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Were killed at an Elementary School in connecticut, and less than two weeks after the deadly attack in San Bernardino. It is important for people to understand that ultimately it is the local First Responders that are responsible for protecting the community. They say a specific but non credible threat was made to the new York City Schools earlier today. We are investigating this as a hoax, and we believe it originated overseas. The language in the email led us to believe it was not a jihadist initiative. They say that the threats to the schools were common, but this one was rare. A domestic dispute in gilroy ended with the shooting of a man that confronted the responding officer. They received several 911 calls from a complex and when the officer arrived, he heard a struggle. It was told by neighbor that the woman was trying to hide from her boyfriend, and that he founder and was pulling her by her hair. The officer said the situation developed quickly, and within 90 seconds, the suspect confronted him. It was a quick and fluid situation and he was confronted with a lethal encounter. He has to make a rapid decision in his life depends upon those decisions that he makes. The suspect was hit by the officers bullet, and he did die and they have not released his name or whether he was armed. The bullet went through an apartment, and no one was hurt, and the officer was wearing a body camera. He is on paid administrative leave, and they are investigating. Two people are in custody, a Homicide Investigation underway after two Young Children ages three and five were found dead in a storage unit. This was in quincy california, and a Deputy Arrested a woman and 17yearold boy on charges of torture. They conducted a welfare check of another child, and the child was found alive but severely abused, and is now undergoing surgery. The extent of the injuries is unclear. The investigators arrested tammy cuts went and the 17year old, and the investigation is still ongoing. It is still unclear what led the investigators to the storage unit, or how the children are related to the suspect. A man shot a teenage girl after she tried to stop him from stealing her vehicle near the oakridge mall around 6 30 pm last night. The 17yearold was with friends when she saw the man breaking into her car, and she confronted him. There was a brief exchange of words, and then he shot her in the chest and drove off in her vehicle. She is expected to survive, and the gunman abandoned the vehicle about 1 mile away. A newly purchased hoverboard burst into flames after purchasing it on amazon. What may be the cause of the fire. This was a scary time, a week and a half before christmas, and they have two new hoverboards, and one of the daughters charged the board, got on it, and it starteds marking sparking in making noises. It charged the floor and wall, and it easily couldve caused serious damage to the home. This is the latest string of fires caused by hoverboard across the country. She was screaming trying to get someone to help, and my uncle came out and poured a bucket of water on it. I heard parking popping noises. Based on some of the preliminary reports that ive seen, it looks to be the lithium battery problem. Amazon has pulled most of these hoverboard models from its website, and keep this in mind. You have airlines that will not allow these on the airplane, and we have heard about 10 fires in recent weeks, and christmas is around the corner, so you have to believe this is a popular gift. How do you know . I have talked to some parents that said they were going to buy one and decided not to. I had talked to several that said they were buying one but decided against it. This will be reverberating across the country. A lot of people are thinking about getting these, they are very popular, and we need to think about that. Other news that we are following, shipping containers that fell off of the ship on friday have been spotted floating off of the coast, two additional containers from the container shipment were spotted, and one spotted submerged partially by the golden gate bridge, and another container had already washed ashore, and found that acre beach, along with other debris. This all started on friday after the ship lost nearly 1 dozen containers outside of the golden gate while on its way to seattle. The race for the white house, and less than two hours the top candidates will debate each other, and we have more on which issues will be the hot topics. Reporter the headline of the day today, and the washington debate, truck, truck, trump and other stuff. Donald trump will lead the gop president ial debate with his highest poll ratings so far. He is not electable, and not a serious candidate, and does not have serious views. He would be eaten alive by hillary clinton. Reporter ted cruz has surge took first place in iowa, and he has done what he can to avoid a fight with donald trump, but he and marco rubio continue to spar and remain neck and neck in the fight for the number two spot. Kept unfortunately is supporting hurting the military spending dramatically, and he would reduce