The conditions that show it looks like fog may come back later today. It may be too shallow to make an impact depending on the elevation, it is either on the cool side or the warm but it does look like another hot day although not as odd as yesterday, ive 88 to 92, 65 humidity, if the fog makes it will go up but i think it is more effective tomorrow and gusts look like, northerly direction. It depends, there is a very warm air aloft, not a westerly breeze yet but it does look like it is trying because you can see the fog is rapidly approaching but not there yet. Perhaps by late morning or early afternoon it will be good we get the low clouds and fog north which is on its way so for some it will be a dramatic cooldown, in yet north and east there is not an onshore breeze yet, even out at the delta it is still calm. 50s and 60s on attempts and fog will make an impact for some of the coast dropping temps a good 20 or 250, other inland locations will still be hot, there will be a huge drop. It will may be focus on rain for the upcoming weekend. Steve tina who follow me on twitter the other day . Caroline shively one of the fox reporters and i followed her right back. Now we are twitter buddies and i just wanted to put that out there, everyone is there is no conflict of interest. Good morning everyone, lets take a look at the commute. Traffic getting into San Francisco right now is doing very well, if youre driving into the city we will talk about that in a moment, terrible traffic already is our early friends on the Altamont Pass get into the Livermore Valley and getting out to pleasanton, once you get into livermore it looks good but you will be waiting a bit as you drive into the dublin interchange. Also we are looking at a commute in oakland on 880 and from the coliseum that will be doing well if youre driving that way. The bay bridge toll plaza getting into San Francisco looks good and no trouble by the way driving over to the Silicon Valley commute and we will talk about the Silicon Valley commute next time. At 5 03 am lets go back to the desk. Last nights president ial debate had plenty of fireworks between Hillary Clinton and donald trump. The two candidates clashed over the economy, the iraq war, his taxes, her emails and caroline shively, just speaking of her, joins us live from new york with what the pundits are saying this morning, good morning. Reporter good morning to you pam and dave and this was a rough one, they did not go easy on each other and they hit everything from personality to the policies to the personal. Of the entire clinton case that he is incapable of being president died somewhere on that stage. While donald trump did not have any major gaps Hillary Clinton forced him to be on defense for much of the debate. He double down on some of the biggest lies he told in the campaign, whether it was his role in the birth are is him or his support of the iraq war. Identities to face questions about her email scandal. I will not make excuses and it was a mistake and i take responsibility for that. Donald did not let it go good that was done purposely. Clinton hit trump on his past comments about women this manifold women pigs, slobs and dogs and someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers. Afterward the gop nominee said he told fox he held back about bill clintons affairs. I didnt want to say what i was going to say about what has been going on in their lives and so i decided not to say it and i thought it would be very disrespectful to chelsea. Trump has more opportunities to redeem himself. I would remind Trump Supporters if you uneasy about the performance that are three of these suckers and he will get better at this. The Vice President contenders have their debate on tuesday, pam and dave back to you. Caroline shively thank you and the question everybody wants dancers who won the debate . Usf politics pertain Professor James taylor and brian sobel appeared on the 10 pm news last night and they broke down each of the candidates performances. Based on her ability to recite facts and that sort of thing i think she took it by a little bit but donald trump did not lose, he maintained his base and she maintained her base, and she probably brought some of the folks who were looking for somebody a little to her side. When i watched it here i thought trump held his own but went home and were supposed analysis the interpretation was different, trump lost and lost sound of late and politico says Hillary Clinton gets under Donald Trumps skin and he took the bait. That is what i thought earlier, it was not the 90 minutes on the stage but the 90 hours after. Throughout this morning will have much more analysis and political commentator joe two men joins us again in the studio beginning in the next hour. There was a nonpartisan president ial Debate Watch Party in San Francisco held in the Downtown Hotel that i and it was supposed to be on the second floor, more than 200 people showed up which created an overflow crowd onto the first floor and the event was promoted as a nonpartisan, but