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Were live in richmond. Well have the latest coming up. If it is not raining where you liver now, it probably will be. We are tracking the storm to tell you where it is already, where it is headed and how long it will be there in the bay area. This is dt ktvu mornings on 2. Good morning. Thank you for joining us. Welcome back. Its thursday, october 27th. Im pam cook. Im dave clark. Stake an up umbrella. It is wet. Mark is in for steve paulsen. Hes right over there. I heard your advice. I have an umbrella. Were ready to go. Already have some rain showers across parts of the bay area this morning. More activity later on today especially for the afternoon and evening commute. If you cant see a live Storm Tracker, there you cant see the rainfall that comes across the bay area. We still have some opportunity that is across to the west. There is the coverage at least on land and still some more action in parts of the east bay and especially in the north bay. Napa towards santa rosa. If you cant see that, and up toward some coverage on the radar as well. As far as current numbers, very mildment dont count on a chilly feel. Temperatures to a mild start. Theyre not going to warm up too much. Here is a plan for today. Showers at 8 00 this morning, 60 degrees, and then a chance at 12 00, 63. And throughout the afternoon hours, in fact, by the evening hours, were going to bump up the rain chances. So rainfall becoming likely by the evening commute. That will be a little heavier. So here is the plan for this morning. The clouds, the rain showers out there, and still a chance throughout the day. Keep the umbrella on standby. And here is what happened on this afternoon and the evening hours just in time for the evening commute, rainfall will be picking up. More rain for your friday morning and the weekend, well talk about that in a few minutes. He has an update on the bay area waterways. We do have slow traffic all over the place already because of the wet weather, perhaps. Or just a lot of people on the road. The commute here is going to be okay. And there is going to be an accident with an interview. Westbound 580 at the brake check area. There is some slow traffic as you drive through. Pardon me. I had to cough there. There are no major problems as you drive in to the livermore valley. After that, and you can see that the backup is about normal. I do want to mention southbound 80 near whipple, they are clearing an injury accident out of a cup of those left lanes. Traffic is backing up near hayward. If you get on after whipple, it should be much better. Looking at the commute at the bay bridge toll plaza, westbound looks light getting in to San Francisco. Northbound 280 in san jose. Getting up to highway 17 all the way up to west valley. We just received new information about a Police Investigation in richmond that shut down a major road. Ktvu just confirming this is a Homicide Investigation. And you have the new information. The scene is right here behind me. Hilltop drives. To interstate 80. And now, behind sus where the scene is. You can see the focalpoint. You can see all the bushes in the way. Where all these investigators are standing. That is actually the onramp to eastbound interstate 80. That is where the victim of this shooting found. Got a call about a person find on a shoulder at onramp. That person had been shot several times. And all along up and down that onramp. And this happened about 12 30 this morning. Hilltop drive around this onramp is shut down in both directions. And hopes to have a lot of the rains in the eastbound direction in the Hilltop Drive open to traffic sometime in the next hour. Hilltop in interstate 80. Back to you guys. 5 06. Two firefighters are on paid administrative leave. After being accused of drunk and disorderly conduct. And one of the firefighters. The Walnut Creek Marriott Hotel called police to report that four drunk guesses prove to leave the room. 31yearold firefighter Andrew Desmond and his girlfriend johnson and his wife. Now, the four were at the hole tell for a charity ball hosted by a Firefighters Union for the bikes for tykes program. Police say when officers arrived on scene, there was a scuffle between desmond and two officers. We want to see exactly what happened and the facts come out in the case and well make evaluations on that. And we take public theres trust seriously. The Firefighters Union released this statement. Quote, local 12 30 apologizes to the marrion hotel, the Walnut Creek Police department and the Fire District and to the publicly served for this unfortunate incident at the site of our charity event. Now, the two Police Officers suffered minor injuries in the incident. The firefighters and their companions were released on bail. Time is now 5 07. Learning more about a stolen car suspect in an officer involved shooting. And in serious condition. Told the San Francisco chronicle that he had just been showing off a new paint job on his car when the police pulled