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Face if you do not cooperate. And dramatic rescue. You gotta come out. You gotta, you gotta. Bystanders plunging into a pond to save a woman whos trapped in her sinking car. The race against time as the car is submerged. There she is. Helping her swim to shore. One of the heroes speaking out this morning. Good saturday mo i want to thank you for joining us. And we want to get right to our top story. Donald trump firing back at his accusers criticizing the women alleging Sexual Misconduct for their looks as well as their motives. There he is overnight in charlotte, North Carolina, surrounded by female supporters who took the stage to defend their candidate. But trump, as we know, is quite capable and comfortable with defending himself. Hes now blaming a conspiracy which involves the Clinton Campaign, the media, as well as foreign executives for this certainly growing. As we come on the air this morning, two more women have come forward to allege that trump made unwanted sexual advances. Were going to kick things off with abcs mary bruce who is in our Washington Bureau. Mary, good morning to you. Reporter good morning. Well, donald trump this morning says he is the victim here. Hes denouncing his accusers, blasting the media for reporting the allegations and saying this may poison the minds of the american voter. I actually like my speech better without teleprompters. Reporter this morning, donald trump is off prompter. It doesnt work. That means the company doing the teleprompter is in the back. That means they didnt do a good job, so i wont pay them. Reporter and in full attack mode. Its a total setup. Reporter trump stepping up his denial of Sexual Misconduct allegations. I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country. Reporter hes questioning maybe for financial reasons, political purposes. Reporter and going after their looks. You take a look, look at her, believe me, she would not be my first choice, that i can tell you. Man. Reporter this as two more women come forward, Kristin Anderson tells the Washington Post in the 90s she was sitting on a couch at a trendy new york nightclub when the person on my right, who unbeknownst to me at that time was donald trump, put their hand up my skirt. Reporter she says trump did to her what he bragged about on that 2005 tape. Grab them by the [ bleep ]. You can do anything. That explains it. Thats explain what happened to me. Reporter but trump said it never happened calling the allegations totally ridiculous. One came out recently where i was sitting alone in some club. I really dont sit alone that much. Like this, and then i went, wah. Reporter also accusing trump, summer zervos, a former contestant on the apprentice. He then grabbed my shoulder and began kissing me again very aggressively and placed his hand on my breast. Reporter in a statement trump said, i vaguely remember ms. Zervos. To be clear i never met her at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately a decade ago. Now, late last night the trump issued a statement from a man named who they say is zervos cousin. In a statement says he is shocked and bewildered saying ever since she was on the apprentice she said nothing but glowing things about mr. Trump. Abc did not reach mr. Barry to confirm his statements or his afillation with the campaign. Trumps running mate mike pence went on tv saying the campaign would present evidence within hours to disprove these mounting claims. Have we seen anything . Reporter well, this morning we are still waiting for that evidence. Mike pence says there will be trumps denial. So stay tuned. Paula. All right, mary, thank you. Also overnight, Hillary Clinton weighed in on what she calls trumps mistreatment of women. All of this as her campaign is facing a fresh batch of hacked emails dropped by wikileaks and abcs devin dwyer joins us from our Washington Bureau with more. Good morning, devin. Reporter good morning, paula. Hillary clinton said overnight she gets no satisfaction from the controversy surrounding donald trump, but as she prepares now for the third debate, he shy away from those accusations of sexual assault. This morning, Hillary Clinton taking donald trump to task over those sordid headlines prompted by his many women accusers. The whole world has heard how donald trump brags about mistreating women and the disturbing stories keep coming. Donald trump will stop being on the news every single day. Reporter at a seattle fundraiser clinton lashing out at trump and his new strategy of scorched earth attacks. Clinton getting some help from her top surrogate, president obama. On the road in ohio friday, he unleashed on trump. And he figures that if he makes our politics just toxic then maybe youll just figure out you got no good choices and you just get discouraged and you just dont vote. Reporter the president laying out the stake terms. Equality is on the ballot. Kindness is on the ballot. Democracy itself is on the ballot right thought. Reporter meanwhile, clinton answering new questions under oath about her private email server. Her team submitting written answers in a lawsuit filed by the conservative Group Judicial watch. Asked about details of her decision to use private