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Thanksgiving holiday week. Good morning, our top story, businesses vandalized, freewayels blocked, we are following a new development in ferguson missouri after the grand jury decided not to indict him for the shooting death, we will have a closer look in just two minutes, i am pam cook. And i am dave clark. We are also talking about your weather and traffic, Steve Paulson is here, you have an outlook for today . Yes, there are some 0p and then it runs into too much of an easterly breeze. Chilly cold, sunny for although, bumping up a little bit, sacramento, chuck e. And reno, there are some concerns to the south if you are traveling town top south whip advisories and thats an offshore event and up and over she goes. That pressure system is building. These are up about 3 to 4 compared to yesterday, and right near 40 degrees and an easterly breeze which is why that fog is here. It paints a very well scenario statewide as we go into the weekend. 30s for a low for few, then up eastern 60s and some low 70s 70s. Some of you, up loaded and people will be doing other things but today, i think we will still have some slow traffic and we will iberville arable to tell, if i cap see a crowd usually metering lights are on and there is a kraut but i still feel like today will be somewhat normal and i hope i am right about that, everything is super light and this is a look at 880 southbound, traffic is moving along nicely as you keep a close watch on the pre freeway, 101 San Francisco airport and flight delays. Ferguson missouri after the grand jury decided not to indict for the killing of 18 yearold Michael Brown. Momentels after that grand jury decision was announced, crowds started form inning and hundreds hit the streets. Some set fires and fired off weapons. The st. Louis community said they heard more than 100 gunshot not fired by police and the fabric o brick of communities, there were several arrests and Police Called in a bus to traps port. Temperature was a repeat of the violence, only worse, the violence erupted after that grand jury decision. Here is the latest development is from ferguson, alex . Reporter throughout the night police continued to face off with angry protesters and we want to show you the results this morning. This is a live look at the ferguson area and that community nthis case huge flames were used, that included Police Cruisers that were torched they pelted officers with trevor bottles to batteryies. They cleared out shelves and in just a few minutes, the mayor of that city talked about those issues. They dont deserve it, people in our community do not deserve this kind of violence that occurred in st. Louis. Mike call brown stole cigars from this market. Protesters say the decision to not to indict him. Reporter Law Enforcement in the ferguson avenue reported as many as 50 gunshots throughout the night but the good news in all of this nobody was seriously hurt or killed during these identify violent episodes and officers showed hey were called into the ferguson area to help restore order. A letter handwritten by daron wilson shortly after being clear cleared of any wrongdoing, we will tell you what it said, alex savage ktvu channel 2 morning news. All right, alex, thank you. Some oakland businesses are cleaning up after protests here. It happened near 13th and harrison a long the way they broke win does windows. Youyou can seay large bonfire on mcarthur boulevard and there are no report of a few people on interstate 880 on mcarthur boulevard, they issued a significant alert in potential directions. At one point the crowd formed a human later and climbed the elevated latter and then they wanted to stop thousands of people. Police brutality is unforgivable and im not sure this is the way to go about it. At 9 30 chp damage divert began diverting traffic while people on the westbound remained stuck. You can seay huge number of people out there and the they were in the mountains during any serious injuries during last nights trust. For several hours the protest was peaceful and it is unfortunate some demonstrate is demonstrators were at great risk. They then caused vandalism and broke into businesses around a four block area downtown breaking windows, painting graffiti and this property destruction was completely unacceptable, and thats from mayor mayor jean quan. He told him his thoughts were with Michael Bourns family and that he is ready to have this issue concerning police terriblism in this community, we need this all around the community to speak to this very issue. As you know officer brown was shot and killed by a bart Police Officer who was later couldnt expected to be with Michael Browns family. A crowd marched downtown and people gathered outside of the Police Department where one man was arrested, more men were there in the intersection of row day yes of the drive, symbolizing the amount of time where Michael Brown reportedly lay on the street after being shot. Despite the one arrest, protests were mostly peaceful. In new york, thousands of people flooded times square following that announcement. One man was arrested for throwing fake blood buddies spite clashes between protesters and police, no injuries were reported in new york. And they traveled into the st. Louis airport. At least ten flights were rerouted from st. Louis airport because of safety concerns after reports of shots being fired into the sky. Since then flight restrictions had been listed and flying in, you should check your status beforehand. They restricted flights as well as media helicopters in that area. Now on our website you will find a special section and check it out, look for the link on the front page. Many are getting ready to head for the highway on the thanksgiving highway. Live from Pleasant Hill with a campaign to get drivers to buckle up, good morning, tara. Reporter traffic is still light at this hour here on 680 but as we creep closer well see a lot more people and the message here