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Packed the camp for displaced people in eastern democratic republicans. Why the number of americans dying of cuba 19 remain so high despite the almost one variant being less severe and how one of the most remote regions on the planet is proving a refuge against Climate Change for add to lee penguins. Ah, thank you for joining us. The military standoff over ukraine is escalating with the u. S. President deploying thousands of american troops. The Eastern Europe, 2000 new a soldiers will have to poland and germany. And 1000. 00 will be re positioned to romania. The u. S. A nato already have tens of thousands of troops in europe. The pentagon says the move sends a strong signal to russia, which continues to deny that its planning an invasion. And thats despite the presence of more than 100000 Russian Troops near the border with ukraine. The kremlin says the west is trying to law russia into a war insisting its concerns about nature was eastward. Expansion have been ignored. We do not know if russia has made a final decision to further theyd ukraine, but it clearly has that capability. The department of defense will continue to support diplomatic efforts, led by the white house and the state department to press for resolution. We do not believe conflict is inevitable. United states in lockstep with our allies in partners has offered russia a path to deescalate. But we will take all prudent measures to assure our own security and that of our allies. Where we have correspondents monitoring developments in washington and moscow. Lets start with our White House Correspondent, kimberly how can, kimberly, were talking about a sort of handful of thousands of troops. What is the message of the u. S. Is trying to send and do you think, you know, is this seen is the right way to do it . Well, its certainly is debatable about whether it is the right way to do it. But certainly there is, are many that feel this is a provocative step on the part of the United States that insist that the best path for resolving security differences with russia when it comes to the west is through diplomacy. It seems very odd to be suddenly and in advance of any sort of nato vote on this to put together a reactive collective force that the United States is putting together and positioning troops to defend nato allies. In fact, this is something that was brought up at the pentagon briefing a number reporter saying, is there new intelligence that would suggest that countries, nato allies, beyond ukraine, or in any way at risk of invasion . Or is there new intelligence that would suggest that there is any imminent danger . And there was simply no answer to that, only that they were the United States is acting on the invitation of these host countries, namely germany, romania and poland. And also that one attack on one nato country is an attack on all. But again, there has been no attack. And so far there is no need to invoke article 5, which would be that collective response. And so it does seem to be curious, timing, but again, this is something that the United States is moving ahead with positioning these few 1000 troops and contrast to what it calls russian aggression, which would be the positioning of tens of thousands of groups within its own troops rather within its own border, near ukraine. And we should point out that the u. S. Is doing this on the very same day that it now is really downgrading the threat of russia invading ukraine just a week or so ago the u. S. President said that this invasion of russia, or rather russian invasion of ukraine with eminent the white house now saying thats no longer the case, but still moving us troops closer to the russian border. Kimberly, how can our White House Correspondent speak source from the fee . Kimberly, thank you. Well, lets go to dorsen jabari now whos following reaction in moscow and joins us live from moscow. So what have the russians said . What has the reaction been to us Troop Deployment . Well weve been hearing from the Russian Deputy foreign secretary who said that this is a destructive step. Alexandra goosgo has said that this is not really const conducive. And it just illustrates that the americans are trying to escalate attention rather than trying to de escalate. Weve also been hearing from an m p, who is the deputy head of the Foreign Affairs committee here in duma. And hes been saying that said this is an absolutely destructive step and that its an action that can be qualified as an attempt to derail the negotiations. That are ongoing about russia, security concerns. There is a sense that the United States is really trying to corner russia into giving in, on their demands that theyve been making from the u. S. Government and nato, about the expansion of nato, as well as a, going back to the 1997 level of membership. The russian president Vladimir Putin said that they want to see that level of members, really because the numbers keep increasing and that is very much a security concern. What is significant about the stroke deployment . Is that nearly 2000 us soldiers that will be going to a poland. That is a country, of course, that borders shares a border with bell roofs. And that