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9 everybody. Alongside sal and gasia, i am mike. It is the last day of june. Why not have it socked in there in San Francisco . Where does the time go . We are more than halfway through the year. Right. Were done. Lets go ahead and check weather. See if the fog is going to burn off as mike expects it to. He grew up here. He knows a thing or two about it. It looks like its burning off outside your window, if i am not mistaken. Thank you, mike, gasia, and sal. We have a pretty good fog bank. It is retreating a little sooner today. It will be cool to cold by the coast. It looks like a hot inland temperature forecast. Dont forget the fire danger extremely high right now. 12 fires in the state, and temperatures will be pretty hot today and tomorrow. It looks cooler though. That will help firefighters, i think, over the weekend as we see temperatures drop. The giantsas tonight mostly sunny. 63. There will be a westerly breeze. I would think similar to what we saw last night. The water temps are amazingly cold. Upper 40s, low 50s. Normal for bodega bay is 51. The fog is rolling right along as long a we have a westerly breeze. A little bit of a northwesterly breeze helps chew it up a little bit. 50s, 60s. Looks like inland temps which cooled off yesterday will warm up today. If you are heading to the sierra, looks good. Those thunderstorms just missed, but it looks like it will be in the 80s. Reno 100 degrees. Cooler over the weekend. That northwest direction will chew up a little bit of that fog. Not before 50s, 60s, 70s, and 90s through the interior. Sierra nevada looking for warm continues today and tomorrow, but cooler on saturday and sunday. For us warm inland. Cooler inland conditions as we go into the fourth weekend, you guys. Thank you. Which begin with new developments this morning regarding the terror attacks in istanbul. Turkish police raided the homes of suspected isis militants. 13 people were taken into custody. Meantime, the death toll climbs to 43 today a Palestinian Woman in her 20s died from her injuries. The government has identified the nationalities of the three suicide bombers. They were originally from russia, uzbekistan and kyrgzstan and slipped into turkey through syria. The three suicide bombers hit the airport tuesday with guns and suicide belts. The power of the bombs suggest they used weaponsgrade explosives. Turkeys Prime Minister said one attacker blew himself up outside. Two others took advantage of the panic to run inside. One american was inside the terminal when the chaos unfolded. What went through my head was the images you have from paris and from orlando that they are coming around to shoot you now, and so its a scare you have that they are coming for you. Funerals are now being held for some of the victims. One of the first funerals was for a 25yearold airport worker who had only been on the job for a month and a half. Of the 239 people injured in the attack, 41 remain in intensive care. Director of the National Transportation Security Center, brian, good morning to you. Good morning. So there has been debate about moving Security Checkpoints not overseas, here in the United States, to the doorways. For me i feel like there is always a chokepoint. You are just pushing to chokepoint back. Is that really the answer, or is the answer just having more armed guards, more armed officers at the terminal entrance when you walk in from someone dropping you off when you go inside . First, the response to every single terrorist attack cannot be the creation of another security parameter. You are correct in pointing out that, yes, while we can move the security perimeters, what we do is create bottlenecks at their new location and then those cues of people waiting to get through that Security Check become the targets of further terrorist attacks. In telaviv they have the three concentric circles i dont know if you have been to that airport, but they have to. In effect, it kind of spreads out and it seems to work well there. You dont hear about a lot of, you know, conditions there. But this is israel, after all. Here in the United States could we do that, too . Well, you know, i have been to the israeli airport a number of times. The airport in tel aviv actually sits on a fairly large footprint of ground. So that the first check is before the vehicle even gets close to the terminal. And after that checkpoint there is a long winding drive before it comes up to the terminal. There is further Security Surveillance and checks, as you work your way in through the terminal. Its a different situation. You know, most u. S. Airports were constructed at a time even before we had wheels on suitcases. And so the curb space between the where cars drop people off and the entrance into the terminal is really quite narrow in most u. S. Airports. So people wouldnt have to carry their bags for a long way. That doesnt give a lot of space for putting up a no security perimeter without creating a big backlog of people waiting outside. Brian, a lot of people are focusing on airports now given what just happened in istanbul. I remember after the london subway bombings we looked at our own systems here in the bay area such as bart or mass transit. I can get on bart carrying