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On time I mean you'd best several times said originally I want to remind people you were there when there was a regional peaceful protest you know when the ham and family were going to jail just a couple days before you did the March with other fellow Americans and then something happened you know there I am on them and the brothers this as a band these 2 going to take over the federal facility and then from there many more things happen you know I know that there are 3 percent this went to speak with the f.b.i. I watched the video you give me the latest news maybe a summary of what's going on there police. Got back involved to try to get communication between the parties involved. Communicating that nobody was communicating with the folks at age. 3. But the document. Talking about a piece. Called the article of the Aleutian. Let's . Talk. Now talking. I'm sure people of. Earth initial contact with the f.b.i. . Looking. In on the situation in general outlook on it was not. Being correct nobody was. Her So there was no threat of anybody being hurt. Any. Being too quick. Except occupy the airport there and drive around town. So. We thought that was good. We really just don't want to be a heavy handed. Crowd who are peaceful. Just occupying. Different than. The Occupy movement that we saw. Just disagreeing on the 1st of all. The f.b.i. Is there right now I don't know exactly how many agents but seems like to be pretty enough big deployments and that they're not going to be there forever I mean these people after all we're paying them and I heard that some other took over a public school is that through the school of the town. A couple schools in the town I think or. I'm pretty sure that they're going back to school. They did take over a building that was a school. There's a lot of Internet corner to have that's why I wanted to ask you I are stading out the county building where the 1st permanent out of the airport Ok. So they also think and we thought that they were going to really do anything to have a president. That conversation there have been a lot more people. You know. Probably 25 people. You know some knock out with a few 100 now but now you tell me that now at this wildlife refuge there are like about 200 people from the 20 to 25 people that with the ban these you know and surely come where there are no I'm referring to the f.b.i. Who are the f.b.i. On walking on now to death for the lead in there. And they brought in. Us there surgical team. Props lower the hospital. There I think they're ready for a shootout. So that. Is pretty serious this is pretty disturbing because you know when you start to bring this type of people then they cannot be there on standby forever I mean these people after all cost Ok even if the federal government I don't care so much about spending our money but it's still something that they wouldn't put it out on less they have intention to use it what do you think what you think it's happening right now. I do think that. It's worrisome. We. Yeah what you're saying is right you know it can't keep 200 people at the airport. Of surgical. Hospital. To have talked to am a Band-Aid but police that message just disappear I don't know because maybe had my opinion on this one and you know as much as I supported him in the past during the 1st you know. Fishel standoff with his family in the nearby them was skate on this one I have a different opinion than a few heard my analysis just a couple weeks ago and I want to just briefly you know as much as I understand ham on family I think is an injustice is a travesty you know to be in sentence and try it twice you know a double jeopardy right there forget about the cows and the cattle and the fire they were dragged there was supposed to talk about the constitutionally and the legality of the act and we know that it is a plan to take over all that land not just their land and it's a sort of a collusion but regardless that alsa said if that is. No we'll from the locals in this case they hammer themself to fight back you cannot force them to even stand up when they don't want to stand up and more important sometimes you know we as a we the people as local militia it's almost tough to think that that we need to try to drive a few on live miles and do something that they're local shoe polish to do and when you realize that their community being fine bronc most of the people war for the Federal Government least 50 percent I understand it they work for the b.l.m. Or some sort of agencies it's tough for them to they're already pretty much the mystic ate it ammonium parsimony importer were the really I was concerned you know I was all for the peaceful March that you did and try to create awareness and trying to put to sea the leadership in the local community but when you give. To lose the moral high ground and to do even that property to partially it's our problem to be goes is you know it's a federal supposed to be from from the people paid by our tax dollar but still there are laws in the book that you have trespassing and if you're trespassing armed on a federal property that I don't know the details about could be an excuse for them to press you with some charges for sure these don't like anymore they're stealing your couse you defend. You go in a very difficult position isolate it surround that we know resources we know even this report to the people at this imparting any type of alteration even just talking about here trying to. Don't you think this is a kind of a very dangerous scenario that maybe we should have thought better. Maybe it was something. That that day when we were having around. At the. Fracturing off. And talking about going to the refuge and making a hard stand. He hear me. And bring my. Guys with me. And. I had to tell pretty much that's what you said. When when I went. Into that or. If. It was about clear act of aggression that was being out and. Acts of violation of the Constitution. Which there is a showed me that I still had to. Do that. Having said that. It's all done now. He is there and I do agree with the issues of