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good morning. it is monday february 1. we are following developing news in the east bay. several blocks of the hayward neighborhood are blocked off right now as police investigate a death. ktvu is from c and seventh streets from what we are learning now. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we just talked with a lady who lives across the street from where the man's body was found over there behind me. she spent the night at a friend's house and headed back here to check on her mother when she called saying she heard gunshots. we heard the scanner traffic around 4:00 a.m. and then later shot this video of police searching the area with a canine. police discovered the man's body on the sidewalk near 7th and c streets. since blocked several streets on the perimeter. people who live nearby tell us there are few noisy neighbors out here but gunshots are not a normal occurrence. >> i feel kind of devastated because i woke up this morning and i was taken to my friend and told them the lord spoke to me that the land is in mourning and i got here and here it is. it's so sad to see the light and -- the white and yellow tape out there. >> reporter: now we are still waiting on a media relations representative to get more information about a possible suspect or suspects. let's go ahead and take a live look at our mass camera where you can see police are investigating a man's body on the sidewalk. it's covered by a tarp over there. right now again several streets are blocked off near 7th and c streets. reporting live, ktvu channel 2 news. this morning a search goes on for a human remains said to be the victims of convicted serial killers. investigators say focusing on an area near the town of linden. that is east of stockton. ktvu is there now at the site where hundreds of bones have already been found. good morning. >> reporter: about 300 bones to be exact. they were found here over the weekend. what was once an abandoned well. and if pan off to the right and this is the road and about a mile down there is where the site is and sheriff's deputies have been keeping guard over that this morning and then around 8:00 this morning they are supposed to resume digging insisting if the weather permits. investigators sifted through the dirt of a 35 foot deep hole looking for any signs of the possible 20 victims that may have been left there or two other dig sites in calaveras county linked to the death row inmates. herzog hung himself last month after convicted serial killer provided a detailed map of several locations where he said herzog had left the victims. for years a bounty hunter tried to get him to come clean. padilla is paying him more than $30,000 which will cover sherman time's tombstones and money for the son. >> he claims to want to bring some relief to the families. you have to decide yourself if you believe him. he was convicted of four murders and suspected in a lot more. every time i read one of his letters and come out of it with a heavy dose of skepticism. what is his motivation. does he was leonard padilla's money? >> -- the two men were called speed freak killers for a methamphetamine fueled killing spree. the duo who grew up next door to each other may have murdered 20 people. this weekend excavators unearthed a human skull, teeth and a woman's ring with someone's initials onism the department of justice crime lab will be here conducting dna analysis to figure out exactly who all of these victims are and sheriff's department has set up a hotline for anyone who thinks they may have been a victim for either of these two killers. live, ktvu channel 2 news. it's 704:67:89 the lafayette school district is considering installing security cameras on to campuses. this comes after a string of thefts and vandalism at lafayette elementary and stanley middle school. laptops, copper wire and solar panels were taken. also doors and locks were glued shut. the district would use money from an insurance rebate and its general fund to pay for the cameras which would cost about $16,000. and just a few hours the federal appeals court will hear arguments challenging california's ban on affirmative action. and the uc system is right in the center of this fight. ktvu is live from the uc berkeley campus where students are planning a demonstration. good morning. >> reporter: that demonstration is supposed to happen an hour from now on the uc berkeley campus. the rally is in opposition to proposition 209 which forbids colleges and universities from considering race and eighthinousty as factor inned a migs. later this morning the ninth circuit court of appeals in san francisco is scheduled to hear arguments in a case to repeal prop 20. the group organizing the demonstration describes itself as coalition of underrepresented students of color. opponents say minority enrollment in the uc and csu system has dropped dramatically since prop 20. became law and something that admission officials say they also noticed. supporters say not only is the measure constitutional but necessary to keep the admission process colorblind and fair. now this is not the first time prop 209 is being challenged in the court. here is a time line of the legal wrangling over the measures. in 1996 voters in california approved it. a year later 1997 the ninth circuit court of appeals upheld the measure as constitutional after a legal challenge from opponents. in 2003 in a completely different case the u.s. supreme court declared it was okay for law schools to consider race and admissions. in light of that supreme court ruling in the last ten years and new data on uc admissions, opponents of 209 have renewed their challenge to the measure again and that legal challenge starts later this morning. from here the rally, the group plans to go over to san francisco for the start of the case. live in uc berkeley, ktvu channel 2 news. thanks. it's 7:07. just about an hour from now president obama will talk about his new budget for 2013 in an appearance at a community college in northern virginia. this is new video of the president's budget being delivered to congress this morning. the budget includes $4 trillion of deficit reduction as well as higher spending on transportation and education. coming up at 7:15, the part of the president's budget that republicans are already vowing to fight. and president obama will be in the bay area on thursday. he is appearing at two fundraisers in san francisco. the first is a $35,000 a plate dinner for 60 guests at the home of novelist robert mayler anderson. afterwards president obama will appear at a larger event at the knob hill masonic center. tickets cost from $100 to $7,500. president obama's last trip to san francisco was in october and he was also here to raise money. your time is 7:07. the autopsy on singer whitney houston has been finished. it may be another month before we find out for sure how she died. >> i know there are reports that she may be was drowned or did she overdose. we won't make a final determination until all of the tests are in. >> whitney houston's body was found late saturday afternoon in a hotel room bathtub but the beverly hilton hotel in los angeles. she was 48 years old. tmz reporting that several legal prescription pills were found in whitney houston's hotel room. coming up later this hour, we will take you live to los angeles to get a report on last night's grammy award show which included a very special tribute to whitney houston. and they did a nice job. >> they really did. >> 7:08. right now we want to check in with sal and see what's happening on the roads including 880. >> reporter: good morning. right now traffic on interstate 880 is busy but a little better than it was and i will tell you why, not as gusty wind-wise as it was. winds may have settled down and we can only tell that because our camera isn't bouncing around like it was an hour and a half ago. there is a little bouncing going on. not like it was earlier and that may be better for the commute. is that -- it is better for the commute for not to have gusty winds. westbound bay bridge under a high wind advisory from chp. the traffic is moderate and looks a little dry as the sun is coming up. and this morning if you are driving in san jose, the south bay, slow traffic. northbound 680 at capital a second accident where car has gone off the road. northbound 101 slow traffic approaching the 880 interchange. now let's go to steve. thank you very much. mostly cloudy, cold pattern here. we have off and on scattered showers but really a cold and the wind in there and it will be a day where temperatures struggle to get out of the mid- 50sful we have this system that has three pieces. part last night and little going through the peninsula south bay and then the main part of the low is moving by all accounts will move to the east of us and into the sacramento valley and up into the sierra where it's snowing. that's good news for the morning scattered showers and colder and breezy and windy at times. gusts about 50 in the higher elevations. get up to 1500 at the surface and 20 to 30 miles per hour and by this afternoon some off and on rain showers and possibility of thundershowers. very cold and unstable pattern. this system that's dropping in. sfo and downtown san francisco in the last hour 33 to 35 miles per hour. 20 to 25 from oakland, richmond and petalumas. a blustery day. some of those bands are going through right there. and you can get some small hail or thunder. there is enough instability there and a colder system. so far the rain has been not much to expect that in the dry air and that's what we are getting. third of an inch in mill county. and san francisco and san jose .07. oakland concord at .05. there are heavier amounts from davenport to watsonville and then to gilroy. 40s, 47 livermore. san jose is in there and the cities at santa rosa at 44 due to clouds and the wind. the system is right there and moving. so mendocino county, lake county in line for more rain and lower snow levels as well. i know it made it up around shasta 2500 feet last night. 