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At that awarding ceremony. I did this morning. Congratulations to draymond for being voted the best defensive player in the nba. Look at that. Loafers no socks. I love it. Probably a 10,000 outfit. A lot of chatter on twitter. Dressed like every local sports anchor. A plus shorts im going to pass on. Thats from shannon sharp. I give him an a. I like individuality. In a tuxedo, you look the same. In that, i know who it is. Sal, would you ever pull that off . I dont know. I mean, he is draymond green. Right. He is different. Youre sal castaneda. Youre right. For example, he is draymond green. He looks good. He is like the heart and soul of that team. I like him to do that. I like the look. I dont know. Congratulations again. Busy newscast. We will start with health care. President trump and the Republican Leadership in the senate trying to twist arms in order to pass the gop Senate Health care bill. Even a procedural motion to bring it to a vote is running into republican opposition. Allie rasmus explains the current disagreements on capitol hill. Reporter because of senate rules, the majority of senators have to agree to begin the process of considering the bill before it comes up with for a vote. At last check, at least five say they will vote no on a motion to proceed with the bills. Mcconnells initial plan to vote by it on thursday is in jeopardy. If the bill passes, republicans can only afford to lose the support of two of the 52 members of the Republican Party in the senate. No Democratic Senators support the measure. Some conservative republicans say it does not go far enough to repeal the Affordable Care act. Suzanne collins of maine and heller of nevada say the bill is too harsh. House Speaker Paul Ryan was asked about the status of the bill this morning and had this to say about its future. I would not bet against inch mcconnell. He is very good at getting things done through the senate, even with the razor thin majority. I have expectation that the senate will move this bill. I assume this bill will have changes. We made promises. Every republican senator campaigned on repealing and replacing this law. The Congressional Budget Office analysis yesterday may have hurt support of the bill among republicans. They say it would cause 15 million americans to lose coverage next year and 22 million would lose coverage over the next decade. The aarp is against it because older adults would be charged five times more than younger people. The American Medical Association has also spoken out against it. The Senate Health care plan would cut taxes for corporations and wealthy americans by up to 700 billion. It would pay for the tax cuts by cutting back medicaid by the same amount over the next decade. This bill is not just a roll back of the Affordable Care act. It is a roll back of medicaid, which has been around since 1965. Vice president pence is playing a big role in trying to whip up votes in support of the bill. He is supposed to meet with senators for a hundred and of a representative from his office says he plans to host a Health Care Related dinner tonight at his house. There are report thats one of the hold juts on the bill, rand paul of kentucky, is supposed to meet with President Trump at the white house today. Keep in mind just because a vote on the bill may be delayed doesnt mean that the bill is dead. Senate republicans could introduce it again with changes after the july 4th break. Thank you, allie. Kaiser Family Foundation says the gop senate plan could hit california particularly hard. Monthly premiums for low income californians could go up 190 to 326. 60yearolds earning 20,000 would jump by 552 . The chronicle reports that tens of thousands of people earning between 42,000 and 49,000 would no longer be able to receive a subsidy for insurance they bought through the covered california program. As this new bill moves closer to a vote, our question of the day is how concerned are you with the future of your personal health care . Take a look at the poll results. 61 say very concerned. 22 say not at all. So many viewers chiming in. One writing, havent had health care since aca passed. Completely priced me out of the market. Im looking forward to having health care again. Here is what greg gunnerson had to say. It will not affect our coverage. Worried for myself, my kids and my parents. We will keep checking your responses throughout the day and share them at 9 30. You can use the hashtag ktvu to reach us. Now the Public Defenders Office wants a new unit created to look at pretrial charges. Leigh martinez is outside the hall of justice. You got your hands on that 29 page study recently. Reporter yes. Thats right. The study was commissioned by the Public Defenders Office. It looked alternate more than 10,000 cases at more than 10,000 cases between 2010 and 2014. Black, white and latino defendants have different experiences in the criminal Justice System in San Francisco. That begins in the booking stage. People of color receive more serious charges reflecting decisions made by the San Francisco Police Department. Secondly, people of color who have a previous criminal history also have the racial differences in their criminal history that can impact charges and plea negotiations. The San Francisco Police Department however issued this statement this morning on the report. Quote, our officers charge individuals based on the elements of the crime presented. The standard for an arrest is based upon probable cause, end quote. Sfpd went on to say it is ultimately up to the District Attorneys Office to move forward