him over. The car was identified as stolen at the san mateo. And as a Police Officer approached the car, he stepped on the gas and dragged the chp officer before crashing the car. Police then fired several slots ath the car wounding el mohammad. The Police Used Excessive force. What are you going to do . Multiple shots. For what . Now, we dont know the name of the chd officer involved. And that officer is in the with a minor head injury and an injured arm. He is expected to make a full recovery. Police arrested a suspect in a purse snatching. Police say a woman called to report that two men had stolen a purse and jumped . A car and took off. And located a suspects car in south San Francisco. As officers approached the car, it drove off and crashed into another car. The two suspects ran off and police were able to arrest one of them. Evidence of the purse snatching was found in the suspects car. Time is now 5 09. Police are looking for two thief who is stole cash and jewelry from a 72yearold man. The man says he parked the car outside of his house when two men came up. One of the man demanded that he give up his ro electionx watch and liz cash. Police believe the thieves may have seen the man getting cash out of the bank a couple of minutes earlier and followed him home. Strong after shocks are being felt in central italy after the area was rocked by two powerful earthquakes last night. The first quake measured magnitude 5. 5, the second 6. 1. Both were centered near the town of viso. I want to show you daytime video that shows some of the damage to the homes and other buildings including some churches. So far, reports of injuries are minimal, but police are blaming the quakes for causing a heart attack that killed a 73year old man. The tremors come two months after that 6. 2 earthquake hit near it will same area killing nearly 3800 people. The latest quakes have left them feeling helpless and vulnerable. I was at home inside when the first quake hit and then we went out because the earth kept moving all the time. The more serious damage was caused by the second quake. A mayor of one town describes the damage as apocalyptic and that his town is quote finished. There have been aftershocks as strong as 4. 9. Time is now 5 10. Back here at home, pg ande customers may see electric bills go up. The pg ande announced plans to close down the Nuclear Power plant back in june. At that time, they said customers would not see a longterm price like he lated to there closure. Well, now, approximate pb go ande is sending notices to customers saying they plan to raise rates by 1. 6 from 2018 through 2025. That money would go to projects to replace energy not provided by the canyon. And has to approve the rate hike. Consumer groups are opposing it. A landlord in East Palo Alto accused of no comment before or after a court appearance. What are you going to say. Hes a hardworking person who are having trouble paying their bills. A deal that included him pleading guilty to one count of earlyny k tellny vandalism. He would pay full restitution and serve one to two years in jail. There is Surveillance Video that the victim say shows him hoot shooing out the windows of cars. He wanted to get tenants in rent hoff controlled apartments to move out so he could race the rent on those units. It is the core in the bay area and that is housing. To make a fubbings, the willingness to cause people to try to get them to be thrown out on to the streets. That is why it is far more agrees you and warranted felony treatment rather than a misdemeanor treat treatment. Hes scheduled to appear for a preliminary hearing on december 13th. The 747yearold landlord is scheduled to have surgery and that could delay the areaing. There is a town in the north bay that has a deer problem. There have been deer that have attacked dogs here. You know, there are all kinds of stories. Some of the people say the problem is so bad its a Health Hazard now. More than a third of all residents say they want the deer population managed. Last night, dozens of people talked about how to deal with this. Officials have suggested surgical sterilization but many say thats a tough sale. Its not pretty. There is no way to pretty it up. If youre going to put deer down and surgically operate on them, its not going to be a brett city sight. Darting deer with a contraceptive vaccine. It would have to be done every year. Critics say since the deer are mostly on private property, they wont let that happen. The next steps will come to the city council. Many say it will go to a public vote. California students scored poorly on a test for science. 