the bureaucracies and their interpretations of law and what they're doing to the people out there. Whether or not I agree with how it went down and how it happened. The fact is that. There is a big issue that needs to be addressed. So that's really that's why we as the 3 percent Idaho went back was because because we last after the rally we went home on . The regrouped and talked it out amongst the litter shift and thought well what do we do now when all we can really do now is try to be active in the community and that's what we've done we've gone to a lot of the community meetings. Which we've started digging into some of the local. A little local corruption going on there. Really tried to reach out to the locals and want you know no matter what happens we're still care for the community like we said in the beginning. They're doing a lot of things now with. The law. And Kerry just was formed. And they are going to look at a lot of the. People and coming forward a lot of these grievances. Now you know all these in from all these you know for me it's all fine you know you do the Camarillo you do the local groups and they call me to that screen but when you give that to a federal agency that we know very well that this control in Washington Ok even the local agents may sound reasonable and maybe they may be seen by fantic Emmental so they'd be the same people Ok. But you know they're just Ponce they're just they follow the orders and then for sure we know very well what type of a corruption we have in Washington what is their final agenda they're taking over private progress that we have proof that they're trying to give them to corporations for mineral rights and different type of deals like was the China comp corporation in there either for the ban this you know we know we had proof that Senator Reed Sano was working for these a solar farm so there's a lot of corruption by the end of the day today the fungus on you broke the law you broke into a private property to a federal property then Warse arm and that's where they're trying to get them and that's you know that's for me that's why I think that's why they could have got much more in a higher stronger position without giving them the opportunity of talking about Bond this and the 25 people that they had their food eco instead then you know now creating this scenario that they going to be somehow. That we almost forget about all that important issues that they're the most important topics the corruption and . Hamel be in jail but the father is going to be about $25.00 people breaking into some sort of a federal property and the public opinion want to leech them and money in part to the federal government will have the tools and the loans to go off them and if there is cease they will shoot him that's the bottom line you know and I appreciate what you've done with the 3 percent or so I saw Davey there you know you guys tried their tried to communicate with the f.b.i. And there was a kind of interesting interaction and to see a regular c.t. Sense uniting in trying to create a communication and send a message say this is not out there wacko that's goes powerful by the same time you see now what happened he said then 25. Deputies or federal agents you tell me now for what I hear we got 200 people you know it's going to be a very interesting study and I'm this is not the movie I'm very I'm very concerned did you hear about the fire chief who found out 1st of all resigned and the you know why even. The local fire yeah yeah the 1st time I met him at 1st. Public meeting that I attended. And he was very when I 1st met him he was very questioning our presence there he was. Really didn't trust us and then he wanted to know what our agenda was and when we were trying to we assured him and we were there about them and and the community and the community and we really got to know each other over a period of time we spent there. And what happened was somebody else from the community and never heard all these rumors going around that Patriots were following people around and harassing the community. So a member of the community came up to him and said hey you need to go figure out what your militia buddies are doing all that by the armory and he said What are you talking about he didn't jump out of carnage. Do you see the car and the guy coming out from over by the arm raining gets in the car and there's 2 people in the vehicle drive away with car and when it stops he stops and goes up to him and he starts talking to them and he's asking them who they are and what they're doing about armoring and tried to come they were looking at a buck over their beer walk and. He told them it was and it wasn't deer season and he took a picture of the license so he ran he ran that license plate and found out that it was registered to the f.b.i. . And then he went to this judge Judge. To get Gatsby or gravity or whatever. Everybody calls and judge Judge and. He goes to the judge and the judge tells them you don't have the authority to be following anybody around investigating anybody you need to shut your mouth and you need to stop. Going out to the refuge and try to basically put him in his place. He quit his job right there and I'm not going to work for somebody that has you know that sort of thing and not being transparent. And then he went right out to the refuge and that's where that video and I saw that I was very powerful I think you know for a very well established member of the community I think he's been a firefighter for more than 30 years in their communities as a grown up man and 1st of all to Franklin $83.00 that was the year I was born in $83.00 he started and all he was doing he was asking questions I think is very important special when you see suspicious people were rocked in a car going to what I heard in a very rude way with police this was specious way and they're trying to act like they are member of the group they called militia sad now we found out that there were federal agents I mean my book that's called exactly I provoke a tourist if that's what they were doing exactly what it was and that's probably you know