anything. Nobody is looking at me. Shouldnt the country be focusing perhaps a little bit more on railways, mass transit, buses, those transportation forms . In fact, more attention in recent years has been focused on this particular issue, but we have to be realistic. Were not able to impose airportstyle screening at the Entrance Ways to metro systems and subways. The volumes are extraordinary. Where we talk about, you know, having 800 million passengers boardings for airlines in the United States every year, the total number of boardings for our surface Transportation Systems run into the billions. The cost would be prohibitive. The delays would destroy public transportation. Certainly, some security measures have been put in. More are being looked at. We have to be realistic. We are talking about public places. And when you mentioned that, public places, you know, brian, we had a former fbi agent on yesterday who talked about that, you know, its also the responsibility of the public to inform police about suspicious activity and he brought up that its time to basically profile people at airports here in america. Do you agree his assessment . I am not quite sure what he is suggesting by profiling. But if were talking on the basis of profiling by ethnicity. Right. That in a diverse population like the United States is virtually impossible, even if it were constitutionally acceptable. That is, if i were instruct you as a security officer, well, i want you to profile people from the middle east or people who look like they might be from the middle east, go out to any airport, go to any surface Transportation System and take a look and tell me who you would pick out. Exactly. Brian michael jenkins, director of the National Transportation Security Center at the mineta trappings institute, thank you for your time this morning. Thank you so much. In todays hightech world it seems that following attacks such as istanbul and orlando brussels as well the investigation will be centered around intelligence, whats happening on social media. Just yesterday we talked here about a plan submitted by u. S. Customs and Border Patrol that says noncitizens traveling to the United States on a visa waiver could be asked about their Online Presence and their social media profile. Twitter, facebook, and other social Media Services have been criticized for allowing terrorists to spread their message on their platforms, but the company says they work aggressively to remove such content as soon as they are aware of it. Twitter says it has deleted 125,000 accounts since the middle of last year linked to terrorists. Facebook is quick to remove users who back terror groups and investigates posts by their friends. This could lead to a backlash to the companies who have made complaints. We have reached out to San Francisco based Electronic Frontier foundation about this and in a statement the company says, quote, it hopes Tech Companies will resist efforts to become agents of the government. The promise of free speech on social networks is, in part, what allowed these companies to become the Global Leaders they are. And this morning we want to know, would you like the government looking at your social media activity if its for the sake of National Security . Let us know. Use the hashtag ktvuthe9. Next on mornings on 2 the 9, illegal fireworks set off in a san jose neighborhood. More on who was injured by the blast and a safety warning from a new york giants player. And six People Killed in a crash here in california after their minivan is hit and stuck in a lane of traffic on i5. We talk with the chp about what you should do if you are involved in an accident in the middle of a busy freeway. Mr. Brady, weve been expecting you. Will you be needing anything else . No. Not a thing. Beautyrest black. Get your beautyrest. Remember this from yesterday . Green and upward trend on the markets. The dow down by threequarters of one percent at this moment. Similar percentagewise on the s p, on the nasdaq. Welcome colors to see, mike, after the red we were seeing in the couple of days after the brexit. This morning we are following the story of a deadly crash on interstate 5 that killed two mothers and four children. The two families were traveling south when the minivan they were in was involved in a minor collision with another vehicle. The van was partially blocked in the right lane when it was then hit by a big rig going about 55 miles per hour. The van burst into flames and slid over the embankment. The fathers in the driver and front passengers seats escaped but they were unsuccessful getting to any of the other people in the van. So, so sad. We know in this case the family stayed in the van after it was hit the first time. The van was partially blocking a lane. Staying in the vehicle is what the Highway Patrol says you should do. Stay in and keep the seat belt on. Especially in the freeway. Thats right. In the case about getting out, would that be okay to do . Lets go to sal right now to talk more about this. Joined by chp officer sean will ken feld. If those people had gotten out of the car, they would be alive today . You know, its hard to say. Its getting disabled on the freeway is not a good thing. We want to advise people to make it to the shoulder. We