4th, 8ableth graders took the test. While the score for 12th graders was not released, the state ranked third to last among 4 had the graders and 5th to last among 8th graders. The states scores residence rose from previous years but california remains near if bottom. An education expert tells the mercury news that california has ignored science while focusing more on math and english because of the no child left behind law. A dead blue whale launch add shore off the coast of daily city. Sky fox was overhead just about noon. At that point, the whale was less than a mile offshore from thornton state beach. Marine mammal experpetrators say it is a blue whale which is an endangered species and the largest animal in the world. Biologists plan to go to the beach this morning to try to determine what caused the whale to die. Wow. Time is 5 15. Hundreds of east bay students out with the blue at flu at one high school. What the school is doing today threing to keep everyone healthy. And a man trying to set a new sailing record from San Francisco to shanghai is now missing. What the coast guard found on his sailboat adrift in the pacific ocean. Still seeing some slow traffic out there. In fact, the commute might be pretty slow in some areas already. Here on the bay bridge, it looks pretty normal on the way to San Francisco. And in weather, we have been tracking a bit of some rain. Plenty of breaks. More rain in the forecast just offshore. A factor especially in the afternoon and evening commute. Well have an update after the break. It is now 5 18. A man attempting a sailing record from San Francisco to shanghai is now missing. The coast guard found the sailboat drifting near hawaii but he was not onboard. His life jacket was still on the boat. The 50yearold is an experienced already. He left San Francisco on october 18th and was trying to set a record by sail sailing to shanghai in 20 days. The Current Record is 21 days. But on tuesday, his support Team Announced it had lost contact with him and that his boat had lost speed. Oh, boy. Yeah. All right. Time is 5 18. Lets check in with sal. We have wet roads. Traffic problems all over the place already, sal. Yeah. With i do have some traffic issues out there, dave. And pam. Right now, northbound 101, if you are driving from gilroy to san jose. That commute doesnt look bad. I know a lot of people want to see what that looks like at this time. You can see traffic is moving along pretty nicely as you drive into the main part of the value loo, but we have had, as you mention, dave, we have had some issues out there. I want to talk about 80 southbound that cleared the accident near the lane near whipple. You can see that the traffic is much better. We are seeing et wet road sensors and slow traffic heading south. This morning, once they cleared it, the traffic seems to be much better. Lets move along and take a look at a commute now on 880 north and southbound in oakland. Not a bad commute here. Northbound 80 traffic looks good all the way up into downtown. And at the bay bridge toll plaza, it is getting more crowded usually at about 5 30 is when we see the crowd begin after they turn those mitering lights on. At 5 20. We had some rain earlier in the week. A Second System moving not for today and friday, and then another one into your weekend. On the satellite and radar, right now, you see the rainfall that moved add cross the bay area probably while you were sleeping. We have accidents inth north bay. Most areas reporting cloud cover. Still a few with scattered rain showers. Some more coverage developing just offshore right around fa pacifica. This is light to mott lateral side, but nothing extreme just yet. In the upper 50s to lower 60s. Its very mild out there. This next storm marching close tore our coastline for today and friday. The heaviest will be in the coastal hims especially south of the bay area. Rainfall. Notary public is through friday. About three quarters of an inch all the way to three inches of rain. Were taking this over the flexion five days. Well see those numbers really adding up. We have the system today and tomorrow, and then once again into the weekend, and you cant see, income is just more than a few hundreds of an inch measuring rainfall in the inches especially up towards santa rosa over two inches. We were talking about the coastal hims. Whenever you get the flow, the hims actually force the clouds up. We actually squeezed out more rain, so that as a result were going to pick um some more rain toward the Santa Cruz Mountains and to the burn areas. As a result, we have a Flash Flood Watch that begins this afternoon right on through friday morning. Rainfall in this area potentialtially could be three to four inches. So here we go today this ors and friday. This moisture is actually bring energy some moisture from a hurricane. Hurricane seeymour and in the weekend, another storm approaching our coastline. At least for today, periods of rain picking up by this afternoon, late in the afternoon into the evening hours. Rain likely into friday morning, and then once again, a chance of some rain on saturday, especially up in the north bay. And especially up toward santa rosa and then rain likely into saturday night and sunday morning. Here is the deal today. 