with the charges. The study says further exploration is needed to understand why people of color experience dispro portion atly criminal justice outcomes. It conclude thats equal justice for all may allude some people here in San Francisco. The press conference will be held at the Public Defenders Office this morning at 10 30 a. M. As you mentioned, they are looking to form a unit to look at the disparities, the Racial Disparities that might happen in the booking phases, the pretrial charge thats come about. In San Francisco, leigh martinez, ktvu fox 2 news. Thank you,. The mother of a Silicon Valley high school is speaking out about a kill list at the school. The 16yearold was reportedly named on the list at cupertino high school. School officials first denied her child was denied and then claimed she was named but in a nonthreatening way. Finally she learned there was a specific threat to shoot and kill her daughter. Unexpected. Completely unexpected. I feel like i need to protect her. It is on me to protect her and make sure that everything is okay. Why didnt the district tell parents about this back in september . The main reason is it was immediately reported to the Sheriffs Department and then it was a criminal investigation. When Law Enforcement is involved, they stay out of it and dont interfere with the investigation. The mother took her daughter off the school but she fears she will run into one of the students that made the threat. Those who made the kill list are still at the school. The city council was set to vote on a budget last night but the vote never happened because of a rally. Our budget. Whose budget . Our budget. Whose city . Our cities. Protesters chanted loudly outside of the chambers and then moved into the room where the council was debating the budget. Some handcuffed themselves to the swing gate that separate the public from the council. They want more public input where the tax revenue is going. More money for housing. More money for workers. More money for art. More money for the young people. The audience stood up and organically participated. I supported it. I didnt know about it before going in there tonight. The protest lasted about 30 minutes. The council says it will wait until tomorrow or nurse tho vote on any new proposals or thursday to vote on new proposals. The city charter demands a budget be in place by june 30th. If you liked yesterdays weather, you will like today. It will be foggy and then it will clear up. Steve is here to tell us if the weather pattern is going to change. Is it going to stay this way or are we going to get warmer or colder. A little warmer but nothing like next week. Thank you, sal. Big fog bank. A lot of reports of drizzle around san leandro, oakland, oakland airport. I think a lot will lift here. They had low cloud deck. Yesterday it burned off south to north. More to the north. Today seems to be retreating a little bit. It is still there. Low clouds, sunny and breezy. We will have the breeze here. Inland temps are running about 5 to 7 degrees below average for this time of year. It is nice to mild to warm. For warmth, you have to head out to the valley or up north north. Not a lot around here. There is a good fog bank. Breezy for walnut creek. Starting off at 64 degrees here. The low cloud deck will burn off 62. We will go 80 with a breeze. Thats not bad. Overall, 60s for some. A couple times last week we were already at 82 for some. We have come way down for the temps. It is seasonal here. We had a monday toon of spring. Then we got really, really hot. Now things look to be about where they should be. We cooled it offed. Today will be the coolest day of the week. Then a slow warming trend inland. 60s, 70s and 80s. If this is your kind of weather, you will like it for the next four or five days. Thank you, steve. Ktvu has more from napa on how the idea has taken route there. We are keeping on and keeping on. We have a few more on the porch. Reporter peggy admired this sign in her front yard so she bought one and ordered a stack to share too. I have sold about 150. Reporter selling them for 20 each, what it costs to make. She says the simple message in two languages reflects the napa she knows. People come from Spanish Speaking countries as well as englishspeaking countries. And it feels like our neighborhood. I love it. It is inly languages. Reporter across town, another style, same sentiment. That is beautiful. Isnt that neat. Reporter this one has an arabic translation too. It is tucked in the bushes on a fourlane street. Those walking pause to take it . It is how we raised our children. Your neighbors are your neighbors. It doesnt matter where they came from. All the kids play together. Reporter simplistic in todays world . Not to the High School English teacher who ordered the signs. The congregation came up with the signs during the president ial campaign and sells them online for about 20. Emily put this up about a month ago. Once it got knocked over and i was she wants to show support. Everyone is in. Statue of liberty said give me your huddled masses. Not the ones that think like me or talk like me or believe like me. I mentioned it in church and 25 people wanted them. Reporter many are pleased to see the signs mushrooming. A ups driver, latino who came to the door not with a delivery but because of the sign. He knocked on the door and pointed at the sign and tears starting coming. What did you say . I love you, coming up on morning morning the 9, the u. S. Supreme court is allowing a limited part of the ban to take effect on thursday. We will have more on that coming up. Stay with us. Avor, one