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Can couldn't get over the finish line even Donald Trump's full support look. Listen and. Sixty's. Watching. You start living you know head city's premier 55. Was just minutes. From. Another Bullhead City. 23 has been indicted in connection with a recent. County grand jury indicted Seacole of 1st degree murder 3 counts of attempted 1st degree murder 3 counts of aggravated assault and a drive by shooting cycle be arraigned on the charges Thursday at the county jail his case will be heard before Superior Court judge. Cycles being held in custody a $120000.00 bond on a charge of hindering prosecution was originally arrested November 21st in connection with the Nov 17th drive by shooting of Kevin Castro a choice for. The police of his involvement in her murder. For the murder of. Daniel Joseph Campbell age 55 of Rochester Minnesota. Campbell will be arraigned on the charge of. The county jail his case will be heard by Judge. Carlyle is currently being held in custody at the jail 18600000. 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As we talk about his work I'm missing for 11 Canada that's the latest just came out today we'll tell you how you can get that book in just a moment as well we're going to talk more about what's going on in Canada now when we come back and we'll also take your calls this hour and coast to coast am simply imagine a television news network that gives you facts not fake news as a matter of fact on my old television website back in Detroit somebody was posting where can I get facts and fake news well here you can Newsmax t.v. America's fastest growing cable news channel already carried by all the major cable and satellite systems and millions of people are watching Newsmax Now I watch it it's great good people you can check out Newsmax T.V.'s incredible lineup on Monday's you've got Mike Huckabee show on Tuesdays Michelle Malkin's an investigative show airs Wednesday Alan Dershowitz talks about legal issues every Thursday Bill O'Reilly's Newsmax t.v. 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And welcome back George Norry with you along with David politeness David I assume you were talking about Mt Seymour out there in British Columbia Yes sir it was. Step back for a 2nd when I did the book missing for 11 hunters where it was just a story of hundreds who disappeared in the wild one of the things that became apparent was there was something called the point of separation where $200.00 decided they were going to split up will come back we'll meet together later. When that happens that's when something afterwards occurs and it's not good Normally someone disappears oftentimes that point of separation occurs because one of the people doesn't feel well and the 1st story right out of the chute involves a guy named Arthur Tippett November 195329 years old in R.C.A.'s veteran live with his wife and child in Deep Cove British click Colombia and he was a technician for c.b.c. Canada on November 9th he was working on the transmitter tower on Mt Seymour with a series of other technicians they went to the lodge on the mountain there was a ski area up there with other technicians because he said he didn't feel well and he needed some aspirins. Well he went down there walk down there with the other guys got some aspirins and something happened all of a sudden they said we didn't see him anymore he was like gone and they walked out to the parking lot his car was still there she had about a 15 mile trip to his residence from top of the mountain at the end of the afternoon when he didn't come home his wife called the police the technicians were already looking for him and the r.c.m.p. Found his car in the parking lot where the technician said it be well that night dozens of police responded and they also sent a canine up there to try to track from the car now the weird part is here is that the Keenan track from his car to the top of one of the highest peaks in the area and it just sat down well friends described Arthur's pain as a splitting headache and he couldn't work anymore that's what he told his friend is that unusual for some of these victims you know it's variable some get headaches some get nauseous some feel real weak the commonality is they don't feel well interest and it's almost something drives them away that they have to go rest or do something I mean it's it's rate readily apparent once you read the books that this is something's going on. Well after 40 search they didn't find any of his tools they didn't find him they found nothing and what I tell people about this case is George imagine if you had a splitting headache the last thing you'd want to do is take a hike to a peak higher in elevation and get your pulse going and get your get your work going it would just make the headache words exactly I'd want to go wide down somewhere Yeah exactly. Well since that time the guesstimate has been probably 52800000 people have climb that mountain since he went missing and not one thing of Arthur Tippit has ever been found that's weird. So then you go to November 14th same month November 1970 Michael Bryant he was 32 years old he was married with a young child and he just landed a new engineering job in downtown Vancouver on the 14th he told his wife he was going to take an afternoon Nikon mount Seymour need be back for dinner after it got dark his wife got concerned call the r.c.m.p. Police went up there found his car in the same Lodge parking lot formal search started the next day and in the meantime police that night interviewed his wife and found that her husband was going to hike to a location called Mystery Lake remember that name Ok