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Wouldnt those investigations come to light or raise some sort of red flags for authorities . I think it should have. I think thats crazy, a mistake that needs to be rectified. Even if first of all, he was on the watch list and removed from the watch list and then passed a background, purchased a weapon. That has to be changed. Clearly, in my view, assault weapon ban is something that needs to be considered. There is no reason when you defend yourself in your own home that you should have an assault weapon, an a r15. Rick, the watch list now comes into question because, is it simply impossible for the government to have the resources to be on everyone who is on the watch list . At some point, they have to let some people go and some will slip through the cracks. Can you think of a possible solution so that they can better assess who really is dangerous . Well, i mean, look. It is a needle in a haystack. That is the problem. It is impossible. But the fbi does have many resource and you have to do your best to identify a potential problem and do something about it. As i did, they did dedicate a lot of effort to this but it wasnt enough. You have to reevaluate what you, what you can do, the guidelines. You have First Amendment issues. If you err, that needs to be on the side of too many security rather than not enough. I understand the civil liberty and all that stuff but we are at a different stuff in all this matter. The war has been declared on the United States. We need to declare war on isis and whats happening today. Rick, as you are talking, we are sharing pictures taken that night as the incident was happening. Lets talk about action versus inaction, the fact that the gunman was inside the club for three hoursbefore local police decided to blow a hole open in the club and force their way inside and end the massacre. Talk to me about that delay. Some people say local police may have missed an opportunity. I dont view that at all that way. Look, they are in a horrible situation. Theyve got a bunch dead people a guy with an assault weapon and theyve got hostages. You dont need to rush in there and do something that will get more people killed, including the offers coming in. You have a bunch of people making that decision i dont think its ride to secondguess the cops in that horrific crime scene thats occurring. I dont agree with that at all. You mentioned civil liberties. How much do you think that the American Public is ready to go with these liberties let go of some these liberties. We are already putting up with security at the airport. More than ever today. You dont have to change the constitution but you have to allow Law Enforcement and the Intelligence Community the tools in which to fight this war. And not dilute what they have or take away what they need. And there needs to be an effort again, you dont need to change the constitution but you have to look at this in a long range way. Right after 9 11, there was the patriot act. Now, that was viewed after wards as an overreaction to 9 11. Some of those changes that we have today mean something and to lose some those things or potentially lose some of those things is going in the wrong direction. Lets talk about what the motive may have been. Obviously, he pledged allegiance to the islamic state. How much of this may have been motivated by religious ideology or motivated by a mentally ill patient. All the factors contributed. No one in their right mind will do this. Look at it. Its religious based. Its islamic terrorism. Lets look at this and not try to parse this out. A lot of factors are contributing into this. The people who are in a position to do something about this know what its about. Former phil agent rick smith joining us on live in the morning. We are waiting to hear from president obama as he is expected to address the orlando nightclub shooting investigation. This is a live look from the department of treasury where the department convened his National Security council. We expect the president to talk about he was to defeat isis. Well bring this to you live. We will run over to Steve Paulson for a quick update. Thank you, gasia. Mostly sunny at least four but up north, Mendocino County is dealing with an uptick in the clouds and temperatures going down, down, down. Diane says, a cool, slightly foggy morning. 46 degrees, feels like march. I would agree. This much cooler pattern would take us into thursday. Thursday, the temperatures will bottom out but also a day of possible rain. Windy and cool, pretty good breeze there clouds will start to increase. You can see those in the north, heading over Mendocino County, parts of northern napa county as well, the leading edge of a very impressive system, bringing rain to the Pacific Northwest and eventually for us as well. Breeze and cooler temps will be the big story throi. D have been gusts to 50 Miles Per Hour out at the altamonte pass and about 35 in sfo. We are pretty slow to warm up here. 50s and 60s. That whole system has to rotate through. That puts us in line for well below normal tells and little rain, especially santa rosa north. Drizzle will make it from San Francisco into san jose. That will be thursday morning. 