and that's exactly what's been going on and burn all the community. Situations where they when they feel they've been hauled or whatever and it's these outsiders. That all my money that everyone situation and. You know. Provocateurs but that's what pretty much for sure now my question is you say are more you know this like because you know I live in a county too but we don't have an armory I mean the sheriff as he's on our Maury but I can add money for the people does it work I never heard that what is the army Yeah yeah it's an actual armory for the people. Still very rural America out here where you know the beginning of their meeting their prayer. They have an armory. And everybody keep their weapons hoping their homes right over there is like a place where that oh yeah they have their home weapons too and everything else but you know I'm not sure what the net armor. Interesting. Very interesting to hear that something you they were so that's very important now they pre-allocated now that what they see. Coming to a point that I saw am I'm beyond the on the official video that he was trying to talk to the f.b.i. Agents but was pretty much like you know like a nonsense you know he asked things that are going to be impossible to be reached like a correct me if I'm wrong releasing the ham months and you know just getting away from leaving the land to the state of today County and that's not going to happen through this and the same time you know the f.b.i. Say whatever I mean what do you think any type of constructive communication between the 2 part of those 2 parties. Constructive strong word. They. I think that the f.b.i. Are compelled to talk to him now because governor of Oregon. They need to do something she wrote a letter to Obama saying hey something needs to happen air and do something I think that triggered the negotiation team or man or whatever. As far as quiet and and then. I think they're fair you know the Constitution was no no no and I haven't need to be released I'm we do we do it less than don't you know I stand with you there you think now it's. Asking from a position of weakness not power anymore because when you wear break he knows at least their last you know you have a little push you need to demand and to try to drive the public opinion behind you like we did in the now he said there's no more demand that the fuck you trespass you broke federal law or whatever they're trying to Troy team you are now a domestic terrorist. If I see a lady that you should bust not to and we have the duty to remove you that's now the fall because that's my fear you know now we we change almost the conversation even Of course I'm on you want to keep talking about that but no that's not the point their point and they want him out and they want to set an example you know very well I mean that is not a prescription I mean a prescription. For the name in English. When you expire that when you commit a crime statutory. And I you call it I forgot Anyway the point is you know if they can find that you know I'm a statue limitations exactly if they have charges against them they're not going to go away now they only want to pick the time when they want to get it in my fear and that's all true I mean they've put themselves in a situation where where they are going to at the very least go to jail I imagine they're all pretty aware of that. What I can. You know and you give them the chance to get revenge because they wanted to get them last year they couldn't get them now they have their pushing That's what I mean I don't know if the stupidity or maybe just a moment a weakness or maybe somebody behind this trying to give them bad advice and I believe could be a mouse What do you think any of those things could definitely be true you know and I'll be quite frank with you when when I was told about. Plan air and that was one of the major and I didn't. Go well because what you had was. A large group of people who they were already pretty mad at and pretty frustrated where. To put them all in one place breaking the law breaking policy whatever you want to call it giving them an excuse what will call it right track. You know and that was. A smart move I mean in my mind I don't think of myself in it from a strategic point of view think about if you really want to do something that you think it's. Let's say Reese I mean I 37 plan I mean you know you don't go with 25 people in the middle of winter that we know very well even if people would like to reach you in the middle of nowhere Northwest America isolated this intra lies you put yourself outside from the public opinion you're not many more in town you like Nick complete scenarios that you can see there like a Ruby Ridge that would be exactly the same situation they can throw a bomb that's due and nobody's going to feel it because they you know after all you completely create a target and that's exactly like that that's why we're there you know. There they. An r.v. Park that's about 3 miles down the road away from the Refuge. We have a camp stablished there with a communications trailer and. People monitoring the road on the way and. You know. The reason that they went to the refuge. I asked them and this you know because I have a lot of the same questions are having right now. The reason was as. The federal government take property from the ranchers in that area they dump it into the Refuge it's the way that the Fed holding land the refuge keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. A lot of like we're talking about the corporation side a lot of that's starting to come out now there's ties to. The new through Canada with Russian interest all all ties back to Hillary Clinton and I was looking at that and I haven't had a real good chance to dive into it and see how much is true I do know that there's a lot of uranium under the Hammonds property. So that was all in geological tests back from the ninety's a lot of uranium a lot of gold. Minerals under their property. But as and that's all that property down in through there so they picked up that property they drop it into this refuge and it becomes this federal