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Victim. We will join him there live in ten minutes. It is friday, may 30th im pam cook. It is friday. Good morning im dave clark. Lets talk about your weather and traffic. Its a refreshing morning i think outside. Right on queue wouldnt you know it sun came up again. Inland area is clear and cool. There is a lot of low clouds own fog. It will be cooler day today. Low clouds look like they will fill in on all the coast. Its darn chilly for some inland opinion i was just looking on putting together a couple panels. 46 up in yountville. Coast, fog, sunny and breezy. Oakland will be one of those out of the 70s or upper 70s. It will be cooler across the board here for everybody. The low clouds continue to work their way up the coast from about half the marin coast or most of the marin coast. It looks like its filling if. Low 50s for many. 40s for others. Its a chilly morning. You combine that with a breeze. Once that is in place, all bets are off. For us we have the fog bank otherwise sunny and breezy. Cooler pattern. Would not be surprise drizzle tonight into tomorrow morning coast and bay. Cooler for everybody. Even out yonder. Low 80s for a few but a lot of 70s and 60s. Here is sal. We are still looking at a very decent commute. It hasnt really become slow yet as we look at some of these drives. I want to show you traffic on 80 westbound as you come through the carquinez bridge and continue to the mccarthur maze. It looks pretty good. Still 18 minutes i like that. It hasnt moved at all. The needle on the drive time hasnt moved at all getting into this area and traffic at the bay bridge toll plaza also looks well its okay for this time. Especially over on 880 which can be really bad. Right now it does look okay. If we look at the south bay im sorry my thing is malfunctioning. Lets go to the east bay first. Westbound highway 4 a little slow in antioch. As you get down to some of the that traffic still looks good. 101 and 280 are off to a good start. Lets go back to the desk. Update for you now developing news in oakland. Police investigating a kidnapping investigation. We are getting new details about this case. Alex savidge is at house where police think a woman was held against her will. Good morning alex. Reporter good morning to you. Oakland police are now trying to figure out why this woman was kidnapped at gunpoint and then held here at this home that is across the street from us. This is on 75th avenue. Just off of bancroft. As you can see the police is blocked off with crime scene tape while police are waiting for a search warrant so they can go inside and gather evidence. And this was the scene early this morning as police surrounded the home and ordered everyone outside. Officers took at least three people into custody to question them about this kidnapping. The kidnapping victim was rescued. A sergeant told me that woman in her 50s is now doing fine. Police say this all started at 10 00 last night when that woman was kidnapped at gunpoint from a car she was riding in. That happened a mile away on 67th avenue. The woman driving that car called 911 and officers checked several different houses before they wound up at this place on 75th avenue. Police cannot say why this victim was taken. Investigators will be interviewing the people taken into custody at the home to try to figure out the motive for this crime. This house is blocked off as police wait for a search warrant to go inside and gather evidence here at this location where this woman was rescued. Live this morning in oakland alex savidge ktvu channel 2 news. Its been one week since the deadly rampage in isla vista and last night hundreds of people gathered to honor one of the young victims. Mourners filledlyland high school to help comfort the heartbroken parents. 19yearold chen graduated from leland high just two years ago. He was one of Elliot Rogers first victims. I dont want to stand here. If my son can come back, i dont need to stand here. I hope im the last one to stand here. Chen devastated parents say this time of grief is also a time to forgive. They say they are praying for the family of their sons killer. Now the parents of elliot roger says they are mourning for the victims of last weeks massacre. Peter and chen roger says quote the feeling of knowing that it was our sons actions that caused the tragedy can only be described as hell on earth. Police say 22yearold elliot roger killed six Uc Santa Barbara students. 