60s and 70s, well below average on these temps, we will see those bottom out on thursday as we head into the weekend. Thank you, steve. Well talk more about the weather coming up soon, sounds like. This morning, there are a lot of questions coming out about how the shooter in orlando bout an Assault Rifle despite fact that he was interviewed at least twice by the fbi. Just how many interviews does it take for someone to be more closely watched . Do you think there should be changes to our current procedures . Do let us know and if you do, use that hashtag, ktvu the 9. We are waiting for president obama to speak regarding the orlando shootings. There is the podium. Once he comes out, well hear what he has to say. Its time to free yourself from the old way of buying and selling cars. Introducing beepi, the radical new way to buy sell cars, all online. Carefully inspected, guaranteed and delivered right to you. If you never have to step foot on a dealership lot again, neither should they. Beepi. Com zero to happy. Takerring a look at stofntle you at stock. You can see the dow jones down. We are waiting to hear from president obama speaking about the orlando shootings. When that happens, well bring it to you. The nba finals going back to cleveland for game 6 after the cavs won 11297. Kyrie irving and lebron james had a big game for cleveland and the warriors playing without Draymond Green suspended for one game. Now well go to jason applebbaum who was there. Was it surprising to see to see Draymond Green was watching a baseball game . Why take in a baseball game while your team is taking on the game 6. The team was so different without him. I thought in the short term, they would pick up the slack. You lose one of your star players. In one game or twogame deal, guys can pick up the slack like when they lost steph. Green is a different animal because he is so unreap leaping, his fury, his defense. Kierpy irving and lebron james, performances for the ages. We are talking about kyries signature game here. Lebron james a top 5 performance in his career, given the stakes. They played so well. Anything with Draymond Green on the floor, would it have made a difference the way they shot . Warriors, art game, dont makes excuses after the game, dont make excuses for anything. They say they missed Draymond Green, his defensive presence, the way he plays. They got outscored on the fast break 289. A lot of those is when draymond gets a rebound and he starts the break or when he blocks a shot and he starts the break. So, yes, they did miss draymond. I was wrong. I felt like they were going to play this game for him and somehow get this done and come out with the anger. Let me ask you about kyrie and lebron. Did they figure something out or is this one of those anomalies where they cannot continue to shoot you know, when a team shoots 57 , theyll come back down to earth. Is that what happened with lebron or kyrie or did they figure something out . No, i think theyll come down to earth. It was so unbelievable. Kyrie irving was incredible. You realize they are superstars in their own rights. Steph curry faded into the background. I think it was the quietest 25 points that he scored. You waited for him to step up or somebody else to step up. Klay thompson was brilliant in the third quarter. But you got this feeling at oracle, if klay slowed down and he did in the second half what was going to happen . Here is what happened. The warriors in the second half shot 26 . They could not score the basketball. They had 36 points in the second half after scoring 61 points in the first half. Oracle was quiet. About six minutes to go, the fans tried to breathe some life into this team. It just didnt happen. It was eerily quiet. Even those warriors chants were half hearted. It was the lebron and kyrie show. They stopped brewing lebron every possession. The booing of lebron didnt quite work out. He had 25 points this is with my phone here, the team walking off dejected after the game. Lebron booed every time he touched the ball. Maybe you chalk this up to sheer brilliance for those two guys. But, if you think about it, steve kerr said it, we are in the same position as we were in last year, up 32, heading back to cleveland to wrap it up. You know, what do you expect to see from draymond as he unleashes on thursday . Unleashes is a good one. There is a lot of conspiracy on the radio. If the warriors were down 31 or 32 like they were against oklahoma city, they would not suspend. I expect him to come out with a fury in game 6. Is bogut coming back . Thats a tough one. We dont know. The mri is pending. And they missed the his interior defense. Mri pending. Does loot nook for bogut in this series and even the start of next year. Again, we dont know. Could be hyper extended, trained or a torn ligament. We dont know. Just hurts to watch, though. Yes. Sports anchor jason appleb applebbaum, thank you for being here. Are you going back to cleveland . Maybe. Mike ibanez is calling me to bat will it out. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe. Were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter welcome back to mornings on 2. We are waiting for president obama to speak. Here he comes. Hes going to speak regarding the orlando shooting. Everybody all set . I just met with my National Security council as part of our regular effort to review and intensify our campaign to destroy the terrorist group is ll. The meeting was planned before the terrible attack in orlando but, obviously, that tragic dishes the awful loss of life shaped much of our work today. In all of our efforts, foremost in our mint mind is the grief and the people of orlando, those who died, those still recovering, the families who have seen their loved ones harmed, the friends of ours who are lesbian and gay and bisexual and transgender who are targeted, i want to remind them that they are not alone. The American People and our allies and friends all over the world stand with youand are thinking about you and are praying for you. As director combe has said, we dont have any information to indicate that a Foreign Terrorist Group directed the attack in orlando. It is increasingly clear, however, that the killer took in extremist information and propaganda over the internet. He appears to have been