holding. Land. And so you know that was there behind the refuge in changing that interior to Harney County National Natural Resources. Center. You know Amman had planned and I don't I don't agree with how. Any They could shut off the power they want their generator with that natural gas. Ranchers in the community out there really gotten behind and. There's people ranchers and people in general. All over the West now really taking know what they're trying to accomplish and honey County. I think the community. Whole pre-split of what you're want to have an interest in the governor. But. No one who have interest in the government they don't necessarily think differently they're just scared to talk about it and so I understand it's the only question are you we could have brought on the want to try to bring people down because you know I respect everybody was doing something you know you think sometimes you know we're going to do better do less and do it right then do something that then is going to break down or Thomas some our most destroyed the good that we have done because you know all of us that we came down last year to try to put out you know suppose the situation try to stand with this family I think somehow we all involved and indirectly we did some good now it breaks my heart I want to be as big very honestly if this is going to turn down to something that unfortunately I don't see any other way out because according to what I am on says oh phony come says you know that they don't want to go to jail they seem like they're looking for martyrdom looking for some sort of Alamo style. Ok and that's not going to bring anything good to everybody anybody because their focus is not going to be any more corruption and all the teams unconstitutional things that Donna believe going to be like painting down like a bunch of Red Bulls that they did they broke the law and they broke into some facility and they want to get out and that's the way the media they're going to paint it out and that's the way on the book is going to be so I'm very concerned and I tell you I don't know what's going to happen I don't know what type of special Amoled may have but from outside I must be very honest you know I'm the 1st one to 2 part when 2 parties do but when I see things that they they make no sense as much as ender standing a lot of corruption that this document very important to be discovered but we could have done the discovery a different way especially now I mean I don't know I don't know it's as I don't see it 10000 people surrounding that facility I see still 25 people if you have you guys from my that have a good heart he wants to be there try to diffuse this in time you got families to your allies that after all they know that you're there and if you've got 20 people they may have 200 people that's their reality I don't want to sound like a negative because I'm always positive but this is the reality don't you think this is what's really going on here the reality of the situation it's a variable situation. It could go any way. And let me tell you a little bit about security operations yes a place that gave us I think you know don't give too much detail Salles you want to meet them forget the we're not there when I say that. We. We're there with p.p.m. Look at a picture network Ok. Network in together after the sugar pine on an operation in Oregon that we did at beginning and hear all the leadership. Of the different organizations that came together to pull that off. Got together and said Ok well let's be ready for the next one and let's kind of talk about what that might look like and. What the p.p.s. . Is heading up the operation as far as. The actual operation and we've got a bunch of groups that are under that umbrella. Organ constitutional guard the organ. Just being county of people groups but. Well we're dealing. With you coming in from all over now actually people coming in from all over. And we'll leave it at that but. The security operation is rotating anybody that does want to get involved in that can contact. You know Facebook at all it's just. A message and we'll put you in the right contact and get you out there and what we're doing that's patrolling where we're looking for what you know don't go there provocateur or we're not in a situation like. We're working talking to the community trying to make people comfortable enough to come forward with some hundreds they are coming forward and it is working. But we are we doing the basic security operation and. You know making sure that there is no Waco situation exactly and we're going to we're going to do that by by documentation everything that happened. With won't be stopped and I think that if I have my person at this point you know just from outside before they're heard what is seeing what I pray what it could be probably the most powerful thing to defuse all these is to us as many bodies on the ground as many people dare regular people I'm not even talking about members of the militia I'm just talking about Americans that they want to go there bring their own video camera. This is because I tell young farts you went when that when there are not enough people and their federal government has been proven like they can you know operate with our weaknesses that's the worst thing happens I mean there's no forget I mean that Ruby Ridge situation was it was it was a crime and the federal government had to pay. To the family of you know Mr Weaver you know they shot called Blood a woman in ma they're holding a baby and infant for God's sake I mean in mind they wouldn't say mine would do that Ok think about the way they have no witnesses around that's what they've been doing they showed a little child like a little teenager like it was 12 or 13 years old a little kid with his dog why it was Ronnie they shot him in the back for God's sake if I were remember I was even in the contest that it is that when I was a needle so this story is this is not the 1st time so I really. I pray for everybody's going to be safe I want the safety of the agents I want the safety of you guys and and of course everybody in that in