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Its a Fox News Sunday exclusive. Then Bernie Sanders insists he still has a shot at the democratic nomination. Even as Hillary Clinton extends his delegate lead. This campaign is doing well because were doing something very radical, were telling the truth. Well Ask Democratic Party chair Debbie Wasserman schultz whether the prolonged race is hurting the eventual nominee. Plus our sunday group looks ahead to tuesday when five east coast states hold primaries. And our power player of the week, two baby eaglets draw new attention to an Outdoor Laboratory here in washington. All right now. On Fox News Sunday. And hello again from fox news in washington. The Trump Campaign which until now has been known for its larger than life candidate says the boss is ready to tone it down. Whats being called a makeover comes as donald trump looks poised to sweep five east coast primaries on tuesday. Paul manafort, trumps new top adviser, is behind the effort to rally the gop around the front runner. Paul, welcome to Fox News Sunday. Thank you, chris. You met with members of the Republican National committee in florida in week to try to reassure them about donald trump, but in your effort it raised some new concerns. It was supposed to be a closeddoor meeting but of course somebody taped it. Here is a clip. The party the claim is now, youve been expecting that he wasnt ready for it because he had the first phase. You will start to see more depth of the person, the real person. Playing a part, see the real person. Trump has been campaigning for ten months now and we havent seen the real man . What that clip was related to was a question that was asked talking about the settings that he was going to be in. On the Campaign Setting youre seeing the real donald trump in Campaign Mode talking to people who believe in his candidacy. I was dealing with members of the Republican National committee who have a different role from a organizational standpoint and they wanted to know about things like is he going to be giving speeches on policies, is he going to be involved in settings that are not rallyoriented and that was the context i was talking about. We were evolving the campaign, not the candidate, and the settings were going to start changing. Forgive me it does seem a little bit like spin. The words, the part that he has been playing, you will start to see more depth of the person, the real person. Youre not talking about rallies versus some other setting. I was talking about rallies versus thats not what you said. In the context of that room thats what i said and thats what was understood. When it was taken out of context the question that was asked to me wasnt prefaced with my answer you get a distorted thing. Donald trump said it yesterday on the campaign trail, he addressed the issue completely. Look, im playing to when im out here i want to talk to you and be to show you who i am in this environment. When im going to give a policy speech, im going to be giving a policy speech. He said it straight up. Okay. According to ted cruz and understandably he is not a great supporter of you or donald trump, he says what you were saying is that trump the conservative is just a show. Here is cruz. He doesnt believe anything he is saying, he is just trying to fool gullible voters and hes not going to do any of t hes not going to build a wall, he is a not going to deport anyone. He is telling us he is lying to us. When you talk about trump playing a part, cruz says thats what you mean. Theres the liar, not trump. He has got to change the narrative. Hes losing. He is on the cusp of having the nomination be mathematically taken away from him and so hes trying to change the narrative. We never talked about the wall. Donald trump i never said trump wasnt going to build a wall, i never said trump was going to change any of his positions. Cruz just made that up because hes got to find something that gets people away from focusing on the Real Campaign which is next tuesday when hes going to lose all five states and probably finish third in most of them. He has a failed candidacy and you can see in that desperate kind of tactic the kind of way hes trying to gloss over it, just like he did with carson in iowa and rubio in florida, he just makes things up when he is when he feels cornered. Now, you say he is losing but in fact he had a pretty good weekend. He did not. Well, one of your jobs is to make sure that the delegates that are actually selected, the people that are going to sit in the seats are Trump Supporters who will continue to support him if the Convention Goes beyond the first ballot, but yesterday trump picked up at least 65 delegates, the people sitting in those seats even if they have to vote for trump in the first round are cruz supporters and the Cruz Campaign says you guys picked up 2. 65 to 2. Thats not losing. Youve been around a long time, chris. Dont rub it in, but go ahead. The only vote that matters is the vote thats cast when the roll call is called. On saturday ted cruz won zero. Not 36, not zero delegates. What was done on saturday was simply confirming the results of primaries. Now, most of the conventions that happened yesterday were set in state stages a month or two ago and before frankly i was involved. Thats not the point, though. The point is cruz doesnt care about what happens in the elections. What cruz is doing is hes playing fast with the rules, doesnt care about the local concerns and what you saw in maine yesterday, for example, maine there was a consensus, the governor put together of all the campaigns, of all the campaigns, and everybody was going to be represented on the ticket consistent with the results that the voters chose in the maine in the maine primary. Cruz at the last minute broke the deal and effectively didnt care about the local officials, didnt care about the results afterwards and, yes, he steam rolled it. Thats not