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Important issue when youre trying to determine weather an officer is believable or not. If you have evidence that in this case officers engaged in bigotry, that is something that would be admissible in court. Reporter jeff has asked for copies of the test as well as Police Reports, any complaints filed against these newest officers in the past 10 years but as predators that goes, he wants to wait for commission to come forward. Come in about 5 p. M. , there will be an interview with an attorney for one of the accused officers lessons retired. Live in San Francisco, henry l ee, trying to fox2 news. Not now they want to back 10 years. What will this process until . Reporter what the da, and Police Officers want to do is see if there is a pattern impressed practice of bias involving these officers potentially, if they can prove that the officers have engage in racist and homophobic remarks their credibility would then be called into question. Potentially criminal cases might be dismissed. Henry lee can really live in seven cisco. Take for that report. South seven cisco are investigating an officer involved shooting the center suspect to the hospital. It happened last night at a house on hemlock avenue near phi boulevard on irving street. Around 10 15 police and they responded to reports of a fight in the home. Officers say when they arrived at the scene and men came to the door and pointed a gun, one of the officers. That officer shot the man, who was taken into custody and treated for non life threatening injuries. No one else was hurt in the shooting the Santa Rosa School district is being sued after a student at reiner high school such was sexually assaulted, on campus. A lawsuit in federal court was filed by this girls mother who said the assault happened last year, when her 14yearold daughter was just a freshman. The girl told police she was attacked by a 17yearold student, after she left class to go to the bathroom. She reported that incident and the boy was arrested. The lawsuit claims the girl had previously complained about the boy harassing her but the School District did nothing area the district has not commented yet on the lawsuit the States Department of correction and rehabilitation released a high risk sex offender, and the city of petaluma. He is 23yearold jonathan hoeppner, he was supposed to be released to a house, but they recently bath backed out. He was accused of groping a teenager, last july, while he was on parole for another incident. In the past three years he has been convicted of Sexual Battery, seven times. Some petaluma residents are worried he will live in the community, they are even more sensitive about these types of cases. This community has never forgotten him, out of an abundance of caution that is why we issue this notice. We do not have any idea why they picked our jurisdiction. I do not know that we will. I dont think you should ever be released. Because, he has more high risk in front of him. Unless they put them next door to one of the politician that made the laws. Santa Rosa Junior College also sent out an advisory, of his release, because one of the incidents happened on a campus there. Police say that he has been ordered to stay away from campus, and that he will be treated tracked rather with a gps ankle monitor. But as of now, his whereabouts are still unclear a group of squatters accused of using a little known law to take ownership of an abandoned property in oakland. Back in october, activist, with a the group, took over an elderly womans house. Even though, she no longer lives there, she keeps the home for sentimental reasons. The group then filed an affidavit to take possession, of the property, under the adverse possession law leaving the home was vacant, and that the group would pay taxes. Prosecutors say, the owner paid a gardener to maintain the property, and order the squatters to leave. When she discovered they were living there. They broke all that down, started renovating everything. And then, a few weeks later, little did we know the police came. He was in there for a good month before anybody noticed anything. Select the activist, including this man here, face charges including fallacy felony conspiracy to commit a crime, filing false paperwork and misdemeanor trespassing. They say they are being unfairly treated, and claim they left the property, once the owner came forward. A tip from a concerned citizen in the east by lead to a seizure of hundreds of marijuana plants. A search warrant was served at a home on kingsley drive. Once inside this house, a large scale amerigo marijuana grow operation with more than for hundred marijuana plants. The street value is estimated at more than three and a 75,000. This morning, no arrests have been made. San ramon and some people are still upset about one schools plan for an lgbt Awareness Week. 20 parents at Windemere Ranch Middle School met with the School Officials today. They wanted to express their concerns about a week long curriculum focusing on lesbian gay and trans gender issues. They want that Awareness Week to be reduced to just one day. It is not against the subject, but that other issues, like racial and religious differences should get the same amount of emphasis. The principal says students can opt out of the curriculum. Some parents are threatening to boycott classes, for a day, or all week. Lets talk politics now, bill clinton and his daughter chelsea