9 00 a. M. This morning. Some scattered rain showers out there. Maybe a few more breaks earlier this afternoon. Here we go. The coverage on the increase for this evening and also for the friday morning commute. Showers taper for friday afternoon, and then maybe by saturday, could be talking about some rainfall especially up in parts of the north bay. Increasing chances by saturday afternoon. Temperatures could be pet i. A chance of some rain especially in the north bay on saturday. A good portion could be dry. It will be dry. The trick or treaters monday evening. At least that is the plan. Is soggy trick or treating is just not as fun. It ruins the hair and costumes and everything. Thats good. And it is safer when it is not raining. Thank you, mark. 25 23. The kuhns got the win in game two. The world series all tied up. Coming up in 25 minutes, were going to show you the big hits that lead to chicago wins. Microsoft showing up its first desktop computer. The hightech features and well also tell you the price. Dont expect apples new airpods date of birth in store any time soon. The airpots were wireless earphones for the iphone. They were unvailed in september. Happen needs a little more time to get them ready for sale. Apple did not say what fields to be worked on. Meantime, microsoft is getting into the desktop computer business. They are introducing the new surface studio pc. Its an awe all the one touchscreen desk on the featuring a high speed processer and a screen that is Higher Definition than 4k. Check it out. The surface studio will be available this holiday season, but microsoft did not save the launch date. Oh, and the price, it starts at 3000 . Time is 5 27. More people are depending on the ferry system to get around the bay area. The change is underway now to make sure those boats stay safe while they meet demand. And apple is offering something new to customers. We will live at headquarters to tell you about the launch happening later this morning. Wet commute means slower commute and some commutes are already living up top that. This is a look at 24. It doesnt look too bad here on the way to the tunnel. Im dave clark. Thank you for joining us. It is 5 30. I was looking at the wrong side. There it is right there. You put your finger right on it. Mark is here. And you are tracking this storm moving not. It is actually throwback thursday. We have one vave move in people while you were sleeping. We were talking ant some more action later on today. As you can see on live Storm Tracker 2, there is a lot happening in the pacific. You can see a ushape in the upper level winds. Typically you get storm development. Some of those winds are being caught up in the flow. Right now in the radar, there is the coverage. Not everybody picking up rain, but we still have some action especially in the north bay and just offshore just yet as well. We are not tracking any yellows and reds. That could be clanging later on today. Current numbers out there pretty mild in the upper 50s to the lower 60s. Here is a plan for today in San Francisco. It looks like we will have some scattered showers at 8 00 this morning. 60 degrees. Rainfall increases in coverage and intensify. The challenging commute will be will today and later on. You can see some more action across parts ott bay area. At 3 00, maybe some more breaks. And after 3 00, look what happens. Definitely some more rainfall paying us a visit as we head into thursday night. More rain for your friday morning commute and into part of your weekend sal standing be i and he has an update on the wet roadways. Good morning. I feel if i should put on my pleated jeans. And you know, its a temporary thing o. You are clock will be back. Its being repaired. But that clock does say the correct time. 5 32. Lets take a look at the commute. The traffic is move ago long pretty well between fairfield. And you will see a little bit of slow traffic already on 80 westbound approaching the bridge. And but for the most part, we dont see a lot of slow traffic elsewhere in this commute. Fairfield still looks good. Highway 12. But you will see some slowing already as i mentioned approaching that bridge. Lets move along to the san mateo bridge. Traffic looks pretty good. The traffic continues to look pretty good getting out to the highrise. And also looking at the bay bridge toll plaza. And you can see traffic is a little bit backed up now that they have put on the metering lights. 