Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Morning News 20120814

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looking at interstate 880 in oakland, traffic is moving well from san leandro to downtown, let's go back to the desk. we have continuing coverage out of clear lake where two wildfires are still burning. right now six are burning on the southeast side of clear lake. they have it 2 5% contained and last night people in the springville valley were allowed to return home. there is still a lot of few for the flames although they are making some progress. >> things are so dry, the grass the brush is able to quickly burn and that's what we have seen here with this fire. >> two buildings have been destroyed, one of those buildings we understand was a home. the cause of the fire is still being investigated. alex will have a live update coming up. and the evacuation area has been listed and people are allowed and 400 people were told to get out of the area and they spent the time at an evacuation center waiting for word on their homes. one man was coming home from san rafael when he heard the fire had burned 7,000 acres. >> the fire chief said we saved your house, everything around it is burning. >> that man recently bull dozened a -- bulldozed a 30- foot area around the house. that is what saved it. so far the fire has destroyed two buildings and one of them is a home. an air alert has been put out, air quality can be specifically hard on young children, those suffering from asthma or respiratory conditions. and a flex alert, because of another day of hot temperatures in many parts of the state. the independent system is urging customers to reduce energy consulting especially when the demand for electricity peeks. we want to turn off air conditions and restrict major appliances. we will have a complete bay area forecast coming up. we have some residents on edge, lorraine blanco is explaining how the department of justice is now getting involved in gang violence in the city of lorraine. gang violence is one of six in a national forum on youth prevention. it is geared tore gang violence and this comes one day after a very violent afternoon in this city. a man was rushed to the hospital following a driveby shooting on the 23rd hundred area. a victim was standing in front of his house when a car drove by and shot out double rounds. another shooting happened a couple of hours earlier and detectives say both shootings could be gang related. >> we just don't know and once investigators are able to interview witnesses we hope to establish a motive. >> reporter: the earlier shooting happened on oakland road. a man was killed while sitting in his car. police are looking for the shooters in both those cases, live in san jose you lorraine. blanco ktvu channel 2 morning news. and officers frank shot rally and at first he said the police chief should be fired but an independent review shows his life had been in danger and he was cleared of any wrongdoing. they withheld that review and the city has hired an outside firm to conduct the investigation. the police department has claims of access i have -- excessive force. he claims an officer shot him with a taser during a traffic stop. he was shot once in the next and the back. he is suing for loss of medical expenses and loss of wages. flames sparked up in a light oil processing unit just after 2:00 yesterday afternoon. hazardous dispatch was lifted about an hour after that fire started. investigators are waiting to go into the damage processing unit and ktvu channel 2 morning news learned last week's failure occurred near the pipes. inspectors replaced one pipe that was corroded but one connected to the leak was left in service. inspectioners say the unit may be down for as long as six months. and on the lakefront at south shore, it was announced that lake tahoe has put in a bid to be the host city of the 2022 games. summit also discussed the environment in the lake tahoe basin. with but with cuts they talked about partnerships for some environmental restoration. they are helping students kickoff the school year but giving away 400 backpacks. children ages 4 to 15 will pick up backpacks gearing up to school and there will be a bounce house, and a clothing giveaway, students signed up ahead of time in order to get the free school gear. that is richmond. >> it adds up. let me tell you firsthand but they need everything now. >> you know it is nice to see that. good morning everyone and see what we have with the morning commute and we do have traffic that will be busy on 24. we had an earlier crash and that was cleared and you don't have to worry about it, there were no -- there are no major problems. and if you are driving on 80, the fog is seeping into berkeley and however it looks good on the bay bridge toll plaza. and in livermore, it is slow on the way to dublin, no problems on the san mateo or dumbarton bridge, let's go to steve. fog is way down there and there is a much stronger delta breeze and we have some tropical clouds coming up and they have been moving into the