clinton, they are right here in the bay area. They will be at uc berkeley for the three day Clinton Global Initiative event featuring 1000 student leaders from all around the world discussing global issues. The battle for wisconsin, the next primaries on tuesday and the badger state. A win for Bernie Sanders would keep his momentum rolling as joe reports it could also be the last chance for republicans rooting against donald trump to stop the billionaire from becoming that partys nominee. Reporter Hillary Clinton in syracuse, new york looking ahead to the april 18 primary were 291 democratic delegates are on the line. But the former first lady, confers have a big problem is in wisconsin. Clinton trailing Bernie Sanders by five points according to a foxbusiness pole. Concentrating her efforts in the empire state. My opponent, joined with republicans, to vote against authorizing the bank. To me, this was a nobrainer reporter it was a tough week for donald trump, the republican for front runner front runner besieged by a series of problems with this campaign manage manager being charged with a misdemeanor crime and his own controversial comments but of punishing women who would have abortions. Ted cruz and john kasich keep piling on the man they insist is unfit to be president. Here is why i am going to become the candidate. First of all, im the only one that beats hillary. Reporter yesterday, trump taking time to meet with the head of the rnc hoping to patch up some of the negative numbers around his campaign. A recent poll, for example, showing 70 of women 7 of women view trump unfavorably. This is not latino voters, republicans can win, these days, even if they do not do well among the latino voters. Reporter its no april fools joke, former president ial candidate and senator rand paul says he will support whoever the republican nominee even if it is donald trump. In washington, joe walton, fox news. President obama and other World Leaders wrapped up a new Nuclear Security summit in washington, dc today. President obama said they made substantial progress to work together, to reduce the threat of nuclear weapons. He said its known that terrorist groups like al qaeda and isis want to get their hands on a nuclear weapon, or a dirty bomb. There is no doubt, that if these mad man ever got their hands on a nuclear bomb, or Nuclear Material they most certainly would use it to kill as many innocent people as possible. And that is why our work, here, remain so critical. The us and japan agree to remove your uranium from a Japanese Research reactor to reduce the chance that it could be stolen, and used by terrorist. Still ahead, if youre used to checking your email, or may be making those phone calls, in the car, you are going to want to be where. April is distracted driving awareness month. We will be joined by an officer to tell us about the enforcement drivers can expect to see another nice day outside, we are looking at the weekend. I will have a look at the Current Conditions and what you can expect, in your neighborhood, coming up. Oakland police now say speed appears to be a factor in an earlymorning crash that injured one man. He hit a power pole on fairfax avenue near foothill boulevard. Firefighters say they had to use the jaws of life to get him out. No one else was in the car. The man suffered moderate injuries he was traveling around 80 100 miles per hour. Over 200 feet of skidmarks here. He was going very fast. Investigators say it is just too early to know if drugs, or alcohol played a role in the crash. April is distracted driving awareness month, that means local Police Officers are teaming up with the california Highway Patrol to raise awareness, and even site drivers who are not focusing on the roads. With us now to talk more about the campaign, and what officers will be out looking for, officer daniel hill. Thank you for being with us distracted driving month, says a great idea, we talk about it, i have done this now, for years. Talking about this month of april, is that working . Is an effective . It seems like some drivers feel like i am invincible. I can multitk. A lot of people have that attitude, its the same method message we are trying to send that weve sent many years with a dui. Hopefully the more we draw attention to it. Distracted driving is a real problem. I was driving home and my personal car yesterday and i almost got taken out by a distracted driver. I made a left turn, i seen this person coming, they did not stop at a red light, clear as day that person is holding a white cell phone to their air, driving straight ahead. Did you circle back, follow them. Off duty. So close. Defined to us, when you guys say distracted driving. What does that entail . A lot of people focus on the cell phone, texting or talking on the cell phone. There is other activities you can do behind the wheel that are really dangerous. People eat breakfast, people read the newspaper, read books, read paperwork and trying to get to work. They put on makeup, lip gloss, whatever takes your attention off the road that is the thing we call distracted. Its really dangerous, especially at the higher speeds. If youre traveling on the freeway, going since the 5 miles per hour, if you look down for a couple of seconds the amount of distance you travel is greater than about 2 football fields. Eating, or adjusting your navigational system, might not be illegal, but it falls into the category of distracted driving. We are going