is where at military hardware and Russian Military personnel have been going over the past few weeks. Because on february 10th, for 10 day period, there will be holding joint military drills with the bell russian army at the request of president Alexander Lucas jenko, who says they want to strengthen the countries at borders. And of course, this is a situation where you could see american troops on one side and then the Russian Troops on another. Of course, this is something that would be certainly a cause for alarm. But for now, the reaction has been that the americans are really moving forward in the wrong direction, and that this is not the path to try and de escalate the current crisis. Yeah, and that direction isnt just the americans. Of course, britains Prime Minister has spoken on the phone to let him him telling him that any incursion into you, craig would be a tragic miscalculation. What more do we know about that phone call . Well, this was a phone call that weve been waiting for since monday. They, british, Prime Minister was supposed to call lot of your potent, but he certainly had enough troubles back home and there was the delay in this phone conversation. And it finally took place on wednesday evening. The 2 men spoke from what we understand not for a very long time, and they just reiterate that their own position. The kremlin says that flattered me put and said that nature doesnt really understand and hasnt respond. Able to respond to the security concerns that russia has and thats the ukraine is not upholding its end of the bargain when it comes to abiding by the minsk agreements. And the british Prime Minister for his part said that there needs to be dialogue with ukraine when it comes to trying to move forward. And that nato is a defensive force. Its not really us, it should not be a threats to determine, certainly have very different perspectives about how things are at the moment and where things stand. But it appears that Vladimir Putin is still very much in favor of continuing the discussion. The president said, russian president said that he would like to see french president emmanuel monochrome visit moscow in the near future. Weve just heard that the french president s group, speaking to reporters in paris, saying that certainly something he wins hes considering. So there is that moving forward and we understand that the British Foreign secretary list trusts will also be visiting moscow in the coming days and weeks, certainly to try and in continue this dialogue to try and de escalate tensions. For now, the diplomatic path still remains open. For how long that is for unclear grocer, jabari with the latest the on that from moscow door. So thank you. Well, meanwhile, People Living in areas controlled by russian back separatists in Eastern Ukraine say that they feel trapped between opposing sides as tensions flare. Charles stratford has worn out from gwinnett skin eastern new cray. The situation here in the nets, the capital of the self declared the nets, peoples republic control by the separatists remains calm, but our increasing concerns amongst People Living here. People weve spoken to said that they feel a sense of isolation from the rest of the world, a sense of potentially be trapped between 2 opposing forces. This is a region that has suffered dramatically in recent years in the years since this conflict started 8 years ago. Of course, no political solution yet to stop even basic cease fire violations. The o. S. E. And the last couple of days, the organization for security and cooperation saying that they had seen increasing violations. Why both sides. Interestingly though they had said that sir, they said that they hadnt seen any big shoot movement of separatists moving into frontline positions. We certainly havent seen any Real Movement of military forces in and around on ets, but we do know that the separatists have all been put on high alert. 14000 People Killed in this conflict in the last 8 years on both sides of the contact zone, at least 3000 of them, civilians of millions more People Living in this region. One can only imagine, very afraid of what could happen if some sort of diplomatic solution is not found. Earlier, we attended a press briefing given by a spokesperson for the separatists here. And he said that the separate his forces were preparing for the worst. Remember, my god, time has helped us. You and the enemy, we need to be clear here. The enemy doesnt stay still. It has been trained during this time by nato Senior Officers in the craning army once only knew old soviet army standards, and nato helped them to change. But we have changed to both us and the enemy are preparing, ah, ah, Militia Group armed with guns and michelle, his is attacked, the camp for internally displaced people in democratic republic of congo, killing at least 72 people. It happened overnight in eastern e to the province. Many of the casualties of reported to be women and children. Fighters from the co operative for the development of the congo known as at co deco are suspected of being responsible for the cubans. The armed group has killed hundreds of people in the region and forced the thousands from their homes over the past 5 years. Un