picture here. 50s and 60s on the temperatures, 52 santa rosa and it is a 16-degree spread there. however southwest 17, it has gusted to 28 miles per hour and it was 23 last hour, if it goes below 15, it will be hot. if it continues to 17 to 20, it is a sure sign of a cool down and it is in that territory. terrain, very tough, very warm, higher temperatures are more of a westerly breeze and today we will go 102 for a high, it is yesterday it was 1:07 it will still be warm to hot but there will be gradual cooling and more so tomorrow. right there this low and high pressure system pumping into some of those high level clouds and there is much of a change for some by the coast sunny and nice for others inland and it will be in the 90s mid-to-upper and i think yesterday was the warmest, we had a lot of 80s fog on the increase it remains a tropical spinoff of kabul san lucas and might filter by the end of the weekend. george zimmerman's troubles in the spotlight, why his attorney wants a new judge. >> plus how republicans are rallying behind the running mate after a not so favorable pole. and a key test for an experimental aircraft that is designed for speed. . right now police are investigating an officer involved shooting, this story is happening in northeast modesto, he rammed an suv into a home and the suspect was then shot by police and no officers were hurt and we will bring you more information on the shooting as it comes into our newsroom. george zimmerman's defense fund is dippedelling and the attorneys will consider asking for help. he was charged with the shooting death of trayvon martin he is out on bail and saying in sent not county -- sent not county. >> his defense fund is not doing well. we are close to 50,000 and 20,000 is due out in bills. the money is not coming in that strongly and as we move forward we will have to consider incidents i for mr. zimmerman. >> he claims the current judge's order suggested george zimmerman may not get a fair trial. and in election coverage, we now know who the key note speaker will be at the republican convention. an anonymous speaker said they will be new jersey governor chris, christie. christie is known for his blunt tone, he will seek the nomination but he declined and endorsed mitt romney. and defending him against a new pole that says paul ryan is not a great pick. jacqueline is live in our washington d.c. newsroom with more on ryan's popularity, here is more. >> reporter: a new gallop pole sees him as a poor pick. it is the latest since 1988. quail did go on to be vice- president. it is simply because ryan is not well-known. they are calling him a bold and innovative thinker. the gop was asked questions. >> they are ultimately rationing medicare. we will get to these issues later. >> reporter: both sides are trying to say the other party's plan will throw seniors under the bus. reporting live in washington jacqueline fell, ktvu channel 2 morning news. a new crash test has shown only a few have earned passing grades. it is designed to see what happens in a front end collision. now the acura and infinity g- earned good or sentable ratings and the other eight earned marginal or poor ratings. they are conducting a test called the wave rider. the unmanned craft will be flying off the southern california coast later today. they hope the wave rider will be able to drive six times the speed of sound for at least five minutes. analysts say it could be used to make passenger jets faster. they noticed the smell of natural gas and pg&e said they will be conducting a controlled test and the testing will take place in the area of hill street. it follows the deadly pipeline explosion in san bruno. >> let's check in with sal and see how we are looking, good morning, sal. we are doing okay but getting a little bit busier around the bay area. let's look at what we have going on with westbound 24 on the way up to the tunnel. traffic is busy but not stop and go. highway 24, it gets better by the time you reach bay point. at the toll plaza, those metering lights go on about now and the traffic is beginning to stack up here except for those fast track lanes and no problems once on the bridge a little foggy on the golden gate bridge. if you are driving on the san mateo or dumbarton, that traffic is easier on the peninsular. >> thank you kindly sal, there is a lot more fog, it is lifted towards napa and santa rosa, even some tropical clouds, it has fired up some tropical storms, but this will give us a beautiful sunrise and the high clouds are wrapping around, high pressure has been strong in the southwest. sierra showers tropical clouds mainly in the morning, they will thin out in the afternoon. clipping us this morning, 50s to 60s, some are cool to mild to warm, there is no doubt about it, stronger breeze and a bigger fog bank, a little low spinning and a bigger cool down, the key will be by the weekend, it is only shipping interest and right now it is not affecting anybody else but once this falls apart, some of that moisture will move in by the weekend. just the clouds but it will be tropical