to be looking for people who are obviously talking on their cell phone, texting on their cell phone and also people who are driving erratically, to be on us with the most distracted drivers look like they are either under the influence of something or obviously something is wrong with them. We have a couple of zero tolerance days of the Highway Patrol will be looking at. April7 and 20 are going to be zero tolerance days. If you are stopped on those d ays, there is no warnings. When you say the seventh and 20th, a the other days you might get a warning or be talk to. But those days you will be cited, if youre pulled over . Absolutely. Its no secret, if we catch you on the seventh and 20th you are definitely getting a citation. If we catch you any other days, we might give you a warning. Its more about safety. We do not want anybody to crash. I know you have never numbers about how dangerous this is. California had 84 fatal collisions, 85 in 2014, about the same, and then 67 last year in 2015. Those are lives lost. The chp believes by distracted driving . Right. It could be somebody driving distracted that is not in your car, or your cell. I saw a very nice, distracted driver campaign, new zealand. It was where the cell phone goes off, the other passenger puts their hand out and instead of grabbing the cell phone they grab each others hands, at the end of it is put me first. Thats a really good message. But the people in your car, first, before that person on your cell phone. The more serious part is its not worth risking anyones life, but on the other side, the lighter side of it a citation is serious. This could go on your driving record, cost you money, you have to go to court . Right. Its an easy reminder of what could go wrong here. What we are really talking about is we want to keep everybody safe. Its no laughing matter when somebody is injured or killed. When youre talking to you why theres impairment, theres alcohol, or drugs affecting your judgment. Here is a conscious choice to be driving on the road, look away from the wheel, grab your cell phone or whatever it is and take your attention off and then if you hurt, or kill somebody as a result of that. Thats pretty bad. April is distracted driving awareness month. The seventh on the 20th zero tolerance day. A popular privacy private bus company that takes tech workers to its job in Silicon Valley has lost its commuter permit. They will no longer have access to bus stops or be able to take part in the citys shuttle program. This is video of a previous protest held against the power over conflict with the companys drivers pay benefits and unionization efforts. The Municipal Transportation Agency says its decision was bait based on values bowers repeated failure to obey traffic laws. A beautiful evening on this friday, rosemary. Yes, indeed we are looking at nice weather as we get into your bay area weekend. Temperatures are very similar to yesterday and outside our doors looks very similar to yesterday. 67 livermore, oakland 63, upper 50 San Francisco and santa rosa a mild 67 degrees outside your door. For most of us, within a couple of degrees of where we were yesterday. We do have the onshore breeze with us, and the clouds hugging right up against the coastline. Partly to most the cloudy skies even for some of us, this hour. Winds santa rosa 13, napa 12, fairfield 16 and oakland 15. We see this turn on into the afternoon, and now the low clouds and the fog again still right along the coast. We will see them rolling as we get into the evening hours. A near repeat and temperatures expected tomorrow with slightly warmer expected for inland cities for tomorrow afternoon. At this hour you can see areas right around pacifica and half moon bay, little bit of gray down to san mateo county. For the rest of us, a lot of sunshine along the peninsula, the east bay and our inland communities. Plenty of sunshine as we get into sunsets we are looking at some pretty mild weather. It will turn cool once again. Out at at t park will be partly cloudy, cool and gametime. 56degrees and that westerly breeze i showed you a moment ago already turned on and we will continuously go into the evening as well. If you are going out to the park, bring an extra layer, maybe even a blanket. Heres a look at your future cost model for tomorrow morning we wake up with clouds, fog, once again at the coast, peninsula into the east bay stretching well into the east bay areas like concord and livermore, partly skies. We get into about 10 oclock, 11 oclock by noontime we are mostly sunny, at least away from the coastline. For the second part of our afternoon, upper 50s to low 60s from the coast into San Francisco. 60s and upper cities for these bay shoreline and a lot of 70s, even upper 70s in places like antioch as well as brentwood. Tomorrow morning 40 for degrees expected for santa rosa, 46 concord, 46 livermore, around the bay we have 45 degrees in redwood city, 49 hayward. When the sun begins to shine we will see a nice turnaround, once again, upper 50s in the forecast for pacifica, 617 cisco, 67 oakland. Pacifica 61, San Francisco 67. Our south bay location will fill pretty good as well 70 for 70 for san jose. There is your extended forecast with your bay area weekend always in view, little changes in store for sunday. Looks like we might get into a bigger warmup with the some areas and nearing 80 degrees by wednesday. Back to you. 80 on wednesday. Thank you on guns and roses officially announces its north american tour. He will tell you when they are making a stop right here in the bay area. Apple celebrating a major milestone. We will tell you what happened, on this day, 40 years ago. Tech giant, apple, celebrating another major milestone today. 