will even make a traffic stop off a freeway. We want to encourage people, if your vehicle is mobile, to get to the righthand shoulder. Even if its got a flat tire or even if its making a terrible noise while youre driving, if you can get off the road, do it. In case your car is stuck in the middle of traffic lanes, always stay in the car, right . Do not get out. Put your seat belt on and stay in the car . Obviously, there is always expectations. A big one is if your car is starting to catch on fire. Obviously, you are not going to stay in the car. Its surface transportation to get out. A lot of things people do is they become disabled, they take off their seat belt to find their cell phone and dont put it back on. If you are blocking a lane of traffic, absolutely call 911. We have down a lot of campaigns to get people to stop calling 911 for an emergency. This is absolutely an emergency. If you are blocking a lane of traffic, even just a little bit, call 911. Let us know where you are at so we can help you get off the road. I want to bring a personal example. A few years back our car broke down on highway 5 and we got out and there was a wide shoulder. We walked far away from the vehicle because someone could have come up and hit us on the shoulder. Did i do the wrong thing . Since i was able to get out and be away from the vehicle, was that the right thing to do . Absolutely. If there is no traffic. If you see a goodies tans good ways back and get off the roadway. Thats all right. If there is Something Like a guardrail or a concrete barrier, you want to get on the other side of that barrier to keep yourself safe. If there is a ditch on the righthand side of the road, that might not be the best place. You may want to walk towards traffic a little bit so if somebody struck your vehicle it will be pushed down the freeway, not up the freeway. You have been an officer for a while. Why do so many people over these fourth of july or whatever, these threeday weekends, get into situations, deadly crashes . Is it always drinking . You know, unfortunately, drink something a big part of it. Last year during our maximum enforcement period, which was 54 hours long, we arrested a dui driver every three and a half minutes. So drink is a huge part of july 4th. Designate addresser. Do not drive under the influence. We will be out in force looking for you. And one last thing before we go. On these holiday weekends you pull officers that wouldnt normally be on the road and you put them back out there. So there are more, not fewer, officers on the road over these holiday weekends, correct . Exactly. People think its a holiday, there will be less cops. Its the opposite. We make sure we have maximum Staffing Levels so we can be out there enforcing the roads, removing the impaired drivers. From chp oakland, sean, thank you for joining us. Mike and gasia, back to you. Thank you. Coming up next on mornings on 2 the 9, alan cumming is in the bay area bringing his performance of sappy songs to the castro theater. Up next, he joins us live right here onset. Love that. Hey they go ooh ooh. Hey they go ohoohooooh. Sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. I tell you one thing, you never knew it. At the back of the bus there is so much to give, so dream big. Yeah. And when they screaming get out, get out. All i wanna hear is get down, get down. Yeah. And when they screaming get out, get out. All i wanna hear is get down, get down. Get down, get down. Alan cumming has done everything from playing hamlet to voice ago smurf to appearing in a music video for jay z. Tonight he is performing at San Franciscos castro theater. He stops by to talk. Welcome to the 9. Thanks for coming in. What about coming to San Francisco . You said you spent the night here. Do you enjoy performing here . You performed at the castro once before . I do. I come a lot to San Francisco. Only for little bursts. And my motherinlaw lives here. I always come and see her. Its kind of a home . Yes. She is in piedmont. But San Francisco is like a mystery to me because i come for spurts. I feel like there is more to discover. You know what is freaking me out right now . Your voice. [ laughter ] how hard is it . I never knew its very early. No, no, no [ laughter ] thats very funny. How difficult lets do it again. How difficult is it to do an american accent . I am not going to because i am not performing pluto. Fair enough. You know, another part of the costume. Do you enjoy playing yourself compared to being on stage or on the screen . Tonight you its you get to be yourself. It took a long time to be comfortable with it. Normally you have a veil of a character which protects you from the audience. You know what i mean. And, no, i really like it. You have to be more vulnerable. And in a way i like that now. I am glad i have done it. Its sort of you just stand up there and tell things about yourself. Lets talk sappy. Not lot of people admit to liking it. You cover miley cyrus. Tell me what defines sappy for you. Its a song that kind of connects with you in an emotional way somehow. There is something about it that just gets you. That could be the lyric, the chord structure, or the perspective of it. For me its an emotional visceral connection. Is sappy good or bad . I