most in attendance seemed to be democrat. It is all economic and financial, really important issues. But still undecided . Undecided between johnson and clinton. I want people to walk away hopefully optimistic thinking that we have candidates ahead of us with the best interest of america start. Organizers plan old watch events for the two remaining president ial debate and they say this is a forum for people to share ideas and different ideas. Today is National Voter registration a, campaign encouraging people to register for the november 8 election and there are hundreds of events nationwide including in the bay area, summer outside of the San Francisco area to the main Oakland Public Library and the college in cupertino, lots of places to register, find locations close to you by going to our website, the mornings on 2 tab through ktvu. Com and click on news links. Overnight a woman was shot last night while her 70year old husbands pistol whipped during an Armed Robbery outside of their home in orinda. The unidentified woman picked up her husband and they went to a safeway supermarket in orinda before going home near claremont avenue and camino pablo road. The couple told police they were unloading groceries in their driveway went to African American men wearing halloween masks attacked them. They sold the mans wallet and hit him with a gun and they then shot the wife and ran away. She was taken to john pugh word Medical Center and was treated for nonlifethreatening injuries. We are phone developing news from the Santa Cruz Mountains and right now just a short time ago some new evacuation orders were issued in that huge brush fire in the mountains. The loma fire started yesterday afternoon east of highway 17 near the top of loma prieta mountain. It has burned about 1000 acres, hundreds of homes are in danger, this morning it is only 5 contained. Ktvus janine de la vega just arrived on the fire scene and she tells us sheriffs deputies are ordering even more people to evacuate and leave their homes immediately and one volunteer firefighter who lives in the Santa Cruz Mountains immediately took action shortly after the fire started. When i thought happening and all the trucks going back, i grabbed a shovel, gloves, water and i headed on out. Hundreds of firefighters are doing with the hot and dry conditions as they battle the big flames, both on the ground and from the air. No word on how the fire started but stay with us throughout the morning and we will continue to get updates on that fire in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Also this morning firefighters in Sonoma County continue to make progress on the wildfire burning east of cloverdale and sky fox flew over the fire yesterday afternoon but no smoke could be seen, that fire started near the geyser sunday afternoon and it burned 1500 acres, it is now 45 contained. Last night all mandatory evacuation orders were lifted but the cause of that fire is still under investigation. And this morning crews and marin county are watching upper hotspots from a grass fire which started at about 6 30 pm last night at a hill near Sunset Parkway and roland boulevard, fire crews managed to keep flames away from nearby homes after evacuating a neighborhood and one firefighter suffered leg burns working on that fire that no word yet on how the fire started either. The Fire Department at nasa ames will be put to the test this week as they are taking part in mandatory training on how to put out an airplane fire. This will involve using a propane fueled aircraft fire trainer the parking ramp at Moffett Field will be used to practice responses several realistic plane fire scenarios and nasa says you should not be too worried if youre driving by on interstate 101, and you see this flames and hear sirens coming from Moffett Field, it should only be a test. Right now it is 5 10 am and there are new efforts to figure out just how much San Francisco Millennium Tower will continue to think. Coming up the systems being installed at the luxury high rise. Law enforcement to bury area counties will get a financial boost from the Justice Department how the new grants will help officers fight crime. Right now were looking at commute that still has plenty of room for you in here in San Francisco it looks good approaching 80 split. Fog is returning to parts of the coast and also cooler forecast for some of that loma prieta fire looks like another hot day a perhaps fog is coming back later. Grocery shoppers of america take your o organics baby carrots. Take your eggs. Even your o organics chips. And join the organic movement. Organic food is no longer just for the privileged few. Now everyone can afford to go organic. O organics, exclusively at safeway. Welcome back it is 5 14 am and this morning were learning more about the houston attorney who police say is responsible for the mass shooting in texas. This happened yesterday morning outside a Shopping Center in southwest houston and police say that nathan desai shot and wounded nine people before being fatally shot