Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 6am 20170426

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gold gate bridge and watch out, better weather is on the way. a lot of cloud cover and light rain. the foggy conditions and there is not a lot of measurable amounts but the persistent mist and drizzle deals. fiftys and 60s on the temps, mild due to the cloud cover and on the peninsula. we're seeing low to mid-50s and they come up a few degrees. a descent breeze as well and this is it after today. we'll get more sunshine. the wind will be a factor as well if you're heading to southern california. there are wind advisories down there for us. it's cloud cover. tomorrow, we'll build the high in and breezy to windy. there is not much in the way of rain. a couple of 100s at best and that is not much either. lives in the 60s. the fog, i mean, seriously, about two hours ago, was not there. >> and that is , as you know. i learned this from you. >> yeah. >> it changes as the sun comes out. >> that's correct. >> we'll be watching it. it might affect the commute. good morning to you hitting interstate 80 westbound. you will see the traffic is going to be busy. 22 minutes is not bad, though, between car keen ease bridge and the mcarthur maze. you want is to give yourself an extra few minutes and looking at the south bay commute and the traffic busy area. it's not stop and go. the east bay commuting here to talk about southbound 880 slow from heyward into the union city area. and then highway 4, some slow traffic there. as you drive-thru. there have been no major issues on highway 24 and looks okay through lafayette. that fog steve talked about is there. of course, with the bay bridge toll plaza, we have a 20-minute delay before making it to the bridge. let's go back to the desk at 6:02. a woman is in the hospital after she was beaten on the street near san jose state university. >> and that attack left her bleeding on the ground. ktvu's christian is is there. what do you know? >> reporter: that assault happened here in the area close to san jose state as you said. the woman believed to be in her 20s was taken to an area trauma center. the assault that landed her in the hospital happened near the corner of san carlos and fourth. officers were summoned to the scene around midnight. the woman had a serious head injury. the witnesses tell police the woman was beaten up. the assault happened in front of the jack in the box. this morning, we spoke with one witness who couldn't appear on camera telling me it was a group of women who were assaulting the victim. san jose pd are leading this investigation and we're loping for more of an update from san jose pd to learn about that victim, including whether she was a san jose state student. we're hoping to get an update on her condition. again, what we're hearing is that this was a head injury. it bled profusely and no word on how serious that injury is. again, we're hoping for more details from san jose pd as the morning progresses. >> and before you go, again, say they think it may have been's group of women who attacked her and also, looking around where you are, i would imagine, hopefully there is some surveillance cameras nearby where they might be able to look the. >> that is the case. there is a surveillance camera here waiting for this business to open so we can try and see if the cameras, in fact, captured the assault. that is what the witness i spoke with tells me. she said that when she looked outside of her business and she saw this woman assaulted, she said it was a group of women who were beating her up. >> wow. okay, and again, we're waiting to hear if this, if she is a san jose state university student and also trying to get an update on her condition. very scary for everybody. and especially people who have kids going to school there. thank you for being out there. we'll check in with you throughout the morning. the time is 6:05. in other news, president trump vows to fight a san francisco federal judge's ruling that blocks the president's executive order. >> this is why we have courts. to halt the overreach of a president and attorney who don't understand the constitution or choose to ignore it. this is why san francisco had to stand up on behalf of people everywhere. be they immigrants or native born. >> san francisco joined santa clara county in the legal challenge against president trump's executive order. the temporary injunction applies to all sanctuary cities across the country. >> and there are a lot of communities across the country frightened of the administration. they don't have the resources to fight them. this is really a national movement to protect the constitution. >> and the met's executive order would have -- the president's executive order would have blocked federal funding to cities that don't cooperate with federal immigration authorities. officials say $1.7 billion in federal funds was at stake. this morning, president trump tweeted about the judge's ruling saying, quote, first the 9th circuit rules against the ban and then hits again on sanctuary cities, both ridiculous rulings. see you in the supreme court. a note here, though, although it was the 9th circuit court that ruled against the president's travel ban, it was made in the u.s. district court for northern california, based in san francisco. and