email, clinton answered 20 different recall. The thing that you should be apologizing for are the 33,000 emails that you deleted. All right, devin, i want to ask you, wikileaks has claimed that they have 50,000 emails from the Clinton Campaign. So far theyve released roughly 11,000, so when will they be releasing more, and what can we expect . Reporter paula, wikileaks says they plan to release thousands of pages of these emails every day up till the election. Now, keep in mind these are emails from Clinton Campaign manager John Podestas hacked account. So far no bombshell in here, but they do reveal some insensitive language towards catholics and latinos. Some reveal the calculated, highly calculated inner workings of the campaign. Now, the clinton team says theyre not confirming the authenticity of any of these messages. They claim russia is behind them to help donald trump. Paula and dan. All right. 24 more days of this, devin, thank you. And for analysis we want to bring in abc news political contributor Kristen Soltis anderson, who joins us from washington this morning. So first and foremost, trump is saying that this is all a conspiracy, a coordinated effort between the media, the Clinton Campaign, as well as foreign governments. But is that even possible . Donald trump is certainly choosing to call out a number of different groups that voters really dont trust, whether its the media, whether its Foreign Corporations or governments and whether its the Clinton Campaign, its easy for donald trump to kind of pit himself against these things that people dont like. Whether its coordination, i think its much more likely that this is what in Campaign World we know as an oppo dump, opposition research, something where one campaign digs up dirt on the opponent and then feeds it strategically to different Media Outlets, so on wednesday night when these allegations really began to come out in full, you saw Media Outlets across the country, print and online and tv, you saw folks in local markets that are key to this election all running with the story, its not necessarily a conspiracy, but it certainly is well coordinated by the Clinton Campaign. In a normal world where Donald Trumps alleged sexual news, these wikileaks email dumps from Hillary Clintons campaign chief would be the top story. So, im just as a pollster in the current environm these leaks even making a dent in your mind . The reason these wouldnt make a dent is because already theyre confirming what many voters believe about Hillary Clinton. Weve seen in polls for the last over a year that people dont necessarily trust her, that they think that she holds different positions behind closed doors. The things in here that might be the most damaging are the sort of insulting comments about catholics, about latinos, things like that, groups that the Clinton Campaign would like to hang on to in this election but for the most part when it comes to behindthescenes emails versus allegations of Sexual Misconduct, one certainly is going to get more attention than the other, so i suspect this is unlikely to make a big headline unless we see something that really changes peoples perception of Hillary Clinton. And, kristen, as a pollster we know that those access hollywood tapes were really damaging, but any sense of the consequences so far of these before all of this came out, donald trump tended to be at about 42 in most polling averages. If he was going up or down, against Hillary Clinton, it was mostly because Hillary Clintons numbers were moving. Weve now in the last couple of days seen at least two Major National polls come out with donald trump only at 38 of the vote meaning its not just that hes losing these independents or swing voters, but hes also bleeding from his own core base of supporters. Thats going to make it much harder for him to put together the 270 electoral votes to become president. Excellent insight, kristen. Thanks for joining us from washington. 24 more days until the election but four more until the final president ial debate and thats wednesday night. Abcs chief anchor George Stephanopoulos will be leading our live with our entire Political Team right here starting at 9 00 eastern. Dan. Thats twice you mentioned 24 days. Somebody may be ready for this thing to be over. Were going to move on now, though, to the other developing story this morning. The once in a decade storm spawning at least two tornadoes in oregon damaging more than 100 homes, and it could get even worse today. Rob is all over the story this morning. Rob, good morning to you. Good morning, dan. Just surreal video watching that waterspout come onshore in oregon, ef2 with winds to potentially 130 miles an hour. Only four times since 1950 has the state of oregon seen a tornado greater than an ef1. And this is the damage it did. The mayor of manzanita declaring a state of emergency, several homes and businesses completely destroyed and, as you mentioned, over 100 homes seeing some sort of damage. Also over 100,000 people at one point without power as seattle got hit with this thing as well just plowing into British Columbia and the Intermountain West and now storm number two, this is an old typhoon, but its going to regenerate and starting to strengthen now