40 years ago apple was founded by steve jobs, its now one of the World Biggest names in technology and has been leading the way for decades from boating to baseball there is a whole lot going on around the bay area. Rosemary has all the details in this edition of weekend watch. Spring is in the air, and in San Francisco the 70 is hosting its free spring concert. The Oldest Community orchestra on the west coast provides musicians of all skill levels to study and perform a diverse repertoire of classical music. The symphony is from 3 p. M. Until 5 p. M. In hayes valley in antioch, the 66 opening day from the bridge marine i got club to antioch marina. The public to view the parade from antioch waterfront, the event starts at 12 30 p. M. If you didnt get a chance to hunt for easter eggs, its not too late. And egg hunts, performances will be hopping off at uc berkeley this saturday. The 22nd annual egg hunt goes from 10 a. M. Until 3 p. M. And its free the 19th annual Sonoma International Film Festival is underway. There sunday you have the opportunity to see 100 films owner six venues. In sports, the giants and as a faceoff and a threegame favorite series. Sharks are away for the saturday game. I am a Rosemary Orozco and that is your weekend watch welcome to the jungle, guns and roses officially announced a massive north american tour and immediately the giant tweeted out this announcement of a performance, at at t park in august. They will all reunite for a to her. Tickets go on sale april 8, week from today. Presale tickets are available on facebook the day before tonight, they are performing down in la, the hollywood area. 250 people were able to get tickets. Security down there, the police are going crazy trying to figure out how they are going to secure the area. Excellent together spring is here and we are definitely seeing some great bay area weather here. With that also means the arrival of more mosquitoes. Growing concern about the arrival of the zika virus here in the united states. Coming up with the cdc says about americas repair this for the virus. Plus, they may be known to nonsports fans from the movie moneyball, our sports director sits down to talk about the upcoming regular season. Now being investigated by the National Institute of corrections. The gel has been rocked with scandal starting with the beating death of Michael Tyree last year. Three former deputies are charged with his murder. There was also a prison brawl, this month, caught on surveillance cameras that were part the day before. Critics contend deputies should have sensed the tension there and segregated the inmate before the fight began. Sheriff laurie smith says she is not stepping down from her post, despite calls to do so. Tonight i know, that we know what is right, we are going to get people out of the business that do not belong wearing a badge. The sheriff is pushing for sweeping changes there in her department. She wants greater scrutiny of an applicants background and increase in educational requirements, and screening for bullying tendencies. Smith says she should he believes she should stay in office to make sure the changes happen. Active transmission of the mosquito borne zika virus is likely to hit the us once the weather starts heating up. The cdc and ccm prevention is looking to help local officials and organizations improve their ability to respond to local outbreaks of the virus. Reporter the Obama Administration is taking action against the zika virus, as the weather warms the continental us is likely to see local transmission of the virus, and the cdc is hosting a zika virus action plan summit summit to help the state of local officials prepare a response. Nothing about the zika virus is going to be easy or quick. Reporter mosquitoes capable of spreading zika can live in more areas here than previously thought. A new cdc map shows a range of the species may include some of the midwest and northeast. The potential range for a mosquito less likely to to transmit the virus stretches even farther north. Is the good behaves, as the others behave and that is a big if. We may see explosives spread, and one area, followed by a long period of lowerlevel transmission. Reporter zika is considered a global emergency by the world health organization. Both most people experience a mild symptoms as being linked with birth defects were babies are born with a smaller than usual heads. The spectrum of risk into pregnancy is beyond microcephaly. It includes apparently miscarriage and adverse outcomes reporter puerto rico, American Samoa and the Us Virgin Islands are experiencing active mosquito borne transmission of the zika virus. Air conditioning and screen windows may help inhibit the virus is spread. At cdc headquarters in atlanta, jonathan, fox news. A federal government is that is about to start offering help for the underprivileged to get into internet access. At the latest attempt by the government to close the Digital Divide between people who have access to the internet and those who do not. The expanded program caps off in december First Lady Michelle Obama is getting more backlash now that the usda might start fighting schools of that do not comply with it. Under the