people our time is 6:06. president trump takes aim at the nation's tax code. this could have huge ramifications. >> and business tax rates could plummet under the proposal but individual households could see changes as well and reporter doug luzader is live with more on the numbers wall street is watching and they're waiting for the tax breaks. >> reporter: if they material, you know. -- materialize. one administration after another has talked about comprehensive tax reform. it's very, very difficult to do. president trump, can he crack the tax code and take a big swing at it today and could mean big savings for businesses, families and individuals. the headline will be the corporate tax rate with the plan expected to slash the rate. >> and you look in particular, because of our rates. >> it's been good for market growth. it's news of a possible tax leave haul that can include small businesses, too. what about the rest of us on the heels of tax season? individual rates could go down and up. is immediately be better off over a standard deduction and a break on mortgage interest. that could have big consequences for home sales and values. while the president will no doubt speak in broad strokes, members of congress will have to crunch the numbers. >> we have to see the details and it's got to be something that is fair for small businesses as well as large and working people. >> and skepticism from? republicans, too, who worry about where all of that money will come from, especially with the national debt approaching $20 trillion. and the administration, meantime, not lowering expectations about today's announcement. the treasury secretary steve mamutualin saying this is going -- steve mnuchi in, saying this is going to be the biggest tax cut. and back to you guys. >> where is this money coming from? >> what meet democrats like about the plan. >> well, there is bipartisan agreement that something needs to be done about the tax code. that it's too complicated and difficult for people to do taxes on their own. they have to seek outside help. simplification is what everyone talks about here. there are so many winners and losers. that is the tough part, coming down to the details on this. >> all right. >> going to be interesting. >> thank you, doug luzader. and we'll continue to follow that story for sure. 6:09 is the time. >> there is conflicting in. ation on when ann coulter will speak tomorrow at uc berkeley. one group invited her to speak on campus. they told us here that she will speak at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon at sprawl plaza. she tweeted she's not talked to any berkeley students about a time or location because she's waiting to hear from the school. the washington post reports it received an e-mail from colter saying she planned to arrive at berkley after six tomorrow night. and hopes the university will provide an appropriate room for her event. the concern is violence. berkeley police have been criticized for not doing enough to intervene. >> and there will always be someone using more force and those using too much. we're comfortable with the response and focused on targeting those people up to no good. >> they were criticized for allowing a presentation to get out of hand. berkley proffers -- police officers were accused of being on the sidelines and they fought each other during dueling rallies this month. and another group is dropping out because of security concerns. the non-partisan young americas foundation released a statement siting, quote -- citing, quote, lack of forces from foreseeable violence and inrestrained leftist agitators -- agitators and they will join us to talk about the security for the appearance tomorrow. >> and 6:10. happening today, lawyers for 15 victims in last month's west oakland apartment building fire will announce the filing of lawsuit. that fire left four people dead, six others were hurt and dozens more lost a place to live. the lawsuit is expected to claim the building was a fire trap. that it had electrical defense, blocked fire escape and broken fire alarms and unsanitary leeing conditions. the lawsuit will seek unsatisfied damages from the building's owner and three non- profit organizations that manage the buildings and more lawsuits are expected to follow. a state auditor said -- hid $175 million in secret accounts while asking the state for more money. the audit said the uc president's office overspent what was budgeted. also, interfered in the auditing process and democratic assemblyman kevin mccarty of sacramento requested the audit last year. >> interference of obstruction, tampering, coverups, delay, delay access and all of those things are damaging. even one or two are and we're going to hold a hearing next week into that. >> the lieutenant governor gavin newsom tweeted his reaction. he said, quote, it's unjust to force tuition hikes while uc hides secret funds. the board must reverse the tuition decision. and uc president japet napolitano denies the office improperly kept that much money stashed away and that there is money set aside for unexpected expenses and a cyberthreat and undocumented students. she said the emergency fund is $38 million, which represents about 10% of the entire operating budget of the uc system. and it's 6:12. new developments this morning and a debate between san francisco city