clouds. westerly breeze in place, it is still hot through parts of the interior, higher humidity but temperatures are starting to come down, thursday friday, and it looks like that cooling continues and we will mention some of those higher clouds and it's much cooler by sunday. retail sales rose by the largest in five months, in fact it rows $400 billion and that's up 21% since the low in 2009 and it is not just for back to school shopping. landline phone companies are being pushed out by the cable companies and for the first time, they lost broad ban subscribers. cable companies are providing 9,000 subscribers and it is the biggest in the phone company. the areas say something is killing off the great white shark. and found in florida, breaking records, we will find out just how big that newly found reptile is. . welcome back, time now 6:22, the young girl who was shot to death will be having a ceremony. she was a young mother and a memorial fund has been set up for the baby at u.s. bank. a formal investigation is being launched into the death of a firefighter from idaho. she was killed sunday afternoon while working on a wildfire in northern idealogical hoe. she was hit by a -- northern idaho. she was hit by a fallen tree. this was only her second season working as a firefighter and this was only her second season. victims of the deadly stage collapse, they were honored with a moment of silence. the names of the seven people who died were read over a loud speaker. winds caused the stage to collapse last year and dozens of people were also injured. the latest predator is in danger of disappearing. groups are petitioning to list the great white shark as endangered. and they say fishing is causing them to drop significantly. >> the total population of adults and subadults is around 350. >> the national marine fisheries has a year to decide whether to list them as endangered and if this happens, new fishing regulations could be put into effect. it is breaking records, it is the largest python found in the state, take a look at this big snake, it measures 17 feet, 7 inches weighs almost 165 pounds. scientists also found it produced a record-breaking 87 eggs. it came from the everglades and came to the museum as part of a project to see how to manage the state's invasive animal. and the olympic flag is in rio de janeiro, they returned from london where they received the flags. they are in preparation for the 2016 games in rio de janeiro and they are check out the flags on display. monday night football came to oakland, dennis allan made his debute. they didn't need many points to take care of the oakland raiders. mcfaden had 88 yards and he threw an interception and dallas won the game 3-0. it is just the beginning though, right, sal? >> i think it is just a preseason game at this point so you don't have to worry about it too much. good morning, just my opinion anyway. let's look at the commute on 280 getting up into the west valley right now. no worries here as well, as a matter of fact it looks good getting up into the valley. also looking at the commute, antioch between antioch and pittsburgh, concord pleasant hill walnut creek, a nice looking drive and if you are driving on vallejo and richmond, that traffic is moving along nicely to a relative live uncrowded bay bridge. but we will check in with that in just a few, it is 6:26, let's go to steve. >> thank you sal. >> port chicago listed at 27 miles per hour, that is sure sign and i have some higher clouds coming up. producing showers up in the sierra nevada. highs still coming down still in the highs for some, coming down about 5 degrees for many, and then 60s and 70s in oakland, clouds starting to move down and we'll see if that continues. >> occupying a library, what protesters were hoping to do. right now wildfires continue to burn in lake county and we will have more on what firefighters are doing to get them under control. we will take you to the opening bell live up next to find out why stocks are doing so well even though we don't have really great economic news. it's time to change the way we clean. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is hydrogen peroxide. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. . there it is, the opening bell, and on the new york stock exchange, that is actor robert patentson, they are celebrating their new movie it is coming out soon and it is about power money control. >> it has it all. >> money violence, it sounds like the new york stock exchange. a lot of business news coming up. >> the commerce department is reporting retail sales i think it was point 8% and auto sales are coming up, we'll see what the market does, good morning, thanks for joining us on ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> right now we are talking about the lake fires that continue to burn. alex savage is on the move trying to get closer to the fire lines and trying to get some good video and he will join us in just a bit. an occupied protest, this time an old library, they moved in and live at the oakland library with what those protesters