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this is a great neighborhood, most of the people know each other. we kind of watch out for each other. >> reporter: crime scene investigators combed the house. one neighbor has some information she would later tell police. >> there is a suspicious car about a week ago parked in front of my car. >> reporter: residents say they've noticed an increase in break-ins and they've become organized. >> we're working to get the message out to the criminals that we're not going to take this and we're a strong force to recon with. we're catching these people by improving our safety. >> it doesn't appear that this is something that has happened regularly in the area or is connected to any crimes in the hills. we have more live pictures from news chopper 2. you see a swarm of police cars this is at mcarthur and west. police believe they may have cornered a suspect involved in this home invasion and sexual assault case. we hope to have more in 10 minutes. reporting live in oakland, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. suspected serial killer meso asked the judge to drop the charges against him and set him free. that came in a hearing where naso pleaded not guilty. the 77-year-old is accused of killing four in the 1970s and 1990. naso is acting as his own attorney. the judge told him to put his request to drop the charges in writing and says she will respond to it next week. tonight dozens more drug cases are off the books in san francisco. the da threw them out after more video surfaced that are set to show misconduct by police officers. david stevenson has been covering the story since it broke three days ago. he is live now with today's developments. >> this latest surveillance video is proof of corruption within the police plain clothed ranks. this video shows what is supposed to have a drug buy by san francisco police officer ricardo guerrero. the police report says the alleged seller spit out a rat package of crack cocaine. but jeff adachi says that shows that didn't happen and plain clothed officers lied. >> the officer was called to testify in that case. the officer told the judge that he couldn't find the drugs. >> reporter: the office of citizens complaints investigated the case. police chief greg suhr says the officers involved will be disciplined. >> they did find that there was inappropriate behavior, but i don't think it rises to the level as suggested by mr. adachi. >> guerrero and other mission station officers are also seen in two other surveillance videos. they are under investigation for allegedly stealing items during drug busts. javier tenerio says officers robbed from him while searching the home of his stepson. >> we asked him for the search warrant and he said, i don't need one. >> this opens up a whole other pandora box. >> reporter: prosecutors have dismissed 119 cases involving testimony from officers tied to the surveillance tape scandal. >> that it should be amply clear that this is not something that is being swept under the rug. >> reporter: in fact, the da today dismissed 26 narcotic cases -- excuse me 1,500 cases involving southern station officers are under review. reporting live in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. this is get away day for the memorial day weekend. despite higher gas prices, 34.9 million americans plan to travel this year. let's take you out to the roads and take a peak on how traffic is doing on the freeways. we start with this live look at interstate 80, boy it is packed in both directions, much worse than usual. traffic speeds in both directions here in their teens and 20s. let's head to the south bay now and show you what interstate 280 is looking like in san jose. much better, a little bit of traffic on the road but nothing like what you're facing on 80. you can see things here are also moving well. traffic both in and out of san francisco is looking good. aaa says that even with an average 14% increase in memorial day air fared compared to last year, the number of travelers will be up 11% from last year. today we saw a change in the lane alignment on the bay bridge. this change will be on the east lane. tom vacar has reported extensively on this bay bridge project. he shows us now what this new step mean, tom. >> reporter: take a look, come memorial day, a road that has been the same for centuries, now will see a change for the better. crews are temporarily shutting the current eastbound lanes. >> there's a conflict that needs to be in the same footprint as the existing westbound bridge. >> reporter: now this illustration shows that the current lanes are being shifted to make way for the final and permanent touch down to the new eastern span. >> by doing this we're able to shift traffic to the south then surgically remove a part of the bridge that's in the way of the new bridge. so that we can build it all up at once and open the entire bridge at one time. >> reporter: want to test drive the new lane configuration, do what i did. simply download the bay bridge explorer from the app store. and they will allow you to try it in various speeds on the i pad, iphone or i touch. you will have the slight detoured mastered on these temporary lanes. >> so you'll have about two years that you will have this alignment in place so we can accommodate the work that will happen there. >> reporter: because this detour now exists, the bay bridge will actually be open a year ahead of schedule late 2013. reporting live, tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. it's a rare view in the sierra, when you can talk about memorial day ski. but that's what people in truckee could be looking at. ken pritchett will tell us about the weather up in the tahoe area for the memorial day weekend. and which resorts will be open. a new report that osama bin laden considered trying to make a deal with pakistan. if that country would let al- qaida leaders live there with protection, al-qaida would not attack pakistan. the new york times and cnn according an anonymous u.s. official that says the information comes from the volumes of documents seized from the raid in osama bin laden's compound. there's no evidence osama bin laden ever made the offer to pakistani officials. and secretary clinton and joint chief mike mullen met with pakistani military officials. secretary clinton made it clear that pakistan must do more to fight al-qaida after osama bin laden was found hiding in his country. but she did defend pakistan's top leaders. >> there is absolutely no evidence that anyone at the highest levels of the pakistani government knew that osama bin laden was living just miles from where we are today. >> reporter: and on the war in afghanistan, any peace agreement will fail unless pakistan takes part in the process. another republican may soon announce that he is running for the white house. former new york city major rudy giuliani is headed to new hampshire next week for a fundraiser and to meet with several gop supporters. the state is scheduled to host the first presidential primary next february leading many to believe that giuliani will announce that he is running. a cnn poll released just today found that giuliani tops the field of potential gop candidates. former massachusetts governor -- >> mitt romney will also be in new hampshire next week to formally kick off his presidential campaign. the republican spent the day in des moines iowa. romney visited several small business. he criticized the way president obama has handled the poor job market. >> when it comes to the economy and jobs for the american people, president obama has failed. his personal policies did not work. he said if we would let him borrow $7 million he would hold unemployment under 8%. it hasn't been under 8% ever since. the national association of realtors say home sales took a dip in april. its index of homes under contract fell 11.6% for march. the april index figure came in at 81.9. that compares with 92.6 in march. 100 is considered a healthy housing market. at the same time the university of michigan's consumer sediment index came in above what analysts were predicting. the gauge registered 70.3 up from april. the poll gathers how consumer view their finances as well as over all economic conditions. that sediment report pushed stocks higher today. trading volume today was light ahead of this long holiday weekend. the dow closed up 39 points. nasdaq rose 14. you can hit the beach or you can hit the slopes this memorial day weekend. and the skiing may last well beyond the holiday. the holiday weekend is upon us. i have some clouds to talk about. i'll show you which days will be the warmest and which days the coolest. the memorial day weekend is under way, up in the sierra it's looking more like new years. there's a lot of snow for this late in the season. ktvu's ken pritchett live in squall valley where not everyone is thrilled with all this snow. >> reporter: take a look at the slopes behind me, the snow is a bit patchy but squal valley is open for the memorial day weekend. the resort says the amount of snow is unprecedented. if you didn't know the date with clouds, wind and lots of snow it could be february, march or april but it's not. >> it's definitely spring conditions but with a stormy overcast which is kind of odd. but we were just talking on our way down, it's may, we'll take it. >> reporter: squall valley usually closes in mid-may, but the skiers and snow boarders keep coming and the snow remains. >> it's been that kind of winter. we've broken all of our snowfall record, the annual snowfall is 750-inch, now we're at 7757 railroad for memorial day weekenders, camping is closed. camp trails are closed or unaccessible. but plenty remain open around lake tahoe and to the mountains above. >> it's beautiful out here. >> reporter: several ski resorts around the tahoe area are open to some degree this memorial day weekend. the real rarity is skiing on july 4th and we're told that this year with all of this snow, that's a real possibility. at squal valley, ken pritchett, ktvu challenge two news. turning now to our breaking news story, our news chopper 2 is live over mcarthur. what you're looking here is lots of police activity. we've now learned that what happened here is linked to a burglary in oakland. it's not linked to the violent home invasion robbery that happened in montclaire overnight. that's a separate case rob roth was telling us about earlier. this case is linked to a burglary. we're going to get more information for you and bring you those details just as soon as we get them. we've been tracking the conditions of roads going in and out of yosemite. there's good news for those hoping to drive through yosemite scenic road. they are warning it may be wet due to melting snow. officials also say possible snow showers through the weekend could close it down again without much notice. park rangers are asking anyone heading to yosemite to drive carefully because of weather conditions