our military to a point that we would have the Smallest Air Force we have ever had. Reporter tonight the focus of the debate will be on homeland security. There is a Bigger Picture item, how do we defend ourselves. I am a big believer that we have not done an adequate job defending our borders. Reporter tonight is the first debate since the terror attacks, and National Security is the americans number one concern. Coming up at 4 30 pm, we will be joined by the political analyst on more on who will shine tonight, and the possible brokered convention. Hillary clinton unveiled her strategy to fight terrorism, she spoke at the university of minnesota, and she said that since wishes social media online chat rooms must be found and shut down. She wants the nations Tech Industry to assist in the plan, and better intelligence sharing is needed to keep the jihadist on getting into the u. S. Clinton said it is time to restore the ban on assault weapons, and she received a standing ovation. New developments in the ready great case, the jury in the first of several trials was deadlocked today, but the judge ordered them for more deliberations in deciding the fate of officer william porter, one of six officers on trial for the death of freddie gray. He is charged with manslaughter, assault and other charges, facing 25 years in prison if convicted. New information about the two officers involved in the deadly shooting in San Francisco, and the previous accusations against them. And how sea lions may be affected in our area. We have some changes in store for your forecast on wednesday, and we will track the rain. Centrum brings us the biggest news. In multivitamin history. A moment when something so familiar. Becomes something so. New. Introducing new centrum vitamints. A multivitamin that contains a full spectrum of essential nutrients. You enjoy like a mint. New centrum vitamints. The coolest way yet. To get your multivitamins. Are those. You there. Stormtroopers halt turn here. Go go follow them bb8 beep, beep this way whered they go . They went that way that way, they went that way i cant believe that worked of course it worked beep, beep, beep the two San Francisco Police Officers involved in the controversial shooting death of mario woods had been accused of using Excessive Force. They are among the five Police Officers on administrative leave. Woods shooting is being investigated. According to the court records, one officer was named in a federal civil rights lawsuit for shooting two suspects in 2009 when he was with the Antioch Police department, but the suspects claimed that they had their hands up, but the suit is on hold, and one of them was charged with killing two women at a San Francisco Jewelry Store in 2013. And the other officer had two Excessive Force cases out of court, accused in 2013, and choking a handcuffed man in 2009. The deadly shooting of mario woods has put the police union at odds, and the association said an angry letter to the police union, and they have said the shooting was the result of a ethically diverse firing squad. Corporal cheating is on the rise in the bay area, the Highway Patrol is on track to issue 21,000 citations for people that drive solo in the hov lane. They have issued more than 17,000 citations five years ago. They found that 40 of drivers were in violation of the three passenger rule. The fast track lanes on the bridge are great. It helps the local traffic. They can be policed, and people go in and out. Caltrans is reportedly considering ways to improve the situation, such as increasing the number of passengers that qualify, or barring vehicles with hov lane stickers during the busy time of the day. And there could be brain damaged in the california sea lions, and they studied these sea lions at the Marine Mammal marina, and they say it affects the ability for them to navigate and find food in the wild. It was chilly, and tomorrow a repeat, and back into the 30s for the valley locations, and a look here at a Crystal Clear blue sky over the oakland area. We have the wind still, helping to clear the air, and meanwhile, temperatures in the 50s this afternoon, a repeat of yesterday. 56 in oakland, 53 walnut creek, south bay 55 and as we head to the north, 57 in napa. Temperatures will not be changing a lot as we get into the wednesday, but we do see some changes coming our way for the second part of the week. We have a northerly breeze at 13 miles an hour, gusts in the 20s. Oakland reporting 12, and not as bad as yesterday, but definitely breezy at times. The breeze will stick around tomorrow. That system bringing rain and snow was well off to the east, and we will continue to strengthen this High Pressure over the pacific, and continue to bring us this mild weather for wednesday afternoon. We will be dry and cool, mostly clear for your wednesday. Temptress tomorrow morning in the low 30s. There is a possibility of patchy fog and frost. Thursday through sunday will change, and rain is on the way. Thursday morning, we will wake up with chilly temperatures, partly cloudy skies and the rain will begin to drop in california. By thursday afternoon, maybe a few scattered