hero was on a mission to save snack time. Watch babybel in the great snack rescue. You want a piece of me . Good, im delicious. Creamy, delicious, 100 natural cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. President trump is declaring victory after the u. S. Supreme Court Allowed a limited version of his travel ban to take effect on thursday. The president tweeted great day for americas future security and safety courtesy of the esSupreme Court. I will keep fighting for the American People and win. The justices ruled they would hold a full hearing on the case in october. For now the Trump Administration can bar travelers from six muslim majority countries from entering the United States for three months. There are exceptions for people who have a job in the United States, go to school here or have a quote, bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the u. S. Joining me is morning is the former chair of the party. Joining via skype is senior staff of the aclu. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. The president called this water downed and politically correct. Is he right in claiming victory. He is right as far as the constitution goes. We have to remember since the beginning of time, our constitution at least one of the reasons we have one is because president s were not able under the articles of confederation to conduct foreign policy. They vested the power, including immigration, in the president. This is a victory for constitutional law. And we must separate law from politics. What is happening in the 9th circuit and in hawaii and washington and on the left is politics. If you mix the two, that is bad for the rule of law. He is right the rule of law won. He is right that the presidency was restored from what the 9th circuit was trying to do. Julia, is the heart of this issue the scope of president ial power . I do want to go back for a minute and say that in fact what the court did yesterday was largely replace the injunction against the travel ban. Anyone who already has a valid visa is able to enter. And anyone with any ties to the u. S. , families, student ties, employment ties, business ties, is going to be able to get a visa under the ruling yesterday. So it was a very narrow ruling in terms of the amount that it is letting that travel ban go forward. What action is the aclu planning going forward, perhaps this thursday when it takes effect . Well, we will be monitoring carefully to make sure that people who have visas are allowed to enter and that people who have a basis to try to get a visa under the Supreme Court ruling are are not that there are not obstacles impose today get the advice as. We will in touch with customs and Border Protection in San Francisco to make sure that there isnt chaos at the airports. It is such a limited it is such a limited ban Azenith Smith is allowed to go forward by the Supreme Court. It shouldnt create problems for travelers. Tom is shaking his head. It couldnt be less limits. What the Supreme Court did how do we define bona fide relationship. Existing law. I had travel reservations in the United States. You have to pass the test if it is safe for you, background checks and vetting to get through. The 90 tells all of those on the left pushing politics that youre wrong. The presidency is allowed to do this. So this actually is a message that you cant File Lawsuits willy nilly Like Washington and hawaii did it. Could not be more constitutionally incorrect. It sends a strong message not to file these lawsuits. Julia, your thoughts. I really disagree with that. I think the courts have stood up for the constitution here. While the president does have some authority to limit immigration, that authority is limited. The 9th circuit found that he went beyond the statutory power. And doing so in the context of all of the antimuslim statements did violate our constitutional principles against discrimination based on religion. And the courts so far have stepped up. What the Supreme Court did yesterday was to narrow to some degree the injunction. But it has by no means reached the question of whether the executive order is constitutional. And were going to see that happen in october. And we expect to see success there. Tom, can i ask you, the idea or the fact that the president on the campaign trail referred to it as his plan was to ban muslims. Had he replaced the word muslims with terrorists, would we not be in the position where 52 of the American People oppose the travel ban. No. We are mixing politics and the law. That is dangerous. The aclu is being situational. Obamas bans affected 32 muslim countries. Yet they did nothing. They dont like mr. Trump. Thats okay. You dont have to like the president or even his statements. But they are mixing law and politics. They are being situational. That is dangerous for everyone. If the law applies under one administration but not the next, that is very bad for america. So this is a good victory. 