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Overnight shift. Reporter reenforcements keep arriving as the fire grows, here are a number to strike it that they were sliding that sand fire in Southern California and they got that call to come straight there. After driving on sunday night, working monday and tuesday there and then wednesday morning we would get relief from that fire and dispatch down to this fire. Reporter immediately they are tired that crews are happen mapping out on trailers before heading out. You try to pick up. Reporter there are personalsacrifices about about it too. And some of those arriving are defense specialists. These crews will try to protect the 2,000 homes still threatened. Weve been able to bring in more resources so that we could defend those communities, as much as we possibly can. Reporter while they have been working with the bulldozers, retardant to make that perimeter around the fire that it will continue to grow with what they thought would take a week to contain that will now take more than a month. Meanwhile residence are showing their gratitude for the firefighters hard work dropping off more donations than they could use. We are thinking the community their support and love that we are asking that they will give it in waves and posters and in thank you notes. Reporter now there is some cues including all of the high lants and also the red cross that highlands and also the red cross closed their shelters saying that it was no longer needed. All right, ann rubin in Monterey County tonight. More details on the origin of the fire. Cal fire says it is near Soberanes Creek south of carmel highlands. We put a flame in that approximate area many of the homes burn the are are the south of pablo alto groups. Two of them were in boxers gap area. None arrested. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. Hot the dry and hot weather will continue as chief meteorologist bill martin joins us with the conditions on facing firefighters. Yeah as you know julie and frank and everybody else, weve had five days of 100 days inland. Poor air quality. Fire danger is what it is. Well go back up to here. But this one we picked up in the last couple of hours. Remember one of the big problems we had with the rag fire up there. A couple of fires with the homes evacuating. Burning just a bit. Temperatures are what you would expect at 10 it 211 you cant get much drier than that as we do have a live sky fox 2 in the the area now. We showed you pictures earlier of that fire and definitely firefighters that are doing their airdrops, really getting a hand around it. Thats the good news. Here is a live camera shot here. Again, you are all seeing it for the first time as hes got a bucket underneath that chopper there. And then the nice thing about this is that we know that those two fires is going for the resale here. But thats the nice thing about it that we are not seeing active big time active flames. Some flams in there and a lot of advance these on these the winds are very light as well show you the trees. If the winds were blowing up there, youd be worried getting into the crown fire, which is what happened last year when the winds will start to blow and they blow that fire into the tops of the trees, then it will start going from tree top to tree top and spreads ridiculously fast. Now this fire looked like they would get a good handle on it. You see air support at this time. No wind or very light wind. Hopefully good news as we will stay on top of that for you. But the fire danger is not over. When i come back, we will talk about your weekend and what it will mean for your saturday and sunday. A Medical Transport plane crashed with four people on board earlier this morning in northern california. The small plane took off from Crescent City headed for oakland. The faa says that the planes signal vanished on radar about five miles north of the arcada and oakland airport. Where they were scheduled to arrive. Tom . Reporter well now that they are reporting that they have heard from the deputy corner up there and that all four people on board that aircraft that they have been taken to the morgue because they are all dead. And this is a sad ending to the story, which of course needs to be investigated and everything else. But at least we know thats whats going on. Here is whats happening today. This is the records of the cal or the life flight twinengine Medical Transport plane that left Crescent City early this morning headed for oakland. It crashed near field brook with a pilot, a nurse, paramedic, and the patient on board. Shortly into the Early Morning flight, the pilot indicated that there was smoke in the cockpit. And that he was turning around Crescent City where the flight began. Smoke in the cockpit is a serious danger because smoke could be highly toxic and obliterate their ability to see the instruments either of which can result in a crash. Contact with the plane ended at 105 this morning. And it is a shocking situation for the small company. Any type of incident, much less an accident certainly. And it is, it is just something that is extremely difficult. I mean we will certainly say the safety and the well being of all of our folks. That it is very family like and the upmost top priority within our organization and our industry. The planes destination issued a statement of condolences that also says that medical flights are an important part of the aviation landscape. Serving many medical flies on the regular basis. Some carry seriously illed patients or donor organs to where they are needed in a 24 hour basis. In 15 years