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local response to the storms, according to the california office of emergency services. the emergency declaration would enable impacted communities to immediately access direct federal assistance. it would include generators, road clearance equipment, along with potential sheltering and mass care assistance. governor newsom has also declared a state of emergency for 34 counties. oh, yes, says the state is deploying every tool it has to protect communities from the storms. the governor declared a state of emergency as you know for 34 counties, allowing california to leverage the mutual aid system throughout california and move much needed critical resources throughout the state to those impacted counties that we no need our support quickly, and we've prepositioned assets to them already. according to callaway s. 15 shelters are now open in nine counties more than 9400 people across the state under evacuation orders and more than 54,000 people are without electricity meteorologist rosemary oroczo joining us now, with the latest on the storm's track, rosemary andre garcia. thankfully getting a bit of a break today. not completely dry, but going to see just scattered showers on and off at best for your baby area friday. here's a live look outside our doors where we even have a little bit of blue sky out there right now, and we are going to continue with this at least through the afternoon. let's take a look at storm tracker to and you can see. a few scattered showers remaining over areas just along the central coast, and especially over higher elevations may have a few showers right across the cemetery, elbridge and then light rain stretching into the east bay from areas near hayward and then over towards the 5 86 80 junction, leaving in the partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies for today, and in the sierra. the snow continues here. let's talk about the advisories in place for the winter storm warning for the sierra it will go through the weekend because we do expect unsettled weather to continue through the weekend , and i'll have a look at the timeline here coming up in just a little bit. let's focus on the here and now first, here is a view of where we're seeing advisories for our area. the cemetery oh santa cruz areas we talked about santa cruz hills, seeing some flooding out there and there is a flood warning going on until 12 45 this afternoon that stretches all the way to the coastline there along highway one, so some flooding going on there as well as in the north bay, the marines sonoma counties area. from us bonaparte through petaluma. we have a flood warning here for areas near our streams, creeks, low lying areas. this goes until 1 45 experiencing some flooding there if i back up just a little bit of flood advisory for most areas of our the coastal range in areas over marin lasting until 2 45. and well, they're all of us have a flood watch in place and notice the timing. it goes all the way until sunday morning, so better details on what we can expect for today, the weekend and the extended forecast coming up. thank you. rosemary developing story as we just learned new information on worker killed when a roof collapsed at a warehouse in oakland early this morning investigation is underway into what caused the collapse of there was severe weather at the time. ktvu erasmus live in our newsroom to bring us these late developments. ali garcia, this happened just after three o'clock this morning at 85th and railroad avenue in oakland. near the colosseum. a man and woman were working in a warehouse when part of the roof collapsed. we learned the man who was killed had been an employee with pete's coffee for 17 years. a spokesperson for the coffee company says they are quote devastated by the tragedy. a 30 by 30 ft section of the roof caved in and why it happened. it's not known, but cal osha is investigating open. firefighters responded to the call early this morning. the man killed who was in his fifties, was pronounced dead at the scene. after some people helped pull him out of the wreckage. paramedics took another worker, also pizza employee to the hospital. she was not seriously injured. it's a very small portion of the roof that came down, probably less than 5% of the roof collapsed, but it came down in an area that evidently had a break room and some sort of office space as well. this is extraordinarily tragic. this gentleman came to work to do is honest day's work to feed his family. and you know , just one of those variants unfortunate circumstances that nobody's ever expecting. this is video from sky fox of the building this morning. it is rented out by pete's. but the warehouses owned by another company called pro lodges. that company issued a statement saying they are cooperating with authorities to figure out what went wrong. according to city records, this building owner the building's owners applied to have the roof replaced two years ago. we're working to find out why and whether or not the warehouse owners actually followed through. with that request to replace the roof. the opened fire battalion chief says that when they arrived, there was no initial indication that the building hadn't been properly maintained. other than that section that collapsed overall looked like it was in good condition. we know that there was heavy rainfall during the overnight hours when this happened so investigators will be looking into whether water ponding or collecting on that roof. may have led to the collapse garcia and andre back to you, the south bay and santa cruz mountains were not spared. in the latest round of extreme weather. some people in felton have been told to evacuate their homes. ktvu is roberto gonzales reports felton grove. it's a part of felton and the whole community is only about 4500 people. the