and the next morning a search and rescue was focused on that mystery Lake area and the wife said Yeah he had done this hike before he knew the area and he just loved the the hike and seeing the scenery on Nov 21st article in in Vancouver Sun had a search and rescue commander saying that by the end of that day they'd have a 100 percent coverage of the primary search area now I had never heard far commanders say a 100 percent. But Michael's brother was a special prosecutor for the Ontario commission of water and got the b.c. Government to keep searching for an additional 3 days the search for a new rescue ended with the commander stating that it was the most frustrating search and rescue he'd ever ran nothing was ever found. That's not the end amount Seymore. The timber 798761 year old Charlie Moose of went up to Mt Seymour he was an immigrant from Italy regularly hiked the mountains he was an insurance salesman married for 22 years with a family and kids did exercises every morning was in perfect condition on September 7th 87 it was a national holiday in Canada and there are a lot of people on the mountain at 7 am you drop the sun at an event that was in Vancouver you knew you had to pick a set up at $138.00 told The Sun he was going to hike Mt Seymour to an old trapper's cabin Well Carlo never made it back to pick up a son his wife called the r.c.m.p. At 5 pm we found his car in the same parking lot where all the others were a massive search started the next day police found 2 groups of people who witnessed searing crisis for help 5 kilometers from the parking lot in the area of dinky peak and this was 3 kilometers past Mistry lake the search consisted of r.c.m.p. Dogs 2 helicopters 8 bloodhounds search and rescue teams from several jurisdictions . It was a parishioner of a local St Helens parish in Burnaby and the father of the parish made a public plea for assistance the search and rescue commander stated they were baffled because they couldn't find anything massive search never found Charlie Moose so she and these cries for help what did they hear just screams or help or anything specific I wish there was something worked specific in the reports just said cries for help cries for help Ok. Then you go November 14th same month the vendor 99329 years old a u.b.c. University of British Columbia film school student Steven e. B. This one's a little weird moved a bridge call me the summer 93 from Bozeman Montana well on the 14th of November he drove his car from the u.b.c. Student lot parked in the watch parking lot on Mount Seymour One witness reported seeing him one half mile north of mystery lake the serious surrounded by huge rock outcroppings and water the time of the year most of the water would been frozen and cold. And of Ember 16th 2 days after he disappeared after he went to the mountain a friend noticed that Steve's car was not in its normal place notify Vancouver police Nason the check mount Seymour they went up found the car on the 17th his parents were notified in Montana and told the commanders that Steven was very very experienced outdoorsman knew how to handle himself in all conditions 150 searchers from 9 jurisdictions it did in the search there was fog and blizzard conditions that hindered the search form November 18th commanders told the press they had not found any tracks or anything indicating up or presence of him in the area 5 days search produce nothing and the commanders were visibly frustrated. Now here's the weird part nothing on this case for 2 months until January 7th 1904 an article stated authorities evening Coover have identified the headless body found near Mt Seymour Provincial Park as Steven e. B. Headless a former resident of Bozeman Montana Corporal Howard Curry of the r.c.m.p. Said the body was washed down swift creek and was badly battered Curry said the cause of death has not been determined but foul play is not suspected want. To exactly what I put in the book was wiped so the body would Abby battered and headless What else would the r.c.m.p. Need to do to start an investigation exactly so George I've probably read somewhere between 5 in town 10000 search and rescue reports I have never read a search and rescue report where they found a headless body where there wasn't a criminal element involved badly battered Yes. That's weird you know that was never another statement about this case. Why it's like the sweep these under the carpet when you think about it so how many cases have I identified so far Mt Seymour and we're not done and then they find a headless when you think somebody would be paying attention to this one sticks out like a sore thumb. So Karl Walter June 28th 975 pm Mt Seymour 65 years old a German immigrant left us on the morning of June 28th in North Delta headed for Mt Seymour for a hike. Part discard the trail and started his hike with his wife 30 minutes into their hike Mrs Walter told her husband that she was too tired to continue and was going back to the car so here's the point of separation. This is Walter waited 9 hours at the car then called r.c.m.p. And reported her husband is missing. R.c.m.p. Riddle a ride that 1st night met with the wife nor sure search and rescue was called starting the morning of June 29th a massive search was started Mr Walter was not ready for an overnight journey and he only had a small backpack with some food and water for much of the 4 days fog and rain hit the area and cause disruptions in the search rain was falling at lower elevations and snow higher Mrs Walter told searchers that her husband had a rare disease the cause muscle spasms in unsteadiness after 6 days a searching Walter was never located nor was his backpack or any