90 they said the 4th circuit and the 9th circuit were wrong. I dont know why she continues to cite them. To make this ruling, they had to say it is likely that administration will prevail and theyre going to lose. I completely disagree with her analysis. Most importantly, we have to separate politics and law because the rest of the world mixes them. The difference between america and all of history is we have tried to separate them. Julia, a quick final word on this issue before we have to go. I think it is critical that the courts are standing up for the constitutional. We will see what the Supreme Court does in october. As i said, this was a limited narrowing of the injunction. And in truth, most people who get visas do have ties to the United States. So we think that it is likely that most people who have ties to the United States under this ruling from the Supreme Court will be able to get those visas. And i just have to say that it is not fair to say that the aclu is being political here. We challenged obamas abuses of powers just as much as under this administration. We will continue to do so. Thank you for joining us via skype this morning. Thank you. I will since i have you here, tom, i have to ask about the Republican Health care plan. It does not appear that there are enough republican senators to get it passed. Do you think it will get done before the break. No. Republicans have to say that obamacare is falling apart. People are not getting insurance and they have to make the case why theyre trying to improve the market. They are not winning the argument. I wrote recently in forks that they need to explain why this system is better. If nothing is done, about 30 million will Lose Health Care. What the republicans are offering to do is make a change. And also remember this, medicaid spending goes up 18 under this bill. It does not get cut and no one is going to die. That is bad when no one is going to die but perhaps people on medicaid will lose coverage. Medicaid spending goes up 18 . Under obamacare it was slated to go up higher. It goes up 18 . To people on medicaid lose their coverage. Is it possible . Yes. It is possible that some will. When you raise spending 20 the answer is likely no. So you think that the republicans have a message problem, not a facts problem. I think the republicans have not finished doing their job. I have been critical for not doing this earlier. Im critical of them for not going around the country and explaining that the Current System isnt working. People actually are getting health care. Youre talking about insurance, not Actual Health care. A premium of 5,000 im sorry, a deductible of 5,000 is preventing people to go to the doctor because they cant afford the deductible. That system doesnt work. It doesnt matter if you have insurance if you dont get to the hospital or primary care doctor. Republicans are not doing a good job of explaining the existing problem and why theyre doing better. I have been critical of that and i wrote how they should change that. Thank you for joining us here. We will be right back on the 9. First kid you ready . By their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely. To choose luvs than first time moms. Luvs with nightlock plus absorbs wetness faster than huggies. Snug dry, for outstanding overnight protection at. A fraction of the cost live, learn, and get luvs. For years, men have enjoyed their man caves without guilt. Now, its mamas turn. Welcome to my she shed. Ive got my favorite outfit on. My literature. My armando and these are my treats im just gonna have one if thats okay. Of course its okay. This is my world. Fiber one 90 calorie brownies. Allll mine. San jose city leaders are trying to put a stop to illegal fireworks leading up to the fourth of july holiday. More than 100 complaints have already been filed at city hall expressing concerns over the use of illegal fireworks. Now one group is taking it to social media. The group started a stop illegal fireworks facebook page. It has 300 members and is growing. Anyone caught with illegal fireworks could be fined up to 1,000. Ford is changing a controversial part of the Bike Sharing Program according to the San Francisco examiner. It will place 7,000 bikes on sidewalks in San Francisco, san jose, oakland and emryville. Also berkeley. I left that out. Bike rental Companies Say one feature the 15 go pass could put them out of business. That allowed riders an unlimited number of throwhour trips in one 24hour period. That catered to tourists. Ford will offer a day pass to be used for unlimited 30minute rides. Tomorrow i will have a look how this go bike program works. I love bike riding. Coming up on ktvu the 9, maybe you want to go for a hike or ride your bike, we will look at the apps designed to make your vacation even better. All right. Welcome back, everyone. One of the top stories were following this morning is the senate Gop Health Care bill. Yesterday an analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office revealed it would cause 22 million americans to Lose Health Care coverage over the next decade. As the bill moves closer to a vote, the question of the day is this how concerned are you with the future of your personal health care . Lets look at the results so far. 62 say you are very concerned. 17 say somewhat concerned. And then 21 say not concerned at all. Sal and gasia, what are you seeing on twitter. Concern. Barry writes not worried for myself. I am for my parents. They use medicaid and medicare. They are in their 80s and make less than 25,000 on social security. Colleen cook says very concerned. I am 50 plus and have preexisting conditions. Thank you for your responses. You can reach us on twitter at any time. Use the hashtag ktvuthe9. Lets go to dave clark for the other top stories we have been following. The minimum wage in San Francisco goes up to 14 july 1st. In san jose, it will go to 12. That is after pushes in many bay area cities to reach a 15 an hour minimum wage. The minimum wage in oakland went up to 12. 