area encompasses just over four square miles. so you know, everybody knows everybody and everybody knows about this. this is the raging san lorenzo river. it runs 29 miles and right now where we are , it's about five ft below flood stage, but when we got out here earlier today, it was much higher. it has receded because we've already experienced low tide. but when we arrived here at the crack of dawn this morning, the water was all the way up to here. nearly 20 ft. now flood stages 16.9 ft. and that is why firefighters and also the police department had to go knocking door to door for evacuations. they were asking the people in the middle of the night. these homeowners to please leave for their own safety. back in january, this river did crest at 26 ft, so there was a major damage done. i spoke to one of the neighbors early this morning, and i asked him what he thought about this latest storm boy, this the rain just keep coming. it just has nonstop. so we're i like it. i enjoy this weather, but i just hope it doesn't you know, put people out of their homes or, you know, inconvenience them. unfortunately people have been displaced. they were asked to go to shelters. and if you need more information about shelters, we have that online. ktvu dot com but meanwhile we ran into another neighbor, virginia, right, and here's what she had to say. well i was up all night watching the gauge. we watched the river gauge collectively as a neighborhood came into some of the groves. the mud has been dispersed again on the lower part, but not the upper part of the growth. so and fortunate to live on the upper part. we didn't get water in the yard. so i'm very grateful. it's been running consistently here in felton grove all morning and now into the afternoon hours on again off against same this weekend, with more rain in the forecast for next week, so we'll keep a watchful eye on this situation here and felton grove and, of course across the entire bay area, but one thing i have to know now that the water has been receding. we do have all of this. look at this. i can't even make a dent. i have no idea how deep this mud is, and its surrounds this entire neighborhood and community reporting from fountain grove. roberta gonzalez ktvu box. too to the east bay were flooding on 5 80 in oakland closed all lanes of traffic for hours this morning, making a mess of the early commute. ktvu james torres spoke with transportation leaders are working to make sure they are prepared for the next round of rain this weekend cruise nearly 12 hours to open just the eastbound lanes of 5 80 after they say 3 to 4 ft of water stood there. for hours and now they're hoping to investigate and find out why this water didn't recede any faster from sky fox. we can see one lane of traffic getting by in oakland. this is a long 5 80 between 35th avenue and macarthur boulevard for most of the morning. the only thing traveling the road where these ducks right well crews and contractors are working at pumping out that water and also trying to figure out what's wrong about pump house. and so right now we're working on clearing that water up. we're working on making sure that there is no safety hazards on the road again. catherine's top priority is safety count, tran says a problem with their pumps kept standing water from draining for hours. they're working to fix that problem before more rain comes down this weekend. we had crews are working 12 hour shifts overnight , so they're out there working to making sure that these highways you open and save motorists can travel through. meanwhile chp officers continued to remind you to stay safe on the roads drive responsibly. and give yourself plenty of extra time. tires can only move so much water as you're driving along and the faster you're going, the harder it is for your tires to move that water out of the way. this area is scarred from fires last year, so some parts of the hills along 5 80 slid into the roadway. that's another weather danger. traffic crews are hoping to prevent really, that comes back to not just clearing this water and the debris but also really checking that hillside to make sure that you know, we don't just rush to reopen. these lanes and the hillside comes right back down, and we're doing this all over again in oakland. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. california reservoir is getting closer to capacity in the out of the plan by the department of water resources to help with flood control, plus the major developments surrounding silicon valley bank in santa clara closer announced today by the federal government and what that means for those with accounts. and our viewers have been sending some great weather photos and videos. this photo is from gail moser. she shows a rain gauge. there there have been there has been 12 inches of rain in the last 24 hours in the eagle rich community in gilroy. we'd love to see your photos and videos of the stormy weather. you can tag us on social media or by email. you can send that email to images of the of your images to ktvu photos at fox .com. up to death at his apartment near lake merritt on vernon street last saturday. friends and family say curtis marshall loved to sing and had a strong sense of style. he was a member of the oakland gay men's chorus . no other details have been released about the person taken into custody. now to a developing story in the south bay bank regulators have shut down silicon valley bank in the largest bank failure since the great recession. the fda has been named as receiver and says all insured depositors will have full access to their money no later than monday morning. the f d i c standard insurance covers up to $250,000 per depositor per bank. it's unclear exactly how larger accounts or credit lines for companies will be impacted by the closure. the f d i c. says the main