5 33. Lets go back to the desk. Apple is making changes due to big announcementsens. Apple will unvail some new products. The boost it needs. Ktvu is at apple headquarters this morning. Jeanine . Pam, apple is said to unvail. Apple is expected to release a new mac justice of the peace book pro that has a touch panel. And various tech blogs show the leaked images with a touch panel above its keyboard and a fingerprint reader. Tech analysts say the macbook pro appears to be thinner and expected to weigh less for previous model. The company certainly needs to generate some following its Earnings Report this week showing sales of iphone fell from last year and revenue dropped. Analysts say what is going to generate interest. Apple has long been rumored to develop a selfdriving car. Tim cook, the ceo expressed interest. He, of course, was entreated i did to reveal any sort of a new plan to a new product yet. We are expecting to see a lot of tex bloggers and analysts because this event is supposed to start at 10 00 a. M. Back to you. You are right where a lot of people would like to be. Thats good. Anxious to hear about that. Thank you, jeanine. An East Bay High School is dealing with a serious flu outbreak. Now Clayton Valley Charter High School in concord says about 500 students have been out sick over the past few days. Bathrooms are getting a deep cleaning. Disinfectant wipes have being handed out to students and student loss are not sick say the the absences are noticeable. My english class, half of the people were gone. All of the front of the classes were gone and it was pretty much empty. They had a total of 15 students out sick. A spokesperson says that is pretty normal and they are not seeing any large cases of flu related absences in their district. People living near redwood city are being warned about a Mountain Lion on the loose in they neighborhood. It was seen 12 30 this morning. One said it ran right in front of their car and disappeared in the bushes. The big cat did not appear to be injured and was not aggressive. People in the area are being advised to avoid the animal and keep a close watch on children and pets. Time is 5 56. The National Park service will hold a News Conference today. They will announce the first ever no burn season in ocean beach in San Francisco. It will start november 1s and run until the end of february. During that time, crews will remove and clean those fire bits pits at ocean beach. The no burn season coincides with the winter spare the air created because of solution of burn. The service put into effect in april to better manage recreational fires at the beach. Well, the pilot of commercial flight was arrested. The pilot for skywest airlines. The police were called and they arrested him for operating an aircraft while under the influence. The intoxication level for flying is half that level for driving area coo. Skywest flies the shorter routes for several major Issue Airlines in and out of San Francisco and san joses. Ferry ridership is way up and growing fast. There were a record 2 million passengers and the Water Emergency Transportation Authority is racing to keep under with demands. Explains what it means to safety and cost of riding the ferry. The water Emergency Authority dedicated the new north bay operation and maintenance on the island today. This facility underscores the growing importance of the bay areas growing ferry fleets for passenger service, First Responder transportation and disasters, and postdisaster recovery. Where ferries are really needed, what the possibilities are, and then we have a very definitive plan to build out not only the capacity of the ferries but to make sure that they safety run, that we can maintain them, and that we fulfill our responsibilities for emergency response. After any emergency from earthquakes to major road or bridge blockages to transit strikes, the bay provides excellent transportation tasks provided ferries are in good working order and plentiful. We already have seven boats that are in progress or have been approved for development. Reporter captain chuckle lilies has been in the Ferry Service for 36 years. This boat holds 349 passengers. The new ferries are going to hold 450 passengers, so bigger, faster, and adding more boats to the service. Some new boats will be built for different types of locations of commutes as well as for varying water depths. Some will use a different power source other than desil. In the last four years, ferry passenger counts are up 72 . If you are looking at a fourboat schedule now. Four boats and we pack them on. There is overflow. We could use another two boats. Why. A similar construction for smaller ferries and facilities at the Ferry Building are also being expanded. With the new maintenance, the crews can work on new parts of the boat more often including these 11footlong enbegin engines which they can repair quicker and far less expense. Our ferry future is bright. I see ferries all over the bay. All over the bay in different places, and its going to be incredible. Reporter virtually every ferry passenger represents one less commuting car. Ktvu, fox 2 news. And time is now 5 39. There was panic in boston last night on a subway train that fair and impartialed up with smoke. Smoke from an overheated motor seeped into the train. Now, at first, the passengers couldnt get out. Doors stayed closed as that train was leaving the station, but a Police Officer then smashed a window to let people climb out. Cell phone video shows scared passengers climbing through windows while some people on the plattform were trying to pry open the train doors with their bare hands to free the trapped passengers. Members of the United Nations applauding the historic vote to lift