leaders and at&t. the rules could be changing for those large utility boxes. and we'll see how this can help the giant. and san francisco's green thumb could make a comeback. is there room for fruits and vegetables amid a housing crisis? . wax. the time 6:15. a new proposal to relaxes requirement for installing the at&t utility boxes in san francisco. they were targeted by vandals. the city first demanded that at&t adhered to an ordinance and cleaned the graffiti on the utility boxes within 72 hours. the examiner new reports that the supervisor has introduced a measure lifting the restrictions and requiring at&t to pay a $500 fine. she told the paper nothing has been given to at&t and she is 67ing the million interest. at&t needs to install more utility boxes to improve internet services. but they say they're an eyesore. and consumer reports will no longer rate the safety of tesla vehicles. it's frustrated with the electric car maker for failing to update the software with versions of the model x. the update would enable emergency breaking for those vehicles for underneath of last year. it's been waiting for months and the breaking system -- braking system would reduce the crashes and lowered the scores by two points each. tesla said automatic brakes and other safety features are a top priority and they plan to introduce them as soon as they are ready. >> all right. and we're ready at 6:17. are you taking care of our friends on highway 24 in. >> we are. >> and we showed tesla and we're talking about the tesla plant in a moment as well. and take a look at highway 24, though, as dave mentioned. and we're looking at the fog here on 24 as you drive past the lafayette area into orinda and oakland. it's moderately heavy having been a big commute there so far. at the bay bridge, a little bit of wet on the road here and maybe from the drizzle , whatever, a 15- to 20-minute delay and looks like you can see over to the peninsula. the fog is dense in some areas and not in others. and it looks okay to get a flight at sfo. we rock down south and traffic is moving well. and we mentioned a tesla plant and 880 nearby. looks good into san jose and you have a window, still, before the traffic is busy area. 6:18 and bring steve in. >> a lot of fog out there. >> and we have fog reports and drizzle, light rain reported for some and a couple of brakes. one more system has to move down the old weather highway and giving us light rain. and reports of drizzle in the san mateo hills near oakley and that was at 5:45 a.m. and on the six hour, santa rosa reports light rain and there it is and in petaluma, mainly and there is some reports as well and they're fast-moving systems and not a lot of rain and lots of fog out there. cloudy fog, light rain and mostly cloudy tomorrow. clearing and sunshine and warmer temps into the weekend. a lot of activity clipping the sierra nevada and the bulk of the system is east of us and into eastern nevada, central nevada and that is an area of low pressure dieing into the four corners and that is the source of what that wind is developing. not yet. and that won't be until later tent or tomorrow. fiftys and 60s on the temps and low 50s, cooler to the south and gil roy is in there and in scott's valley, 51 degrees and the meteorology department, west at oakland and hayward and into the delta. yes, sir. they in gusts to 22, west- southwest at napa airport as well. 37, truckee. the last few reports, cloudy and brief isolated showers. wind if heading south into southern california and the dessert. north of l.a. the grape vine, santa barbara and san luis obispo. near bakersfield, california, that started in a five-watt, 10- watt station in bakersfield, california, dave. >> from there, a hop, skip, and jump on the clayton counties and the hearings. and we have the low clouds and fog. the cloudy pattern today. and by tomorrow, it will start to clear out of here. the wind is a factor, though. after that, more sunshine and warmer temps. sixtys on the temps to near 70 degrees for a few and here we go, enough of this -- okay, i hear you. by the weekend, you will say ah, sunny and warm. >> and i usually say it. justs like that, too. sunny. >> and you don't say warm snow shower. >> i am solar power and need the sun. >> thank you, steve. >> you are. >> and time now is 6:21. kaepernick is still looking for a team. he's staying busy. we'll show what you he was doing in new york city last night. >> and also, the notorious drug lord mean the problem to trump's border wall. who wants to dig into el chapo's wallet. ♪ hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® zyrtec® starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec®. muddle no more®. try rhinocort® allergy spray for powerful nasal allergy relief. speed limit welcome back to mornings at 2 at -- welcome back to mornings on 2. the homeland security is launching what it calls an office for american victims of immigrant crime. the new office is called voice, standing for victims of immigrant crime engagement. the departments the office will keep them informed of the immigration proceedings of suspects. critics argue this kind of office is misguided because many studies snow immigrants are less likely to comet crimes than native born citizens. and texas senator ted cruz has an idea on who might pay for the wall. senator cruz wants the inex