between 1992 and 2005 that they with your to 102 crashes. In most recent rains that they would prove that the Sheriffs Office will be heading into the nags the National Transportation board tomorrow morning. We are working very closely and cooperating with those respective agencies. Well the thing that is important here is to remember that the confirmation is now in. All four people killed, the patient, the pilot, the nurse, and the paramedic. Tom vacar ktvu fox 2 news. Thank you. We now know the names of the four family members killed when their small plane crashed earlier this week. Daniel krutsfeld was trying to land on wednesday. There are reports that his wife kristin, his mother Mary Chandler and stepfather Claude Chandler were also killed in that crash. The krutzfeld leave behind three children. A barry man has been arrested and accused of drugging and sexually abusing his victims. Police in pacifica arrested the 31yearold whitney on a 2 million warrant. He has an extensive history of criminal sexual behavior. We were there when courtney made his first appearance in court. Allegedly using web sites and smart phone apps to find his victims. Police are not looking for anyone to be urged to call the Police Department. All right t is official all right, it is officially football season here. Oakland raiders took the practice field. Mark ibanez is there tonight. A lot of the people think that the raiders will make the playoff this is year. Reporter there is a great excitement at camp here, exuding everywhere you look. You know theres reason for optimism. Every Training Camp. But this time youve got to believe its real as they would show a great improvement. And all the veterans that we have talked to today that they feel like he came in here and really changed a culture. In every way imaginable. Kind of an exciting day with them take the pete, we had close to 200 alumni, former raiders gathering for a team picture earlier today. In talking to them, they were talking about how good the players of today have it. You know what, they do not allow two aday workouts anymore in Training Camp for the nfl teams. As a matter of fact that only eight times all of the training here as they would tackle each other with that past time. And so it will be different, but i will tell you what, one of the reasons for the great optimism. About kalil mack. With the retirement of Charles Woodson that he will take on some leadership roles, but thats not exactly for that thinking so far. And i would try to use my action. I will not try to talk as much, even though that i have to and i will try to use my action for these guys. Whether it is them saying that they will see me on the field and how hard i work on the field. That there will be no let up. I feel like were in the middle of the greatness. Whatever you call it. Especially when you think of the leadership that youve got coming up on their third year. And a lot of new faces, but a lot of great guys. And a lot of guys that dont want to come near you and to work hard and that it is what youll need. Reporter kahlil mack and derek hart came in with high draft choices for the raiders three years ago as we are saying that they have become fast friends and that they have talked about making it a place about winning again, as it was in the past. And so they are the two leaders on defense and offense. And that you can feel it. It is tangible here at the raiders Training Camp even on their first day. So a lot of optimism to say the least. A lot of positive stuff here, but unfortunately the news is not all good. From what i understand that aldon smith has checked himself into rehab . Reporter yeah, thats true. And it appears that it has been confirmed earlier today, alastrimming, seen smoke marijuana. He denied it. I understand be that piece of video has confirmed whether or not that it was truly aldon smith. But we know he has checked himself into a rehab center and he wouldnt be eligible to play with the raiders until half way through. Raiders werent really able to speak about it a lot and obviously that jack del rios hands are tied. Hes not even allowed to communicate with aldon smith. And it appears that still no good news to deliver with regardless to that young mans career. Yeah, youve got to wonder how many more chances that hes youve got to wonder how many more chances that he could get. Lets hope that hell get things worked out. He was trying to catch the person who stole his wallet, but ended up being shot and killed. Coming up next, what neighbors say they saw after hearing gunshots. And also a Record Number of those runners are expected in San Francisco this week. Coming up, we learn about their tight security and the San Francisco marathon. San Francisco Police say that they made an arrest in the quadruple homicide that happened more than a year and a half ago. On january 9, 2015, officers were called to a shooting at laguna and page streets in the haze valley neighborhood. Thats where they found four people all shot and killed inside a car. Each of them had been shot several times. San Francisco Police department, the officers worked with several agencies for more than a year. And a half to solve that crime. Today, 27yearold lee farley was taken into custody facing felony charges including four counts of murder. Its its only the end of their lives, but dade county has had as many homicides as last year. A man being robbed of his wallet tried to catch the robber and ended up being shot and killed. Our south bay reporter jess see garrett is live in san jose. Jesse, police are still looking for the man that shot and killed that