and the track of this is key is to how strong the winds get but were pretty confident at this point that the coast will at least see 80 mile plus winds and then from excess of 50 or 60 miles an hour and another 12 inches on top of the rainfall, the record rainfall that they saw during the day yesterday. A number of watches and warnings out including a hurricaneforce wind warning, the east coast still reeling from Hurricane Matthew a week ago and some spots, the hardest spot in North Carolina with the inland flooding, the waters are still rising there today. Phillip mena is live for us in kinston, North Carolina. Good morning, phillip. Reporter rob, good morning. Hard to believe but parts of this area were actually dry yesterday. All of this floodwater from matthew now rushing in from all directions, and its quickly turning the heart of this town into an island. This morning, part of North Carolina preparing for the worst. New floodwaters now forcing kinston residents to evacuate homes and businesses one week after matthew hit. Several waterways now converging on the neuse river rising to record levels in a matter of hours. In nearby princeville over 80 thats mine down here. Reporter all the way down there . Uhhuh. Reporter Kim Kilpatrick can only watch helplessly as her home of 18 years is nearly swallowed by the river, now 20 feet higher than normal. I guess im trying to numb myself. I dont have any more tears. Reporter the rising waters fueled in part by the over 18 inches of rain dumped by matthew. The storms death toll now rising to 45 in the u. S. 24 in North Carolina. Residents hoping they dont lose everything. Im praying that we will be able to come back home because this is our family home. This is where my father and mother raised their children. Reporter this is one of the poorest areas of the country. The mayor here telling me that it took them a decade to recover from hurricane floyd and, unfortunately, paula, the flooding this time is even worse. Oh, that resident saying she had no more tears. Such a heartbreaking story, phillip. Thank you. Emergency order from the transportation department. Beginning at noon eastern today, the galaxy note 7s will be banned from all u. S. Flights because of their potential to ignite or even explode. Now, the faa is threatening to confiscate any phones if they find and keep you off that flight. And Adrienne Bankert is at l. A. X. For us this morning with more on this ban. Adrienne, good morning. Reporter good morning to you, paula. Yes, you know, the signs are already lit up here at this tsa securi c here but all across the country that nationwide ban, as you mentioned, starts today, so if you have the Samsung Galaxy note 7 on you, youll either have to ditch your phone or lose your seat on your plane. New overnight, abc news confirming southwest is joining delta and two other Major Airlines in placing fireproof bags on its flights. Bags like this one designed to contain an explosion caused by a burning phone aimed at protecting passengers from possible flareups like the smoking Samsung Galaxy note 7 on a baltimore bound southwest this is the latest headline in what is the largest recall in cell phone history and some flyers are feeling uneasy. My first time on a plane, im panicking, freaking out. Reporter meanwhile, federal authorities enforcing an emergency order banning Samsung Galaxy note 7s on board aircraft and passengers caught with the phone, theyll be denied boarding. This is a small price to pay for safety. We cannot have these phones bursting into flames on flights. Reporter the department of transportation issuing a stern statement saying passengers o attempt to evade the ban by packing their phone in checked luggage are increasing the risk of a catastrophic incident. The question is, how difficult will enforcing the new ban be . This is a safety factor and really we dont have any choice. Reporter those failing to cooperate with the new rules could be criminally prosecuted and face fines of nearly 180,000. Now, a lot of those airlines already had those bright red flight months before the Samsung Galaxy note 7 recalls, however, recent incidents with those lithium ion batteries overheating causing Major Concerns has added urgency to getting more of those bags on board. Dan and paula. Yeah, that ban beginning at 12 00 eastern. Adrienne, thank you. I feel like we havent heard enough from rob marciano so far this morning. We never hear enough from rob. What else is going on in the Weather Department . Wildfires, as a matter of fact. Well take you out west to just north of reno, nevad w there is one cranking there and did damage to over 20 homes burned, unfortunately. Its a small fire, relatively speaking, but 2,000 acres, with zero containment at this point, and weve got more winds that are coming in today in advance of this next system that we just spoke about about five minutes ago, so we have high Wind Warnings and watches posted all the way into the sierras which includes reno and that fire. 38mileanhour gusts there and when the winds gust maybe 40 miles an hour in San Francisco and, of course, we probably going to the puget sound area and will really crank the winds along the coast there. In the east, beautiful but crisp morning. We have freeze