that refuge but the only way we can do now in my opinion we need to have media there we need to have regular people go in there bring their video commonest just be part of independent media and be witness and I think probably that's would be a who way that we can maybe have some sort of civil tick keeping it peaceful I hope that's all I can pray that that's the answer that we get as many situations. Keep everybody talking about what's going on a community you know for don't want to get bogged down. And another at all. And that's what we're trying to accomplish you know I just we will see I mean I want to keep talking about this I know probably for the average person say you know what I don't live in Oregon I don't care Guess what guys this is going to happen everywhere and I give you some news because I tell you I received a letter in the mail that. You know in the pacha County I got some product is there is on a. DNS they are claiming rights of if they leave the Colorado River they means through the federal government of course if I'm going is using the like an excuse there is a lawsuit there. Trying to claim was the rights that means in the near future if they win this suit then it means that everybody living in a rule or a resort in that area now a county Apache County just an example of this one as well you maybe find that one money that you have at your gate probably an agent from the federal government say you got to put their well me there because you have to pay now was there. By the gallery because this is no your water and this is exactly their plan what they're doing they're trying to enforce Agenda 21 agenda 2030 they need to find all these excuses through the different eco fascist groups or the different type of you know Tree these are water rights whatever they can find their way to keep us out that's the point so I said police least there's Don't just think this is an already going problem this is not just an idle problem this is going to be a problem all of us we need to be involved because now they're coming after every one of us you know look what's happening New Mexico and Texas you know resign or they try to put out these you know wildlife any Most superstars of a you can't even you know say there's a wall for attacking your cows you've got to stay there and give them most a coffee after they finish I mean this is a crazy scenario not seriously that they're put in a situation that we are just slaves and if you walk over a turtle 80 you know a. Little tear or you get a fine and you get arrested I mean I'm not kidding rock is more valuable and more value than they were human life according to these psychopaths that's what they're trying to do and that's an excuse we know that but doesn't matter they will do it if they happen to the ham months yesterday happened to the band this demonic an epic to us that's why I want to come here and bring on the show as much as I can does I wear an s. And try to layer and also from mistakes because I get me wrong I don't want to pass judgments on others but you know I think we must be constructive in a friendly way we must be trying to say what we like what we don't like what it with where the writer while we went from you know this one as much it was a big media brouhaha I mean I don't know if you saw there was also Lee the video game made in Taiwan did you see that one video game. I mean there was that this is like a video game all Hammond and all the other one like making fun of them made in Taiwan while like you were dancing like a militia then c.m.e. . It's almost amazing where they're from call the of a Rolling Stone I mean I have to go everywhere n.b.c. By that point is what type of image they giving they're destroying the image they're controlling the media and that's what they do these bastards they 1st try to like they did with a d.d.s. You know the 1st trust for many monsters when the public opinion he started it then that that's where they unleashed the ducks and I tell you with an incredible job the last year and off now I can tell you this one I just pray is going to be diffuse and some I was going to back and in a peaceful way but I don't like the way this right now I don't really like it at all and that's all I can say but it's happening I don't agree with any. Possibility. And I have heard. Early on out there and not. Like you. Are going to. You know what he said Eric you know you can see the situation there like about 2025 of them you know they're regular people I mean they're not like g.i. Joes or Rambus Ok grandpa their father Sammy war yeah that is a couple they're a couple of veterans bless their hearts but the point is if they want to take their place they will take it like in 5 minutes Ok and there would be a complete blood shed because unfortunately I see that is something that I don't like to talk I keep my religion for myself but I heard too many times now you know when I follow the band this I didn't follow for their religious beliefs I follow for the Constitution and the rule of law Ok and that's that when I start to hear I enjoy morrow night and you know we're going to die and all this stuff I'm sorry you know it seems like you start to create like the on reality that none of society everybody must follow you know I have that from outside without being there when I hear a phony come talking like somebody wants to. And I don't think that's the right approach 1st off I don't want to die I want my enemy to die number one has a why even to them to die either why anybody should die here we should be doing this in a smart way to tell you I see their mindset is kind of scary because they're not going to go down I really believe they're serious am on this serious and 40 of them is serious and sold the others. To damp they're not going to give up when they find you with a gun in your hands they already have this Cuse after the interviews I heard on n.b.c. Funny call me give him all this gets to be shot on sight even if he would have probably shoot somebody seems like a piece of cake guy and he seems like a decent man but still you know they don't care they have an excuse they have you a