and wildlife. another tornado has touched down in the south, this time in louisiana. >> it sounded like a freight train. i told them it's coming. >> reporter: people said they were caught completely off guard. winds of about 140 miles per hour tossed mobile homes into trees, smashed cars and brought down power lines. no one was seriously hurt. in joplin, missouri the clean up and recovery is under way. inspectors found the foundation of a salon was intact, so they started rebuilding immediately. they hope the work will inspire others. officials say tornadoes on wednesday destroyed hundreds of acres of almond orchards in butte county just south of chico. a spokesperson say insurance will likely cover if cost but faers will have to pay to clean up the damage and replace trees. and now we go to chief meteorologist bill martin. what can we expect for this weekends. >> it's not going to be hot this memorial day weekend, although some people would want it that way. today we had drizzle, everyone some showers. right now you have cloudy conditions. a little patchy fog along the coast. a little drizzle as i mentioned this morning. that drizzle will basically taper off tonight. the forecast as we go into tonight increasing clouds, your bay area weekend has clouds and sun. partly cloudy as you go into the weekend period. temperatures we're experiencing right now are below average and they're going to stay below average as we roll into the bay area weekend. overnight lows in the mid-40s. patchy fog. be ready for breezy conditions. 49 in san jose. so your forecast overnight lows, cool, that's your saturday morning. breezy overnight tonight night into sunday and we kind of stay in this pattern. which feels more like march to me, late march than late may, early june. so the forecast highs, look for yellows. those yellows represent 70s. 70 tomorrow in fairfield. you're going to see lots of upper 60s in the inland valleys. we're going to have the five day forecast. we'll roll the computer model. it shows you where those showers are and we'll also look at the five day forecast. i'll see you back here with the weekend forecast. gerald lee laughner will stay in a mental health facility for at least six months. doctors will try to make him mentally stable to stand trial. laughner has pleaded not guilty for that massacre that left six dead and congresswoman giffords in critical condition. this was the mission's fourth space walk. it also marks the completion of the space station. the crew is going to return to work on tuesday. and what lance armstrong has to say about claims by a teammate about drug use. and president obama and the g8 have wrapped up meetings today. up next the reason we're showing them to you today. -- new at 6:00, with the holiday weekends revving up, some bay area police are revving up their search for drunk drivers. >> how are you. >> reporter: the one special dui checkpoint in memory of a tragic anniversary. we're checking with a tragic hero. >> how did i survive? i survived because of the grace of god. >> reporter: the amazing story from this world war ii vet. and we're taking a look at how steep gas prices are impacting your holiday weekend. tonight on ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00. president obama is in north south poland tonight it's the last stop on his diplomatic tour of europe. the president placed a wreath on the unknown soldier tomb. the g8 summit in france ended today. the meeting brought together the most powerful western nations. but it was the arab world that dominated this summit. the g8 leaders wrapped up their two day summit with this group photo. the meeting focused on support for the arab uprising. mr.obama did not endorse the french position that libyan leader gadhafi be removed but he said both sides agreed to keep the pressure on gadhafi. >> we agreed that the changes that are taking place in the middle east and north africa make the pursuit of the israelis and palestinians much more likely. -- the mayor says the u.s. should pay the fee charged to all cars that enter london's congestion zone. well the bill would amount to $16 per car. it's the same type of fee under considering consideration here in the bay area. the golden gate bridge is marking its 74th birthday today. and as you can see here in this live picture nothing out of the ordinary going on. but it was on this date back in may 27th of 1973 are that authorities opened the bridge to pedestrians. some 200,000 people walked on the roadway of the brand new span. it wasn't until the next day that the first cars crossed in an elaborate wave. the toll back then, 50-cents. that's the equivalent of $8.80 today. oakland high school students are suspended for promoting white power. but the students say that's an overreaction. hear from the students and the school coming up. also a new discovery today of a new type of bad cholesterol. what it is and what it means for people with a certain disease. dad, i was wondering if you've -- what's up? oh, what's wrong with your hair? oh. i was cruising the world-wide-web. found this do. what are you wearing? dope, right? it's got a hood. want one? boom. done. [ ding! ] [ boy ] lookin' good mr. g. thanks, bro-seph. are you video chatting? with my boyfriend? yeah! hey, tessa! mom! [ mocking tone ] mom. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. high speed internet is more affordable than ever with no home phone required. only in the network of possibilities. at&t. five high school students suspended and told they can't go to their prom in part because they wore white t- shirts for a senior class group photo. but the school says there's a lot more to those t-shirts than meets the eye. the principal says it points to an ongoing problem of students promoting white power. and robert handa spoke to the group today and said the school has it all wrong. >> reporter: the school picture has not been released. but now the school is dealing with this racial controversy starting to get nationwide attention. so the school banned the group from the prom tonight. the latest incident, on wednesday the group wore white t-shirts despite warnings not to. one suspended student told us the school overreacted. >> i shaved my head, now it's like it's just the assumptions that get to me. they assume that i am a white supremesist and that i hate people. no. >> reporter: officials wouldn't go into details but some students say it included name calling and harassment. >> it wasn't just wearing white t-shirts for a photo? >> no they were creating a feeling of intimidation. >> we're a tolerant community, we're a diverse community. and we're dealing with it affirmatively. >> reporter: one unusual situation is the suspension of manny winney david mine. who is half white and half japanese. and says the white t-shirt was just a coincidence. >> it's just funny. everybody i've told thinks is funny. >> we just want to get his name cleared up. 14-year-old jenny lynne was stabbed to death inside her home on may 27th, 1994. if she were still alive she would now be 34 years old. no one has been arrested in the case, but investigators have now said that a man serving three life sentences for murder is the man responsible. switzerland's anti doping association says it did find suspicious levels of drugs in samples. but he didn't know if any belonged to the seven time tour de france winner. this comes after a former teammate claimed armstrong received help to hide a positive test at that swiss warm up event for the 2001 tour de france. scientists today reported discovering something, john fowler here to explain why it's a risk to our hearts. >> reporter: i want you to think of this donut as bad adl. enough of these can clog your arteries. now add sugar to your blood. and like this glazed donut, the bad cholesterol actually becomes much stickier, more dangerous. researchers call this the worse cholesterol. >> this newly discovered form of bad cholesterol researchers say is most common in people with adult onset type 2 diabetes. >> i have issues with type two diabetes. my levels spike and then come down. >> this probably is contributing to the increased risk of vascular disease and diabetes. >> reporter: dr. john cane says his research suggests there maybe more contributors. the government said a vitamin people widely use to boost good cholesterol does not work as hoped. it stopped a clinical trial. although when people with genetically elevated gpa, other studies show only niasin work. >> it may be that group of people may be treated with niasin. i don't think we should jump to a category judgment here. >> reporter: they expect to soon make public a test that can actually predict individual heart risks. doctors say all research point to controlling weight, making donuts good props but not good food. reporting live, john fowler ktvu channel 2 news. facebook founder mark zuckerberg is trying a diet. he says that he plans to eat only meat that he killed himself. and that is making him mainly a vegetarian. zuckerberg givers himself a new challenge every year. last year he learned chinese. medical experts found most of the deaths were due to underlying health health issues. we showed you the beginning of this newscast how a lot of drivers are hitting the roads this holiday weekend. but maybe some of them shouldn't be. a new survey shows that one in five americans will fail a driving test if they had to take one right now. more than 5,000 licensed drivers from every state had to answer questions from dmv exams. california drivers scored 76.8%. one question that most people got wrong is when you approach a traffic signal displaying a steady yellow light you must, what? the answer is stop if it is safe to do so. 85% of people got that wrong. monterey county officials make a disturbing discovery. animals living in terrible squaller. and one way one city is fighting pollution. it's as simple as plugging in. and a new research being done at harvard university. ♪ let's go out to the dmv ♪ it's ok that we're number four hundred and three ♪ ♪ we'll find ourselves a comfy seat ♪ ♪ and watch some shows and stuff ♪ ♪ ♪ let's follow that lady with the laptop ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your laptop with u-verse online and on your smartphone with u-verse mobile, included with most plans. or get u-verse tv for as low as $29 a month for 6 months. in the network you can take entertainment with you. french investigators released new details about the crash of an airline two years ago. the flight data reporter shows the co-pilot was in control when the emergency began. investigators say flight displays show inconsistent air speed readings. the co-pilot responded by pulling up the nose of the plane which then stalled and started to roll before plunging 38,000 feet into the atlantic ocean in 3.5 minutes killing all 238 people on board. the director of the french team investigating the accident said most people on board were probably asleep or nodding off and didn't realize