man. Reporter that is exactly right. One of the dangerous and as they are still checking all the acts. The man was shot and killed right on the speedometer right on the spot. It happened. Reporter neighbors use their cell phones to record the crimes aftermath. Around 10 00 last night San Jose Police say that a man was gunned down neither intersection of willow and chairman streets. I think i heard a gunshot. So i opened up the door. As i opened the door i could hear all the chaos. Reporter the residence out last night didnt want their faces shown. They say that the victim lost his wife. Reporter he tacked to the shooter ran through the parking lot bank of the west and then headed downtown. Reporter thursday nights killing is the 29thover is this year, only one shy of 20 29th this year, only one shy of the number for last years totals. They do not know white numbers are not as low as last year that the shooting death could have been prevented had the 40 somethingyearold victim not chased after the suspect. This is it. It is not the result of anybody doing anything wrong. Were not saying that, but again some of the outcomes that could happen. When you approach somebody. Reporter back on the block, the best remedy for violence and crime is a Greater Police presence. And i will go downtown and ask for some kind of resolution to this problem. It is horrible. Reporter investigators are withholding the name of the victim until his family is notified. As for the suspect, well they have a sketch artist inside Police Headquarters right now. That person is trying to work up a composite face. Hopefully that they will release that in the very fetch feature ktvu fox 2 news. A report was released on the tesla autopilot crash that the driver was speeding. 40yearold joshua brown was killed when his mold s slammed into a semitruck near willis and florida on may 7. Todays report says that the car was going 74 miles an hour in a 65 miles an hour zone. Firns vest gators still having to determine that probability cause of the crash and there has been no response. That there are no plans to the feature, but to improve it. Track maintenance, they will shut down trends between the glen park and daly city station starting tomorrow morning. Maintenance crews will be installing equipment to reduce the noise when trains go over the tracks. It is the first of seven weekend shutdowns through mid october. San trans will be running free bus shuttles. Passengers heading to sfo should plan for an extra hour to get there. There will be fog at the coast. Inland temperatures are not as nasty as they have been with inland numbers to 104 and 105 going down to the mid to low 90s. A little warmer in fairfield. Temperatures will be trending down with the future tower and the fog coming up over it in an hour and a half from there. That fog will be out by the ballpark and it will be shooting across the bay as they did last night. A little more tomorrow morning. Thats the forecast for tomorrow morning and that fog footprint as you can see where we always see it. Itll cost you right in here to allow that fog to get in and that golden gate gap right here. As i said that fog is higher or thicker. You dont need the gaps anymore. Just go right over their coastal hills. Thatll happen over the weekend where the real cooling will begin. Theres cooling tomorrow. When i say real cooling i mean five to eight degrees cooler than now with your 60s and 70s and they are more prevalent or more prominent than what they were. Today it was 56 degrees. Patchy fog tomorrow for San Francisco. And it will start out about 56 degrees to end up about 65 or so and 94 degrees tomorrow for your forecast high in fairfield. 96 in vacaville. Nice looking day tomorrow. But not as nasty as it has been. Right. And these are all 100s. Really over the next four days for the spare the air day. I dont suspect that they will see that spare the air day for tomorrow. But the fog along the coast will keep the temperatures in the lower 60s. The pictures we have been seeing out at the coast that i would go, i mean im not there anyway, but you will get a chance to run out there to maybe go to pacifica or Half Moon Bay that there will be no guarantees that youll see the humpback. Why just go and grab a beer and a sandwich. And that it will be just great or something. But it is spectacular. Theyre huge. So much bigger than the gray wheels, and compared to the humpbacks, which is something that were not used to seeing out there. That they are gigantic. I want to say 90 feet. Yes, there will be a lot of pictures too. Inside the bay we have seen those pictures t is exciting to live in a pictures as it is exciting. Your grandparents, we are all from this area. And the system is kind of healthier. The San Francisco bay is so much healthier than 50 to 100 years ago or 200 years ago. Im 58, i grew up in berkeley. I dont ever remember seeing the humpback whales that big surfacing up. Humphries came into the bay a few years ago. But no it is a bigger eco system that is getting cleaner and better and exciting. And i think that it will be the most of us. In the meantime do you understand what sounds pretty good . [ laughter ] thanks, bill. Welcoming up, 27,000 people are set to run through the streets in San Francisco this weekend. Its the most runners the San Francisco marathon has ever seen. Coming up a look at the security for such a big event and these uncertain times. Tens of thousands of runners will be taking part in the San Francisco marathon on sunday. They will take runners by the most iconic landmarks. Ktvu rob roth will take a look at security at such a popular