Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 9am 20160322

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Checking in to a flight, this morning, when the blast happened. They were seriously injured. Three men, ages 66, 19 and 20. The blast happened outside the Security Check point in the departure area. One of the bombs weapon off the area. Starbucks kiosk in starbucks says all of the employees are accounted for, a total of 11 people were killed in the explosions at the airport. You can see in the video, people pouring out of the airport terminal, the windows are blown out. See smoke in the background. An official tells the Associated Press that 1 possibly two rifles were found in the departure area of the airport after the attacks. Some of the witnesss at the scene described hearing gunfire, another witness described a terrifying scene after hearing one of the blasts. Big bang. It was a very loud explosion. Its not something that fell on the ground. People have been posting pictures on social media including the one you are looking at there of a destroyed metro train car. The explosion in the subway happened after an hour after the blast at the airport. In this video here, that was posted on social media, see people walking out one of the train cars in the metro system in brussels and people are walking on the tracks through a dark tunnel to get out of the system, get to safety. Brussels mayor says 20 people were killed in the subway explosion, more than 100 people injured. All this happening days after the prime suspect in the paris terror attacks, abdeslam was arrested in brussels. Officials have been bracing for attacks for weeks, warning that isis was actively preparing, the arrest of abdeslam heightened the fears, they came to fruition this morning. The latest information coming in is that isis claimed responsible for this attack, earlier this morning, president obama spoke about the brussels attacks in cuba as he wraps up the visit and says the world must unite and be together regardless of nationality and race or faith and fighting against the scourge of terrorism. Ceo says that the airport will in deed, remain closed through wednesday at least, to go to your point about the arrest of abdeslam, is it believed the attacks were planned in response to that arrest or were these attacks planned prior to his arrest . Thats not clear at this point. Certainly because of the coordinated nature of these attacks, appears that spot and planning went in to it ahead of time. He was arrested last week, it is possible that the chain of events in planning the attacks started before he was arrested. But thats information that we are hoping to get in later this afternoon, its a developing fluid situation and we havent heard much from Security Officials except police in belgium are pursuing one suspect in this case, linked to the attacks. They are not giving a lot of details. Thats an active situation they are pursuing. Maybe a Middle Grounds in mikes question of where where the attacks planned before or in reaction to, i heard some experts say there may have been something planned but the arrest of abdeslam put this action to the front of the line. May have given whoever the Group Planning the attacks more of a sense of urgency to execute them today, and execute them days after the arrest of abdeslam. That maybe the case. One of the things we dont know in paris, there were three attacks, maybe the attacks, some people are worried there could be more. You never know, that city is on edge, seeing a lot of traffic on social media, people in that city are very nervous. The targets here were in belgium. One was close to the european commission. One was by American Airlines at the airport. You have to remember that in deed the targets were in the country, this is an international attack. Right. Now airports in europe are tightening security in the wake of the attacks in the city of brussels including paris, london, amsterdam, live picture outside San Francisco international, outside the international terminal. We learned that the San Francisco Police Department is in deed, increasing patrols in transit areas around sfo in response to the attacks in brussels. Our photographer there, saw Police Officers with bomb sniffing dogs, walking through the terminal. Officials say they are not making any special changes to passenger screening procedures at this time. They are reviewing the situation with the tsa. There are no direct flights from here to belgium, meantime bart told us this morning that they have increased uniform patrols in the system including deploying specially trained asset teams and urge people to report anything unusual. Thats right. Stay w with us here on the 9 in a few minutes, we will talk to Eric Swalwell, his office, he is back east in capitol hill. His office sent out this statement. The attack on 183 year alli, and host country must not paralyze us with fear, or go unanswered. We will talk to congressman smallwell in 23 minutes from back east. People are taking to twitter to share thoughts with people in europe. We want to ask you, if you are changing your travel plans in light of the attacks in brussels today, the attacks in paris in late november, are you avoiding going to europe or shifting plans or staying closer to home . What is your reaction to the attacks we are covering this morning in brussels . When you talk to us on twitter, use the hash tag ktvu the 9. We will read your answers at 9 30. To news in the bay area, 30 minutes ago, transgender pride flag raised for the first time at a county of santa clara building. Kick off lgbt awareness events going on through april. We are joined by ken yeager. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning to all of oh you. A special day for you there in the county, i want to ask, why do you think it has taken so long for this moment to happen . Reporter well, there has been a lot of mystery, a lot of ignorance about transgender people. I think as more people have come out and open about their lives as we learn more about the Trans Community that you will be able to see a lot more education and a lot more public support for trans people than we have seen before. It sort of follows on the lgbt movement with people coming out and being open to family and friends, remarkable change that has had happened. I think we will be finding that with the Trans Community as well. Did you face opposition to this. Is there a reason why it did take so long for the county to do this eventually . We fly the rainbow flag here at the county building everyday of the workweek. We have been very visible in our support for lgbt people, im an openly gay official. This is the second year we have done accommodation, it was a year ago, show we began flying the rainbow flag and made sense we would fly the trans pride flag as well. It wasnt much of an issue of that the time has come, its just that as there has been more public eventses about the Trans Community, we thought it would fit in well to what we do here almost everyday at the county. As california and other states and individual cities work to pass legislation, on allowing transgender students to use whatever bathroom they feel fits the gender identity in schools, you see opposition to ideas such as that. What is your reaction to the push and pull we are seeing in california and around the country. Reporter here in santa clara, we are supportive of that, it only makes sense, its too bad that many people are using that as a political platform, to sort of dem trans people they are dealing with everyday. Here we havent had any of that kind of push back, i have been involved in the Gay Rights Movement my entire life, we know its not an easy struggle. We need everybody to stay strong. Nothing happens quickly. Again, as people are honest and open about themselves and particularly as we learn about trans teenagers, as well, realizing the struggles they go through and anything we can do to make their lives better to be more accepting, they dont experience bullying, that we have a society will be that much stronger. Ken yeager, thank you for joining us this morning on the 9 the attacks in belgium are raising concerns about our security in the u. S. You will see increased patrols at key transit sites at airports and metro stations. Eric swalwell is a member of the house permanent select intelligence are you been briefed. Any chance the level in the United States maybe changed . Good morning. Im going to be briefed momentarily, of course, right now at the capitol, we stand with the people of brussels. Belgium is a alli of over 180 years to the United States, a seat of government for the European Union and nay to and has to be viewed as attack on america and allies. Now, in the United States, our posture is, americans should go about their regular doings and let Law Enforcement and intelligence officials run to the ground all possible, lead the threats. They doing that as we have been doing since isis really escalated the activity. Now that isis claimed responsibility for the attack, thats new within the past half hour or so. How did that change this for you. Reporter this attack had an isis signature to it. They have demonstrated a plan and ability to strike our allis in europe. Its close to turkey, you can go down in to iraq and syria and come back with the stills on the battlefield. Thats been a problem in europe, so, we are not surprised isis has done thises now, we are looking here at home as to whether there are additional threats that we should be looking at. Im fairly confident our Law Enforcement with all the tool as they have, are doing everything they can to make sure we dont see Something Like this happen at home and learn about any leads that are developing here. How safe are americans traveling tammly at the moment. Is tajly at the moment. Is internationally at the moment. Raising protection for americans that are going overseas. Reporter isis has been on the rise, we saw, they have escalated their ability to strike in europe and also in turkey. People have to be mindful of that. We cant be paralyzed by fear. We should know isis operates in europe, they are determined to attack westerners, at the same time, nothing defeats isis more than freedom of movement and ideas. I think depend on our government and allies, to scrub them where ever they maybe, lets got paralyze ourselveses and stop our daily doings. It seems that brussels as of the last few years has been the epicenter for the terrorist activity. Not necessarily explosions but the mull enbeck neighborhood. What do you know about the Anti Terrorism security. Reporter the arrest of abdeslam, he showed you can arrest a mastermind of the paris attacks and isis is still able to carry out these attacks. I know we must prepare and brace for more and my wishes are with the belgium people as they live through what has to be terrifying times. We know you have a meeting to go to. Thank you for joining us on the 9. Obviously, we will be in touch with you later on. Coming up, the 9, is there more relief for bart riders this morning. We will check in with how the commute is looking at this morning and agency that deals with the on going electrical problem. Thats what they have this morning, limited service between the two stations as engineers continue to try to figure out what this mysterious electrical problem is, along the stretch of track that knocked 50 cars out of service, bart has brought in outside consultants and special equipment, trying to figure out measure