86 at the beginning of the year. Well, happening today in southern california, a hearing for the next lawsuit accusing bill cosby of Sexual Assault. It comes from a woman who accuses cosby of assaulting her at the playboy mansion more than 40 years ago when she was 15 years old. The hearing comes less than two weeks after a pennsylvania jury in another Sexual Assault case dead locked on criminal charges against cosby. Todays hearing in santa monica is expected to set a trial date. And tonight the city of oakland could become the 12th city to demand that Congress Investigate President Trump for impeachable offenses. The city council will vote on a resolution calling for an impeachment. Outside of oakland city hall, supporters will hold a rally before tonights council meeting. Only congress can force the president out of office. And political experts say it is not likely that members of his own party would do that. That are just a few of the headlines. Mike, sal, gasia, i will send it back to you. Thank you, dave. Get ready to pay more to cross the Golden Gate Bridge. It will help offset a budget deficit. Alex savidge has more. Reporter well, that ride across the Golden Gate Bridge is about to get even more expensive. Starting next week, commuters and everyone else are going to have to cough up another quarter to cross the iconic span. This is part of a fiveyear plan to incrementally increase the toll for the bridge. Starting this monday, july 3rd, drivers with fast track will begin paying 6. 75 a trip. Without fast track, you will be paying 7. 75. And the cost for carpoolers jumps up to 4. 75. The Golden Gate Bridge district has been increasing tolls by 25 cents every year since 2014. And this is all an effort to offset a budget shortfall. The money will be going to pay for Capital Improvement projects, upkeep on the bridge and subsidizes bus and ferry service. Some say the increased cost across the bridge makes you think twice about the trip across the bridge. Instead of going into the city for one thing, ill try to consolidate all of th errands that i need to do in the city. Reporter even after this increase takes effect, drivers are not out of the woods. Next year the toll will increase by another 25 cents. At that time, the Golden Gate Bridge District Board will reevaluate the budget situation and decide on any future toll increases. But, again, the cost to cross the iconic span is going to increase by 25 cents starting this monday. In marin county, alex savidge, ktvu fox 2 news. When do you think we will see 10. Right. It will happen in our lifetime. I get chills every time that i drive it. Im one of those lame people who doesnt mind paying. Charge to pedestrians. No. Walking should be free. What about the tourists. No. We need to treat everybody the same. Another question of the day. Tomorrow. Tomorrow bus service will take visitors big sur. Big sur has been cut off from the north since the road was damaged by winter storms. It was torn down in march. Between noon and 8 00 in the evening 7 days a week. From there, you will have to walk a steep half mile trail to catch another shuttle bus that will take you further south. A new bridge is being built and should be open by september. We are approaching the long holiday weekend. Whether youre heading out of town or staying put, more people will be enjoying a couple extra days off. Whether youre staying or going, there are apps to help you enjoy your vacation. And for more on that we are joined by lifestyle expert cynthia iron. Good morning. Good morning. Thanks for coming in. You said we could stay in our house for a week based on apps right now. Yeah. If you dont have plans for the long weekend, no reason to fret. You can have the best vacation this weekend and all summer long. Even last minute. Yeah. Seatgeek, you can get tickets to events. You buy the ticket in the app. It ranks by best value and price. You will get the best seat in the house. I love that you can send your tickets in the app. He can meet you at the seat. Lets talk about luxury at home. Having the spa come to you. It is great. It is an app that you can book a massage. They can come to your door, home or hotel, in as little as an hour from the time that you book. A licensed massage therapist shows up and bring the massage table and music. They turn your home into the most tranquil massage experience. It could be a couples theme or a bachelorette. My little sister is getting married. What do you say to people who are concerned about a stranger coming into their house. They were written up in cosmopolitan for safety apps. When you book your first massage, they ask you to verify your id. It is safe for the therapist and for you. We often do exploring in our backyard. Thats great. All trails. I love this app. It helps you explore the beautiful trails in your backyard. San francisco has so many. They come with driving directions. Actual reviews and photos from other hikers are there. So you know what youre getting into before you step on the trail. One persons idea of a moderate hike might have me on the couch for a week. Sal has traffic maps. Does it show you how busy it is. No. Im not going down there because it is always busy there. What you can do is download mr. Chilly. This is an app not only for staycations or vacations. It is an everyday app. Because the weather is always so different. It tells what you to pack. You will know from sunrise to sunset to the marina, what the weather is. You wont be caught off guard not having a coat or a tshirt or a tank top. Mr. Chilly only serves San Francisco. Yes. I live in the east bayer. It is only San Francisco. Before you get on bart you will know what you need for San Francisco. Tell me about drizzly. I had a few people in mind when i read up on this app drizzly. Gentlemen. I cant wait to hear about it. It is great for people who want to have a bash this weekend. Perfect