hunger free kids act schools getting federally funded lunches have two serve a specific mix, while lowering sodium and fat. New research sows shows it has led to more foodways. These are better before and after lunch pictures here showing many kids are throwing away those required fruits of injuries now that you have the federal government coming in and imposing the standards thing we are going to find you for not telling the line, is ridiculous. Finds would fines would only be used in most extreme cases. A new Bipartisan Senate bill is working his way through congress that keeps us on nutritional standards while allowing schools a bit more flexibility. The oakland as will take on the giants in San Francisco. Last night jeff allowed one hit and struck out five and in a threeone giants win. Nice grab in the left field. Tonight, kendall will start against jake and ed lee and libby schaff are expected throughout the summer to throw out the ceremonial first pitches. Last season 94 losses. What does this year have in store . Our sports director mark ibanez sits down with the executive Vice President for what fans can expect in the upcoming season. Reporter considering how recently the as have gone for broke and trying to bring a world series title back to oakland. Last years a 94 loss was particularly hard to stomach. The man who poll pulls the levers and calls the shots, executive Vice President of baseball operations, billy, is not one for making excuses. And this interview offers no exceptions. Last year was tough, after having the years that we have had, sometimes when you are real good, then you are not real good that drop seems steeper and you feel about when you come in last place. Reporter billy has gone on record as saying he flatout does not believe in team chemistry. Considering the welldocumented financial constraints for the athlics, longterm continuity will always pose a challenge. Billy sees it a little like the chicken and the egg theory, if you win you will get chemistry. If you lose, nobody is happy. One of the leaders in the field, stephen, echoes the sentiments. Anytime you have on a team that loses 94 games you are going to have bickering. You are sitting next to a guy come on the plane and he is chewing his gum loud. When hes hitting for hundred you are okay with it windy city 200 youre going to dock about. Stephen is exactly right, guys are playing well, they start to get on each others nerves. As a result, you have poor chemistry. Ive never been around a team, that you know, we lost 100 games, but we have good chemistry. We will bring everybody back. Having chemistry coincides with winning reporter explanations from the front office at various players always well and good. But interaction, with as fans recently seems to always come back to one particular topic Josh Donelson is coming to the blue jays. Reporter how do you trade a team star like Josh Donelson. Billy has always promised me i can ask them anything, so i took him up on that, even with this very touchy subject. The criticism that certainly is deserved, is ultimately when you trade a player, you get one in return. You dont ever know that, you may know it right away, you may not know for a few years. To stay the status quo and accept the fact that you will be able to play with a really good player, which josh really is. What we are trying to do, is to try to win. Over the last 15 years we have done a pretty good job of doing that. Criticism of myself and the organization is justified as did you get enough back. Reporter you dont know that right reporter no we do not know yet. Maybe 20 years, save a few criticism. Reporter despite the seriousness of the as current position, you do not catch billy to look looking distressed and public. As cool as they come. Even as a team to sons into what could turn out to be a long dark tunnel of the season. That coinciding with the bay bridge series, the special bay area addition hit stores today, take a look at them. One version yes, it comes in green and yellow for the oakland as, and the other, of course, black and orange for you giants fans. Still to come here on the four on 2, its friday, that means its time for my sitdown with Michael Cardozo. We dive into deputies bribing homeless to stay quiet. Outside our doors we have settled into a fairly mild pattern and that will not change a whole lot as we get into your bay area weekend. I will detail what you can expect, coming up. This weeks of the verdict, a couple of stories a new development in the Alameda County deputies beating a suspect. Brought brad turner found guilty of sexually assaulting an unconscious, intoxicated woman. Turner now has to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Earlier this week, i asked our legal analyst, Michael Cardozo if the jury got it right. I have been and thats over 35 years, i went when juries do bring back verdicts, it is what it is. She apparently gets blind drunk, and he somehow begins to have sex with her. The big issue is, where she conscious or unconscious, at the time . He said she was conscious, at the time, but then passed out when the Good Samaritans came by. Jury has heard all of the evidence you have to say they got it right sentencing comes in june, he could get up to 10 years. You think he will get 10 years . I dont think he will get 10 years, im looking more of a fourfive year range. The big thing, ive got to tell you is, when you get convicted, of a case, like this. 290 registration for