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Of a change in the numbers but today the numbers back into the upper 90s or around 100. We have the Ocean Offshore with the fog and some of that fog is working its way back to the coast and around the bay. As you step out the door, we have 50s and 60s popping up for san jose and at the airport 52 degrees. The 7 am temperatures 56 to 63 and warming up at lunchtime with the temperature range expanding and San Francisco lower 70s and upper 90s for livermore, concord and antioch. We will take a look at your weekend forecast coming up in a few minutes and sal is standing by and checking out the roadways. We have slow traffic out there which is typical and that is typical. We are looking at the east shore freeway, a pretty decent commute from the carquinez bridge to the martinez maze. 18 minutes to get to the martinez bridge to the maze carquinez bridge to the maze. Chp is not reporting any problems on the bridge or on the dumbarton bridge heading to the peninsula and you can see for yourself as we look at the bridges and the peninsula, traffic is a little bit slow. When you get on the other side of the san mateo bridge i want to mention that westbound 92 at foster city boulevard they are clearing an accident on the shoulder that could be causing some slowing. Even though the crash is not on the bridge it could affect you. If you use the san mateo bridge give yourself an extra 10 to 15 minutes. It is 6 03 am. Strong disagreement about the President Trump decision to ban the transgender from serving in the military. Hundreds rallied in San Francisco last night to protest the ban, and Christien Kafton joining us from the Castro District which was the starting point for the march and i imagine people are still out there and very upset today. Reporter people will still want to voice their opinion about the issue. Hundreds gathered right here in the castro and made their way down to the city hall voicing their opposition to the President Trump policy. Mayor ed lee tweeting out a photo of city hall eliminated with blue, pink and white stripes. The president tweeted the announcement yesterday morning saying in part that our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical cost and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Does that serve in our military deserve the respect and gratitude of our nation and our president. Though i may be against the war i will support every soldier that comes home and make sure they have healthcare. Reporter they will have to figure out how to implement the President Trump policy and the Travis Air Force base has about a dozen transgender and releasing a statement, we will continue to work with the department of defense to see what it will look like with new guidelines coming from our commander in chief. Some servicemembers agree with the guidelines. I totally agree with him. I dont know how they went to changing the gender from dont ask, dont tell. That is not what our country is about. Reporter the pentagon does not keep track of transgender personnel so it is unclear how many Service Personnel this will impact. According to the u. S. News world report they estimate between 29 and 129 servicepeople seek gender reassignment and that could impact their ability to deploy which could cost between 2. 48. 4 million dollars. In the meantime arizona senator john mccain ahead of the Senate Armed Services committee is criticizing the president s ban on transgender soldier saying that the department of defense is already decided to allow currently serving transgender individuals to stay in the military and many are serving honorably today. Any and american that meets the current standard should allowed to serve. Kamala harris tweeting it is discriminatory and unamerican. We should honor the courage of americans that volunteer to sacrifice for our nation and not turn them away. For the second time california has refused to turn over information on the california voters to the President Trump Commission Investigating allegations of voter fraud and they sent a letter to the california secretary of state asking for the voter names, addresses, voter history and party affiliation. The commission is asked all 50 states for that information and at least 16 other states refuse saying that it would violate voter privacy. The President Trump formed the commission after claiming millions voted illegally and the 2016 election. Lawmakers in dc say that the senate is ready to impose new sanctions on russia and the house passed the measure on tuesday and the senate is expected to schedule a vote sometime this week. The white house says that President Trump is not yet decided whether to sign the bill and the legislation is aimed at punishing russia for the annexation of crania from ukraine in 2014 and for interfering in the Russian Election president ial election. Russia calls this sanction an extremely on friendly unfriendly act and threatening retaliation. Trying to piece together the winning Healthcare Coalition after another vote was defeated yesterday and the parties split from those that want to repeal the Affordable Care act completely and others that want a slimmeddown approach. Caroline shively has more from washington. Reporter after the