of us closer shoes that's the 5th case now on Mount Seymour now of these 5 people but then just on the mountain I can guarantee you that not all vanished right there and could not be found how could 5 people then a show on the same mountain and thousands and thousands of like that and nothing's been found nothing nothing in there all men. Not that that number one could deduce that there were no women hikers but it's still stranger was all mad. So if you go just west of there like 10 miles west there's a location called Lynn Canyon just north of North Vancouver where 2 women disappeared within a mile of each other and were never found just one was 29 year old Wendy Riley and she was married to David Riley and they had lived in Vancouver at one point they were now living in Santa Rosa they were on a vacation a link the 6 week think Asian went to their hometown a true want and then they were stopping in Vancouver for a trip when you dropped your husband downtown Vancouver to meet with some friends and she was going to meet back up with him later that night at a party well when she didn't meet up at the party David got transferred started calling her phone she never picked up the call the r.c.m.p. That 1st night and they found her car located in the linking and parking lot inside the car they found her purse with all their credit cards money and all of her belongings nice stop there for a 2nd so I know because I've hiked with a lot of friends before and women don't normally like to carry a purse when they're going on a hike right exactly that makes sense to me they would put it in a car. So the r.c.m.p. Put several search and rescue teams in the park to search for Wendy it was raining so hard they had to pull the teams out and they stated that they found no evidence of a crime at the scene no apparent struggle in or around the car after several searches over 10 days the r.c.m.p. Stated this is a total mystery it is entirely out of character for her to disappear like this. In March 1903 there seem to be put divers into Lynn Creek they didn't they did find a coat that they thought might be Wendy's and it was later confirmed that they were not hers but it was weird that their r.c.m.p. Made such a strong statement about this code when they never even interviewed the husband about it. She was a college graduate happily married extremely stable a bizarre disappearance there's another disappearance in this exact area also of a woman now the reason I bring up the 2 women is that in my research and this is odd men disappear in one area and women disappear in another strange look at that cluster map you're going to see that there's clusters of pink and clusters of dark pink or the when it it's hard thing to figure out I'm British Columbia to go yet I'm sorry so the last disappears I want to talk about that is really a strange one and this happened when up in northern British Columbia closest town before Nelson Raymond Krieger August 28th 929 pm he's also German. Raymond was an experience outdoorsman a loved hunting in late August of 92 he was visiting friends of Fort Nelson and then joined his 2 hunting buddies by traveling to a place called to Shodi to u.c.h. O.d.i. Lakes the trio rode on horseback for 7 hours into this remote hunting camp and the just the region is described by some people as some of the most remote and desolate British Columbia and that's saying something well they arrived at about 9 pm the guy set up their tent crawled into their tent and they were get ready to go to sleep and everyone was exhausted friends said that Raymond was telling others he wasn't feeling well when he shipped Ted as another case of somebody not feeling well yep at 6 am the hunters awoke and found Raymond gone there in the middle of nowhere and they count the horses all the horses are there no supplies were gone and they couldn't find any tracks leaving the camp. They searched for 6 hours until one of the hunter said Hey we gotta go get r.c.m.p. So he rode out a day later they came back with 2 r.c.m.p. Police officers and 2 dogs and handlers and a search and rescue expert. Their c. And p. Interviewed the other hunters they stated that the night before Raymond vanished he seemed to be suffering from confusion and something affected his ability this is the words the process things normally. The canines could never pick up a scent and trackers never found his tracks leaving the area. Now the many hunters I have documented in my other books have also reported being ill after being separated from the party and vanished to the point of separation here they all went to their individual tents a one week search they never found Raymond he had no medical issues he was of German heritage and that point of separation. This is bizarre and I'm a course in British Columbia area is a big area I and it's conceivable people are disappearing all over the place not just around the Vancouver area right well that there's a case that talked about in the Northwest Territories and that's an area just above Alberta and is if you can ever get a chance to go there George it is absolutely phenomenally beautiful gorgeous country so there's a guy named Fred Van duff 126 years old raised in Ottawa had a brother employed in Yellowknife and Fred Michael raised with a deep appreciation of the out of the outdoors Fred was living in a small town on Victoria out island in the Northwest Territory he ran a small Co-op handicrafts had a craft store on December 17th at 4 am Fred left town with his 243 Magnum rifle and a 22 rifle. He told family and friends that he was going to drive the snowmobiles out to an area to go hunting which was really common in this area and it's mostly