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In another important story tonight, after five years of stalemate, syrias civil war may be reaching a turning point. The assad dictatorship now backed by relentless russian air strikes is close to surrounding the town of aleppo. The rebel stronghold. Thousands have fled. Only to be caught in a nomans land on the turkish border. To date u. N. Described the dictators offensive on extermination. Holly williams has been reporting on the horror of this war which is also captured in these pictures you are about to see. Reporter another child victim of a war that even adults struggle to understand. This little boy trapped under a slab of concrete until a volunteer rescue workers managed to free him. We cant verify these videos but they appear to show the death and brutal offensive by Syrian Regime around the city of aleppo backed by russian air strikes. With the help of its ally, iran on the ground, the Syrian Regime has almost entirely surrounded aleppo. And is now less than 20 miles from the turkish border. Thats where tens of thousands of civilians have fled for their lives. Allowed to cross into safety. Turkeys absorbed more than 2 million syrian refugees. And now says it has reached its limit. Leaving these exhausted people stranded. Mohamed hussein alahmed is spokesman for a group and now they have lost their supply route. How long can you hold out . How long is it until aleppo falls to the regime . Translator i cant say for sure how long it will be until aleppo falls to the regime. Or iran and russia, he told us. Well stand and fight who ever attacks us. Reporter the syrian rebels, some of which are backed by the u. S. , rose up against the regime nearly five years ago. If theyre now defeated, scott, syria would be divided between which has indiscriminately bombed its own people. Holly williams covering the war for us tonight. Holly, thank you. In that interview with the president , gayle king also want to know how mr. Obama has changed. After years of challenges such as north korea and syria. Im curious how the presidency has changed you as a president. Now eight years in. How you have changed as a president and how you have changed as a man in the time you have been in te office . You know, i think my basic character is unchanged. And michelle and Close Friends of mine who have known me for years would say, hes the same guy. There is obviously some hardwon wisdom from from overcoming challenges. Figuring out really hard problems. I told somebody in, in another interview though that, probably the most important thing and maybe this is just a function of age as well as having been around the track a while. As president. You lose that fear. You lose that sense of, oh, what if something goes wrong. Because there are going to be things that go wrong. You lose that, that tightness that comes from being very selfconscious about not making mistakes. At a certain point, you realize, look, you do your best. You make, make your call, make your decision. Most of the time it is going to work. But not going to work perfectly. Going to have to continue to make adjustments. That gives you a certain confidence that allows you to play a little better. The president with gayle king in the oval office. I cant remember seeing the president and first lady do a joint interview. You cant remember because it never happened. First time they have sat together live. You knee what i was thinking first time i interviewed a we were all in the same bet. We were all in the same boat. I was flattered and honored they allowed us come into the white house, invade super bowl sunday to take the time to sit down and talk with us. Terrific interview, gayle king. Thank you for joining us. See much more of gayle avenue interview with the president and first lady on cbs this morning. That interview preceded the super bowl on cbs. It turns out the game had super ratings too. Nearly 112 Million Viewers which makes it the third most watched event in u. S. Television history. Late to date broncos returned to denver with the lombardi trophy after surprising the Carolina Panthers 2410 in a defense tour de force. But there will be no blocking of the victory parade. Cruise ship passengers thought they were going down in a violent storm. Why chipotle closed its restaurants for lunch today. And beibei in the tree top. Right back. sounds of birds whistling music introducing new ky touch gel cr me. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. I think we shouldve taken a left at the river. Tarzan know where tarzan go tarzan does not know where tarzan go. Hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is . Waterfall . No, me tarzan, king of jungle. Why dont you want to just ask somebody . If youre a couple, you fight over directions. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Oh ohhhhh its what you do. [cough, cough] mike . Janet . Cough if you can hear me. Dont even think about it. I took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. Yeah. But what about mike . He has that dry scratchy thing going on. Guess what . It works on his cough too. Cough guess what . It works on his cough too. What . Stop dont pull me spoiler alert she doesnt make it only mucinex dm relieves bothwet and dry coughs for 12 hours with two medicines in one pill. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. Covergirl invents a because we rule. The latest and greatest designed just for us. Like new false lash drama mascara get 400 bigger volume. And new stay luscious lipstick. Color and moisture that last all day. Tonight, 4,500 passengers on their way back after their Royal Caribbean cruise sailed into a violent atlantic storm. Jericka duncan has this. Reporter 25 foot waves and wind over 100 Miles Per Hour forced this cruise ship to make a uturn one day after setting sail. Oh, my god. George sycip told us during skype, his balcony door appeared to be lifting from the frame. You could hear the waves crashing the hull, metal twisting and banging. It was scary. Reporter the anthem of the seas cruise ship left new York Saturday heading to port canaveral. When it got caught in a storm. Jared johnson shot the video after the captain ordered everyone to their rooms. At one point people were falling over. Myself and others were, standing over holding the wheelchair. So they werent going to be sliding around. While the worst is over, george sycip is still worried. We are rocking a lot right now. Makes me wonder if there are issues with the stablizing on the ship. Royal caribbean says the ship experienced wind speeds higher than what was forecast. The coast guard reported the winds reached up to 115 Miles Per Hour. And that happened when the storm hit. Jericka duncan. Jericka, thank you very much. Virus and birth defects. Today president obama asked congress for nearly 2 billion to fight the zika virus. And the cdc moved to its highest alert level. At least 57 cases have been reported in the u. S. And dr. Jon lapook is just back from brazil, ground zero of the outbreak. He talked to the doctor who found the link between zika and birth defects. Pediatric neurologist dr. Vanessa Vander Linden saw her first case with microcephaly, in august, and soon, more babies with the same condition, and then more with an unusually small head. Two weeks in the middle of september, five cases of babies with microcephaly. Reporter her mother anna a doctor phoned with troubling news. She called me, vanessa, now i see seven babies with microcephaly in the same day. Reporter when you heard that what did you think . It is a new disease. You need to think of agents that cause many cases at the same time. Reporter you were like detectives . Yes, yes. Reporter after ruling out usual causes they looked for other clues. 