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Monday morning where a lot of people are looking over right there on your screen, the brackets as they were distributed yesterday. Im going to distribute my brackets. Actually never seen one of these before in real life. Well, youre going to fill one out. I hear all about them. We will sit there in our chairs and fill them out. Looks like someone went to the beach with a tan here . I got burned yesterday at baseball practice. I didnt think about putting on sunscreen. 90 minutes later you get a burn. Spf 30, baby. So i would like gasia to fill this out. It makes no sense to me. You can just guess. Ive been research k because were talking about this later. You have just as good of chances as winning as anyone. That would be funny if i won between the three of us. We begin in vallejo. Cell phone video shows a man hitting officer during an arrest and pulling his gun on onlookers. More on what led up to this violent encounter, alex . We are learning more about what led up to that arrest, good morning. We understand this all began when two women who worked here at this gas station called police because they felt threatened by this man. He was inside the store screaming and acting erratically because his credit card had been declined. An officer showed up to deal with the situation but things escalated and now some believe the officer went too far during the arrest. I am god. Reporter this was the tense scene on friday afternoon here in vallejo as a Police Officer struggled to take that man into custody after chasing him across the street from the gas station and tackling him in the middle of fairgrounds drive. This video posted online over the weekend shows the officer punching the man in the head and then later striking him several times with either his baton or a flashlight. You can hear the officer yell on a number of occasions for the man to give him his hands. As a crowd gathers in this area the officer tries to keep people back. Back up arrived at the scene. The original officer pulled out his gun. He can be seen striking the man according to a store clerk, the man arrested had been in the store just before this trying to buy a bus ticket but his credit card wouldnt work and he became irate. The clerk who i poke with by phone told me his behavior was bizarre. His actions is what had made me feel very uncomfortable. His eyes were getting as big as golf balls and his mannerisms he was using, putting his Three Fingers and trying to make something rise from the ground like he was a magician. Reporter we have reached out to the Vallejo Police department a number of times over the weekend and again this morning. No one has responded to our calls. They are not offering up details on what led to the arrest or commented about the actions taken by that officer. Speaking of the video, we have  posted the entire video on our website. If you would like to take a look, its at ktvu. Com under the westbound links section. Back to you guys. Thank you, alex. President trumps wiretapping allegations will likely make headlines in washington this week. Kelly has more from washington. Reporter a cost of the republican Healthcare Plan will be revealed this week with the release of the congressional budget office. Republicans arent expecting it to come cheap. The gop won the election in part on repealing obamacare. Obamacare is kol lapgsing. If we just did nothing and washed our hands of the situation, we would see a further collapse of the Health Insurance markets. Some democratic strategists believe republicans are hurting themselves by acting too fast. It only got popular once people became afraid trump would take away their Health Insurance. Spending cuts include an increase in defense spending. We have underinvest ted in our military over the last 8 years. Its been subject to sequester and we have been unautomobile to invest in the militaries. Republicans and democrats are calling on the white house to release evidence after President Trump accused president obama of wiretapping trump tower during the election. There are one of two possibilities here. Either the president deliberately for some reason made up this charge or perhaps more disturbing, the president really believes this. But some republican strategists say the white house has to do something. I think the president should produce the evidence. Its a very serious charge because we dont want president s of the United States abusing power. A Congressional Committee set a deadline for the Justice Department to provide evidence of wiretapping. In washington, kelly wright, fox news. Democratic leaders held a town hall meeting about what they call worst Case Scenarios if the proposing healthcare bill passes. Health care professionals talked bt the importance of making sure the bay area poorest residents are insured saying obamacare stopped people from showing up at the hospital room. Congresswoman barbara lee was at the community meeting. She joined us live in the 7 00 hour. She said there are some concerns but repealing the act would be a matter of life or death for some people. Yes, we have to fix some issues and difficulties that people are having but in no way should we just throw away the healthcare for 3 0000000 people. She says here in california more than 340,000 people would lose access to medicaid if it was repealed. How concerned are you with the effort to replace and repeal the