office and all branches of silicon valley bank will reopen on monday during normal business hours. the city of oakland still does not have full control of its systems following out ransomware attack . oakland city council member noel gayo says the city is still negotiating with the hackers. the ransomware attack has laid bare current and former city employee data going back at least 12 years. so they have a treasure trove of information on city employees and probably citizens as well. we're all scrambling right now. to go to the different credit bureaus put security freezes on our accounts put fraud alerts on our accounts that city employee david cruz found out his personal data was compromised despite leaving a city job way back in 2015. he says he has not received any official notification from the city. but was notified by his credit card. in a statement, mayor shen tao said it could take some time for the city to notify victims of the breach. just a few minutes ago, the main spillway at the orville dam was open for flood control release. this is the second time the spillway has been open since it was rebuilt back in 2018. the last time was four years ago. the state department of water resources is monitoring water levels in lake oroville. it says . right now the lake is at 75% capacity, which is above average for this time of year. our modeling over the next few days shows that we expect somewhere from 20 to 40,000 cubic feet, a second of water to come into the lake. however the exact inflow we see will depend upon how these storms materialize. the department of water resources, says 15,000 cubic feet of water per second will be moved out of lake orville, while the main spillway is open. let's swing back to our bay area, whether here we made it through that first intense round overnight rosemary oroczo. but i can see a lot of green behind you on the radar. yes we are going to continue in this unsettled, wet pattern. gasia andre through the weekend and beyond. today we will continue with just a few scattered showers, but for the most part, we are going to remain dry and even some blue sky out there right now as we take a look towards san francisco which is great news because we are again already experiencing the flooding from all the rain we have seen over the last 24 hours, many areas reporting anywhere from an inch to four inches and some of our santa cruz mountain locations reporting up to six inches of rainfall. ben lomond got very close at six. scotts creek off five inches and more than a half there can filled in the north bay. four inches. 61 1 hundred's so a lot of rainfall, you know, over the course of about 24 hours or so. and with that we are experiencing the flooding and the advisories that we showed you at the top of the hour. be very careful out there for today, especially in low lying areas near streams, creeks , places that are known to, of course, experience that type of flooding. the winds have calmed down considerably. we had a wind advisory in place that allowed to expire. you can see the winds are generally light across the bay area, and as we look into the hills we've got atlas peak reporting. 20 mph diablo reporting 20 mph a little breezy in our hills, but not too bad and again, giving you a view here of strong tracker to i the radar that we were showing you behind me was a 6 12 hour time lapse and you can see all that rain that poured over the bay area then but this is what we're seeing right now. scattered showers along the peninsula into san jose. over our east bay hills as well as in towards the livermore. we may have some light rain there and then again into the sierra, where the snow continues to pile up here. so how much rainfall are we expecting? over the next? we'll just call it a day because we really have to take it a day at a time, with the unsettled pattern remaining in place through the extended forecast, but there is a look at what we're expecting. for today, you'll notice mostly cloudy skies and just passing showers were into saturday morning and we're going to continue.howers . now it looks like we turn a little bit wetter getting into late saturday night and into sunday morning. so again, we'll be here tracking it for you with each passing day. when it comes to today, rainfall amounts to 107 inches. some areas are going to remain dry. but then as you get a little bit farther south, you can see we may see a little bit more in areas like the santa cruz mountains could pick up another 10th of an inch or two tents and in the sierra, another six inches of snow expected at the higher elevation. by late tonight, temperatures for the afternoon going to be in the mid upper fifties, so these storms are a little bit warmer and temperature is a little bit warmer. 57 in oakland for the afternoon 57 in concord. better details on what we can expect for the rest of the weekend and the extended forecast coming up. rosemary thank you. shooting in germany, targeting a house of worship will have the latest on the victims and the suspect, plus our viewers have been great about sending weather photos right where they live when viewer recorded the scene of rain falling in newark, another viewers shared this video of snow in tahoe and in the snow, some wildlife scampering about we'd love to see your videos and photos of the wild weather of the weather, whether we're in this break or when the next round of rain moves in very soon. ktvu on social media or email them to ktvu hotos at skies. the moment. but according to flight cancelations. san jose mineta reporting 59 delays , three canceled flights oakland international coming in with 53 delays valley two people were hurt last night when it tree came down on their tesla has happened as the car was driving on skyline. we've been warning about taking or talking about this for this type of problem for days. now, the ground