13 other people were hurt. Roger was found dead inside his crashed car apparently of a selfinflicted gunshot. At an event in San Francisco wrapper snoop dog called for an end to gun violence in the wake of the deadly shooting. Shouldnt be until it hits somebody your family or someone so direct to you that you do something about it. Because we are all family and those kids being effected by these School Shooting and the shooting we had the other day in Southern California this is outrageous. We need to do something about it. Hall of famer joe montana swimmer diana nics ad, mc hammer, and willie brown were also there at the fundraiser for the no guns allowed campaign. Snoop dog has a personal history of gun violence but says he wants others to learn from his mistakes. The rapper was acquitted of murder in 1996. He says currently he does not own a gun. Your time is 6 07. There is a warning from San Jose Police its about a new scam and one that targets undocumented immigrants. Ktvu janine de la vega is joining us live in san jose to tell us how con artists are taking advantage of a new law. Good morning. Reporter good morning dave. Assembly bill 60 passed in california and it allows undocumented people to get a drivers license. Now the reason it passed was to make the roads safer because many drive illegally and they have not taken any of the written or road tests but the licenses wont be issued until january of 2015. Zap jose police are aware of the scam and say some criminals are asking up to 1,000 a person to obtain a legal license. Officers say always be aware of agents claiming to be able to help you by paying a fee. Some are posing as lawyers and Staff Members of the dmv. And there are false dmv websites. Under the new state law undocumented people who can prove their identity and residency in california as well as pass a written and behind the wheel right mow they are in the process of reviewing all the documents. To obtain a license. The public will get a chance to comment on the proposed regulation in the summer. So again drivers licenses for undocumented people wont be issued until january of next year. So police want to make sure that no one is getting scammed and just to be aware of what is happening. Janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. Time is 6 08. Happening stead in a couple hours from right now parents at oaklands bishop oh dude odowd high school. He promised to soon clarify the language in new teachers contracts. At least three teachers have confirmed to sign the contract. According to the oakland tribune the California College board found problems with the way amador students were seated. There were not seated five feet apart. Parents are concerned they are invited to attend a meeting at the school this morning at 8 30 and again at 1 30 this afternoon. Measles cases in the United States have reached a 20year high. The is that rights for Disease Control and prevention says there have been 288 cases reported so far this year. That is the most cases of measles in the u. S. Since the disease was eliminated for the country 14 years ago. The state with the most cases has been ohio with 138. California has had the second most cases. Here are the latest numbers from the California Department of health. There have been 60 cases in the state so far this year. Compared to just six last year. For the bay area alameda, contra costa, and san mateo counties have four cases. Santa clara has one case. Nearly all the cases have been associated with International Travel by people who have not been vaccinated. Thousands of music fans expected in napa for the first day of the bottle rock Music Festival. It will be at the same venue as last year. The napa fairground but this year there is a new promoter. Bought the rights to bottle rock. With millions of dollars in unpaid bills. There are also concerns about noise and traffic at the festival. Now we posted more details about bottle rock on our channel 2 website ktvu. Com including the lineup for every day. Look under hot topics. 6 11 is the time. Caught on video a student hit by a Security Guard and tossed from his wheelchair. Coming up at 6 30 what the student is saying about the incident and the new calls for justice. You dont do nothing. You dont fight back and youre lucky enough they will leave you around. A Northern California woman describing surviving a potentially deadly attack out in the wild. Up next what she learned as a little kid that helped keep her alive. Good morning. We are still looking at traffic that is okay. Its getting a little bit more crowded but we will give you the drive times so you can see for yourself. On this friday we have a big time cooler pattern. In fact we had the window open last night. North bay temps all in the 40s this morning. We will show you the cooler forecasted highs. Female narrator sleep train challenged its manufacturers sleep train challenged its manufacturers to offer even lower prices. But the mattress price wars ends sunday. Now its posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to 400 off. Serta icomfort and tempurpedic go headtohead with three years interestfree financing, plus free sameday delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. When brands compete, you save. Mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep right here. My parents were immigrants. And they taught me that with hard work, anything is possible. I earned a scholarship to mit. And worked across party lines to get things done. Im alex