Affordable Care act . We have responses here to share with you early on in the morning. We see 15 said not at all. The majority said very concerned and fewer people said somewhat concerned. Also taking comments, as we always do. Well keep checking your responses and share them with you. The poll is up now on ktvu. Com under mornings on two tab. A Small Company based in san rafael is among the hundreds that want to build the proposed wall. The mercury news is reporting Martinez Services incorporated is seeking the contract for the project. They have been accepting the bids and the announcement of the winning bid is scheduled for next month. Emergency crews called to open theest ware this morning. Workers at the best Western Hotel say theres a man who had been drinking a couple hours. They saw him do a back flip in the water and ran on to the end of the pier to see if he was in danger. All the beers he drunk, we saw him just floating. And hes not moving anymore. Thats why we called 911. Fire and Police Officials arrived within minutes. A crew with a paddle board was able to reach the men and bring him to shore and gave him emergency medical care. Officials are not reporting his condition or name. Police are still treating the location as a crime scene. If you lived in oakland, maybe you have never noticed it but its been happening. Shock spotter sensors are found throughout the city. S are ras explains some want more cities across the state to have access to it. Reporter oakland is one of 11 cities that has gun fire detection technology. Its a system of sound sensors mounted at different locations across the city on buildings and lamp posts. They alert Police Whenever gunshots are fired and using gps coordinates it lets police know where the shots were fired from, sometimes within 30 seconds behind happening. The idea is to allow police to quickly respond to potential crime scenes. Oakland, San Francisco and richmond use the technology here in the bay area but in Southern California has introduced a bill that would allow Law Enforcement agencies in smaller communities around the stay to apply for grants. It can cost between 150,000 to 250,000. The technology also has critics. Civil liberty groups says the sensors have recorded fragments of conversations before and after gunshots were fired and thats raised privacy concerns. This idea is very much in its early stages. The bill doesnt estimate how much it would cost for the Law Enforcement grants. It was introdoused last month but could be hearing a committee as early as next week. Coming up on mornings on two, a nud round in the battle over immigration. How San Francisco restaurants are now following the lead of cities and counties across the United States. Dont be like mike. Grab your sunscreen, folks. Its not that bad. You know, i was coaching baseball. Its warm. Another warm day in the forecast. Its beautiful outside, well be right back. Like a babys skin. Mike received a sun burn other the weekend over the weekend. To his defense, it hasnt been this nice in a while, steve. We have almost forgotten what its like to have a beautiful weekend. The exact opposite is going on in the northeast. A blizzard expected. Sunshine and warm temps. Temperatures well above average here. We will continue today with clear skies and upper 70s in gilroy and santa cruz close to 80 degrees. Today is the warmest day of the week and also the sunniest day. High pressure just a perfect signature of it dominating california weather. Its been gone most of the winter but its here now and plead guilty to continue today and tomorrow. Upper 50s, not taking long to warm r warm up. 55 at sfo. If today is the day to sneak to the beach, down to monterey it will be spectacular. We get that offshore breeze and easterly component. Spring training, 71 already in phoenix looking for 90s most of the week in scottsdale and phoenix. Getting hot in the desert for sure. Theres your coastal fog saying not here yet. Sunny and warm, taking us into a beautiful looking monday and cooler tuesday and much cooler on wednesday and light rain in santa rosa north. 60s for a couple days but upper 70s for many. Enjoy it while you can. Changes are brewing. Looks like rain returns next week. Crews were called around midnight to get work finished before the morning commute. They were able to finish repairs before 4 00 in the morning. Bart says test trains have been running as expected for the long awaited station in fremont. The grand Opening Ceremony is set for march 24th and service is expected to start the next day. The warm spring station is the First Step Towards extending service. When that happens people will eventually be able to take part all the way to san jose. The hours for the bike path have been expanded. People can ride their bikes or walk across the path between 6 00 in the morning and 8 00 at night its. Its still only open on weekends and holidays. An act of vandalism at a golf course owned by President Trump. The message carved into the green that connects Environmental Concerns with one of golfs greatest players. 