3500feet approximately in the sierra winter weather advisory until 4:00. so the snow level will be going down tonight. colder and windy out there. scattered showers, small hail possibility of some thunder as well. 55 to 58 degrees. it's going to be a cool day. one more little partly cloudy system on tuesday but coal and breezy. then the days look good. wednesday, thursday and friday. the mornings are really chilly and next system looks like for rain late saturday and early sunday. it's 7:11. the private life of a public couple in the bay area is making headlines from california's state treasure blames for an attack on his wife. >> and some tech experts say google has some explaining to do about an anti-mitt romney website. >> surprising advice that slain al qaeda chief gave his children. according to a family member. mom, i'm getting married. who's the girl?! it's not a girl. it's bacon. if you love bacon, make it official- bacon, you look beautiful. -with my new blt cheeseburger. a 100% beef patty loaded with hickory-smokedd bacon plus fries and a drink for just $4.99 you may now eat the bride. cold, windy with off and on rain today. temperatures only in the 50s. some of this wind gusts are up to 35 to 40 miles per hour. it's going to be a winter-like day so make sure you bundle up. some people are questioning why a website critical of republican presidential candidate mitt romney is getting such a high profile on google. the website comes up among google's top results on a search for romney. but some tech experts are questioning why the site should have that ranking and went online less than a month ago yet it ranks higher than long established pro romney websites. >> our time is 7:15. >> and just the last few hours president obama's proposed budget arrived on capitol hill. and as ktvu reports election year politics means he will have a tough time rallying republican support. all the details aren't even out yet but republican presidential candidate mitt romney calling it an insult to the american taxpayer. this is video we shot in the last few hours of congressional staffers picking up president obama's budget. it would increase taxes on the wealthy, banks and the oil industry. and it boosts spending on transportation and jobs. republicans are already shooting it down saying it does not cut enough government spending and leads a $1.3 trillion deficit. >> and bit leer disappointed in two respects. number one the president told us at the end of his first term he would cut the deficit in half. and instead we have our nations first, second, third and fourth trillion dollars deficits. >> president obama heads to a community college in just about an hour to promote his budget specifically his proposed investments in education and job training programs. republicans are using the hash tag bad for jobs on twitter this morning. john boehner tweeted it's loaded with more failed stimulus. we will have live coverage of the president's speech during my next update in an hour. for now live in washington, d.c., channel 2 news. and new budget cuts in the defense department could mean the loss of thousands of jobs here in california. 126,000 california jobs could be affected if the pentagon goes through with $1 trillion in anticipated spending cuts. currently more than 1 in ten federal defense dollars are spent in california. it's the state with the second largest amount of defense spending behind virginia. our time is 7:17. in the news right now the wife of california's state treasure has filed a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend. the chronicle reports nadia went to a motel in newark ten days ago to see her ex- boyfriend. she apparently according to reports wanted to comfort him because she thought he was going through a crisis. a state treasure says the ex- boyfriend attacked her and she needed medical treatment. the lockyers are getting back together after being separated recently. nadia is now in alameda county supervisor. this morning police in vallejo are expected to release new information about search for six armed robbie suspects. that search led to a standoff and a house fire on friday. s.w.a.t. teams surrounded a home on castlewood drive for several hours looking for the suspects. but police came up empty handed after the home caught fire. it's still not clear how that fire began. the six men are wanted for robbing and beating a man who responded to an ad on craigslist. 7:18. san jose police are searching for the suspects who beat a man and killed his dog. the victim tells the mercury news he was walking his yorkshire terrier near winchester boulevard in colonial way saturday afternoon. that's when three young men approached him and asked if he was in a gang. he told him no and tried to run away. but he tripped and fell and he says the men punched and kickedded him and then attacked and killed his dog. and anyone with information is asked to call san jose police. a dispute over apple's ipad is now leading authorities in china to take the device off store shelves. authorities near beijing started seizing ipads last week after a company called pro view technology filed a complaint with the chinese government. pro view says it owns the trademark to use the ipad name in mainland china. apple says they bought the rights to the ipad name but the company that purchased the rights from is in taiwan. your time is 7:19. the faa investigating a pretty scary incident. it happened on board a u.s. airways passenger jet and happened yesterday afternoon on a flight between two east coast cities. now the jet was heading from charlotte to charleston. this is in the carolinas. had to turn around and make an emergency landing. the crew heard a loud boom moments after take off. still not clear with a caused that boom. the 44 passengers replacedded on other flights. new zealand's health agency admits they overreacted to a flu scare on a flight from japan early today. medical teams and biohazard suits rushed on to a plane and sitting on the tarmac in awklan. after getting word that dozens of japanese students on board were sick. health department put many hospitals in aukland on alert. they finally allowed the japanese students to get off the plane after finding out most of them had nothing more than common colds. >> is it 7:20. we are now learning more about slain al qaeda chief osama bin laden's relationship with his family. bin laden's brother-in-law tells british newspaper that bin laden urged his children to live peacefully in the west and get a university education. he says bin laden believed his children, quote, should not follow him down the road to jihad. bin laden was killed in navy seal commando raid last year in pakistan. time now 7:20. kind of foggy morning. the roads are wet. steve is coming back -- see what happens when the weather changes. steve will tell you if you need your umbrella all day and that the rest of the week will be like. new study shows a surprising link between eating too much and remembering too little. good morning. if you are driving to the bay bridge, looking at a live picture from our bridge camera. you can sea the camera backed up from a 15 to 20 minute delay. we will tell you more straight ahead on the ktvu mornings on 2. it is 7:00 23678 doctors recommend that we never overeat but now this advice is especially important for the elderly. a new study shows senior citizens who consume more than 2100 calories a day are twice as likely to suffer from memory loss compared to those consuming less than 1500 calories a day. older people run the risk of mild cognitive impairment. it's a condition that falls between early alzheimer's and normal forgetfulness. symptoms are general not severe enough to be noticed by others but it really can start interfering with day to day life. cutting back a few calories can help. time now is 7:23. you remember our commute, right? you are watching everything. >> well, you know, unfortunately i reached middle age and sometimes i forget but not forgetting the commute. the traffic is moving along relatively well. that's just me. traffic is moving along nicely in many areas but it's also slow in others. now we have been talking about the wet weather. it seems to have dried off here at the bay bridge toll plaza and it looks like a relatively normal commute. that would be 10 to 15 minute delay then off you go one thing will catch your attention is the winds on the bridge. it's windy on the venicia bridge. the winds rising up to the point where chp issuing a warning for drivers and on the benicia bridge but i would say drive carefully on any cause way or bridge today because of the wind gusts. let's go out and take a look at interstate 880 and dried off here and the wind has calmed down a bit. we have been watching this camera and it was shaking violently earlier and now it's not shaking so much as you can see for yourself in case you are watching. people just listen to the tv at this time this is northbound at 85. you can see slow traffic in our 85 road sensors are turning red. that means traffic is slowing down up to saratoga. now let's go to steve. >> i have a lot of people say that to me, too. i hear you while i'm multitasking. it's still cold and windy this morning. some off and on rain towards peninsula and santa cruz mountains and south bay. that low is moving. rain in mendocino county and third to half inch up there. really cold temperatures in the low 40s for many. system also heading north sacramento valley and snow in the sierra nevada. for us we are on the western edge of it here so we get some here. san jose to los gatos and santa cruz mountains and then back toward the san mateo and santa cruz coast line. windy, cold with rain. cool, breezy shower and keep that cool breezy theme going. temperatures will drop compared to sunday except for the city. everyone including san jose from 63 to 57 and 46 is possible and 40s are very popular because they are all stuck in har that cloud cover and west and northwesterly wind is gusting to 50 and some the ier -- higher elevations will get break tonight. scattered showers and possible thunderstorms today. cold unstable air and mostly cold and mostly cloudy. 