the electricity on the tracks and figure out what is going wrong here. At this point, they are glad to have this one train running again along the troubled stretch of track. Reporter the first sign of the return of service at bart. We can only have one train. We dont want to add more trains and overload the system. We are seeing signs of the voltage problem. Rp another thing we saw was bart trying to show appreciation to customers, passing out free round trip passes for bart this morning at the North Station to try to make up for the inconvenience, riders have gone through for the past week or so. Things returning to normal. The one shuttle train taking passengers between pittsburgh and north concord. This is between the morning commute hours and evening commute hours and the other times going to have the bus bridge. They are trying to slowly return things to normal as engineers desperately try to figure out what the problem is. What keeps knocking all the cars out of service in this area. They are asking the canadian government for a 2 billion bailout. An officer died in the line of duty. The large turnout is expected for his memorial today. On the san mateo coast. Sunny to mostly sunny today. Rainbows all over the place, christopher in the east bay. One hit by a neighbors house. No pot of gold. Need a new neighbor then. Rainfall totals good for some. Especially in montecito, oakmont, highway 12, oak land hills half inch. 42 100s. Couple of areas didnt pick up much. San franciscos half inch, santa rosa. Right along the san mateo coast, point ray, southward, fort bragg north, rain, it is winding down. Not a lot left, pretty cold air up north. Right there, along highway 1, if you are traveling, where did this rain come from. This is for the next few hours, things will winds down, in the sierra nevada. Mostly sunny, it will be cold tomorrow, sunny and warmer thursday, friday in to saturday. A ange brewing for sunday and monday. Over to brian here, you got an update on the news. Here are the top stories we are following, californias drought and el nino storms are topics a at white house water summit. President obama still in cuba, he will not attend. It will include representatives from the Regional Park district and members of some 200 organizations nationwide. They will discuss steps it took in response to the drought, such as Irrigation Systems and community outreach. They announce ads goal of saving 250 million gallons over five years. A large turnout expected today for the Memorial Service of a sacramento area chp officer that died in the line of duty. Nathan tailor died on march 13th. Hit by a car while directing traffic on interstate 80. He lived in rockland and leaves behind a waif and three sons. Brown and harris will be among those attending the Memorial Service starting at 10 00 a. M. This morning in roseville. A report reveals the Police Department tried town successfully fire two officers accused of misconduct. Report was issued by swanson reviewing the departments disciplinary procedures. There is progress but siteed two case as reasons why there is room for improvement. He says since april, opd has had the firings of two officers reversed by an arbitrator. An officer was accused of Inappropriate Conduct with a prostitute and another, an officer was fired for using excessive force. The future of the raiders remains unclear. On friday, the Colosseum Authority is expected to approve a deal for the silver and black to stay in oak land for a year. No feelings that the rams are the teams chose on the move to the la area and davis says he loves the site where the rams will build the new stadium near la tamm airport. The chargers have one year to decide if they will move in with the rams, if not the raiders could move there after that. Davis calls that quote a great opportunity, as for oak land he says he is still trying to get something done about the stadium. Those are the morning headlines. Lines. Coming up next on mornings on 2, the terror attacks in brussels claiming the lives of more than 30 people. Up next, we will have a live interview with San Francisco police on what they are doing right now in the wake of the attacks. Nothing will keep you from magnum double caramel. Silky vanilla bean ice cream rich caramel sauce all covered in thick chocolate. Discover magnum, double dipped for Double Chocolate pleasure. The Gillette Mach 3 turbo still feels better after 10 shaves than a disposable on its first. Mach 3 blades have twice the coatings. For a closer shave with zero redness. Get an incredible experience shave after shave after shave. Gillette. The best a man can get. Fox news sent out this tweet, saying, just in, belgium authorities have released an image of three suspects at brussels airport, after terrorist attacks. This came via Benjamin Hall who tweeted it for fox news, one of the correspondents based in london, he got news word of this and gave it to fox news, and in the picture, you see they have circled something, mike, can you tell what that is. I got it on the phone. I enlarged it. It looks like in the middle, looks like he has a glove on his left hand or something covering it. His right hand is visible. For the gentlemen on the left, the screen, the same red circlement his lefthand is covered possibly with a glovement his right hand not so much. The far gentlemen on the right side of the screen, no red circles around anything on his body there in his hands, clearly visible. A third bomb has been found and deactivated. Not all the bombs planned to go off did go off. Many people are wondering what could come next. There have been three expotion explosions. Three americans injured. In the past hour or so, isis claimed responsibility for the attack, many people including representative Eric