dark in the summer months that far north. $12900.00 Freddy told others he'd be back in a day he had returned so the community went looking for him and the small communities in the territories that far north they really look after each other. Well this is happened Fred before and that people knew his hunting grounds and so they headed for it. Well Fred had a friend it was going to go with him that it backed out at the last minute but Fred was traveling a well known snowmobile route that people had used to hunt his brother stated he was only going to miles out of town to hunt but there was a lot of discrepancy about those facts and Stead 30 miles north of home in the r.c.m.p. Found Fred snowmobile and a mug sitting on it they located both of his rifles and survival gear she fled was held up by a piece of lumber that Fred had been sleeping under on a foam mattress that he had brought the also located a 2nd snow machine that fitted taken in case the 1st one broke down and was in the middle of nowhere George snow everywhere he was looking for caribou the searchers started from close to the snow machine with long poles prodding the ground and the r.c.m.p. Putting 2 aircraft end of year this was called the great Arctic mystery because nobody knew why Fred would leave this little camp he had that was safe they didn't find any tracks leaving the area nothing formal search end of January 4th but into it locals and friends searched the following summer and spring looking for a body clothing or anything to say were Fred may have gone nothing was ever found and the questions I pose on this why would Fred leave his camp and that's that's are not normal to do that. And if there was polar bear predation there'd be blood and remains everywhere. It's obvious Fred set up a camp there and spent at least one night as he'd claimed he'd spend one night. In the Sun nation something must have happened between the time you woke up in that morning and procedure after because it says drinking and it's about we're sitting on top of that snowmobile on top of the bed that he had slept on that was where to stay with us Dave that we're going to take a quick break we're going to come back and take phone calls promised phone calls in just a moment David politeness with us missing 411 Canada amazing research David truly remarkable Dave its Web sites are linked up and coast to coast am dot com Daily Show Updates right here in box for free with the coast zone newsletter sign up today at coast to coast am dot com. 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Dan welcome back to coast to coast George Norry back with David polite as missing for 11 Canada Let's go to the phones let's start with the Robert in Vancouver British Columbia Robert you're right out there go ahead. Absolute quoted talk to you this is my dream friend call to live in Vancouver go out 4 years exploring you malingering looking for the tribes of energy. Or. You know disappearing. Going on these mountains under the pine and I want your story that I want to totally say here. I had been a vent. Think that it gives a different viewpoint of going had. This would have been. Just a threat like the access to these mountains are very limited that people don't see more and they go off the trail it's like. And then when you go into the back country on the road you know the valleys and there is 12 roads you know access point. You know it was not easy for anyone to just skate or get away. And the route the theory that So to be able to get into the back country you need a good 4 by 4 to get there so I had gone to. And developed a friendship with some of the elders from the native community but I went out on a river. Pretty deep into that area. Probably the 15 kilometers straight North Korea more. I set up camp in an area that is historically within the Native. Community. Energy area Ok. And I won't tell them to them but the very 1st they thought bunch of lights I'm going to leave that alone because I was told that protected by the end of the day. So he set up camp and I followed his advice. Have the merchant see beacon fire arms I was on a riverbank in a very particular how I set my camp up I don't have a dark can't I put call in a lantern on the perimeter and I've got even further light that I can flick on their Bravo 3040 feet that's probably pretty smart to Robert Yeah I can flick on with a. Remote control. And then I've got emergency bundles a fire with the throng the fire and everything these lights came to felt good. And he disappeared. And I was sitting there contemplating it and then all of a sudden I felt the pressure. To come down on me like I kind of felt like you know that if you're fainting that you know you're sorry and get dark and I've been in this environment many times of experience that darkness and backward and I instantly. Within the heart rate instantly in a in a panic and again I thought my my camp up the particular way I have a specialized 4 by 4 I jumped out there than I ever imagined the back of my van and I grabbed the shotgun. Close the door and went to the side door of the which was always my plan of the van with my gun ready to jump back in and there was a scratching noise coming down through the forest. It just sounded like like trees snapping crashing breaking and it got to a point in the. Front with 10 feet away and it was just absolutely so loud. Just manage to take a few brown and look around and. You know I couldn't really hear the river anymore . I mean things crashing breaking. Digit pick up camp and get out of there or what you do well I couldn't get out I was set up camp it was in the way of the road and it was that I mean you know in those road you you're