70 of the women reported a rash during pregnancy. A symptom that helped lead them to the main suspect. Zika. Rayane and elvis baby evelyn was born in october. This is her first child. Translator if any mother or father could choose, she said, they would choose to have a normal baby, a healthy baby. But because you cannot choose i am going to love my daughter. We cant go back and change something here in brazil. But you can help the other places of the world. Dr. Van der linden helped sound the alarm. Does zika help cause microcephaly. Is Something Else playing a role . How do we protect ourselves from the virus . Finally what will happen to the babies as they grow up . Dr. Jon lapook tonight. Jon, thank you. Every chipotle restaurant in the country closed for four hours today so employees could get a briefing on food safety. Via the internet. Chipotle had a number of health cares including an e. Coli outbreak. The cdc gave it the all clear just last week. The national zoo is sharing pictures of beibei, the panda cub. Learned to climb a tree. Then it got stuck. Fortunately mom was there to make sure the cub didnt tumble. He will figure it out soon enough. From beibei to beyonce, putting her mark on the halftime finally, the super bowl any most powerful performance may have come during halftime. Heres michelle miller. Okay, lady, now lets get in formation. Reporter yes, singing, dancing too. But this was not a typical super bowl halftime performance. For starters, few had ever heard thats because beyonce had just released it the day before. A departure for musicians singing their greatest hits in front of the biggest Television Audience of the year. Beyonces backup dancers, all africanamerican, all female troupe, dressed in tribute to the black panthers. Her message of empowerment for black women. What happened at the new or leans . Its the striking images from her music video that drive her point home. Beyonce is seen atop a sinking police car in what looks like scenes from hurricane katrina. A young black boy confronted by police. Stop shooting us in graffiti. All seen as support for the black lives matter movement. She had this reaction after the thats what i wanted. I wanted people to be proud. Its being called a turning point for beyonce. Known more for pop hits. Now joining the ranks of those who use music to demand social change. Jamilah lemiemux, Senior Editor of ebony magazine. Now she has moved the needle further and made a bold statement about black lives matter. To do that on super bowl night unprecedented in a lot of ways. I think we will be talk ing about the song, video and performance long after who won yesterdays game. Michelle miller, cbs news. Santa clara, california. Im a star. Thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. York city, im scott pelley. Welcome to the overnight news. The people of New Hampshire head to the polls today to cast the primary votes in the race for the white house. Much of the state is in the grips of a snowstorm and that should affect voter turnout. The latest polls show Bernie Sanders and donald trump with commanding leads. For the gop, donald trump is at 30 . With john kasich a strong push at 14 , followed by marco rubio, jeb bush and ted cruz. For the democrats, sanders over Hillary Clinton by 22 points. The nation. Senator, while you were in new york, North Koreans launched a longrange missile. As president you would face that thing all the time. Very often. What secretary clinton is saying you dont have the experience to be ready for those kinds of challenges on day one . Well thats what she said about barack obama in 2008. Turned out not to be true. Im impressed by the quality of his Foreign Policy. Furthermore, on the most important Foreign Policy issue, in modern history, the war in iraq, i voted against the war. I led the opposition against the war. And if you go to my website, berniesanders. Com, you will see that much of what i feared would happen, in fact, did happen. On the other hand. Secretary clinton voted for the war. So, i think it is not just been a secretary of state for four years. Bit is judgment as well. But it is judgment as well. I am confident i can put together a strong team to provide great Foreign Policy for the people of the United States. When youre president and there is a crisis you need to instill confidence in the country. In looking at the debates it is clear youre confident talking economic issues, income inequality. When it comes to Foreign Policy, you are less confident. How would you, how would you Show Confidence as a president on the issues . John, i think that is a media narrative that goes round and round and round. I dont accept that media narrative. Again on the most important issue of our time. I was right. Hillary clinton was wrong. This is the same argument made against barack obama in 2008. I will assemble a topnotch Foreign Policy team. And we will provide excellent and strong Foreign Policy for the people of the United States. We have got to learn the lessons of iraq. That its that the United States of america cannot do it alone. That we have to work in coalition, we have to work in coalition with major countries and with muslim countries whose troops will be on the ground. My main concern, terms of the mideast, is to make certain that the United States does not get involved in perpetual warfare in the quagmire of iraq and syria. In afghanistan. You have talked a lot about donations Hillary Clinton receives from service sector. In debate she called that an artful smear. What is your response to that . It is a fact. When in the last reporting period, her superpac received 25 million. 15 million from wall street. What is the smear. That is the fact. She says you cant point to a an opinion that she changed, can you . Nobody who has a superpac, gets money, republican or democrat from the pharmaceutical industry from fossil fuel industry from wall street there has never been a politician in history who said that money influences me. Its just, people have thrown millions and millions into the campaign, but there is no reason why theyre throwing that money into the campaign. I think, you know the American People know better. So i have never impugned a secretary clintons integrity. I like secretary clinton. But we have a corrupt Campaign Finance system. I am proud, i do not have a super pac. We have raised 3. 5 million individual contributions averaging 27 apiece. Barack obama received a lot of money from the same groups. Is he in the same fix as Hillary Clinton . It is a corrupt, it is a corrupt Campaign Finance system. Let me tell you something, john. At the very top of my list, of as president of the United States. It does not mean that billionaires should be annal to buy elections. En the townhall the other night you said the financial interests are not giving me very much money now. According to the Washington Post analysis, donors at hedge funds, banks, Insurance Companies and other Financial Services firms have given you at least 21. 4 million. 10 of what you raised. Thats a lot of money. Thats no the calculation that we have done. Thats somebodys analysis the i will not argue with it. What is really going on here, john is disturbing to me. Ill be frank with you. What the Sanders Campaign is trying to do is link donations to my Political Campaign or really donations to any ones Political Campaign with undue influence with changing peoples views and votes. I really do resent the implication or i said the other night the insinuation. It would be like saying, president obama who took probably more money from wall street, any democrat has in 2008 with his Successful Campaign was therefore, disqualified. We know that was not true. He signed the toughest, Financial Regulation since the 1930s with the dodd frank bill. You know this is a very artful smear. And i am just not going to sit and take it anymore. Are you saying on the questions that, people from the Financial Services industry have no greater access to you than anybody else . Im saying that i am available to and open to listening to people from all walks of life. I always have been. Ive always will be. Talk to the, if people want to donate to me. They know i called them out on the great crash happened. I always like to remind people it was not me, senator sanders who voted to deregulate swaps and derivatives which gave lyman brothers extra leverage one of the contributing factors to their collapse which obviously contribute to what happened in the great recession. We could take these step by step and try to unwind them. It doesnt change the basic facts. People know where i stand. I have rolled out. Toughest, effective effort to rein in Financial Abuse of anybody in the campaign. Goes further than dodd frank and glass steegle, and goes into shadow banking, hedge funds, carried interest loophole. That is full disclosure. I am on the record. If somebody in one of the firms wants to give me money. Hope they know theyre giving money to someone that makes sure they