already heavily saturated therese can come down even with a minimal wind gusts or sometimes with no wind at all. this story gunman shot and killed seven woman, and there'sa hope his witness hall in germany. witnesses say the alleged 35 year old shooter killed himself after police arrived. he was a former member of the jehovah's witness church . eight other people were injured in the shooting, four of them with serious injuries. authorities visited the gunman at his home a few weeks ago but decided they had no grounds to take his weapon. the february jobs report is out, and it shows employers added more than 300,000 jobs last month, as caroline shively tells us, that's great news for workers, but it could mean another interest rate hike from the fed. i think we've got a good jobs. report president biden reacting to the february unemployment number on friday on news, the economy added 311,000 jobs. today's job numbers is clear. our economy is moving in the right direction. that number is higher than economists predicted . but the wage growth of 0.2% is a slight dip from january. i see this really is more of a mixed news report, despite cooling wage hikes are hotter than expected labor market can still feed inflation. putting pressure on federal reserve members to raise interest rates once again at their meeting, march 22nd following months of substantial hikes, probably makes the fed a little more cautious about doing 50 basis points instead of 25 basis points, but they're going to hike for a while, we're going to whip. it comes one day after the president presented his budget proposal for the 2024 fiscal year, it adds 2.6 trillion in new spending over the next 10 years but brings in 5.5 trillion more in revenue, thanks to tax hikes on the wealthy. it's also dead on arrival in the republican controlled house. what does this budget do? raise more taxes? spends more money. there's no making sense of what he's saying , because it is economically illiterate. the white house says. it's time for house republicans to come out with their own budget proposal in washington, carolina, shively ktvu fox two news day on wall sr that crucial jobs report and concerns about the failure of silicon valley bank weigh on the market. dow jones standby almost exactly a full percentage point losing 300 plus points right now s and p down by more than one and a quarter. nasdaq is down by about one and two thirds of a percent. we have continued to see storm damage across the bay area trees fell onto cars and separate cisco. the work still ahead for cruz as more rain is on the way it's dangerous conditions in the sierra. several ski resorts have decided to close for the day. what you need to know if you're planning to head there this weekend. and more videos and pictures from our viewers are ktvu viewers this morning? one viewer in lake tahoe sent us a shot of a pioneer trail in south lake. you can see the snow berm around the stop sign that's almost as tall as the sign itself would love to see your photos or videos of the stormy weather. you can tag us on social media or email the images to ktvu photos at fox .com. posted by santa cruz county shows main street in socal residents north debates creek can't pass and they're blocked from leaving their communities after a quick washed out the main road, people are being told to avoid the area. in the east bay niles canyon road is closed between pleasant and fremont due to flooding. we said sky fox up above the area just a short time ago. you can see heavy flooding there on the roadway, people being told to find another way to get around. this includes interstate 82 north mission boulevard or 5, 80/2 to 38. we have team coverage of the storm . for he was ktvu christian captain is live in san francisco with a look at some of the damage there. first let's go to our meteorologist rosemary oroczo as you're tracking the next round of rain. yes gasia an entree. we will continue with this wet, unsettled panel getting into the weekend. thankfully for today, just light scanners, showers remaining overhead as we get into the afternoon and evening hours, in fact, for seeing some blue sky out there a sight for sore eyes a beautiful view over san francisco if we get into the radar here and we have it in still motion for you. you can see where we are seeing those light. scattered showers primarily ride around. it looks like belmont stretching across the bay and into areas near fremont and hayward and then continues off towards the east over areas of our santa cholera hills. the diablo range as well as the mountain hamilton's. we've got some rain. it looks like 5 80 could be a bit wet right now in and out of a pleasant in livermore dublin area as we head into the sierra , the snow continues here, and if you are just joining us, there are several advisories in place. we'll start with the one in the sierra. that goes until sunday morning. so we're talking the entire weekend here. snow amounts above 6500 ft. could be anywhere from 2 to 6 ft. and we are looking at white out conditions and very hazardous conditions along the sierra stretch if you do not need to go this weekend, police may be postponed giving you a look here into the north bay, where we are experiencing some flooding in areas over marine as well as sonoma county's from sebastopol, rohnert park. it'll uma. this goes until 1 45 this afternoon. so we are looking at low lying areas, poor drainage areas or streams or creeks petaluma river. all these areas are experiencing some flooding and then an advisory for areas over marin as well as sonoma county stretching from novato, san rafael over towards mill valley and then towards the coastline, bellinis and more beach, so just take it easy out there. of course, you know if you do see some flooding on the roadway, always a good idea just to turn around and not try to go through it. they