for last minute. Download the drizzly app. It will bring you beer, wine and liquor under an hour. I dont need it that bad. Youre sending a bad picture of me right now. Sorry, cynthia. We have a thing going on here. They like to throw parties. It is convenient. It is convenient if you run out of something. The lastminute run. Lets say youre interesting a par youre having a party and you dont want to leave. You go to the app. They come to you. How many times have you been out with your friends and youre hanging out and you want to have people over but youre not ready for it. So on your way home, when everybody is getting there, you can have everything arrive at the same time that you do. I would say compared to five years ago, i find myself using more and more apps. It is so easy. It takes the convenience factor up a notch and really takes a lot of the stress out of it. You can have more fun and be stress free. I love it. Very school. Thank you, cynthia. Thank you so much. Coming up on mornings on 2 the 9, a nor cal situation versus so cal. More on the match between the San Jose Earthquakes and galaxy. What i meant to say is that you both are generous hosts. She is walking it back a little bit. No. Welcome back to mornings on 2 the 9. Saturday, july 1st, the california classico is being held at Stanford Stadium. It pits the earthquakes against the l. A. Galaxy. For more on what fans can expect as the two teams face off, were joined by taylor. Instadium host. Are you the guy who is prepping the crowd and trying to get them excited . Is that what you do. Yeah. Exactly. Im trying to connect the audience with the game and the players and getting them pumped and making sure that they enjoy being there. Youre trying to make sure they have a good time. Yes. Youre moving it from the stadium to stanford. Why is that. We began hosting the game at Stanford Stadium in 2012. The reason is the demand for tickets was so high because of the beat l. A. Rivalry we love in the bay area. So we started hosting it in stanford. We have sold it out with 50,000 fans ever since we started hosting it at fan ford. It is a huge celebration. There is something for everyone from the kids to the older folks, from start to finish. It is an allinclusive event. I know how soccer is football to the rest of the world. Yeah. Get people riled up. Finally we are getting that excitement here that you get around the world. Is this a trend. Absolutely. Soccer is growing at an incredible pace in the United States. A lot has to do with more exposure to the sport. Especially close to home with the new stadium now three years in existence. But i have a feeling that it has to do with the diverse fan base and having people here from all over the world who really connect with back home through soccer. Yeah, it is definitely growing. This saturday will be no exception. Another huge game. Were super excited. Youre honoring military members and First Responders, correct. Yes. It is our military appreciation night. It is always centered around the fourth of july. We are donating 3500 tickets to military servicemen and women and their families so they can come out and enjoy an evening together. It is critical. Yeah. We will be honoring world war ii veterans at halftime and we honor all of the different facets of First Responders from red cross to police to the firefighters. It is an all inclusive thank you event for the fans. It sounds like a family event because you have fireworks after. Yes. We host the best Fireworks Show in all of the bay area. And we have our bud light fan zone that opens at 3 30 p. M. On saturday with live music and a beer garden and the Fireworks Show after the game. Stick around. What is it like to be the go ahead i that does all of the announcements . Can you ever have a bad day of work . You drink like three cups of coffee before you get up there. You have to be pumped. I am come from a family that loves soccer. I am pumped to represent the bay area and soccer. I did have acute laryngitis a week ago. I could fill in. We can get sal out there. Im back and it is awesome. What is some of this stuff . This is our scarf. You can see it has the california flag in it there. And the first 10,000 fans on site on saturday who get to the party early will capitalize and get one of these. That one looks good on you. We also have treats here. We made these for you guys. Earthquake cookies for the sweet tooth. Just to let you know, we have a tasty matchup on saturday. Our producer already called debuts on this cookie. Taylor, thank you for coming in. Thank you so much. I like your energy, man. Thank you. You have a natural ability bore it. Thank you. There is not a question that i could throw at you that you couldnt answer. Lets not try. About soccer. Go quakes. Beat l. A. We put Ticket Information for the game on ktvu. Com. This might be blocking my microphone. Look for it under the web links section under the mornings on 2 tab. You can also find it on our mobile app. Thank you for coming in, taylor. Thank you. Millennials are literally eating up their savings. What they are spending their money on and how it stacks up to other age groups. At ikea, we believe your perfect student deserves the perfect room for the perfect price. And. Whos there . Hey. A boy . Oh, on the bed . You never told your dad and i about any. Wait, whats going on now . Move the flag. At ikea, we believe your perfect student deserves the perfect room for the perfect price. And. Whos there . Hey. A boy . Oh, on the bed . You never told your dad and i about any. Wait, whats going on now . Move the flag. The George Lucas Museum is expected to take a big step toward reality today down in los angeles. The museum is set to be approved this morning by the l. A. City council. The vote on the project will be more elaborate than usual. George lucas and his wife who will serve as the chair of the museum will be there. Lucas chose los angeles as the home for the museum over San Francisco and chicago. The proposed 1. 