were doing there, tara? >> reporter: they had planned tonight teaching some -- planned on teaching some reading and computer classes and you can see this gate is secured with zip ties. they blocked off international and foot hill boulevard and police began to shut the library down. they told protesters to leave within 15 minutes or they would be arrested. everyone did comply. now miller library has sat vacant for at least a decade. they placed hundreds of books inside the building and it is named after a san francisco based poet they started the ground format stresses and they want to make it a place in which the community can benefit from and now they are vowing to come back. we have not received any comment from oakland police and we do expect a comment from the occupied movement shortly. live in oakland tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> we want to get back to the wildfires. ktvu channel 2 morning news reporter alex savage, you definitely got closer to the fire lines, you can take a look and you can see huge flames and this is a series of back fires just set, they just went through and started this dry brush so they can essentially burn it out and start this fire and sort of stop it in its tracks. the good news, i am told by a spokesperson, the walker fire is moving in an easterly direction meaning it is moving away from most of the homes. that is the good news and the wildfire is taking the same path, moving east away from homes in the spring valley area and that's why evacuation orders were lifted and hundred people or so were able to go back to their homes last night. but this is still a very active fire, crews are getting a handle on it and they have now categorized the fires as one large fire even though the two have not merged. but the acreage, 6,000 acres between these two fires and no homes are really coralled. we are near the intersection of highway 20 and highway 16 so the fire moving east, we will continue to track it at this point, it is 2 5% contained on these two large wildfires and they are hoping for more containment throughout the day. alex savage ktvu channel 2 morning news. well strike teams in contra coster county were also on the scene of those fires as well as in plumes county and two firefighters were sent from alameda, one was sent from contra coster and in total, more than 60 bay area firefighters are helping fight those fires in bay area. kensington, they are looking are to a person responsible for the deaths. police found a body while on a car to check them out but police are not relieving -- releasing the victim's names just yet. they have authorized a $250,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in a cold murder case. today marks six years since aubrey was shot and killed on baker street. his mother will be there handing out flyers at the location of where her son was murdered and anybody with information is asked to contact the san jose police department. and an arrangement, she is accused of not telling police that the teacher, kraig chandler had been accused of molesting a 2nd grader. he faces charges of abusing five students. the principal faces up to five months in jail if convicted. they could provide relief for 200 immigrants in the united states. they deferred and who were 30 antioch better, they can apply for temporary status. information will be on the immigration services website. and solyndra, the defunct industry has agreed to pay workers $3.5 million. the settlement comes after they say they were not properly warned of the shut down. they abruptly closed and filed for bankruptcy. a court still has to sign off on that settlement. samsung moves to a new phase, apple rested in court and now it is samsung's turn to call witnesses. they estimate damages at 2. $5 billion. samsung's defense is expected to run this week and closing arguments are expected one week from today. well they are out usually in the early hours of the morning just before trash pick up. police and neighbors say it is a growing problems. they spent a couple of nights in sap fran to catch this up ground work. >> there are organized groups coming down the street filling up their bags and dumping them into the truck doing a street and then moving on. >> it is difficult to tell how much material is being stolen. estimates on recycling bins estimate 5 to $10 million. you can look for the tab right on our front page. well the sun is out and let's check in with sal and see how we are looking out there, hey, sal. >> right now traffic is doing well around the bay area, westbound and this is a backup but there are no crashes to report or stalled vehicles and there is a 10 to 15 minute delay once you make it on to the span. if you are driving to san francisco oaks land they crowded and looking good accident installwise. we are looking at the east shore freeway and it looks good checking in with chp and there is not a lot going on as you drive on the freeways, accident installwise, let's go to steve. we do have a beautiful sunrise over the big city and tropical clouds moving in but tropical