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video untruthful? >> no. >> reporter: again, ellana lopez insists her husband was physical with her once and the second time referred to discussion about divorce. ellana lopez tomorrow will ask a judge to modify the protective order. we will bring you an update later and a wrap up on the 10:00 news. david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. >> and you can watch ellana lopez's testimony on click on the ross mirkarimi tab. authorities continue to fan out across in the biggest child pornography sting in california history. 10 arrests so far and police say more are expected. the internet crimes against children task force was able to target the suspects through decoy operations. >> people think they are trading peer to peer child pornography when they are trading with a police officer. >> 165 detectives served 20 search warrants and brought a mobile forensic labs so they could search the hard drives of suspects incidentally and if they found something make an arrest. a woman has been charged with murder for killing another woman during a exorcism. she was found dead in her home on june 5 in richmond. deputies arrested her. prosecutors say she smoththered victim with a pillow and beat -- smithered the victim -- smothered the victim with a pillow and beat her. >> reporter: he is wanted for an attempted robbery. two suspects were arrested that day. a third man died after being shot by the store's owner during the robbery. police think he likely knows that he is wanted and is in hiding. next week the california highway patrol debuts a new 911 system it is supposed to help slash response times. ktvu's tom vacar takes us live inside the new dispatch center. >> reporter: they are only as good as the 911 system that backs them up. the chp's communication center gets a quarter million 911 calls a year. >> the system we have was brought online in the 1980s. >> reporter: technology has evolved more quickly than the chp's software. come sunday they will move into the twenty-first century. >> that will allow more flexibility with how they do their job and it will do a lot of their job for them so they can concentrate on other things. >> reporter: they will no longer have to waste time taping data. it will simply appear automatically. and the system will pinpoint the location of the caller as well as the nearest response units on a electronic map. >> we will know more about where the caller is at and it will help us help them faster. >> reporter: it will allow the call center to analyze data, where the calls are coming from, where problems crop up, all of it to improve response times. >> the tools it gives the dispatchler more important -- dispatcher are more important. >> reporter: it will allow you to text information and photos to call centers. it goes live on sunday morning and you are paying for it. reporting live, consumer editor tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. there was more turmoil today in the san francisco court system. court workers staged a rally protesting a 5% wage cut. representatives say workers weren't given an explanation and there was no negotiations about the cut. it was a delicate operation today trying to lure oysters back to san francisco bay. ktvu's mike mibach is live with the trickle down effect scientists hope to see from their efforts. mike? >> reporter: think about creating a billionistiers. think about that -- billion oysters. think bout that. that is -- about that. that is what is happening. >> reporter: just west of the islands, floating in the bay is a boat named walter. >> walter mccarthy. >> reporter: he owns it and using it to build oyster reefs. >> this is the super bowl. the world cup of oysters today. >> reporter: so the story goes, 1900s somehow the population in the bay started to disappear and along with it native species. 100 years later and something is finally being done. 300-pound mounds of oyster shells. the idea here, to create four large reef beds to restore tens of millions of the oysters. known as habitat builders. >> they provide a structure, a home for species like crab, herring, salmon. >> reporter: some say the life giving reefs are extinct across the state but $1.3 million in funding and backed by federal agencies the reef beds will slowly be coming back to life. >> they do things that are important that are beneficial to humans. >> reporter: they are also being planted and they will monitor the progress during the coming months. reporting live, mike mibach, ktvu channel 2 news. researchers were negligent in the death of a monkey. protesters wearing monkey masks demanded a federal investigation after they say a monkey was found to have been stranged to death with a bungee cord -- strangled to death with a bungee cord. opponents of a condo project gathered enough signatures to put it on the negative