think its good. I real estate that my . Scotland sappy, its got a slightly, you know, detrimental tone to it. Youre a big sap, we would say. Its like, come on. Its not like youre being a big stupid baby. You are being sappy. I called the show that so the audience would know to expect humor with emotions. Do you find that people, you know, kind of like they dont want to admit it but then they get wrapped up in it . I think people, you know, emotion is not something you can control. I think what i really enjoy is when i and i set up the audience, you know, going through different places. But i find the people always kind of, you know, its not they are overwhelmed by the evening. Its not as genuine. Its completely authentic. I am not doing this to be anything dopy. You have written in the past about horrific abuse tied to your father. Do you tap into those emotions . . When you are on the stage or when you are on the screen performing, is it about your past . Two things. Everybody about your experience that you have had in your life makes you the man or woman you are. So as an actor you use that. Its not that you use it. Its part of your dna. So, yes, its one answer. In terms of tonight, yeah, i do. I talk about my book, which i wrote, and so i talk i sing a song for my grandad. I mention my father and sing a song about him. I go there, too. Lets talk about you tweeted after the brexit vote totally stunned. Talk a little bit more about your reaction. Well, im just horrified. I think its a terrible thing for i think there is such a lot of remorse happening right now in people who did vote. Many things stun me like the fact the biggest thing on google the next day is what is the e. U. . So many people were taken along about bigotry and anti immigration feeling. Also, the brexit, the leave people did not have a plan. There is no plan in place for whats happening. The only person with a plan is the first minister of scotland who came out and said, you know, we wanted to stay. Scotland definitely wanted to stay. Thats how they voted. Big time. So now its a constitutional crisis. Scotland was not allowed to leave Great Britain last year because we were one of the things was we might have to leave the e. U. If that was the case. Now we are being asked to leave the e. U. Because of the rest of britain. There is an independent referendum on the cards for scotland. The hilarious thing about brexit, donald trump arrived in scotland that morning when the results were so that was a great moment of history. And he tweeted, just arrived in scotland. The place is going nuts. They have taken their country back. And we voted to stay. So i think thats an indication about Donald Trumps grasp of international affairs. To bring it back to the states, where were you when you heard about the shooting in orlando and how has that played in your emotions since then . Oh, i think i was i was in our car, actually, driving upstate new york. I mean, its a horrible thing. You know, there is two things. Its another mass shooting and nothing is being done by the country to curb these awful people who are able to get guns and the culture of guns, but also a huge homophobic attack. As a career person, i feel thats horrible. You are part of a culture where that takes place. I also, you know, have been very excited by the way that so many other parts of the community are targeted, you know, like black people and people of religion, muslims and things, that we are in a country where there is a lot of anger and a lot of, you know, people who are foolishly inciting anger and inciting people to violence, and we have got to watch that. You know, there are a lot of people in the congress that have broad on their hands, i think, by not making sure these attacks dont happen in the future. Actor, producer, director, writer, if you had to pick one . I would say storyteller. Nice. Everything. Everythings the same. I am not going to put you on the spot then. There you go. Alan is performing 8 00 castro theater. Tickets are available. We have posted information at the top of the home page ktvu. Com. Alan, it was a pleasure. Thank you. Thank you for coming in. All right. Coming up next on mornings on 2 the 9, a bay area Minor League Baseball team is adding two female players to the roster. When they make their debut and their plan to inspire others. And beating homelessness. Success can only be counted one person at a time. Welcome back. We are reading responses to our twitter questions. We asked earlier about the debate between National Security and online privacy. Now, shoot government have access to your social media accounts that. They be looking at them if it means better National Security . A ton of responses. I will read two quick off the top. House of yen says no, i am all for National Security, but they dont need full access of my twitter history. Stan the man says absolutely not. Its not freedom of speech if the government is looking over your shoulder. No, it goes against freedom of speech. They already do monitor it. Terrorists attack anywhere these days. Luke friday said those who give up personal liberties for security deserve neither. Tvuthe9 to reach us on twitter. As we debate National Security and your online privacy, ironically, today is social media