flood watch for the entire bay area again goes through the weekend doesn't expire until sunday morning. better details on what we can expect for the weekend and the extended forecast coming up. rosemary thank you. san francisco is taking stock after this latest round of storms, a massive eucalyptus tree came crashing down in the city overnight. ktvu christien kafton is live in the panhandle with the pictures. christian crews had been busy out there this morning, working to clear up the damage. yeah, they sure have. andre. most of that tree has been cut up and removed, but you can see there's still a lot of work out here to do. you can see that. the damage that that tree has left behind it. you can see this down a light pole. and then if we look a little bit to the left here, you can see two of the five cars that were smashed by that tree. when it came tumbling down that band of storms rolled into the bay area and into san francisco yesterday afternoon and only intensified overnight. the rains came dumping down and wind gusts were forecasted to be up to about 60 mph out in the sunset and richmond districts on the western side of the city rec and parks in san francisco says those factors combined to bring down this eucalyptus sometime between 1:32 a.m. that tree, smashing five cars and blocked traffic on oak street. a major east west can commute route. yeah, you've gotta. combination of things. you've got saturated soil. you've got winds sustained winds and then you've got gas last night we had gusts. i mean, i would think. 50 mile an hour. whatever they recorded them at. we show you those cars earlier. fortunately nobody was in those cars. nobody reported to be injured in this incident rec and park says that the parks in san francisco are safe, but they're just telling people to be aware of their surroundings. and they say being close to big trees and storms is certainly not recommended. keep in mind that we have a lot more of this wet weather inbounds. we will likely see more trees down in the days to come. san francisco was saying. if those trees fall, you can call 311. but if those trees bring down power lines if they land on cars or if they're endangering people that certainly constitutes an emergency. they're saying in those situations don't call 311 they say, call 911. we're live in san francisco christian captain ktvu, fox. two news and evacuation orders have been issued in santa cruz county due to the storm overnight, authorities began ordering people living in the communities of felton grove paradise park, and so called village to pack up and move to higher ground there. also warning drivers to be aware of extremely hazardous highway conditions in many parts of the santa cruz mountains. there's a potential for localized flooding. culverts getting backed up sheeting of water across the highway, so pay attention to your to the road. are you telling everyone outside the area to avoid traveling to the santa cruz mountains of possible and authorities are also telling everyone living in the area to be prepared for flooding and power outages until early next week. today president biden approved an emergency declaration in california due to the storms. the order helps to provide assistance for communities that need it. the order includes san francisco, san napa and monterey counties, responding to power outages acrs and power lines, ku jana katsuyama reports. wind gusts. and pounding rain are back in the bay area, and people felt the pain of power outages again. every time it storms. we lose power in san bruno richard worley was among the 1100 customers who finally got power restored after the weather caused an outage pump. we definitely want to make sure that we have power. so the garage doesn't flood with a series of storms this year, he said, he finally decided to buy a generator. pg and e. says it's all hands on deck this week. we can have crews coming from pretty much any part of our service area, which is from eureka to bakersfield. what we see during storms is vegetation or debris flying through the air , hitting our equipment and causing outages. but in downtown lafayette, a different problem with a downpour. pg and e crews had to pump water out of an underground vault. but all this rain that we've been experiencing can actually caused amateur underground system as well, and some businesses were in the dark for several hours ago, had to stop and close up shop. a sign on the door explained they had no power. others had no internet, no cash registers, and no heat went out today about 1 45. pm actually possible, rattana said. her restaurant, amarin, thai and others in lafayette have lost power three times this week. we have to close because there's no power. we cannot cook. we cannot turn out on the hood. yeah so it's not good for employees here. obviously we lose business for that amount of time. the rain and storms wearing. jana ka ktvu, fox two news. pg and e says right now thousands of homes and businesses in the bay area are without electricity will take a look at the latest outage map, pgd says about 4500 of its bay area customers are without power. there are over 1700 on the peninsula alone, more than 1200 in the south bay , but 1000 in the north bay and 335 in the east bay. add to that 70 in san francisco, pg and e says it has more than 440 crews responding to these outages, resorts are closed today because ofo tahoe or open right now. chains are required on highway 50, while trucks are being screened on interstate 80 , however, you are being asked to stay away because of dangerous too high. ktvu elissa harrington shows us how people in the sierra are prepping for this latest winter storm. people in the sierra dig out. another storm is already rolling in an atmospheric river is expected to bring several more feet of snow and lots of rain. there's concerns over snowmelt