the trump approach. We are running the campaign to win the votes on the first ballot and were going to and were going to win on the first ballot. So all of this Party Disruption that cruz is causing, at the end of the day is only going to hurt the party, its not going to hurt trump because hes still going to be the votes cast on the first ballot and theres going to be no second ballot which will be very clear when the process is over on june 7th. You and i have known each other since the reagan white house, but after that you went into lobbying and i think its fair to say that some of your clients are at the very least controversial, filipino dictator marcos and guerrilla leader, victor yanakovich, which led to someone calling your firm the torture remembers lobby. How do you plead . Youve got to dissect it. Back when i was representing savimbe that was the administrations chosen group in washington. I was working with the administration against at that time a soviet dictatorship that was put up in angola. In the philippines i was tasked to go out there and help bring the transition of marcos to an end. But yanakovich were talking about the 2000s. He was never an american ally. The agreement that was signed that brought ukraine into europe, i was the person who worked with the europeans to negotiate it because yanakovich was committed and its a long History Lesson which we can have a cup of coffee over sometime, but the role that i played in that administration was to help bring ukraine into europe and we did. We succeeded. Ted cruz isnt persuaded by this, he started going after you and the team that you have assembled. Here he is yesterday. The entire Campaign Apparatus now is a washington lob yer apparatus. So if youre happy with the corruption of washington, with the bipartisan corruption of Big Government then Donald Trumps campaign is for you. Your response. The people he was talking about havent for the most part lobbied for 10 to 20 years. Did they once lobby . Yes. Have they been lobbying for the last 10 or 15 years, just about all of them the answer is no. They have been in private sectors outside of washington. His larger point is you are an insider, the people youre bringing in are insider so trumps talk of antiestablishment and insider is no longer the case. First of all im not running for president , donald trump is running for president and donald trump is clearly an outsider and donald trump has clearly established his credentials with the American People by virtue of what he said hes going to do in changing the rigged economy, the rigged banking system, political system. Again, this is cruz because hes got no issues left trying to confuse a very simple fact that hes about to be mathematically eliminated next week and look at what hes trying to do in his candidacy. Hes trying to say the process doesnt matter. Hes trying to say voting doesnt matter. Hes trying to say that all that matters is to destroy the party and see who can pick up the pieces on a second, third or fourth ballot. Good news for him or for the party err not going to let that happen. It will be clear on june 7th. What were trying to do right now is work with the Mitch Mcconnells who we didnt depose in kentucky even though he won the election and worked with him to put a unity slate together. Were trying to bring the Party Together. I think this is interesting. Youre saying that youre working with the Senate Majority leader who to a lot of the grass roots is a symbol of the problem . Were working with Party Officials and that was an example on saturday where we could have we won the state, we could have gone in there and tried to be disruptive as cruz does in these states. We didnt want to do that because we know we are going to be the nominee. We have to work with these people. What i was tasked to do this past week including going to the rnc meeting was to begin to have people who trump hasnt been exposed to begin to understand that the campaign cares about them and we will run some traditional elections. Trump raised some new questions this week about his conservatism when he opposed North Carolinas new law which was will set restrictions on which bathrooms transgender people can use. Here is what your candidate had to say. First of all i think that would be discriminatory in a certain way. It would be unbelievably expensive for businesses and for the country. Leave it the way it is. But that night trump reversed himself and said, well, no, its actually a states rights issue. Simple question, paul, what does trump think about the North Carolina law . Trump thinks what he said, that its a states rights issue. He also said he thinks leave it alone. But its not a reversal. He told you what his position is and you just had him on air, he said its a states right issue. Period, end of sentence. Wait. Wait. Wait. 12 hours before or 8 hours before he said leave it the way it is and that there doesnt need to be any change. Its a problem in search of a solution. Which it is. Let me rephrase, its a solution in search of a problem, that theres not really a problem there. What he said, he was asked a question of his personal opinion in the afternoon and then he was asked how do you handle the issue and he answered that in the evening. His personal opinion stands . What stands is what he said when he was asked the specific question of what should happen to this issue and he said its a states rights issue, it should be handled by the states. Finally your new team has been talking about the fact that trump is going to make a Foreign Policy speech this week here in washington using teleprompters, he is going to make more serious policy speeches using teleprompters. Are you trying to drag him kicking and screaming to be more president ial . First its not a new team its an expanded team. Secondly, the point is we are at a period in the campaign where these things are relevant. Campaigns are a process and trump recognizes it and trumps attitude has been first that he had to establish the credibility of his candidacy, which he did, then he needed to win primaries, which he did, then he had to emerge as the presumptive nominee which he did. Now as people are looking at him as the republican nominee and potentially the next president of the United States theres another stage in the process and thats what this is. And is that part of being more president ial . Its certainly nothing thats contrary to being president ial. Paul, thank you. All right, chris. Thanks for your time. Weve been doing this for 36 years. 