never wreck the economy again. Be right back. ugh. does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty . Dont avoid it, resolve it. Our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. Its resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. But it also softens. Resolve. A carpet that welcomes you. And to clean pet messes, try resolve pet expert. Degree motionsense is the worlds first deodorant activated by movement. As you move, fragrance capsules burst to release extra freshness all day. Motionsense. Protection to keep you moving. For republicans the New Hampshire primary has become a race to see who will come in second. Donald trump has a wild lead. John kasich leapfrogged marco rubio who had a tough time in the weekends gop debate. Lets dispel with the fiction. That barack obama doesnt know what he is doing. He knows exactly. I would add this, lets dispel with this fiction, that barack obama doesnt know what he is doing. He knows exactly what he is doing. The bottom line. The notion that barack obama doesnt know what he is doing. He knows exactly what he is doing. There it is. Both rubio and trump took questions from charlie, gayle and nora. On cbs this morning. We wanted to replay your best lines from the debate saturday night. Want to give you the opportunity. Rather than repeating that about president obama why not discuss the charge lodged against you that you are eloquent but dont have the experience to be president. My experience is understood all. All over the website. We have discussed it repeatedly. I was the speaker of the florida house. Imminent domain abuse stopped in florida because of me. Despite the fact the democrats controlled the senate, i have accomplished things in the senate, restrictions on hezbollah, the effort for the bailout, the va accountability. But the core out campaign is that statement. I am going to continue to say it. Barack obama is deliberately carrying out a strategy to change america. He wants to redefine the country. One of the main reasons i am running. One of the reasons i feel so good about our debate despite whatever the media people want to say. The biggest fundraising night we have had in all of the debates. So i feel great. We will say the truth. Barack obama is systematically trying to carry out an effort to change the country. This election is important. Need to stop that from continuing. You understand the criticism no doubt that president obama was a oneterm senator he can give a good speech but hasnt turned out to be a good president is the charge. Yeah, barack obama has seven years of president ial experience. As the bad today as he was in the first year. If experience was the issue. After seven years of president ial experience he would have improved. The issue is he is carrying out an effort to chaining the country to make it like the rest of the world. Obama care was not an accident. Dodd frank was not an accident. The deal with iran was not an accident they may have been incompetent how they manage government daily basis. In terms of the policies theyre improving. These are strategies to redefine the country and thats one of main reasons im running. If we continue on the road it will deny our children to live in the greatest country. I hope they keep replaying the lines. All right. Lot of people are wondering abut your strategy on that. Lets move on. You said coming out of iowa. You were the guy, marco rubio. Marco rubio. After the debate. He took a big fall. How do you feel about your debate performance . How are you feeling going into New Hampshire . I feel great about it. Voters across the country and here in New Hampshire got to hear me say repeatedly the truth. Barack obama is trying to redefine the role of our government in the country and americas role in the world. The evidence, we raised more money in the first hour of the debate than any other debate. We feel great. End of the day. New hampshire voters among the most serious voters in the country if not the most. Theyve want candidates that dont just know. Have a plan and strategy moving forward. Thats what we built our campaign on it. We feel great about the dividend it will pay in 24 hours. Senator, can i ask you, your campaign is taking heat for a mailer you send, pac sent. Jeb bush wearing a crown alluding to members of his family including his mother, barbara bush. Donald trump derided him for asking his mommy for help. Should barbara bush be should,000 jeb should jeb bushs 90yearold mother, barbara bush, be offlimits in the campaign. Do you denounce the mailer that your pac sent. I havent seen the mailer. Second not from my campaign. Third, we are at a stage where i had close to 35 million of adds run against me. Many from jeb bushs super pac. Down to the final moments. I have tremendous respect for the bush family, jeb, no matter what happens in the campaign. I will have admiration, respect, and affection for him. Family. Its about america. Future of the country. What kind of country this is going to be in the 21st century. We feel very good. Did well in iowa. We came in a strong second. Would have come in first had the votes not shifted from ben which was a terrible thing that was done to ben carson in my opinion. Frankly i think we are doing really well in New Hampshire. I hope to do well. I hope, charlie, talking about a snowstorm tomorrow. Not what i want. You want a big turnout. I want a big turnout. Snowstorms generally dont help. Boy, looks like. We are doing really well. We watched the debate. It seemed like you and jeb bush really got into it. He stepped up his attacks on you. Well, you know he is trying he is not. He is the opposite. He spent 25 million on ads against me. 100 million on his campaign. It has the gone nowhere. You know, very stiff guy. To know the truth. Spent a lot of money on ad. Then goes into the debate. He tries to show he is tough about imminent domain. Came out that his family is used imminent dough min to do a stadium in texas. He doesnt mention little things. I dont think he is going anywhere. Dont see him having the personality to go much further. Want to give youve the opportunity to response. He was especially tough at a townhall in New Hampshire. Yesterday where he called you a loser. Listen. Here is a sign of real weakness. When you call john mccain or leo thoreson, or anybody else, a pow, served the country in a way admired. American heroes. Calling them losers. Donald trump you are the loser. How would you respond to that . Just shows the you how they lied. Number one i never called john mccain a loser as you know. I like john mccain. Because the he got caught. To ape certain extent. I said he was ape hero. Because he got caught. If you remember. I didnt call him a loser. He lied when he made that up. Leo. I dont know who leo is. Making some other name. Probably an american hero. American hero. Made that up. And honestly. Another pow. You look at the fact, look at the fact. Yeah, i just dont know him, charlie. Never made a comment about him. Never said that about john mccain. Look at jeb. A loser. Spent 110 million so far. At the bottom of the pack. Going nowhere. The only thing he does is attack me. He thinks if he attacks me that will show he is tough. Every time he attacks me. Melts like butter. Just a guy. Really sad. Every time i see an ad about myself. It is him, spending a lot of money. Special interest. Money. He spends money from the lobbyist and special interest to attack me. I dont see him going anywhere. Last thing we need is another bush. Story out of New Hampshire so far is one that you have a huge second story is that marco rubio suffered in the debate. All analysts after the debate said he really took a hard blow from the governors. What do you think of that . Well, he did. Standing next to him, to my right. He was having a hard time. Interesting to watch. He made one statement. Im one with a good memory. Hearing the one statement. Then a couple minutes later, he made the statement. Almost identical. I said we have repeated ourselves on occasion, charlie, right. Other than nora and gayle. Charlie and i repeat ourselves constantly, right. Then i heard all it again. A third time. Fourth time. Even a fifth time. And i said, wow thats really change. I didnt know it would turn out to be a massive blowup. But it was different. Hear that five times. Whats going on here . Obviously a sound bite he likes. Use it once. Not five times. Doesnt work. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Jill and kate use the same dishwasher. Same detergent. But only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. Kate adds finish jetdry with five power actions that dry dishes and prevent spots and film, so all thats left is the shine. For better results, use finish jetdry. Dry spray . Thats fun. Its already dry no wait time. This is great. Its very soft. Can i keep it . laughs all the care of dove. Now in a dry antiperspirant spray. Introducing new ky touch gel cr me. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Ky touch. cell phone rings where are you . Well the squirrels are back in the attic. Mom . Your dad wont call an exterminator. Can i call you back, mom . He says its personal this time. If youre a mom, you call at the worst time. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Where are you . Its very loud there. Are you taking a zumba class . Living well your immune system works hard to keep you on top of your game. You can support it by eating healthy, drinking fluids, and you can combine these simple remedies with airborne. No other leading immunity brand gives you more vitamin c. Plus it has a specially crafted blend of 13 vitamins, minerals and herbs. So when you want to support your immune system, take airborne, former Florida Governor jeb bush having a difficult time gaining traction in his race. For the white house. Bush finished sixth in iowa, and and hoping for second place in New Hampshire. Nora odonnell caught up with jeb and his mother. Former First Lady Barbara Bush in New Hampshire. May want to say hello. Hello. How are you . You look beautiful. At age 90, mrs. Bush flew up from houston to be along side her son as he campaigns for president for a few reasons. Thank you, mama. I love my son. I know that America Needs him. He is honest. Dependable. Loyal. Relatively funny. Goodlooking. But funny. Hes got the same values that america seems to have lost. He is almost too polite. I dont advise him. But if i gave him advice, i would say why dont you interrupt like the other people yes, i would say that. I have gotten better at interrupting, mom. Come on. In the debate. He is so polite. We brought him up that way. He does not brag like some people we know. Who are you talking about . I cant remember. Do you think someone else that is running for president is bragging to much . Uhhuh. I am not getting in a spitting match with him the he can spit further than i can. When push comes to shove, people are going to realize jeb has Real Solutions rather than talking about how popular they are. Or how great they are. You taped an ad that is running here in New Hampshire. And you talk about your son. You said he had a big heart. He does. I dont know if you know what donald trump tweeted about the ad. He mocked your son turning to you. He tweeted saying just watched jebs ad where he desperately needed mommy to help him. Jeb, mom cant help you with putin endorsed him. For heavens sake. Putin the killer. Putkin the worse. Didnt endorse me. Just for the record. No, endorsed trump. An endorsement you dont want. Im proud of being a bush. Mrs. Bush, coming to New Hampshire, your brother, george w. Bush will be in south carolina. The family is now coming out. Is it a sign of strength or desperation . Strength. Your son has said i am my own man. Thats right. Sort of walking this line. Trying to run as himself. And trying to distinguish from your brother the former president . Tough line to walk . No, because 2016 is different than 2000, 1998. The country changed the issues are different. Im different. People understand that. Were different. My Life Experience is different than that of george. Certainly different than my dad, the greatest man alive. Not better, worse. Believes are. You said it is okay to have another bush in the white house. What about another clinton . I dont think so. Another bush is going to beat another clinton. Do you think america is ready for the first female president . Yes. I dont think either one running is, is the one we need. The cbs overnight news will a man from new jersey booked a vacation in iceland. Before it was through. He was practically a national hero. Kind of like mr. Magoo visits the arctic. Reporter he set off for iceland to unplug from the world. I was craving that really big adventure. Something unique. Reporter little did he know the rental car gps was to take him down the road less traveled. After 45 minutes of driving to an hour maybe, i figured out i the wasnt going in the right direction. Reporter he stopped at a gas station. As he told me over skype from speak english. He just kept driving. He was looking for a hotel on laugavegur in reykjavik. Instead he typed laugarvegur, the extra r took six hours through steep mountains and icy paths to a house in a small town on the islands northern tip. I rang the door. The woman answers. She starts laughing at me. Reporter that woman found him a place to stay not before posting the story on facebook. By the following morning, he was town legend. By the time he reached reykjavik he was an island celebrity being stopped in the streets. Nicknamed the lost tourist at bars. He graced the front page of the countrys paper and landed himself on tv. He even got lost again while heading to the famous blue lagoon. He learned his lesson this time and interrupted a conference. Asking for directions because the gps got me lost. They asked me are you the guy that got lost and went up north . Sound like you are terrible with directions . I have a really good sense of direction in america. But over here it is just weird. Reporter suppose to fly home to new jersey. Decided to extend his stay. Primed for the primary. You have to get out and vote tomorrow. Tomorrow the eyes of the country and a lot of the world will be here in New Hampshire. Come out tomorrow and vote for me. Come out and vote for me tomorrow. Also tonight, gayle king with the president. Im curious how the presidency changed you. Terror on the high seas. There was a point. Birth defects and the zika virus, the doctor who connected the dots. Fullthroated message. The first votes in the first primary are being cast today. Polls show Republican Donald Trump has a very good chance of getting the comeback win he needs after finishing second in iowa. He leads his closest rivals 2 1. Among them marco rubio looking to New Hampshire for redemption. Heres major garrett. Reporter marco rubio tried to restart the Campaign Engine that stalled when he was faulted for repeating the same phrase over and over. Lets dispel once and for all the fiction that barack obama doesnt know what he is doing. He knows what he is doing. We are not facing a president who doesnt know what he is doing. Reporter Chris Christie called it the mark of a well versed amateur. This notion that barack obama there it is, everybody. Reporter rubio dug in. The core of the campaign is the statement. Barack obama is deliberately carrying out a strategy to change america. He wants to redefine this country. Reporter rubio loyalists concede post iowa momentum lost. John kasich and jeb bush with superior organizations are gaining ground. We have the best army in New Hampshire. Theyre going to knock on everybodys door whether it rains, snows, doesnt matter. We are marching. Reporter bush and New Hampshire frontrunner, donald trump spent the day exchanging insults. He is like a child, like a spoiled child. He spent 110 million on a campaign and he is nowhere. Bush hit back calling trump a liar and a whiner. He doesnt have the trem pra temperament to be president. Why does trump go after bush so often . Republican rival which makes him an ongoing threat, scott. Thats why trump would lack to vanquish bush here if he can. Major garrett at a trump rally in New Hampshire tonight. Cbs news hosting the next Republican Debate coming up saturday evening from greenville, south carolina. Of course, John Dickerson is the moderator. The campaign is an insult to voters according to former new york mayor michael bloomberg. He confirmed today he is considering an independent run. He told the Financial Times voters deserve a lot better. Bloomberg was a democrat, switched to republican, and is now an independent. On the democratic side of things, Hillary Clinton trails Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire by 10 points. After