an angry, disturbed, unstable young man who became radicalized. As we know all too well, terrorist groups like isleville called on people around the world and here in the United States to attack innocent civilians. Their propaganda, their videos, their postings are pervasive and more easily accessible than we want. This individual appears to have absorbed some of that. And during his killing spree, the shooter in orlando pledged allegiance to i s l. These small cells or lone shooters are hard to detect or prevent. But across our government, at all levels, federal, state and local, military and civilian, we are doing everything in our power to stop these kinds of attacks. We work to succeed 100 of the time. An attacker in orlando, as we have seen in orlando, only has to succeed once. Our extraordinary personnel, Law Enforcement, have saved many lives many times and we can never thank them enough but we are sobered that, despite the extraordinairey hard work, Something Like orlando can happen. In our meeting, director comey updated. Secry carter and chairman dunn ford reviewed the military campaign against i s l and i want to thank secretary lew and his team here for hosting us and for their tireless effort that they rely on to fund the terrorist network. At the outset, i want to reiterate our objective in this fight. Our mission is to destroy i s l. Since i last updated on our campaign two months ago, we continue this continues to be a difficult fight but we are making significant progress. Over the past two months, i have authorized a series of steps to ratchet up our fights against i s l. Additional u. S. Military personnel, including special forces, additional advisors to work with iraqi forces and additional helicopters and addition now support for local forces in Northern Iraq. Our aircraft continues to launch from the u. S. S. Harry truman now in the mediterranean. Our b52 bombers are hitting i s l with precision strikes. Targets are being identified and hit even more quickly. So far, 13,000 airstrikes. This campaign, at this stage, is firing on all cylinders. As a result, i s l is under more pressure than ever before. I s l continues to lose key leaders including suliman al shahib, the senior command another mosul, shacky riahib, the military leader in air rack as Anbar Province and the top i s l command another new jersey ya. We have commander in fallujah. Our message is clear. If you target america and our allies, you will not be safe. You will never be safe. I s l continues to lose ground in iraq. In the past two months, local forces in iraq with Coalition Support have liberated the western town of rutbah and pushed up the Euphrates River valley, liberating the strategic town of heat and breaking the siege of hadifa. Iraqi forces have surrounded fallujah and begun to move into the northern city. And iraqi forces are pushing up the tigres valley and tightening up the noose. Isl has now lost more than half of the territory it once controlled in Northern Iraq and will lose more. Isl will continue to lose ground in syria as well. Assisted by our special operations forces, local forces are now pressing the town of mandish which means that the noose is tightening around rack ya as well. Isl is on defense and its been now a full year since isl was able to mount a Successful Operation in either syria or iraq. Isl is also continuing to lose money that its life blood. As a result of our strikes against oil supply lines, we have cut their revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month and destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we deprive isl of many more. Thanks to the great work of secretary lew and many here today, isl is cut off from the International Financial system. Cutting off their money may not be as dramatic as military strikes but it is ally as is critically important. Some it own leaders have been caught stealing cash and gold. They show their true colors. They are not reap lidge just leaders, but thugs. And i push for my friends in the senate to confirm Adam Silverman who served in democratic and republican nominations. Everyone agrees he is eminently qualified, has been working on these kinds of issues for years. Its now been more than a years since i nominated him. More than 420 days and he still has not been given a full vote. There is no good reason for it. It is inexcusable. So its time for the senate to do it job, put the National Security first and vote on Adam Silverman. Isls ranks are shrinking as well. The morals are sinking. As one defector said, isl is not bringing islam to the world and people need to know that. Thanks to international efforts, the flow of tornado fighters including from of foreign fighters including from america to syria and i can rack has been decreasing. It has been now to it low els level in the last two and a half years. Even though we destroy isl militarily, we are fighting forces that have helped them gain strong. With regard to syria, that means that our continued support for the fragile cessation of hostilities there. The cessation of hostilities has not stopped all, even not most of the hardship on Syrian People and the hardship and civilians. At assad regime has been the main culprit in violating the cessation of hostilities. The affiliates of isl in syria and iraq continue to terrorize civilians. But as fragile as it is, it has saved lives and has allowed the delivery of lifesaving aid to those who need it. Well continue to push for a political process that will end the civil war and result in a transition away from assad. Beyond syria and libya beyond syria and iraq, isl is also losing grip in libya. We will continue to support the Libyan Government as it works to support their country lastly, here at home, if we really want