can drug lord joaquin el chapo guzman to pay for it. senator cruz introduced a bill that would introduce assets seized from el chapo and other drug kingpips to pay to bill the wall along the border to improve border security. the united states is seeking $14 billion from el chapo. estimates to build a wall rainfall from $10 billion -- range from $10 billion to $70 billion. san francisco supervisors unanimously approved a measure of support for urban gardens. the city lost some of the community gardens the past few years as the demanded for housing incomes. -- increasing. the city will ask the real estate department and public utilities commission to look at parcels that could be used for urban agriculture. the city leaders say that the puc found three possible locations and one could produce food by the end of the summer. >> and collin kaepernick was honored in new york last night as one of the world's most influential people. it was a time 100 gala celebrating the magazine's annual list in new york city. the list included celebrities,ing the let's, politicians and more. the 100 individuals recognized for changing the world regardless of the consequences of actions. >> and it's partly our reporters around the world and all of our bureaus keeping track of who is moving the needle in their field. we ask them, they're our scouts and they have strong feelings about who they say making a difference and an interesting suggestion. that is why many of the pieces are written by former time 100s and this is the rising star in my field, whether that is microbiology or hollywood. >> and the 2017 time 100 was announced last week. some of the others include simone biles, pope francis is, singer john legend you see here and amazon ceo jack bezos. and united airlines latest problem is just three feet long. coming up at 6:30, the latest on the mysterious death aboard a flight between london and chicago. a brazen saturday night robbery. appears agents are not checking -- taking chances when it comes to teens hopping the fair gates. >> and so far so good when it comes to driving. if you are making your way. >> the calde cut tunnel, you might see fog. we'll have more traffic and weather when mornings on 2 continues. yes, the fuel is complimentary for up to three years. yes, it has an epa-estimated range of 312 miles. yes, you will probably have to answer lots of silly questions from strangers. yes, this is a mind-blowing marvel of technology. and, yes, you can buy it today- because the future doesn't start next week, next month or next year... the future starts now. in the hydrogen-fueled toyota mirai. . good morning to you and welcome back. thank you for joining us on mornings on two. >> are we going to see the sun? >> very the today. >> yes. >> and friday? >> for sure. >> and there is a lot of fog and light rain reported or drizzle and from san mateo and northward looks to be there and temperatures are not that cool and a lot of the streets are wet and looking like it's washing out as well and there is light rain. and some of that could give light rain or drizzle. and that is to the east. fiftys on the temp s and near nor 60 degrees for some and some the 50s, and the 40s and 20s. mid-50s, nevada 56 and peta loma and everyone is close. a west wind or west southwest and a mostly cloudy day and that is giving usa drier pattern and warmer into the 60s and traffic is doing what? >> it's moderate. the fog has moved around and let's go there, the westbound bay bridge is backed up for typical delays and nothing major on the bridge or a stall, and that can be major and you will wait 25 minutes. and you can see the traffic is getting slower by the moment and if you're using the dun barton bridge and highway 237, we don't have significant backups this and into the south bay and i will focus in on it here and there is some slowing and we back up. and 101 near capital and near 880 and getting into the west valley and light go back to the desk. and b.a.r.t.'s board of director is busy, and includeing the visibility and the fair gates are a security risk and ktvu's allie rasmus is live more where a station agent took emergency measures last night. there was another incident. >> and this is really the central part of the debate about whether or not there are security risks and that size or the height. and they're too easiy to pass through and that may prevent -- present a crime of opportunity for people and make it easier for people to get on the b.a.r.t. wow praying -- without praying. and they prompted a decision here, making them take repawings -- precautions last night. trains passing through around 7:30 were told not to stop for awhile and that is after they noticed the teens hopped the fair gate and headed to the platform. and this could have been the start of another that happened on saturday. and the agent alerted police and gave the instruction the trains not to start as a can precaution and they turned around and people hopping the fair gates, expecting to be front and center at a meeting tomorrow and especially -- especially after the saturday night robbery when 40 to 60 juveniles jumped the fair gates and swarmed the b.a.r.t. car, robbing passengers inside and in the laptop. the board is expected to discuss other security measures and like adding to the b.a.r.t. police force and some say the low-risegates are