50s on the temps and system will give us partly sunny and partly sunny cool on tuesday days are fine. wednesday, thursday and tri and mornings are really chilly then the next rain is saturday night and sunday morning. >> thank you. it's 7:26. a dangerous situation in solano county a suspect goes for a sheriff deputy's gun. we are live in hagwood where police are interviewing potential witnesses after a body was found on a neighborhood sidewalk. we will have the latest information. a deadly road rage incident on the california highway. why this one is angering people all over the country. ♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? developing news in the east bay. several blocks of hayward neighborhood remain blocked off right now after police discovered a body. we are from c and seventh streets and neighbors heard some gunshots? >> reporter: they did. they heard gunshots early this morning. number of officers has grown since we last had an update about a half hour ago. let's take a live look from our mass camera on top of our live truck. you can see where investigators set up a blue dent to the left of the body now another white tent over the body and video we shot when we arrived on scene close to 5:00 a.m. police got a call of gunshots fired. police arrived when i talked with an officer on scene, he said it's early in the investigation and they can't release a lot of information at this time. neighbor here told us she is devastated and her mother who heard the shot doesn't want to live here any more. >> she okay. she is okay. i think she is ready to move. i think we will do that. >> reporter: now we are told media relations representative with the hayward police department will talk with us shortly. again 7:00th and c streets where is the body is on the sidewalk so they blocked off several blocks in the neighborhood from traffic and from people coming in and out of this area. reporting live in hayward, ktvu, channel 2 news. 73:00, one man is recovering after being shot while trying to grab a gun from a solano county sheriff's deputy. the sheriff's department says 22-year-old terrell albert was arrested yesterday about a half mile from the scene. deputies went to pine street to serve a warrant on another man. that's when they say albert tried to run away. one deputy pulled a gun and ordered albert not to move but he lunged to grab the gun. he was shot in the shoulder and the deputy was not hurt. a 56-year-old shooting victim remains in critical condition this morning at the medical center. he is one of four people who were shot over the weekend in antioch. he was wounded friday night near a home in the area of magnolia. two other people were shot during a fight outside a hall saturday night. and the man was injured outside a bar early sunday morning. no arrested had been made in any of these cases. pleasant hill police are searching for a man they say robbed a gas station. it happened at 76 station on monument boulevard just before 7:00 last night. police say the suspect was wearing all black including gloves and a black mask. he was carrying a semiautomatic hand gun. he left with an undisclosed amount of cash. no one was hurt during the robbery. your time is 7:32. most of the bay area shook last night from an earthquake and the geysers area of sonoma county. usgs says it was a magnitude 4.4 quake near the town of cobb. no word of damage or injuries. people said they felt this one as far away as palo alto and santa clara more than 100 miles south of the epicenter. sacramento police investigating the death of a four-year-old boy during a suspected road rage incident. boy's father lost control of his car. it went down an embankment on interstate 5 saturday afternoon. the chp says father was trying to speed away from a second driver after a heated traffic dispute. that little boy was thrown out of the car and later died. the father and mother suffered minor injuries. police are still out there searching for the second driver who escaped in a black chevy pick up. a 25-year-old woman was killed. her car flipped off an overpass in concord. chp says she was headed northbound on highway 242 at the connector there to highway 4 just before 4:00 yesterday afternoon when her car left the road and then rolled over. she was thrown out of the car as it fell on to southbound 242 below. they pronounced her dead at the scene. there is no word yet on the cause of the crash. it is 73:00. the wife of san francisco sheriff will testify at his upcoming domestic abuse trial. attorney paula canny tells the chronicle that she will cooperate and take the witness stand. however, lopez may limit her testimony if she is not granted immunity by the district attorney. canny wants lopez to be granted immunity in case she is charged with child endangerment. they have denied any domestic abuse occurred. this year's grammy awards had a somber tone after the death of whitney houston this weekend. the night was also focused on adele. >> and the grammy goes to -- 21, adele! [cheers and applause] coming up at 7:45, we will have a live report from los angeles with a wrap-up of last night's ceremony and the emotional tribute to a legend. time is now 7:34. only six weeks into the new year, one bay area city is dealing with yet another incident involving a pedestrian hit by a car. livermore police say a honda hit a 16-year-old boy friday night on south livermore avenue. now he was in a crosswalk when he was hit. he had to go to the hospital and be treated for minor injuries but has since been released. that incident on friday is the sixth pedestrian related crash in livermore so far this year. san francisco could soon require that bike storage take place at city's commercial buildings. the supervisor is behind this idea. this will force commercial buildings to provide secure bicycle parking in their buildings or let bicyclists bring their bikes inside. the city's public safety committee will take up this issue on thursday. it's 7:35. and biking might not be a bad way to get to work sometimes. let's check to see how things are going on the roads. >> your bike, if your are a bike rider i don't think today is the worst day in the world to ride your bike. there are some showers but not a lot of rain. as far as getting around, it's going to be a good way to go. this is a look at the bay bridge. if you have to drive and i know a lot of people have to drive from oakland to san francisco. today is not too bad although it is gusty on that upper deck. you will see slow traffic on the bridge itself as well as here at the toll plaza. lower deck does not look all that bad between san francisco and oakland. and all of the lanes are open. move along to a look at interstate 880. the wind not quite as gusty. the traffic is moderately heavy. i think right now 880 is a better bet than 580 which is getting crowded coming around the lakeshore curve heading -- heading over to interstate 980. the south bay and something i noticed is i want to move the map down here. you see the slow traffic there in los gatos getting down from the santa cruz mountains. it's been kind of a tough one on 17. 85 is slow from 87 up to saratoga and 280 is slow coming up through 17. it stays that way to cupertino. people are using the car this morning. 7:37. let's go to steve. very good morning. wind is howling right along there and you can see now we have gusts at 50 miles per hour and higher elevations it will be cold and blustery. temperatures in the 50s. we are in the 40s now but will end up in the mid-50s as this comes out of the west, northwest. loat is moving and had the system last night and now instability behind that going through mainly south bay peninsula. i will show you in a second and then that low there is tracking more toward the sacramento valley and the sierra. we are still on the west edge of it so the cold wind will be there. showing these lines from morgan hill and back toward highway 9 and santa cruz mountains over the san mateo bridge and dunbarten and then back toward the san mateo coast line. for scattered showers and cold and windy. don't have the rain hang on a bit. the sistal will produce some later this afternoon. off and on rain shower activity today but very breezy and chilly with temperatures staying in the 50s. gusts from 20 to 35 miles per hour at the surface but they have been 35 to 50 and up it in the higher elevations in marin county i seen some gusts 49 miles per hour. tiburon 20. not too strong when you combine that out of the northwest with temperatures in the fourth. it's a raw, cool morning. .05 concord and oakland. .07 san francisco. san jose not a lot of rain but a lot of cold air and wind. mill valley picking up a third of an inch. that's the most i have seen. heavier amounts am in mendocino county. in lake county picked up 12. and clouds and the wind are on the move and temperatures here in the 40s right now. so it's a chilly pattern. system good news for the sierra nevada headed in that direction so they will get more snow than we get rain here. colder and windy. scattered showers and possibility of some thunder or small hail imbedded within the systems so a lot of 50s. these are below average temperatures and extended outlook kind of will take any rain we can get. not really good for rain producers these kind of systems but they good for some in the sierra nevada. next is on saturday night and sunday. last time we talked to this man he was standing on bare ground. he is up in blue canyon. you have good news to show us today. >> bring on the snow. you are right. last time we were here it was dirt as of yesterday. and here at blue canyon and look at interstate 80 behind me covered in snow. this is just 5,000 feet. we ran into snow this morning all the way down around the 3,000 foot elevation and nor a time that drop changed down. pretty low this morning. and either way coming into the sierras this morning and who wouldn't with all of that fresh powder. take a look off here at blue canyon. you can see looking like winter where little house down there should be burieded by this time of the year. we will take what we can get at this point after this crazy winter we had with a lack of snow in the sierra. take a look at the web cameras at the ski areas. they are well on their way to that foot and plus a snow that's in the noark and hopefully they will exceed that one foot forecast with this current ban that's passed through. we had a heavy snow this morning tapered off and saw the sky for a moment and now it's back on again. very snowy here in the sierras. several reports of spin-outs on i-80 already. saw some big rigs get stuck. they had to shut the roadway down. if you are coming into the mountains today or tomorrow make sure you are ready for a winter weather driving up here. something we haven't had to do a lot of this winter. it's finally here and you need to be prepared for it but we will take it because we love it up here. >> is it a champagne type? >> yes, check it out. we are at 5,000 feet so we are halfway up. nice and dry here. you can bet the folks heading up for the ski area will find themselves nice powder up there to play in. >> all right, blue canyon with good news. thank you very much. let's send it back to torrie and dave. ahead of presidents' day weekend. thank you. 7:40. which local company stock is just crossed an important milestone. and what's happening in greece today after days of violence over new austere too measures, plus important change coming to the new martin luther king memorial in the nation' capital. denny's new sizzlin' skillets are here for a limited time. so strike while the iron's hot. starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open. ♪ [ male announcer ] offering four distinct driving modes and lexus' dynamic handling, the next generation of lexus will not be contained. the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. ♪ stocks open higher after greece's parliament voted for spending cuts aimed at saving the country from bankruptcy and apple rising 1.4% crossing $500 per share for the first time. taking a live look at the big board. dow up 36. nasdaq is up 16 and s&p is up five. athens is calm this morning but that's after 100,000 protestors hit the streets. and