70 Million People filled out brackets for march madness. Up next, dos and donts if you hope to cash in on the ncaa tournament. One team with the ncaa basketball tournament. Players and coaches were indeed on edge until they heard what they were waiting for. 0. Saint marys is top 25 team and rewarded with a seven seed in the western bracket. The gaels will take on virginia Common Wealth university. They lost to rhode island in the finals. They will face on in thursday in Salt Lake City at 4 20 our time. The saint marys coach said his team deserved to be in the tournament but he thought last year when they were passed over and afraid it could happen again as the tournament bracket started to fill up. I cant lie. For one second i was like, no way, got to be it. Down last eight teams. It just makes your name get called even more. They lost only four games games all season long and they were to one of the top seeds. The cu Mens Basketball Team is making history. David is dancing for the first time in history. They beat uc i vine to make it to the championship. Davis isnt expected to go far. They face North Carolina central in a playin game and then go on to face the team most considered to be the best number one seed, kansas. But hey, they could still do it. The election for the ncaa womens tournament takes place today. About 70 Million People filled out march madness brackets last year but a lot of employers were not happy about it according to a survey by Staffing Firm office team, a third of bosses say they want no tournament activities in their office. Productivity goes down due to march madness and expected to hit 4 billion this year and only 11 of managers actually welcome the tournament into their workplace. Im trying to fill in mine now productivity at work. Some people have started filling out their brackets. Im trying to do mine online. If youre looking for a thursday morning deadline. How can you win the office poll . Go with the stats or your gut or just guess . Joining us with tips is brad avans with yahoo sports. Good morning. Merry march madness i take all the 12 seeds over the five seeds. What is your best tip . Well, i wouldnt go crazy with the cheese whiz in terms of the double digit seed. T12 or 5 happens every year. 39. 5 have open won their opening match. You picked one or two. You dont go nuts with the cinderellas. I only pick four or five. A bit of an anomaly. After the first couple of rounds you got to go chalk and take the favorites. Their the better teams and win the national title. Why is it so many people study these brackets and then the person at the office who just guesses seenls to be better than people study for hours on this seems. Well, im one of those people. My bracket is going to be wadded up and thrown in the trash can probably after the first session on thursday. We saw that last year with michigan state. That 152 match up. They call it madness for a reason. Its nutty and unpredictable and high drama. Its the greatest sporting event on the planet every year. Anybody can win. You can playwright now on yahoo to sign up. Its absolutely free and whether you know nothing or everything, you got a shot to walk away with 25,000 in cash and that will buy a lot of trips down to ka bow. Im sure you guys see increased activity. Do you buy this whole loss produck tiffty at work or do you think theres a comradery and good nature that comes with it and makes things better . Its called team building. A third of bosses dont allow it. Give me a break. Do you think people are coming down with mysterious illnesses on a thursday or friday and call in sick . People pull together and theres barley pops involved and good finger foods. We talk about the old basketball and try to get your mind off work. I think theres a sense of comradery and cohesiveness. Find another job if your boss doesnt embrace it. Arizona had a good tournament. Duke had a good tournament. Who is your pick . I cant believe im saying it but i think its the most balanced team in the country im taking a team thats never made it to the final four. Getting over that hump, i think le get down gazagna. Thank you, brad. Okay you heard the man. I love it. Coming up next, a generous act of kindness coming up. The california woman putting the smile on faces of foster children after giving them an unforgettable donation. A high profile and powerful report when working on a book about the assassination of president john f. Kennedy jr. When she was found dead. More on her story with author mark shaw. This winter you have the power to heal. Because your purchase of vaseline® intensive care lotion supports the vaseline® healing project. Join us to help millions in crisis heal their skin. Welcome back. Our question of the day regarding the Affordable Care act, specifically how concerned are you with the effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care act . As you can see here 17 said not at all. 59 said very concerned and 14 14 percent said somewhat concerned. I have a couple of questions, very concerned self employed and expect to lose coverage or be priced out. Erika simpson said very concerned, its a debacle. That poll will be up throughout the day. Twees us with the sash hag ktvu nine. Christian captain joining us live now, any sign of them yet . . Reporter mike, ive been looking as hard as i can as well as i can with the heavy Police Presence in the area. You can see this is the area where we focused our activity here at the garage. Were anticipating the former president will be pulling out of the garage in a motorcade at some point in time. We did go into the lobby. I could see officers in the lobby and san jose pd and secret service. Witnesses report seeing secret service in the area overnight. The ohm hah world harold is reporting the president was in nebraska to