30 whatever years. A long time. And well track how the returns come in tuesday night. Thank you. Up next, well bring in our sunday group to discuss the changing strategy of the Trump Campaign, plus what would you like to ask the panel about a possible trump makeover . Just go to facebook or twitter at Fox News Sunday and we may use your question on the air. At some point im going to be so president ial that you people will be so bored. Republican front runner donald trump having fun with all the talk about his need to project a more serious image. And its time now for our sunday group. Gerald seib of the wall street journal, susan page from usa today, ben domenech cofounder of the web magazine the federalist and fox news political analyst juan williams, author of the new book we the people. We asked you for questions for the panel and we got a bunch on this question of a possible trump makeover. Madeline sent us on facebook he, trump, might act more president ial but thats what it would be, an act. Laurie tweeted this, will the real donald trump please stand up and face the people. Geri, how do you answer them . Should trump try to change his image . Can he change his image . Its not just the handlers that are saying this. We had an interview with donald trump this week and he said i know i need to be more disciplined, the campaign is adjusting, i have to because, and this was his reasoning, im not going to blow it. He said when i show up at a big rally theyre basically looking for me to entertain them and im not going to let them down. This is him trying to have it both ways. Im going to be the entertainer at a rally but im going to be president ial when im not at a rally. The problem is those two things collide at some point. Can you do that . Can you be were having this conversation, its hard to do that, right . Yeah. Speaking of which, there was a very interesting editorial in the Washington Post today, and let me put it up here, you are not going to be able to read it but i will read you the head line, remember the real donald trump, his pivot to a president ial demeanor cannot erase history. As you can see it goes on at great length and taukts about remember Donald Trumps comments about Illegal Immigrants being rapists and criminals, remember Donald Trumps comments that john mccain is not a real war hero and it says no matter what his handlers try to make him dont forget that. Susan, which raises the question, is a makeover of Donald Trumps persona, his image, possible in this 24 7 world of news and social media . Well, i think two questions. One, no one else will let him forget it. Hillary clinton yesterday put out a video with some of trumps more provocative statements, certainly she is the nominee, we will hear a lot about it. I have questions about whether donald trump can remake himself. We saw him tuesday night look more president ial talking about senator cruz but yesterday at his rally he was back to lyin ted. I think we know who the real donald trump is and i think he is irrepressible. I thought the most interesting line in that post editorial which was meant to be very critical of trump was a quote they included from Reince Priebus that said winning is the antidote to a lot of things. I think thats also true when it comes to donald trump. I guess the question becomes, because you look at his numbers, his unfavorables and theyre sky high, unprecedentedly high for a major party nominee. Can you win if he stays in this donald trump . I mean, there are a couple of questions, one, can he win as this donald trump, two, can he become another donald trump and will the new donald trump make people forget . He cant be elected with these unfavorables except hes running against somebody we think who has unfavorables that are only a little lower. Both donald trump and Hillary Clinton had unfavorable ratings over 50 . We have never had that situation with a candidate in either party. This year we will have it we think in both parties. So in that way it makes the train a little it makes you a little less confident in saying, oh, theres absolutely no way he could be elected. As i discussed with Paul Manafort trumps comments about North Carolinas new law restricting bathrooms in the case of transgender people created quite a backlash and ted cruz saw an opening. Here he is. He thought that men should be able to go into the girls bathroom if they want to. Have we gone stark raving nuts . Ben, is this issue which obviously cruz sees as an opening, is this a good issue for republicans in the primaries and is it a good issue for republicans in the general election . Within the context of the discussion about bathrooms keep in mind there are fewer transgender people in america according to the best estimates than we have than there are registered sex offenders. In this case i think thats actually the thing that people are concerned about. Theyre less concerned about transgender people coming into bathrooms than they are menusing this as a way to get into locker rooms with women and to exploit that opportunity to participate in some kind of criminal act. I think thats something that is a concern among a lot of americans, the polls generally show that favoring sort of the these types of policies has actually increased since this debate has started. On the side of trump i think this is part of the piece of