and flooding. this is going to be a wet wild ride right now. kevin cooper cooper tahoe resident and ski experts said they are bracing for potentially hazardous conditions , he said. this type of moisture could turn the snowpack into what's known as sierra cement. so think of snow. it's like a like a like a cake right. there's a lake. they're all winter long. we've got multiple layers. this heavy, wet stuff is going to compress down, which could trigger large avalanches in and around the region. some ski resorts are closing due to the severe weather. this includes heavenly, northstar sierra at tahoe and kirkwood. koop said the weight of the heavy snowpack could load down houses and other buildings. the south lake tahoe fire department shared pictures of a roof collapse which left this building red tagged officials are urging people to remove snow load from rooftops. this video was taken thursday afternoon at the uc berkeley central sierras . no lab where lead scientist andrew schwartz said it has been a deeper than average season. california is a land of extremes that being said, this is the fifth snowiest year that we've ever experienced since the snow labs inception in 19. 46 the lab is located near donner pass and has already seen more than 50 ft of snow this season. the snowiest year was 1952, where the lab recorded almost 68 ft. after many years of severe drought. we're seeing terrific water coming in the form of rain and snow, and although it's not going to solve all yosemite national park extended its closure until at least march, 17th they need to plow the roads and parking lots, which are buried under more than six ft of snow. crews were also seen working to get snow and ice away from drainage areas. i'm elissa harrington ktvu, fox two news. some people in san leandro, keeping a close eye on a damaged canal behind their homes. how they say this latest storm could make matters even worse. interviewers keep sending great weather photos and videos and we love to share them with you here. this video sent in by mark alvis of the napa county lake, tennessee, spillway a ton of water moving there. we'd love to see your photos and videos of the stormy weather or the break in the rain. we're getting right now tag us on social media ktvu or email them to us. at ktvu photos at fox .com. meet a future mom, a first-time mom and a seasoned pro. this mom's one step closer to their new mini-van! yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. chase. make more of what's yours. is how the runoff really could complicate matters. imagine waiting for your yard to fall into a canal. stressed by the sight of what is and what could be course i'm right next to where that my neighbors complete disaster happened. neighbors along crosby street in san leandro are waiting and worrying gets in there. i'm done. this canal collapsed in january. but the only visible change since is the black tarps covering the debris of what was once a yard and retaining wall. it's a trip to see cement bulge and crack on the very tops of the walls. the warning signs started a year ago. alameda county flood control was alerted many times, documents show engineers confirmed tilting and advised replacement and added bracing victor crevasses, a says nothing like that has happened. control flood district you're not number one, not in our hearts. you know you were advised of this a year ago, march we'll let you know the situation after you fix the two walls or three walls that fell before. yep there's a history here. just go. one street over. the signs are clear . backyards may be unsafe every time i hear the words atmospheric river i get very concerned. eric morris says the canal will behind his home came down in 2021 took a year to fix , he says. homeowners even warned county workers about the other leaning walls. it wasn't working. it was on a can't you can see the tilt fast forward to today. problems persist as you can see, this is ridiculous. the county would only provide a statement saying this is an ongoing issue that we are continuing to address and the alameda county flood control districts, maintenance and operations conducted numerous actions to ensure safety. they're trying a patch it up kind of fix. for now, neighbors wait as the rain falls streets are gonna be flooded as a result. because you got all that going in there. let's get back everything up. the county says reconstruction of this canal cannot happen until permits are pulled, and the project is put out to bid in san leandro brooks jarocz. ktvu fox. two news at least 100 people trapped by snow in the san bernardino mountains have now been rescued following an historic blizzard there, resident in mountain communities are working around the clock to remove piled up snow off the roof and off the roads to keep it from turning into black ice once it melts. fire and sheriff's departments and the u. s forest service are helping out in many areas that are cut off by snow and the damage caused. we're doing our best to just go door to door assess needs, make sure that the structures are sound and then help the homeowner in any way we can. since the blizzard hit 13 deaths were investigated by the coroner, but only one of those deaths fatal traffic accident is directly linked to the weather. the coroner says that many of the other people who died had major medical problems or chronic illness. california farmers whose fields were flooded and crops ruined by our intense winter weather, worry about the damage this new storm will cause. many farmers suffered heavy financial losses and the storms have taken a toll on low wage farm workers. who were out of work. many don't have insurance and their homes and belongings were flooded out . those affected are in survival mode. just trying to get by. we have a lot of partner organizations like all us catholic charity center for