lucky you know cover when you're that far deeper lucky to get 5 miles an hour. On the right David let's bring you in for a 2nd could this have been the beginning of something where he might have got taken or disappeared. So in my movie missing for one when the hunted talked about something very similar happening in a Sierra camp to Guynemer on Morehead and it was a group of hunters that had gone to the specific area in the Sierras for 40 years and they had seen lights they had heard crashing in the woods they heard all of this stuff and they got they got smart and couple of years after they 1st heard it they heard some strange things as well and they put some recorders out there and they recorded it so but I've actually heard this from 25 or 30 different hunters in the last while ours. We got another call in the Vancouver Island British Columbia Rio's with us hi Rio Good morning oh I'm wondering if people ever disappear from their homes or is it always wilderness or could it ever be like a small park David. So I have written about people who have disappeared from their homes and out there's a couple of stories I've written about small boys one particular where he was in his house with his aunt his aunt turn the alarm on and they were sleeping in the family room with their dog she woke up in 20 minutes when her phone rang the alarm was still on in the boy and the dog were gone and gone neither was ever found there's also other stories where homes deep in the woods. Goes back to this not feeling well. Boyfriend girlfriend in their twenty's he went to bed he wasn't feeling well in the middle of the night she woke up he was gone he was never found this is way up in the woods. So not uncommon regardless of what's happening to these people David can you imagine the horror that they are going through moments before this all happens to them because they probably see something or witnessed something or God knows what but just what they went through with the horror anxiety that oh my god I just can't can't feel it I can't speak to that but I can speak to the many families of the missing and the horror they're going through oh my god the unknown that's the worst not knowing worst. And you know it lasts a lifetime and that's that's something when I imagine losing a small child on a trail the guilt that you'd have even if it wasn't your fault it's got a 1st time caller Alecia in Eugene Oregon Hi Elisa. I know you've read that then whole life there. You there turn your radio down. Kept turn your radio down oh yeah I'm sorry go ahead you're on with us now oh awesome. Let me move into another room so my dad can hear be on the radio Ok we'll let you do that but do it quickly. Dad let me let me put this on record for you dad pull the. One hour Leisha's slide radio. Just hold the phone next to the radio dad I'm going to move Hello Ok go ahead. Mr David here's where the. Hi So me and my father have written most of your books and we feel like. It's something that flies What do you mean by down we shot like like a big bird or something well actually yes exactly that a big bird let me tell you why all right number one. There's the instance of the dogs. Not being able to track to a certain point good point and number 2 by water all right number 3 there is a serious in stance and me and my father have read a lot of your books Mr David. Actually we own several of them. And we notice a. We notice a certain. Mysterious thing where people end up miles uphill. All right all of this makes a little sense David what do you think of a Thunder Bird type terror dactyl swooping down picking up people and flying away so I've heard this dozens and dozens of times and people have to think through this rationally George as something is going to grab a small child because that's the only thing really that's the kid will scream they're going to scream and are going to have these giant talent marks in their shoulders neck arms they're going to have injuries from from being gripped like that and picked up and never has been reported and that's I think that's a splats what's so puzzling about all this people don't hear any of you be one of these birds you would hear them. You know crackling and stuff like that they did they just don't do it interesting theory Alecia but. It's it's weird Frank in Hollywood Maryland go ahead Frank how did your. Right I want both of you to contemplate that your job. That you're all mine run away with itself invisibility capability Koocher own presence that can snatch a child walk them while they're open all the back is turned and disappear when the dumps can't can't play something that is out of this world in another all right all right and this. Is something I've got to tell you the other night when we discussed Big Book is it possible to get one chance in a 1000000000 that could be immortal. Imo I mean you can be killed but you can't die out. On that golden wall there are there are some that believe bigfoot is coming from another dimension some people believe that but what about you know the better good what do you think. That's a bill that the papal creature almost like what I say it does your movie is visible to what you think about the invisibility of some of these creatures David so I have people from the technology world to talk to me that are sway smarter than me that explain to me that this invisibility is is reality right now there's cloth and there's substance out there right now that you can put in front of you think you could carry and make yourself invisible there was a book written a couple of years ago I read books all the time because I'm trying to always put this together the book was called chameleon c h a m. And