warnings and frost advisories this morning and in some cases well see a rebound of the temperatures to near 80 degrees in detroit, new york city and d. C. , indian summerlike warmth. And, yes, we have more weather coming up in about 10 to 15 minutes, and ron is looking at me like why dont you just i know. Could you just hand the baton off to ron right now. There you go right there, my bic pen. Thank you. Ive had it. Good morning to you, rob and the rest of the gang. Good morning, everyone. We begin with breaking news, the u. S. Backed Saudi Arabian Led Coalition is claiming responsibility for that bombing at a funeral in yemen last weekend that killed more than 150 people. A Saudi Arabian investigation concluding that Coalition Jets bombed the funeral after receiving wrong information. It also said that it failed to follow proper procedures to make sure that the target was not civilian. And back here in the u. S. An alleged terror plot foiled in garden city, kansas. Federal authorities arresting three men they say were plotting to bomb an apartment complex and also a mosque used by somali immigrants. The suspects, curtis allen, Patrick Stein and gavin wright, all members of a small militia group. Theyre charged with domestic terrorism which carries a maximum sentence of life in planned for the day after the november election. And a setback for the families of the victims of the 2012 newtown, connecticut, school massacre. The connecticut judge dismissing their wrongful death lawsuit that they filed against remington arms, the company that made the rifle used by adam lanza to kill 20 students and 6 adults at sandy hook elementary school. The judge saying federal law shields gun manufacturers from liability for the criminal use of their products. And a set of 1yearold twin boys born conjoined at the head, beds this morning for the first time. Doctors at a new york City Hospital performing the surgery to separate jadon and anias mcdonald. On friday the operation took more than 20 hours and required a team of 40 medical experts. Doctors saying that the boys still face a long road to recovery. Honda is recalling more than 350,000 of its new 2016 civics because of a parking brake defect. The carmaker saying they found the vehicles electric brake may not work when the engine is the car rolling away. Honda saying it hasnt received any reports though actual accidents caused by that problem. The defect can be fixed with a software update. And finally a Police Officer in south bend, indiana, taking his love of star wars like dan to the streets. His name is officer paul strabavy. Lightsabers, im not sure armed is the right word, to help him direct traffic. The jedi officer is also known for young people and older people waiting to cross the street. I think you should do the newscast like that, dan. Just saying. Step it up, man. Dan should do that. It was be one more way to get my child to admire me. Are you that proficient with a lightsaber . No, i am not. I admire his proficiency, however, i cannot do that. We make it clear. Im going to work on it. Next weekend ill bring my a game. Coming up on gma this saturday morning, take a look at this video. This is incredible. A woman trapped in that car the strangers who leapt in to save her. Youre going to see their work and hear from them including what they were telling her as that car was going down. Plus, he is known as baby buns, and we have the incredible story of this couple. Theyre sharing their joy as their miracle baby finally comes home from the hospital nearly a year after he was born. Rachel is going to have this remarkable story. Were right back with it. . Tell me what did i do wrong . Good morning america is brought to you by cigna, together all the way. Love . I never went to college. scream i dont do blood. But now, thanks to cigna, i can do more than just look the part. Is that a foot . We are the tv doctors of america. And were partnering with cigna to help save lives. By getting you to a real doctor for an annual checkup. 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So if i can go for Something Better than warfarin, ill do that too. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Plus, it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Thats what i wanted to know. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and, in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. And it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis make increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. I may not be going for the big one, but im still going for my best. And for eliquis. Reduced risk of stroke, plus less major bleeding. Hey, welcome back to gma on a saturday morning. Happening right now, donald trump is firing back hurling personal insults at his accusers as more women come forward with allegations of Sexual Misconduct. Two on friday, in fact. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is dealing with wikileaks releasing another batch of hacked emails, hacked emails from her campaign. Also right now, france remembers. President Francois Hollande leading a National Ceremony in niece marking three months since an islamic extremist plowed his truck through the crowds celebrating bastille day which killed 86 people. The Nixon Library opening again after a yearlong renovation closed it to the public. The library is complete with an exact replica of nixons oval office. Now, former secretary of state Henry Kissinger looked around times. And apparently its quite interactive. Theres a gallery right there that can take you through the watergate scandal and you can sit in the oval office and take photos on the couch or behind the desk and feel like el president e. You can delete entire minutes of conversations on the taperecorder. Do it all yourself. I dont think thats part of it. Right. Im going to be in trouble now. Coming up this morning, a story thats got us all talking. The little boy known as baby buns home from the hospital this morning almost a year after he was born. His parents over the moon and sharing the latest on their long journey. Oh. To add another member to their family. This is an incredible story. Rachel is going to have that coming up in a few minutes. Yep, thats right. But first here, incredible video, a rescue caught on camera. Bystanders rushed into these cold waters of a pond in massachusetts all to save a woman who was trapped in her car. You can see that car sinking and Marci Gonzalez joins us with more. Good morning, marci. Reporter good morning, paula and dan. Were told the driver was trying to park near that pond but mistakenly hit the gas instead of the brakes, and had a few bystanders not jumped right in, chance she would have survived. You gotta come out. You gotta come out. You gotta reporter this morning this dramatic video underscoring just how lucky the driver of this suv is to be alive. Help reporter you can hear the screaming and commotion after the vehicle accidentally plunged into this pond in arlington, massachusetts, friday afternoon. Was there just one person in there . Reporter a bystander immediatel deep, cold water calling out instructions to the 68yearold woman trapped inside the vehicle. Go to your back window. Making it to the suv just in time. I could see somebody in the drivers seat, and they were pounding on the passenger window. Reporter you see the Good Samaritan open the vehicles door to help the woman out and within seconds the suv goes under. You gotta you gotta i lost her. I lost her. Reporter the items from but no sign of the driver until there she is. Reporter the woman gasping for breath as dan frasier swims out to help. Hold on to this. Hold on. Grab on. Reporter reassuring the woman. No, youre not. Youre not dying. Reporter bringing her to safety on the shore. We just saw this woman struggling. We were just very glad that we were able to help her in this really, really urgent time of ne wed be having a different conversation right now, no question about it. Its just an extraordinary act of courage and heroism. And First Responders were there within seconds to help her out of the water and get her to a hospital where were told she was last listed in Good Condition being treated for mild hypothermia and expected to be okay. Incredible story. Absolutely. Can you imagine . More proof that people from massachusetts are valiant. Says the massachusetts native. I mean its a coincidence. Connecticut are just as valiant. Absolutely. Thats rob marciano, right, from somewhere in connecticut. Greenwich, connecticut. Yeah, there it is. Nice work. We take you to portland, oregon, my second home, spent a lot of time there. Yesterday had record rainfall. 2 to 3 inches of it falling in some of it, the small streams overflowing and, you know, the leaves getting in the storm drains and people got stranded because of it. Also, high school football, corvallis, look at this coming down in sheets. Forest grove playing Crescent City yesterday and the game went on. I think forest grove won or Crescent City . Anyway, just congratulations to both of them, all right. For getting through that torrential downpour. All right. The reason its raining so much, weve got an Atmospheric River set up meaning across nearly the entire pacific. A very dense stream of moisture in some cases tapping some of the tropics, and were going to see a lot more rain with this next system coming in. Hopefully this is a case where the opening act is worse than the second act but right now we later on this afternoon is going to be this weathercast brought to you by lowes. This just in, Crescent Valley won because against forest grove, which i know you were very concerned about. I was very concerned. I didnt know if you were going with the whole parent approach that everyone wins. Might get a little bit of rain in the ohio state wisconsin game tonight. But it shouldnt be like what we just saw. Any rain getting down to california where they need it . Not in southern california. Northern california. Any other questions for rob . Rachel, dan . I think im good. I didnt know this was going to be an open q a session. Where did you get that tie, man . Great tie. Coming up here on gma, the big news for the baby whos been followed by thousands on facebook. His parents struggled for 17 their son known as baby buns had to spend months in the hospital. The emotional homecoming this morning courtesy of the one and only rachel smith. Keep it here. . Tell me what did i do wrong . No matter what you love, well help you style your home from floor to ceiling. W get up to 40 off our best paint via rebate and make your home happy, at lowes. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Nd clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Hey, jesse. Who are you . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Over time, your money could multiply. Hello, all of you. . Baby love . . Baby love . Wow. Ooh. Look at that. Big news this morning for a little baby whos become a social media sensation. Yeah, the little boy known to hundreds of thousands of facebook followers as baby buns has graduated from the neonatal intensive unit. He is finally home after nearly a year and rachel has more on the happy news. I know. This is such a great story, guys. Good morning to you all. So this couple, they struggled with infertility for 17 years and became an internet sensation with an announcement that many of you probably remember. Its taken over a year, though, but the family is finally under one roof. Check it out. This is my first car ride. Reporter kaleb is a healthy 13pound baby boy. The miracle is here. Reporter but hes overcome unbelievable odds. After 355 days in the hospital, the little miracle now graduating from intensive care and limo riding home in style. His diploma was his discharge papers. Day dana griffin graves made this video. Whats in the oven . Revealing her pregnancy to her husband arkell. Youre pregnant born 16 weeks premature weighing only 13 ounces, dana shared every teeny step of his journey on arkell and danas baby bun Facebook Page. Although he had so many Different Things that went wrong, there was so much more that he could have had. Reporter 193,000 fans following along as kaleb snuggles his first favorite toy. And makes some of his first joyful coos. Without them we would not have been able to make it. Reporter but best of all that miraculous ride home. He was truly supposed to be here. Can you give us a smile . And that cap on him is just amazing. That little kaleb, he also has a big brother, keelyn, who dana and arkell adopted 14 years ago, so just a happy household and its really cool to see like their Facebook Page has become this forum of sorts for other families that have experienced premature births in their family. And families, im sure, that have experienced infertility. 17 years and many multiple miscarriages. These parents have also read the messages to the baby, to baby keb hospital just as support and encouragement to this little guy. So its so cool to see that. He is loved. He is loved that. I cant believe they stole my nickname for rob, though. What . Baby buns. Coming up here on gma, good tips for parents on how to help their kids with their homework without everybody getting totally stressed out. Well be right back with that and baby buns right here. I was like, whats that. My doctor said joint pain from ra. Can be a sign of existing joint damage. That could only get worse. He prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common have had hepatitis b, have been treated for. Heart failure, or if you have persistent. Fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Joint pain and damage. Can go side by side. Ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. Enbrel, the number one discover card. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. to dog give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh to dog im so proud of you. Well thank you. Get your free credit scorecard at discover. Com. . Time for weekend download. With the school year underway, kids are hitting the books, so how do you help them with the onslaught of homework and stress . Here with some advice mom. Me editor and parenting parenting expert, ericka souter. Hi. Good morning. Thanks for coming in. You know, theres talk in the Educational Community about cutting back a little on the aforementioned onslaught of homework. Where do you draw the line between making things easy and making things too easy . Well, lets get real, dan. When there is all this homework there is a lot of pressure and stress on parents too. I didnt start meditating until my son hit grade school. It was so stressful, but a lot of administrators and teachers are reacting to that. Theyre worried that all this homework are going to make kids not like school, and so we see a a lot of schools and teachers scaling back on homework, but if your child is enrolled in an academically rigorous school, its unlikely you can get them to change their homework policies, so a lot of parents are questioning is this the right environment for my kid. How do you know when weve crossed the line between good stress you know, a certain amount of stress is good and bad overwhelming potentially destructive stress . Well, theres a lot of pressure, and it begins at an early age now. But there are signs that a lot look out for. Number one, is there increased crying, anxiety and arguing. There are also physical symptoms, are there headaches, stomachaches, nightmares, decreased appetite. All those should set off alarm bells in a parents head. If your child is in a school that is academically rigorous and a lot of homework, how do you make time for downtime for the kid and family time for the rest of the gang . During the week its