showers over the areas of the north bay. It does not look like a lot. Friday afternoon will begin to see this move into the north bay, and friday night could be wet for most of us. Scattered showers and saturday afternoon is looking dry. This system will move a little bit faster than what we have seen recently. It looks like friday night into saturday, a break saturday afternoon. But upstream, we have another system expected to drop in on sunday, and this looks like it will come during the second part of the afternoon on sunday into sunday night. For tomorrow remaining dry, chile to start the morning at 32 degrees. For 34 in san jose, and expect it to feel similar to this morning. In the afternoon mid to upper 50s, 58 santa rosa, 58 San Francisco, 55 san jose, 54 four morgan hill. Your extended forecast, patchy fog tomorrow morning and more unsettled weather on thursday and chances for rain on friday and saturday. Another storm on sunday night. That last store my head over an inch at my house. It looks similar to the last storm. 1 to 2 inches for the coastal area, up to an inch in the urban area. We have a few days to dry out, and then we get more, exactly what we need. The lifesaver costume characters and star wars fans out on the red carpet for the big premiere. The storm troopers were the first to go inside, followed by r2d2, and the other characters. Hear what Harrison Ford had to say. More than you can imagine, all kinds of things that you could not have imagined on your own. Now that some lucky fans have seen the movie, here is their reaction. It was an emotional and crazy movie, perfect and awesome, and i loved the cast. It was absolutely fantastic. I want to tell you everything, but i cant. The the force awakens goes open on friday. The popular celebrity endorsed product is them part of a lawsuit. Many people looking to make donations during the holidays, and we can find out how to find charities to donate to, and how you can donate your service in time from home. They are contagious, annoying, and sometimes tough to get rid of. We are talking about lice. They could be making a comeback to your childs head this Holiday Season. My first question is why would there be an increase for lice during the Holiday Season . They meet with the cousins another kids, and hanging out on the couch and movies. This cold weather have anything to do with this . Sharing the hack can, lice cling to the hat and fall on the hair. They are right on your scout, so they stay nice and warm on your scout scalp, so they like to stay nice and warm. I hear they mutate, and it makes it more difficult. It does not prevent them from getting in the hair, but the mutation is in the genes, and they mutate to it a resistant chemical that the parents typically go by two try on the kids head, but they are not working. What do i do . I am a big fan of what we offer, and with the network of urgent care centers, and we use technology that incorporates heated air, and it dehydrates and kills the lice and eggs. It takes about one hour. It is like going to the hairdresser . No. We have eight medical device, a Technology Developed at the university of utah, and we have a network of clinics that are certified. They use this on the childs head, and it takes about one hour. We guarantee the results. Why can we not eliminate it . I am curious because i have two children. It is on the top of my mind when they are in school. Lice have been with us for thousands of years, and they will probably stay with us. Unless everyone shaves their head on the exact same day, we probably will not get rid of them. They are more of an annoyance, panic and embarrassment on the parents part is probably the worst part. We recommend getting checked, or you can come in to our clinic and get checked. If you find that your kids come back from the Holiday Gathering scratching, check around the ears in the back of the neck, or take them into the clinic to get checked and treated. I could imagine might siblings would call me the grinch is my child gave them headlights. Thank you. Headlights head lice. There is a product that causes the hair to fallout, more than 200 people in 40 states have filed a classaction lawsuit against wen hair products. And they say that the company knew about the complaints, but refused to do anything about them. In a statement from the company, they are refuting the claims. We are talking about the republican debate, what to expect in which candidates need a strong performance. The social media screening, and some believe that proper measures could help our National Security. All political eyes are on las vegas as the republican candidates gear up for the last debate of the year. There are nine candidates that will take the stage at the venetian casino. We will take a deeper look at what the candidates need to say to get noticed. We have our political analyst johnny fowler. Lets go to donald trump, he wants to tighten his lead across the country. Are the trump rivals going to weigh in on his comments for the muslims to be temporarily banned from the u. S. . Only one person can win the republican nomination, and nine people want that slot. Donald