beating him in iowa by the narrowest of margins. Heres nancy cordes. Reporter clinton got backup on the final day from a large women she has known for 30 years. She is so compassionate, smart. The consistent message. She is the best qualified. But it does make history. Reporter that notion, gave clinton an eightpoint advantage with women in the 200 pry8 primaries. Here in New Hampshire she trails among women by four points. In iowa, women under 30 went for sanders over clinton 6 1. What is your message to undecided young women . A message for all undecided voters. Go with your head and heart. Soft support from younger women prompted Madeline Albright to offer this. Remember there is a special place in hell for women who dont help each other. Reporter a catch phrase, all bright has employ for decades. In this context it put off female sanders supporters. Im a feminist, not one solely because theyre a woman. I dont think that does anything good. I am not against hillary by any means. I am for bernie. Gloria steninem didnt help. When you are young you are thinking where are the boys, boys are with bernie. She apologized on facebook in what has been misinterpreted. The challenge is for clinton to make young women feel inspired not obligated especially when sanders is pushing for things like equal pay for women and paid family leave, scott. Nancy cordes with Bernie Sanders. Voters fighting a blizzard of insults will have real snow to deal with too. Much of new england is getting socked by a storm blowing in from the atlantic. In connecticut, a bus headed to a casino flipped on i95. Some taken to the hospital. Tonight the u. S. And pacific allies are kidding howconsidering how to respond to north koreas latest missile launch. The missile reached orbit but in theory could have easily reached the United States as well. The u. N. Banned these tests. Heres david martin. Reporter north korean launch watched by brash young leader succeeded in putting a satellite into space. But u. S. Officials say it is tumbling in orbit. It is the second time north korea tried but failed to put a satellite in stable orbit. The newest one circling the earth at 300 miles in a north south orbit that took it over the super bowl an hour after the game ended. Shortly before the game, president obama told gayle king of cbs miss morning. The launch one more reason to be worried. It is provocative, violated produced Nuclear Weapons now trying to perfect their missile launch. Reporter the three stage rocket carrying the satellite launched saturday night from north korea space launch facility seen flying south over water never posing a threat to the United States which had Missile Defense system on alert just in case. The satellite is roughly the same size as a nuclear warhead. When combined with last months underground nuclear explosion, north korea seems slowly but surely developing a longrange missile that could hit the u. S. With a nuclear weapon. U. S. And south korea immediately announced they would begin talks on sending a new Missile Defense system to the peninsula. In effect adding another layer to Missile Defenses already deployed to protect south korea. The white house said the u. S. And allies would level additional sanctions against a country that is already in economic basket case. But so far, scott, nothing succeeded in convincing north weapons program. David martin at the pentagon tonight. Thank you. The cbs overnight news in another important story tonight, after five years of stalemate, syrias civil war may be reaching a turning point. The assad dictatorship now backed by relentless russian air strikes is close to surrounding the town of aleppo. The rebel stronghold. Thousands have fled. Only to be caught in a nomans land on the turkish border. To date u. N. Described the dictators offensive on Holly Williams has been reporting on the horror of this war which is also captured in these pictures you are about to see. Reporter another child victim of a war that even adults struggle to understand. This little boy trapped under a slab of concrete until a volunteer rescue workers managed to free him. We cant verify these videos but they aperpear to show the death and brutal offensive by Syrian Regime around the city of aleppo backed by russian air strikes. With the help of its ally, iran on the ground, the Syrian Regime has almost entirely surrounded aleppo. And is now less than 20 miles from the turkish border. Thats where tens of thousands of civilians have fled for their lives. Allowed to cross into safety. Turkeys absorbed more than 2 million syrian refugees. And now says it has reached its limit. Leaving these exhausted people stranded. Mohamed hussein alahmed spokesman for a group and now they have lost their supply route. How long can you hold out . How long is it until aleppo falls to the regime . Translator i cant say for sure how long it will be until aleppo falls to the regime. Or iran and russia, he told us. Well stand and fight who ever attacks us. Reporter the syrian rebels, some of which are backed by the u. S. , rose up against the regime nearly five years ago. If theyre now defeated, scott, syria would be divided between isis on one hand and the regime bombed its own people. Holly williams covering the war for us tonight. Holly, thank you. In that interview with the president , gayle king also want to know how mr. Obama has changed. After years of challenges such as north korea and syria. Im curious how the presidency has changed you as a president. Now eight years in. How you have changed as a president and how you have changed as a man in the time you have been in the office . You know, i think my basic character is unchanged. And michelle and Close Friends of mine who have known me for years would say, hes the same guy. There is obviously some hardwon wisdom from uhhuh. From overcoming challenges. Figuring out really hard problems. I told somebody in, in another interview though that, thing and maybe this is just a function of age as well as having been around the track a whe. As president. You lose that fear. You lose that sense of, oh, what if something goes wrong. Because there are going to be things that go wrong. You lose that, that tightness that comes from being very selfconscious about not making mistakes. At a certain point, you realize, look, you do your best. You make, make your call, make your decision. Most of the time it is going to work. But not going to work perfectly. Going to have to continue to make adjustments. That gives you a certain confidence that allows you to play a little better. The president with gayle king in the oval office. Gayl echt,e, i cant remember seeing the president and first lady do a joint interview. You cant remember because it never happened. First time they have sat together live. President and first lady together live. We were all in the same bet. I was flattered and honored they allowed us come into the white house, invade super bowl sunday to take the time to sit down and talk with us. Terrific interview, gayle king. Thank you for joining us. See much more of gayle avenue interview with the president and first lady on cbs this morning. That interview preceded the super bowl on cbs. It turns out the game had super ratings too. Nearly 112 Million Viewers which makes it the third most watched event in u. S. Television history. Late to date broncos returned to denver with the lombardi trophy after surprising the Carolina Panthers 2410 in a defense tour de force. But there will be no blocking of the victory parade. Cruise ship passengers thought they were going down in a violent storm. Restaurants for lunch today. And i think we shouldve taken a left at the river. Tarzan know where tarzan go tarzan does not know where tarzan go. Hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is . Waterfall . No, me tarzan, king of jungle. Why dont you want to just ask somebody . If youre a couple, you fight over directions. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Oh ohhhhh its what you do. Ohhhhhh do you have to do that right in my ear . Dry spray . Thats fun. Its already dry no wait time. This is great. Its very soft. Can i keep it . laughs all the care of dove. sounds of birds whistling music introducing new ky touch gel cr me. For massage and intimacy. Every touch, gently intensified. A little touch is all it takes. Tonight, 4,500 passengers on their way back after their Royal Caribbean cruise sailed into a violent atlantic storm. Jericka duncan has this. Reporter 25 foot waves and wind over 100 Miles Per Hour a uturn one day after setting sail. Oh, my god. He told us during skype, his balcony door appeared to be lifting from the frame. You could hear the waves crashing the hull, metal twisting and banging. It was scary. Reporter the anthem of the seas cruise ship left new York Saturday, heading to port canaveral. Jared johnson shot the video after the captain ordered everyone to their rooms. At one point people were falling over. Myself and others were, standing over holding the wheelchair. So they werent going to be sliding around. While the worst is over, george sycip is still worried. We are rocking a lot right now. Makes me wonder if there are issues with the stablizing on the ship. The ship experienced wind speeds higher than what was forecast. The coast guard reported the winds reached up to 115 Miles Per Hour. And that happened when the storm hit. Jericka duncan. Thank you very much. In a moment the doctor who made virus and birth defects. Today president obama asked congress for nearly 2 billion to fight the zika virus. And the cdc moved to its highest alert level. At least 57 cases have been reported in the u. S. And dr. Jon lapook is just back from brazil, ground zero of the outbreak. He talked to the doctor who found the link between zika and birth defects. Pediatric neurologist dr. Vanessa Vander Linden saw her first case with microcephaly, and then more with an unusually small head. Two weeks in the middle of september, five cases of babies with microcephaly. Reporter her mother anna a doctor phoned with troubling news. She called me, vanessa, now i see seven babies with microcephaly in the same day. Reporter when you heard that it is a new disease. Something very strange. You need to think of agents that cause many cases at the same time. Reporter you were like detectives . Yes, yes. Reporter after ruling out usual causes they looked for other clues. 70 of the women reported a rash during pregnancy. A symptom that helped lead them to the main suspect. Zika. Rayane and elvis baby evelyn was born in october. This is her first child. Translator if any mother or father could choose, she said, they would choose to have a there normal baby, a healthy baby. But because you cannot choose i am going to love my daughter. We cant go back and change something here in brazil. But you can help the other places of the world. Dr. Van der linden helped sound the alarm. Scott so many questions remain. Microcephaly. Is Something Else playing a role . How do we protect ourselves from the virus . Finally what will happen to the babies as they grow up . Dr. Jon lapook tonight. Jon, thank you. Every chipotle restaurant in the country closed for four hours today so employees could get a briefing on food safety. Via the internet. Chipotle had a number of health cares including an e. Coli outbreak. The cdc gave it the all clear just last week. The national zoo is sharing pictures of beibei, the panda cub. Learned to climb a tree. Then it got stuck. Fortunately mom was there to make sure the cub didnt tumble. He will figure it out soon enough. From beibei to beyonce, putting her mark on the halftime finally, the super bowl any most powerful performance may have come during halftime. Heres michelle miller. Okay, lady, now lets get in formation. Reporter yes, singing, dancing too. But this was not a typical super bowl halftime performance. For starters, few had ever heard the song before. Released it the day before. A departure for musicians singing their greatest hits in front of the biggest Television Audience of the year. Beon say yon beyonces backup dancers, all africanamerican, all female troupe, dressed in tribute to the black panthers. Her message of empowerment for black women. What happened at the new or leans . Its the striking images from her music video that drive her point home. Beyonce is seen atop a sinking police car in what looks like scenes from hurricane katrina. A young black boy confronted by police. Stop shooting us in graffiti. All seen as support for the black lives matter movement. She had this reaction after the show. Make me proud. I wanted people to be proud. Its being called a turning point for beyonce. Nonmore for known more for pop hits. Now joining the ranks of those who use music to demand social change. Jamilah lemiemux, Senior Editor of ebony magazine. She made a bold statement about black lives matter. To do that on super bowl night unprecedented in a lot of ways. I think woo will be talking about the song, video and perform ajsance long after who won yesterdays game. Michelle miller, cbs news. Im a star. Thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. York city, im scott pelley. Welcome to the overnight news. The people of New Hampshire head to the polls today to cast the primary votes in the race for the white house. Much of the state is in the grips of a snowstorm and that should affect voter turnout. The latest polls show Bernie Sanders and donald trump with commanding leads. For the gop, donald trump is at 30 . With john kasich a strong push at 14 , followed by marco rubio, jeb bush and ted cruz. For the democrats, sanders over John Dickerson spoke to both Democratic Candidates for face the nation. Senator, while you were in new york, North Koreans launched a longrange missile. As president you would face that thing all the time. Very often. What secretary clinton is sag you dont have the experience to be ready for those kinds of challenges on day one . Well thats what she said about barack obama in 2008. Turned out not to be true. Im impressed by the quality of his Foreign Policy. Furthermore, on the most important Foreign Policy issue, in modern history, the war in iraq, i voted against the war. I led the opposition against the war. And if you go to my website, berniesanders. Com, you will see that much of what i feared would happen, in fact, did happen. On the other hand. Secretary clinton voted for the war. So, i think it is not just been a secretary of state for four years. Bit is judgment as well. But it is judgment as well. I am confident i can put together a strong team to provide great Foreign Policy for the people of the United States. When youre president and there is a crisis you need to instill confidence in the country. In looking at the debates it is clear youre confident talking economic issues, income inequality. When it comes to Foreign Policy, you are less confident. How would you, how would you Show Confidence as a president on the issues . John, i think that is a media round and round. Narrative. Issue of our time. I was right. Hillary clinton was wrong. This is the same argument made against barack obama in 2008. I will assemble a topnotch Foreign Policy team. And we will provide excellent and strong Foreign Policy for the people of the United States. What i believe right now is that that its that the United States of america cannot do it alone. That we have to work in coalition, we have to work in coalition with major countries and with muslim countries whose troops will be on the ground. My main concern, terms of the mideast, is to make certain that the United States does not get involved in perpetual warfare in the quagmire of iraq and syria. In afghanistan. You have thaukd aalked a lot about donations Hillary Clinton receives from service sector. Artful smear. What is your response to that . It is a fact. When in the last reporting period, her superpac received 25 million. 15 million from wall street. What is the smear. That is the fact. She says you cant point to a an opinion that she changed, can you . Nobody who has a superpac, gets money, republican or industry from fossil fuel industry from wall street there has never been a politician in history who said that money influences me. Its just, people have thrown millions and millions into the campaign, but there is no reason why theyre throwing that money into the campaign. I think, you know the American People know better. So i have never impugned a secretary clintons integrity. I like secretary clinton. But we have a corrupt Campaign Finance system. I am proud, i do not have a super pac. We have raised 3. 