day. Right. Back in 2010 mashable launched social media day to recognize social medias impact on global communication. These days people spend hours and hours on social media sites. Some people cant go an hour without logging on. We are joined by Online Business Marketing Consultant emily hirsch. Emily, i cant imagine not having this now. I remember when we didnt have phones. Sometimes i go to bed with this thing in my hand. Whoa, sal i mean, why are we so consumed by social media and phones and just being online and in touch with people . I think its like a constant feed to our brain of stories. When i am on social media, you scroll your news feed, there is hundreds of stories. I think thats interesting to see those new things. Its like a movie at your fingertips all the time. Is it taking over our lives . As sal mentioned, he goes to bed with it. My wife is always checking the phone. I dont. And thats one concern for me is that its overtaking us a little bit too much. I have to agree that for doing it for business, that you have to really limit yourself and its easy to get on facebook or on there all day long. I have actually taken facebook off my phone. You have to be conscious and aware of that for sure because its and then all of the social Media Channels thats always there and you can always jump on and look. In a study last year teens were found to spend an average of nine hours a day in front of a screen. Much of that on social media. Generationally, do you find its the young ones, the millennials consuming the bulk, and as we get towards our parents, they are the ones who maybe might check it once a day . Yeah. I think thats absolutely right. I think our parents and that generation is getting more interested. But its a little hard to figure out for them, for, you know, i have i know twoyear olds who can get on the phone. Wow, really . Yeah. I have a oneyearold son. I dont let him on there, but he already likes to push the buttons. They are growing up with it. Does that scare you . Yeah. Absolutely. I am very aware that was my parenting and i think parents should be aware of that too. Your oneyearold son, are you afade of him always afraid of him seeing you on this thing and wanting to do that . Yeah, i am. I am passionate about like i have a time of day i am with him and i leave the phone in the car or whatever we are. Otherwise, if you dont remove if from yourself, its easy to pick up and with those notifications constantly popping up, its almost impossible to not get distracted. You talked about productivity because of social media. Other negative effects. The only bullying. Pictures and words. There are a lot of positives that social media has brought, too, to our country and world. One or two that you would like to highlight about the positive of social media . I think its a great way for people to connect all over the world. I work in the Online Business, so i have clients in australia and new zealand. So we couldnt do that without social media and thats how they find me is on social media. So for business, its great. Just being able to connect with people like we couldnt before. Personal stories, too. The ice bucket challenge. Right. That went around the world. And i think about times of natural disaster. I think about times of political turmoil. We might not get stories out of other countries were it not for someone tweeting i have things blowing up outside my apartment. Right, right. Absolutely. I also like the way, since being a news person, im interested in, you know, breaking news. Twitter routinely has breaking news before the wire services. At least you find things are coming down the pike and then you get to see them first. Right. Yeah. Twitter has that and facebook has that im safe checkin, which is great. Real quick. Some 2020 on social media day, do you think twitter, instagram, facebook will be popular, or is there gonna be a new one . I definitely see facebook and twitter being still popular, and i think with facebooks constantly rolling out new things like Facebook Live, for things like that, you know, they are saying we are going to take what periscope is doing and take over. If you are not on periscope, just do Facebook Live because you already have a follower. Live video is going to be the way that were heading i am sure. Speaking for our own newsroom, so many of us use Facebook Live on daily basis. Thank you so. A firework was threatenotta woman . San jose while out a firework was thrown at a woman in san jose while she was walking with her family. Lets go to janine de la vega. Reporter this sounds crazy. This woman was just walking home from this park when she was hit. Now she is suffering from burns. And with the fourth of july coming up in the next couple of days, San Jose Police say they are keeping their eyes peeled for anyone with illegal fireworks. This incident happened on tuesday night when the woman was walking home with her young son and her husband on remington way near quinby in the evergreen area. Someone inside a passing car what looked like a m80 firework and threw it towards the family. The car sped away. Paramedics ended up rushing to the scene. She was taken to the hospital. I saw a female laying on the ground with wounds to her leg and arm, gaping wound to her arm was