by police and investigators say the 46 yearold lawyer was carrying two guns and 2600 rounds of ammunition. He was wearing a military style apparel and i do not know exactly what nationality or army or anything like that. We did find some old nazi emblems. Police disrupt the gunman is a disgruntled attorney who was having trouble his law office however the investigators have not revealed any possible motive in the mass shooting. In the meantime Court Documents show the man accused of killing five people at a Shopping Mall north of seattle confessed to doing good 20year old arcan cetin appear before a judge yesterday and his bail was set it to million dollars, he was charged with five counts of premeditated murder and his stepfather told the news media after the hearing that he suffers from mental problems. Our son has had Mental Health issues have been trying to work on with him that is all i can say. Court documents show that he is been diagnosed with anxiety as well as depression is accused of shooting people at a Macys Department for the friday and important for the Surveillance Video shows it took him about to shoot all five of his the. They ranged in age 16 up to 95 and he will be in court again on october 20. Alameda and contra costa counties were but chosen from initial pool of candidates to receive grant from the Justice Department and Alameda County will receive 1 million to be used for enhancing the use of body cameras and Contra Costa County 12 separate awards in the first of the 400,000 grant aimed at making sure defendants have effective lawyers, the second grant is to help people released from prison in successfully reenter society. Lets check in with tell to make sure that everyone is behaving early in the morning on the roads. By behaving would you mean driving the speed limit dave . At least that and be nice. Courteous to other drivers, well for the most part then i would say we have some will behave drivers out there, but you know as that driving goes on sometimes they to deteriorate. Were looking at the commute hearing gilroy, up to san jose, we call it a super commute getting into the Silicon Valley and we will see the traffic through morgan hill doesnt look bad in it continues to look good all the way up in the san jose. No major problems into the because she doesnt know that it kills 40,000 californians. Every year. Because she doesnt understand what cancer is. Because she cant spell emphysema. Because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. Because she is my daughter, and the Surgeon General says that raising tobacco taxes. Is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. Thats why im voting yes on 56. Good morning welcome back. Tuesday, september 27. Its about 5 30 am. We do begin with the loma fire thats burning in the santa cruz mountain. Mandatory evacuation orders were issued this morning. That fire has burned 1000 acres since it started yesterday afternoon. Its right near the top of the mountain. Its only 5 contained. We will be getting updates from the scene throughout the morning. Right now lets go over to steve. Its still going to be hot up there. That is high terrain and very warm air. I still expect temperatures to be hot there today. It will be cooler tomorrow maybe get more westwind later today. The fog is not there yet. Humidity will range from 25 to 60 . The fog forecast does bring the fog back tonight. There will be more low clouds. The fog bank is very shallow. Its going to take another day at least. Its trying but it still has a ways to go before it makes it to the coast. 71 boulder creek. 52 or 54 depending on elevation. The fog is north. Its on its way and it will make for cooler forecast there is still a north and east wind in oakland. Zero delta breeze. 50s and 60s and 70s. Eventually this whole system will bump the high out of here we may have to turn our attention to rain by the weekend. Cooler on the coast still hot inland. Cooler for all tomorrow. I will have to get new windshield wipers. Good morning everyone. Lets take a look at what we have with the salina commute. It has not been about commute. It continues to be nice as you drive to the Cordelia Junction and continue down on 80 westbound. This is the opportunity to look at some pretty good traffic before it starts getting busier. On the venetian bridge you can see the sensors are still green. On the bay bridge we can see traffic is slowing down. The metering lights of come on. Theres a five to 10 minute delay before you make it on on the san mateo bridge the traffic looks good. Getting out of downtown hayward and getting over to the peninsula. New from overnight police in the east bay right now are searching for two masked robbers who shot a woman and pistol whipped her husband. More on this search. Reporter good morning. This whole incident unfolded here on the intersection of claremont a husband and wife believed to be in their 70s targeted, robbed and attacked. Police say the couple was getting out of their car when they were approached by two men in hollowing masks. They demanded