what was happening. a shipping company in oakland is fighting pollution biplugging in. the diesel engines are now being shut off when ships are docked. but after a long retrofit project at the port ships are able to plug into power. >> it took 6.5 years from the planning stage to the development stage to the construction stage. we had to reconfigure our terminal and we had to build 4.5 million substations to provide energy to the vessels. >> all shipping companies must use shore power by 2014. facebook is fighting back against a lawsuit failed by a new york man claiming part of the company. paul siegley says he drew up a contract. he is seeking damages. the state has rejected a bill designed to increase privacy on social networking websites. the bill would have banned the sites from revealing a users e- mail and user name. a popular fish has escaped the endangered species list. federal officials say the blue fin tuna does not warrant protection under the endangered species act. they are now designated species of concerns. members believe that blue fin tuna is facing extinction because of over fishing. the shamu show has returned to california but with a big change. the killer whale show is back and has already drawn big crowds to the performances. the or cas were sidelined because of the death of a trainer. in the new show they will stay on deck and out of the water. >> the trainers have very close relationships. the whales and the trainers are all part of a big family. >> reporter: the new show is part of the new one ocean feature at sea world's mission bay park. you know the chance to send a message to injured giant's catcher posey. the giants have posted a virtual get well card online. there you can postget well messages to posey. the giants are encouraging everyone to sign the card. to make it easy for you, go to and we will sent you right to that park. a chronicle photographer shot this picture. you can see posey on crutches. he's probably out for the season. authorities release new numbers in joplin, missouri. but they don't tell the story of the heartbreak that's going on there. and back here in less than 10 minutes. we have the forecast, it includes clouds and maybe sprinkles and drizzle on your holiday weekend. new at 6:00, with the holiday weekends revving up. some bay area police are revving up their search for drunk drivers. the one special dui checkpoint in memory of a tragic anniversary. plus, we are talking with a local hero. >> i don't think they survived. if they survived it was the grace of god. >> reporter: the incredible @ tonight in joplin, missouri an incredible story of how a 97- year-old woman somehow survived that deadly tornado. this comes as authorities cut the number of missing down to 156. but jim smellman tells us that still leaves a lot of families wondering and praying. >> reporter: for so many in joplin missouri, the relief of knowing is outweighed but thehearted break of loss. authorities released an updated list of those missing. >> the federal disaster has confirmed that six individuals on that list are deceased and next of kin has been notified. >> reporter: with so many structures here in joplin down to rubble, the recovery effort has been slower than hoped. the family members are expressing frustration. even though some received devastating news of their loved ones, miracle stories continue. fortunately a passer by heard her calls for help and pulled her free. leaving her with nothing more than a few bruises. >> last night and i got up and i've lived 97 years and this is all that i have left. this chair. but i'm all right. i'll make it. >> reporter: for the fate of over 150 others remains unknown as the hope of finding any survivors in wreckage like this grows dimmer every day. in joplin, missouri, i'm jim spellmann. a devastation from that twister has officials in missouri rethinking their building codes. governor jay mixon says he is already considering stronger building codes and other measures that could offer protection. buildings will now include storm shelters. governor mixon says that reglations can only do so much. a piedmont man receives a unique honor for his service in world war ii. but it's not the united states that's honoring him. from as much as $200 to fill up a gas tank to hitting the slopes. it's the memorial day weekend, how winter weather and high gas prices are affecting travel plans. in less than an hour, a nevado family is joining forces with the chp to find drunk drivers. the special meaning behind this team work. the spca is caring for dozensover animals rescued from filthy conditions in a home in castroville. 28 rabbits, 19 doves, 22 chickens and three adult dogs as well as a newborn puppy were being kept in small dirty cag cages. most had no water. some had dirty water that was undrinkable. the deadly horse disease known as equine virus is spreading. 75 horses have now been infected and more than 2,000 have been exposed to the virus. 