padilla. Ill protect Voting Rights for everyone. And make it easier to start a business. So we create jobs and opportunity for all californians. What should we order . announcer alex padilla. Secretary of state. New this morning president obama says he will meet with the head of the Veterans Affairs department this morning to have what he calls a serious conversation. Now that announcement comes after Veterans Affairs secretary Eric Shinseki spoke within the past half hour. On a conference on Homeless Veterans and said the Veterans Affair administration is serious about caring for veterans. This situation can be fixed. But va, congress, and all of our state like many of you in the world working together with the best interest of the veterans at heart. Shinseki also announced he is removing the top leaders of a va hospital in phoenix, arizona. Congress is investigating whether that hospital and va facilities around the country falsified their records to cover up long wait times for veterans. Some veterans may have died waiting for the medical care. Lawmakers from both parties are calling on shinseki to resign. We are hearing from a woman from sacramento she survived a bear attack in alaska by playing dead. Thats what we learned growing up. You dont do nothing. You dont fight back. Yep it happened earlier this month in encourage, alaska. Shes recovering from serious cuts and bruises. Shes got a torn ear. A fractured neck but she has been released from the hospital. The founder of facebook is showing his support for bay area schools. Mark zuckerberg and his wife are promising 120 million to Public Schools in low income bay area communities. He says even though quote the bay area is one of the most prosperous places in the world, there are many schools that dont have the resources they need. The first 5 million will go to schools on the prince la. Time is 6 16. The hidden cash craze that started here in the bay area it has spread to Southern California. In fact, crowds of people rushed to different parts of Los Angeles County yesterday searching for white envelopes filled with cash. A 14yearold girl found 210. A man found 200 in a trash can. The hidden cash twitter account now has 330,000 followers and over night the mystery man posted a note telling the Treasure Hunters to look for the cash safely. He also apologized for not being able to help everybody whos emailing him for financial help. Athletes from 40 Different Countries will run, bike, and swim across San Francisco bay this weekend at the prestigious escape from al coo triads. It starts sunday morning with a plunge into the water near alcatraz after a 1. 5 million swim from shore. Athletes will take part in an 18mile bike ride down the great highway and through golden gate park. And then they will finish with an eight mile run. That race has become so popular it is limited to only 2,000 racers who have to qualify at other events or win a lottery to participate. Hes pumped up. Time now 6 18. Lets get you to where you need to go. Can you take care of your friends on highway 24 . We are looking at that and traffic is going to be busy an highway 24 but not the the drive times. As i look add 24 drive time between Pleasant Hill road and the tunnel it is only eight minutes. And that has not changed. This is good. Im hoping we will continue with friday light traffic. Lets go to the bay bridge toll plaza. You can see the metering lights have been turned on. This is a 25 minute drive time into San Francisco. There are no troubles on the upper deck of the bay bridge. Steve has been talking about the fog. So far the fog is not causing any major delays to traffic. We are also checking in with the airports. Lets take a look at oakland. 580 they all look pretty good. 6 19 lets go to steve. Thank you, sal. We have low clouds making a push inlapped. They are making a really strong surge up and down the coast. Even if it is inland it will be cooler today and breezy. Down right windy. Napa, concord, palo alto and san jose. We will see a pretty good drop. San francisco out of the 70s back. There will be some areas in the 70s. Officially we will go 64. 51 truly and cold this morning. A lot of that low cloud deck. The normal high temp for may 30th is 65. Were going 64 today. The records is 101 on this date in 2001. And i say that because i remember it well. I was at a giants game that day. They played arizona. The control room doesnt believe me. They playedish that day. My buddy confirmed that for me because we were there. It was hot. I remember that. Temperatures today wont even be close. We have fog, fog, fog. There is plenty there. I think it will be back big time tonight. 40s for many. There are ton of 40s up in the north bay. Sonoma, mill valley, all in there. I think i even saw some up toward northern napa. 20 gusts to 26 at travis. That is a sure sign a screaming message that the fog and cooler weather will make it all the way out to sacramento. For us plenty of low clouds and fog will be with us. 47 ukiah. 