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But now we were in and waited for a long time and music playing and granted introductions and the whole team is out there and they came down to the podium and they keep building on it. Music playing unlike the old guy get off of my lawn. Music blasting where you couldnt hear anybody next to you. No need for that but thats my review on that. Theres hard news coming outside of the superbowl. And it appears that Peyton Manning will finally call it quits win or lose. One and two so far in his superbowl experience during his illustrious and soon to be hall of fame career. Here is what peyton said. Minutes ago asked that question that everybody knew would be asked. Not getting too far ahead and not looking too far back. That has helped me. And so i am excited about this week and looking forward to playing in the game. And im going to focus on that and deal with the other stuff afterwards. Something else i heard peyton say. He has been here before and some of the younger players it is their first time you dont know when you will be back. It is important game, the most important game of your life but enjoy the experience and it starts tonight and they dont crank it up seriously until a couple more days. Enjoy this part because you never know when you will be back again. The tension gets ratcheted up quite a bit towards the end of the week and i hope that people stop with the Peyton Manning questions about whether he will quit. Let hem enjoy it and we have answers. Unusual superbowl because this is the first one i have covered where i dont care. We have always covered raiders or 49ers and because of the bay area you are hoping they win. Different story line for us. Go in there to see the fun and the Carolina Panthers would be in there. We saw the buses so i will go and see what they have to say. Jeff and joe, we will visit with vernon davis, former 49ers in a few minutes. From the sap center, back to you, frank and julie. Go enjoy the party. We will see you later. Well an estimated 7000 fans lined up today to get inside sap center to watch media day. I am excited being out here so long it is surreal to have a chance to be here in my own backyard. I am excited to be here in person and i watch the interviews every week and to see it in person is cool. There is so many people that fans cant hob knob with the players. Watching the players. Tickets 30 a piece and the first time in superbowl history that the event is being held in primetime. Hundreds of fans taking part of the nfl experience at Moscone Center and players with the raiders and 49ers. An autograph session is taking place. They got interest things. They do, guys. It is pretty cool. I want to you take a look. Right now on the stage. There are two Football Players here. We have rocky hudson and Marcus Martin with the 49ers. Both of them play center and signing autographs about 5 00 until 7 and another section of Football Players coming in. We dont know who but they will be signing autographs. You seek how much of the bay area is filled with things for people to do. Over here they have the gauntlet. People are throwing footballs and passing. There is a pass, punt and kick and you can kick a field goal and a 40yard dash and a drill. You name it, they have it. It makes you feel like you are a true Football Player getting the real nfl experience and thats why they call it the nfl experience. So if you are watching this right now, you still have time to get down here. The place is opened until 8 00 and 850,000 square feet of everything nfl and if you wear a 9ers or a raiders jersey you can get five dollars off of the ticket. Keep that in mind. Tickets 35 for adults and 25 for kids 12 and under. That is something to keep in mind. Frank and julie. I know you are a football fan. What do you like most about the nfl experience . Reporter well i like seeing the cool stuff from the dallas cowboy era in the 80s and 90s when they won because i am from texas and i got to see the cool stuff when i watched with my father. The superbowl rings are amazing. It is incredible. You can see all 49 past championships superbowl rings and just a few. Even if you dont enjoy some things it is a good experience. They have a bunch of nfl footballs that are designed by nfl fashion designers and they are beautiful. And there is something for everyone whether you ar football fan or not. Christina rendon in the Moscone Center. Also today at the nfl experience. Flag football in some of the football youngest fans there are four games. Watch this kid. This guy has great moves. 4 games. He keeps going. Yes. That guy is amazing. Four games between the best of the best team flag Football Players in the country and a Championship Team will be crowned by the end of tonight. This was the only day for flag football and todays game will be broadcast from nickelodeon. Superbowl fans are taking part in the excitement. John suzuki with a look at the festivities there. The culture and heritage of the bay area is on full display inside superbowl city. The san lorenzo entertained the crowd with Traditional Mexican dance. This may have looked like a dance but it was people trying their hand at video football. You had to aim the ball at your receiver and throw it and once you received the ball, you then had to avoid getting tackled. It was fun. For everyone this was a day for celebrating football. The nfl and one of the most sporting events in the world. I think its wholesome and once in a lifetime experience and we actually took the kids out of school today. Fans of the teams playing on sunday wore their allegiance proudly and raiders and 49ers plans are represented. I am a 49 fan. Go raider. A bay area football fan. Yes. The fans had fun posing for pictures feeling larger than life. It means football and it means everything that is right in the home now. Parties and fun and food and games. So excited. This Superbowl