the rest of your life. This verdict could have repercussions all across College Campuses some theres no question about it. Especially if he gets 10 years. I would be shocked. That is the top. Judges usually do not do that even if you are convicted. I look for a lot less, but, young men in college, have to be careful. Lets move on, last week we talked about the two Alameda County deputies who are on leave for beating the car theft suspect, and an alley in separate cisco. New development, this become a third deputy, accused of stealing petroffs property, and giving it to a couple of Homeless People to be quiet. And now he is on leave now we have grand theft for another officer. Lastly, when we talked about this case called on, did you ever hear that . Doesnt surprise me . No. Have i ever heard of it . No. Ive seen so much, in my years, it does not surprise me. And again, like we talked about last week. When those officers, santa m aria, and weaver get down and do the beating that they did, now you have other officers around thing that we have to protect you, or else people are going to look at us, why are you protecting a fellow officer. Then they go to that link. Wait a minute, there are Homeless People there, give me that chain here, you take this, and you dont talk. Come on. Thats theft, thats a bribery. You know, its dissuading a witness. That is a crime. That officer should be prosecuted. The other new development, these two deputies entered the beating, rewrote their report after they saw their Surveillance Video that the Public Defenders Office had release. Number one, Police Report are official documents. You right it, and you right the truth the first time. You cannot edit it. Is official, you are not supposed to change, get rid of that wanna do a new one. What they do, they do supplemental reports. But in this case, they see the video, and they say thats not quite what i wrote, i better rewrite this, and make it more in line with the video. Let me ask you, youre sitting on the jury, what you think of that . Petroffs Attorney Says it is a coverup is absolutely spot on. Lets not lucite, too, i do not think we should bury petroff on this. That guy should be put in jail put him in. You dont get to walk, because these guys, the Police Officers committed those types of crimes on you. One thing i will not stand for, or tolerate, you like to me. The crime, i will deal with. You do something that come i love you, i will forgive you. Dont lie. The coverup is worse than the crime. And that is what they appear to be doing here, and that is almost worse than the crime, this case. You do not do stuff like that. They will get hoisted on their own petard on that one. That is my cardozo, that is this weeks the verdict. Started out with no clouds this morning, sunshine this afternoon, we will see a near repeat as we get into your weekend with slightly warmer weather expected for some of us. Giving it you alive look at the south bay. The numbers are pretty good still in the upper 60s and low 70s. 65 san jose, 67 brentwood city, San Francisco 58, 55 half moon bay. Fog bank up against the coastline. It is already a cool one out there, for you. 67 santa rosa, 64 napa you get into fairfield, livermore, concord and walnut creek where we have upper 60s nurse 70 degrees with mostly sunny skies. These numbers, similar to where we were yesterday afternoon. Low 70s in alamo, midfifties in danville, 63 lafayette. These low clouds went away and we have plenty of sunshine, this afternoon. The onshore breeze is back picking up just a little bit this afternoon. Oakland 15, 16 at concord, the north bay we have 1213 mile perhour reported here and this is what we will see as we get into the afternoon and evening hours going out to at t park, bottle up it will be another breezy one out there and you can see here from Storm Tracker 2, no rain to speak up but we have that little bit of cloud cover right off the coast between pacifica and half moon bay. Tomorrow morning we are going to wake up, with a partly to mostly cloudy sky, once again, temperatures will be on the cold side as we get into the afternoon, 60s at the coast, upper 50s to low 60s really 70s expected inland, upper 70s for those warmer spots. A ridge of High Pressure still in control of our weather pattern, no right to speak of, not only for our bay area weekend but as we get into the extent of forecast. We actually see a warm warmup instead of wet weather coming our way. The low clouds begin to move across the bay, by tomorrow morning fairly widespread over the northbay, east bay, probably down into the south baileys partly cloudy skies. Around the central valley, as well. If you do have travel plans into sacramento, expected to be there as well. By the afternoon mostly sunny skies, once again, by 1 011 oclock and begins to peel back about mike today. Upper 50s at the coast, a lot of 60s around the bay. Some of the warmer spots will be our inland east bay in places like morgan hill. Tomorrow morning in the 40s, santa rosa 44, 46 napa, 46 southbay of san jose, and around the bay we have mid 40s to low 50s expected, 50 degrees in oakland, 49 in San Francisco. With the locales, and the by noontime, filling it with partly sunny skies, upper 50s expected, the lunch hour and then afternoon highs, for San Francisco in the low 60s with partly cloudy skies. Theres a there is a better look around at the afternoon highs for tomorrow. 