what's described as the worst rioting to hit the city in years. the violence led to several large fires last night across the city. greeks are upset over new austerity measures approved by the country's parliament that mean sharp cuts in civil service jobs, minimum wages and welfare. greece is trying to secure a bailout deal to avoid bankruptcy next month. the violence continues in syria despite the united nations today considering a new resolution condemning the bloody crackdown. amateur video shows a rocket attack on the town of homs. city rights groups say nearly 700 people have died in the past week. today the u.n. general assembly will review a saudi arabia resolution that criticizes syria for persecuting protestors including arbitrary execution. syria says it will adopt a new constitution which signals it is moving towards government reforms. and pakistan supreme court has charged the country's prime minister with contempt. that's after he refused to re- open an old corruption case against pakistan's president. the prime minister has pleaded not guilty. if convicted, he could be imprisoned and removed from office. he is due back in court on february 22. our time 7:45. british singer adele dominated the grammy awards last night but much of the focus as you can imagine was on the death of whitney houston. she died sudden bely -- suddenly on the eve of the grammy awards. our reporter is live in los angeles with a recap of the grammys and on how the show changed at the last minute to include that very emotional tribute to whitney houston. paul, i was watching your reports right after she died and i learned a lot. tell us about last night. >> reporter: well, as you recall, i was talking to ken who is the executive producer of the grammys and suddenly he found himself in a tough situation. how do i have the show go on and pay tribute to whitney houston? he changed up the script and ll cool jay had that prayer. bruce springsteen had more of that uplifting song, of course he is from new jersey. and then jennifer hudson number and a lot of other things fitting tribute to whitney houston who after all is music industry royalty. a clip from whitney houston's iconic performance at 1994 grammy awards brought the audience to its feet at last night's show. host ll cool jay started off the night remembering houston's personal and professional legacy and offered a prayer. >> although she is gone too soon. we remain truly blessed to have been touched by her beautiful spirit and to have her lasting legacy of music to cherish and share forever. >> reporter: later in the evening jennifer hudson paid tribute in song. on the red carpet houston was on everyone's mind. >> there was no whitney. there would be no jennifer hudson, no christina no alicia keys new york beyonce. >> the hearts were heavy and the show when on. adele took the stage after undergoing vocal surgery and ended speculation about her recovery with a strong performance. ♪[ music ] the british songstress picked up six grammys including album of the year. other big winners included lady antebellum for best country album. chris brown took home the prize for best in r&b. and the foo fightersers picked up five awards including best rock performance. now back here live in front of the coroner's office. here is what we do know. it's a quick autopsy on the body of whitney houston. they found no signs of trauma or foul play. meaning they do not believe she drowned. she was found in a bathtub and did not hit her head. the laser focus will be on those toxicology tests and they could not come out. they may not come out for another eight weeks. >> all right. live from los angeles. always, thank you. time is now 7:48. the fox tv series glee plans to pay tribute to whitney houston on tomorrow night's show. reportedly a new episode airing at 8:00 p.m. right here on ktvu channel 2 will include a cover of whitney houston's song, i will always love you. the decision reportedly was made before whitney houston died. now the show's producers say they will make the episode until an official tribute and how -- a memorial to whitney houston either at the beginning or the end of the episode. now we will have continuing coverage of the death of whitney houston throughout the morning for you as well as on- line at our channel 2 website, the new martin luther king, jr., memorial in the nation's capital will look different. the national park service it will replace a subscription with a full quote from the civil rights leader. people had complained the abbreviated quote did not accurately reflect king's words. but the president and the architect are against the change saying it will threaten the design structure and integrity of the monument. the latest survey shows bay area gas prices are far higher than most of the country and in san francisco a gallon of regular gases has jumped 6 1/2 cents in the past week and 13 cents in hamonth. regular gas is $3.88 this morning in san francisco. $3.83in oakland and $3.82 in san jose. the national average is just $3.51. analysts blame the increases on declining oil production in europe, unrest in sudan and concern about iran's threatening to cut exports. and the recent nationwide boom in drilling is expected to slow as natural gas prices continue to drop. the average price for a unit of gas is around $2.50. it's down from $8 in 2008. several companies plan to cut back production this year but experts say the low prices are also opening up new markets. time now 7:50. some airlines are warning that europe's new emission tax will cause a trade war with the rest of the world. trying to curb climate changing gases, european union charging airlines a fee for carbon dioxide emigs. airlines and plane makers like airbus say that is too expensive. foreign governments including china, russia and the united states also are opposing that new tax. ten minutes now before 8:00. the birth control debate may not be over. the specific request from the san francisco archdiocese to the obama administration. plus big movie that was the big winner at the award show in london. and the more germs we can spread on our hands. that's why we created the lysol no-touch kitchen system. one no-touch solution for sparkling dishes, plus clean surfaces, plus healthy hands. because our mission is a healthy home made simple. lysol. mission for health. it is eight minutes before 8:00. the san francisco archdiocese is reacting to white house changes over birth control coverage on friday president obama announced schools and hospitals operated by the catholic church will not have to cover birth control. and insurance companies will do so directly. now in a letter to parishioners in the weekly bulletin. the archdiocese says the change doesn't go far enough. many schools and hospitals operated by the church are self- insured. >> we think there are plenty of ways people can get birth crel without mandating that the organization provide it. >> the archdiocese wants white house to define church run schools and hospitals as religious institutions. your time, 75:00. the antioch school board considering transforming another middle school to a cintder gatherren through eighth grade format. under the plan, antioch middle school will be converted to a campus serving grades kindergarten through eighth grade. the first k-8 school orchard park has been called a success. parents say there is a more close knit feel and the school where the teachers have known the students for many years. more california high school students are taking and excelling in advance placement tests. mercury news reports a number of students that took ap classes and exams jumped from 23 to 35% until the past decade. students also scored higher. however, the numbers are lagging among low income, latino and african-american students. the popular black and white silent movie the artist continues to dominate the award show. that movie took home seven awards at last night's british academy of film and tv award film. it was held in london. the awards are the highest film honors outside of the united states and they are often said to be a predictor of what is to come at the oscars. that's right. that's coming up. 7:55. want to check in to see what's happening on the roads and what's going on 101 and san francisco. >> it's going to be crowded but not stop and go. it looks like the weather has held out for the morning commute. it is a little windy and you can see there are camera bounces a little bit. so far so good in this last hour here as you approach the 80 split and the gusty wind especially prevalent on the bay bridge and the benicia bridge according to chp. this morning's commute looks okay on interstate 880. we have been watching this closely. so far it's not really slow in this area. if you are driving into the south bay, road sensors picking up slow traffic on 85 and 280 and the santa cruz mountains very slow if you are coming in down to the bottom of the hill a lot of stop and go traffic passing the reservoir. thank you. some of our observers in fact diane from king's mountain, small hail report there had and brandan from pacifica says small hail and sure looks like from half moon bay as well very cloudy and mostly cloudy. now a couple reports there are gusts about 27 to 35 in san francisco. just hanice report there saying there is no wind up here. that 35 gust was out toward san francisco -- about two hours ago. very cold system dropping down so it's a cool blustery day. when you see the yellow pop up and red and half moon bay and pecksdero off santa cruz is probably that small hail. we were trying to get updates on the side of -- size of it. scattered showers and cold and windy today. colder and windy today. this afternoon off and on rain. breezy and chilly conditions and 40s on your temps now. they really -- if it wasn't for the cloud and wind colder than that and tonight will be really cold. the low is moving toward the sacramento valley and the sierra nevada. they will get more snow up there and we will have scattered showers possible thundershowers mainly cloudy and mostly cloudy and colder and windy. highs in the 50s. mid-50s probably for many here today. 