the embargo against cuba. In the past, the u. S. Has voted against the measure every time it was put forward. That automatically blocked the measure, but yesterday, the u. S. And isreal abstained and the resolution passed 191 to 0 ever zero. That diplomatic change is in line with obamas desire to normalize the relations between cuba. This resolution does not mean that all of the practices of the cuban government. And to mange economic and social changes by improving relations and the you nighted nations vote could put pressure on the american lawmaker loss are going to keep the embargo in place. Time is now 5 41. Tomorrow, a very unique store will open in San Francisco. Everything in the store is free, because this street store skate caters to the homeless. Its a popup store. It will be open for just one day. Its in the basement of an Office Building south of market. The items include donated clothing and shoes. This must be a dignified experience so they can chose clothes rather than being forced clothes. How about that . Popup Street Stores started overseas. But in is the first one in San Francisco. Donations have poured in when word of the store spread especially on social media. More than 500 of the homeless are expected to be at the store tomorrow. Well, aaa reminding parents halloween, would you know, is the most dangerous night of the year for kids. Government information shows children are four times more likely to be hit by a car on halloween than any other day of the year. Aaa says kipps are often dressed in dark costumes and they have masked that cuts down on what they could see as well. Using reflected table on costumes and tree bags. Use facepaint instead of masks. They also say bring along a flashlight. That is what pam does. Stay on side justice of the peace walks if you can, and avoid wearing costumes that a child can trip over. I didnt think about that. Great advice. The glow sticks. The glow bracelets. A great thing to hand count to trick or treaters. Definitely keep an eye out. 5 42 is the time right now. A National Anthem controversy at an nba game. Coming up in the next half hour, the reason a singer said her puerto rico foremans was canceled just minutes before she was set to go on the court. First in the world series. The chicago cubs. Up next, the key players in their game two victory. Looking at the east bay commute. We do have a look at the mcarthur maize. Not too bad turning around the corner to the bay bridge toll plaza. And whether you may encounter a few scattered rain showers this morning, but things will pick up this afternoon and tonight, and once again friday into the weekend. A lot to talk about. Well do just that after your forecast after the break. The mae gave her Top Executive managed aa huge pay raiseet, and a lavish car allowance, run up a deficit, then cut jos for local teenagers, and cut afterschool program. No wonder tchronicle called Mae Torlakson flatout unprepared for the assembly. They endorse tim grayson. As mayor of concord, grayson balanced the budget every yer while doing more for kids. Tim grayson for assembly. Time is 5 46. This afternoons commute and this evenings commute could be a rough one. Lets start off with the 580 commute getting not from the pass. You will see that traffic is going to be busy as you drive out to the area. You can see it is slow. Speeds are down. Move ago long a picture of 880. Traffic is not bad here. A little bit further south, it begins to get a little bit crowded at 2 38. At bay bridge toll plaza, you will see that traffic is backed up to the mcarthur maize. Those meters lights are on. You dont see anything unusual at the bay bridge so far. Now, at 5 38. We do have some wet roadways out there. Get ready as you preview, the rainfall has taken up later on this afternoon and to tonight. You can see on live Storm Tracker 2. We have a lot to talk about in the pacific. This is a big ushape here. That is a big trough. This is where the storm develops. You can see some enhancement. And we have this. Some of that moisture is getting caught up in the flow. This is all toward central and northern california. That spells out a rainy forecast eventually. Right now, we have some clouds in place and a few scattered rain showers out there. Right now, the focus is up in the north bay, but still if you are not covered, there is enough moisture. You can have a few sprinkles or a few light showers. There is some of the coverage of the northern portions of sanoma down and still some action scattered around the bay itself closer to san jose East Palo Alto and right around freemont. Current numbers may surprise you. Upper 50s to right around 60. Freemont checks in 60. Half moon bay in the upper 50s and napa 68 as well. Talking about this next system that will impact two days. Today and into your friday. Heaviest will be in the coastal hims. A Flash Flood Watch posted for the burn area. There begin this is afternoon. Rainfall could be topping three inches. So the big concern here, we could have some debris