30s up in the mountains. Bookends 53. Low pressure to the north. Low pressure off the coast right there. The combination of these two are giving us a no doubt about it cooler pattern. Our observer casey said our neighbor has a new trash cam. Its mine. Its so windy out there. Its good. I like that. Its a cool breezy pattern. 50s and 60s, 70s for many or really, really low 80s. The cooling continues into saturday. Sunday will be a little warmer and really not much change staying on a cool pattern monday and tuesday. Southwest airlines is in trouble with the u. S. Department of transportation. Southwest has been ordered to pay a 300,000 fine because of ads it ran last october. The ads offered flights from atlanta to new york, los angeles or chicago for just 59. Southwest had no Seats Available at thattized price. Space xwill be ready to take astronauts to the International Space station by 2016. Right now nasa has to pay 76 million per trip. But space x says it will be able to do the trip for 20 million. Two years ago space x became the first private rocker maker to deliver cargo to the International Space station. Some People Living in brentwood say they are worried about their safety. Coming up in 20 minutes who they say has taken over their neighborhood and why they claim the police are doing very little to help them. And a much different message for one Bay Area Police department that is also under fire. Coming up next how they are being recognized for the crimes they have solved. 6 25. Midnight tonight that is the deadline to put an application to become an Oakland Police officer. The city is trying to fix its staffing shortage. Four years ago there were 801 Police Officers in oakland. The city is now budgeted for just over 700. But the number of officers on the street is a lot lower than that because of officers retiring or leaving the Police Department. Starting salary for an oakland Police Department is about 70,000 a year. In the meantime there is one oakland neighborhood that is proudly showing its support for the Police Department. Yesterday People Living near Bella Vista Park held this cookout to say thank you to Oakland Police officers. It gave Police Officers a chance to interact with the community under happier, positive circumstances. Police say nay have solved four homicides in that area this year including a shooting that occurred back in march. They say many crimes are solved through the help of very brave people who come forward and tell what they know. A new lawsuit claims the last of security at San Franciscos pride festival led to a shooting that injured two vendors. Attorneys filed the lawsuit after he was shot in the leg. The lawsuit claims a lack of security allowed the shooter to enter the festival with a gun and escape after firing into the crowd. Police do not believe either man that was shot was the intended target. New this morning the republican controlled house of representatives voted to end federal raids on Legal Marijuana operations. The measure stops the Drug Enforcement administration from spending money to go after medical marijuana operations that are legal under state laws. This signals a dramatic shift in congress on the marijuana issue. Currently 22 states along with washington, d. C. Have legalized marijuana for medical use. California was the first. The measure now heads to the senate. 6 27 is the time. A violent encounter between a student and Security Guard all caught on camera. He slapped me so hard he threw me out of my chair. What the student is saying about the incident and the new calls for justice. And a woman kidnapped at gunpoint in oakland last night is held inside of a home. How she was rescued by police and who is in custody. Good morning. Right now we are looking at a list on chp. Doesnt provide a lot of incidents and that is pretty good on 280 you can see traffic is moving well. Sunny inland but there is a lot of low clouds and fog really stacking up on the coast and making a push inland. Even if you dont have the fog its really cool. Well have your cooler friday forecasted highs coming up. Ach. And a 60 billion dollar budget deficit. Thats what john perez faced when he became speaker of the california assembly. So he partnered with Governor Brown to pass three balanced budgets, on time. For the first time in thirty years. Today, the deficits are gone and weve invested an additional 2 billion dollars in education. Now john perez is running for controller, to keep fighting for balanced budgets. Democrat john perez for controller. Ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. Wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. Find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at Universal Studios hollywood. Welcome back. Were still following this developing news story in oakland. These are live pictures you are looking at. Police are investigating reports of a kidnapping. Ktvu alex savidge has been out there at the scene since 4 30 this morning. Coming up in just two minutes, alex will have the very latest on this investigation in oakland. Good morning. Thank you for joining us. Ktvu channel 2 morning news. Its pam cooks favorite day. Its friday, its may 30s im dave clark. Already friday. Already friday. Good morning im pam cook. It is now you have 30. Steve paulson will talk at the weather and the weekend is always in view. Yes, it is. That is correct. We also have a friday cool forecast for you. The fog is really beginning to the sonoma coast was like no fog here. Its starting to filter in there. Its up and down most of the coast. San mateo and santa cruz it looks pretty cool. Low clouds cool and breezy. Coast, fog, sunny, and breezy. San francisco normal high this time of year is 65. We are going 64 degrees. There is a really big fog bank. It will be a much cooler bay coast bay and inlapped. Some of the fog beginning to work its way in now. And even to the north there are 50s for some. Low 50s. And there are 40s for others. Novato 41 cool degrees. I saw similar near petaluma as well. I know there is 40s on the peninsula as well. 20. Gusting to 26 at travis. I hang my hat on that this time of year. That is the delta breeze and all of its glory. Low clouds own fog will make for a much cooler day. Today fog, sun, cooler. Westerly breeze. Cooler for all as temperatures even inland upper 70s or very low 80s. Breezy blustery day. Here is sal. Steve. We have a pretty decent commute. There is not a lot that is going on which is awesome for you if you have to drive somewhere. The traffic is moving along very nicely. There are no major problems here and the traffic is moving well on to the bridge. There is a little bit of a backup but compared to the other days weve had remember on monday we had a one hour delay. This is more normal. 25 minute drive time. I would say so far so good. Things could change opinion lets not get too happy yet. This is a look at 880 north and southbound. Normal drive here as we drive from downtown oakland to the coliseum about five minutes. I want to look at the east shore freeway where traffic is not all that bad. Traffic on 680 also looking good. A little bit of slow traffic on highway 4 in antioch which is normal. For the rest of it its not a bad start. Lets go back to the desk. We are continuing to follow the developing story until oakland this morning where police are in the middle of a kidnapping investigation. Officers Still Standing by a house waiting for a search warrant. Ktvu alex savidge also at the house this morning with new information about this violent abduction. Alex. Reporter pam, good morning to you. Oakland Police Believe this woman was abducted at gunpoint late last night. Not far from where we were. And she was held for some period of time at this home that is across the street from us here. Here on 75th avenue. This is where officers found that womans safe early this morning. You can see the place is blocked off with crime scene tape as police wait for a search warrant so they can gather evidence inside. And this was the scene early this morning as police surrounded the home and ordered everyone out. Officers took three people into custody to question them about this kidnapping. The kidnapping victim was rescued. A sergeant told me that woman in her 50s is doing fine now. Police say everything started around 10 00 last night when that woman was kidnapped at gunpoint from a car she was riding in. That happened a mile away from here on 67th avenue. The woman driving that car called 911 and officers checked several different houses before they wound up here at this place. Police cannot say why the victim was taken. Investigators are trying to interview the people taken into custody at that home. And again this house is blocked off as police wait for a search warrant to go inside. Well be here monitoring the situation throughout the morning. Live in oakland alex savidge ktvu channel 2 news. Time is 6 35. Its an incident that is both shocked and outraged people. Thousand ktvu news has obtained the video of a school Security Guard beating a girl in a wheelchair. Take a look it shows that Security Guard in the white shirt pushing 17yearold Francisco Martinez down a hallway. You can see the right hand smacking the teenager. Seconds later the guard hits the special needs student again. Martinez has cerebral palsy. He is thrown out of his wheelchair down on to the floor. He slapped me. He slapped me so hard he threw me out of my chair. I had a scar right here martinez said he protested when the Security Guard tried to clear the hallway and wheel him to class. He admits he did spit at the guard in protest just before that beating that was shown on tape. The Oakland School district says it fired Security Guard Marcel Mitchell immediately after thiazins accident. You see him here in this grainy photograph. Mitchell had been hired as a substitute Security Guard in december and did pass a background check. The Security Guard is due in court to face felony criminal charges after his arrest by