55, 56, partly sunny, partly cloudy cool and breezy on tuesday. wednesday, thursday friday mornings are chilly and days are nice and next system it looks like saturday night and sunday morning. time now 7:57. story we have been telling you for about the past two hours. very grim discovery. it has created a huge crime scene in the east bay. >> we are live in san joaquin county where investigators are supposed to continue digging for victims of two serial killers this morning but will rain dampen their efforts? let you know coming up. ninth circuit court of appeals is set to hear a legal challenge to another california proposition. this has to do with affirmative action. morning 2 continues after the break. good morning. welcome back. and it's monday february 13. we were still following developing news coming in from hayward. police discovered a man's body on the sidewalk this morning. found the body at c and 7th street early this morning. still no word on how that body ended up on the sidewalk but one neighbor says she heard gunshots. the alameda county sheriff's department and hayward police are all over the scene. and also there is ktvu to bring us an update on the story in our 8:30 half hour. hundreds of human bones believed to be the victims of two serial killers have been recovered in san joaquin county. search is going on since last thursday in an area near the town of linden. that's just east of stockton. tkvu is there now and crews are just about to resume their digging. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we seen trucks of exhave thing equipment coming through here over the past hour and right now they are supposed to resume digging. right down this road that you see right here. but it has started to rain and if it continues we majthen effort could be delayed. now over the weekend crews sifted through dirt from a 35 foot deep hole dug around an abandoned well. they pulled up 300 bones, teeth and a woman's purse and ring. this is the spot convicted serial killer wesley shermantine said his childhood friend and partner in crime, loren herzog dumped the murder victims. padilla is actually paying shermantine more than $30,000 for his restitution fees, head stones for his parents, money for his son and a computer and television set for his prison cell. >> yeah. you have to ask the question, did somebody change? he has been on death row for ten or so years now and it's been a long time and he haa -- he had a lot of time to think about. it that's the question everybody has to ask. what do you believe what he says. >> reporter: shermantine and herzog were called speed freak killers for methamphetamine fueled killing spree. the pair who grew up next door to each other may have murdered 20 people. now herzog committed suicide last month. he had been on parole after an appeals court ruled his confession was coerced. the crime lab will be conducting dna analysis to see who all of victims are and that's has question for folks now how many victims will turn up out of this graveyard here. the sheriff's office is set up a hotline for anyone who thinks that their loved ones may have fallen pray. we were live in san joaquin county, ktvu channel 2 news. our time is 8:02. a walnut creek woman is arrested on suspicion of identity theft and police think there could be more victims. 43-year-old woman was arrested saturday at a target store. police say she was trying to buy things with a stolen credit card. and believe she stole the financial information from an elderly person she cares for. if you have any information about this, contact walnut creek police. is it 8:02. a legal fight over california's ban on affirmative action heads back to court this morning. ktvu is on the uc berkeley campus with the reason the students say the ban is hurting diversity. >> reporter: well, this morning a group of students who describe themselves as a group of underrepresented students of color at the uc system. they are holding a rally this morning. a small group of them gathered here behind me. there are 30 students or so. according to their plan they will move from there to the front steps for a rally this morning. and that's right over here to our left. now this rally is going to be in opposition to proposition 209 which forbids colleges and universities from considering race and ethnicity as a factor inned a migs. reason they are doing this today is later this morning the ninth circuit court of appeals in san francisco is scheduled to hear arguments in a case to repeal prop 209. now opponents of the proposition say minority enrollment in the uc and csu system has dropped dramatically since prop 209 became law. something that uc admission officials say they have also taken note of. meanwhile supporters of prop 209 say this is a measure that voters approved 16 years ago and they say it's not only constitutional but necessary to keep the admission process fair. one student told us he has mixeded feelings about affirmative action and 2350e8s that prop 209 should be repealed. >> i want to say yes because we don't have any other thing right now trying to solve the problem of racism. we need a band-aid while we are looking for a deeper solution. >> reporter: now here is a time line of prop 209. in 1996, voters approved the proposition to prevent universities from considering race and ethnicity in the admission process. a year later the ninth circuit court of appeals uphold the measure as constitutional after a legal challenge. in 2003 in a completely different case the u.s. supreme court declared it's okay for law schools to consider race in admissions. in light of that supreme court ruling some other similar court cases in michigan and some new data in uc admissions over the last ten years the opponentsup prop 209 renewed their challenge to this proposition at legal challenge begins later this morning and again as we showed you a short time ago a group of 30 students that are holding a rally that should stawrt any minute now to oppose proposition 209. live in berkeley, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:05, lieutenant governor gavin newsome is criticizing jerry brown's proposed cuts to higher edge ctionz. called proposed changes short sighted. in a letter he sent to a state committee last week. newsome specifically criticized the governor's proposal to raise gpa requirements for cal grant applicants and eliminate two loan programs. newsome says that will be a big set back for disadvantaged students. he says resources should be found elsewhere to avoid the cuts. seismic requirements may force a long term care facility in berlg-game to close its doors. the san ma-- mateo county board of supervisors will decide the fate of the center tomorrow. if the facility closes, up to 200 workers will lose their jobs and 230 patients must move somewhere else. health officials say the residential rooms are small and often crowded. your time is 83:06. right now -- 8:06. right now president obama is scheduled to talk about his 2013 budget plan. at an appearance in a community ledge in northern virginia. you can see secret service agents right there. you see the flag. the president has thot come in just yet. these are live pictures in annandale, virginia. the budget was just delivered to capitol hill this morning. it includes $4 trillion in deficit reduction over ten years. as well as higher spending on transportation and education. now again the president has not walked into the room just yet. but coming up at 8:15, we will tell you the part of the president's budget that republicans already say they will fight. now president obama will come back here to the bay area on thursday. he is appearing at two san francisco fundraisers. the first is a $35,000 a plate dinner for 60 guests. at the private home of a novelist. afterwards the president will appear at a larger event at the knob hill masonic center. ticket prices range from 100 to $7,500. it is 8:07. a 66-year-old woman is dead after trying to help a distressed animal on a los angeles road. police say the woman pulled over late saturday night and walking toward the animal when she was hit by a car. the impact threw her into the opposite lane where she was hit again and that car dragged her for about 600 feet before speeding off. the driver of that car did not stop. the bay area could take advantage of a setback for the state. the high speed rail service could come to the area much sooner than originally thought. the chronicle reports that local reports that -- local transportation officials are discussing an advanced train control system and electrifying tracks along the peninsula. although the bay area would need to find extra funding, construction could be complete as early as 2016. california's high speed rail project is being overhauled after the state admitted it could take more than a decade longer to build a line from san francisco to southern california. and law enforcement agencies throughout santa clara county will be focusing on traffic safety around schools this week. it's part of a crackdown called operation safe passage. police will be looking for a number of safety violations including speeding, jay walking and failure to wear a bike helmet. important stuff. time is 8:08. sal, you are coming back. the wind, wet roads a problem? >> more of a problem earlier this morning. now that we have better visibility, better light and little bit less wind for now on some of these commutes. want to go out and show you northbound 101 looks like it's just raining here or just rained northbound 101 traffic is moderately heavy from about the capital expressway heading up to sunnyvale. 17 is not good and slow from 87. and if you a san jose driver you will see a lot of slow traffic. moving along to the bay bridge. looks like it's moderate delay. about a 15 to 20 minute delay here. a little windy on the upper deck of the bay bridge. and as we move -- i want to move the maps here to 580 livermore and pardon the quick move. there a lot of slow traffic on 580 but 680 from pleasantitant heading down to fremont is a mess this morning. give yourself extra time to negotiate the commute. let's go to steve. thank you. and mostly cloudy. breezy, blustery windy and some areas the wind has died off a bit. still we were getting 25 to 30 miles per hour. not for everybody. it's going to be a cool breezy day. and temperatures starting off in the 40s and you know what? i don't think i loaded this show. i don't think disism i will tell you in a second. i did not. i will go over there and do it -- i did. thank you. sometimes you never know. there is our system that's beginning to move and as it does the low will go into the north and east of us. it will continue in the sacramento valley and mendocino county and lake coin and up -- we are getting scattered showers around and colder and windy today. scattered showers, small hail, thundershowers. brian johnson just tweeted me moderate rain near san mateo right over redwood city and woodside between half moon bay and there are a few reports from pacifica to the santa cruz mountains of small hail. 50s on your day. very cool and breezy and blustery conditions. partly sunny, partly cloudy cool and breezy tomorrow. we have cold mornings but the days are better here wednesday, thursday and friday and next system drops in saturday afternoon and evening and into sunday morning. all right. time is 8:10. a surprise in san jose. why more and more people say yeah, we want higher taxes. >> a new ruling in the jerry sandusky child