event during this time of the terrorism and mass violence. Reporter the barricades will begin to make an appearance along the city that will be gearing up for San Francisco and their annual marathon on sunday. They came to support them to pick up their numbers. And that they will be expecting 27,000 runners. Most ever since the marathon began about 39 years ago. And it is such an amazing way to feel invincible. The runners know that such a highprofile event could become a target for terrorism. That it happened at the Boston Marathon three years ago. Three people were killed in more than 200 injured. And i am not going to give into fear mongering or anything like that. I dont want to stop living my life or stop doing what im doing just because there are people out there that want to hurt others. Reporter police say that there are no credible threats, but that they will have officers along the 26. 2mile route, which starts and ends near their Ferry Building and passes through famous Fisherman Wharf and the iconic golden gate bridge. Looking for anything suspicious. Any packages or backpacks that will be left unattended is something that usually alerts the publics attention. And especially on their routes. We want to make sure that they are staffed appropriately and the way that they will be handling crowds, allowing people into the access and how they are making sure that we are taking defensive precautions. She ran the new york marathon and isnt worried about problems in San Francisco. Im more focused on the hills. Reporter and the restaurant and bar in pier 23 is also looking forward to sunday. They bring a lot of tourism to come and watch along with the people that are not usually in the city as we will see an uptake. Reporter some roads will be closed midnight on sunday and stay closed until the afternoon. Public transportation appears to be the best bet as they are telling them what will become the common refrain when it comes to security. If you see something say something. In San Francisco rob roth ktvu news. Still to come here it started as a traffic stop and quickly turned into a shootout that left a San Diego Police officer dead. Coming up next, a look at the officer who went to work every day. To try to make a difference and now lives behind leaves behind a wife and two children. A murder that shocked the bay area more than 20 years ago and it is still unsolved. A young girl killed in her own home. Tonight we talked to the family of jenny lin about how they keep her memory alive for helping others. Within the last half hour police in san diego announced the arrest of a man suspected of killing a San Diego Police officer and injuring another officer. All of this started with a traffic stop that quickly turned into a gun battle. Fox news chief corresponden Jonathan Hunt has more on what happened and how the officer died. Reporter it began with a routine stop by two offices with san diegos gain unit. Within seconds it turned deadly. We have two officers down. Officer Jonathan Deguzman a husband and father of two was killed. He came to work every single day, wanting to make a positive difference in the lives of our community. Last night he lost his life. Trying to make a positive difference to protect our community. Reporter another officer was seriously injured, but is expected to survive. One suspect was taken into the custody with on scene with gunshot wound. The death of officer deguzman brings to 33 the number of Police Officers shot to death this year. Compared to 39 for the whole 2015 year. President ial nominee donald trump was quick to weigh in writing on twitter. Two policemen just shot in san diego. One dead. It is only getting worse. People want law and order. His opponent Hillary Clinton did not mention the incident while campaigning today, but did elude to the faith of shootings of Police Officers in the speech of the Democratic Convention last night. Lets put ourselves in the shoes of Police Officers kissing their kids and spouses goodbye every day, heading off to do a dangerous and necessary job. Reporter late this afternoon, police announced a second arrest after an hour long standoff for their san diego house. And the police chief by the way says it is too early to say whether this was a planned ambushstyle attack on the officers. In los angeles Jonathan Hunt fox news. And one man taking into custody has been identified as 53yearold Jesse Michael gomez suspected of killing officer deguzman and a second possible suspect, Marcus Antonio costani was arrested for an outstanding warrant as they say it is not clear if that second suspect was involved in the killing of officer deguzman. It was a tearful day in baton rouge today where a memorial was held for three Police Officers who were killed in an ambushstyle attack. Hundreds of people gathered for the ceremony including Vice President ial joe biden and u. S. Attorney general loretta lynch. Authorities say that the gunman shot and killed the Police Officers outside the Convenience Store nearly two weeks ago. Three other officers were wounded. Today the Vice President said that the shootings touched the soul of the nation and the attorney general said that well need to do more to repair police relations. And im joined with you when i say that they were ours. And by virtue of their sacrifice and by virtue of their commitment. And by virtue of the love that they will have for this community that we were there. We were there also. And all of you will make it pretty clear that this is not about black and. Why it is about a city. Reporter a member of the swat team shot and killed. Authorities say that