peacekeepers Exchange Fire with the sealants. Shortly after arriving on the scene and conducted joint operations with the Congress Army into the early morning, pushing the sealants out of the area and securing the idp site to prevent further attacks. Humanitarian partners are providing medical supplies upon pay, the cost those from the norwegian refugee council, in central and west africa. He condemned the attack and called for the government to address the causes of the violence more than 14 children beds weve seen. Weve seen the reports, the images are terrible, and these population, this can be the hosting. Around 24000 people. And these people have already flipped the violence in 2019 in the region. And now today they are being attacked precisely whereas they should be safe. But they are not, and we are saying that safety is there, right. So we are calling everyone to ensure that these innocent civilians are protected. Were calling on the government. We are putting on the international community, these violence to stop and need to stop. Now, nothing justifies is kind of of violence, but this region 3 in North Eastern congo has team and a strong increase of violence in 2017. There is a strong inter coming out there between the community of emma and who am i, or turners have had those, and then do the armors and the overland. So this is the root cause of the conflict right now. Been nothing has been so far to address me. So we are also asking them to address these records of now because there are more and more pictures we dont do any. And meanwhile, at least 26 people have died in the mccrasss republic of congo capital after a high tension power cable snapped and fell on houses and the market. Its believe the Lightning Strike calls the high voltage wind to break on the outskirts of contrast. Several people died instantly when they were electrocuted. Still to come in this half hour, were going to have the latest from getting the sour day after an attack on the president. Its been labeled cool. And well have the weather prediction from pennsylvania is a favorite move here, a logical road. Ah, now the established pattern of weather over the last several weeks. It seems, is the storms come through here . No ones gotten down to the north sea dive down through Eastern Europe where they disappear as a flurry of snow then reappears developing storm system nissan had. Well, the system continues that neither this one, no, that will be as strong as the last couple at least. But theyre still notable in between the 2, its been fairly fine, whether its nice warm in portugal and in spain, that will change a little bit and not a lot, not a lot. Where attempts is it, for example, the bridge also dropped back by and maybe 10 degrees in places and snow shall become obvious on the higher ground. At least the worst of it is going to be in northern parts of norway, which is to be expected. The winds on nothing like a strong now on to the low coast of the low countries wrangle its way down through europe will be just that rain for the time being. Then she turned to snow on the alps and his the leaking away, the heat, a little bit from spain, but its very sunny in it to the balkans, dan through grease spots. Im get to friday cuz that storm system has rode on and is producing snow in turkey, rain for cyprus, and rain down the 11 time coast as well. With quite a storm system evident to the eastern side of libya, and egypt, in fact, sandstorms quite likely. Ah, 2 boxes from the streets of chicago on different paths with the same ambition fighting their way to a better life for themselves and their families. 6 turning through in the volatile world of chicago, south side is no easy task. Witness. Ring sight on al jazeera lou. Ah, reminder now of the top stories on al jazeera, the u. S. Is deploying 3000. 00 more american troops to europe in response to the build up of Russian Troops on ukraines border. The pentagon says it sends a strong signal to russia, which has been announced to move as destructive. And the Militia Group, armed with guns and machetes, has attacked the account for internally displaced people in democratic republic of congo, killing at least 72 p given, besides, government says 11 people were killed in tuesdays attack on the president ial palace, which has been seen as an attempted coup fate. Media says 4 of the attackers and 2 members of the president ial guard died in tuesdays assault president , odyssey saquina barlow survived. What he says was an attempt to kill him along with the Prime Minister and the cabinet. He believes the 5 hour attack was linked to drugs, trafficking rather than an attempt to overthrow him. While ali yet on below is a journalist based in be salary joins now, joins us now over the phone. And thanks for being with us. I understand youve just come from an interior ministry briefing. What was said i submitted, so for tourism, the focus of the goal is to 11 people has been killed about 4 civilians, the soldiers. Oh, but i mean its, i mean, i mean, abilene police, man, thats what day in charge of guarantee and security for the memos. Men in coming to a meeting. So he said also that some guys has been just kitchen, just been arrested and the commission