sex abuse case. what a judge is allowing the former penn state assistant football coach to do. also very emotional event. this one in the castro district. the aids quilt. it's back home. more colors. same edge. droid razr by motorola. buy one for $199.99, get another one free. and back for a limited time, get twice the data for the same low price. verizon. our cold unstable pattern has showers and reports of hail. mostly cloudy, breezy and cool today. temperatures in the 50s. checking out a line right now. show you our next weather segment from menlo park to lahanda and pecksdero. it's 8:14. whitney houston's ex-husband bobby brown is back in los angeles following news of the singer's death. brown was swarmed by photographers after arriving. he had been there performing with his group new edition. brown decided to leave the tour and return to l.a. to be with the couple's 18-year- old daughter who was briefly hospitalized after her mother's death. the life and career of singer whitney houston is now being remembered by fans and friends. worked with houston at his recording studio in san rafael. the two collaborated on three of her albums which included hits such as how will i know and one moment in time. walden says he will remember houston as one of the music industry's biggest talents. >> i mean we know the queen of soul aretha franklin. give honor to the queen. if aretha is the queen, whitney is the princess. >> says her death, houston's cds and albums have been selling out all over the bay area. time now is 815:67:89 new this hour, president obama promoting his budget plan at a community college in northern virginia. in fact, he submitted $3.8 trillion budget to congress just this morning. but as allison reports, republicans already say it's dead on arrival. >> reporter: become the tradition. president obama sends his budget to congress and then hits the road to promote it. let's go to northern virginia community college. president obama is talking about his budget's proposed boost in education funding and job training programs. let's listen in. >> 1990s. the economy has growing stronger. the recovery is speeding up. and the last thing we can afford to do now is go back to the policies that got us into this mess in the first place. we can't afford it. >> the president's plan would raise taxes on the wealthy, the oil industry and banks. put spending caps on the federal agencies but boost spending on transportation and education. here is a look at congressional staffers picking up the budget here on capitol hill this morning. with election year politics dominating the agenda it's unlikely the president will get much of what he wants. republicans are pointing out the president's plan leaves a trillion dollar deficit this year and they say the tax increases will hurt the economy. reporting live from washington, d.c., ktvu channel 2 news. time is 8:16. the weekend mitt romney narrowly defeated ron paul in the maine caucuses. 39% to 36%. ron paul was pretty happy with his second place finish. >> just remember the revolution is only beginning. >> now rick santorum came in third place. newt gingrich came in fourth. but santorum is still feeling confident after his wins in three states last week. >> is that two person rate rice out in. that's how we were focused on it. if you look at results from maine we didn't spend any time there and did better than we expected. >> next republican contests come february 28 in arizona and in michigan. biggest prize is super tuesday march 6. that's when ten states will hold nominating contests. is it 8:17. a new poll of san jose voters indicates many are in favor of raising taxes as a way to help solve the city's budget problems and maintain city services. 60% of those surveyed say they would support a one-quarter percent sales tax increase. 60% said they will support a measure adjusting the city's existing business tax to keep pace with inflation. and 70% said they would support reallocating the city's hotel tax to fund essential services. oakland city offices will be closed today to observe abraham lincoln's birthday. police, fire and emergency services will not be affected. city hall was also closed on friday as a way to save money. city employeeses are not paid for their time off as part of an agreement to help the city close a $58 million budget deficit. your time now 8:18. crime investigators and volunteers in washington state sifted through mountain of trash at a washington state recycling center hoping to fine clues possibly left behind by josh powell. investigators think powell may have dumped papers there days before he killed two of his children and himself. the powell was a person of interest in the disappearance of his wife two years ago in utah and investigators are still looking for evidence. >> we are just hopeful that they can find stuff. if it will help, it's close to home. >> now investigators say they found a storage locker where powell stashed a comforter. it did test positive for the presence of blood. more lab tests are pending. also just within the past 30 minutes we found out that jerry sandusky the former penn state coach will be allowed to see most of his grandchildren. a judge just ruled this morning to ease some of the restrictions when sandusky's house arrest. he will be allowed to see eight of his 11 grand kids with their parent supervision. he won't be allowed to see three grandchildren who are the subject of custody litigation. jerry sandusky is added a nonguilty plea to charges he sexually abused young boys during a 15 year period. his trial is now scheduled for may. judge also ruled this morning a local jury not one from another county will be hearing that case. it is 8:19. an emotional homecoming for the aids memorial quilt which is back on display in san francisco. the exhibit opened yesterday volunteers read aloud the names of those who died from 9 disease as each section was unfolded. it is the largest showing of the quilt in san francisco since it relocated to atlanta. aids activists say it's a tool for raising awareness. >> this is a call to action. this is a chance for people who may not be familiar with hiv to see this and understand human lives are involved and to recommit to the fight. >> the public i is invited to see the quilt. it will be on display every day between noon and until 8:00 p.m. for the next week and admission is free. time now is 8:20. israel was targeted overnight in two terrorist bombings. israel's prime minister says he knows who did it and we have new video of the attack. it's wet, windy and chilly this monday morning and steve will tell us what to expect for the rest of the week. good morning. if you are driving on san francisco freeways, little -- some areas are getting wed. we will tell you where. is it 8:00 23678 new this morning bomb attacks targeted israeli diplomats in the countries of india and georgia. this is video from an indian television network a driver and diplomat's wife were injured in a car blast in new delhi. just learning that two people in a nearby vehicle were also hurt. security located and defused a car bomb in georgia before it detonated. prime minister is accusing iran of the attacks. tehran blamed israel of a car bomb. half an hour ago iran denied any involvement in today's bombings. time now is 8:24. let's check in with sal. unsettled weather. it's affecting our commute. >> it is. and because it starts raining then people slow down and windshield wipers are on a reminder if you are driving with the windshield wipers on you need to use the headlights. it's state law and could be pulled over if you have the wipers on with no headlights. let's take a look at the commute that looks like it may have been raining here a few moments ago. a little bit of wet weather or wet roads here on 280 and stand jose. maybe it's drying off a little bit. slow traffic as you drive to the bottom of the hill and again steve will be here in a moment. if you are driving today, beware, you could be driving in wind and rain. steve will elaborate. is that look now at the san mateo bridge. not great driving. driving over to the high-rise and over to 101, it's going to be windy. and reminder, san francisco airport may be experiencing some air delays as the flights never come in on time on days like this because of the wet weather and poor visibility. check with your carrier at sfo. 8:25. let's go to steve. >> we do have a rather cold dynamic system moving through. couple reports of small hail and maybe from pacifica to santa cruz mountains but light rain around and snow up in the lake county and cobb county reporting snow and starting to stick. system moving and had the rain overnight and not too much. and also at mill valley. most i could find and it's snowing in the sierra nevada little rain off santa cruz. and this looks to be mostly offshore and some in the santa cruz mountain. south bay, willow glen and evergreen over to allen rock and main system is right there at peninsula. redwood city and probably hail in there and that's my guess. i'm thinking that because when you see the yellow we had a couple reports. and then back up to pacifica. and then come out wide a little bit and there is a little bit now moving out from lake county and most of us heading into the sacramento valley and this system peels off and head toward the sierra nevada. 