he was an army veteran who was specifically targeting Police Officers. An independent prosecutor has now been added to the case involving a Fatal Police Shooting of Philando Castile in minnesota as that shooting happened earlier this month. The incident sparked nationwide outrage after his girlfriend broadcast that shooting on social media. And the lead Prosecutor Says that he will not step down from the case, but wants to include the health of the u. S. Department justice attorney to help decide whether or not to file any charges against the police officer. They may also send the case to a grand jury. The mystery over who killed washington intern chandra levy is back in the news. They say that they will not retry the man who was convicted of killing her. The reason, problems with the inmate that provided evidence against the inmate. And earlier that we spoke with legal analyst Michael Cardoza who talked about his informant. What i found out through my years of prosecuting and defending is that these snitches are good listeners, they pick up from d. A. And prosecutors, exactly what they want to hear. They pick up little details. They tell them the details, the d. A. Goes oh that complies with my theory, im putting you on and were going to get a conviction. Reporter and chandra levy disappeared in 2001. Her remains were later found in washingtons rock creek park, linked romantically to modesto congressman gary condit. The scandal ended up forcing him from office. And it has been 22 years now since a teenager from Castro Valley was stabbed to death inside her home. Her killer has never been found. Jenny lin was a gifted musician. Every year her family holds a musician concert to honor her. Henry lee spoke to the family today. I cannot even imagine parents losing the child. How are they doing . Reporter you know frank, theyre doing okay to be expected. All these years they have not given up hope. They have channeled their grief into music programs for kids in their daughters memory. Reporter jenny lin was stabbed to death in her Castro Valley home in 1994. Her father found her body after returning from work. Her killer still hasnt been found. Everything feels just like it happened yesterday to me. Reporter jenny was 14 years old a gifted musician who played the piano and the viola. A free annual concert will be held tonight at the Performing Arts Center in hayward. Her spirit lives on in the Young Musicians who performed. We felt that jennys love for music and jennys love for her friends will continue to carry on. And we are very grateful to that. Reporter diana ryan is the director for the music program. We have well over 350 kids who become a part of the program. And they have the free experience to be able to have something to do during the summer and experience quality music. Reporter greg conway knew jenny from school and went through the program. Now hes band director. I think that, you know, its amazing that, you know, the foundation that we are able to take something that was a tragic and turn it into something that does benefit so many students. Reporter Alameda County sheriff investigators identified the suspect in 2007, but cleared him. They are still following up on leads and analyzing evidence. Were actively in the process of retesting evidence that hasnt been touched for years. And it is unfathomable that it could happen to a child. And the fact that almost 22years now has gone by. And we are still trying to figure it out. Reporter well as investigators keep on looking into leaves, the concert is tonight at 7 30 at art center. And admission is free. Henry are there any series as to what happened . I recall she was the only child, at home there during the day, and then as you mentioned her dad comes home and finds her body . Yeah it could be a burglary gone yeah, it could be a burglary gone bad. They did look at someone who was operating in the area, but i covered that back in 2007. But they cleared that guy. So right now they are officially back to square one, but looking into additional evidence. Just amazing, those two parents. Henry lee in our newsroom tonight, thank you. Its what doctors in the u. S. Have feared for months. Active zika transmission in the u. S. Coming up the top priority now that mosquitoes are spreading the virus in florida. Plus, the conventions are history, and the candidates are moving forward. Up next a look at the key day on the calendar for Hillary Clinton and donald trump. Even though the Democratic National conventions are over, the candidates are wasting no time trying to rally support. Both Party Nominees are heading back out on the campaign trail for the first president ial debate a little less than two months away. Rich edinson is in washington with more. And the first female on top of the major Party President ial ticket. Last night Hillary Clinton accepted that democratic nomination. Setting the twoparty race between her and donald trump. When there are no ceilings, the skys the limit. Reporter the next day clinton was already on the campaign trail. Staying in philadelphia for a rally with running mate tim kaine. Ahead of their threeday bus tour through pennsylvania and ohio. Weve got work to do. Im not satisfied with the status quo. And im not telling you that everything is just peachy king. Im telling you that weve made progress, but we have work to do. Reporter donald trump has remained on the trail for more than a week after officially becoming the president ial nominee. Appearing today at two Campaign Events in colorado. And as campaign manager, he is responding to clinton and her acceptance speech. It is midnight