11 have been euthanized. one horse from marin county that attended a show has tested positive for the virus. back to our bay area weather. seems like the last weekends we have not had average weather. >> we're looking at temperatures in the 60s and low 70s right through the weekend. even had drizzle this morning. we go to storm tracker 2. i'm sorry it's not exactly what folks expect for memorial day. but it'll be sunny and on the mild side. upper 60s maybe some low 70s. let's take a look directly at that memorial day weekend. saturday, cool and windy. there might be a chance of a drizzle event early in the morning hours along the coast. there's aquatic park right down there -- i guess it's close to fisherman's wharf. dolphin cove is right there. we have the weather systems going to the north of us. this system continues to be too far south. supposed to be up there. when it's far south like this and you see that motion, doesn't necessarily bring us rain but it brings us on shore winds. breezy conditions and that cooler air that is associated with the north part of that jet stream. southern part of the jet stream is warmer. winds will come up and temperatures not in the 80s, barely in the 70s. partly cloudy with warming as we head into the evening. if you have plans up in lake tahoe, snow flurries, temperatures in the 40s and 60s and not the best tahoe weekend. saturday morning there's your cloud cover. there's the drizzle offshore. there's the clouds, saturday afternoon see here. we have spotty showers up in lake tahoe. clouds, cooler air to the north of us. it's going to feel like march not like may. late may. sunday at 1:00 looks better. sunday afternoon looks better. this weak system wants to tweak through as we head into late monday into tuesday. so we'll watch it for you. these are the numbers for tomorrow. a little bit of drizzle, we're going to see a little bit of everything but this is what you need to know. the weekend is not going to be a wash out. it's not going to be full raining, you're not going to need umbrellas. it's just going to be chilly. so what i would do is keep a jacket in the car if you're going to baseball games or whatever. i have your weekend always in view. you can see the clouds just keep oncoming. temperatures, look at the lower tier, low 70s. they should be in the 80s. >> one of these days it's going to be 80s and sunny. >> and we're going to be wishing it were 70. the arnold sports festival will keep its name for now. organizers of the ohio sports festival bearing the name and imagine of the ex-governor say they will not make any changes. archaeologists raised a piece of pirate history from the floor of the atlantic ocean. a huge anchor, there it is right there is believed to have come from the queen anne's revenge. it weighs about 3,000 pounds and has been lying in the deep for nearly 300 years. along with thousands of artifacts it'll now be put on display next month. and north carolina tourism officials hope the latest pirates of the caribbean movie will help them convince the plunge and look at the latest pirate treasures. they say the timing couldn't be better. the critical bike ride is set to get under way at 6:00 a.m. riders meet at harmon plaza and hit the streets from there. that could cause big traffic problems for people driving in that area. they are two of the biggest names on the internet and one is suing the other. saying some of its secrets aren't safe. it could be considered the lowest of the low. the disturbing new way identity thieves are cashing in and leaving some families devastated. ♪ let's go out to the dmv ♪ it's ok that we're number four hundred and three ♪ ♪ we'll find ourselves a comfy seat ♪ ♪ and watch some shows and stuff ♪ ♪ ♪ let's follow that lady with the laptop ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your laptop with u-verse online and on your smartphone with u-verse mobile, included with most plans. or get u-verse tv for as low as $29 a month for 6 months. in the network you can take entertainment with you. paypal is suing google. the lawsuit came hours after google unveiled google wallet. the new application will allow customers to pay using their cell phone. paypal had been in a deal to come up with a system, until google ditched the deal and came up with their own system. toyota reports production in japan fell 45% last month. nissan saw the number of cars and trucks it could make cut by 49% and hondas production in japan fell 81%. >> identity thieves are stooping to a new low. they are seeking tax rebates using stolen information. and they are targeting some vulnerable people. >> we think about her every day. never going to forget her. >> mclown lost his newborn daughter caytlin. a thief filed a tax return claiming caytlin as his own daughter. >> these people can do this and keep doing it year after year after year and still keep getting away with it. >> congress is considering a new bill to let consumers block anyone from filing an electronic return in their name. and there's much more news just ahead in 90 seconds. a marin county father comes back to the same roadway that his young daughter was killed. the return two years later, ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 is next. memorial day is considered the unofficial start to summer but take a look at this. how this late season snow is causing some problems for this holiday weekend. >> a nevado family remembers a somber anniversary to honor a lost loved one, they're trying to keep a community safe. good evening i'm gasia mikaelian in for julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville. memorial day weekend is the official start to the summer but weather has put a twist on the weekend. some people are celebrating the weekend by hitting the slopes. >> reporter: visitors will have their choice, hang out by the lake or hit the slopes. this is squal w valley. it is open to skiers this weekend. the result of a long winter and snowstorms. it's relatively rare, it's

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