efforts to repeal obama care failed republicans are likely turning to the skinny repeal bill. It is disappointing to me but we will have to keep the process moving or we will be stuck with this mess of obamacare. Reporter the skinny repeal would get rid of the impossible employer and individual insurance mandates passed in the original obamacare legislation. The primary goal first is to give People Freedom over their own healthcare choices again. Reporter critics say the mandates are removed that the young and healthy will drop coverage leaving behind the old and sicker americans that could destabilize the insurance market, raise premiums and increase the number of uninsured by millions. Democrats will be here fighting force long as it takes to be back the shameful healthcare bills. We hear the american people. We hear you, we are on your side, and we will never give up. Reporter Senate Democrats are refusing to even offer amendments. We have to see it first, and we ought to see it soon in broad daylight. That was Caroline Shively reporting. The group of 10 republican and democratic governors want to republicans and democrats to Work Together on the healthcare and so far the idea is not getting off the ground. Happening today the California Supreme Court is expected to release a decision that could have major invocations on the highspeed rail project and it could exempt the bullet train from the key environmental review. Justices are considering whether rail lines owner funded by the state are subject to the california or to federal environmental laws. The citys like atherton, menlo park and palo alto are arguing that the state tougher and fire mental regulation environmental regulation should take precedence. Two men accused of stealing electronic equipment were 25,000 from the graduate school of journalism 10 days ago. Take a look at these images that were released of the burglary. Two men broke into the hall where the journalism is located and two described as in their 20s, hispanic, one with a goatee in the other had black shiny pants with a distinctive print and zippers on the side. Coming up, the one time passenger in japan fighting wildfires in california and we will show you what this Global Supertanker can do and it does not come without the red tape. Inmates escaped from a prison and then released a video of them doing it, and we will show you what happened next. And the weather we have fog but a warming trend remaining on track in a few neighborhoods as we inch closer to 100. Welcome back to mornings on 2. The largest wildfire in california is growing but the fire crews are moving faster. The debt wire filer Detwiler Fire is now 70 contain in that is 5 increase from yesterday. No more homes have been destroyed but over 1000 buildings remain in danger if the fire picks up speed again. Firefighters can get help from a new tool that has become available in california. This is the 747 jet converted into a firefighting supertanker and appropriately enough called the spirit of john your muir and it can be used strategically against the biggest fires because it does not have to drop everything in one place at one time. We use the example of the super soaker, you fill it up with water and pump it a few times if you want it to spray a little bit and you add more pressure to it which is basically what we can do. The fire returning drops are controlled from the cockpit and no one is in the back were the seats once were but there are a few seats and bumps on the plane so the second group firefighting pilots can rest on the next trip to the fire and be ready to go when they arrive. The critically ill british baby, charlie gard, making new arrangements for his death in the 11monthold has an extremely rare genetic disease causing progressive brain damage and muscle weakness. The parents wanted to spend the final days with charlie at the hospital where he is being treated at the hospital said that the parents had not found hospice or pediatric intensive Care Specialist to work with charlie during the time. The judge gave them until 4 am this morning our time to make the arrangements. The court says that charlie will be transferred to a hospice and is breathing to will we taken out shortly after will be taken out shortly after. The judge did not say win or give any other details. The tsa is expanding new screening procedures for Electronic Devices on domestic planes and passengers going through the regular, standard or tsa lines at the airport will have to remove from their baggage all electronics bigger than a cell phone and put them in a separate bin to be xrayed. There are similar rules for some International Travelers and this comes after the recent intelligence reports suggest that terrace found new ways to hide explosives inside the electronics. Some travelers say will make air travel more difficult and other say it is safety that should come first. So long as they dont look into our stuff and go into our devices, i think that is the line. I think it will slow things down some more. It will make it slower and harder to get through, especially on the holidays. The tighter security has been tested at 10 airports around the country including la and boston. It will be phased in at all u. S. Airports in the coming months