is still on the job trying to just to identify and look up to those who has just run away and just tell us a little bit with the situation is overall in the country right now after this attempted coup, their situation is calm, but there is some suspicions, because according to some sources we get from that many sorts interior of some guys you didnt got heard about the real us already command details for this not very well i dont defies. This is a model of birdie cars on for the government in this period. And what kind of reaction do we know has there been from outside of guinea besides 2 . Again, this attempted to well, we can say nothing for the meantime because there is a commission, the inquiry that you said that i work in in 4 out the day. Yes. I dont that the lower profile attitude to appeal gives there is to the objective elena yet on valo journalists based in besides, i know youre monitoring developments there for us for the moment to thank you though american fighter jets and a warship were being sent to the United Arab Emirates following miss l attacks by who the rebels in yemen, guided missile destroyer. The u. S. S. Cole will make a port call, and i will be this after a 3rd mis style attack, in less than a month from the city, was intercepted on monday. The u. E is part of the Saudi Led Coalition at war in yemen. Its carried out a series of deadly or strikes in retaliation, as well as knocking out the internet. Are you a trained militia, has been making ground against the recently a turkish couple. The turkish government is accusing greece of allowing 12 people to freeze to death, after stripping them of clothes and shoes, and pushing them back over the border. Turkey is not reveal the nationality of the refugees and migrants who died. Greece doesnt dispute that the its but says they happened in turkey before they reached the border. The border between greece and turkey is one of the main routes in to the european union, from whence and refugees from africa, asia and the middle east. Cove infections in the United States have dropped from last months highs, but the virus is killing americans at 5 higher rates than people in other wealthy nations. Despite all micron being less severe than previous variance, the u. S. Reported another 3622 deaths on tuesday. And as you can see from this graph from the start of december, until now, the number of deaths per 1000000 has slowly grow and out stripping other developed nations look at the difference there. And as of tuesday, just over 53. 00 people per 1000000 are dying every week. Compare to 36 in the u. K. 18 in belgium, just to in japan. Well, this may explain why over the same period the u. S. Lingers at the bottom of the same list of countries for percentage of people fully vaccinated. It has more, who only had a single job than any other nation, and a larger share who have actually had no vaccine at all. Thats good. More now from shebra can see in washington d. C. I mean, you know, weve all got used to looking at a covey graphs and sometimes you can interpret them in a variety of ways. But in the u. S. Is that how its being read . That would seem obvious that the reason behind the spike in that is the fact that a lot of people or not enough people are vaccinated. And im certainly the conclusion of the New York Times where were getting the statistics from a statistical comparative analysis of the us and other countries and the inference. So theyre making clearly is, well, look at this graph and look at this car, let me develop some of those things that i mean that i would drown you a numbers. But one of the headline numbers was at the share of americans. Youve been killed by the current of ours since december. The 1st, when the 1st case of all the crowd was discovered, is at least 63 percent higher than in any other large wealthy nations. According to this New York Times study and such, in recent, most of the u. S. Has passed britain and belgium to have been rich nations, the largest severance population to have died of coven over the entire pandemic. Couple more thing is that the americans now dyson covert nearly double the daily rate of britons. 4 times the rate of germans and the only large europe in countries to exceed americans, curve death rates this winter have been russia, ukraine, poland, greece, and the czech republic. Poor nations where the best cobra treatments, vaccinations, and so on our schedule, this is when it comes to. So why is this happening on the chrome theoretically leads to milder infections, fewer hospitalizations, and few deaths. We also have white availability of the vaccine in the us with an inference comes in the New York Times report. Now theyre going to look at the level of exploration, particularly amongst the most vulnerable population search. Just 12 percent of americans. 