Swalwell saying the attack had the isis hallmark. It is confirmed ice sis claiming responsibility. This devastation comes after the prime suspect in the paris terror attack was arrested in brussels. Transport is experiencing higher security because of what happened overseas. We want to get to taras joined by a spokesperson from San Francisco police. Reporter any time we have an attack like this, they are going to be beefing up security in the bay area, particularly at the airports, the bus stations and joining me live is officer sparsa to let us know what that means. Every morning we come in to works we monitor what is going on around the world and the nation. We saw the terrorist attacks in europe and increasing patrol presence. That means, we have additional officers, out and about, visible deterrent, report to officials if they see somethings say something. The goal is to provide safety and security. The message here is, in the public sees something, we want them to notify an official. Its the sixth sense, when you feel something might be off you are probably right. Tell somebody. If it warrants 911, call 911. Notify station agent or tsa, depending on where you are. Whether someone leave as briefcase, walks away we want people to report to Law Enforcement so we can take care of the matter. If you have the 6th sense, something doesnt feel right, say something. Reporter when we talk about this increased police presence, should we be seeing canines, something at the port where you have a large territory to cover. We have a full time canine unit and officers on foot patrol, bike patrol, you can see potentially areas where canine might be Walking Around, officers on foot, Walking Around the terminals at the port of San Francisco, stations, we will have a visible increase presence on patrol as well, above ground and below ground. How long are we going to be in the heightened state of alert. We monitor it throughout the day, we can do it as long as it takes. The whole entire day, it could be the next few days, it depends on the worldwide events, what we are seeing. For the time being we will have this until further notice, again, we want people to report suspicious activity and working with our federal partners at the airport or city Family Partners in San Francisco. Thank you for joining us live. We are going to be heading out to San Francisco airport little bit later today to sort of check in with passengers and see what their flights have been light and look around the area and take note of the officers out there. As the officer mentioned, be on your toes and report anything that you think might be suspicious. Back to you. Earlier this morning, president obama on historic visit to cuba spoke about the terror attacks in belgium. Thoughts and prayers of the American People are with the people of belgium. We stand in solidarity with them, in condemning the outrageous attacks against innocent people. We will do whatever is necessary in bringing to sus gis those responsible. Justice those responsible. This is a reminder the world must unite, we must be together, regardless of nationality, or race or faith, in fighting against the scourge of terrorism. We can and we will defeat those who threaten the safety and security of people all around the world. Towards the top of news cast we asked you to send us on twitter hash tag ktvu the 9. If the attacks would affect your traveling, if you are expected to travel soon or in the future. Natalie chimed in saying i would still travel to europe, terrorism cannot define us, we must overcome our fear and be thankful for life and spread love. Lexi said going to germany and wont change my plans, we have to live our lives without fear. Britney is going to prog and vienna, people are going to keep plans. Facebook has activated the safety check feature, something we saw happen after the paris attacks in november. Let your friends and family know you are okay. Shifting gears to the race for the was. Three States Holding primaries or caucus, donald trump is extending olive branch to members of the republican party. He went to washington dc yesterday, met with wealthy donors and gop leaders, he criticized president obama and hilary clinton, they were met with boos and applause during the speech. Hilary clinton addressed the Public Affairs committee and told the audience trump doesnt have israels interest at heart. We need steady hands, not a president who says he is neutral on monday, pro israel on tuesday, and who knows what on wednesday, because everything is negotiable. Clinton called trump a unpredictable bully who cant be trusted to defend israel or keep america safe. Bernie sanders is in california, appearing at a rally in san diego, fighting for a spot in the white house despite clintons widening lead and received a lot of support in california, raising 9. 5 million for his campaign. Here is a list of places holding votes, republicans have a primary in arizona, caucuses in utah, a caucus in the territory american is samoa. Democrats voting in arizona and utah, democrats caucuses in idaho, republicans held the vote two weeks ago. Manage by q started in new york and locations in chicago, los angeles and San Francisco. Offers companies a range of Services Including cleaning, maintenance, ip support and supplys. And making headlines for how its paying employees. Service workers receive above minimum wage and benefits and 401k. We are joined by ceo of the San Francisco location. I want to ask you, is this better job than you thought you would have. This is the best job i ever had. I wake up to come to work. You enjoy going to work. I enjoy it. Its the best thing ever. Do you enjoy seeing these types of reactions . We started 2 years ago in new york, the vision and the goal of the