in america and it is because of seven and a half years of the Obama Clinton administration. Reporter mike pence also has a full schedule tending to the governor of indiana, holding a rally and addressing the group of the state legislatures. We have a choice in this election today to turn our shift to the National Level in the direction that so many conservative republicanlead states have chosen to go. It is the path of less government, less taxes, less regulation. Reporter it has already been a negative attack focused campaign. Now that the nominations are official, that the theme is expect today continue and intensify. The first president ial debate is set for september 26. In their shared home state of new york. In washington rich edinson fox news. It is a scenario that doctors have been dreading the zika virus that has been actively transmitted by mosquitoes in america. Florida has become the first state in the nation to have local transmission of the zika virus. The cdc released a statement with the zika Incident Manager saying, reanticipate that there may be additional cases of home grown zika in the coming weeks. Our top priority is to protect pregnant women from the potentially devastating harm caused by zika. But officials in florida are quick to point out that this currently only affects one square mile near miami. Mosquitoes are not migratory. They are not going to pick up and move to orlando. They are hoppers, they dont fly very well or very far. Reporter and south floridas largest blood bank is now implementing the fdas new directive. Their screen in for zika in every single pint of blood donated. The cdc says that they have no plans for limiting travel to the area. Researchers are working on the zika vaccine, but they warn they will not be ready for distribution until 2018 at the earliest. A nearly tradition, all about garlic. Still ahead tonight, well take you to the 38th annual garlic festival in gilroy. The guy was a e total coward, the guy was a total coward. He kept spraying mace in her face. A man jumps in and helps a woman from being kidnapped. Hear from the man and his heroic act even though he says hes no hero. They were tracking the heat. It is cooling off a little bit. The weekend is here. We will talk about that and the fire danger and the concerns for the air quality. Ill see you back here. Two russian athletes have been banned and another four named in the investigation performed by the world anti doping association. Most members of their track and field team have also been banned from competition. Along with five kayakers and canoeists. The smell of garlic is in the air and it is attracting thousands of people to the 38th annual gilroy garlic festival. Well show you what there is to sample. Reporter the fire, the food, the garlic is what attracts 100,000 people to gilroy for their Fourth Annual garlic festival this weekend. If you love food and garlic that this will be the place to be for the next three days that it doesnt get any better than this and that it will be popular sellers. The variety of garlicinfused food will be endless as we spotted garlic stuffed mushroom and pasta and garlic fries. And that you do pay for things separately, but in their program they will have a coupon for gourmet alley. If you get that combo plate youll get a sample of just about everything. It will be during their threeday festival that they will be volunteers and money raised will be going to charity. Aside the food that there will be an arts and craft fair and live music and entertainment on three stages. I know the festival. I support it every year. I can smell the garlic from here. One of these days im going to go to the festival. Ive never gone. I havent either. I remember when they started it. Thats how old i am. They have been doing it for a long time. 38 years. It sounds so bizarre. This isnt very popular. I hate garlic, the smell of garlic, i hate the taste of it. You do . It is my nightmare. I love garlic. Its good for you too. So good. They have gar luck ice cream and popcorn. Garlic popcorn sounds good to me. It is a good weekend to go and do something. Garlic festival would be great. High pressures around, but it will be lessoning a little bit. As it lesson, allowing for more fog and this combination all week with five days of the big numbers, the big heat. Central valley records. No records around here, but Central Valley as we will pop up those numbers. It is just a hot run. 98 in fairfield right now and 96 in livermore. Hope youve got your friday off to a great start. Minus three in concord and cooler in concord and cooler in livermore and the garlic festival, speaking to that. Well get the garlic going, that sounds like a steak festival there with all the flames. 82 degrees lunchtime for the garlic festival. 92, the high 80 in the afternoon, maybe 84 in the evening. Really not too hot. Sometimes it will be so hot down there at 104 to 105 and it is unbearable. I love this shot and their future tower. What do we say . About 20 minutes ago those fogs will be coming out. And about 1,800 feet and the fog is up onto it now and the marine layer will be getting deeper and thicker and the atmosphere, the air there that we will come in contact with will be expanding, mike. So now the particulate matter and the smoke and the plumes will get mixed out of it. The air quality is the spare the air day that they should be going away for your bay area weekend. And on saturday in oakland youll wake up with the low clouds and fog and that it will be tomorrow morning and all afternoon and mostly sunny at 70 degrees. And then in the afternoon your day time highs, 74 in oakland perfect. Just the way you like it out there. Then well fast forward to the fiveday forecast. 