Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Channel Two News At 430am 20150416

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front of the oakland coliseum, driving in san jose off to a good start i'm looking at the map system there and 101 85 to 80 that's a very nice drive throughout the area, at 4:30, let's go back to the desk. >> all right sal thank you. new this morning, the last image anyone wants to see in the record of a record drought a crash sheered off a fire hydrant causing thousands of gallons of water to gush out. ktvu fox 2's alex savidge, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, one of the cars in this early morning crash lost control, jumped on the curb and slammed right in to the fire hydrants that used to sit here at this corner, the hydrant knocked right off creating a spectacular fountain. and this happen ted intersection of geary and 11th avenue just after midnight, water shooting in the air and flowing on the streets, firefighters estimate as much as 75,000 gallons of water were spewing or did spew from that broken hydrant, it took about a half hour for firefighters to turn off the water as you can see the firefighters got soggy in the process, they had to cover themselves with a tarp of some kind as they went in to work on that water valve as the water was flowing through the air at least one person was treated for injuries as a result of this early morning crash unclear how serious those injuries were and again back out here, the streets now dry as quite a bit of weather flowed through them and difficult to see all that water loss especially given the drought situation we're in right now, brian. >> all right alex, thank you so much. san jose police continue to investigate a deadly crash that killed two people and left a car upside down on vta light rail tracks around 10:00 last night the car flipped over and landed on tracks along north capital avenue, officials say five people were inside the car when it crashed, two people died at the scene while three others were rushed to the hospital, investigators looking in to whether alcohol and speed why factors in that crash, we have reached out to the valley transportation authority to see if the tracks were damaged and if service will not -- will be impacted and so far not heard back from them but a ktvu crew drove by the investigation and the scene is now clear jie a new public works safety building will begin at 11:00 right in the middle of mission bay, a popular new development zone in the city, and that is raising concern that police could get trapped in heavy traffic during an emergency causing bumper to bumper traffic third street which is right in front of the police headquarters, we washed police officers try to find a way out of that gridlock, despite, officers should not delay. >> constantly going out on patrol from one call to another call so for the most part, not inside the station. >> a department spokesman says officers scheduled are staggered to avoid long lines of police cruisers waiting to lead in an emergency an officer in the outer districts could be called in to help. time 4:34 in san leandro and oakland police now investigating an officer involved shooting that left a woman injured around 4:30 yesterday afternoon on 105th avenue near interstate 880 in east oakland conducting an investigation in the city when they seen a car that had been reported missing police say a woman was driving the car with a male passenger when officers tried to pull her over, she reportedly tried to drive away, hitting several parked cars and then a fence then police say she rammed a car being driven by a san leandro police officer and that officer opened fire. the woman was injured and taken to a nearby hospital, the passenger was trufred -- interviewed by police oakland police say as they learn more information, they'll release it to the public. >> certainly want our community to know what happened, why it happened and that is an important piece but we want to make sure that we report information factual. >> well, police have not released any more details about the woman other than that she is in her 20s the alameda county district attorney also planning its own investigation. the second shooting police officer involved this east oakland. on december 7 as you'll recall officers shot 27-year-old guadalupe o choea of union city as she rammed in to several police cars she died two days later at the hospital, two days later, police officers receiving threats from an oakland gang that had ties to ochoa that investigation still ongoing. a homeless man behind bars this morning accused of attacking a 5-year-old san francisco girl for no apparent reason 32-year-old crosby is charged with several felonies, police say the attack happened yesterday morning as the girl and her mother walked down the street near the intersection of union and okay taif -- octavia in the union district. >> unprovoked, grabbed her by the neck, lifted her off the ground and placed her alongside the building. >> crosby was booked in the san francisco county jail, the child treated for minor injuries to her neck and throat. low wage workers say raising the minimum wage will be a key issue in next year's presidential election. [ cheers and applause ] [ indiscernible ] >> hundreds of people marched from uc berkeley to an mcdonald's on shaddic and university avenues yesterday demanding the fast food giant raise worker pay the restaurant was closed yesterday in