what weve seen in the past, a month ago after he ran the table in florida, in missouri, and in illinois and in North Carolina, there was this all this talk about he is going to shift to being more president ial and instead he embarked on a series of gaffs that undermined his own ability to coalesce and unite the party. What weve seen over the past week since he won in new york is again, you know, revrgt to these personalized attacks, calling for weakening the pro life plank of the party, go he get to the left of Hillary Clinton on transgender issues, coming out in favor of raising taxes, insulting his pop nents names and coming out again just the other day and suggesting in spite of all of the legal decisions that have gone against it that ted cruz is not going to be a qualified candidate for the presidency because he is not a naturalized citizen. This is not someone who is interested in uniting the party. If its so easy to be president ial why doesnt he try it for five minutes . That was pretty i want to go back, though, to this issue of the bathrooms and whether its a good issue because we actually decided to try to find out whether it is a Public Safety issue. Whether it is a problem with transgender people misusing bathrooms to prey on others. Here is what the Fact Checking group politofact found. We havent found any instance of criminals convicted of using transgender protections as cover in the United States. Neither have any left wing groups or right wing groups, which brings me to Charles Krauthammers comment which i was quoting to Paul Manafort earlier which is this seems to be a solution in search of a problem. I think thats right because, in fact, one of the Police Chiefs in North Carolina said that he had been in the police force 40 years, he had never dealt with this issue. So he said, you know, as if people are creating a problem in search of a solution. I think what we come back to is a wedge issue here. A wedge issue that in terms of gay rights, gay marriage as you know has been controversial but that wedge issue it worked in 04. The Bush Campaign got gay marriage on the ballot, helped president busch gain reelection in 04. This time that issue in terms of the polling doesnt have the same power, the same strength on the electorate. When you look at the reality of it people say, well, gosh, you know, at home i use the same bathroom as my wife, in college they have samesex bathrooms. This does not seem to be a crying issue, but even in terms of the evangelical community, the power of the true conservatives which is what i think cruz is trying to do by countering trump on this issue, it just doesnt seem to carry the weight. Does not seem to have the power, chris. I want to shift the question a little bit, gerry. After trumps sweeping victory in new york getting over 60 of the vote, over 90 of the delegates, that was one case where the rules worked in his favor, did the ground shift inside the republican establishment . Is there a growing acceptance or at least growing resignation to the fact that trump is going to be the nominee . I think so. I think you could almost feel it tuesday night as the results came in from new york. It was maybe its not going to work out this way to oh my gosh it really is going to work out this way. The math didnt tell you that, the perception in the party told you that there had been a change. I think you saw it at the rnc meeting in florida this week. Instead of fighting the trend there was more can we come to terms with this trump trend and i think thats a significant difference. I will tell you why it matters. It matters because if you create an era of inevitability and thats i think what the Trump Campaign is trying to do here, thats what you saw Paul Manafort doing, then it becomes easier to get unbound delegates, that gets you over 1,237 to come your way because theyre saying its inevitable we will go with the flow. If you create that perception you create the reality, at least you can. Let me quickly say that manafort was talking about getting to 1,237 by the end of the primaries on june 7th, but in fact there are 41 days, almost six weeks between the end of california and the primaries in cleveland. Thats a long time to try to get some of those unpledged delegates. All right. Were going to take a break here, but we will see you all a little later. Up next, Hillary Clinton tries to pivot to the general election, but Bernie Sanders keeps up his attacks against clinton. We will talk with Democratic Party chair Debbie Wasserman schultz about the state of the race. Plus, what do you think . Is the prolonged campaign on the democratic side hurting that party . Let me mow on facebook or twitter foxnewssunday and use the fns. Chair Debbie Wasserman schultz on the fighting in the republican party. And what it means for the general election. The republicans are still a civil war. They arent talking about substantive issues, theyre mired in chaos. We will ask the congresswoman about the chaos in her party next. A look outside the beltway at philadelphia, site of this years Democratic Convention. Front runner Hillary Clinton took a big step this week toward locking up the democratic nomination with her sweeping victory in the new york primary. But Bernie Sanders shows no signs of conceding and continues to run hard against her. Joining us now from florida the chair of the Democratic National committee, Debbie Wasserman schultz. Congresswoman, given that Hillary Clinton seems to have a pretty clear path to the nomination now, does Bernie Sanders need to tone down his attacks and start to bring the Party Together . Well, i actually have been very proud throughout this campaign of both of our candidates. Youve seen in every single one of our debates and then also in discussions on the campaign trail the substance and the commitment that each of our candidates has to laying out for the American People their vision for how they would move our country