not only a security risk, but they cost the system money and the estimate is that it cost b.a.r.t. $25 million a year and all the people who hop the gates and get on board wait paying. back to you. >> thank you, allie rasmus. and happening today, a group opposing california's plans for a bullet train got a chance to convince the judge the opponent should be stopped. it's different from what state voters approved years ago. the casear -- state announced the changes are not draftic and is giving the group a lost chance to change his mind, otherwise, he will dismiss the lawsuit and allow the $64 million rail project between san francisco and los angeles to continue. and speaking of trains, caltrain beginning a two-week project that paves the way for a smoother and quieter right. they would use a rail-mounted grinder. it grinds the rails to the original shape allowing the train's steel wheels to fit bet or the tracks. people will hear the rail maintenance work and maybe they will see showers and on sparks but they going to hear quieter trains when that work is complete. there are new developments from france this morning about the mass shooting in 2015 at the frank error error satirical newspaper charlie hebdo. and 10 more people were arrested. they likely supplied weapons. two brothers forced way into the offices, killed 12 people and injured 11 others. the suspects were killed two days later in a shootout with police. al qaeda claimed responsibility. time is 6:46 and it will be an unusual meeting at the white house today. all 100 senators have been invited to a briefing about the situation with north korea. and there is a lot of pressure in washington that respond to north korea's recent missile launches and tests. the submarine docked in south korea yesterday and an aircraft carrier group will arrive in south korea in a couple of days. china, which is north korea's most powerful ally, will send an envoy with the president trump and senators. >> and we two people in critical condition after they were found shot in a car near heyward last night. the shooting happened before 7:30 near interstate 880 and in an unincorporated part of the county. they found two mail victims sitting in a car suffering from gunshot wounds. investigators believed that someone in another car drove by and shot the two men. the authorities have not made arrests and are looking for a motive in the attack. >> and the time is 6:37. the national rifle association filed the first of several lawsuits targeting california's new gun control laws. the federal lawsuit is aimed at overturning a ban on the sale of semi automatic rifles is that have bullet buttons allowing the magazines to be changed quickly. slawsuits plan to be filed. the first challenges the state's ban on assault-style weapons. >> we in the legislature will act with the appropriate level of urgency in response to the growing scourge of gun violence. >> and guns chosen by people, law abiding citizens for lawful purposes. they're protected by the second amendment. >> and -- by the second amendment. >> another restriction is being challenged, a controversial law requiring ammunition buyers to pass a background check. the police like that, gun advocates don't. and president trump will sign an executive order directing the interior department to review the decision of tens of millions of acres of land across the country as national monument. it's not clear if this review could lead to president trump rescinding existing national monuments that were established by earlyever presidents. that is something no president has done before. and president trump is ordering the interior ten to review locations for offshore oil and gas drilling, including the waters off of the coast of california. ever since a disastrous spill in 1969, there has been strong opposition in california against offshore drilling. the interior secretary said nothing is off of the table. and lawmakers in washington, d.c., are verying a new -- are considering a new bill to prohibit airlines from bumping passengers once seated on a plane. this comes, of course, after the video emerged of a passenger dragged off of a united airlines plane when he refused to give up the seat for crew members. the proposal is called the board of fairly act and would require airlines to negotiate with passengers before they get on the planes. airlines would be prohibited from removing passengers already on board unless it's for safety or for genuine security reasons. and united airlines could be facing another pr disaster after a valuable giant rabbit died on one of the planes. simon was three feet long and destined to be without world -- the world's biggest bunny and he died in the cargo section from london to chicago. the owner said he had a vet's checkup three hours before and he was fit to fly. unite side looking into the incident. >> he was a big boy. >> yeah. >> and we our time is 6:40. a woman was found covered in blood near the san jose state campus. at 7:00, the investigation that is underway. is underway. . >> and one of the google cofounders working on a secret project. we'll tell you what is going on in mountain view. >> also, is beast mode him? mar shape, are you coming back to the bay area? major developments surrounding lyn consider, h. he was expected to -- what is expected to happen today. >> and promise me they will put him on a golf cart on the field. the morning commute looks good if you're driving on 24 westbound. it's slower on the way to the tunnel. tunnel. >> and i am trying to see through the fog there. we have lots of fog and light rain. the temperatures will stay in the 60s but signs of a warmer pattern the next few. . welcome back to mornings on two. pretty quiet right now. it seems wall street waiting for more details and specifics on president trump's tax proposals. you can see a live look of the dow jones, about four points. 