will be pushing is that they are calling to more and there there werent two deadly collisions south of one area, four others lost lives and backed up traffic all the way to the van nearby venetia bridge, they will continue to crack down on all unsafe driving behavior and distracted driving as well. There will be a maximum enforcement period that starts tomorrow, we willer be seeing moore on all california freeways and the goal is for thanksgiving here for everybody on roadways, ktvu channel 2 morning news. Tara moriarty. And they are still reacting to the ferguson missouri decision. The bay area decision, do it peacefully. They will be you putting on notice, a new announcement that could affect many. Nest protect is the best smoke alarm. You can check it with your phone from anywhere. No fires. Okay, that one was unnecessary since im in my home and i know i wouldve gotten a message if there was a problem. But you can never be too safe. Still no fires. And no Carbon Monoxide leaks. Glad i checked. Am i obsessed. No, but i am safety conscious. And im going to check one last time because maybe theres a fire happening and i cant smell it. And there isnt. Nest protect. Welcome to a more thoughtful home. Welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news, Richmond Police are looking for two men who went straight for the prescription drugs. They tied up the owner and his pharmacy technician. They cleared the shelves of the pain killer oxycodone which is also known as oxy cotton. He said he will make changes to the store and now they will have changes less than a year. And they are across the state in some cases prescription drugs oxy cotton sell for more than heroin or cocaine. An east coast storm could cost problems and take a look at this, it hit the east coast and that could bring it and they say up to 10 inches are expected in New Hampshire and maine and some of those areas. The weather is improving in buffalo, new york. Schools are reopening today and thats after being closed since november 18th. Take a look at the rushing water, it was 7 feet he have snow last week and now it is rapidly melting and crews have remove from city in neighborhoods. Bill core vac, he paid attention by shoveling some snow. The game 38 and 23. That is a good attitude. Time now 5 18 lets get checked in with sal. Everybody behaving on the roads and bridges in. Yes, so far, westbound 792 looks good heading out to the highrise so we are not doing too porely and you can see we will look at what will happen if we are going to have a normal commute. A lot of people coming to and from, traffic is doing well on 101. Five 19 00 lets go to steve 5 19 lets go to steve. There was a guy named martin there who was very good, very good and and they are run thes 3 to 4 degrees. Am i said slow down therep big fellow, thanksgiving will be fair and mild and wet weather and maybe two to 4 inches of rain from with problems in the sierras details pending but too soon. 7 01 sunday 45 32 67 an average 2 61 might an we will go 71 after yesterday and there is a hint of an easterly breeze. It is clear there is a little bit of fog and i did not see any in bakersfielden and there is some freed warning and red flags warn being are out. In the ohio valley all eyes are on the north east and it is beginning to develop and there could be some snow up environmentally friendly up in the rockies and seven going up and over and dropping straight on down am and easterly wind at hay ward 2528 tahoe arena, no traffickish. Friday saturday, mild to warm with these afternoon high was 60s and 70degree temperatures and no issues there, a little chilly with some patchy following, i will tell you, sunny and warm, and a black friday deal. They praised little millions. How could they be stuck with a very expensive bill when it is all over, the oversight that could leave taxpayers on the hook. helicopter whirring roars siren wails pop music playing when youre ready ready, ready, ready come and get it get it, get it when youre ready, come and get it na na na na na na na na na na na when youre ready, come and get it na na na na. Female announcer its a great big world and it can all be yours. Here and only here. Come and get it. Well, good morning, welcome back to the morning news, government will announce some new rules to make it easier to count calories. The food and Drug Administration is counting food and drinks to be clearly posted on menus and this will apply to supermarkets, even movie theaters with 20 or more locations and that information has to be available by next year and has to be posted on vending machines by 2016. You could be on the hook to pay for part of the experience of expenses of super bowl events in your city. They had a package leading up to super bowl 50 and the city is launching a campaign to raise pry evaluate money which include facial works form that fundraising drive familiar short. Last night they posted this picture on instagram and wrote quote, it has been a great run and three world series championships with 5 teammates, Coaches Front Office and fans. He also said, i will always remember you with love and my heart will always be in San Francisco. The red sox though won him over, sandoval had close to 100 million and giants fans have to look ahead without the panda. We know how to get it together. Pablo sandoval will be missed because his defense is at good. They will reportedly inn row interest dues introduce him. The role that these photos played in the ground injury decision to not to indict officer daron wilson. Vandalism in the wake of the fergusson announcement, we will show you the damage and how many arrests were made. Good morning, we are looking at interstate 280 in san jose looks good when we come back. Northeast, San Francisco 53. As a toddler, i enjoy three activities. Breaking things. Spilling things. And just general destruction, in the abstract sense. So i, for one, am not a big fan of nest. You see, the dropcam is always watching. Even when my folks are in another