Oakland Police. In the meantime several members of the Oakland Community expressed their anger about this beating incident during wednesday nights school board meeting. Those students much less a student in a wheelchair should be assaulted or treated the way francisco was. There is no way that a white student in his wheelchair would have been thrown out of his chair on to the ground. The Oakland School district says its taking this beating incident very seriously. A spokesperson says it could lead to major changes in the way the School District trains school Security Guards. Our coverage continues on our channel 2 website ktvu. Com. We have posted that Surveillance Video in its entirety as well as posted a letter that was sent home to parents by the School District. Happening today a pleasanton teenager is scheduled to be sentenced to his role in a car crash that killed a cyclist. Cody hall is expected to be sentenced to nine years in state sentence. Todays sentencing comes after hall applied no contest to vehicular manslaughter in last years crash that killed a dublin woman and injured her husband. The case drew National Attention due to halls social media post where he bragged about speeding and going on quote death rides. Time is 6 37. Today the lawyers for brian stow plan to show the night he was attacked there was violence all over dodger stadium. Bryan stow suffered severe brain damage when two dodgers fans beat him in the they will call him to the witness stand today. They will testify according to the lawyers that they were threatened at the game and they witnessed several fights that night. Raising havoc starting in the second inning. This wasnt some little thing that happened in the parking lot. Oh my gosh. This was something that went on for three hours. Now in Opening Statements bryan stows attorney blasted the l. A. Dodgers and former owner for not providing adequate security. The dodgers blamed the attack on the two fans. The team lawyer also told the jury that there is evidence bryan stow was drunk and that the fight started over something that he said. Former microsoft ceo steve balmer has signed a record breaking deal to buy the los angeles chippers. Shelly sterling announced the agreement to sell the team. Now however Donald Sterlings attorney is making it clear that sterling is not ready to let the team go. Mr. Sterling is not going to consent unless the nba does something about the squirrellist and illegal charges they have filed against him. Technically the Sterling Family trust owns the clippers and espn reports that Shelly Sterling is free to broker the deal because of a provision in the trust that relates to the mental capacity of the trustees. Reportedly experts have declared Donald Sterling mentally unfit to make decisions related to the family trust. There is a warning this morning from San Jose Police. Its about a new scam that targets undocumented immigrants. Ktvu janine de la vega is joining us live in san jose to tell us how con artists are taking advancage of a new law. Good morning janine. Reporter good morning, dave. California will start issuing drivers licenses to undocumented workers. I just spoke if a man who said he has heard of this scam people without papers are being offered a license now for a fee. That is why San Jose Police are warning that some is criminals are asking up to 1,000 a person to obtain a legal license. Officer say always be aware of agents claiming to be able to help you by giving you money. Some are posing as lawyers and Staff Members to the department of motor vehicles. And there are also false dmv websites. As well as pass a written and behind the wheel driving test we will be able to get a license. Right now the dmv is in the process of reviewing all of those documents needed to verify identity and resident. The public will get a chance to comment on the proposed regulations in the summer those licenses wont be available until next year. Reporting live from san jose janine de la vega ktvu channel 2 news. Accusations of hiding millions of dollars. What is happening today that could determine the fate of san joses popular casino matrix. Thousands of people will be in napa as the bottle rock Music Festival gets under way. What you need to know. Good morning. We are looking add San Francisco northbound 101 traffic looks good. A lilt bit of fog there. Find out if the fog is having any effect on the local traffic. We have a lot of 40s up in the north bay. We will take a look at peninsula. If you are in menlo park or palo alto a lot of 40s and 50s degrees. Good morning to you. Time is 6 44. The stage is set for a major Music Festival in the wine country. The bottle rock festival is back one year after the first festival ended as a financial disaster. Ktvu Tara Moriarty is joining us live now. Youre in napa. The first act will take the stage in just about five hours and youre right there. That is right. The stage is up and so is the new sound barrier wall to keep the neighbors happy. You can