forward. So ive been quite proud of both of them, particularly when compared to the circus that has unfolded on the other side. If you can answer my question, does Bernie Sanders need to tone down his attacks . Im about to. Okay. I was waiting. Im about to. I need to preface it for a moment because theyve done a great job at being substantive comparatively. But what i have cautioned over the last several weeks is that we need to make sure that the rhetoric that each candidate uses is such that it doesnt make it more difficult for us to reunify. I think that its expected in a Campaign Like this one as we get towards the narrow end of the funnel, we only have 19 primaries left its going to get a little more intense, but we need to make sure that we focus on the end game, which is to obviously make sure that we can elect our nominee president of the United States, which im confident that we will. Sanders continues even after new york to go after clinton. Here is just some of what he said during a town hall this week in pennsylvania. One of the differences between secretary clinton and myself is i have opposed i have opposed every one of these disastrous trade agreements. One of the major differences is precisely how we raise money for our campaigns. Yes, is that helpful to electing a democratic president . Chris, when you look at whats happened this week on the other side of the aisle with basically toto pulling back the curtain on the wizard and revealing that donald trump isnt on the level, has never been on the level, they basically have a faker running for president of the United States and, you know, has been the most extreme ma soj nis i can bigoted candidate that the republican certainly has ever put forward and probably any candidate who has ever run before. You know, pointed differences between our candidates that at the end of this primary, you know, its it pales in comparison to whats played out on the other side of the aisle. Forgive me, and i understand its your job i understand its your job to make the case against the republicans, but the fact is that Bernie Sanders talks repeatedly about Hillary Clinton not standing up to wall street, in fact, taking hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches, whose transcripts she wont release, not standing up to the big oil and gas industry, not standing up to Drug Companies. Deal with your own party, if you will, for a moment. Is that helpful, those kinds of critiques, to electing a democratic president . Im glad to deal with my own party but it has to be done okay. I got it. You think the other guys are worse, but lets deal with your party. Much. But if you look at the way our campaign has played out both of our candidates are focused on achieving the same goal, if either one of them were president they would continue to build on the 73 straight months of job growth we have had in the private sector. A president like president obama who has pulled us out of the worst economic crisis since the great depression. Whether its Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, they have both talked about helping people be able to reach the middle class by making sure that we continue to have policies and build on those policies, that people but how about the fact if i may, how about the fact that Bernie Sanders says that Hillary Clinton is in effect a corporate sellout . You make it sounds like there hasnt been much of a critique of Hillary Clinton and there has been. Again, i think because we have two candidates who have focused on their desire to achieve the same goals and build on the legacy of success that we have had, as opposed to dragging us backwards to the policies of a presidency that plunged us into an economic crisis, that, you know, differences of opinion, even sharp ones, are, you know pale in comparison compared to whats played out on the other side. So we had a much more divisive primary in 2008, chris, and arguably and not only did we reunify successfully, we elected barack obama, he selected Hillary Clinton to be his secretary of state. I was a Hillary Clinton supporter until the last day in 2008 if you recall and he asked me to be his dnc chair. Im confident that regardless of the intensity of whats played out here at the last stages of campaign, which every one of our candidates ultimately is our nominee, we will be unified and that is certainly not the case thats playing out on the other side where theyre headed for chaos at their convention. You talk about unity, but there was a lot of analysis in the media this week that sanders attacks have been driving up helping to drive up clintons negatives. In a wall street journal poll the rating on whether people have a positive or negative view of clinton is at minus 24 among all men she is at minus 40, among all whites she is at minus 39. Now, look, i know so you dont have to say it i know that trumps numbers are even worse but he may not be the nominee. Her numbers, her numbers, deal with them, if you will, please, are historically low. Well, republicans certainly some republicans are certainly hoping beyond hope that donald trump is not their nominee and with good reason, but if you look at the exit polls that were coming out of new york and our voters were asked whether they were enthusiastic and thought our primary had energized them, seven out of ten of those voters asked said, yes, they thought this primary energized them about supporting each one of our either one of our candidates. Less than 40 said the same about the republicans. Can i just a third actually can i just excuse me for a second. Im sorry. I want to pick up on that. Those are the facts that really matter. Well, good. I want to talk about the enthusiasm with clintons support because so far this year 23. 1 Million People have voted in republican primaries, 18. 5 million have voted in democratic primaries. So why shouldnt we believe that in fact when it comes to enthusiasm republicans have a big advantage, they have almost a 5 million voter edge in turnout . Hillary clinton has had 10. 