the mans wallet and pistol whipped him. He stumbled to his front door and her two gunshots. The woman had been hits. The shooters took off. The wife was taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. Multiple Police Agencies were on the scene looking for the suspects or any clues about who they might be. The couple tells police that before the robbery and shooting the wife picked up her husband at the lorraine to station and stopped at a Safeway Store. This morning we went to the Safeway Store and we saw the police there talking with store personnel about the incident possibly looking to backtrack those suspects and see if they followed the couple from the safeway or from the bar station. The roads here in the area were shut down for while as authorities tried to track down those two suspects they may release more information about this incident later today. We will continue to follow all of the details on the case. Thank you. The campaign of Hillary Clinton and donald trump both are claiming victory in last nights president ial debate. The two candidates class clashed on just about everything. At times, the candidates were clearly in attack mode. I will release my tax returns against my lawyers wishes when she releases her 33,000 emails that have been deleted. He has a long record of engaging in racist behavior. And the purser life was a very hurtful one. Tonights debate generated a lot of activity. Twitter says it does not have exact numbers but exceeded 10. 3 million messages. Facebook closely followed what users were posting before and after the debate. Most talked about was when donald trump said my strongest asset is my temperament. The data also showed 79 of the posts centered around trump and 21 were about clinton. We will have continuing coverage about the debate. Political analyst will join us later on. Joe stein tried to crash last nights debate but she was escorted off the university. Stein did not have credentials to be at the event and she was arrested for Disorderly Conduct at a similar president ial debate for years ago. She and gary johnson were banned from appearing on stage last night because they did not meet the 15 polling. There are moorefield pulls out on three california propositions. Proposition 55 will extend the personal income tax hike on people who make more than 250,000 a year. That has 60 approval. 30 are against, 10 undecided. Proposition 56 is the two dollar per pack cigarette tax. It would pay for healthcare, tobacco prevention efforts. The polls show 53 are in favor of it, 40 are opposing. The last attempt to raise tobacco failed in 2012. Proposition 57 would allow nonviolent felons earlier opportunity to have parole and showering shorten the senate to have rehab to count towards time served. 60 in favor, 20 against. The governor support that. Critics say its a massive fraud. Mower testimony is expected today in the preliminary hearing of the two drifters charged with killing a hiker and tourists. There are accused of shooting and killing steve carter as he was walking his dog on a hiking trail. There also charged with shooting and killing audrey carry in golden gate park. Yesterday a Police Sergeant testified about kerrys death. She planned for her life as she was held down and tied up in a secluded area of golden gate park. Investigators say she was eventually shot. One of her credit cards and back pack were taken. A third suspect struck a deal with prosecutors in exchange for testimony against the other defendant. A new effort underway in San Francisco determine just how much San Franciscos Millennium Tower skyscraper will keep thinking and what if anything can be done to fix the problem at that luxury high rise. Crews are installing sophisticated fencing systems around that building. It is already sunk 16 inches. Its a lot more than the four to six engines that engineers were expecting over the lifetime. Its extremely unusual to be talking about very large buildings. They are expected to test the soil conditions for the next three weeks. Administrators at the Psychiatric Hospital are proposing a new policy to address the overcrowding. Ktvu investigative producer has more on the development. Reporter newly leaked video shows mental patient sleeping on the floor of john george Psychiatric Hospital. There curled up in the hallways, tucked in corners and elaine in lounge chairs. While months and months after months. The board of supervisors Health Committee has been meeting with Hospital Leaders looking for a fix. On monday for the first time Alameda Health systems propose a plan to address overcrowding a limiting the number of transportations they expect accept. There is a risk of trauma in spending time in the emergency room. Reporter doctors and nurses insist the new proposal does not go far enough and will not give patients off the floor or improve safety at the Psychiatric Emergency Services department. Its a powder keg. There was a riot on labor day. Patients wanted to breakout. Reporter some staff want to cap the number of patients at 50. Hospital