clouds are coming in from the south and they may throw a little humidity into the mix and everything points towards a cooler pattern and we will have some partly cloudy skies mornings. high clouds in the forecast because rotating around that big tomorrow of high pressure. ever 2 santa rosa to 68 livermore however the delta breeze, 27 towards chicago and those are signs of a much stronger delta breeze. humidity is higher due to that westerly wind and yesterday was 107, today we will be 102 and as long as we can hold that westerly breeze we will be okay. as long as it stays close to the coast it will be okay but all signs point towards that strengthening and we get the tropical clouds and we may see the remains of tropical storm hector and it may filter in by saturday. fog and warm, westerly breeze, 80s for some, 90s now low-to- mid to upper and we will be 89 in fairfield, 95 in morgan hill. 60s on the coast except for santa cruz which will be warmer, fog increases through wednesday cool through friday and we'll see clouds by saturday. and an attack in southern afghanistan nearly 2000 are dead, what we are learning about the latest outbreak of violence as international troops prepare to hand over control. it may have been the motive in two different shootings and we will tell you how a meeting today will help the ongoing problem. traffic is stacking up approaching the bay bridge and we will tell you more about the peak of the morning commute. [ male announcer ] the magic of nature appears every day, within each strand of an oat's rhythmical sway. when an apple's vibrant red temptation, and honey's sweet touch of golden sensation, join together with a pecan crunch you'll savor, creating the most perfect lesson in flavor. at nature valley, nature's best-written recipe is ready for you to enjoy. delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley, nature at its most delicious. . good morning, well, there is a lot more fog, some higher clouds coming in, stronger delta breeze, about 25 and parts of the delta, 60s and 70s, now 90s inland. 6:44, on the clock, 2 wildfires have destroyed at least two buildings one of them is a home and the fires are 2 5% contained. more hot temperatures in parts of the bay area and that means another flex alert is in effect. they are urging you to reduce energy use especially during the late evening when power is in high demand. now the library was vacant before the activists filled it with books and the city says occupiers were trespassing. ktvu channel 2 morning news lorraine blanco explains how today's meeting comes after several crimes in a 24 hour period. >> reporter: good morning, pam, san jose says there have been 9 gang related murders in the city and yesterday's violence may have added to that total. so today's conference is a great coincidence. a man in his 20s was rushed to the hospital followed by a driveby shooting. the victim was standing in front of his house when a car drove by and fired several rounds, that was after another deadly shooting a couple of hours earlier. >> one violent homicide is too many so it is definitely concerning unless we have information to indicate that this is an ongoing trend, we are going to have to wait and see how we end up with it as far as the total number of crimes. >> reporter: a man in his 30s was killed while sitting in a chevy impala. they tell us both crimes could be gang related. it is part of the national forum and it is geared towards stopping the national level. it will take place here at 12:45, ktvu channel 2 morning news. and they are investigating a stabbing outside the wall greens. witnesses say a man stabbed a homeless woman with a samaria sword. they have not established a motive but the woman got into a fight with a customer at a coffee shop across the street from wall greens earlier in the day. several people have died, the triple bombing in the province is the latest outbreak of violence as international troops begin to hand over international forces. they found something far more disturbing. police discovered a woman who had been locked inside a bedroom for at least two years. the man who is an alleged gang member held his girlfriend captive but neighbors do not agree with the allegations. >> i know he did not do the kidnapping, if you was kidnapped you would tell somebody, they used to go to the store. >> police discovered 242 prescription pills and 42,000 dollars inside the home. >> the jerry sandusky allegations caused the school to possibly loose their accreditation. the school is quote on warning. they must submit a report on itsability to handle the fallout and officials say they are confident they can address the commissions concerns and keep the university's accreditation. let's check in with sal for a look at traffic, what is it like out there, sal? well, we are looking at the traffic at the toll plaza and it is crowded for sure, it's much more crowded than it was and we are checking to see if anything is on the bridge. right now traffic continues to look good but here at the toll plaza, there is a little bit of a back