21,000. gained hundreds of points this week and nasdaq also in record terrory this week. we'll continue to watch the markets but twitter up this morning. mixed new when is it reported quarterly earnings this morning. the san francisco-based company reports an average of 328 million monthly users during the first three months of the year. that is up 3% after growth had leveled off. in contrast, facebook has six times more. and it's never turned to profit bah the losses were not as great as expected. the stock is up 8%. and drivers of left are -- lyft are suing uber, accusing uber of illegally spying on them. the lawsuit claims the goal was to identify drivers who worked for both companies tooing tab -- to be targetted with incentives to get them to primarily work for uber. that complaint was filed this week in san francisco. and google is making changes aimed at rooting out fake fews. google wants to prevent fake information from showing up in search results and they committed to doing everything possible to avoid spreading misinformation, conspiracy theories, folkses and offensive content and google is adding a feedback option to allow users to complain about anything objectionable and questionable among the stories. rumors are swirling that google cofounder sergei brin is building a giant air ship. sources say he hbo caping the project underwrap in moffett field. he will not comment but the paper reportsly is building what looks like a zeplin but is not known if it's a hob or potential business. >> really? when you're a billionaire, you can play around a bit. 6:46 and checking in here in the next hour of mornings on two. good morning, gasia. >> and thank you. when i join you, there are more questions about facebook's ability to monitor and remove images of violence posted by users. the most recent incident, a restaurant father in thailand killed his learn-month-old child on facebook live and then committed suicide. it was up on facebook for 24 hours and how others spreadd images on another site and the fear of certain videos spurring copycat killings and the attempt to stop incidents and videos like. that. a missile launch this morning to test an unarmed intercouldn't inanta will balloon. the statement from the commander about the need for the launch and the critics who say now is not the time. these stories and much more when i join you in a few moments. >> see you then, gasia. if all goes according to plan, marshawn lynch will be a member of the oakland raiders today. es, n and the nfl network are reporting they agreed to a two- year contract. the raiders and seahawks have come to terms, the only thing left is for the five-time pro bowl runningback to pass a physical. that is expected to happen today. bravo. and you remember tom rasmun, he will be inducted into the 49ers hall of fame this fall. he spent 23 of the past 31 seasons with the 49ers as either a player or a coach. from 1986 to 1993, he was a key part of the 49ers offense. and he was a human wrecking ball when he ran the ball, racking up yards on the ground and air. he was recently the 49ers running back coach, but he left the atm two months ago when the new head coach came in. a giant minor league prospect and east bay native pitched a perfect game last night. the 22-year-old retired all 27 batters he faced while pecking for augusta greenjackets. he was the 22nd round pick and went to clayton valley charter hose. he grew up in walnut creek. bravo to him. perfect. >> yeah. wow. 6:48 is the time. sal, got traffic. so much sports to watch right now. >> and that is a good time to be a sports fan. >> it is. >> and especially in the bay area. >> and exactly. and the 280 commute doesn't look bad and it's light and hasn't picked up yet. 101 is slow nearby and approaching the 880 interchange. we can look at the map in san jose here. 101 is slow. in heyward, it slows from 238 to union city and the dun barton bridge, not bad. more crowded and approaching highway 101 and 680, concord and we're seeing the slow traffic here and into the walnut creek interchange. it's going to be slow, steve. and there is the fog we're talking about the traffic is backed up for a 20 minute delay and let's bring in steve with the forecast. >> and fog and low clouds. it started on the golden gate bridge and earlier, they're out rowing. >> man, that has to be cold. >> and probably. >> once you get going. there is overcast over the bay and estuary. over oakland and really thick for spots. you have to tell us the dog or cat's name. and is raleighlo even easternia foggy and cloudy and drizzle. and some areas getting more than that and that is why i am saying light rain and clearing tonight and tomorrow. eye good system for april into the four corners and that is a major severe weather producer into the texas and plains. you can