40s on your temps and a cool, cool day. now the system will move out another system will drop in wednesday night and looks like it's headed to the sierra nevada and not close to us it will keep us cool for awhile and colder windy and scattered showers and 50s, mid-50s on a lot of these temps and gusts at 35 to 45 miles per hour and higher elevations and it will be chilly in the mornings here. breezy and cool and thursday looks great after a cold morning. nice on friday and then cloud it up again saturday. saturday evening looks like dave maybe our next hope for some rain around here. time is now 8:26 a horrible case of animal cruelty. happened in the south bay. this one involved one dog and three ruthless attackers. >> we have new information about a shooting victim in hayward. we will tell you the latest on the investigation of a man's body found in a neighborhood driveway. >> road rage incident this one in sacramento. how it led to the death of a four-year-old boy. okay, people, let's get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me, and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so... yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. we are still following developing news coming in to us from the east bay. police in hayward have just now released new information about a body found in a driveway early this morning. ktvu is there at c and seventh street. what are investigators saying? >> reporter: well, lieutenant right now is giving an update as we speak. let's listen in live. >> first on scene and police department found a male in 22,000 block of seventh street down in the driveway. the fire department determined that the man was deceased and pronounced him dead there at the scene. our investigators currently on the scene. this is an active investigation and active crime scene. currently right now we were trying to determine the motive and trying to identify any evidence that may be left at the scene and also to identify any witnesses that may be here. >> anything preliminary on the motive? >> no. it's really too soon to tell. we have an -- haven't investigated anything except for just doing preliminary investigation. we are -- we do have a couple of people who were originally callers down at the police department that we are interviewing right now. >> neighbor tells us that this home was -- had a lot of drug activity and hayward pd was out here many times before. does that jive with your information? >> i don't know. i can ask the narcotics officers who work this area and give back to you on. that right now i don't know if this is a house that's identified as a narcotics house. it's my understanding that the desedidn't is -- desedidn't is a hispanic male early to mid- 20s. and is a resident of livermore but was staying here only within the last week. >> well that was live, lieutenant, public information officer with the hayward police department. as you heard the victim is male, in his early to mid- 20sful they are still looking for a suspect at this time. if you have any information call hayward police department. reporting live, ktvu channel 2 news. time is now 83:00, san jose police still searching for the suspects who beat a man and killed his dog. the victim tells mercury news he was walking his yorkshire terrier saturday afternoon. three young many a-- approached him and asked if he was in a gang and he told him no and tried to run away but he tripped and fell. the men punched and kicked him and then attacked and killed his dog. if you have any information, call san jose police. it is 8:32. vallejo police are expected to release new information about the search for six armed robbery suspects. that search led to a standoff and house fire on friday. s.w.a.t. teams surrounded a home on castlewood drive for several hours looking for suspects but police came up empty handed after the home caught fire. still not clear how the fire started. the six men are wanted for robbing and beating a man who responded to an ad on craigslist. the wife of california's state treasure has filed a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend. the chronicle reports that she went to a motel in newark ten days ago to see her ex- boyfriend. she wanted to comfort him because she thought he was going threw crisis. state treasure says the ex-boy friend attacked her and she needed medical treatment. the couple is getting back together after being separated recently. nadia is a alameda county supervisor. your time now 83:00. the lafayette school district now considering installing security cameras on two of their campuses. this comes after a string of thefts and vandalism at lafayette elementary and stanley middle schools. officials say that laptop computers, copper wire and solar panels were stolen. doors and locks were glued shut. the school district would use money from an insurance rebate and its general fund to pay for those new cameras which would cost $16,000. smokers plan to deliver a petition against a proposed smoking ban in mountainview. tomorrow's city council meet pg. ban would prohibit smokes at outdoor patios at bars and restaurants. it won preliminary approval last month and city council members are dow take a second vote on tuesday. smoking supporters say the new rules will -- saying comfort and services is nonsmokers. 8:00 346789 we want to check on sal who is keeping a close eye on the commute. >> we had a rough one. on the highway 17 this morning. we had a couple of earlier crashes. those crashes have been cleared but still kind of rough coming down the hill to the valley. want to go to the los gatos area where some the traffic is going to be slow. getting in some people may be late. you can see highway 85 a little slow now getting to saratoga and 280 and 101 are slow. no major problems but a lot of slow traffic kind of annoying way really to start off a monday morning. let's go out to the san mateo bridge and westbound 92, traffic looks good. some of the flights may be delayed this morning because of the overcast. doesn't really happen so much in san jose or at oakland. but in san francisco because of the way the runways are configured we usually do have delays on days like today and this morning's commute on westbound bay bridge backed up for about 15 to 20 minute delay. 8:35. let's go steve. mostly cloudy out there. that could be a few sun breaks but getting reports of rain and snow mix along with snow up into lake county and cold conditions. been about quarter of an inch to half inch. there show you rain totals in a second. it is snowing in the sierra. system is moving more towards sacramento valley and then probably the central sierras kind of ejects out of here accelerate. we will continue to have mostly cloudy conditions and scattered showers off toward san jose, evergreen and san jose towards campbell, willow glen and rain and then a good line to lahanda up along skyline back to woodside and redwood city and then right there i'm standing in front of pacifica back to sfo. there are areas where rain has picked up. mill valley a third. santa rosa quarter of an inch. and san francisco and san jose around .08 and oakland and concord at .06. so scattered showers. farther northeast the heavier. colder and breezy to blustery today to windy. higher elevations. cool raw day and off and on rain later on today on the western edge of this system and we will get scattered showers. is that shower pattern. i usually say rain but is that shower pattern. breezy and chilly today. temperatures on sunday except for san francisco they are all coming down. santa rosa may struggle to get to 56 but we will stay with. that 56 for livermore and san jose. 63 yesterday. 57 today. a lot of 40s today. san rafael in there and redwood city and mountain view. livermore and concord strong gusts in marine county this morning. wood acre. over to big rock anywhere from 35 to 49 miles per hour. looks like things have come down a little bit but a cool breezy day and that system is on its way to the sierra nevada winter weather advisory out there until 4:00. around 3,000 feet and colder, windy, some sun but scattered showers. and occasionally in there you might get small hail and a few reports from pacificca to kings mountain in the santa cruz mountains. 50s on the temps a cool day. one more system will give us partly sunny skies on tuesday. cold mornings but sunny and little bit warmer days. wednesday, thursday and friday and next system due in on late saturday and early sunday. time is 8:37. a man recovering after being shot while trying to grab a gun from a solano county sheriff's deputy. 22-year-old man was arrested yesterday about half mile from that scene. deputies went to pine street to serve a warrant on another man. that's when they say albert tried to run away. one of the deputies pulled his gun and ordered albert not to move. but deputies say albert lunged to grab for the gun. albert was shot in the shoulder and that deputy was not hurt. a 56-year-old shooting victim is still in critical condition this morning. at the medical center. he is one of four people shot over the weekend in antioch. he was wounded friday night near magnolia. two other people were shot saturday night while early sunday morning a man was wounded. no arrests were made in any of those cases. it is 8:38. sacramento police are investigating the death of a four-year-old boy after a suspected road rage incident. the boy's father lost control of his car and went down an embankment on interstate 5 saturday afternoon. the chp says the father was trying to speed away from second driver after a heated traffic dispute. the little boy was thrown from the car and died. the father and mother suffered minor injuries. police are still looking for the second driver who sped away in it a black chevy pick up. 25-year-old woman was killed after her car flipped off an overpass in concord. she was heed northbound on highway 242 connector to highway 4 just before 4:00 yesterday afternoon. when her car left the road and rolled over. the woman was thrown from the car as it fell on to southbound 242 below. she was pronounced dead at the scene. there was no word on a cause of the crash. your time now, 8:29. the wife of the san francisco sheriff will testify in his upcoming domestic abuse trial. attorney paula canny tells the chronicle that she will cooperate and will take the witness stand. however, lopez may limit her testimony if she is not granted immunity by the district attorney. canny want lose pz to be granted immunity in case she is charged with child endangerment. they have denied any domestic abuse occurred. the city of san francisco can soon require bike storage at city's commercial buildings. supervisor is behind that idea. this would force commercial buildings to provide secure bicycle parking in their buildings or allow bicyclists to bring their bikes inside. the city's public safety commission will take up this issue on thursday. it is 8:40. this is an exciting day for college sports fans in the bay area. the pack pac12 network will break ground in san francisco. the network will broadcast 850 live sports eventing every year and that includes nearly all of the bay area college football, basketball and baseball games. mayor edly will attend the ground breaking ceremony along with former conference stars ronnie lott, jt snow and jennifer. it was tiger woods and phil mickelson paired together in a final round of the pebble beach pro-am and lefty came out on top. number four and phil and his finest. >> phil mickelson finished at 17-under par for the 40th win of his pga career. woods threatened in the easterly round but three straight bogeys to fall for a tie for 15 and charlie wee who attended cal and started sunday in the lead finished in second place two strokes back. he did well. >> your buddy, phil mickelson. he is tough. time now is 84:00, another first for apple. some big news from wall street. this just came in the past hour. >> medical scare on an airport tarmac. surprising admission from a government health agency. >> we were live in san joaquin county where search for serial killers victims has been called out and we will tell you what investigators doing today when mornings on two continues. russ stocks rose after greece's parliament voted for spending cuts to get a bailout to save the country from