a part of the group that were opposed to same sex marriage, which became legal last month. >> >> san francisco giants catch a break with their brand-new rookie outfielder, sports wrap is up next. with the sleep number bed . is now introducing sleep number dual temp, the revolutionary temperature-balancing layer with active air technology that works on any mattress, including yours. whether you sleep hot or cool, sleep number dual temp allows each of you to select your ideal temperature. so you can both sleep exactly the way you like, at your own 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[ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. able welcome to this early sunday night sports wrap. a couple of players made strong statements for the jeeps as they concluded a successful series in arizona. juan perez just called up making his first major league start in centerfield. he got a chance to demonstrate in the first inning with paul at the plate for the diamond back. he made a nice run to get to the ball. has his pass stopped in a hurry. he trodded offer the field into the dugout. in the third, rookie achieves another first. deep to third, throws the ball away at first. hunter comes in to score. eventually, they got the ball into the right dugout. giants padded the league with the long ball in the 4th. hits it off the foul left. 4-0 giants lead. diamond backs get two. and then in the 4th, giants make it 3 out of three over arizona, pulling back to within a game and half. >> >> the other story is the pitching of chad who allowed two-runs making his case to stay in the rotation. it was the rookie who was visited with after the game. >> been so long >> waited so long, really excited. >> did you take a deep breath? >> took a couple of them. i had butterflies going through. i got pulled off and my no was going crazy. they took me out of the game. matchup i put some ice on it, it's fine. >> oakland a's express slowed down for the second day in chicago. 1983 sox were honored crisp had seven homers this year. it didn't take the white sox long to get even. their catcher gets into a griffin pitch, bottom of the third. that one way gone. he game tied at one. white sox took the lead. beckham ripped this down the open left field line. it's 3-1. by theth, a's close, 3-2, but look at the play by gillespie. he gets an assist. and then in their half, white sox added one more, alex ri o, his 111th homer of the year. that was all for griffin with 7 in the third, seeing his record evened 5 and 5. white sox managed to split their games. oakland loses the second in a row. >> >> archlet's needing help from the bluejays to keep their he place. rangers takes one the opposite way off toronto's neil wagner. toronto puts the tieing runs in scoring position in the 9th. jose went down and had words with gary darling about a previous pitch and got himself tossed out. that was the second out of the inning after batisda's tirade was over -- they moved in front of the a's. >> >> raphael nidal, sin none mouse with today's match only further solidified that the fourth all spanish finals and it it wasn't close. 3-3 in the first set and nidal hits the winner. he went on to win three straight games for a 6-3 win. he is in the far court. he is almost toying with f eric kirschner rr eric kirschner ra. he has no chance to return the second one. back to the near court for nidal at match point, straight sets win taking the third set 6- 3. he has more french open wins with any other player at eight. he is now 49-1. he is the king of play, but he has 12 grand slam titles in all. >> >> still to come, we'll go auto racing in a couple of different locations. >> >> progolf tour has he it's newest first time winner. we'll be right back. . look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. golf u.s. open he right around the corner, it would be easy for this weekend's saint jude classic to get lost in the shuffle. don't tell that to english. a handful of players got a chance starting four strokes back. got himself in the lead midway through the final round. he would finish two strokes back, as would phil mickelson, he began with five strokes off the lead. you can hear the approach telling the ball to go in. it almost did. he and stalling tied for second. >> harold english -- three previous top 10 finishes now, he gets his first tour win. he get as souvenir for the first time >> one week ago, jim judge johnson had a possible win at dover taken away. nothing like that today poconos race weekend. 28 laps to go, juan montoya and matt kensit do a high speed number. both were able to continue. >> >> aj almondinger, 13 laps to go, cutting his left front tire. he ended up 33rd. >> >> johnson dominated all day, leading 2 of the 160 laps. wins for the first time in poconos since 2004, johnson the overall series points leader. >> >> montreal, canadian gran prix, everyone gets away clean at the start. see bassian had a dominant lead. the battle was who would finish second. daring past, getting past lewis hamilton, stood up the rest of the way, as did the leader. starting from the pole and by the time the race was over. he was 14 seconds ahead. extending his lead in the overall series as well. >> >> heat and spurs in game two of the nba finals, we'll have that for you at 10:00. >> >> coming up tonight at 10:00, we are following up on the limo fire in the east bay. we are talking to the owner of the vehicle, we'll have the latest at 10:00. >> >> thank you for trusting ktvu channel "2 news." we will see you back here tonight at 10:00. . for all those who sleep too hot or too cool, and struggle to sleep comfortably together, now there's a solution. introducing sleep number dual temp, the revolutionary temperature-balancing layer with active air technology that works on any mattress, including yours. whether you sleep hot or cool, sleep number dual temp allows each of you to select your ideal temperature. and it's only at one of our over 400 sleep number stores nationwide. sleep number. comfort individualized. ♪ i'm a loving husband and a real good dad ♪ ♪ but weeds just make me rattlesnake mad ♪ ♪ now roundup has a new sharp-shootin' wand ♪ ♪ i'm sendin' them weeds to the great beyond ♪ ♪ roundup yeha! 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