meet with warren buffet. Obama has been raising money for his president ial library, the paper says following the meeting he boarded a private plane and flew here to san jose. At this point no word on how long he is going to be in town. We are hearing hes set to meet with tech leaders at some point in time. Were monitoring the fair mont here to see if we see any signs of the former president. We have seen passerbys stopping to check out the scene as well. They have heard the former president is here as well and hoping to catch a glimpse of him. We dont know what his schedule is at this point. We cant anticipate when we will see him. Well stay here and monitor the situation. Christian captain reporting live, thank you very much. For more, lets go to dave clark in the newsroom. Here are some of the top stories were following. The bay area man charged with climbing a white house fence friday night is due in court today. The 26year old was ordered held without bail charged with entering a restricted area while carrying a dangerous weapon. He had two cans of mace in his backpack and an appointment with President Trump. He also had a letter that mentioned russian hackers. President trump was in the white house at the time of the security breach. Tran could get up to ten years in prison. The victim in lasts shooting in richmond has now died. He was driving on thursday near the pan pab low exit when he was shot three times. A female passenger in his car was also shot but is expected to recover. One man and two 17year olds have been arrested reportedly with gang ties with relatives. He may have been the victim of mistaken identity. Charges may be filed today against the suspects. The murder trial of antolin garciatorres has now resumed this morning in san jose. He is charged with killing morgan hill teenager sierra lamar even though her body has not been found. Most of the evidence and testimony focuses on dna. If hes convicted he could get the Death Penalty or life in prison. If hes acquitted he cannot be tried again, even if lamars body is found. A pregnant woman reported missing from San Francisco yesterday was found safe. The 32year old was reported missing after leaving her home in cold valley. Shes nine months pregnant and doctors plan to induce labor for her tomorrow. She was found in a city near San Francisco but they wouldnt say where she was or how they found her. Those are some of the Morning Headlines from our newsroom. Gasia, mike, and sal back to you. A ohio couple accused of staging a murder scene. They put ketchup inside a bathtub of their home. They sent photos to a number of alarmed relatives. They did it as a practical joke but its hard to find anyone who thought the stunt was funny, especially the Police Officers called to the home. Very intense. You get your adrenaline going. I know from speaking to a couple officers last night that are very upset about it, its this type of hoax or ploy really you dont noah your encounter is an officer going into a situation like that. The joke wasted valuable time of officers. Prosecutors have charged the couple with inducing panic and considering other charges. A group of restaurants is joining a nationwide movement amented at protecting employees. Its called sanctuary restaurants. Rob roth tells us what rights the workers have and why some are afraid to join the movement. 0. Everyone is scared of ice. Reporter one of 20 San Francisco restaurants is joining a National Movement called sanctuary restaurants. Its sad were living in a time when people are feeling under stress after spending so much time working hard and contributing to the Economic Vitality of our city. Immigrants are a big part of the labor force but a lot are worried whether they are allowed to stay in the United States. They are frustrated and they are more so quiet now and dont talk about too many things anymore. The restaurant has signs saying a place at the table for everyone will be holding legal workshops on what owners can do to help employees if federal agents show up. You cant come in and try to arrest everybody. This immigration Attorney Says agents must have warrants and must be looking for specific people, not just perform round ups. And he says workers have rights. We have been here for ten years in this country and you have families that are u. S. Citizens. You can apply for relief. Immigration wont tell them that. Some owners say they dont want to become part of the movement. They are afraid the federal government could retaliate against them. Some have called me with scares and then wants to know how to help those employees thats what everyone has asked me today. Are you fearful because now youre a target. Yes, we are fearful of that but at the same time were starting a movement. 