5 million individual contributions averaging 27 apiece. Barack obama received a lot of money from the same groups. Is he in the same fix as Hillary Clinton . It is a corrupt, it is a corrupt Campaign Finance system. At the very top of my list, of goals that i want to accomplish, states. It does not mean that billionaires should be annal to buy elections. En the townhall the other night you said the financial interests are not giving me very much money now. According to the Washington Post analysis, donors at hedge funds, banks, Insurance Companies and other Financial Services firms have given you at least 21. 4 million. 10 of what you raised. Thats a lot of money. Thats not the calculation that we have done. Thats somebodys analysis the i will not argue with it. What is really going on here, john is disturbing to me. Ill be frank with you. What the Sanders Campaign is trying to do is link donations to my Political Campaign or really donations to any ones influence with changing peoples views and votes. I have never, ever done that. I really do resent the implication or i said the other night the insinuation. It would be like saying, president obama who took probably more money from wall street, any democrat has in 2008 with his Successful Campaign was therefore, disqualified. We know that was not true. He signed the toughest, Financial Regulation since the 1930s with the dodd frank bill. You know this is a very artful smear. And i am just not going to sit and take it anymore. Are you saying on the questions that, people from the Financial Services industry have no greater access to you than anybody else . Im saying that i am available to and open to listening to people from all walks of life. I always have been. Ive always will be. Talk to the, if people want to they know i called them out on the Mortgage Market mess before the great crash happened. I always like to remind people it was not me, senator sanders who voted to deregulate swaps and derivatives which gavelyman brothers extra leverage one of the contributing factors to their collapse which obviously contribute to what happened in the great recession. We could take these step by step and try to unwind them. It doesnt change the basic facts. People know where i stand. I have rolled out. Toughest, effective effort to rein in Financial Abuse of anybody in the campaign. It goats goes further than dodd frank and glass steegle, and goes into shadow banking, hedge funds, carried interest loophole. That is full disclosure. I am on the record. If somebody in one of the firms wants to give me money. Hope they know theyre giving money to someone that makes sure they never wreck the economy again. Be right back. ugh. does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty . Dont avoid it, resolve it. Our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. 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John kasich leapfrogged marco rubio who had a tough time in the weekends gop debate. Lets dispel with the fiction. Lets dispel with this fikts that barack obama doesnt know what he is doing. He knows exactly what he is doing. The bottom line. The notion that barack obama doesnt know what he is doing. He knows exactly what he is doing. The memorized, 25 second speech. There it is. Both rubio and trump took questions from charlie, gayle and nora. We wanted to replay your best lines from the debate saturday night. Want to give you the opportunity. Rather than repeating that about president obama why not discuss the charge lodged against you that you are eloquent but dont have the experience to be president. My experience is understood all. All over the website. I was the speaker of the florida house. Imminent domain abuse stopped in florida because of me. Despite the fact the democrats controlled the senate, i have accomplished things in the senate, restrictions on hezbollah, the effort for the bailout, the va accountability. But the core out campaign is that statement. I am going to continue to say it. Barack obama is deliberately change america. Country. One of the main reasons i am running. Good about our debate performance. Despite whatever the media people want to say. The biggest fundraising night we have had in all the details. So i feel great. We will say the truth. Barack obama is systematically trying to carry out an effort to change the country. This election is important. Need to stop that from continuing. You understand the criticism no doubt that president obama was a oneterm senator he can give a good speech but hasnt turned out to be a good president is the charge. Yeah, barack obama has seven years of president ial experience. As the bad today as he was in the first year. If experience was the issue. After seven years of president ial experience he would have improved. The issue is he is carrying out an effort to chaining the country to make it like the rest of the world. Obama care was not an accident. Dodd frank was not an accident. The deal with iran was not an accident they may have been incompetent how they manage government daily basis. In terms of the policies theyre improving. The role of the government and the country and thats one of main reasons im running. If we continue on the road it will deny our children to live in the graptest estgreatest country. I hope they keep replaying the lines. All right. Lot of people are wondering abut your strategy on that. Lets move on. You said coming out of iowa. You were the guy, marco rubio. Marco rubio. After the debate. He took a big fall. How do you feel about your debate performance . How are you feeling going into New Hampshire . I feel great about it. Volt voters across the country and here in New Hampshire got to hear me say repeatedly the truth. Barack obama is trying to redefine the role of our government in the country and americas role in the world. The evidence, we raised more money in the first hour of the debate than any other debate. We feel great. End of the day. New hampshire voters among the most serious voters in the they look at issues. Underlying factors. Theyve want candidates that dont just know. Have a plan and strategy moving forward. Thats what we built our campaign on it. The dividend it will pay in 24 hours. Senator, can i ask you, your campaign is taking heat for a mailer you send, pac sent. Jeb bush wearing a crown alluding to members of his family including his mother, barbara bush. Donald trump derided him for asking his mommy for help. Should barbara bush be offlimits in the campaign. Do you denounce the mailer that your pac sent. I havent seen the mailer. Second not from my campaign. Third, we are at a stage where i had close to 35 million of adds run against me. Many from jeb bushs super back. Down to the final moments. I have tremendous respect for the bush family, jeb, no matter what happens in the campaign. I will have admiration, respect, this is not about him, his family. About america. Future of the country. What kind of country this is going to be in the 21st century. We feel very good. Did well in iowa. Strong second. Would have come in first had the votes not shifted from ben which was a terrible thing that was done to ben carson in my opinion. Frankly i think we are doing really well in New Hampshire. Talking about a snowstorm tomorrow. Not what i want. You want a big turnout. I want a big turnout. Snowstorms generally dont help. Boy, looks like. We are doing really well. We watched the debate. Seemed look you and jeb bush go into it. He stepped up his attacks on you. Well, you know he is trying to show he is a tough guy. He is not. He is the opposite. He spent 25 million on adds against me. 100 million on his campaign. It has the gone nowhere. Sort of sad to watch if you want to know the truth. Spent a lot of money on ad. Then goes into the debate. He is stuff about imminent domain. Came out that his family is private domain to do a stadium in texas. He doesnt mention little things. I dont think he is going anywhere. Dont see him having the personality to go much further. Want to give youve the opportunity to response. He was especially tough at a townhall in New Hampshire. Yesterday where he called you a loser. Listen. Here is a sign of real weakness. When you call john mccain or leo thereson. Or any body a pow served the country in a way admired. American heroes. Calling them lose theers. Donald trump you are the loser. How would you respond to that . Just shows the you how they lied. Number one i never called john mccain a loser as you know. I like and supported john mccain. Because the he got caught. To ape certain extent. I said he was ape hero. He lied when heap made that up. Leo. I dont know who leo is. Making some other name. American hero. Made that up. And honestly. You look at the fact, look at the fact. Yeah, i just dont know him, charlie. Never made a comment about him. Never said that about john mccain. Look at jeb. A loser. 