and the new rules will not apply to people that have signed up already for the tsa precheck program. It is 6 16 am. Lets check in with south for look at the traffic sal for a look at the traffic. Good morning. I like what im seeing on highway 24 in lafayette. It is lightly traveled and continues to look good all the way to the tunnel with no major issues on interstate 680 yet. Highway 4 is slow through pittsburg and bay point but better if you get past the willow pass road. Bart is doing very well with little delay if any. The bay bridge is backed up for the 15 to 20 minute delay but this is typical. No major issues. On the san mateo bridge the traffic is okay but there was a crash just off of the bridge westbound on 92 in foster city. That has been moved out of the way and things are improving. It was at the foster city boulevard but it is gone, but you can see the read on the san mateo bridge westbound. The dumbarton bridge looks pretty good for an alternate route all the way over to highway 101. It is 6 18 am lets bring in mark tamayo for the weather. You may have to use your as the on the way home from work because temperatures back up into the 90s. We talked about a warming trend and everything remains on track with the fog this morning that will clear near the close line. Coast line. We have a typical summer weather pattern in the bay area with 60s. Away from the coast line 80s and eventually upper 90s. Here is the camera looking over oakland with the overall temperature pattern for this thursday afternoon, the last thursday of the month. We can see on the storm tracker, no storms but showers out toward nevada yesterday. Fog hanging out at the coast and around the bay. The current number stepping out the door with 50s and 60s. San jose at 62, fremont 58, San Francisco 53, santa rosa 52. A cooler start to the morning but this area of High Pressure will build in through a good portion of california. With that in away from the coastline temperatures will be soaring today and sticking around for the weekend. There is not a shark drop in temperatures heading into the weekend with temperatures stabilized and riding the wave. The forecast model showing clouds hanging out at the coast with the brighter colors reflecting the warmer to hot readings which are expected later today. We will take a look at those triple digits scattered it clearlake and vacaville was santa rosa at 92, vallejo 90. At the rim of the bay we have 80s in oakland and san leandro, hayward. But if you had inland we have temperatures near 100 and brentwood, san jose nine the, and the temperatures on average are 3 to 6 degrees warmer than yesterday. San francisco lower 70s downtown, the coast mainly in the 60s. A look ahead at your fiveday forecast, temperatures spiking today. Holding steady for the weekend and that will be the biggest theme with temperatures above average inland, and take it slow out there if you can when you are outside. Maybe do your run in the morning. You could even push it out to the evening. We will have to take pam surfing. I will hang out on the beach any day. I tried surfing and it is hardier harder than it looks. Our chief meteorologist could do that. I was just Getting Started and the nicest guy in the world. I tried surfing and windsurfing and they are pretty brutal. It will wake you up. That is true. It is 6 21 am. The new milestone for the bay Area Real Estate market, coming up, the new median price for the house and where the homes are priced well over 1 million. A new warning if you are visiting mexico, and why the tourist may want to skip the alcohol. What should i watch . Show me sports. Its so fluffy look at that fluffy unicorn hes so fluffy im gonna die your voice is awesome. The x1 voice remote. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Welcome back to mornings on 2. It is 6 24 am. We are seeing the cell phone video shot by the jail inmates, three of them escaped last year. You can see one of the inmates with the sawedoff bad leg and taking that screen off the wall and disappearing into the vent. They crawl through the shafts within the wall and took turns posing for the camera. Eventually reached the roof of the Orange County jail. The video does not show how they got to the ground but earlier reports said they used sheets tied together. The men were on the run for about a week and one turned themselves in, and the other two were captured in San Francisco. The hot bay area market continues to set records for housing. The median price of a Single Family home jumped nearly 10 from one year ago and now 779,000. The median price record set in alameda and some counties, santa clara making the alltime i median prices going up every month for the last five years. Analyst attributes the increase for the rising demand of homes with low numbers of houses for sale. It is 6 25 am. The big legal victory of quincy jones against the estate of Michael Jackson. The la jury that deliver an aid or two days says that the Michael Jackson estate owes quincy jones 9. 