0. The Golden Gate Restaurant Association has joined the movement. In november of 1965, shes been working on the assassination of john f kennedy. A former criminal defendants attorney, his latest book, the reporter who knew too much. Lets start with those who dont know dorothy, lets talk about her credibility. Well begin there. You people are people of the truth. Thats what dorothy was about. Somebody said the other day she was a woman about integrity. Most people remember her from whats my line, the television show. She was able to straddle that celebrity status with being the most celebrated media icon of her day. She had a radio show and a Cinco De Mayo kated column and a crack Investigative Reporter who covered the major trials of the 20th century including the jack ruby case. Theres a photograph that dorothy has at the dr. Sam shepard case which became the fugitive movie. The reporters are all around her watching her. She was the one at that time. So did random house approach her . Right. Another panelist on whats my line, for those people who dont know, he was the co founder of random house. He came up with the idea to write about the Jfk Assassination. In the process of writing this book did you yourself uncover things that maybe she died and you picked up where she left off . Well, people will remember an attorney from a long time ago, i wrote a biography of him and during that research for that book, a friend of his said when dorothy died he knew her from the ruby trial. This guy said to him, they have killed dorothy and now theyre going after jack ruby. Thats what triggered the book. I worked backyards through the jfk as nation and i didnt know that. The killers won here. You look at motive. Im a formal criminal defense attorney. Revenge was the motive here. The target really wasnt jack kennedy. It was Bobby Kennedy, the one causing the maf dwra so much trouble after joe kennedy double crossed him. They wanted Bobby Kennedy dead. Jack kennedy then would come after you. So you killed jack kennedy and his power. Its dorothys words, a break through book and its a firsthand account of what happened back there. Dorothy was there. I wasnt there. A lot of these other authors werent there. She learned about the one who had the greatest motive to eliminate jack kennedy. She then told one of her hairdressers and these videos. 0. Are you thinking now after all these years that this could be new information that could shock the world . Against against all odds i convinced the new york city Defense Attorneys office. Ive been cooperating with them. Theres a missing file with all her investigation material in it. Were hoping to find that, the relatives are cooperating and were looking at having them help. Were putting the pieces of the puzzle together now and hopefully people will not only see a firsthand account of the Jfk Assassination but were getting justice for dorothy. There was no investigation at that time. Do you have a suspect . Yeah, one of the main suspects in her death and thats one of the reasons the da got into this is ron who had an affair before she died. She shared her investigation material with him and we believe he was involved in the death or directly knew who was involved with the death so thats one of the people theyre investigating. If you got to pick who would play doorny this the film. Someone said ashley jud. I dont know, she died its such a tranl di. She died at 52 years old. The two mysteries are intermixed. These are two young poem that should not have died. Im hopeful theyll find somebody that can play dorothy and show the integrity she had as a reporter. Im thinking about the dates and time lines, was she ever interviewed by the Warren Commission . Not at all. She wasnt then and in all the books you read about the Jfk Assassination shes rarely if ever mentioned. The killers won. All of her material was buried and she was basically erased from the face of the orthopedic. Are you hoping someone has a death bed confession or something . A lot of time has passed and maybe will step up and talk about something they have been afraid to talk about. I mentioned the relatives and other people are frightened to come forward even though its 52 years. Were hopeful there are people out there who did know what happened or who can fill in the piece of the puzzle. That could happen here, especially since we have the new York District attorney involved. The most powerful female voice in america at the time, mark shaw congratulationses on the book the reporter who knew too much. Thank you for coming in. Well be back after the break. Arnold schwarzenegger says he wants to bring sanity to washington by restricting reform and might consider a senate seat in 2018. Envoir mental activists pulled off an environmental act. The group snuck into the National Golf club and carved a message in the green with a six foot tall letters saying no more tigers, no more woods they sent a message about vandalism calling it the blatant disregard for the environment. The u. S. Beat canada 80 in the world classic. Theres a dry, hits a left and doesnt have a chance to stay in the park. Buster goes deep. Seen that a lot before. Poe si scored the u. S. Teams 8th run last night in the bottom of the 7th. Team usa has a birth in the second round. Their next game is wednesday in san diego. Looking good. To the ice. The San Jose Sharks beat dallas 51. Four unanswered goals were scored and dominating win. Sharks are now 21 during the home stand and now a six point lead t. Ducks in the pacific division, the sharks hosting buffalo tomorrow. Nfl owners meeting and a group of raiders fans are keeping the effort in lv. They highlighted the social significance. A representative of the Oakland Coliseum Economic Impact and Legal Action Committee is saying they are reviewing the nfl location process. They talked about a plan to boycott bank of america f a recent announcement saying they would finance the stadium. The ceo of bank america to come and meet with us in our community and we want you to help us understand why an institution that is the second largest in fact country would be