company is to provide a great experience for our customers, but for everyone we employ as well, which is why a lot of the focus is for creating good jobs and ensuring everyone has a great Work Environment and treated equally, cleaning operator, handyman has the same benefits and perkss that Software Engineers and executive team. You found providing the great experience does what. Providing the experience creates better value for the company. Companies thought, workers are sort of a cost, for us, we think of workers as adding value and helping to create additional profit. Because we provide them with a great experience. Our ceo said it best, to provide the best services we need to employ the best people and be the best employer. Can you tell me, we have been watching a nationwide movement for 15 minimum an hour minimum wage especially fast food workers. If we pay 15 an hour, we will have to raise the menu prices. Tell us how you are doing. Manage iq is a Premium Service, we looked at other companies and we provide not only the great quality that a Premium Service requires, but that offices are willing to pay for us going above and beyond. For us, we are able to charge the prices and also continue to pay good wages for our workers. I want to ask you, have your friends or family members been surprised that or maybe other friends say how can i work for the company, it sounds like a good job. They are always asking me. I always get text message, how do you get this wonderful job. You have to want it. You have to apply yourself to it. I give them the website, i recommended 3 or 4 people so far. I have to make sure this is what they want to do. Were you in the same industry doing the same job before manage by q. What was that experience like . I have been doing this for 17 years. Its likes a passion for me. They are there for us. The other companies i was working for, not that i didnt like them, it was an independent contractor. More with them is we get our 401k, they are taking out taxes, i dont have to deal with a 1099. They are much better than i was before and im making more money. Im making more money. Do you feel they listen. They listen. You are right, they always listen. Its not a day i cant call them with a personal problem or a job problem, they are there for me, like no matter what, no matter time it is, they are there. Good testimonial. She is one of our best. Expansion responsibilities . Absolutely. Our goal is to be in every global city by 2020s we have hundreds of operators and our goal is to have thousands. Congratulations, thank you for being here. Coming up on mornings on 2, a twist in the battle between apple and fbi. How the government believes it can hack in to the San Bernardino cell phone without apples help. First full week of spring, Spring Cleaning your love life, the relationship expert, when its time to say out with the old, in with the new. Lifes morning multitasking for a growing family, and drawers with many layers, to show exactly what you need. Lifes sharing a meal. And a kitchen with room for everyone. Spend 4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15 back at the ikea kitchen event. Bap this is a retreat on the governments part. If the fbi was planning to doesnt legal fight, they wouldnt have been asked to take the hearing off calendar. The only reason you ask is because you are done, you are troping the case. The fbi says its not dropping the case, its asking the judge for more time at this point, so it can test this proposed method to see if it works. If it does work, the fbi may have new information. If not the government could head back to court. The criticism has been, there is a way to crack in to the one phone without apple, the fbi cant do it, the government is behind in terms of technology. We will find out if this works it will be interesting. Apple released ideas for the future of tech, it unveiled new products. Tim cook showed off a smaller iphone, the ipad pro, with a smaller 9. 7inch version and less expensive version of the apple watch. Apple had a table full of gadgets for journalists and bloggers to touch and try out. The question is what will consumers think of the newest products. The reaction, kind of mixed depending on what kinds of devices people already have. I love apple. Everything is apple. Apple is the new 45, the new 50. I had a bad extension, the apple 41, i have been happy with my phone. The products are not for everybody, they could be interesting to customers who maybe avoided product so is far because of size or price, that may draw them in to apple. The first week of spring, its not just your house, that could use a little cleaning, what about the relationships. What is the best way to break up, for the relationships you keep, how much information should you share on line . Joining us again, Nicky Goldstein making the return to the program. I have to explain ghosting to the entire control room. Its when we had a couple of days and it goes dark. I may have been guilty of it before. Its something we are seeing more and more, we are in the fast paced dating society. We are distracted and disposable. If you have been on a few dates its not working out, you have to have that conversation, i dont see a future for us or do you disappear in to the social media background. Its a moral debate. We need to be communicating more. Relying on hiding behind on a phone, on the other hand, if it hasnt been serious, because we are rapidly dating, do we have to have a conversation to say, its not really, im not in to it, its not you or many, does that say that maybe we were more serious about the relationship when it was casual in the first place. What about the person that disappears. If you have been in a relationshiptype scenario, i think you owe someone