unlikely theres any time with homework and extracurriculars and sports so the weekends become that much more important. Like setting aside time to go to a sporting event together on a saturday or sunday. Theres also game nights. Now, your older kids may roll their eyes and may think, ah, game night, but kids get into it. We have a lot of fun once it gets going and also projects can you do together. Pick a service project, volunteer together, and that way youre spending time together with the added benefit of helping others. The important thing is find time to bond where youre not worrying about homework. It makes everyones life a lot happier. I like it. And make sure meditate. Yes. Ericka, thank you very much. Thanks for doing this, dad. So i thought it might be time to talk about a financial strategy. You mean pay him back . So lets Start Talking about your long term goals. Knowing your future is about more than just you. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for months free at mybreo. Com. . Life can be messy. But with crayola color wonder. It doesnt have to be. Because the fun stays on the page. And doesnt go anywhere else. Dont you wish life could be this messfree . All magic, no mess. Crayola aisle. . Good morning americas brought to you by crayola. This holiday the fun starts in the crayola aisle. Time for pop news with baby buns. I meant rachel. Hot cross buns. Yeah. Hot cross buns. Straighten that one out. Even going to let me out of that one. Moving on literally. People in really Great Company, kind of like ourselves, were in Great Company today, but moving on brad paisley first up took the time out of his Country Nation College tour to pay a visit to some younger students in nebraska. So the country star and the father of two made the surprise visit to Field Club Elementary in omaha. Paisley sang parts of four songs for a gym packed for of little fans and teachers. He said he felt bad that the kids wouldnt be able to make it out to one of his free concerts at a university in lincoln because they had posted this heartfelt video on youtube asking him to pay a visit to their school and, boy, did paisley deliver. When the teachers reached out on youtube, and i read that paisleys dad is the one that informed him that this video was out there and leave it to mr. Brad to deliver. Great guy. Basically his dad said, you have to do this. Yes. Like all good parents should. And he is a dad of two himself so but moving on, justin bieber, he also finds on the road during the european leg of his world tour kicking his visit into high gear on this soccer field in london they call it over there driving by and saw students at Highgate School playing, and he asked them to join in. Of course, the school took to twitter sharing photos of the students with justin giving fans an up close look at the pop star holding the soccer ball, even showing off his swift goal on youtube. And the p. E. Teacher, mario notta, reveals justin is actually a pretty good player. Yeah. If he shows up, you have to let him score. I mean, yeah, but one of the girls said whenever he showed up, they were like, whats going on. They were a little confused. And then as he got closer, the p. E. Teacher was like, oh, i know who that is immediately and live the girls spotted some tattoos and, of course, everyone was just trying to keep their cool. Of course. And you have to let the biebs score. Are you a belieber, dan . Ron says that he owes me 20 bucks. He owes him 20 bucks. What . Now, thats an upcoming pop news story there, guys. Justin bieber. 20. Yes. Oh, my gosh. Moving on, check this out. One irish grandmas got some skills, and she is not afraid to show it. Take a look at granny. Okay. You guys, you guys have seen this, right, the viral bottle flipping. Boom. Bam. Granny nailing it. Not just one bottle. Two. Dos right there. Look, even her grandson is impressed. The shades. There times in a row. Isnt that amazing . Really, really, ron . Unbelievable. The shades in tow and all, granny looking so cool, 82,000 views on facebook. Four times in a row. Thats incredible. I mean hold on. Wait. Different angle here. Whoa. Should we do a little flipflop right now . Dont do it, paula. No . If we only had a bottle. I know. We dont have a bottle, but we can do a flip cup. Ladies and gentlemen, the views and reactions of paula faris do not necessarily reflect the views of abc news. Well be back tomorrow morning what did you say . You adlibbed that, didnt you . Night crash now North Las Vegas police are trying to figure out what happened. And a wildfire burning on Mount Charleston this morning. Why people on the mountain are worried their homes may be in danger. Plus somebody has got to be responsible dennis hof loses his home to a fire in northern nevada why he says this is all the states fault. And right now an air its because of high levels of dust in the air. And dan county officials are blaming the high winds will we see more of those today . A cold front attached to a massive low pressure system on the Pacific Northwest shore will be interacting with the valley today. Winds will be the main issue with this low as skies will remain mostly sunny and rain stays away from las vegas

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