really bad and they had already wrapped her leg. Reporter this comes as the San Jose Police department is cracking down on illegal fireworks. Starting on friday, special teams of uniformed and plain clothes officers will be specifically targeting people setting off the illegal fireworks. They are focusing on parks, schools, and neighborhoods where people put on illegal shows. In san jose, fines for illegal fireworks have increased this year. For the first violation its gonna cost 500. For the second one its 700, and the third one is 1,000. They are hoping by putting this information out here that people are gonna think twice and it might deter them from actually setting them up a. All right. Thank you very much for that live report. Nfl player who nearly lost his hand in a firework explosion is speaking out about in a psa. Fourth of july i lit up a firework. I thought i could throw it away real quick and in a split second it blew off my whole hand right there. Jason pierrepaul with the new york giants lost parts of his fingers and damaged his right hand in the explosion last year and it nearly ended his playing career. The psa was released by the u. S. Consumer products Safety Commission. At the end pierrepaul urges fans to leave the fireworks to professionals. For a link to the Consumer Products Safety Commission safety tips on fireworks log on to our website ktvu. Com and click on the web links tab. We are talking to Tara Moriarty in our San Francisco bureau. Tara, San Francisco Police Officers and firefighters are teaming up this year to keep the fourth of july celebrations safe . Reporter thats right. Members from the San Francisco Fire Department and Police Department will be meeting here at headquarters in about an hour to sort of get the word out. Drive home the point of why illegal fireworks are dangerous. And you know were talking about sparklers and Bottle Rockets. All the things we used to do as kids, but not any more. On the fourth of july over the past three years, the San Francisco Fire Department has responded to 53 fireworks related grass fires and structure fires. Most commonly the fires are caused by Bottle Rocket type fireworks. Where those rockets can land in dry vegetation, on rooftops, or wedged between structures and still retain enough heat to cause a fire. Now, in recent years fireworks have been one of the leading causes of serious injuries that require treatment at a hospital. The National Stats are alarming. More than 10,000 people are hospitalized each year after incidents related to fourth of july fireworks. Thats about 100 million a year. The injuries involve damage to the eyes, head, hands with the risk of injuries highest for kids. Between the ages of 5 and 14 there. And even though novelty fireworks such as fountains and sparklers are generally considered to be safe, they can reach temperatures of more than 1,000 degrees fahrenheit and they account for about a third, more than a third actually, of all of those hospital visits. So stick to the professional shows is the message that they are going to be driving home here. Good advice. Thank you very much. Ktvu is taking part in a coordinated effort to report on the state of homelessness right here in the bay area. In San Francisco, a recent survey found homelessness is the number one concern among people who live in that city. As ktvus Monte Francis explains, helping homeless who are mentally ill is one of the Biggest Challenges in getting people off the streets. Reporter michael has lived with Mental Illness all of his adult life. The 40yearold reached his lowest point in 2012 after spending two years homeless on the streets of San Francisco. I was suicidal and that actually really kind of scared me actually for the first time in my life it wasnt just a thought. Reporter he checked in a Psychiatric Hospital and after five days he says doctors said they were going to release him. He knew that meant he would be back on the streets. The medication i was on at the time made me really sleepy. I said i am not going to take it. Thats why im gonna end up back here. I am going to be in the same position all over again. Reporter for many who are homeless and mentally ill, its a resolving door. The citys Homeless Survey estimates mother than onethird of the citys 6700 Homeless People suffer from psychiatric conditions. Many of those patients visit the clinic in the citys tenderloin district where a doctor treats Homeless People with a wide range of mental issues from psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia or depression. Mental illness prevents people from knowing that they have something that could benefit from help and treatment. Reporter she says many times the most she can do is a make a connection with a mentally ill patient hoping they decide on their own to receive treatment. People just dont want to take medication. Then its a matter of time and working with someone and trying to convince them that its worth a try. Reporter ann fisher at the National Alliance on Mental Illness said a sea change happened in california in the late 1960s when the state closed more than half of the Psychiatric Hospitals and governor Ronald Reagan signed a law preventing the mentally ill from being forced into treatment expect in the most extreme