trump will be the object of the attack as the front runner by a lot of the people. Maybe not everyone, but most of them. With a come at him hard because of his comments . Others will come after him because he has a history of supporting the democrats, and the clintons. They will say that he is not a real republican or a real conservative. And that he does not understand the constitution because of his comments about the muslims. Not surprising, that was the first question of the previous debate, responding to the donald trump comments about the muslims, and Lindsey Graham went into it. Lets talk about ted cruz. Does he become the target now or do the others tried to ignore donald trump and go after crews, or does trump to after crews, and what will crews do to keep the led in iowa . Ted cruz is the latest, and donald trump is saying that here comes ted cruz, and he made some nasty comments. The others will be the next whack a mole to step up. And marco rubio will probably go after ted cruz and he has already started this week about National Security. And rubio criticized ted cruz for voting to restrict the database, and they will hit him hard tonight. It will be entertaining. It will be a fight, and they cage mess. This is supposed to be about National Security, but it seems that whatever donald trump says does not even matter. Is the spotlight on donald trump because it seems like he can say whatever he wants, and his followers love him, if you believe the polls, and does it matter what the others say about National Security . One will have to step up, and it will probably be rubio or ted cruz. We have not had the first boat yet, and all 50 states will have to pick a president ial candidate, and the first four states are in february, iowa, new hampshire, South Carolina and then nevada. All of these nine republicans on stage tonight will try to be the alternative to donald trump because he is the front runner. Do we know the strategy . Someone has to be the alternative, and it will probably be an alternative strong conservative, and ted cruz, and an alternative mainstream like rubio. In here we are, and we have not brought up ben carson. I feel like he is taking a hit because the National Security is coming up across the country, he be he does not excel on Foreign Policy. He was a doctor, neurosurgeon, and to ask him to become an expert on Foreign Policy in a year and half, that is a tall order for anyone, even as intelligent as ben carson. We have had two or three front runners, and they have fjted in come back, and today it looks like ben carson is faltering. A lot can happen in the next 55 days. Chris christie is on the main stage again. What do we expect from him, and what can he say to fill about being on the main debate stage . Chris christie has stood tall after 9 11, he was the u. S. Attorney in new jersey, and prosecuted a lot of the terrorists, or tried to investigate a lot for terrorism. He is able to come back and say that he has been talking about this all along, and what the voters are one year, and he has some credibility on Foreign Policy, so this may be a chance for chris christie. The last socalled brokered convention, and we have more than one dozen candidates, seven weeks from the iowa caucus on february 1. Is there a possibility, could this happen . The convention is a lot of fun to talk about, but they dont really happen anymore for several reasons. The Political Parties are not as strong as they used to be, and it is really the voters that both and determine who the nominee is, not those 200 or 300 delegates at a meeting in cleveland. Could this be designed, meaning the republicans already in Office Behind close doors that say, if we get to the convention and it is not settled, this is what we will do. The parties are not that strong anymore, and the voters have a lot more power and influence. A brokered convention is fun, and it would be a great brawl, but very unlikely. Throw the crystal ball out. We have been saying from the beginning, and that donald trump will be out after two weeks, and everybody has been wrong. Who is going to be the last one standing . Donald Trump Supporters are unmovable, and he has 35 to 40 . Will he be the republican nominee . I dont know, but he is stronger than anyone expected him to be 55 days out. There are 12 candidates, and he is still polling that high. Lets say that donald trump gets 35 of the republican voters, and that leaves 65 looking for someone else. So he is in the mix. Thank you so much. The Un Nuclear Watchdog has closed its investigation in the iran nuclear program, and they are strongly suggesting that iran had a secret nuclear program, but there was no sign of weapons related beyond 2009. The final report is being seen as something of a split decision for iran. The International Atomic Energy Agency giving a split decision to iran, a final report after a longrunning investigation, saying that they tried to develop the nuclear weapons, but ended the program in 2003, shutting it down completely six years later. It ends the investigation, but opens the door for increased national inspection. Much it needs to be done, and we will