6 Million People vote for her at this point. Bernie sanders 7. 1 Million People. Hillary clinton has more votes than donald trump and i understand, but there were 17 candidates at one time. Thats exactly the point is there were 17 candidates on one side generating a whole bunch of turnout, in many places around the country we came close or had the equivalent of the turnout, but when you look today where we are today in this campaign in terms of the energy and enthusiasm and interest in supporting our eventual nominee there is far more support and energy on our side than there is on the republican side. The same was true coming out of wisconsin. This is a pattern. In different kinds of states. So especially because we are continuing to head towards a unified effort when our primary is over to make sure that we can get behind our eventual nominee and the republicans are clearly headed for a brokered convention that is going to descend into chaos and theres almost no one that you could ask that doesnt acknowledge that. I want to talk about one last subject with you congresswoman. You have dismissed the idea that Hillary Clinton could face any legal troubles over her private email server as, quote, ludicrous. How do you know that . Im simply confident that as the Investigation Continues that Hillary Clinton has made it clear and there are scores of individuals who are associated with the federal government that have indicated that its clear that she conducted herself completely legally, that she was able to use private email just like previous republican and democratic secretaries of state and i think that at the end of the day this is going to amount to nothing more than an investigation when they take a close look i think shes going to be fine. The reason i ask is the fbi has dozens of agents who have been investigating this issue for months and just this week fbi director james comey said that this could go on well past or at least past the Democratic Convention in july. You know, theres got to be something there they are investigating. Are you saying its all a waste of time . Im not commenting on it one way or the other other than wait a minute. You have. You said its ludicrous. Yes, and im going to say it again. Its ludicrous to keep raising the question of whether this plays out to an end an unfortunate end. Hillary clinton has released 55,000 pages of emails, has provided the most transparency of probably any previous president ial candidate in terms of the conversations that she has had as secretary of state, as a public official. It is completely available for perusal by the press and she was doing something and using private email in the same way that previous secretaries of state have done. You know thats not true. I mean, nobody says thats true. Other than the private other than the private server, right. Other than the private server is a big deal and nobody had 30,000 work emails on their private server or private email, period. So, i mean, the comparisons to collin powell, i mean, thats just not true, congresswoman. It certainly is true because collin powell, condoleezza rice, john kerry all used private email to communicate with their staff. Yeah, maybe a dozen, not 30,000. Im not counting, but over the course of her of her term she used private email and was allowed to use private email. Thats not in dispute. And she has released 55,000 pages of emails. At the end of the day this is a distraction because the American People are going to decide who they vote for for president based on who they believe is going to continue to move us forward and help everybody who wants to succeed have a fair shot to do so. What theyre not going to vote on is distractions like this one and theyre certainly not going to choose any one of the republican candidates long that we should continue and go back to policies that focus on the wealthiest most fortunate americans that are extreme like donald trump suggesting that were going to deport 11 Million People or that were going to ban an entire religion from coming into the country. Thats the choice. All right. Thank you very much. Well have you back and you can continue the conversation. Thanks so much for sharing part of your weekend with us. Look forward to it. When we come back we will ask our sunday group what does Bernie Sanders want to try to get his supporters to back Hillary Clinton. Recommend synthetic over cedar . Super food . Is that a real thing . Its a great school, but is it the right one for her . Is this really any better than the one you got last year . If we consolidate suppliers, whats the savings there . So should we go with the 467 horsepower . Or is a 423 enough . Good question. You ask a lot of good questions. I think we should move you into our new fund. Sure. Ok. But are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed . Wealth management at charles schwab. Man 1 man 2 i am. Woman exmilitary . Man 2 four tours. Woman you worked with computers . Man 2 thats classified, maam. Man 1 but youre job was Network Security . Man 2 thats classified, sir. Woman lets cut to the chase, here. Man 1 whats youre assessment of our security . Man 2 [ gasps ] porous. Woman porous . Man 2 the Old Solutions arent working. Man 2 the world has changed. Man 1 meaning . Man 2 its not just security. Its defense. Its not just security. Its defense. Bae systems. Im arthur doyle, this is harry houdini. Me with the awesome responsibilities that await our next president. Its not unrealistic, its a hard path, i admit that, but i think given the fact that we are now won some 17 states it is a possibility. In the wake of Hillary Clintons big victory in new york this week two very different reactions from the Democratic Candidates about the path forward. Were back now with the panel. Susan, back in 2008 Hillary Clinton kept running right through all