circumstances. People were released from hospital without proper support in the community and often decompensated and then we had new populations spring up who needed longterm care in a hospital setting. The beds were no longer available. Reporter there are some new attempts to get people with the most severe cases of Mental Illness into treatment. Late last near lauras law went into effect named for laura wilcox. A 19yearold from novato county killed by a mentally ill man. What it does is allows family members, loved ones, people in the community if they know someone with a Mental Illness to petition the court to bring that person in front of a judge to compel treatment. Reporter even with lauras law, ultimately a patient can refuse treatment, and thats part of the problem says former San Francisco mayor willie brown. The standard now is they must either be a danger to themselves or a danger to other people. Otherwise, you cant do anything about it. We need make it more appropriate for their circumstances of individuals who will openly thank you. Reporter michael says his break through came when he realized he needed help and a case manager helped him get into a program. Pain. Misery. Loneliness. Not having anything. Thats what broke through. My mind opened up. Reporter once off the streets and into treatment and back on medication his life changed dramatically. Today i dont live in an institution. I have an apartment in millbrae with my fiancee. Reporter he now mentors psychiatric patients at San Francisco general hospital. We feel like we are being judged left and right. There is so much stigma around Mental Illness. So, you know, we feel when we can open up a space for someone and there is no judgment there, its something that i thought i wish i had because, you know, i didnt have that. Reporter speaking from experience, he hopes his story will help others follow in his footsteps. Monte francis, ktvu fox 2 news. Tonight at 10 we will visit seattle and look at a unique partnership where a hightech giant has created a temporary shelter. On friday we are going to take a more generally look at the housing crisis in the bay area and what effect it has on the problems of homelessness. You will find more information on the San Francisco homeless project at ktvu. Com as well as a list of online resources if you or someone you know is homeless. Coming up here on mornings on 2 the 9, the broadway hit show cabaret back on the San Francisco stage. Up next we sit down live with the emcee of that show. W. Hi. Is the internet still out . Yes come on. Work together. Work together. Do you have anything . No i dont have anything. Please come back internet. I love you. I love you so much. Just come back. Please. Please. Hes streaming a cat video. family laughs and the whole party is looking. Can i take a look . Mitch come on get high Speed Internet from at t with 99. 9 reliability at an everyday price with no extra fees. Keep calm, your internets on. Today, lori grabs delicious jimmy dean sausage from the fridge, fully cooked and ready in seconds. It makes breakfast complete, which makes bill feel like completing the gazebo, prompting a celebration in loris backyard. With jimmy dean, good mornings lead to great days. voand exceptional customerity preownservice,les. Head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. Flip your thinking about buying your next one. Cabaret has returned to San Francisco. Audiences are invited to leave their troubles aside for a night of music and debauchery. We say welcome to the emcee of cabaret, Randy Harrison joining us on the 9. Thanks for being here. Lets talk about the fact that cabaret is 50 years old. Are you finding a lot of people who are new to the show, perhaps a new generation who this is fresh for them . Yeah, i think so. This is a very new version. And people who are used to the movie, this is a completely different show. Talk to us about what happens inside the kitkat club. Yeah. Everything. I know [ laughter ] i mean, the kitkat club is a berlin cabaret nightclub. This was a specific time in german history. So it was very liberal. It was very sexual. Very sensual. Very politically engaged cabaret scene. This is a little bit of the show on the screen. I have watched your transformation from what you are in front of me to the emcee. You know, makeup and hair and eyebrows. We see an awful lot of your body in this show. Thats something you have done through your career . It kind of us. Are you comfortable on stage i mean, is it like showing an elbow to your ob gyn at this point . Yeah, i dont think about it. But you still feel kind of the body pressure that i hear so much about in hollywood . You said you recently you lost some weight for a role. Its very much yes, its part of it. I think the image of this character, you know, it was a time when people were impoverished. Food was scarce. The economy was crazy. To be too abundant in the role would be incongruant. We are being shocked. Tell me about what the audience reaction does for you. The audience is everything for me and for this character. The audience is my theme partner. The way the show is structured, the audience is a part of the show. The more the audience gives me, the more i get back. I talk to them. I go out in the