willing to participate in the project that could impact the Community Like ours. The owners will meet in ar arz for three days beginning on march 26th and could decide the future for the raiders. The relocation has to be approved by 24 of the 30 owners. Women helping to bring smiles to foster children in the bay area. Sarah was there this weekend when those children received their new rides. Reporter these kids arent old enough to drive yet but they have a new way to get around town. Mine is the fastest. Reporter from style, size, and down to color, these bikes are picked specially for 20 deserving children. These are tears of joy. I cant get over it. Reporter the exciting day started out as just an idea. Jana says she wants to help young girls in foster care. I thought why not take my money now and donate 10,000 towards foster girls getting bikes. Reporter another family matched the donation to buy bikes for boys in foster care. With the help of the social Service Organizations and rosily cycles 20 kids were given brand new bikes saturday. Seeing them, its just like twice the joy. Reporter the give away is not just about the kids. Its a way of thanking the parents from taking in kids and loving them. One parent is paul, he and his wife adopted three children. Were in love with the kids and so we feel like we could give them a safe home that they could grow up in. Reporter he can enjoy exercise with his whole family. His kids couldnt wait to take their rides for a spin and safety comes first. I always wear a helmet. That was sarah reporting. There are currently 64,000 children in foster care waiting to be adopted in california. Organizers hope it will inspire others to consider adoption or becoming a foster parent. Coming up next, blocked by a huge pile of snow in Washington State, up next, how a field group for a group of students turned out to be more than what they signed up for. This is not your typical air bnb rental. One lucky beer lover will be staying here. How you can win a wonderful night in this penthouse. Kongs skull island took in top place over the weekend. The horror film get out came in third mind logan. A group of High School Students in Washington State is hoping to come home after an avalanche left them stuck on a filed trip. 53 students were scheduled to lead leave on friday at the environmental center. Thats before the avalanche hit. The Washington State department of transportation was waiting until this morning to clear the road because the risk of another avalanche. The students have no choice but to stay put. Its not so much that were so desperate to leave because were not having a good time, its because people were not planning on this so its just a surprise that people are so shocked that this has occurred. 17 Staff Members are also stranded at the learning center. Three people stuck at a nearby resort. Everyone is in good health and they do have the basic necessities including food and shelter. Officials are trying something new to get the attention of state lawmakers. Theyre sending postcards to 120 members of the state legislature. Six postcards show the damage done by strong storms. They say greetings from beautiful santa rosa. Many major roadways are still closed. A newly proposed state license plate could raise millions of dollars for the state park system. They need 7500 prepaid orders to become a reality. As of yesterday they only had 640 orders and envie mental groups are ramping up efforts. The state park plates cost 40 thereafter. A new bill going before congress this week would stop Airline Seats from getting smaller. Its called the seat act of 2017. It would enforce minute pulmonary seat width and distance between rows. Its also about safety. They say larger and fewer seats would help in evacuations in the case of emergency. Doctors have been warning there are health risk for passengers who arent able to move their legs. The average distance between seat rows has dropped four inches. The average seat width by the way is 16 and a half inches. Saint patricks day is this friday but the celebration has started in chicago. The traditional dying of the river took place over the weekend. It takes over 45 pounds of vegetable dye to make the water green. The green water makes it all the way to ireland for the irish to see but not really environmentally friendly. Speaking of Saint Patricks day guinness is teaming up with air bnb to make a dream come true. They are inviting the first sleep over guests. Guinness trans formed the roof top boor into a penthouse featuring 360 degrees of dublin and a bed that looks like a pint of guinness. If you want to stay here you have to win the essay contest. Describe why youre the worlds biggest fan of the beer and the winner will get one fight in the penthouse on april 24th. If you want to enter, go to ktvu. Com and look for the stories under the mornings on two tab. One night in the penthouse, start writing your essay. Im filling out my bracket. Ill do it on my break. Well be back here at noon. Thanks for watching. Livestream your favorite sport at the airport. Binge dvrd shows while painting your toes. On demand laughs during long bubble baths. Tv everywhere is awesome. The allnew Xfinity Stream app. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Announcer live from new york city its Wendy Williams show. Announcer now, heres wendy. Wendy thank you. Thank you

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