farmworker families, all us all. there's many partner organization where worth and there on the ground level, and right now they're just providing the basic essentials like diapers and rice and beans and baby formula and the basic needs just for survival because they're in emergency mode. one of the organizations helping out is the farmworker caravan, a nonprofit that supports agricultural workers across northern and central california . check this out this video on interstate 5 80. some ducks were floating around in the water after the freeway was flooded out this morning. they're like gates are turned down at the cars aren't here. we're gonna go have a good time there. freeway was shut down in both directions because you see there are all the floodwaters that we're on the road. looks like they had a nice time swimming there. too bad they gotta move out of the way because people got to get home. alright now. time to check with meteorologist rosemary oroczo. it's drying out right now the sun's finally, at least here along the oakland estuary would how are things looking across other parts of the bay area? most of the bay area getting a bit of a break. thankfully andre garcia, we are looking at a law for today. scanner showers do remain in the forecast for the weekend, and we are going to continue with the wet weather into next week as well. so we'll be taking it one day at a time. here's a look over a san francisco where, as under, said a moment ago, some areas enjoying blue sky. a and we are looking at temperatures. ah a little bit below average, but not too bad. you know, we've been experiencing some really cold weather in recent weeks. temperatures coming up a little bit 57 in san francisco 53 concord, 52 in san jose as a result of this latest storm, not quite as cold, right, giving us a different pattern all together , and it does include the pattern that brought the atmospheric river and gave us a lot of rain in a 24 hour period . santa rosa reporting four inches since the storm began. tilden park a three inches and about a third or so almost three inches at la honda. brenda the east bay hills almost three inches storm tracker to here we are going to remain with the mix of partly sunny. partly cloudy skies for today, and we will have the scattered showers that continue as well. this is a look at a storm report from the last 24 hours or so it looks like more than 100 reports of storm damage since the storm began giving you a look at just a couple here this one early this morning in point reyes station where we've got a highway one covered in a water and small cars not able to pass by. we have this one in sonoma that came in last night 12 inches of water flooding onto the roadway. vehicles are stuck there as we shift into the central bay. we have san leandro, a roof collapsed at a warehouse due to it looks like wind damage there , and one more shift into the santa cruz mountains were a mudslide and power lines down, reported at seven o'clock this morning there in scotts valley, so a lot going on across the bay area. here's a look at where the storm is right now, central and southern california for us. again getting a much needed break as i move you into saturday morning, though, begins to change a little bit. we've got mostly cloudy skies. the scattered showers continuing saturday night into sunday. it looks like the rain wants to pick up another wave moves through. here's a look at sunday morning, we wake up with the same pattern. mostly cloudy skies. scattered showers in the forecast. there's a look at monday morning. it's just deja vu over and over again. as far as rainfall amounts, we could be wet all the way through. it looks like tuesday night into early wednesday morning. anywhere from 2 to 4. inches of rainfall will continue to fine tune this, of course, as it will change. meanwhile the sierra is going to continue to pile up the snow there. and we again are looking at, um, that flood advisory for the bay area that will go until sunday morning and probably going to be extended. we'll have to see how that all shakes out with the national weather service. meanwhile, for the afternoon today, calling for just a chance of showers in the forecast with mid upper fifties in the four cast for you there and into the weekend sixties, expected with just status quo all the way through the weekend and beyond, will have that opportunity for rain at times back to you. rosemary thank you. there are more job cuts on the way in the bay area, a report about how many jobs could be impacted in the 49ers organization. then back to our storm coverage. our viewers have been great about sending us whether photos and video take a look at this picture from kathy brill heart a great big puddle there at a gorgeous park in danville. nobody on the swings and slide for now we do ask that you tag us ktvu. when you send us pictures through social media, you can also email them the california this week, people throughout the state of bracing for the possibility of heavy flooding and mudslides. fax. weather's max gordon has more every time it's storms, we lose power, rain and gusty winds, knocking out power to thousands of people in california. it's all part of an atmospheric river, pummeling the state this week in the bay area, some homes and businesses were in the dark for several hours on thursday, pacific gas and electric says its crews are working around the clock to respond to outages. we can have crews coming from pretty much any part of our service area, primarily what we see during storms is vegetation or debris flying through the air, hitting a our equipment and causing out it. just evacuation orders are in place for several counties in central and northern california. multiple rounds of rain threatened to cause mudslides and forced rivers to overflow. water. rescue teams are ready to deploy if needed. we