rebel you want surrender you have a weapon in your hand even if he is not there is no round in the chamber they shoot you you think they might too except him maybe there is some truth you. Know that. We are we are all. That way and I don't think. You know by force. I know that you know so here there's people showing up. To help him and. He is steadily getting volunteers Well well well but. I agree with everything and let's get back to the point of the matter which is Agenda 21 what you were saying you know what I said 1st and I said the community. Arnie County went when I was 1st community meeting when I spoke there. I told them I'm I'm from place that looks just like. Except it's in Idaho and we're we're all affected the same way where and where were your neighbors and we're here to help and that's. That's really what it has to be now it really has to be all for one and one for all when these situations occur you know that's why I have to keep going back to you know yeah there's a lot of risk here. And there's a lot of situation in the situation that I don't agree with. But nonetheless. This is Agenda 21 it is and they are trying to implement something nefarious and. And it is and it fascism you know. When we said earlier fascism. The reason I keep involving myself is you know I had no idea about the Harry Reid stuff and everything when I was when I drove down and about I just knew that they were chasing people in the streets and. It was just such force that something had to be done and we went to protest and we went to see you know and I didn't know is going to go that way but after it was all said and done and all that information came out and you see the blatant fascism of the corporations. And the government. I knew that anything like this had to have the same. Think going on one way or another. As a were and get involved and the situation be becoming bigger and more people are investigating you've got this company and the uranium and everything else and another foreigner and 1st Russia another politician family acquaintance. It's always the same thing and it's action. And it's raw. Aggression and it's fascism and we have to all come together and stand there and neighbors and say we're not going to let the bureaucracy terrorize our neighbors if I can say something Eric you know a by the way listeners to love dance in freedom look at Zion and this is Eric j. Parker from the 3 percent or so we're talking about what's happening in Burns Oregon and if I can if I am learned something out of this you know something that now we should probably improve ourselves and prepare 1st of all I realize that now more than ever there is no more excuses to procrastinate in every community in every county even everywhere every neighborhood should start to create the right now a community safety call in like minded people believed in the Constitution and the bill or rights that we want to stand together and start to stand for each other locally I mean it's we don't need to people driving extra people wants to come and help from other states that's great but we should have already now the opportunity to prepare groups one to stand what's going on under stand the tyranny of Agenda 21 and global taxation and global government and these are the streets of our resources you know m. Prepared now to have stand 1st of all legally because when we can unite for example I tell you we received this letter from the lawsuit many of us. In Apache County they also came today one of the lead that will serve also to their Apache County Supervisor our supervise and if you know the guy's a good guy understands Agenda 21 the county attorney and we have 3 now to go to the county attorney go through this state what the heck do they want the same time we need to be plant we need to start to stand for each other because with a moment and they come and the fashion is there will come at our gates and say you slave you must now you will be charged by the gallon because their water belongs now to to the federal government whatever they want to claim to guess what that's what we make our stand and that's why I think they're when they saw the trespass in our property that they want trespassing now we have them all our duty to racists and we don't want to. We want to learn from that we don't want to go and start to invade their place so they have this cues that we're breaking the law that's one thing I learned out of this in my humble opinion but we got to prepare that's for sure I give you the far that the last minute Eric. I'd like it better with lawyers and preparing. You know. What we've got now all eyes on the situation and there's community all across the wild. Honey county and. We are trying to do there is what exactly what you. Mean he has been established. Elected. And now what the 3rd part of that we've attempted here last week and what is. To build the local chapter. And we had a meeting where. They're actually going to college try County we are going to try County 3 percent and that's hardly County. And then 2 other counties right there John John Barry area and I. Don't want I think Mal or county Ok. And there was a meeting with members from both county and we really showed them what we've done in Idaho and tried on the event plan and based. Far the ability to build an organization and so that it can be the 3rd heart of what is needed in that scenario of the if you can maybe which is being force and. If you which it is you know the media often call it the militia and back in 776 that's what it was called with a motion of oh well no that was just the people and people willing to defend the constitutional rights of their community. So we really worked on that last weekend. And. That's going to be put in place and to come around and we're going to bring men and pundits and purity operation and let them see how this is. Going to give them on a little bit of an education on how they can end it on their own. You know that's what we try to do every time we get involved anywhere but at the Canadian volved and have been fed up and so that we don't have to. Oh we have. A clip so if you're saying we need