the primaries, right through california into june, but at a certain point seems to me right about now she began to back off the attacks on obama and stick more to just the affirmative case for herself. Thats not what youre seeing with Bernie Sanders. Hes still going after her. Well see what happens after tuesday night. He looks like hes heading to a big defeat in pennsylvania, thats one of these Midatlantic States that they had hopes they would win, gerry has a new poll out this morning that puts him down 15 points in pennsylvania. The clinton folks have no expectation he is going to get out of this race, they do hope they tempers his rhetoric because they make the point he is doing damage by hitting her where it hurts, criticizing her judgment, honesty and trustworthiness. When he criticized her as not being prepared, i dont think that worried them, that is not a vulnerability she has, but he is hitting her in some places it could hurt her in november. Which brings us to i guess one of the Big Questions in politics, gerry and that is what does Bernie Sanders want . If hes not going to be the nominee what is he going to demand from the clinton team to go nicely and try to get his millions of supporters to back her . And he began to answer that suggesting that what he would like to see in the platform are planks that say the Democratic Party is going to take on wall street and the Drug Companies and oil and gas. What do you think is the likelihood of that . Well, the first person who has to decide the answer to that question is Bernie Sanders himself id say. The vibes out of the sanders camp were mixed after tuesday night after the new york primary. There were some people that say we fight on to the convention, its still possible to win, there was a little of that in that clip from senator sanders. There were others who said we will take stock after the next set of primaries on tuesday. If he wants to affect the way the party is going he does have to scale back the attacks because by attacking Hillary Clinton youre angering the same people in the party who will determine what the direction of the party s its counterproductive. I suspect we will see a verdict on that from the sanders camp after this tuesday. But i guess i get to the platform. What do you think is the likelihood that if he says the price for my coming on board and for my really working to get support for hillary is that youve got to have a more sanderslike platform, is the Clinton Campaign going to go along with that . Not all the way. There is already a more sanderslike platform. He has pushed the party and Hillary Clinton to the left on things such as trade in particular, maybe the minimum wage. There will be a negotiation under way, i dont think the clinton people will have more leverage than Bernie Sanders shortly so they are not going to start caving in in giant ways that will make it difficult for her to move back to the middle in a general election campaign. Juan, i discussed clintons not very impressive poll numbers with congresswoman Debbie Wasserman schultz and as i pointed out to her and i will point out again trumps unfavorability is even higher, but the fact is shes going to go into this general election if shes the nominee as a vulnerable candidate. She has an achilles heel and its clear in the polling its trustworthiness, honesty. This business about the email server has been a constant, constant thorn in her sign and used by his critics especially on the republican side who are, you know, going out there wishing theres going to be aint indictment, shes going to be in the jail, all the rest. Thats a consistent issue and its for a reason that we see in the poll numbers. So the question is how does this play with democrats . Is it hurting democrats . Democrats dont even Pay Attention to the email server story. The Foundation Story and the question about quid pro quo. The clinton foundation. The clinton Foundation Story and the question about whether this was a quid pro quo while she was secretary of state i think that also lingers and suggests that, you know, she has sharp elbows, a lot of people think maybe, you know, she plays to the edge. Does that hurt her in the general election . I think that it will be exploited by her opponents, by the republicans. I dont think theres any question. What about the argument, which is another part of the critique by sanders, that shes too cozy with wall street, too cozy with the establishment in the year of the outsider. That comes back to what you were asking gerry. What can he realistically expect to get in a trade off with Hillary Clinton and the democrats. Im asking more in terms of Hillary Clinton and is that going to be a vulnerability for her in the general . Hopefully for her from her perspective it does not need to be a vulnerability if Bernie Sanders can get some of what he wants and then say, do you know what, his voters, a third of whom say they will not vote for Hillary Clinton at this moment begin to shift, one, of course, if trump or cruz is the nominee, they have somebody that generates fair among democrats and will spur voter turnout. If on the minimum wage, on big banks and wall street that the Democratic Party begins adapting some of Bernie Sanders language i think that Bernie Sanders Younger Voters, more liberal, even socialist voters come into the hillary camp. There is another side of that which i want to bring up with you, ben, which is that sanders has already pushed clinton further to the left on a number of these issues, especially illegal immigration. Is that going to be we talk about trump trying to pivot in the general. Is that going to be tougher, make it tougher for hillary to pivot in the general . I think it is going going to make it tougher. We saw this week that a pro Clinton Super pac had paid more than a Million Dollars to have supporters of her online push back against bernie supporters on facebook and twitter and instagram and places