to help Law Enforcement protect americans from home grown extremists, the kind of tragedies that occurred at San Bernardino and that now have occurred in orlando, there is a meaningful way to do that. We have to make it harder for people who want to kill americans to get their hands on weapons of war that let them kill dozens of innocents. It is absolutely true we cannot prevent every tragedy. But we know that, consistent with the second amendment, there are common sense steps that can reduce gun violence and could reduce the lethality of somebody who intends to do other people harm. We should give atf the resources they need to enforce the gun laws that we already have. People with possible ties to terrorism who are not allowed on a plane should not be allowed to buy a gun. Im talking about being tough on terrorism. Actually be tough on terrorism and stop making it as easy as possible for terrorists to buy assault weapons. Reinstayed the assault weapon reinstate the assault weapons ban. Make it tough for terrorists to kill americans using these weapons. Otherwise, despite extraordinary efforts by Law Enforcement, by our intel jennings community, by military, despite all the sacrifices that folks make, these kinds of events will keep happening. And the weapons are only going to get more powerful. Let me make a final point. For a while now, the main contribution that my friends from across the aisle have made is to criticize this administration and me for not using the phrase radical islam. Thats the key, they tell us. We cant beat isl until we call them radical islamist. What exactly would using this label accomplish . What exactly would it change . Would it make isl less committed to try to kill americans . Would it bring in more allies . Is there a military strategy that is served by this . The answer is none of the above. Calling a threat by different name does not make it go away. This is a political distraction. Since before i was president , i had been clear about how extremist groups have perverted islam to justifyterrorism. As president , i repeatedly called on allies around the world to reject this twisted interpretation of one of the worlds great religions. There has not been a moment in my seven and a half years as president where we have not been able to pursue a strategy because we didnt use the label radical islam. Not once has an advisor of mine said, man, if we really used that phrase, were going to turn this whole thing around. Not once. So someone seriously thinks that we dont know who we are fighting, if there is anyone who thinks that we are confused about who our enemies are, that would come as a surprise to the thousands of terrorists who we have taken off the battlefield. If the implication is that those of us up here and the thousands of people around the country and around the world who are working to defeat isl are not taking the fight seriously, that comes as a price to those who spent these last seven and a half years dismantling alqaeda and the fatah, for example, including the men and women in uniform who put their lives at risk and the special forces that i ordered to get bin laden and are now on the ground in iraq and syria. They know full well who the enemy he is. So does the intelligence and Law Enforcement officers 0 who spent countless hours disrupting plots, and protecting all americans. Including politicians who tweet. And appear on cable news shows. They know who the nature of the enemy is. So there is no magic to the phrase radical islam. Its a political talking point. Its not a strategy. And the reason i am careful about how i describe this threat has nothing to do with political correctness. And everything to do with actually defeating extremism. Groups like isl and alqaeda want to make this war a war between islam and america. Or between islam and the west. They want to claim that they are the true leaders of over a billion muslims around the world who reject their crazy notions. They want us to validate them by implying that they speak for those billion plus people, that they speak for islam. Thats their propaganda. Thats how they recruit. And if we fall into the trap of painting all muslims with a broad brush and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorists work for them. Up until this point, this argument about labels is mostly just partisan rhetoric. Sadly, we have all become accustomed to this partisanship, even when it involves the fight against these extremist groups. And that kind of yapping has not prevented folks across government from doing theirjobs, from sacrificing, from working really hard to protect the American People. But we are now seeing how dangerous this kind of mind set and this kind of thinking can be. We are starting to see where this kind of rhetoric and loose talk and sloppiness about who exactly were fighting, where this can lead us. We now have proposals from the gop presumptive president ial nominee to bar all muslims from emigrating to america. We hear language that singles out immigrants and suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence. Where does this stop . The orlando killer, one of the San Bernardino killers, the fort hood killer, they were all u. S. Citizens. Are we going to start treating all Muslim Americans differently . Are we going to start subjecting them to special surveillance . Are we going to start discriminating against them balls of their faith . Weve heard these suggestions during the course of this campaign. Do republican officials actually agree with this . Because thats not the america we want. It does not reflect our democratic ideals. It wont make us more safe. It will make us less safe. Fueling isls notion that the west hates muslims. Making young muslims in this country and around