110 so far. At the bottom of the back. Going nowhere. The only thing he does is attack me. He thinks if he attacks me that will show he is tough. Every time he attacks me. Melts like butter. Just a guy. Really sad. I see an at about myself. Special interest. Money. He spends money from the lobbyist and special interest to attack me. I dont see him going anywhere. Last thing we need is another bush. Far is one that you have a huge lead. Second story is that marco rubio suffered in the debate. All analysts after the debate said he really took a hard blow from the governors. What do you think of that . Well, he did. Standing next to him, to my right. He was having a hard time. Interesting to watch. He made one statement. Then a couple minutes laltder he made the statement. Almost identical. I said we have repeated ourselves on occasion, charlie, right. Other than nora and gayle. Charlie and i repeat ourselves constantly, right. Then i heard all it again. A third time. Fourth time. Even ape fifth time. And i said, wow thats really change. I didnt know it would turn out to be ape massive blowup. But it was different. Hear that five times. Whats going on here. Obviously a bound bite he likes. Use it once. Not five times. Doesnt work. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Laundry can wreak havoc on our clothes, ruining them forever. Sweaters stretch into muumuus. And pilled cardigans become pets. But its not you, its the laundry. Protect your clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. With downy fabric conditioner. It not only softens and freshens, it helps protect clothes from the damage of the wash. So your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. Downy fabric conditioner. Wash in the wow. Hi, anne. How are you doing . Hi, evelyn. I know its been a difficult time since your mom passed away. Yeah. I miss her a lot, but im okay. This is the check ive been waiting for. Mom had a guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance policy through the Colonial Penn program, and this will really help with the cost of her final expenses. Is it affordable . It costs less than 35 cents a day thats pretty affordable, huh . Thats less than the cost of a postage stamp. So, you said it was guaranteed acceptance . Yes. Its for people ages 50 to 85. Theres no medical exam or Health Questions. You cant be turned down because of your health. It fit right into moms budget and gave her added peace of mind. You should give them a call man are you between the ages of 50 and 85 . For less than 35 cents a day, you can get guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program. You cannot be turned down because of your health. There are no Health Questions or medical exam. Your rate will never go up and your benefit will never go down due to age guaranteed these days, the average cost of a funeral is over 7300, and Social Security pays dont leave a burden for your loved ones. Call about the Colonial Penn program now. Living well your immune system works hard to keep you on top of your game. You can support it by eating healthy, drinking fluids, and getting some rest. And you can combine these simple remedies with airborne. No other leading immunity brand gives you more vitamin c. Plus it has a specially crafted blend of 13 vitamins, minerals and herbs. So when you want to support your immune system, take airborne, sformer Florida Governor jeb bush having a difficult time gaining traction in his race. Finished sixth ion wa. And hoping for second place in New Hampshire. Nora odonnell caught up with jeb and his mother. Former First Lady Barbara Bush in New Hampshire. May want to say hello. Hello. At age 90, mrs. Bush flew up from houston to be along side her son as he campaigns for president for a few reasons. Thank you, mama. I love my son. I know that, america need him. He is honest. Dependable. Loyal. Relatively funny. Goodlooking. But funny. Hes got the same values that america seems to have lost. He is almost too polite. I dont advise him. But if i gave him advice, i would say why dont you really . Yes, i would say that. I have gotten better at interrupting, mom. Come on. In the debate. He is so polite. We brought him up that way. He does not brag like some people we know. Who are you talking about . I cant remember. Do you think someone else that is running for president is bragging to much . Uhhuh. I am not getting in a spitting match with him the he can spit further than i can. When push comes to shove, people are going to realize jeb has Real Solutions rather than talking about how popular they are. Or how great they are. You taped an ad that is running here in New Hampshire. And you talk about your son. You said he had a big heart. He does. I dont know if you know what donald trump tweeted about the ad. He mocked your son turning to you. He tweeted saying just watched jebs ad where he desperately needed mommy to help him. Jeb, mom cant help you with putin endorsed him. Put spin the killer. Putkin. Endorsed trump. An endorsement you dont want. Im proved being a bush. Mrs. Bush, coming to New Hampshire, your brother, george w. Bush will be in south carolina. The family is now coming out. Is it a sign of strength or desperation . Strength. Your son has said i am my own man. Thats right. Sort of walking this line. Trying to run as himself. And trying to distinguish from your brother the former president . Tough loon toine to walk . 2016 is different than 2000, 1998. The country changed the issues are different. Im different. Were different. My Life Experience is different than that of george. Certainly different than my dad, the greatest man alive. Shapes how i think what my believes are. You said it is okay to have another bush in the white house. What about another clinton . Another bush is going to beat another clinton. Do you think america is ready for the first female president . Yes. I dont think either one running a man from new jersey booked a vacation in ice lan beforeland. Before it was through. A national hero. Kind of like mr. Magoo visits the arctic. Reporter he set off for iceland to unplug from the world. I was craving that really big adventure. Something unique. Reporter little did he know the rental car gps was to take him down the road less traveled. After 45 minutes of driving to an hour maybe, i figured out i the wasnt going in the right direction. As he told me over skype from iceland the attendant didnt speak english. He just kept driving. He was looking for a hotel on laugavegur in reykjavik. Instead he typed laugarvegur, the extra r took six hours through steep mountains and icy paths to a house in a small town on the islands northern tip. I rang the door. The woman answers. She starts laughing at me. Reporter that woman found him a place to stay not before posting the story on facebook. By the following morning, he was town legend. By the time he reached reykjavik he was an island celebrity being stopped in the streets. Nicknamed the lost tourist at bars. He graced the front page of the countrys paper and landed himself on tv. He even got lost again while heading to the famous blue lagoon. He learned his lesson thisrupted a conference. The gpr got me lost. They asked me are you the guy that got lost and went up north . Sound like you are terrible with directions . I have a really good sense of direction in america. But over here it is just weird. Reporter suppose to fly home to new jersey. But now feels so welcome he decided to extend his stay. I have discovered a lot of thinghopefully when he wurnz his sense of direction is better on the jersey turnpike. Oh, magoo, will you ever learn. Thats the overnight news for this tuesday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. York city. Its tuesday, february 9th, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. Its decision day in the Granite State and the tone turns sharp as the candidates make their closing arguments before the New Hampshire primary. Stuck at sea. A winter storm strands thousands

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