continue to undertake this work in iran. Iran says it welcomes the report and will speed up its efforts to comply with the recently signed a nuclear deal and hopefully will have restrictions in place within 2 to 3 weeks. And they say the hard part now will be rebuilding the trust between iran and the west. I believe that trust can be built only through accumulation of trust. They continue to raise the concerns about the billions of dollars in sanctions and relief that iranian government will receive. They will spend it on sponsoring terrorism, and ultimately to build the long range missile that can reach the united states. The Obama Administration continues to insist that it is the best deal to contain iran without going to war. This underlies the significance of this historic agreement reached this year. They say it will take several weeks to verify the compliance with the nuclear deal. Some call it the season of giving, but how do you know which organizations to give two, and we will help you to figure out where to choose a reliable charity. We will have a look at what you can expect for your forecast tomorrow and your extended forecast and the changes on the way. On carne asada or carnitas. Not agree but four out of five who got their Health Insurance through covered california got help paying for it. Find out if you could be one of them at coveredca. Com enroll by january 31st to avoid the irs tax penalty. Now and then we all appreciate a little help. Through covered california, Health Insurance could cost less than you think. And most uninsured californians could get help paying for it. To find free, local, inperson help visit coveredca. Com tis the season to give, and we will help you find the charity to donate to. It is the time of year and a lot of people like to give back. First, donate local if you can. If you want to use the website for a quick give, there are several places you can go, and if you do not know where to donate your money, this is a great place to start. Charitynavigator. Org. You can see where your money is going. They also have a top 10 list, and you can see the top 10 charities that rely on public donations, or the best or worst charities, and which have the highest these, and avoid sending money to those charities. In essence, it gives you recommendations. And if youre not sure, you can search by category, and if you want to donate with something that has to do with animals, hunger or in your community. What if you have more than money to give, like donating time . Volunteermatch. Org and this site post the things that they need on it, and you could answer phones from your home, or you could make things like cards or baskets for those that are elderly. You can also do letter writing or grant writing. And you can do all of this from home, or you can go online and find a place to go to donate your time. What if you want to help someone you know personally, and you know what they need . Christmas time is an important time to give back. You can go to a place called giveforward. Com and you can create a list of things they need, or if they need things for christmas or nonfinancial things like a ride to the hospital, pet bills or something along those lines. And so go find me is go fund me is for money . Exactly. You can put this on your webpage, or you can share this link on social media to get a rally going for your cause. There is also a wish list, and different people can donate different things. What about the mobile device . Sharethemeal. Org and one of my Favorite Places is in for . 50 a day, they can feed a child in need. You can put this app on your phone, and click it, and it will donate . 50 and that is cool. You can also go to a place called onetoday. Google. Com, and they have a different charity they showcase every day. Your friends can compete with you, and you can see who gets more. At the end of the year, you get an itemized list of everything you have donated for your tax credit. Thank you. And we have a chance to right along with a special guest, the man in red, santa claus helped along international boulevard this morning. Operation motorcycle santa. It is a great thing, all of the money is donated by the various organizations to provide the toys. It is a great chance to bring joy to kids at this time of year. The word spread quickly about santas arrival, and the children started coming. This is the ninth year of operation motor santa. And the memorial food giveaway is expanding, reaching people beyond, and organizations handed out 500 bags of food and that Mission District in chinatown. Each bag contains a frozen turkey, brown rice, canned vegetables, pasta, bread, Peanut Butter and oranges. They will giveaway 4000 more bags of food tomorrow. And we have our meteorologist year. Here to tell us what to expect. We have patchy frost and followed and chilly weather, down to freezing in a few areas. We will see of repeat for tomorrow, and here is a live look at the sunset. 