5 billion museum will showcase his extensive collection of paintings and memorabilia of the movie. That is a big loss for the bay area. It would have been nice to have it there. It was originally planned for here. Now it will be in l. A. It has been two decades that the first harry potter book was released. She introduced the world to a young wizard. Now it is a cultural phenomena. In london, potter fans marked the occasion at platform 9 and three quarters. In the series thats where wizard students famously board the train for witch craft and wizardry. I have been reading it since childhood. For me it is disappearing into this community that ive always wanted to belong to. Now i get to pass it on to my son. The series has been translated more than 60 languages. Tsa agents see allsorts of things in carryon bags. But this could be a first. This shows a giant 20pound live lobster. Surprisingly the tsa does not ban carrying lobsters as long as theyre in a clear spill proof container. A spokesperson says it was in a cooler and cooperated while going through security. 93yearold henry ross is living his dream now that he has his high school diploma. Ross walked with the graduating class at East High School in rochester, new york. Thats where he went to school 75 years ago. But he never graduated. He was drafted to fight in world war ii in 1943. Ross served as a radio specialist in the u. S. Army air corps. He was awarded an honoree diploma a. Draymond green named defensive player of the year in the nba. The red carpet was rolled out in new york last night. A ceremony hosted by drake. Draymond beat out rudy and leonard who won the award each of the past two seasons. It is amazing. When you set goals, i think a lot of times in life and i have done it. People set goals and it feels like you never reach them. When you do, it is an incredible feeling. You have accomplished something that you set out to do. And so, you know, having been right there for the last two years and coming up a little short, it is precious to finally win this award. Green went on to say that it wasnt an individual award and that he could not have done it without his teammates. Well, while draymond was locking down players all season long, westbrook was putting up triple double after triple double that helped them take home the mvp award last night. Westbrook set a record this year with 42 triple doubles and joined oscar. We talked with this yesterday but now we know former nfl stars will play in the first game of the new American Flag football league. Other big names such as quarterback michael vick and former 49ers starer he will williams will play tonight. There is a high tech element to this school yard game. Instead of ordinary flags, they are wearing a belt with sensors that shows precisely where the flag was detached from the belt. The league will play officially next year. A new study by bankrate. Com those millennials are making some expensive financial decisions. The survey shows on average millennials go out to eat or order takeout five times a week. The average american, that number drops no more than once a week. It is easier to call one of the Food Delivery Services like uber eats or grub hub instead of going grocery story. A third of millennials buy brewed coffee three times a week with 60 of older people not buying at all. Half a millennials go to a bar or pub once a week with three quarters of the rest of americans saying they go a few times a year. I am not a millennial. Im going to stick up them for a bit. When i was younger, i would go out to bars and eat out a lot. It was only me. Still not a great chef. Yeah. 25 years old going out to bars or ordering food. I mean yeah. As long as you dont overdo it. Theyre saying the kids overdo it. Theyre doing that and at the same time not saving money early on. The deliciousness of the compounding interest isnt happening for them. I have a sister ten years younger and we have different spending habits. But she works hard to maintain those spending habits. She can do what she wants. It looks good on you and it was free. I like that. Thank you for watching, everyone. Have a great rest of your morning. Im not that cheap. I swear. Im not that cheap. At at t, we believe in access. The opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. Connecting with the things that matter most. And because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, weve created access from at t. California households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for Home Internet at a discounted rate of 10 a month. No commitment, deposit, or installation fee. Visit att. Com accessnow to learn more. Do yno, not really. Head shoulders . I knew that not the one you think you know the tri action formula cleans removing up to 100 of flakes protects and even moisturizes for Sofia Vergara hair she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. Live from new york city its the Wendy Williams show. Wendy how you doin . Its hot topics. We wont judge, but were judging. Its going to be juicy. [ applause ] now heres wendy [ applause ] wendy thank you for watching [ applause ] my cohost, my studio audience. Loud and proud. Thats the way i like it

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