like that. Its a sign of how hard it is to get people to support Hillary Clinton among the younger set. I think that thats the real challenge for her in this environment which is that Younger Voters who were could never said trump electing president obama are not going to be convinced that shes someone who they really need to support and thats going to have to force her in a position where shes going to have to continue to a auto peel to their more liberal positions on a lot of these issues as she goes into a general as opposed to pivoting back to the center. Thats going to be a real challenge for her and its one of the reasons why i think sanders supporters the 30 or so percent that juan was referring to are going to pro of a tougher nut to crack. We talk about the chaos in in the republican party. How she has the second highest negatives of any candidate. Running against but shes she is helped by the fact that shes going to probably be running against the person with the highest negatives in the modern era thanks to the people of new york for their prioritization of electability on both sides of the political fray when it comes to that issue. I dont think her problem is going to be she got pushed to the left on policy, i think her problem is she doesnt excite the enthusiasm that Bernie Sanders and donald trump do and thats when you look at this, the platform, she can make concessions on the platform, who is going to care 48 hours after the platform that has been adopted. She needs to figure out a way to get voters to think this is somebody i really want to be president. Theres only so much sanders could be helpful of course is doing that, but this is really the task for the candidate. But shes a known quantity which is a challenge. After this many years how can you shift away from that. Excuse me, i have less than a minute left. Juan, in the time we have left, tell people why they should buy your new book. Buy it i think they should read it. Buy it and read it. This book is about change and its about the change makers, you know, if the Founding Fathers came back to life and walked down the street with Chris Wallace in washington, d. C. I think they would be dizzy at the rate of change. This week we saw Harriet Tubman a black woman will be put on the 20 bill, king, anderson, roosevelt on the back of the 5. That rate of change suggests america is undergoing political change, economic change, this book is about the people that made that change and the america we live in in 2016. Well, i wish i had a copy of it right here, imagine that i did. We the people buy it. Up next, we visit the magnificent home of those two baby bald eaglets. Its one of washingtons more hidden treasures, just two miles from the capitol building, but recently it got a burst of publicity. Here is our power player of the week. I think people are fascinated by this because this is this is real live action nature right in front of their lives. Richard olsen is talking about the birth of two baby bald eaglets this march. Events that attracted 22 million hits on eagle cam. Olsen is director of the National Arboretum in washington and took us to watch the nest from a distance where the eagle family is living. What you see moving is the mom or dad. The interest in the baby eaglets has brought more attention to the rest of the arboretum, a huge collection of plants, trees and shrubs in the heart of the city. So is this a garden or a 400 acre laboratory . Its both. Its not mutually exclusive. Science occurs her every day. For example, these beautiful azaleas that used to grow only in the south until scientists at the arboretum developed hybrids that can thrive further north. We behave as the bumblebee and move pollen from the male to the female to evaluate the seed rings to find the best one. There is a collection of 650,000 dried pressed plants to keep a permanent record. If theres any confusion as to what a rosemary is we can go back to the original specimens and say this is how the plant was described. And theres a museum of bonsai. Miniature trees that japan gave to this country in 1976 to mark our buys sent yall, including this peace tree thats had quite a life since 1625. This trees survived hirosh a hiroshima, a mile or more away from the epicenter and this tree survived the blast. This tree 400 years and one nuclear blast. Its amazing to think about. This is my office and i obviously get to get out when i want. Richard olsen grew up loving the outdoors. I always seemed to be the kid that was out helping the parents in the tomato garden, vegetable garden, i remember planting true bash in wisconsin and planting in North Carolina. There was a time when he considered a different line of work. I thought, well, wouldnt it be great to be an analyst for the cia. But by the end of college he traded spy craft for seeds and he has never looked back. Our mission at the arboretum is to enhance the american landscape. When you walk into work and see these trees, my job is to get people to love trees as much as i love trees, thats pretty noble. By the way, the names of those two baby bald eaglets will be announced on tuesday. Now, this program note. Watch a live two hour voter event americas town hall tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on fox news channel. Bill hemmer and Martha Maccallum host from philadelphia ahead of tuesdays pennsylvania primary. Thats it for today. Have a great week and well see you next Fox News Sunday. Will area welcomes the Solar Impulse 2 toll making a lending at Moffett Field using nothing but solar power. 2000 classic cars, trucks and plains. Preparations underway at Half Moon Bay for the Pacific Coast dream machine show. Good morning and a live look at the golden gate bridge. At this moment conditions are pretty windy. We will see hundreds of of both out there in a few hours for the opening day on the bay. Opening day on the bay

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