10 minutes until the official sunset as we look to the west. We have a repeat expected for tomorrow, cool and breezy at times, a cold start for the morning, highs back in the 50s. Closer to the weekend, we will transition to a more active pattern, bring us rain and sierra snow, so that is the good news. 52 degrees in walnut creek, 57 in napa, 55 in halfmoon. A lot like yesterday, and santa rosa and 59. San jose 55 degrees. Along the peninsula, 55 in san mateos, palo alto 52, and slipping to 49 degrees, and way up high we have 40 degrees in the higher elevation, 41 in saratoga, and 52 at morgan hill. Winds strong at times, and tomorrow will be a lot like today. Winds will continue but continuing to drop off. Yesterday was breezier than today, and tomorrow will be less breezy as we get into wednesday. We will continue with dry weather, and by thursday, this will shift a little bit. We are looking at the possibility of rain arriving by friday. It will come late in the day, moving in sooner than the model projected, and if this remains on track, by friday evening we will look at rain over the bay area. It will move through in saturday morning it will breakaway. Late friday into early saturday, wet weather. Upstream we have another system moving in for sunday. Most of sunday will be mainly dry. In the evening hours, another round of rain and sierra snow. Tomorrow mostly clear skies and patchy fog. Chilly at 32 for the start to your day. 42 in sausalito, and numbers were a lot like this morning. 32 in danville, and a freezing start to the day it areas around morgan hill in gilroy. Below freezing at 29 degrees, 34 in santa clara, and 46 in San Francisco. Your afternoon high tomorrow a lot like today mid to upper 50s. 54 in fremont, 55 san jose, 56 in santa cruz. Your extended forecast is dry cool and quiet wednesday, a few scattered showers thursday evening and friday. We will be on and off for the entire weekend with rain and sierra snow. We will check in to see the stories we are working on. We will hear from a High School Girl with a close call. She chased down the man trying to steal her car, and she was shot by the thief. She is telling us about the chase and her injury, and that she regrets doing what she did. It is unthinkable, and there are plenty of questions around the two children found in that storage unit. That is very disturbing, and the tortured nineyearold child, and the discovery of two bodies of two more children. After the break, we will tell you about amanda had his package stolen and turned the tables on the thieves. Spends their holiday dinner with thankful strangers. The neighbor. Who shares the season with another. You inspire us to do everything we do. For goodness sake. This is one womans instagram photo, gaining a lot of attention on the internet. She posted this photo of the Christmas Tree overflowing with presence, and you can barely see the Christmas Tree behind that mountain of gifts. Is that 100, 200 . Somebody reposted this picture on facebook, and called this mom materialistic, and wrote that she is missing the point of the holiday. She is the mom, she can make the decisions, but i can understand that is a lot of presents. They could be handwritten sweet cards in their. In those presents. That is a lot of gifts. And we were reporting about the thieves stealing packages from the front porches of peoples homes. One victim is getting the last laugh. This man in chicago decided to take matters into his own hands, and left a package filled with dog droppings on his porch and watched it under fold unfold on video. The thieves took the package, and no video of them opening the package to find out exactly what was inside. That would be classic. You are not home to watch her front door. He said he did not want the authorities to get involved, he would handle it is only, and he did. Coming up after the break, the growing debate being fueled after the recent San Bernardino shooting, and social media screening could help to keep our country safer. The fbi is continuing its investigation into the San Bernardino shootings, and looking at how social media factored into these attacks. They are saying that Tashfeen Malik had wrote comments, and they said they had a secret policy that prohibited looking at social media accounts of those entering the u. S. By visa. They said that the community has been show slow to embrace the social media screening. Many have stopped at the value scoffed at the value of social media as an investigation will, and they are not concealing their intentions, so that should be part of the screening process. They say they need to allow social media screening as part of the vetting process. There are now some new changes underway that include social media as part of the screening. One School District closes and the other stays open. The schools on both coasts, shutting down the second largest School District. The threat came in the form of emails, and this is in los angeles, and it was all a hoax. We are doing Everything Possible to make sure children are safe. The district has 640,000 students it is comprised of more than 900 schools and close to 200 charter schools. In abundance of caution it is something that all of us who have children appreciate. Reporter the threat comes after the folks in connecticut

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