4 million for royalties and production fees from the hits like thriller. Quincy jones calling it a victory for the rights of the artists and the lawyers for the Michael Jackson estate say they were surprised by the jurys verdict and plan on appealing. The naacp joining forces with airbnb. The Civil Rights Group says they will work with the airbnb to encourage more people of color to use airbnb, the home rental service. Research shows only 5 of minority travelers ever using airbnb. The naacp says they want more minority homeowners to take advantage of the chance to earn money from their homes, and it will also encourage more people of color to become airbnb guess. The rental service says that 20 of the earnings from the partnership will go to the naacp. The Safety Department is warning travelers heading to mexico about the tainted alcohol that can be fatal. The spokeswoman said that it has received reports of tourists consuming possibly tainted or substandard alcohol, and getting sick or blacking out. The u. S. Authorities say that if you begin to feel sick, seek medical attention right away. Still ahead, the veteran San Francisco Police Officer is ending up on the wrong side of the law, the criminal charges he is facing today and where he was arrested. In a few hours the inspections will be happening at the ride at the Santa Cruz Beach boardwalk, the fireball ride that was shut down last night after the abundance of caution because it is the same type of ride as the accident that happened at the Ohio State Fair. We will tell you about that coming up. Thank you for joining us here on mornings on 2 on this thursday, july 27, i am dave clark. Good morning, i am pam cook. Mark tamayo was in for Steve Paulson and it sounds like we have a warm up. Guess. Yes. When you go on vacation do you get to sleep in . I sleep as much as i can when i them on vacation. Today we are talking about the warming trend for the big headlines and it will be hot inland, upper 90s this afternoon. We still have fog to deal with that the coast and bay. We have a big temperature range from the 60s all the way to the upper 90s. A few neighborhoods around 100 later this afternoon. Here we are on the satellite showing fog in the ocean and pushing back into the bay, locally dance and moving over the hills. As we come in closer we see the fog close to San Francisco with 50s to report in some cooler spots at santa rosa, walnut creek 62 in san jose checking in at 62 as well. The overall weather story starting off with fog and mostly sunny skies this afternoon. Hot inland, 60s, 70s, 80s and upper 90s at antioch and livermore. San jose 90 in San Francisco 72, and you will definitely notice the change compared to yesterday. As we take a look at the weekend outlook coming up, but right now sal has an update on the roadways. Good morning. We start in the valley at 280 downtown san jose, and right now if youre driving from 280 on the 101 interchange through downtown and up to cupertino, you can see for yourself 280 northbound is not a bad commute. It begins to slow down at highway 17 a little bit, but for the most part the commute in san jose, most of it in the green which means the traffic is at or near the speed limit or little bit faster in some areas. The commute is not billed in. As we look at the commute where we see red, slow traffic on interstate 880 beginning at 238 continuing down through the tennyson road and a little bit of slowing of the san mateo bridge but that has improved. The accident on the other side of the bridge has been cleared. 80 westbound looks clear from richmond to berkeley and some slowing at the approach of the Richmond Bridge but in marin county looking good. The san mateo bridge, as i mentioned, looking okay. Your morning commute at the toll plaza is backed up for a 15 to 20 minute delay. It is 6 33 am. The popular right at the Santa Cruz Beach boardwalk getting a special inspection today and as a precaution. Last night the fireball roller coaster was shut down after deadly accident at the Ohio State Fair involving the very similar ride. Ktvu alex savidge is at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk right now where the fireball will be inspected in a few hours. Reporter good morning. Inspectors will be taking a very close look at the fireball ride before anyone gets on it later today. This ride was shut down last night out of an abundance of caution because this is the same type of ride that broke apart yesterday at the Ohio State Fair. There frightening accident was captured on the cell phone video with a piece of that fireball ride carrying the fairgoers, flying through the air and slamming into the ground killing one person with seven others seriously injured. The governor of ohio has ordered all of those rides shut down and reinspected after the tragic accident that happened on opening day of the fair. You go somewhere to celebrate, and i have a great time. You are with your friends, and sometimes with family. The fair is about the best things in life. Tonight with this accident it becomes a terrible tragedy. Reporter the fireball ride in ohio did past the safety check before it opened to the public that we should point out theres a key difference between that right and the one that operates here in santa cruz. The ride that broke apart in ohio is portable meaning it is often taken apart and put back together different events and while this fireball ride the Santa Cruz Beach boardwalk, it is fixed and permanent. Boardwalk Officials Say that this ride like