flow right around the fire zone. So here is what is happening today. This portion of the pattern with rain returns. The weekend, by saturday night and into sunday. For today, periods of rain. Keep the umbrella handy, and for tonight into friday morning, were talking about some more organized steadier downpours. Chances of rain on saturday. That would be favoring the north bay, and a better bet probably mid to Late Afternoon saturday. But here is the deal for this morning. A scattered rain showers around the bay, and then 1 00. Maybe some more breaks. Then look what happens by late in the afternoon and into the evening hours, the coverage is definitely ramping up the intensity. Itsing stick around for the friday morning commute. A chance of rain in the north bay. This will gradually work its way to the south by saturday night. Temperatures. Lots of 60s for afternoon highs. With livermore 68. Not changing too much from the current read. A lot to talk about with some rain for fir friday morning. Highest chances up in the north bay. And then some morning rain. A good portion of monday will be dried. If you are getting excited about the rain. These are mostly storm. If you step outside, you feel like you are in hawaii. Watch out for the evening commute. The evening commute and tomorrow morning as well. Its 5 51. Cull marys first for the biggest city. And we are were going to take you on a tour of the restaurant that earned san jose its only michelin rating. Ill get you dancing. To the diggy diggy diggity do. This is my town. If you dont know now you know. Do that thing that you do. Ill show you a new move. Check out the diggy diggy diggity do. Ill get you dancing to the diggy diggy diggity do. This is my town. Save five when you spend thirty on costumes and decor at target. In a restaurant, a michelin star. San jose has never had a restaurant with a michelin star until now. Take a look at that yummy food. A portugese restaurant known as little portugal. Only the second to get this honor. You need to send me there. Ktvu has been there. Shes giving us a tour of this one ofof akind dining experience. In san joses little portugal neighborhood. Which means wine cellar. The restaurant open for ten months has already been awarded the coveted michelin star lating rating. And there was no aid or abet reaction or yelling, because it came. The michelin guys honored more than 50 bay area restaurants with stars, yet this is a first for the city of san jose, an unexpected surprise for the husband and wife owners. Whose intention is to offer authentic portugese cuisine and a city known for invasion. Why not create something in the culinary world. Why only in technology. Its where this family is from. The owners daughter, jessica, at 23 years old is likely one of the youngest to earn a michelin distinction. If you really work hard and follow your screams follow your dreams and focus and dedicate your attention on something that you believe in strongly, it will pay off. Reporter jessica and her fiance, the executive chef, were already on the radar after working at a toprated restaurant. The specialties include the octupus, cod and their dessert. Theres a lot of sharpness and unique flavors. Reporter this sa in jose native reason reserved a table embracing the diversity and pride this restaurant has to offer. There is culture. Help will latch on to that and more and more restaurants opening in the competition. Ktvu fox 2 news. Is booked until december. You will have to wait until after christmas shopping. The restaurants owner say that the michelin star is devoted to bringing great cuisine to the south bay even if they get super crowded. Looks yummy. Time is 5 57. Finding out more about two firefighters put on paid administrative leave. The hotel disruption and the assault on a Police Officer is being investigated in walnut creek. Also, we are following a Homicide Investigation in richmonday. The overnight shooting that has a freeway onramp shut down at this hour. And in weather, we have some rain moving to the bay area. Probably why you are sleeping overnight. And get ready. Were tracking another surge of moisture for the afternoon and evening commute. Manier rain clouds for afraid and the weekend. Follow your own sense of style. Because, you want to be confident. T. J. Maxx really helped us express our creative side. Thats the best part. You dont know what youre going to find. I always find great deals on shoes. Purses. Were a team. Yeah. Maxx life at t. J. Maxx. Snow. What we found out over a deadly night shooting. Twitter confirms they will be laying off hundreds of employees. The Third Quarter earnings the San Francisco based Company Reported early this morning. Mornings on 2 continues. This is ktvu mornings on 2. All right. Good morning. Thank you for joining us. Our other top story, of course, this morning is the weather. Parts of the bay area some rain overnight. More is on the way. A beautiful shot of the bay bridge. I came over

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