Continue into tomorrow. Wth even warmer temperatures expected saturday afternoon. Highs will climb closer to that 40 degree mark due to southeasterly winds. The above average streak of temperatures will linger through the weekend and into the start of our work week with a slight chance of a wintry mix returning for wednesday. Wx timer 40 we officially have a date for the first president ial primary. The New Hampshire primary will 9th, maintaining the states firstinthenation primary status. New hampshires cretary of state made the formal announcement thursday. The contest will be held eight days after iowa holds its caucuses on february first. In prior years. The setting of New Hampshires primary date was more uncertain, and contentious, as other states threatened to move their primary or caucus dates forward. But New Hampshire always successfully defended its early state status. And has done so again in 2016. President ial candidate marco rubio took his feud with rival ted cruz to the campaign trail in iowa. Each has accused the other of intentionally misrepresenting their past views on how to handle undocumented immigrants currently in the us. Rubio said that cruz has not told the truth about his past positions on a their battle over immigration during tuesdays republican president ial debate when rubio. Who supports potentially allowing undocumented immigrants to become citizens. E eated cruzs stance to his own. Wiggle room on legalization should he survive the republican primary. He was a supporter of legalization, said sen. Marco rubio. As he said at the time and he repeated to multiple Media Outlets for months that he supported legalizing people who were here illegally. Rubio also said he doesnt think its good for america to have millions of people permanently in the us with no chance to ever become americans. Republican president ial candidate Mike Huckabee made a Campaign Stop in siouxland yesterday. The former governor of Arkansas Made an appearance at the Sioux County Livestock Company in it was one of several stops throughout siouxland for the republican this week. Huckabee says his wellrounded principles are what set him apart from the crowd of republican candidates. Nobodys been able to, i think, embody the full breath of the republican principles not only economically, but also the principles of sanctity of life, traditional marriage, things Republican Base, said huckabee. I believe me a unique kind of level of qualification. Huckabee will still be in siouxland today, with planned stops in emmetsburg, algona, laurens, storm lake and sac city. Ben carson will be in siouxland this morning. At nine, hell takakpart in a meet andndreet at ena Vista University in storm lake. That will be followed by a townhall meeting at Northwestern College in orange city at 3 this afternoon. And a rally in sioux city at stoney creek inn tonight at 7. Watch for coverage tonight on ktiv news 4. Democratic National Committee accused presidenenal candidate Bernie Sandersrscampaign of improperly accessing confidential voter information gathered by Hillary Clintons campaign. Sanders Campaign Manager jeff that a lowlevel Campaign Staffer had viewed the information. But he blamed a Software Vendor hired by the dnc for a glitch that allowed the staffer to gain access to the data. Since been fired over the incident. The incident has led to suspending the sanders campaigns access to a list of likely democratic voters. The update briefly opened a window into proprietary information from other campaigns. Officials with the vendor say a full audit will be conducted. Democratic president ial candidate Bernie Sanders will make Campaign Stops in siouxland next week. On monday,he vermont senator will be speaking at the boys club of sioux city at 7 p. M. On tuesday he will be at buena Vista University in storm lake at 10 a. M. The last time sanders campaigned in siouxland was in july. Yesterday, russian president Vladimir Putin yesterday called donald trump quote the absolute leader of the president ial race. Putin told reporters he welcomed trumps interest in improving relations us and russia. And he called trump a very bright person, talented without a doubt. Defense secretary ash carter admits he made a mistake by using a personal email account for some official pentagon business. On a visit to iraq, carter said he never sent any stopped the practice a fefe months ago. He told reporters, quote, i should have known better. The Senate Armed Services committee will review the matter. Star wars fever began last evening at the promenade in downtown sioux city. Dozens of people filed in before the seven oclock premiere of the movie. There were people of all ages looking forward to catching the force awakens as soon as they could. The battles, the lightsaber battles and he likes the laser battles, said 11yearold xander deleperdang. First movie there was not that much computer graphics, said david satory, a sioux city resident. Second set had a lot of computer graphics. This ones supposed to be a mix of both so im happy both ways. Many fans were dressed in costumes to help bring the movie alive in their own way. Princess leia because shes the girl, said cathy robinson, a marcus, iowa resident. Shes the pretty princess. So thats why. Ive got the mandalorian mask going on, said patrick davidson, a sioux city resident. It shows how m mh himself. And to celebrate the premiere, the promenade offered special star wars popcorn bins and soda cups. The promenade wasnt the only place with star wars mania. This was the scene at carmike cinema inside the Southern Hills mall where fans were getting ready to watch the movie. After seeing the movie, the initial reaction from star wars fans was that the film lived up to all the hype. It opens up a whole new chapter for what theyre going to come out with next, said charles watkins. Ts actually a lot me exciting than i thought it was going to be. Coming in i wasnt sure what to expect, but after watching the movie, i must say, its a must see. Star wars the force awakens is considered one of the most anticipated movies of the Online Shopping has tremendously increased this year. Coming up, well show you how residential areas are dealing with the abundance of packages. Ben and ill have your complete some using high tech, and some just plain refusing to handle any of it. One thing we know for sure is the problem will only get worse. Diana olick looks at the latest solutions. Thousand dollars to install, but in high end buildings. sot mark alfieri, Monogram Residential trust ceo for our particular demographic it is absolutely a requirement. reporter standup diana olick but other landlords claim this wont be able to handle the surging supply, esescially in larger buildings. Thats why one major re, Camden Property trust, simply said no to packages in the mailroom. Managing the glut, they claim was costing more than three Million Dollars a year. sot kristy