to be you know spread their knowledge you want to teach them how to fish by you can always they can always fish or for them that's the bottom I use a family you've got your neighborhood you've got your commute to take care and sometimes you know we can't lead but they need to leave themself listen I want to commend you for all you've done I mean this is a lot of effort I can't imagine just a barely you know it's called it's winter snow probably driving it's kind of a Hell and gas money and me why you gotta keep your rant goal you know your mortgage and your wife warry about all this I mean that's there's so much you know The song. Lyrics by myself. The 1st part of the show was recorded it was recorded to just a day before. All this mess happened all these drama all these. Terrible things happen. In Oregon I was talking with my friend Eric j. Parker and then we were talking exactly about that this potential scenario and we all know now how I ended up. Is being kilt and I don't say killed I think is being murdered this is my humble opinion according to my ice connecting to my brain I want to every one of your listeners. You can go to my website Love against freedom dot com that is on the home page short video you can see the seconds sequence of events you can see it is video from the drones of the f.b.i. Drone you can see how this man getting out the car with their hand raced you know raising his hands surrendering you were shot 1st from the 1st officer than if it was a state trooper with I we don't know yet. And then you know Course after you get shot your instinct is to put bring your hands down towards your belly you will see that he was in charge anybody who was walking about in 3 feet of snow. And regardless where you stand on this issue or Regardless if you don't believe in his stance on the b.l.m. All grace your rights or whatever even if this guy 1st of all every one of us deserve due process he wasn't guilty of anything yet so he was still an innocent man that's the bottom line more important how we need to look at somebody that surrendering for an arrest and he a shot called Blood in the face left on the ground die was left on the ground die few minutes at least 10 minutes I mean this is serious this is see this can happen now to any one of us must be an investigation it must be you know if the guy was black maybe it was in Baltimore now you would have they all town and they all county marching on the streets or maybe you know revolting all burning or whatever . The president would have been now Mr Obama would have been screaming from their White House so far nothing to find nothing disguised through the like a pig it was kill like a pig and I will go now in the 2nd hour more details analyzing Also this video and these are in profound professional on top I wouldn't give them a sling shot to these officers to shoot not only like that to somebody to surrendering belts or shoot in a crossfire I mean that was the most pathetic things I've seen and sat. And I'm sorry I wish I were drunk I wish I were drunk when we said that I said the 1st day after the occupation this is not the right way to do it is it was going to be just bring a bad ending but regardless now we need to focus also on what they've done to our human being. Ok listening to love dancing for the look on please don't go away stay tune and. There's more going on you know we've been at the if something is going to happy the more that the show is not over how it came right now this is the final part recorded on Friday that is still something happening there in Oregon but for now there's a depth that they can give you ready for our number 2 you're listening to love get some freedom. Don't go away States. The river city's entertainment podcast is an arts and entertainment show bringing you the best of local entertainment news and current events the show. Every Saturday morning at 8 pm right here on Ciccio lacks the river city's entertainment Bring you up to date on the newest. Plotline with your host Rick you for the next 30 minutes you'll be inspired. Educated. Manipulate. Your host brick you say. Good morning and welcome to the flight line I'm your host recuse for the next few minutes I'd like to give you an invitation to stick around it'll be a few minutes of motivation inspiration education done without any manipulation cause we don't try to hustle people we're not seeking money we're not trying to sell you anything we're not trying to ask you to join anything we simply want to give you some information that will help you hopefully verify and identify the plan of God for your life and if you're able to do that and then you can orient and adjust to the plan but we want you to remember that God gave you 2 ends one and a set with and one end to think with. And success in your life was going to depend on which one of those you use heads you'll win tails you'll probably lose and so as we go through the flatland we try to give you information based on the Bible what does God have to say about winning in life we talk about the flatline f l o t land of troops f l o t forward ly and of troops that means there are 10 unique problem solving devices given in the scripture that can act as a main line of resistance in your soul if in fact you will learn them and use them and that main line of resistance can stop the outside sources of adversity before they ever become the inside source of stress it's corrected adversity is inevitable but it is not correct that stresses and evitable stress is optional. Stress is what you do to yourself adversity is what circumstances do to you so learning and using a flawed line in your show 10 unique problem solving devices has a way that a Christian can advance in God's plan and it's awesome and so we like to talk about that on this radio show and let me remind you of something else we have printed material that's available free of charge and if you go to our website Rick he use ministry dot o.-r. G. Rick Hughes Ministries dot o.-r. G. You'll find our website Unfortunately there is another Richard Hughes a ministry.

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