administrators say thats unrealistic. In the county with the highest amount of involuntary holes in the state. They have been trying to get answers since may. Monday he refused to speak about the chronic overcrowding. Whats it going to take to get patients off the floor . Reporter a hospital Spokesman Says a the new proposal needs to change the system. A complex problem that will not be solved overnight. Staff say with cold winter months coming there expecting even more patients will come through their doors very soon. Our pace has not changed. The supervisors asked Hospital Leaders to come back in six weeks with a firm plan that they can bring before the entire board. Hospital leaders provided us with a statement regarding the development and you can see that online at and you can see that online ktvu. Com. The time is 5 41. Protesters against the shooting of a man. New details coming out including about the gum reportedly found at the scene. But first, emotional tributes to late marlins pitcher josi fernandez. The incredible moment in last nights game just one day after the 24yearold died in a boating accident. Were still looking at a commute that is getting busier by the moment including 80 westbound coming around the corner to the bay bridge toll plaza. We dance on the salsa team together, and its like a lot of power in what we wear. When were practicing if i dont feel good in what im wearing i dont look good. T. J. Maxx has that variety. I can get a lot for my money. Its like yay t. J. Maxx if youre feeling it, just go for it, dont wait. Maxx life at t. J. Maxx. Jon batiste has mastered new ways to play old classics. With chase atms, he can master new ways to deposit checks too. Easy to use Chase Technology for whatever youre trying to master. Welcome back. A second or by a second dirt bike racer has died. 17yearold died crest from a crash sunday afternoon at the ama pro track race. He died at his injuries at the hospital. The crash came one hour after another crash in a separate race that turned deadly. The 20yearold also died at santa rosa memorial. Both writers were considered rising stars. The mother of the little boy who was killed in san ramon in suspected drunk driving crash is talking about how her life will never be the same. Last night family members gathered for a memorial service. The sad event took place in what would have been the little boys fourth birthday. Every days up and down. My fate is being tested daily trying to adjust and believe he is in a better place. The ceremony follows a deadly crash earlier this month. The chp says the child was killed after his family car ran out of gas and was hit by a drunk driver. The suspect is out on bail and waiting for court appearance. The Miami Marlins played their first game since without josi fernandez. He was remembered in a pregame ceremony. Our hearts are heavy with sorrow as we gather today together tonight as a family to remember a man and a teammate command so much to all of us. Players from the marlins and the mets lined up on the field for a moment of silence and afterward the teams had. The marlins gathered around the pitching mound. Each of them wearing the number 16 for josi fernandez the game started in a remarkable way. The leadoff hitter, first paid tribute your fernandez and then he hit the first home run of the season. He was in tears before he touched home plate. The marlins beat the mets 73. After the game they gathered around the pitching mound again and left their hats there in tribute. The giants are back home for the final stretch of the regular season. There are just six games left. Theyre coming off a fourgame series split with the san diego padres. Tonight they play the first of three against the colorado rockies. Matt moore will start. After the rocky series the giants close out with three games against the dodgers. If the season were to and today the giants would take the second wildcard spot. They are a halfgame back from the new york mets. The Miami Marlins and the Pittsburgh Pirates are the only other teams that have not been eliminated from contention. The oakland as are closing out their season on the road. They lost last night to the angels toone they are out of the playoff picture but they do have a chance to be a spoiler. They and the season with a four game series in seattle. The mariners are two games out of wildcard. It is 5 47. Usually getting pretty busy out there. It sure is the tracy triangle is where a lot of the action is. Lets go to 580 westbound. The traffic here will be busy. A lot of slow traffic and the speeds are down especially on 205. We have speeds down to 15 Miles Per Hour. Once you get into livermore it does look okay getting out to the main part of the valley. No major problems on the way to castro valley. 680 also has split slow speeds heading down towards salina. Also looking at the commute with our live cameras at 880 and 580 you still have decent commute here getting up to the bay bridge toll plaza. This is about a 10 to 15 minute delay. Lets go to steve with the weather. We do have fog trying to get back. It has not taken a turn making it to parts of San Francisco. It does look its moving fast. This observation site is about 2500 feet currently 79 degrees,. Still looks hot. You get lower elevations and theres a big difference. Humidity all over the place. 