all the others undergo a daily check. There will be an inspection in the next few hours, but we expect the fireball ride will open as normal later today. We have reached out to the boardwalk officials this morning trying to get more information about the inspection that will happen later today and what the plan will be moving forward but have not yet heard back. We will let you know when we do. That is alex savidge in santa cruz, thank you. The 10 year veteran in San Francisco has been arrested and officer joshua enea was arrested yesterday and he had been transferred when the internet crimes against the childrens unit by the childrens unit learned that joshua enea possessed pornography. He lives with his wife and two children in antioch. The neighbor said she was done to hear he was arrested. I dont know what to say, my husband talks to him and when we moved here we thought we would be safe because there is a cough that lives here. Now that i hear this i cannot believe it. San Francisco Police Officials Say theres no place for any officer in the department that is capable of this type of crime. Joshua enea has been suspended without pay investigators are asking anyone with information about the case to contact them. One of two men charged with the killing of miss flo johnny brown arraigned for burglary, robbery and elder abuse. Johnny brown and zachary cuen broke into the home of douglas last september and beat her during the Home Invasion robbery. She died one month later from the injuries. Brown told the reporters he is innocent. This is so sad im being charged for this. I did not do nothing. So this is a case of mistaken identity . Yes, it totally is. The mother brown was arrested for harboring a fugitive and two young women were arrested earlier this year for hiding evidence. Investigators confirmed that another young man, willie king, was arrested last month as an accessory to the crime and detectives say they are sure that everyone involved in the crime has been caught. We look at the police get to the suspect of the unsolved murder in san jose and investigators released this gauge of the suspect in the death of Christopher Kyle who was outside talking with other people on some beam circle sunbeam circle in july 2015 when a car pulled up next to them. The passenger got out of the car and asked if he was in a gang and when he said no the gunman opened fire killing him. The gunman and the driver drove off in the white compact car you see here, described as latino between 18 and 20 years old. Could President Trump replace attorney general Jeff Sessions while the senate is on the august recess . There is a littleknown constitutional rule that could allow him to do that and allie rasmus joins us to explain the controversy and what the Vice President said about the attorney general and President Trump. Reporter attorney general Jeff Sessions on his way to meet with el salvador about gangs in the u. S. An ongoing crime. Even though he has been publicly scorned by his boss president storm President Trump, calling sessions week and beleaguered but sessions this said nothing publicly since the twitter of insults began. Here is the attorney general leaving his dc home but the president made it clear that he is not happy that Jeff Sessions recused himself in the investigation into the Trump Administration ties to the russian in the election. If sessions resigns or is fired Robert Mueller could be replaced and presumably with someone the president thinks could be more sympathetic or that was shut down the investigation altogether. Firing of sessions would be politically risky and some say is making it so uncomfortable for the attorney general a wants him to quit on his own. I think the president has been very candid that he was disappointed with the decision of the attorney general to recuse himself, and to not know about his intention to do so before being confirmed as the attorney general of the united states. Sessions went to the white house yesterday but did not meet facetoface with the president or speak to him. The White House Press secretary says that the president is only expressing his disappointment and not trying to push out sessions. According to the Staff Members sessions is in good spirits and the senior a of he is informed the white house he is not planning on resigning. If fired the u. S. Senate would have to confirm anyone the president picks to replace him. There is a constitutional rule that will allow the president to fill the vacant positions if the senate is recessed for over 10 days and the recess appointed attorney general would stay in power until january 2019 when the next congress is seated. A handful of governors say they do not support the idea and they have publicly worn the white house against firing sessions and for now it appears his job as attorney general is say. Very interesting. It is 6 41 am. Are you looking for a job . There are thousands available at one of the most bible Countries Companies in the world and what valuable companies in the world what amazon is planning for next week. What you need to know before you head into the water at the Russian River. At walnut creek, 680 interchange traffic moving well in all directions. Here we are thursday morning still talking about