have technical rope, rescue equipment boats, jet skis, paddle boats, search equipment, and so really, the these teams are made up of folks that are cross training and all these other disciplines. forecasters expect california's mountain communities to be hit the hardest. many neighborhoods are still digging out from back to back snowstorms, and now they're bracing for as much as eight ft of snow in some locations. local officials are urging people to avoid driving, saying rain and snowmelt could cause extensive flooding. trees are weakened through storms, the ground that saturated so if you don't have to go out, just stay at home. forecasters say more storms could hit california by early next week in monterey county, california max gordon ktvu, fox two news monitor map shows that recent rains have pulled even more of california out of a drought. but even with all the rain we've received, the bay area is in the dry or moderate drought category. much better, though, than where we were at the start of the winter, when nearly all of california was in some category of drought. from some circumstances. the drought is over for some parts of california for some purposes, so for false or reservoir, it's been flood operations. it's refilled essentially for this time of year. um for trinity reservoir for the north. it's still substantially not up to average for this time of year over the long haul, so, uh, it might take another couple of wet years for that. reservoir and some of the other large reservoirs to completely re sealed. much of southern california remained in moderate drought conditions. the latest episode of talk of the town is now on our ktvu website. in this week, dave clark speaks to a prominent well known musician who is also a native of oakland was raised in west oakland. lord bottom, you know, um my parents amounts from pine bluff, arkansas. my dad's from texas. so you know if the west oakland was different, then yeah. um it was all community. it was all everyone for everyone. well that's dwayne wiggins, the leader of the group. tony tony tony, based in oakland. he joined dave to talk about his time growing up in oakland, traveling around the world performing and the importance of being a mentor for young performers. he also explained how he came up with the group's very unusual name. you probably talked about it a lot. the name of the group. tony tony. tony where did that come from? you know what's the trip? because everybody has this sort of definition of where it came from . because you know we have different. you know, people that came through the lens of tony. tony tony, but i made that up, man. um i had a buddy that's roommate of mine and you know, for certain style and with where we used to acting like to go vintage clothing, shopping and all that and just get i used to have fun characters, but i came up with a character called tony. tony tony. capping on him, captain is least snapping on somebody right? so i gave him envisioned first name, tony. middle name, tony last name, tony. that means some, perhaps somebody who really thinks he's hot flies. be sure to check out the latest episode of talk of the town where dave talks about people and issues important to oakland. it's on our website ktvu .com. alright somebody there. layoffs about 30 employees of the san francisco 49 years organization have been laid off. sources tell the chronicle that among those let go are the executive vice president of levi stadium and the director of security at the stadium as well. the 49ers have not announced any job cuts. but the paper says there's turnover at both the teams, business operations and the 49ers stadium management company, which runs levi stadium. and we've learned that 49ers quarterback brock kurdi has undergone elbow surgery. the 49ers say his surgery was successful. specialist dr keith mr conducted an internal brace repair to his right elbow. purdy is expected to start throwing progression program in three months. a couple from sacramento planned their wedding around a concert by adele in las vegas, and it led to an unforgettable memory. the couple had their wedding ceremony at caesars palace, a lavish reception dinner and then a dance party at a vegas nightclub. but the most memorable moment of all came when adele herself serenaded the newlyweds at her show something they say they will never forget the best. i think she's the best thing ever, so i wanted her to have the best, and i think adele is second to none. i think she is like the voice of this generation. um so i really wanted her to sing our wedding. how that was gonna happen. no clue. i even know the first step. well finding the perfect seat was among the first steps and that took some time couple spent hours watching youtube videos of adults concerts to figure out the perfect location where they'll be most likely to get her attention and it worked. pulled it off. smart work. smart thinking, yeah, knock it out in vegas and go right to the concert. good move. thank you so much for watching for the latest news be sure to - [announcer] can you guess what this is? if you guessed branding iron then you'd be a great contestant on pictionary! our first celebrity captain is a former rockette and the current co-host of "the talk". put on your dancing boots for amanda kloots. and with her are yoga buddies, courtney and satchel. our next celebrity captain you loved in the film "hustle" and his side hustle is pictionary. it's jaleel white, and with him are friends, mike and ed. and now the host of pictionary, jerry o'connell! (audience cheering) - welcome to pictionary, a game the whole family can play. one person draws and their teammates guess. today we are going to play three rounds and the team with the most points will move on and play for a trip... on a princess cruise!

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