bankruptcy. taking a live look at the big board right now. the dow is currently up 5, nasdaq up 18. and s&p is up 6. and shares of apple currently hovering at $500. it was up to $503 earlier this morning. and checking right now is it at $499.64. it's close. and this is the first time the giant has hit $500. company stock has been soaring due to strong sales of its iphone and ipad. even the 28-year-old mcintosh line is setting new sales records and just six months ago apple cracked $400 level for its stock. the nation's largest con glom are the launching a campaign to hire veterans and boost the u.s. economy. general electric plans to hire 5,000 military vets over the next five years. the corpg will invest $580 million to expand its aviation sector. ge has added about 9,000 american workers since 2009. the announcement comes after a four day economic meeting in washington starting today. your time 8:45. let's bring you up to date on the other top stories we were following for you right now. police in hayward investigating a deadly shooting. it happened around 4:00 this morning at c and 7th streets. when police arrived on the scenes they found a body of a man in his 20s in a driveway. the search for the shooter is still continuing. in washington, well, on the east coast the president is unveiling his new 2013 budget. the president you see him here is at a community college in northern virginia. one part of his budget would provide $8 billion to community colleges to partner with businesses to train students for high growth n industries. and over the past four days, human body parts connected to two serial killers have been found near the town of linden in san joaquin county. police say they found more than 300 bones so far. ktvu is at the search site where just 30 minutes ago investigators called off the excavation. why did they do that? >> reporter: because of the rain. it is raining right now and starting to let up but all of the trudges have left. we watched them leave. though some teams are still at the site because they are going to sift threw the dirt looking for bone fragments and that sort of thing. over the weekend they discovered 300 bones, teeth, a woman's purse and some sandals all at the site of an abandoned well down the road here. now this is the spot convicted serial killer wesley shermantine said his childhood friend loren herzog dumped murder victims in the 80s and 90s. shermantine drew a map for a reporter who had been corresponding with him for six years. yesterday crews unearthed a woman's ring with initials on it. >> we believe that the jewelry is going to help us i believe that there may be some initials. it's just been buried for several years. we will see how well it cleans up and see if we can determine the possibility of who the owner is. >> shermantine and herzog were called speed freak killers for a methamphetamine killing spree. prosecutors believe the pair who grew up next door to each other may have murdered 20 people. in 1999, shermantine was sentenced to deather, herzog received 78 years but then five years later an appeals court ruled his confession was coerced. he was paroled in 2010 and committed suicide last month. last thursday and friday searchers found two sets of human remains in calaveras county believed by authorities to be the two serial killers victims. live in san joaquin county. ktvu channel 2 news. time now 8:48. some are questioning why a website critical of republican presidential candidate mitt romney is getting a high profile on google. now the website comes up among google's top results so they search for romney. some tech experts are questioning why that site should have that rating -- ranking. it went online less than a month ago yet this one ranks higher than longer established pro mitt romney websites. time is 8:49. the faa is investigating a scary incident on board a u.s. airways passenger jet. it happened yesterday afternoon on a flight between two cities in the southeast. the jet was heading from charlotte to charleston when it had to turn around and make an emergency landing. the crew reported hearing a loud boom just moments after take off. it's still not clear exactly what caused that noise. the 44 passengers were put on other flights. new zealand's health agency admits it overreacted to a flu scare on a flight from japan earlier today. medical teams and boy hazard suits rushed on to a plane that was sitting on the tarmac in aukland after receiving word dozens of japanese students on board were sifng the health department also put many hospitals in aukland on alert. finally let the japanese students leave the plane after discovering most of them had nothing more than common colds. time is nows 8:49. the sun of former libyan leader moammar gadhafi is under house arrest. authorities say saudi gadhafi warned of a revolt against libya's new government. now gadhafi has been in there since september after the collapse of his father's 42 year rule in libya. he had been granted asylum but already those comments made that are, new popular uprising was brewing, that violated terps of his residency. moammar gadhafi was killed in october. a trial started this morning for a suspected terrorist nicknamed the demolition man. he appeared in court, see him wearing a white robe and skull cap. he was captured last year in the same patsteny town -- pakistani town where osama bin laden was hiding. he is accused of plotting the 2002 bali nightclub bombings. 202 people were killed in the explosions. three other insurgents have been tried and they have been executed for the attack. now we are learning more about osama bin laden and his relationship with his family. bin laden's brother-in-law tells a british newspaper bin laden urged his children to live peacefully in the west and get a university education. the brother-in-law says bin laden believed his children and i'm quoting should not follow him down the road to jihad. bin laden was killed in a u.s. navy seals commando raid last year in pakistan. it is nine minutes before 9:00. valentine's day is tomorrow. and americans are expected to spoil their sweethearts with more gifts this year. according to a survey from the national retail federation, americans are expected to spend at average of $126 to celebrate the holiday. that's the highest amount in the survey's ten year history. and maybe some of you will get girl scout cookies for valentine's day. they go on sale throughout northern california starting today. on saturday 90,000 boxes of cookies arrived in san francisco and volunteers worked all day to sort and distribute them to local girl scouts. for the first time this year, the scouts will accept debit and credit cards. so get ready to order a lot of cookies. >> i'm ready. time now is 8:52. it's been a wet and windy commute for you guys out. there sal is coming back. these are live pictures and he will take one last look at the roads when we come back. ninth circuit court of appeals is set to hear a legal challenge on another california proposition. this one has to do with affirmative action. right now looking at front of the courthouse where a group of people are getting ready to go inside. we will tell you what this is all about when we continue. [ mom ] hey guys. guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. how to solve a brother-sister standoff. ♪ pillsbury chocolate chip cookies, warm out of the oven. another sweet idea for bringing families together from pillsbury. is it 85:56:78 renewed fight over california. ban on affirmative action deaths underway in just a few minutes in a federal appeals court. we are live from san francisco. this really is not the first time that the ban has been challenged. >> reporter: that's right. this is the second time in the ninth circuit court of appeals will hear a legal challenge to the constitutionality to prop 209. it preveneds public institutions and universities from considering race as a factor in the admissions process. this is the ninth circuit court of appeals behind us and see a large group of people getting ready to go inside. arguments for a case that would repeal prop 209 are going to start here in the next hour. let's show you a time line of prop 209. it was passed back in 1996. that's when voters approved proposition a year later 1997 was the first time the ninth circuit court of appeals upheld the measure -- or first time the proposition was challenged and the ninth circuit court of appeals upheld the measure back then. in 2003 in a completely different case the u.s. supreme court declared it was okay for law schools to consider race in admission. so in light of that supreme court ruling and some new data that's been gathered on admissions and diversity in the uc system opponentsup prop 209 renewed their challenge to the measure and that legal challenge starts this morning, ninth circuit court of appeals we will bring you more information. live in san francisco, ktvu channel 2 news. time now 8:56. let's go back to sal. what's happening around 8:80? >> it's busy now which is like a normal day though today it's a little windier. especially if you are driving across bay area bridges. let's take a live look at the freeways. 880, a little busier but not become stop and go. good news here but you tell it's windy. bay bridge toll plaza and we have a wait. it's been steady and slow at 10 to 15 minutes. and this morning if you are driving in san francisco, you can see there is a little bit of a backup building on southbound 101 heading out of town northbound 101 looks good but the wind is back. let's go to steve. all right, thank you very much. we have off and on rain today mainly peninsula south bay, santa cruz mountains this is a day you see sun it's not that bad out there and then you say it's cold. cold and windy and mostly cloudy. scattered showers tonight will be clearing and really cold. snow up in the mountains. >> measurable stuff? >> yeah, there has been about four inches near lake level. two to four and then double that going up higher elevations. they are getting something. >> that might be more coming in saturday night. >> another one coming in them on wednesday but not for us but for saturday looks like for us, too stoiz sounds good. that's a report for this morning. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we will see you next time news breaks. join us at noon for more of the grim search of atebendenned farm out sfd the bay area. we-- outside of the bay area. so, this is delicious okay... is this where we're at now, we just eat whatever tastes good? like these sweet honey clusters... actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. hey, i love your cereal there-- it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way. lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one.

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