areas of fog but the warming trend kicked in with a few neighborhoods getting closer to 100. Welcome back to mornings on 2. We are keeping an eye out on wall street and it is been quite a week with a big rally. A lot of good earnings helping out the dow jones as we take a live look, up almost 64 points, 21,775. The nasdaq and s p 500 are also up, about the same percentage wise. Facebook stock hit a new record high after the Company Reported the 71 increase in the quarterly profits. The expectations from the analyst shares on facebook showing 4 and now 173 in the free market. Facebook now has over 2 billion regular users which has seen a sharp increase in video ads driving the growth in the mobile ad business. The mobile ad revenue accounts for 87 of the Company Total advertising revenue. A major supplier of apple iphones is building a new plant in wisconsin. President trump and was gone and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker joining fox con foxconn putting up 10 million to make panels and 13,000 new jobs will be created in wisconsin. Amazon is hosting the first ever job stay at Fulfillment Centers all of the country next wednesday but california is not among them and amazon says they plan on hiring 50,000 new employees and jobs are available at the sorting centers as well as supporting and managerial jobs. The benefits include health, disability insurance, retirement plans and Company Stock. Protesters planned and a bio executive charged with defrauding investments and lying about the performance of investments and defrauding the drug Company Founded by using Company Stock and cash to pay back the investors but he is best known for the separate case in which he raised the price of the lifesaving anti parasite drug by over 5000 . England is making a major move in the fight against air pollution and officials of announced they will stop the sale of the new cars that run on diesel or standard gas by 2040. France made a similar pledge earlier in the month as part of the growing global push to curb the emissions and to fight the Climate Change by promoting electric cars. Volvo recently announced it will phase out the traditional internal combustion engines. It is now 6 47 am. Was talk about the traffic. We have traffic today that is not being terrible but we do have slow traffic. Lets go to the east shore freeway to talk about these times, 24 minutes to drive from the carquinez bridge to the maccarthur maze. That is not a bad commute, and it is getting more crowded. The last time we showed you the picture with no slow traffic but that is changing a little bit. Here is a look at highway 24, and from the last time we saw this until now we have definitely more cars on the road. We are looking at the peak of the commute rising up but no major issues. When you get to the bay bridge you will see traffic backed up, and it is been this way since 5 30 am. It is filling in more on the way to San Francisco. On the san mateo bridge we had an earlier accident on 92 in foster city and it has been gone for almost an hour. The traffic is recovering but still very slow. As we bring in mark tamayo, i see we have the fog on the peninsula that may be affecting the flights in and out of San Francisco airport. Especially on the arrivals, the low cloud deck is our constant friend for this time of the year. It is a challenge as well. The fog is keeping the temperatures on the cool side as we take a look at the live camera at the sfo. You can see low clouds working their way back into the area and they will eventually clear off on the shoreline later today with more sunshine at the airport after about 9 00 this morning. As far as the temperature trend for today everybody is warming up, but especially inland. We are including the range to 100 degrees and heres the set up on the satellite. Looks like july out there with the fog coast side and pushing back into the bay with these onshore winds. This typically happens late august or september when we clear out the fog to warm up the beaches and it increases the fire danger. That is not happening yet but we still have a fog bank. San jose 62, livermore 55, santa rosa 52, San Francisco 53. It is warmer today because of this high building in. With that temperatures inland close to 100 and around the bay lower 80s, the beaches mainly in the mid 60s and approaching the 70 degree mark. Here is the expectations later for this thursday, fog with the left over patches near parts of the coastline with lots ofs sunshine to around 90s and 100. A few triple digits sprinkled on the map at clearlake and vacaville. 