closure, especially for reason, we are in cyber space stalking people, why doesnt he like me, what is wrong with me. He should say we are not necessarily right today. You got your phd in human sexuality. Was there on line component to the way people date now. We werent dating when this was going on. We didnt have like the whole dating thing. Thats new. Did you learn about that in your studies. The difficulty with dating, we can look at how humans interact and how we identify sexually. Dating is an exact science. It is fast paced. We are seeing new trends and new ways of dating pop up every few seconds. I think when we look at how we approach dating, its coming back to the individual, helping the individual person work out what do they want. Building them up and empowering them. They are able to go out with different options and choose what is right for them and what is not right for them. What do couples lose compared to 20 years ago . At the start of dating. Is there something they are not getting in the first weeks or months that the three of us had . We tend to skip over the basic Building Blocks. When we look at building connections intimacy and things like that, we are distracted. People are getting through the numbers game. When you take the Building Blocks away, if the relationship is a year or two years in, that could play a role. I think this is the difference when we are talking about superficial dating. We are dating people on a list, a guy like this or this, fits this criteria, thanks to mmon line and app dating we can find that. He is the type of person i want, i can find them. When with are not meeting people organically or looking for the connection or intimacy, we are missing out on. That life is going on and stresses and chin, if we dont have the mace children, if we dont have the basic Building Blocks, what happens when you put pressure on a relationship, it starts to crack. We are looking at celebrity instagram pages, flowers, and so and so gets a bentley. I get an oven mitt. When you compare your life to the other lives that look fabulous on the screen, its hard to be happy of that oven mitt. We are living in the society of seeing that in relationships and people are taking to social media to broadcast and say look what we are doing and look how happy we are. Is that for validation, are you happy within your own relationship or do you feel the need to share it, you want people to comment and say i love that, that looks amazing, how amazing your partner got you the flowers. That can set up false levels of standards. You can be like why isnt my relationship behind that. What is going on behind the selfi. If you had to meet a gentlemen or whoever you want to date, would you rather do it on line or in person, running in to them at the market. Organic person. Im spontaneous, when you meet somebody and it click, im interested. Phone number on the cocktail napkin. Maybe. I have an iphone can i put it in. I can put it in. Ti see vanilla specks. A little crushed vanilla bean. Twenty hundred vanilla specks. Breyers has fresh cream, sugar and milk. Breyers natural vanilla. Mi and fresh cream. And only sustainably farmed vanilla. Heres my ice cream dance. Ever spin on your head . Yeah. Once. Breyers. The good vanilla. Were proud to announce that our milk and cream come from cows not treated with artificial growth hormones. A little girl from the south bay is reaching out to help other children in need of comfort and support. Look at little lily ferno, she asked for donations of stuffed animals for her birthday to give them to the Santa Clara County fire department. She is in second grade and dropped off 15 stuffed animals. A friends of hers fell from the slide at a camp. Crews gave the friend a teddy bear. I saw the teddy bear and i thought when i came up to my birthday, i should collect teddy bears. Im totally impressed with a little girls heart and her wanting to take the initiative to pay forward a kind act to somebody else that might need it. Fire department has been giving out thousands of stuffed animals over the years. The donations will add to the supplies the department keeps on hand. Are you look for the best places to travel in the United States . You dont have to look far. San francisco was ranked 5th best vacation destination in the u. S. Some of the other cities on the top 10 list include new york, sydney, loss vai las vegas and orlando and chicago. Sport illustrated is shining the spotlight on the San Francisco giants. With the headline, even year odds, secret weapon every other year magic and adding another ace doesnt hurt. They play the first game at at t thursday, preseason exhibition game against the as. Cant wait. Getting close my friends. We will get there. That is our show for this mornings thank you for joining us. We will have all the latest 30 seconds in the show, i went a little early. You were going to say we are following the developing news this brussels to explosionses 30 s, 30 killed. New information continues to filter in to newsroom. We will update you at twitter, ktvu. Com, we are be here for you at noon. Lifes sharing a meal. And a kitchen with room for everyone. Spend 4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15 back at the ikea kitchen event. Lifes sharing a meal. And a kitchen with room for everyone. Spend 4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15 back at the ikea kitchen event. Announcer live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. How you doin . The kids have come to play today. You wont believe what im about to tell you. My girls are always turned out. I give it to you straight, no chaser. Announcer now, heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] hey, you

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