the world feel like, no matter what they do, theyre going to be under suspicion and under attack. Its makes Muslim Americans feel like their government is betraying them. It betrays the very values that america stands for. Weve gone through moments in our history before when we acted out of fear and we came to regret it. Weve seen our government mistreat our fellow citizens. And it has been a shameful part of our history. S that country founded on basic freedoms, including freedom religion. We dont have religious tests here. Our founders, our constitution, our bill of rights are clear about that. And if we ever abandon those values, we would not only make it easier to radicalize people here around world but we would have betrayed the very things that we are trying to protect. The pluralism and the openness, our rule of law, our civil liberties, the very things that make this country great, the very things that make us exceptional. And then the terrorists would have won. And we cannot let that happen. I will not let that happen. You know, two weeks ago, at the Commencement Ceremony at the air force academy, i had could not have been more inspiring to see these young people stepping up dedicated to serve and protect this country. And part of what was inspiring was the incredible diversity of these cadets. We saw ka debts straight applauding classmates who are openly gay. We saw cadets who were born here in this country applauding cadets who love this country so much that they want to serve. And we saw cadet applauding patriot Muslim Americans, ready to lay their lives on the line to protect you and to protect me. We saw male ka dead applauding for female classmates who could now serve in combat positions. Thats the american military. Thats america. One team. One nation. Those are the values that isl is trying to destroy. And we should not help them do it. Our diversity and our respect for one another are drawing on the talents of everybody in this country. Our making sure that we are treating everybody fairly, that we are not judging people on the basis of what faith they are or what race they are or what ethnicity they are or what their Sexual Orientation is. Thats what makes this country great. Thats the spirit we see in orlando. Thats the unity and resolve that will allow us to defeat isl. Thats what will preserve our values and our ideals that define us as americans. Thats how were going to defend this nation. And thats how were going to defend our way of life. Thank you very much. President obama addressing National Security in an event that he planned before. He also pushed back against republicans who were getting on the president for not using the words radical islam and also took a swipe what republicans and donald trump trying to politicize this. And there is also a warning regarding scams regarding this horrible tragedy. People want to make donations but you need to make sure that your money is going to the right place or the account set up for donation is legitimate. Welcome to the 9 again. Jared wise with the Better Business bureau here in the bay area. Thank you for joining us. Have you received any report from anybody here in the bay area saying that they got a funny call about . Oorld. Not yet, but this is the time when we when they start to pop up. How do i know . What is a red flag that somebody is a scam, someone mends me an email or makes someone sends me an email or makes a phone call. Look at the details. Dot research. Look at the details. I was on a crowd funding site today and one Popular Crowd Funding Campaign right now thats already raised over 3 milliondollar. Right, this is the gofundme account. Right. Its because they gave a lot of details. They gave a lot of specifics about the charity they are supporting, the cause they are supporting, about the donations, where they are going and they have attorneys available as well so they will be able to distribute the funds, too. Theyll have a lot of details and they are answering those questions and they are available, too. The big thing on that is to be able to contact the people to be able to ask those questions. Americans are very generous. That is why people are so easily sucked in. People want to do something one at the right time comes along. People are very vulnerable. It hurts everybody right now. The biggest thing that you can do is just do your research. Dont just jump on your emotions. You want it you want to donate right away but look at the organization. You know 0, bucks is a thing that will go a long way for someone. Do you see scam artists coming out of the wood work, with a tragedy like this. Every time. The more its in the news, the more its talked b the more emotional it i the more it impacts you, the more theyll try to take advantage of you. Thank you so much, jared. Well be right back here on the 9. Unless we are switching gears well take a break and be right back. I shining through rs i see your true colors and thats why i love you so dont be afraid to let them show your true colors true colors true colors are beautiful wedding season is here so how about going hightech. Tara moriarty is looking at a couple of vendors who are offering different things. Married, packed. Well explain what that means. We are here on the roof top of one of the coolest, newest venues. Look at the ocean the bay right here. Joining me is crystal who is in charge of the bay event. You are offering everything all in one. Absolutely. Again, yeah, over a decade of doing, this you see so much change. So part of the big thing that we are doing is exactly that, married in tech with all the technology that people are using to create their wedding. You will see some of the stuff that we are sharing today reporter i love these. What are those . They are the place cards. One of the biggest reporter how cute is that . Yeah, they are adorable. They are dye cut and etched. 