65 and over have not received either 2 shots in mcdonough, pfizer, or the one shot of johnson johnson, their initial vaccination. And when you look at booster numbers, 43 percent of people, 65 and over have not received a booster shot. And back to the comparison they use there is in england, 4 percent of people over 65 have not been fully vaccinated. And only 9 percent dont have a booster shot. So thats a pretty song stick on vaccination is clearly that making that that inference. The good news is, you mentioned there is the 7 day average husband plumbing on the cross spike that we saw and the u. K. And elsewhere, huge steep upwards is equally steep downwards. Now underway down 50 percent. Now from the 7 day average 70 percent on congress 1st felt, for example, in new york, new jersey. The scary but those depths lag that average cases and a lot of the places in the us that lately experienced our chrome are also the states where vaccination rates, although she every time see with the latest on that from washington. She have thank you. Speaking of the u. K, the u. K. Government is refusing to rule out reports that its going to stop publishing daily figures of cobra deaths. A leak to report says the plan is to stop the daily bulletin on that new cases and hospital admissions by easter, which falls in the middle of april. The u. K is just reported 534 deaths in the past 24 hours. Thats the highest figure in nearly a year, but the 7 day average has fallen slightly. The Australian Navy is denying that one of its war ships transporting earthquake aid relief to the toner is responsible for the 1st ever coven cases on the South Pacific island palm. That is now in lockdown, and after 5 positive tests were recorded for 2 dock workers and their families. The island was previously covered free. The australian warship, h. M a s adelaide adopt last week bringing aid relief for last months or hurst quake. Despite more than 50 positive tests among the crew, one of the most remote regions on the planet is proving to be a refuge against Climate Change. For huge numbers of penguins research, we say the number of abilene penguins in antarctica, the weather sea has remained stable during the past decade. Fucking the worldwide trend. Victoria gate can be, has one with the weddell scene and talked to her is an icy wilderness home to the penguin and many other marines. Species, scientists from Stony Brook University in new york have traveled to this remote area on a greenpeace expedition ship. The head to counter deli penguins, to understand how they and other marine species are coping with Climate Change. Counting penguins is crucial because penguins are an excellent indicator species of the marine environment. Theyre much easier to monitor it than most marine species are because they nest on land and theyre big, theyre easy to spot. And so we count penguins to get a sense of how the marine ecosystem is doing. Designed to say they count every group of penguins by hand 3 times over to ensure is only a 5 percent margin of error, where colon easily inaccessible roads are used to take ariel. So the results show penguin numbers have remained stable in this area in the last decade. Signed to say its evidence the weddell sea is a refuge against Climate Change across the western side of the well. See, at all the deli penguin colonies that weve visited, weve seen some pretty good evidence for stability in these populations, are quite exciting on the other side of the antarctic peninsula. And all the penguin populations have really declined. So seeing, at least thats ability for now, means that seems at least the Climate Change is, is moving a little more slowly in the what well see for these species, at least in 2018 the, you propose making the weddle c, a know gazillion for industrial fishing mining and deep sea drilling bought, the initiative was blocked by russia and china, greenpeace. As the results of this. So they bolsters the case for creating a huge marine protected area. Government have for the last 10 years, been talking about creating a marine protected area here in the well, see, this is just get more evidence of why that is so critical to protects places that are still really healthy habitats for amazing, wildlife like penguins. Its just another reason why governments should be acting now to protect the weddell sea, while they still can. All this newfound knowledge will be studied and compiled once the expedition wraps up. We such as hope it can be used to protect these unique waters and the wildlife which lives in them. Victoria gay to be al jazeera. Now and if you sing today, seems strangely familiar. It could be because groundhog day is come around once again in the United States every year on february, 2nd, in the town of punxsutawney, a groundhog known as fil, is said to predict when spring will becoming the so many was of course used as a backdrop for the 1993 hollywood film starring bill murray, which is the only reason i know how to pronounce that town this year. Phil predicted that 6 more weeks of winter just as a huge sway that the u. S. Is told to brace for a major winter storm bringing heavy snow and freezing rain on tuesday night. Blue. And now the top stories on al jazeera, the military stand off over ukraine, is escalating with the u. S. President deploying thousands of american troops. The Eastern Europe. 2000, your soldiers will head to poland and germany, and 1000 will be repositioned to romania. The u. S. And later, already have tens of thousands of troops in europe. The pentagon says the move sends a strong

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