audience. I dance with them. I know you and the entire cast got a lot of love at the pride parade in San Francisco. Talk to me about that. I never participated in a pride before. I had gone many times as a spectator. We got to march. I was a special guest. A celebrity grand marshal, i believe . And the whole cast and the crew got to march with us. And the crew had created these elaborate rainbow costumes. They got to be the center of attention, which was amazing. It was just a wonderful thing this participate in. Can you talk to me about the reaction after the orlando attacks . Does it, you know, does it quiet your performance at all . Does it perhaps only fuel it . How what do you find is your reaction on stage to what happens in real life . I mean, it just makes the i mean, the show, obviously, it takes place right before the as the third reich is coming to power and it ends with a very dramatic image of what it is to be a bunch of people targeted for being a minority and killed because of it. So really it just engaged us even deeper in performing the show thats about learning from genocide and learning from the holocaust and learning what that hate and vitreole can lead to. Yeah, its the energy of the show. It makes it more poignant and more important. Thank you so much. Cabaret runs through july 17 in San Francisco. We posted a link to tickets at the top of our home page on ktvu. Com. Thank you for joining us. Have a continued great run. Madison bumgarner will try to keep the giants from being swept by the oakland as today. He will make history in the batters box. The giants are said to allow him to bat instead of using the designated hitter against the as in the American League ballpark. This will be the first time a team intentionally uses a pitcher as a dh since the Chicago White sox did it 40 years ago. Well, the as have beaten the giants three straight games. It wasnt from at t to o. Co last night. Look at this play. This is just ridiculous. Boom wow three errors. Bad news bears out there, huh . They botched a few other plays in the field. The as had two home runs. They ran past the giants 71. I dont think jake peavy was happy about the defense. Nbas Free Agency Starts tonight. The Golden State Warriors are already kind of making moves to protect their future. Yesterday the team extended qualifying contract offers to forward Harrison Barnes and center festus ezeli. This does not mean that they are both coming back to the team for sure, but it does allow the warriors to have a chance to match any offer that barnes and green get from other teams. Their future with golden state will depend on whether the warriors can sign this years top free agent kevin durant. This being social media day, social media is going crazy with this warriors stuff. There is a new restaurant open in oakland designed to combine if you had, culture, and community. It opened yesterday on franklin street. The food will focus on the farm raised ingredients sourced from mexico several times a year. The restaurant wills work with a center to hire people looking for Career Growth and training in the culinary world. They will partner with schools and college to provide internships. Aiesha curry is dishing out delivery. Steph curry tweeted she has a new food delivery Startup Service called gather. It will deliver ingredients and recipes to your door every week. The company isnt open for business just yet, but if you sign up you will be on the waiting list. A bay area Minor League Baseball team is making history. Kelsie whitmore and stacy piagno will make their debate tomorrow with the sonoma stompers. The san Rafael Pacific Baseball Team is also making history by hiring a female coach. Justine siegal will be stepping in as the teams new skipper for a few games. Its hard to show what you can do if no one gives you the opportunity. Lets find the best women Baseball Players in the country and give them the opportunity. There is about five or six girls that we have basically scouted and targeted and kelsie and stacy are the cream of the crop. Whitmore just graduated from high school and will play for cal state fullerton next season. Piagno played softball for the university of tampa. Young woman is joining our ball club today, boys. Were gonna treat her like any other player. No special treatment. Here we go. Ktvu will be premiering a new fox show called pitch this fall. A young pitcher becomes the first woman to play major league ball. The show debuts in september right here on ktvu fox 2. Nice. You can have the little girls watch that show. Yeah. Thanks for joining us this morning on the 9. We are this close to friday, everybody. Oh, its a little far. Yeah. I like the attitude. There you go. We will see you back here at noon. Have a great thursday. Thursday. Announcer live from new york city its the Wendy Williams show. Wendy how you doin . The kids have come to play today. You wont believe what im about to tell you. All due respect, have several. My girls are always turned out. I give it to you straight, no chaser. [ cheers and applause ] announcer now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] [ audience sings along ] wendy thank you for watching our show. [ cheers ] wendy gorgeous. I

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