see everything from the northwest and the high hasn't build in strong enough and this will give us a lot of cloud cover and light rain and this is a rain event for the sierra. the peninsula -- peninsula, sanford, and closed for hillsborough and san carlos, 53 and temperatures compared to 24 hours ago, 3 to 8 degrees warmer and they're running warm through the cloud cover and a west-southwesterly breeze is not going there either. more northwest and southwest. cloudy to mostly cloudy, drizzle and light rain and into the afternoon tonight and that is northward and seeing the wind pick up and more sunshine. the 60s on the temps and maybe some close near 70 and below average gain and tomorrow is the transition day and transition and warmer temps. >> and that suns -- sounds good. 6:52 is the time. bay area residents are leaving a nationwide trend. and another sign of people packing their bags as they search for more affordable housing and the most in-fate destination. plus, the opioid epidemic takes a dangerous turn. the warning for a local community. have assembled. so, what's the plan? breaking out the guardians, pal. celebrate the summer of heroes, only at disneyland resort. hero up! >> welcome back to mornings on 2. >> uh-huh. >> 6:55 is the time right now. >> more and more people are leaving the bay area. >> bay area residents are leading the country with the most people that will probably move. according to redfin their annual migration report says 19 and a half percent of potential home buyers in san francisco searched outside of the region for their house. san francisco is getting a new elementary school. the school board has voted to build the school in the mission bay neighborhood. a packed crowd was there when they voted supporting the construction of a new elementary school. it is an upcoming part of the sit eye with new buildings and construction underway. the district is expecting 900 public school students in the area. >> right now over 100 school aged children in mission bay who don't have a school to go to. many of the families are choosing nonpublic options. >> the way to keep families in san francisco is if you have kids you have to an opportunity to go to public school. >> the school district is considering adding affordable housing in the area for teachers. hundreds of city workers in sunnyvale threatened to walk off the job and many city services could come to a halt. the employees association took a strike authorization vote. 98% voted to go on strike. the you knowon is frustrated after two years of failed negotiations. >> if we can't get a rise with sunnyvale growing and the economy is booming, we will never get a raise. >> we have a calpers hit and their proposal is above what they are proposing. >> the city is offering a 10% raise. if there is a strike and it could happen in the next couple of days, nonessential services could be affected like libraries and parks, there's a warning in the north bay after several suspected deaths from heroin and in just a matter of days. christina rendone talked to officials. >> reporter: black tar heroin is one of the most common drugs in sonoma county. lately -- >> the heroin being sold in santa rosa is highly toxic. >> reporter: it is suspected to be responsible for the death of five people in the last ten days. >> the last death was yesterday at a coffee shop. a person was found in a bathroom stall? it happened at a starbucks. the man was a transient. two other transients, a man and woman died in separate cases. one found outside a petco. two santa rosa residents overdosed in their own homes. all between the ages of 27 and 66. >> it is homeless, not homeless, men, women, young people, old people. everybody is risk. >> reporter: he calls the bad batch potentially toxic. they are conducting tests to figure out what is so potent and urging the public to be cautious. >> we've had all over santa rosa. to the residents. it's all over santa rosa right now. this is very dangerous. people are dying at an abnormal lehigh rate. if you feel like you're overdosing or know someone who is overdosing, call 911 right away. >> reporter: it can be hard to track heroin deaths versus other deaths. state data shows in 2015, there were 15 deaths from heroin overdoses in sonoma county and the majority were men. ktvu fox 2 news. president trump expected to unveil his tax plan today. the impact on businesses as well as individual households. >> doug: a woman left bloodied on the streets of san jose. we will tell you what witnesses say about her assailant as mornings on 2 continues. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> 7:00 this wednesday morning, april 6th. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> and good morning, i'm dave clark. i saw some light rain outside our door just a minute ago. steve. >> that is correct. gasia, i like the hair. >> thank you. trying something new. dug around in the back of the makeup cap net. >> very good. we have light rain as dave touched on. small print. don't read the small print. i believe an umbrella would go good at the ashby bart station. thank you. that is great information. i appreciate that. sal can use that too. an umbrella at the ashby bart station. >> yes, i can. thank you. >> any time. we do have light rain around piedmont. it looks

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