42 players makes it accessible to online customized place cards with peoples names. We wanted to show video of inside your cool venue. Can you describe what you see here . Huge tree. Amazing. The pearl here is phenomenal. We are here on the roof top. There is not many places in the city with this big of a space on the roof top. There is so much art that represents most of the citys culture and everything going on. We have the cool bar, awesome bar. Awesome bar, huge tree that actually, i believe, the actual this is refurbished. They have done some great work inside. Definitely the bar is amazing and the ceiling is high. Looks like an old warehouse and its kind of cool inside. So that means plenty of room for the sweaty dancers, right . And if you want to come back live now, we are on the roof top right now. Well show you what these are these are standin bride and groom. They are not getting married but they look fabulous. This is where people would start off the event . Absolutely. Whoever is talking about roof top, once again being in the city. A few places have roof tops. I told them to do that. They are amazing you see the roof here behind me, thats amazing. They are able to have this amazing chic and sweet ceremony and have the accessibility downstairs for cocktail hours and receptions and everything in between. Reporter by the way, they rent out bridesmaids breasts. You know, its affordable because you dont ever wear that bridesmaid gown. It seems like there are some popular diets every other week. Im joined this morning by health and wellness coach dorothy jack some youre going to tackle two big myths that are out there, first, lets start with, everyone thinks im gluten free. Unless you have celiac disease, you dont need to be gluten free. Thats a half a billion dollars industry right now. You see it everywhere. But it is not done right by most people and thats what i want to clarify. So done poorly, instead of having a morning muffin, now im having my morning gluten free muffin. The problem is, when you take that gluten out, thats that gives it that sticky. So you have to add Something Else in . Is what we add is sugar, preservatives. People would not grab these cookies because we know thats not free for us but if its gluten free, i tell myself, its okay because its gluten free. The calories are in there. Sometimes there are more no order to make up for the loss of glued en. Im glued en free. Now i get to have a glued en free cookie. Speaking of cookies, i mention something to you. I remember when snackwell burst on to the scene, remember, fat free little devils food cake, everything was fat free and we i mean people were eating the entire box. We got a license to overeat suites. Talk to me about fatfree packaging and how that entices them to do these things, that we dont think of being treats. Fatfree, low calorie diet food dont have the nutrition. This low fat Peanut Butter spread is pretty much chemicals as you can see. We are not actually feeding our bodies with real food. Hence us being hungry an hour or two later. We also get addicted to that food because of all the sugar. So i would rather someone have two or three tablespoons of real full fat Peanut Butter in order to fulfill that. Lets talk about yogurt. People think that yogurt equals healthy. Do you want us to read the back and check the grams of sugar . 30 grams of sugar in one serving of this. Yeah, its scary. Low fat yogurt is put out there as being healthy and low in calories. But, again, when you take that fat out, you are putting sugar and adding in chemicals in. This yogurt has 30 grams of sugar. Might as well have a snickers back. And talking about ideas that you give to your claimants around the area, how to make plain yogurt more palatable . Yes. I would a grassfed whey protein. If you add that, you will be surprised. It tastes amazing, like ice cream. I would recommend mixing in a little bit of full fat butter, chopped nuts. Fruits, maybe strawberries. Frozen berries would be really, really great. Thank you for joining us once again. Back to you, gentlemen. Gasia, thank you very much. We have a little girl here we want to show every junho can probably give steph curry a run for his money. Lets show you Joelle Emanuel from louisiana. Her instagram videos received more than 60 million views. She has been playing the game for years. And the basketball skills run in the family. Her dad taughter everyone that she knows. Thats important to me because he teaches me how to play basketball, takes care of me. Over the weekend, wnba Phoenix Mercury invited her to meet the team and her favorite player, brittany greiner. Well hear from her later on. Im going to eat all of that food. Thank you for joining us. There is that whey protein. My name is jamir dixon and im a locafor pg e. Rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg e. My truck is something new. Its an 811 truck. When you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you dont hit them when youre digging. 811 is a free service. Im passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. Theyre the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then ill drive it every day of the week. Together, were building a better california. Live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. How you doin . You wont believe what im about to tell you. With all due respect my girls are always turned out. I give it to you straight, no chaser. Now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] ooh ooh. Wendy come on now. You know i love this. Ooh ooh. Wendy hi. Thank you so much for coming to my show

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