ballot. they delivered thousands of petitions this afternoon. they are calling for a referendum to resource an ordinance that requires height in the city. an 11 story condo complex. >> it is a beautiful day for this gorgeous city, we want to remain a city of neighborhoods. >> they saw it also calls for parks and a playground. google surpassed expectations despite revenue being down. earnings rose 11% in the 2nd quarter to $2.8 billion. the company says payments kept falling for paid click. chevron says it reached a deal to drill for oil in iraq. they signed the deal with leaders defying the iraqi government. chevron is the second oil company to make such a deal. exxon plans to search for oil in six regions. jobless claiminize creased last -- claims increased last week. 386,000. that is higher than the 365,000 they expected. car makers are temporarily shutting down plants to gear up for new model. >> highlighting their partnership in clean energy projects. a dozen california companies show cased. bio fuels, solar power and energy efficiency at bases. >> it translates energy security into national security. >> last week the navy announced its commitment to cut power by half. a school district must pay $1.7 million to help open a charter school. the board of education yesterday refused to wave the payment to fund the new charter school. the district is required by state law to fund the school. the district claimed that will take away money from other schools. tonight the dark night will rise, tickets at a premium price, more coming up. >> low clouds and fog right now under the bay area coast line, coming up the temperature change and when 90s return, your forecast. happening now, a live look inside the ethic's commission hearing for suspended san francisco sheriff ross mirkarimi. that is ellana lopez testimonying. -- testifying. she is talking about the neighborhood neighbor that made the videotape and called police. >> everybody knows even me that i was not really involved, i was helping, giving papers and telling the people for the sheriff but even me i know that they were supporting the other candidate and therapy putting a -- and they were putting a lot of money against ross. so what i am going to think? immediately i realize i cannot trust her. and also were something that was very shock to me. when i was leaving i was in pejamma, on january 4, i was preparing for the school and ross took him to school and she called me i went to her house in them. >> you are listening to ellana lopez, wife of suspended san francisco sheriff ross mirkarimi. her testimony could be crucial as to whether her husband is allowed to continue as sheriff in san francisco. you can follow us on twitter for major developments during her testimony and complete coverage tonight on the 10:00 news. surprise plea today when a man admitted to killing his girlfriend and her son. curtis martin pleaded guilty. he killed them. she believes he didn't want to go through the publicity of the trial. the prosecutor never heard of a defend pleading guilty to charges that bring life in prison without patrol. the death of a high school senior shot by oakland police in may, it came hours after his family held a press conference outside the office demanding the information. he pointed a gun at police during a chase. the report indicates he had no gun shot residue on his hands. he says there were no drugs or alcohol in his system. a memorial service this saturday for a couple who died in a plane crash sunday. they were flying to aspen, colorado over the weekend when their plane went down in utah. the service will be at 1:00 p.m. on saturday in danville. leaders worked with crews fighting the robbers fire on protecting tribal areas. a leader went over sensitive areas with a cal fire official. they are working with that tribe to try and identify areas at risk and then create an action plan. >> the neighborhood consists of different villages and those villages span from 8-10,000 years to the present. >> so far the robbers fire burned more than 2600 acres. it is 80% contained. officials expect to have full containment by saturday. fans of bat man are lining up. and some are paying more than $100 to get a first glimpse of the new movie. new at 6:00, ktvu's paul chambers is live where many are not paying the big money but waiting in a long line. >> reporter: bat man, he is the star of the night and the newest is bane. this is a huge deal. the dark night will rise tonight. there is a line outside of people waiting for the film. not too many outside right now, there is about 50-70 inside right now. the bat man continues. >> reporter: some are predicting it to be the blockbuster hit of the summer. >> selling very well. sold 550 tickets. >> reporter: it is the final movie in the trilogy. the excitement is contagious. some of these people will have waited 14 hours to see the movie. >> like urban