up. looking at the commute on 880, this traffic looks good with no major problems. as you mentioned, there could be something on the bridge and they are checking as i look at chp's list, i'm not sure what it is. san mateo and dumbarton could be a good alternative and those are freeways moving over to the peninsular, let's go to steve. a little bit stronger delta breeze, and it is going to be cooler inland, i think yesterday was the hottest day of the week, no doubt about it, temperatures topped out sunday into monday. in fact i just tweeted out and they all have more clouds in there but unless you are by the coast all they see are gray clouds. if you get up around 200 there is still warm air aloft and still 77 for the firefighters a little bit better and there is a westerly breeze or southwest, 70s to near 80 degrees it will still be hot but not as bad as yesterday. let's hope that westerly breeze continues and it will keep the humidity higher in the northeast. this high will be getting reinforcement and that will increase the fog bank in a big way. 80s and 90s to near 100s and 60s and 70s. tropical storm hector, some tropical clouds could move in by then. it is one of those days where i have computer issues and i have no idea what is and coming up next. there you go, westerly breeze, fog fair warm to hot not as bad as yesterday, 60s and 70s closer to the water. maybe some higher clouds continue to filter and cooling on sunday. many are trying to save money. several colleges are requiring students to buy electronic textbooks for some classes. colleges can negotiate better deals if they can guarantee students will buy the e-books. fewer drivers are going for test drives. many do the investigating before the sale. they are taking off the scrubs and dressing up for a political fight, why he is pushing for a recount on a smokey proposition. tell you about a new medical website designed especially for older folks. website you say! i can't work on computers, they're not senior-friendly. blah, blah, blah. but the national institutes of health fixed all that. now you can make the type bigger, increase contrast, even make it talk to you. just go to and get the best medical information available anywhere. nih built with you in mind. . welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news, dow jones industrial average up about 23 points, nasdaq and s&p 500, up about a quarter of a percent or so. analysts are saying companies are reporting good numbers despite a lack of a lot of good economic news. a new report out shows san mateo county workers are dealing with more inmates than expected. it is the result of realignment where low-level offenders are sentenced to county jails instead of state prisons. since it began last october, they have been handling more parolees than the state said it would. they are providing new security systems for workers but not all like it. they will provide security systems in a necklace around their next. some complain the necklace could be used to strangle them. it has been put into place since donna grows, a technician was strangled by a patient two years ago. and without a court order, it is heading to the governor's desk this morning... [crowd noise] >> the bill was created in response to bart's decision to cut wireless service last year to stop planned protests. last night protesters marched in response to last year's shut down. he is asking state officials to investigate the results, and the doctor supported the $1 cigarette tax but it failed by 1% of votes. he called for a partial recount and they discovered a ballot counting machine was missing 21 votes per precinct. another one was counted without being verified. >> my intend was to make certain that any discrepancies are understood and to ensure that future elections are accurate. >> now they are asking for a formal state and -- a absentee for the first time in history. and webster has 100 words added annually and they are filling in new words others include bucket list, ear worm and man cave and financial overtones are being listed for underwater as well as toxic. again ear worm means a song is stuck in your head. >> okay, i don't know that, how is traffic, sal? >> okay we are looking at traffic at the toll plaza and it looks like traffic is slow by about a 20 minute delay. also looking at the interstate 880 at the coliseum and traffic is moderately heavy and if you are driving on the san mateo or dumbarton bridge, that traffic looks good, let's go back to the desk. more coverage on the fire lines in lake county... the problems are far from over, ktvu channel 2 morning news' alex savage will join us from one of the hot spots. and they are trying to fix up an abandoned library, stay with us. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪ northbound contain two large wild fires burning near clear lake. we'll tell you about the progress crews are making behind us here and good news that came for evacuees. >> how city leaders are responding to today. we'll tell you how the confrontation

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