see the workers are milling about here in the back of the stage. That is one of the stages the acts will be performing at. If you pan over to the right you stand in the neighborhood here. There is a lot of houses. The neighbors have put out these no event parking signs. They are everywhere. Last year the event drew scores of events. Noise, parking, and traffic. This year there will be more traffic controls and also new event owners too. Last years promoter went bankrupt after making only 11 million on a 20 million festival. The city and vendors went unpaid until David Grahams Company Bought the rights. It was one of the promises that we made to the city of napa and to the expo that if they allowed us to come to promoters we would make this festival happen in 2014 that we would eliminate debt and keep the festival unique to napa. There are neighbors who want bottle rock to go away. No parking signs again on every street but some dont mind. They think the festival will bring revenue to the city. Last year 120,000 people attended the 4. 5 day event. This year its just for three days and shuts down at 10 00 p. M. Tickets are still available. Coming up we were going to tell you exactly who will be performing this weekend. Live from napa im Tara Moriarty ktvu channel 2 news. Time is 6 46. People in brentwood say a man living in their house on their street illegally is causing a neighborhood nightmare. The neighbors dont want to be identified. They say the man that lives in the home on heartland circle is a bully. They also say the house was foreclosed on and no one is supposed to be living there. Two of the neighbors filed Police Reports about incidents where they say the man approached them and seemed to want a confrontation. Avoid the house. And you have a kid . Yes, two. Are they allowed outside. Why not . We feel they could be in danger. Now the man there told ktvu hes not causing any problems. The bank says they are trying to get him out of that house. Redwood police say if there is actual intimidation occurring and that the quality of life in the neighborhood is suffering, they will take action. New technology is speeding up the commute for thousands of bus riders in San Francisco. Many are being outfitted with a hightech device that can change the timing of traffic lights. The lights stay green if a commuter bus is approaching. Hewn near says the new technology has cut commute times by 10 since it was first introduced in march. What we are seeing and weve been doing it for five or six weeks. We are seeing significant savings. Meaning on average 57 minutes on a trip that could be 5055 minutes. I take it downtown every day for work. Its really stop and go. Ann ten that on the bus signals a traffic light. Muni is now making plans to expand the new system across the entire city. Time is 6 48. Lets check in with tori campbell. Coming up on mornings on 2 one week after the tragedy at Uc Santa Barbara several proposed responses are in the works. Well go live to d. C. To hear what some members of Congress Want to do plus the specific research uc president janet nebraska poll tan know want Janet Napolitano wants done. And find out why some people in san jose could get free marijuana if they take part in tuesdays primary election. And you can say its calling a truce how a new partnership will benefit onetime rivals my crop soft and salesno, sir. Com. Those stories and more coming up on mornings on 2. Now back to you. 6 nine oclock is the time back over to sal to check on the commute. We do have some things going on now as we get into the main part of the commute. I want to mention the traffic is getting a little more crowded on the east shore freeway. 80 westbound your drive time is about 20 minutes. When you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, the traffic here is thickening up a little bit. About a 30 minute drive time between oakland and San Francisco side of the bridge. You will see slow traffic there. Mostly here at the toll plaza. Once you get on the bridge its okay. And traffic is backing up from dakota road. Give yourself a little extra time if that is your commute. And we have slow traffic here in hayward. Right through all of the hayward commute until you get to union city. There is a couple pockets of traffic already on interstate 880. Lets go to steve. Thank you. A very happy friday. 245that tells us there is a strong westerly breeze. It will be sunny inland after some fog but cooler. A big fog bank out there. Its really beginning to pick up in intensity for some. That is for sure. Especially out toward travis. Yesterday as you know sunny side up. Temperatures warmed up today. There are very cool lows. I dont want to forget jerry 41 degrees. That is cool. Water temps are really cold. 4950 degrees. All you need is a little heat inland. And a little push from a low coming down. That helps the fog bank. Its a cooler pattern. 80s yesterday. Heading up to napa today. Kathy tweeted me and said i would have to change my wardrobe. It will be a little cooler compared to yesterday. Yes, it is. Concord 85 yesterday. 