anticipation of the protests part of a nationwide campaign to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour. >> it sounds good that you know take out what bill you'll pay, keep the lights on, keep, pay the rent, and then, you finding what you're paying for food. >> mcdonald's recent lay nounsed it will -- announce td will raise wages to above the local minimum wage but this only applies to company owned restaurants and not the 90% of mcdonald's 14,000 restaurants which are franchised and locally owned, workers also want higher wages at other fast food companies, walmart and airport service jobs. right now oakland's minimum wage is the highest in the nation at $12.25 an hour, san francisco's is set to increase to that same level on may 1, and increase annually to $15 an hour by 2018. and in san jose, the minimum wage stands at $10.30, statewide the minimum wage is $9 an hour, set to rise to $10 an hour in 2016. it appears the nfl is losing patience with efforts to build a new stadium for the raiders in oakland, according to the bay area news group an nfl executive vice president paid a visit to the raiders to get an update on development. now, after that meeting, alameda county supervisor scott hagger at this told the paper the meeting was progressive but that no progress was made, has told a san diego radio station that oakland has failed to produce a clear plan to finance a new stadium, the league does not want projects that rely on additional development to help pay for a stadium which is the corner stone of oakland's proposal. time is 4:38, local history buffs are angry the marin history museum plans to sell its artifacts to an auction firm, announcing because of financial issues the museum will close in august. yesterday the board issued an e-mail saying it has started selling off its collection of artifacts and historical photographs, according to the marin independent journal 10 people have come together to ask the museum to stop selling its items but the board says it has the right to do so. happening today bay area world war ii veterans applying for a special all expense paid trip called in honor flight, the honor flight mission will board two to washington dc and visit sites and memorials connected to that war. in about two hours veterans and their guardians will start gathering at sfo, the veteran light lodging and meals all paid for by donations. >> great program, i'll be out there later this morning as well. >> good. calling for the removal of the arch bishop of san francisco, coming up at 5:00, effort being lauched today launched today by the group of prominent catholics to oust the controversial leader. but first the warriors going this to the playoffs on a winning note and we sat down with one of the team's players, thompson to talk about what's ahead. north san jose, northbound 280 and 101 traffic looks good, a little more straight ahead. and the bay area in the clear right now get ready for a warm up, today talking about more 70s and 80s across the entire region, update the numbers coming up after the break. well today is the eighth anniversary of the deadliest school shooting in u.s. history on april 16, 2007, seung-hui cho shot and killed 32 people at virginia tech university and injured nearly 20 more, after that rampage he tushed the -- turned the gun on himself in the years since the shooting some survivors have become advocates for gun control and improved campus security and one of the victims an air force rotc cadet was posthumously given the medal of honor for barricading class made air force also being honored this week. [ bell ringing ] >> yesterday morning, bells tolled three people died and others were injured an 11-year-old boy from martinez even though he's recovered his injuries may have affected his growth. >> he feels he's not as big as some of his peers and we wondered if that did that affect his development, or he's behind because he was recovering physically for so long. >> aaron his father and a sister were all waiting at the finish line waiting to see his mother finish the race when the bombs wept off his father testified against the suspect and could face the death penalty. former new england patriots player aaron hernandez waking up in prison after being convicted of murder but now we're hearing for the first time what hernandez had to say about his conviction. the jury found him guilty yesterday of first degree murder in the death of one-time friend lloyd, hernandez received the mandatory sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. now as hernandez was being taken to prison a law enforcement source heard the former new england patriots player say quoting here they got it wrong. i didn't do it. but jurors say they considered all the evidence and they're sure he was guilty. marijuana is going to stay on the federal government's list of most dangerous drugs a u.s. district judge in sacramento ruled yesterday that marijuana will continue to be classified as a schedule one drug, schedule one drugs include heroin and lsd and are defined as drugs with no accepted medical use and high potential for abuse state governments like california that have legalized medical marijuana in conflict with federal government laws. and in some cases that's led to raids on legal growers ask dispensaries. time now 4:45 the best team in the nba go ws, one more win last night. >> and to steph curry! and then three it's good! [ cheers and applause ] it doesn't get old 77 in practice the other