Committee put a lot in the last three years. This is the day of the official kickoff of the Week Long Party despite it started over the weekend. Superbowl city started on saturday and sunday north of 150,000 people come through to superbowl city and off to a great start. The mayor of San Francisco and oakland and san jose described a Collaborative Partnership and the mayor could not be heavier than the big day is almost here. When you are planning Something Big your planning goes into the planning and not thinking about what is going to happen and we are six days from it happening and i am excited to show off the bay area. Hiphop artist allen black put on a show inside superbowl city. One of the numerous concerts that cull ha nates saturday night with alisha keys. Im John Suzuki Fox two news. Be sure to download the news app for traffic backups and the weather at levi stadium and superbowl city and the local superbowl events. First a mudslide took out the chunk of land on the side of his home. Now trying to figure out what caused it. I will tell you more coming up. The unusual problem happening right now at the iowa caucuses. And we are tracking that superbowl weather as we move towards the end of the week. We have showers in the five day. I will tell you about it. The iowa caucus under way and tonight the crowds are so big at some of the sites that the people are having trouble getting in. Ktvu ross palumbo is there. Ross, it is packed there behind you. We have breaking news to report to you from the iowa caucuses. Overflow problems and lack of materials reported at several sites. Let me show you the one im at in downtown des moines. Expecting 160 people out of the democratic caucus. What they got was 469. That tops the record set in 2008 with barack obama. All of the people you see in the picture, this is half of what is here. They had to open up a floor below to squeeze them in. At another site we understand that they are having a spectacular site. There is not enough registration slips. Everyone is dealing with that situation and the caucus is going on. As planned. No major problems beyond that. Here at this caucus they took the first votes 278 people are caucusing for Bernie Sanders and only 150 for Hillary Clinton and at this point. Bernie sanders has nearly twice as much. What you are seeing is this gentleman up here is moving along the process where people come to the mike and they try to convince an undecided people or people from other camps to come to their side before the final count is taken at about 30 minutes. Unusual problems plaguing the iowa caucuses. Amazing crowds coming out, overflow crowds here at this site in particular. We are going to monitor this for you all night and have the latest. The results openfully coming up on the 10 00 news. It is just fascinating what has happened. Ross palumbo in des moines iowa. Thank you. And stay with abc10 for the latest on the iowa caucuses. Ross is live with an update. On the 10 00 news in. The u. S. Department of justice lunching an indepth review of the San Francisco Police Department in the wake of the controversial shooting death of mario woods. He was armed with a knife and refused to drop it when he was shot at least 15 times and killed by Police Officers last december. Footage of the shooting sparked outrage and protestors are calling for a review of the Police Department. The review will include a close look at the hiring and training of officers and discipline and police use of force. Police chief greg sur is welcoming the view but says the situation would have been different if his officers were allowed to carry stun guns. We just have to find a way to deal with weapons, especially folks with crisis with something other than a firearm. The review will be conducted by the department. New information about the three escapes and two were returned to santa ana and the 3rd surrendered friday. They had planned the escape for six months and during their time they kidnapped a taxi driver and argued about killing him according to police. All three men waiting trial for violent crimes. New developments involving a mudslide in oakland that left a homeowner nervous. Tonight we are learning that it may have been caused bay water leak. East bay said that the water could be from a leak in east bay mud system. Noel walker reports finding the source is critical because it could determine who is responsible for the damages. Early this morning an east bay mud crew on a mission. Find the leak. What they are drilling for is not just any water leak. Im glad that you know nobody ignored us. It is the water leak believed to have caused the mudslide that has kevin best oakland home over a mud mode. It may be took a week to sink in as to what is going on. And kind of like want of this to go away and but it aint going nowhere for a while. Over the weekend his neighbors home was yellow tagged and part of the foundation pulled away. This is all har rowing for all of us. The first step is find where the water is coming from. It may come from the water system. Last year east bay mud had a Record Number of leaks, a symptom of an aging system. 50 of the pipes are more than 50 years old and the ones in front of kevin bests home are 60 years old. That would be the bestcase scenario. If the leak is from the main line it will be inspected. It is waiting for the leak to speak. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack in the pipes below. It is more of an art than a science and this is proving particularly challenge. It could determine who is responsible for fixing it going forward. In oakland, noel walker, ktvu fox 2 news. We saw some sunshine today. But chilly around the bay area. Lets go back to bill in the Weather Center for a look at rainy weather. We are switching it pretty chilly and warming up for the clouds. Sprinkles on the morning commute and more showers possible on wednesday afternoon commuted. None of this is a big deal. In terms of urban small stream issues. Just will be nuisance showers on your tomorrow commute and wednesday afternoon. Theres the systems number one coming there and number two is this bigger one right there. It is significant looking for sure but the main impacts will be in here. The same with system one in northern california. We will be on the south end of the strongest dynamics. Spinning radar, a little green to the north. I would think by tomorrow night at this time there will be showers lingering in the bay area south and east of here but most of it out of the area by lunchtime at least from system one. Theres clouds moving in. Overnight lows slightly warmer and that has to do with cloud cover moving in. In oakland it is wet on the roadways and sprinkles and showers around 6 00 a. M. And then at lunchtime a few more sprinkles and the model and the depiction on and off. Thats how it will go. Tomorrow afternoon it tries to clear out. And then wednesday morning we wake up chilly and pardon me. And then wednesday afternoon get back to afternoon showers. Tomorrow morning wet showers for the commute. Tomorrow afternoon dry commute and wednesday morning dry commute and wednesday afternoon kind of a sprinkley commute. It looks significant and it looks pretty diffuse. Friday looks good and for the weekend it warms up quite a bit in the other 60s that we havent seen awhile. Saw morning showers and afternoon showers on wednesday. Commute is wednesday morning and in the afternoon perhaps and thursday and friday and saturday and by sunday when the entire world has got the eyeball on the bay area we will show off this town like it hasnt been shown off in a long time. Great visibility. The lake tahoe area. It will be really neat day. At least that is how it looks. Thank you, bill. Members of the San Francisco 49ers paid a visit to a South Bay Hospital to cheer up kids with potentially life threatening illnesses and handed out super baskets of hope. The baskets were filled up with tons of hope and will be passed out later this week. They have the hope and the spirit and like i said it is a blessing to be here goot program is part of the st. Louis base program called baskets of hope which makes hospital donation visits all year long. Nice to see the players during this. Coming up superbowl coverage kicks off with one of the biggest events in the world. Mark is coming up next with the details of the craziness from inside the sap center tonight. One of the biggest events for superbowl week is when the players get a chance to meet the media. And that is happening tonight. Mark is going to tell us what is happening. We sent joe back in there and carolina is going to be on the stage, will soon and the Denver Broncos were hanging around. If you missed it earlier it looks like Peyton Manning will call it quits. It is interesting local angle with regard to the bay area. Vernon davis who was traded earlier this season from the 49ers to the Denver Broncos was probably the second most popular with bay area media behind Peyton Manning and asked about what had transpired with his career and the 49ers and why he ended up with the Denver Broncos with a mid seen deal. A lot of things happened. We had a coach that was hardball and players retire and leave and Justice Smith left and you dont have the same components that you had before. It changes things. It changes things a lot. Thats typical vernon davis. He says a lot but it doesnt mean a lot. Basically he has got a chance to win himself a superbowl ring and we will see how that turns out. I was talking to the raiders p rguys earlier and they were stunned taken off guard by the news that justin tuck has decided to retire from the raiders, two time superbowl winner with the new york giants and having spent one season with the raiders, he has had enough, just 32 years old and 11 year nfl veteran, justin tuck. The raiders taken by surprise by announcing his retirement and the great Calvin Johnson mega tron as some known him by the perennial all proreceiver with the lions has decided because of Health Reasons he will call it quits at age 30, the same age as Barry Sanders quit. Thats the situation here. Carolina on the stage next. And well have plenty for you tonight at 10 00 from the sap center. Im mark ibanez. All right. Mark. Thanks. And i just want to ask you one quick question. There is thousands of people there in. Like a rock concert. It is. The nfl is clamping down because they own it but it is loud and for the first time that i have been at one of these events, they have let crowds come in, the fans and you can bet the fans are boisterous because they are sitting up high and trying to get the attention of players and got music going on and videos. It is mayhem and a dog and pony show and i cant wait to join it. Bye, mark. We have breaking news in san jose. The Fire Department says that a large tree fell over and killed a man. We are looking to learn more at the 10 00 news. We are hoping to bring you more at 10 00. Thanks for joining us tonight. We have more on facebook and twitter. Good night. [ alarm clock blares ] claire mm. [ both groan and sigh ] remember before we had kids, when we could just lie in bed on a saturday . Thats how we got them. Why did i have to be so sexy . A few months ago, luke joined a club soccer team. And at first, we were thrilled. But then we realized it takes over your whole weekend. And not in the cool mythbusters marathon way. Luke sits on the bench a lot, which means we sit in the hot sun for like eight hours just to see him play five minutes. But what a five minutes. Tell em about last week. Oh yeah. Luke stopped a goal with his face. Yeah. Too bad he doesnt remember that. Yeah. What if we sent luke to the game without us today . We cant do that. Missing one tournament doesnt make us bad parents. My mom never went to any of my stuff. Im fine

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