85 in sonoma, 73 richmond. Saturdays forecast highs a little cooler than what they were today or about the same. Then you will really notice further cooling as we head into your bay area sunday. Here is your fiveday forecast. There you go. Musicians are reasonable. These numbers are very reasonable. Yeah, im surprised that you have not been down there frank that it has been going on for 38 years, is that it . Yeah, 38 years. I remember when they start them. It is such an odd thing, garlic. The festival was built around music or art. For garlic, it was just very unique and very very catchy. The way to work, the man jumps into action when he sees that woman in trouble. Hear how he stopped a woodbe kidnapper and why he says that he is no hero. The economy is growing at a snails pace according to the latest gdp report. The Commerce Department reported that the annual rate grew at just 1. 2 during the second quarter. The economists had expect add conservative 2. 6 growth rate as they say that the continued economic sluggishness will probably reduce that possibility of the Interest Rate hike before the end of the year. And San Leandro Police are looking for a man wanted in an attempted kidnapping after a Good Samaritan came to the rescue of a young woman. Ktvu Paul Chambers spoke to the man saying what he didnt do wasnt heroic, just second nature. That was rough to hear her go through that. Shes all right now. Reporter fighting back the emotions in tears. Leo says he was in his car on his way to work yesterday morning. When he saw a man and a woman struggling on washington avenue near monterey boulevard in san leandro and heard the woman screaming. The guy was a total coward, much bigger than her, spraying mace in her face, she couldnt see, choking on mace and kept fighting. Reporter as he got closer he saw the suspect pulling the woman into the car. No one should have to go through that and i was really terrified for her. Reporter that is when he knew that he had to step in and not caring for his own safety, he confronted the suspect. I wasnt going to let, i wasnt going to let anything more happen to her. And so go ahead, you know, you can take me. Ill take him to hell with me and that is my mind sight. Reporter the suspect later took off. This picture released by police shows that the suspect wearing black clothing. And police say that the silver nissan sentura is the suspects car. The main thing is to get his attention off her. Reporter even though hes not a big guy, he would help anyone in need. And in doing so with his nature, no need to call him a hero. I guess that people are saying heroic is kind of sad that it has to be that way when you find someone finding a wallet and its on the news, thats what youre suppose to do. Reporter take a look at this car again. Police want you to pay close attention to the wheels that are special than the ones that come with the car. If you know anything about this case youre asked to call San Leandro Police. Paul chambers ktvu fox 2 news. Ktvu fox 2 news at 6 00 starts now. Tragedy in san diego. Tonight, one officer is dead and another wounded after a routine traffic stop ended with gunfire. Within the last hour, we have learned two people are now under arrest. Good evening, im julie haener. Im frank somerville. New developments out of san diego, where two people have been arrested following that Deadly Police shooting. Following the hours long stand off. A swat Team Surrounded the house early this morning weight for the suspect to surrender as they were shot last night. During the traffic stop. The officer wade erland was injured, but expected to survive. The other officer jonathan de guzman was killed. He was a 16year veteran of the force and he leaves behind a wife and two children. He came to worker single day wanting to make the positive difference in the lives of the community. And that last night he lost his life. Trying to make the positive difference and to protect our community. Late this afternoon investigators have identified the two suspects who have been taken into custody, 53yearold Jesse Michael gomez is suspected of killing officer de guzman. He was arrested last night. A second possible suspect 41 yearold Marcus Antonio casani was arrested for an outstanding warrant. Investigators say it is not clear if that second suspect was involved in the actual murder of officer de guzman. All of this of course comes at time when it seems like police and the community are at odds. In the east bay tonight, Law Enforcement officers are hoping to help and try to change that. Happening right now, ktvus Leigh Martinez is live in heyward where they are saying it is the night life party. It is a great event with all the carnivallike attractions that would happen here for these kids and those houses and that they were on in a couple of minutes ago as they would all scatter. And let me just tell you what they would have here with a big attraction that will be the local business. And their local entrepreneurs. Providing three states, people that want to start their businesses that they do not need a permit to be here as they had get a free spot to show up what they are selling. Some of them are local artists, just a part of the community, outreach with the Police Department and what they want to do. Now, they will have five deputies on out here. So we had to ask with everything thats going on in america and some of the attacks that are happening on Police Officers

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