day, the warriors wrapped up the best regular season in team history by knocking off the denver nuggets 133-126 warriors won despite saving starters like steph curry and klay thompson for the second half of the game and with 67 victories, the warriors head to the playoffs with the best record in the league. >> i just got stephen curry's autograph on the front side of this jersey, i'm so excited i used my own allowance to come. >> that's a ws fan there the number one warriors began their playoff run this weekend at home against the new orleans pelicans still weird to say that, pelicans. the team that advances must win four out of seven games this is the schedule for the series game one saturday at oracle, roaricle, oracle get it? games five and seven here. one of the key to the record season has been klay thompson and ktvu channel 2 joe fonzi talked to him about getting ready. >> reporter: you'd have to know the lesser half of the better nobody nbas but this season has been just as life changing for klay thompson as it has been for steph curry when you're an all-star and make the cover of sports illustrated you're suddenly introduced to a whole new fan base. >> when you get the new national love being trawl -- all-star or whatever new territory comes with it, fanhood i'm trying to make an impact on somebody's life the guys growing up, whatever it was they were humbled big time went along way and still remember it to this day as an adult. >> reporter: all that sounds almost too good to be true but that's part of the dna of this group of warriors. >> we all have one goal and that's to win especially with a lot of guys in their career, they just want to win. they don't care about individual accolades or recognition. that comes when you win the whole thing and um, we feel like we have been doing that had year can't look too far ahead to june, that's where weigh want to be at. >> reporter: and even though this is a team that doesn't stress individual accomplishment, the roster is full of guys who are capable of filling up the stat sheet. thompson can get in the zone, like 26 points in the 2nd quarter against monday night against memphis or in january when he had an nb record 37 points in the 3rd quarter on the way to a 52 point game against sacramento. when thompson gets hot there's almost no such thing as a bad shot. >> yeah, you feel it after about your fourth or fifth especially when you get a couple easy ones in the bucket, focus on getting few easy ones around the rim it opens up everything from the perimeter. >> reporter: this team expects a long playoff run and the fact that their core group has been there in two previous playoff seasons, should be a plus. >> a lot more physical of the game and the pace is a little bit slower but i feel like we have the team built to that play both sides of the ball and we can grind it out adjust any type of style. >> the warriors win 67 games! [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: the best record during the regular season box has already been checked by the warriors next comes the goal of going deep in to the playoffs possibly bringing the warriors their first nba championship in 40 years. in oakland joe fonzi ktvu fox 2. >> oh man i'm so excited. i'm so excited! >> i know. they are fun to watch aren't they? >> they are! >> and i think you know, one of the things is that they're so likeable. you just like all the players. >> yeah, all the players are likeable, they're fantastic, great in the community at this time just -- an all around great team steph curry has done a great job by the way i don't know how you feel about it. >> well, i think he does, the thing about the warriors, they don't only have steph and klay, there's other good players even the bench is good, a multifaceted thing to watch that team. >> yup yup. >> i think we'll be enjoying some playoff basketball a lot woohoo! good morning. good morning everyone, hey you know what, not a lot going on when i say a lot there's not a lot going on in traffic at all right now, which is good if you're waking up early just to beat the traffic i think you've done the right thing so far we're looking at san jose northbound 280 getting up the highway 17 you can see it's basically empty here, and a lot of people it's come to our attention get up earlier and earlier and that's why on monday we're going to do this little thing, starting at 4:00, be here at 4:00 just so you get up early, we'll be here for you let's gt to the maps in the south bay, you can see traffic looks good as i mentioned as you move up to livermore valley, that's a nice look and drive getting over to dublin, when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, it is nice and light westbound so far as you come in to san francisco. here's mr. mark tomayo. >> if i wake up, 4:00 i can turn on the news and you'll be here some. >> i'll be here man! >> okay! >> monday, i'll be doing that. but yeah, steve will be back monday as well talking about the forecast but today steve gets a chance to enjoy the sunshine here in the bay area, warmer temperatures look at the eventual temperature range 70s all the way to the low to mid 80s out there in fact the warmest locations approaching 85 degrees with the warming weather pattern we do have this an increase in the fire danger statewide but especially down toward southern california where they do have a fire weather warning in place still until 5:00 p.m. this afternoon. current numbers across the bay area in the