camping. >> reporter: others brought food, books and games to keep busy while they wait. on track to being one of the biggest opening weekends of all times. >> it is a tradition. we come to all the midnight movies. >> reporter: the bat man phenomenon is so huge, some people took to websites to sell their tickets, some asking 50- $100 a ticket. even stub hub is getting requests. fans say they just can't wait till midnight when the movie starts. >> interested to see how it plays out. i have seen back to the old tv show with adam west, different ways bat man has been portrayed. >> reporter: back out here live, there is the bark night, he will rise once again. they already added two additional showing, bringing it to a total of 9 with 6 sold out. paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. >> urban camping. >> no kidding. we want to go back to our ktvu's mark m who is live -- mark tamayo who is live with more warm weather. >> temperatures trending upward. a few mid-90s out there. we have the cool end courtesy of the fog. the fog regrouping near the shoreline. you can still pick out clear pockets around the golden gate park. to the -- around the golden gate bridge. to the north, half moon base, san francisco international airport mostly clear skies. temperatures wammed up from yesterday. not -- warmed up from yesterday. not a big change. 60s, 70s and 80s and a few 90 degrees. here is a look. san francisco 61 degrees -- 66 degrees. san jose mid-70s and morgan hill 85. headlines tonight, weave this -- we have this, fog, a breeze out there. tomorrow over cast, clearing back to near the coast and temperatures will be warming up for the weekend. a look at the over night lows, fog coast side and a few patches into the bay. temperatures for friday morning, low 50s. no big changes here. as you can pick out on the pacific satellite, this is the area of low pressure that cooled us off monday and tuesday. this is on the move being replaced by high pressure. that means temperatures warm, warming continues for your friday and into the weekend. inland spots in the 90s. but we will have the breeze, the marine layer and the beaches not warming up too much. meiny in the 60s -- mainly in the 60s. some of the over cast, this is tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. the clouds clearing out, we could have a few left over patches near the shoreline but a nice friday afternoon and temperatures come up from today's highs. that means the warmest locations are around 90 degrees. san jose 81. fremont 79. and san francisco in the upper 60s at 68. five-day forecast with your bay area weekend in view. temperatures come up a little bit. we have options here in the bay areas, 60s for the coast, 90s inland. we cool off tuesday and next week will be cool with wednesday and thursday. another update with the forecast later on tonight. >> thank you. coming up on bay area news at 7:00 on tv bay area news at 7:00 on tv bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36 another live look thine hearing room where ellana lopez is providing testimony in the hearing of suspended san francisco sheriff ross mirkarimi. we will show you what is happening tonight. and the big bang that began for the next phase of bart tosan jose. -- to san jose. join us for these stories and more on bay area news at 7:00 on tv 36. mark is off tonight, fred is filling in. tiger woods got off like a rocket today. >> yeah. big major tournament here. and officials expected rain and wind but neither one materialized today. 156 golfers shot under par. did i mention the 141 addition of the open is in england? tiger woods teed off. birdies 4-7 holes. this is on the fourth and the the sixth hole 3 under 67, 3 shots off the lead. this is his second chip in for birdie in the front line alone. he is tied for second place. the course, well they dropped phil mickelson to his knees today. bunkers and tall grass all day. 9 back of this guy, front leader, adam scott. par 4, 16. lead by one with mother more of a fact -- weather more of a factor tomorrow. >> giants ahaven't swepted a three game series in -- haven't swept a series in atlanta since 1998. pablo sandoval scores. 1-0. braves get three hits. two were home runs. baumgartner serving up to ross. braves win 3-2. giant leading by 2-1/2 games, a's and yankees tonight at 10:00. >> thank you. live inside the ethic's commission hearing right now for suspended san francisco sheriff ross mirkarimi. that is his wife ellana lopez. complete coverage coming up tonight at 10:00.

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Fremont , California , United States , Iraq , Oakland , San Francisco Bay , Danville , Colorado , Morgan Hill , Utah , San Francisco , Iraqi , Adam Scott , Phil Mickelson , Ross Mirkarimi , Curtis Martin , David Stevenson , Walter Mccarthy , Pablo Sandoval ,

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