room. I rue the day that this product was invented. But im not 100 sure what rue means. Nest dropcam. Welcome to a more thoughtful. Good morning, we have some live pictures, look at the smashed windows and doors, this is just one of the businesses damaged in a violent protest over the ferguson grant jury decision. A lot of clean up, Tara Moriarty will show you a cleanup. Gee morning, hank you for waking up with us, its still nice weather and they are waiting and everything is okay for us until late friday saturday and you may have issues and there may be a little bit of patchy fog, easterly breeze northerly breeze with higher dew points and a lot of moisture is in there and even though it is cool, it is not as cold, some patchy fog and sunny for all accept and it is mainly on fresno south and the wind machine is cranked up and red flag warnings or Wind Warnings for san diego and everybody in between, it is an offshore event, napa art are airports is holding them up and not and not allowing form are to fog and north at fairfield, it is a component for everybody, we have clear skies and still cold but again not as cold and mild and warm on the afternoon highs, 60s and 70s, here is an update on traffic, sal . And i have listened to you, it sounds are sounds like we will have a very nice day and we have been watching traffic and we dont have a lot going on, but there is a crowd and term 545 those heights and lets take look at interstate 880 traffic here is not all that bad. Looking at san hoe san jose, lets go about back to the desk. Dozens of buildings destroyed in overnight violence in ferguson missouri after the grand jury decided not to indict the Police Officer who shot and killed 18yearold Michael Brown. Now there was gunfire looting throughout the night a lot of protesters broke storefront windows and emptied out shelves. One of the stores hit was where Michael Brown stole cigars shortly before the confrontation with him. Win does were smashed before setting that building on fire and that building you see there is now completely destroyed. What i have seen tonight is probably much worse than the night we of had in august. Unfortunately this spun out of the control. They have anticipated the violence and they decided to close today, more vigils are planned for today. Pam, here in the oakland area, more than 1,000 people marched and the protest was marked by violence as well as vandalism. Businesses spray painted and trash cans were lit on fire. Tara moriarty is downtown with a look at the damage. You can see exactly what you are talking about. The chase bank has been smashed in and there are several and police were here bit they did not stop them from reeking havoc. Reporter they sold baked goods and koch if i cubs and coffee cubs, they made off with bottles of licker, liquor. Crews have been out here for hours overnight mopping up. I want to show you some video from that same location as it was unfolding. Looters had just broken in setting fires in the street. Right after the announcement in ferguson, they marched under the freeway and then made their way near lakeshore stopping traffic. Police cleared them and made their way pack to a freeway. A Police Cruiser was the van liced and in all 40 people were arrested for acts of vandalism. We are waiting to talk with businesspersons to see what is happening downtown and we are also hearing reports this was possibly not the last time you will see riots and police are once again prepping for tonight, another wave possibly of protests, live in downtown Tara Moriarty ktvu channel 2 morning news. All right, Tara Moriarty, thank you. Several hundreds are fathering over their tee six. It began mean and it only lasted a a few hours. I am outraged by the decision of the january jury grand jury. It is a National Problem not just in fergusson they are planning another demonstration at the Mission District tonight. Time now 5 37 we are learning more about the evidence the grand jury charged not to indictment officer daron wilson. After reviewing the evidence, january your are you deliberated making their final decision and firing over 70 hours and president barack obama urged the nation. First and foremost we are built on the rule of law and we need to accept that this was the decision of the grand jurys to make and there are americans who agree with it and americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It is an understandable reaction. In too many parts of the country, there were top photos and he told the january your are you michael grand jury Michael Brown punched him in the face and he feared he could beat him to death. We are quoting, we are pro foundly dis pro foundly disappointed the killer will not face questions and we ask that you please keep your protests peaceful. Answering protect people share their decision and afterwards people were invited to share their opinions an offer solutions to community issues. Now they are located at Youth Partnership on international boulevard and at Healthy Communities on san pablo hall on 8th street and they will be there from 4 00 p. M. And 8 tonight. You will also find a reaction, just looking and now chp is sending a very Important Message about Highway Safety as the holidays begin. Joining us live from Pleasant Hill getting the drivers to buckle up, here is more. Reporter traffic is still relatively light but safety will be a very big focus as we get closer to the travel period ahead. Seat belts save lives here in contra costa, people are not wearing them there were two deadly collisions just last night including one on wednesday where a white sedan veered off hit a pole and killed one person. They planned on focusing on dui speeding and distracted driving and they want to remind everybody that the maximum enforcement period goes into november 30s and the goal of course is safer thanksgiving wholl Holiday Weekend. Well the family of grant and we will tell you why they respond. We will tell you why dozens of men and women are stripping down