clear showing you some pretty mild temperatures in san francisco, 58 degrees but some cooler ones out towards napa right now 47, san jose 51 and livermore 56 degrees. everybody warming up compared to yesterday's readings, you can see the temperatures from yesterday, look at san francisco from 66 on wednesday all the way to the upper 70s this afternoon so we'll continue with that trend of warming up, here's we go with the microclimate forecast, starting off the coast, just be extra careful because the waves will be building throughout the day especially as we head in to the thursday, the friday forecast, the increase as well as far as the temperatures you can see inland neighborhood back up in to the upper actually lower 80s out toward concord and danville, warmest locations around 83 to 85 degrees, so once again here we go with the highs this afternoon across the region, very warm, and the overall weather pattern is this high pressure not changing too much, sinking air that is warming air tomorrow though we're going to have a little bit of a weaker offshore flow so with that the temperatures tomorrow will not be as warm for the coast but still relatively warmer across the entire bay area, san jose timeline throughout the day on track to reach the lower 80s this afternoon here's the bigger fly around the bay lots of 80s out towards walnut creek livermore oakland lower 80s san jose 82 santa cruz 81 degrees seeing lots of 80s in the forecast maps this afternoon tho 60s -- no 60s lots of 70s and 80s keep things warm inland but coast side not much in the changes and then more cooling in to the weekend maybe next week, tracking some showers here in northern california, possibly the bay area keep an eye on that at least the next few days today you will notice that change stepping outside the door going for a hike or walk. >> you said warm, that's just downright hot! [ laughter ] >> people have different interpretations as well, so, it's just going to be nice. >> too hot for claudine. >> so many weather issues, you have to work with me. [ laughter ] all right well, an antique store in san francisco is ransacked by a group of thieves and it is all caught on camera, coming up in 20 minutes the thousands of dollars worth of valuables stolen and the unusual items the thieves used to get inside. but first, snoring may be more than a nuisance, the way it can affect your mental health. definite welcome back everybody time now 4:55 a benefit concert in oakland in honor of a local musician killed by a stray bullet at the night light near jackson and square last night 26-year-old emiliano nevares was dills was killed earlier this month, police say the suspect was shooting at someone else, he and another bystander were hit his family and friends gathered to honor his love of music. >> he was doing it, living his dream, had a dpood -- good job as sound engineer, playing with his band, good time. >> to provide instruments and music lessons for kids who can't afford them. marine biologists say it's unlikely we will ever have a definitive answer about what what killed a 50 foot sperm whale that washed ashore, after biologists from the california academy of siepss and -- sciences and veterinarian conducted a necropsy, working with city officials about what to do with the body, leave it where it is possibly to see if the tide takes it out but could decide to bury it. a marine corps helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing, e 6565 e. super stallion had low air pressure fixing the issue and the chopper headed back to the marine station in mira mar the heaviest helicopter. snoring may be doing more than just affecting the quality of your sleep and keeping your spouse up at night a new study suggests abnormal breathing patterns during sleep like heavy snoring ask sleep -- and sleep apnea may affect your memory at earlier than normal. breathing problems to an earlier onset of alzheimer's experts say 90 million americans are affected by snoring which is more common among men. well, a san jose father left home to go to the grocery store and never returned. >> he was touchdown the -- found the following morning, left for dead. >> now his mother and police are making a plea for help after the break the one clue left by the victim. bay area bikers upset about getting bumped off cal train can fight back after the break the online tool aimed at fixing the problem of overcrowding. we're doing an east bay check coming up including a look at highway $24 which actually looks good so far from lafayette to the tunnel, also a look at the bay bridge. the bay area warming trend continues temperatures above the average coming up i'll let you know if we could have a few records later on this afternoon. we are live in san jose where investigators are looking in to what caused a deadly house fire. we'll tell you what firefighters encountered. >> more than 100 prominent catholics are asking the pope to remove the arch bishop of san francisco. we'll tell you why they say he has to go,

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United States , Alameda County , California , Livermore Valley , San Leandro , Mission Bay , Danville , Sacramento , Virginia , San Francisco County , Dublin , Ireland , Jersey , Washington , District Of Columbia , Denver , Colorado , San Francisco , Americans , Aaron Hernandez , Livermore Oakland , Taif Octavia , Klay Thompson , Oakland Joe , Seung Hui Cho , Mira Mar ,

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