it was about a family that was being bothered in the San Diego area and the bottom line was is it all kind of pointed to Naval Intelligence doing some kind of work with invisibility and being caught at it and so I think our government has that ability and they do if you just go online there are several companies in the technology sector that are working with invisible invisibility croaking technology right now that could be fantastic and strange Brian in Indianapolis a bright 8 George good morning how are you great thank you a great topic a day that I got an interesting question on that I have you never. Have you ever checked the phases of the moon during any of these disappearances and what about maybe the Earth's magnetic field also having effect on the people and that are that are feeling ill and and the earth or the moon cycle combining with the magnetic field of the earth you know the Earth's magnetic field George up take my answer off the air you've got a great job all right Brian what about the possibility of some kind of electronic magnetic field that's causing of the be sick or something David. Think that if it if there was some type of field in the area that it would affect the others in the area as well. That's a good point I would just single one person out right and that isn't the case Phil and the most the rights percentage I would say probably 90 percent or more have disappeared during the day the most common time for disappearance of 4 o'clock in the afternoon Yeah so it's not just night time no Lynda's in Bloomington Illinois will get you near real fast Linda go ahead Thanks George I just love this show thank you dare you in time you do a fantastic job I got a couple questions here or one Has he ever tallied up just see it all the time that he's been doing as how many people actually have come missing that they've never been found and number 2 they've been telling us on the news here lately there's a woman here in Illinois and she's 53 years old and drives a purple car and she's never missed a day of work and she left to go to work in the morning and no one has seen or heard from her sense and that took place September 25th they have no idea what happened to this woman did they ever find the car now not that's where to but David what about told the people what was your research shown so far so people have to remember that I'm I don't research all missing people if at all now you knew you'd lie you told us how you rule some of them out right so it's a very small segment of the total missing person even people who go to the woods they don't fit this narrow band of that we require we don't look at it so when you look at the totality who knows and who knows because the Park Service tells us they will keep lists of missing Ok all we know is that the missing people that you investigate it's still a high strange numbers in a very high I think 2nd I think River area just like that man told us I mean there's one for many that we don't even know about David not workin people one see the film missing for 11 The Haunted Amazon i Tunes You can buy a d.v.d. From our site get the books only from our site don't buy em on Amazon you're going to get ripped off but that's the Can Am like ca and isn't or am isn't merry Can I am missing dot com Super All right that's a good thing in alt. David politeness one of our most sought after guests up next Dr Michael Sallah joins us we're going to be talking about Project looking glass Coast insiders the new version of the coast to coast is now available for i Phone and now. Listen live or on demand anywhere any time go to coast to coast am dot com and download today. Oh thank you then who I think it is. Oh you mean me yeah me and it's me What are you doing at the healing thinner in Needles California I'm the new director. Controlled manhole. Definitely qualifies as top shelf What do you recommend This is my 1st time here there's so much to choose from we have $5.00 per year old's $20.00 and $150.00. Products and the crew at the Healing Center led by Cheryl and Lorraine or get you where you want to be and then of course there's me. 1400. I'll take one of everything and there goes another happy customer. Francis former president. Of health issues in recent months. A spokeswoman for the former president says Court was admitted. Over the weekend for treatment of a urinary tract infection she says he's feeling better and looks forward to returning home soon to continue recovery the 95 year old has overcome several health challenges in recent years he was diagnosed with melanoma in 2015 and after treatment he said he was cancer free he had hip replacement surgery last spring and suffered a head injury when he fell in October just last week Carter was released from Emory University Hospital in Atlanta after recovering from surgery to relieve pressure on his brain caused by bleeding from the fall. Of the Supreme Court for permission to begin executing federal inmates the next week Justice Department says the lower courts would put the executions on home. During the summer than federal executions . Well. Southern California students returned to school more than 2 weeks after a deadly shooting on campus not one mention of guns at a preschool day news conference outside Saugus High School north of Los Angeles in which 2 students were killed and 3 wounded before the 16 year old shooter killed himself back on November 14th Why is still unknown the students who spoke to the press such as associated student body president Andre Mohican focused rather on mental health and wellness and the need for teens to talk a lot of problems and issues. 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