65 there was a puff of a north breeze. To get the fog that high i think we will have to wait until tomorrow. The fog forecast brings it to the coast but it will be shallow. By tonight we will start to see that into tomorrow morning. It may take a while to get to 3000 feet. The fog is there and its moving in but its not there yet on parts of the san mateo course coast. Boulder creek is 51 it all depends on elevation. It could be cool about 2500 feet. Have to budget a lot of that warm air along. There are still going to be warm temps. No delta breeze yet although it has turned southerly. 50, 60s, 70s. The fog will make a huge impact on the coast. By the time we get to the end of the week we will be talking about our first reign of the season. Today 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. Not as hot as yesterday but cooler for all by tomorrow. A big drop in the temps as we go to thursday and friday. Maybe some rain sunday and monday. We are ready. Thank you. It is the unofficial start to the basketball season. Media day. New warrior kevin durand talks about what drew him to the team. Welcome back. The coast of taiwan was hit by a powerful typhoon. Look at taipei city just a few hours ago. That typhoon is packing 100 Miles Per Hour winds and a lot of rain closing offices and schools. Flash flood and huge Power Outages also reported. Backyard home rescue cute crews in Sonoma County conducted a special Training Exercise responded to two recent tragedies. It involves efforts to save people from vehicles submerged in water the crews from several different agencies Work Together getting victims out of the sinking vehicle in Santa Rosa Howard park. The drill followed two incidents during the summertime when four children died. Violent crime in california is up by twice the national rate. According to the fbi there was a 3. 1 increase in Violent Crime nationwide until last year. From the year before. Here in california Violent Crime increased by 7. 6 we talked one police chief and he blames the high weapons. When i was young cop and the saturday night special is on the street, theyre using weapons that produce a tremendous amount of power in a short amount of time. You cannot argue that. The u. S. Attorney general says 2015 marks the third lowest year for Violent Crime. The World Health Organization says nine out of 10 people around the world live in areas with bad air pollution leading to Health Problems like strokes Heart Disease and lung cancer. A new report from the Un Health Agency found that 92 people around the world live in areas where the air hot air quality exceeds health limits. Countries in southeast asia, the Eastern Mediterranean and western pacific have the worst air pollution. Air pollution is estimated to kill about 3 Million People every year. The warriors will hold their first practice this morning. Yesterday was media day. The different team. The warriors signed kevin durand. He says he is excited to be in the bay area. I would not even calling a sales pitch. They were open and honest. Has a very high basketball iq of where he needs to be on the floor and how he can work off the guys. The warriors first preseason game is saturday. The regular season opens on october 25. One of our top stories this morning, the big fire burning in the Santa Cruz Mountains. It has already burned at least 1000 acres. There are new evacuation orders just hours ago. We will have Team Coverage for you coming up. And coming up we will take a look at the commute including the east shore freeway. We will give you a drivetime and tell you what the bay bridge looks like. Straightahead. Higher elevations are very hot. We will have an update on the fire and talk more about whats in store for us here. The first president ial debate is in the books. We have live Team Coverage for you including analysis of last nights debates. New evacuations overnight, a fire burning in the santa cruz mountain. That fire has burned at least 1000 acres and it is 5 contained. Mornings on 2 continues. Good morning and thank you for joining us tuesday morning, september 27. I am dave clark go we are starting with the developing news we have been talking about from the Santa Cruz Mountains. Just a short time ago, new evacuations were issued in that huge brushfire in the Santa Cruz Mountains. It is called the loma fire started yesterday afternoon east of highway 17 near the top of loma mountain. We know at least one church or has been destroyed it is believed to be the home captured in this photo. The loma fire has burned about 1000 acres, being hundreds of other homes and this morning, it is only 5 contained. Janine dela vega is there and we will check in with her in a little bit for an update on the fire

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