77 today. Palo alto is 84 yesterday. Will drop you ten today. That is the spirit. We have a lot of low clouds and fog and they are really beginning to fill in. Kind of late to the party on the sonoma coast. 41 novato. I saw the same in petaluma. 50 in half moon bay. Temperatures you combine that with a northwest wind. Gusting to 26 at travis. And that is is a rip roaring sea breeze which is in place and it will only get stronger. Low clouds and fog may be very slow if at all. Ukiah officially 47. 58 in sacramento. There is cool readings here. Low pressure on the west coast. Doesnt look like its going anywhere any time soon. So with that in mind the coast will be socked in today. Cooler there and around the bay. Fog and then sun and breezy to windy at times. Breezy temperatures really coming down. Which means a lot of 70s or low 80s. 50s and 60s pacifica, halfmoon bay, daily city. Cooling continues with drizzle on saturday. A little warmer inland on sunday. And really kind of a whole hum pattern monday and tuesday. Thank you. Ford is now recalling more than 1 million cars and suvs in four separate recalls. It is aware of at least 55 accidentslylated to the problem. The biggest recall involves 915,000 ford escapes and mercury mariners from the 2008 to 2011 model years. That is because of a defect from the power steering. Ford is also recalling 2010 and 2014 torus tauruses. The last recall is because of floor mats. And lincoln mkz. The mats can jam under the gas pedal. You dont like heights right . Well, im okay. There is a skyscraper scare. What a Northern California man did when the glass on that Observation Deck started to crack. Correct. It is something that has not happened since the year 1962. The surprise ending to this Years National spelling bee competition. Wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. Find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at Universal Studios hollywood. Right here. My parents were immigrants. And they taught me that with hard work, anything is possible. I earned a scholarship to mit. And worked across party lines to get things done. Im alex padilla. Ill protect Voting Rights for everyone. And make it easier to start a business. So we create jobs and opportunity for all californians. What should we order . announcer alex padilla. Secretary of state. In every life, there are when you know, you know. The allnew volvo v60 sportswagon. The s60 sedan and the xc60 crossover. Test drive one today. Model year end sales event. The s60 with 0. 9 apr and up to 2500 in allowances. Welcome back. Time is 6 56. Cooler weather, lighter winds, helping forevers get the upper hand against a big fire west of yosemite. So far this fire has burned almost 700 acres. Its 80 contained and two unoccupied homes have been destroyed. Police in oakland are searching for a man accused of sexually assaulting a woman in broad daylight. It happened wednesday afternoon at about 12 30 on east 31st street near highland hospital. Investigators say the man approached the woman in a secluded area, he groped her and tried to further sexually assault her. She was able to escape and get away. The suspect described as an African American man between 25 35 years old. About 510 and weighing 140 pounds. The navy will give an update on possible radio active contamination on treasure island. They will test all of the homes for elevated radiation levels. That comes after the discovery of radio active items buried near the home. For the first time in 52 years, there are cochampions in the scripts National Spelling bee. Feuillton . Correct. A 14yearold from new york and a 13yearold from texas are now sharing the title that is because there were not enough words left on the competitional list for the kids to keep spelling until only one was left standing. What a story. Time is 6 57. Coming up on mornings on 2 a mysterious incident in oakland. Weve been following since 3 30 this morning. A lot of questions about the possible kidnapping of a woman. Also the Oakland School that is taking center stage in a teacher contract controversy. What is happening outside of that school in 30 minutes. And what do we have here . Oh, look. We have a bunch of. Announcer babies who are talked to from the time theyre born are more likely to have a successful future. Talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. The fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. Talk. Read. Sing. Your words have the power to shape their world. Learn more at first5california. Com parents Oakland Police this morning are piecing together a violent kidnapping after a woman was taken at gunpoint and held inside a home. How she was rescued. He slapped me so hard that he threw me out of my chair. A special needs student in a wheelchair describes a shocking incident caught on tape. Youll see what happened in the hallway of an oakland high

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