and after the break why almost naked shoppers will be lined up outside of the store in San Francisco this morning. Good morning, right now traffic is doing well in San Francisco along the 880 split and we will tell you more about getting into San Francisco from the east bay. Clear skies, all is quite quiet here and if you are traveling in the northeast it could be a mess, we will have more on that. [instrumental music] its a marshmallow world in the winter. They are offering some specials and one retailer offer is the first 16 people can bione ounce of buy one ounce of marijuana and it works out to over a joint and pumpkin pie streets and special holiday blends. Well the traditional Holiday Season starts in a couple of days but miguel is first in line, he is preparing a little bonfire out there. This is the place where he hopes to get a 50inch television for 500. Typically it would cost 4,600. And he and a few others are hoping they can go to their fulltime joshes. As long as you are here than you still have your spot. Scores encouraged this behavior but some say getting up early to go shopping are things of the past. They can find the best prices online. If you want to avoid and still get a great deal on clothing, all you have to do is take it off. Until fact just about 4 00. 5 hours from now, they will open its doors and the first 100 people who arrived will come just like this, wearing only your underwear, you will be ready to shop for an hour for an absolutely free outfit. And the deal dosage colluded the near accessory lane and they say you should get there early before 9 00 a. M. I will have to check out the store, is this clothing worth it . Even their underwear running through the streets of San Francisco. Yes, i have it for you dave, good morning everybody, lets just move on, traffic is moving along very well if you are doing any shopping today, but steve asked me, is it going to be a normal traffic day because it looks like it, it is normal and typical coming out in the San Francisco, no major problems, however well see traffic is going to be just a little lighter than usual on the south bay, traffic at 280, teach, there is your answer, it looks like we will get another day of work and tomorrow we will start nursing that drop off where people start taking the Holiday Weekend off. People are going wherever they are going. We have clear skies only one report the or just say hey steve, what is going on this morning . Well, we are dicking deep to find that rain but not until friday or saturday there. It goes, clear for everybody including the coast, sunset todays forecast clear and cool, not that bad and we are starting a very balmy 71 degrees and san jose said we can come in there as well. It looks good for everybody, even up in the valley, bakersfield is looking good and if you are traveling it is not that good. It looks to be a little higher. And red flag warnings are not warning and oh, no of those ban iboundaries are surging from the southeast and there from are why opinion and there is not a lot of mix and snow and also some rain plunging down into colorado, 30s and 40s for some 50s for others, there were a lot of 30s and san ramon pittsburgh, lafayette, you may be colder in the back yard, hayward easterly breeze, Half Moon Bay which is why we get stirring up from the atmosphere and then everything begins to change. Am and the first system comes in and the second one comes in much stronger, be advised and this could be a big event probably not until sunday and monday. Chilly and nice, may be a little haze, also lower 70s, no issues except for patchy fog otherwise it will be a mild dry day and it looks like a series of systems, strongest sunday and monday. Okay, big delays, okay, steve, thank you. Coming up, the accidental tweet which may have given away the transitional plan. But first. One of our former anchors our colleague gets hurt covering the riots and what she is saying about it. Start a revolution a revolution in coffee quality with the finest nespresso coffee blends. A revolution in technology with unique centrifusion. A revolution in taste with a naturally formed crema on both coffee and espresso. Nespresso vertuoline. Experience the revolution of coffee. You know the name, i am talking about sarah now working for cnn, last night she was hurt while covering the riots in ferguson. The building is basically collapsed and you can hear the explosions going on inside sorry i just got hit by a rock that is tough to watch, as sarah got hit she kept working and ended her post pie saying, i am fine but ferguson is not. President barack obama is trying to rally support for immigration reform. He will be speaking with Community Leaders part of an ongoing effort to defend the decision to bypass congress. His he can endtive orders, the number comes from crashes involving done as since 2003. They are now the reason for a massive recall. Honda says the reporting problem was with data and coding areas, that could lead to the government imposing large fines. And workrelated to drones could create 100,000 new drones in the next 11 years. Already we have drone programs in drone work should earn movie making and military and forestry, big industry. Grand jury de grand jury decided not to indict the Police Officer for shooting Michael Brown. We have Team Coverage which prompted violent protests in missouri and here in the bay area. Some of the biggest trouble was right here in the bay area, a route did i demonstration rowdy demonstration which shut down the freeway well it was not quiet as it was yesterday this time we have a quiet pattern here but lots of changes back east, more on that coming up. Some detruck city of protests happened and people damaged and looted the businesses and coming up in from minutes, Tara Moriarty is there in downtown oakland and she will talk about how people in oakland are coping with another round of destructiontive protests out there. Thank you for joining

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