90s in santa rosa, napa and fairfield. Warm in the 80s for oakland in hayward. Here we go with upper 90s and 100 and brentwood. San jose 90, gilroy 97, San Francisco with clouds, more sunshine downtown and a nice day to walk the embarcadero at 72 degrees. Temperatures cooling off a little bit tomorrow but it will be a longterm deal with temperatures inland at least in the mid to upper 90s. The longrange forecast models are keeping us on the warm to the hot side into august as well. You did warn us. Made that will change but that is how it is checking out right now. It is 6 50 am. Have you see more Yellow Jackets and wasps buzzing around . They are invading the bay area homes, why it is happening, and what to do if you get stung. The stanford alum is the hero at the soccer match for the gold cup and we have more on the reaction after the game. Welcome back to mornings on 2. In santa rosa, Health Officials are warning watch out for blue algae in the Russian River. Low levels are in some parts of the river and caution signs will be posted on the affected beaches. The Russian River is still open for recreational use. But youre advised to keep pets and children away from the blue algae. Well, if you spend a lot of time outside, you may have noticed more Yellow Jackets and wasps this year. Thats especially true in Contra Costa County and san mateo county. The wet winter and hot summer are ideal for the stinging insects. This year weve had a 63 increase in calls for service over this time last year. The experts say if you see a couple of Yellow Jackets or wasps and try to swat them away, they release a chemical that others in the colony can smell. It sends the message that there is danger. Thats why. Yes. That brings maybe hundreds of wasp or Yellow Jackets to where you are. Call in the professionals. Go to ktvu. Com. We have posted information on contacted control for a problem with Yellow Jackets and wasps. Look in our web links section. Now i know. A slight decrease in vaccinations for childhood measles could cause a spike in cases. If vaccination goes down 5 in kids between the ages of 2 and 11, the number of measles cases in the group could trip many. 18 states still allow vaccines exemptions at school. The study was published this week in the journal of the American Medical Association pediatrics. A group of veterans were honored at a and t park yesterday. The men joined the u. S. Marines at the height of the vietnam war and sworn in during a pregame ceremony at candlestick park. Yesterday the giants honored the surviving members of that group. This is our homecoming. This is our Yellow Ribbon coming home today. Im going to start tearing up in a second. Its its something that we never, ever, ever expected, never thought would happen. I dont have words for it. Wow. Many of the veterans shared photos from their time in boot camp and vietnam. The marine corps later called San Francisco giants platoon. Sco giants platoon. Well, fans are treated to a pitchers dual that ended with the giants beating the pirates 21. Justin looked sharp as he shock off trade rumors. The giants big bream came in the 7th. When brandon belts let a routine fly ball but the wind and sun played havoc on the left fielder. The bar dropped in scoring the goahead run. The joints play the dodgers the giants play the dodgers tomorrow night in los angeles. The as lost a heart breaker to the bluejays. The game turned around in a few pitches. First a tworun home run. Then designated hitter morales won the game with a walkoff home run. The two teams scare off again this afternoon. The time is 7 57. The u. S. Soccer team beat jamaica 21 to win the gold cup. Thousands of fans were treated to an incredible match at levis stadium. It is over the wall. From a long way out. The opening goal for the united states. In slow motion too. The u. S. Took the lead in the 45th minute. But jamaica tied the game five minutes later. Then later in the game, stanford grad Brandon Morris strikes for the united states. Morris. Morris. In a span of 19 months, morris has won an ncaa title, an mls cup for the seattle sounders, and now a gold cup medal for his growing collection. Here is what he said after the game. Game. Its unbelievable. Every time that i step on the field, it is such an honor to represent my country. This game was amazing. Credits to jamaica. They made it tough on us. I was trying to make up any way that i could. Luckily i could get it in the back of the net. Late last night, morris shared pictures of his teammates on twitter. The gold cup 2017 champions. At 6 59, the 49ers report to Training Camp today in santa clara. The first practice is tomorrow. The new head coach, Kyle Shanahan and lynch will address the media today. The first preseason game is august 11th in kansas city against the chiefs and former 49ers quarterback alex smith. Ex smith. Shock waves rippling through the lgbtq community. We will bring you local reaction to President Trumps military ban on transgender people. And this is a big day for californias high speed rail project. What a ruling today could mean for the state as mornings on 2 continues. This is ktvu mornings on 2. Good morning. Thank you for joining us thursday morning, july 27th. Im pam cook, filling in gasia today. And im dave clark, in for dave clark. Good. Steve is off today. But mark tamayo is here with your forecast. So im gasia and mark is steve and youre still you. Boy. What does steve like to say a lot . Help me out. Status quo. Okay. Status quo. Crazy hot or fresno hot or something. Yeah. Something like that. Crazy hot. He should leave me a list. We will work those in in the next hour. He will be back. Beautiful here. I always like to see the close up of the fog because you can see the cloud textures and how it sort of interacts with the terrain and the hills there. Nice start to your thursday morning out there. We have some fog coast side and

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