72 livermore, 75 morgan hill, 70 76 santa rosa. Not a lot of changes as we get into sunday we will see a slight drop in attempters on monday, tuesday into wednesday, another warmup, and this time we are looking at temperatures in the upper 70s to low 80s as we get into wednesday. Back to you. Lets check in with ross with a look at stories of what we but working on for ktvu fox2 news at 5 p. M. For the first time tonight, we are hearing from the attorney of one of those accused o fficers, he and three others allegedly sent racist and homophobic text messages. Now we are all going to hear what one of those officers has to say about all of this. And, youre going to hear why he will not be losing his job, over any of this. Henry lee is live at the pd with the very latest shipment we know it is apples birthday today, and apparently have some special present for apple at five . It is their 40th her 40th birthday, we are going to take you back to the garage where it all began. You are going to hear a firsthand account from someone who witnessed it all from the very beginning. Its a very special bay area birthday and its all new tonight coming up at 5 p. M. Thank you. Still to come here at 4, it is the first day of april which means watch out for all those pranksters. After the break we will tell you how one joke from google went terribly wrong. Time to get social and tell you whats happening out there online on social media, really this april fools day is all about the pranks. [ music playing ] okay, so that was the hardest hit to top the charts on this april fools day, hamburger helpers lovable white glove known as a lefty, he dropped his mixed tape today dubbed watch the stove, and though it was meant to be a joke, a an april fools day joke the music is being praised, tracks on this mix tape include, in love with a glove, and food for your soul. A lot of positive feedback. Google also had another april fools day prank, but this one quickly backfired after getting some serious backlash. This joke involved a feature called gmail my job, you know when you drop the my, youre done with the conversation. It enabled a gmail user to simply click the mike drop button, and then a minion dressed as a queen would drop a microphone, that would be attached to the end of the e mail. The problem here, some users accidentally clicked it, and it inserted the animation into important business emails. At least one person, we have not we do not have this verified or confirmed, at least one person claimed to have lost a job as a result of hitting that rank button. Actor, john stay most, teamed up with netflix to prank it users on this april fools day. Who is john stay most . What is john stamos . Good question. New series about john stamos starring john stamos. Netflix also changed its categories to trending now john stamos, tv shows about crimes, nice guy like john stamos would never commit area stamos stars as uncle jesse on the netflix series, fuller house i am a predator almost made it through the day with no price on me. The day is still young, right . Still ahead Golden State Warriors star, seth perry, may dominate the court, after the break we will tell you about his wifes new show. Beyonce is bringing her style to the gym. She announced she is launching an activewear line for women. The park game a state of mind. The park became my strength. I absolutely love the name, mike. Its called ivy park. She says a park where she used to run as a child, thats what gave her the inspiration. So ivy park launches on april 14th online, as well as in nordstrom stores. Steph curry could soon be sharing the spotlight with his wife ayesha. Shes getting her own cooking show. She already has a popular Cooking Channel on youtube and her own lifestyle blosmght forbes sense the tentative name for the new show, at home with ayesha. Mike, keba, a highrisk sex offender just released from custody somewhere in sonoma county. The question tonight where is he now. Good evening. Im julie haener. Im ross palombo in for frank somerville. A big controversy over another highrisk sex offender who has just been released. Ktvu has learned that because of pan outcry the plan has changed. Hes now somewhere else in sonoma county. Rob roth is live in petaluma county. Reporter word just came down from the Petaluma Police department that the highrink sex offender will not be coming here to town. Police and many in the community did not want him living here. In typically quiet petaluma, the idea of a highrisk serial sex offender being released into the community does not sit well with many residents. Its definitely scary. The plan was for jonathan hoppner, convicted seven times of Sexual Battery in the past three years to move into a Petaluma Hotel after his release from jail today. But because of the publicity and public outcry in town, the California Department of corrections and rehabilitation told us the hotel has backed out. So what happens now is that mr. Hoppner will register as a transient under megans law. He will be supervised by state parole agents. Reporter Petaluma Police say they received word thursday hoppner was being released and said they would put the word out to the community the exact location where hoppner would be staying. Highrisk means theres a high probability that he will reoffend. So while we hope that our partners in the Justice System have corrected his behavior and rehabilitated this offender we have no way of knowing for sure. Reporter hoppner has five

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