simonette, Camden Property trust cio lost productivity is absolutely part of the equation, but it really c ce down to allowing our employees to service our residents and take care of our real estate, which is really the business that were in. Camden Property Trust has 59 thousand Apartment Units spanning 10 states and the district of columbia. Last march they rolled out the no package policy, which was not a popular with tenants. sot kristy simonette, Camden Property trust cio o weve had a few residents tell us they plan not to renew their lease, but a ain, any time you make a change to the policy, you some residents sot miclle young, camden tenant it doesnt bother me because we have a lot of security here. Ive seen things by peoples doors for weeks. Safer by elevator perhaps, than by sleigh. That was diana olick reporting. Camden does allow couriers to deliver to tenants doors and leave packages there. They claim 75 of tenants have opted to do that and more than one hundred thousand packages have already arrived still to come on news 4 today. Santa has his own castle right here in siouxland. Well take you their next and show you the magical place fillededith christmas cheer. Its like a step bacacin time. Window shopping brought back alive in storm lake, iowa. Ktivs sam curtiss takes us to santas castle. Iowa said ron stevenson. This is my sixth year as said ron stevenson. Everybody that walks through the door is just happy to be here, said ron stevenson. We dont have any sometimes. I get everything from puppies to kitties to the wiz, said santa. I just had one child say i want the world to be peaceful and brought a tear to my eye, said santa. One wanted a little sister tonight, said santa. Workiki on the c cstle itself its a year und project, said s sta. Thehes 65 decorated chrimas trees [and] theres 70 pieces of animation, said ron stevenson. But the secret is the animation always stays the same, said ron stevenson. Its how we redecorate each year. Its how its displayed, said ron down low to the ground so children ages two, three and four have an eye son view of it. Its their size, said ron stevenson. They actually think its real. Where else can you go see christmas like this . Asked ron stevenson. Not at a shopping mall. Castle, its open tomorrow from 10 am to 2 pm. The weather is supposed to be pretty mild this weekend. T. J. s in next with the details. And the new star wars movie has special meaning for one little boy. Well show you how hes using continue into tomorrow. With even warmer temperatures expected saturday afternoon. Highs will climb closer to that 40 degree mark due to southeasterly winds. The aboveve average streak of temperattres will linger through the weekend and into the start of our work week with a slight chance of a wintry mix the opening of the new star wars movie has special meaning for a young boy in new york. Its the chance for sevenyearold Samuel Johnson to rekindle his love of the movie franchise. And to continue to make strides in fighting a lifelong developmenta l disability. Sarahbeth ackerman has the and all things vader is much stronger than he may even realize. His mother says he was diagnosed with autism when he was just f fur years old. After discovering thh world of lightsabers, he hasslearned ways to cope with his autism. elizabeth johnson, boys mother since darth vader hes actually picking up a pencil and drawing pictures. He wants to write stories about darth vader. Hes doing all of his school work with incentives to get pictures printed of darth vader. And to talk about star wars. Hes connecting with peers because of the new movie coming out. With the help of his speech therapist and teachers, samuel has become more verbal and vocal. nats he also likes tt reenact certain portrtns of ththmovies. nats all of this helps samuel ally branch out. nats without a doubt the force is with little samuel. mats its. Time for a break. But were back in just a moment with more news and weather for you on news4 its. Time for a break. But were back in just a moment with more news and weather for you on news4 today. First though. Heres a look at some of the events on the ktivdotcom community calendar. Coming up in this half hour. President obama visits with the families of the victims of thehe San Bernardino attack. K. This athe feds charge a friend and neighbor of the shooters with conspiring to carry out the deadly rampage, as well as two attacks. Weve got the latest from washington. Also. Weve got the latest on band director at sioux citys North High School accused of sending sexual Text Messages t ta student. And in healthbeat 4. Mamang the holidays a special time for the countrys veterans. A donation of special wheelchairs are giving them mobility like never before. But first ben. Pleasant conidtions will continue into tomorrow. With even warmer temperatures expected saturday afternoon. Highs will climb closer to that 40 degree mark due to southeasterly winds. The above average streak of temperatures will linger through the weekend and into the start of our work week with a slight chance of a wintry mix returning for wednesday. Today president obama meets with families from the San Bernardino terror attack. After assuring americans that the government knows of nothing else in the works. Tracie potts is in washington this morning with a preview of todays trip. Obama meet privately with families from the San Bernardino attack. The governments filed charges against Enrique Marquez the man who bought two of the four guns used. Hes charged with helping syed farook plot earlier attacks in 2011. That never happened. President obamas message after reviewing the latest intelligence sot president barack obama no super intelligence and counterterrorism professionals do not have any specific and credible information about an attack on the homeland. But lawmakers s ent satisfied the administration really knows whos crossing our borders sot rep. Jason Chaffetz R Utah you can see why we are scared to death that this administration , the department of homeland security, the state department is not protecting the american people. San bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik was allowed in. Even after talklkg about jihad sot rep. Jason Chaffetz R Utah they made the wrong call they made a really wrong call. The San Bernardino investigation is ongoing sot james comey fbi director untangling the motivations of which particular terrorist propaganda motivated them and in the fbis trying to figure out what the shooters were doing. In the hours after the attack. Couple was buried privately in an undisclosed im tracie potts in washington, a harrisisrg, pennsylvania man was arrested yesterday for trying to provide Material Support for isis. The investigation into 19year old jalil l n ameer aziz started on november 27th. Investigators found a backpack in azizs closet, which contained highcapacity weapons magazines, ammunition, a knife, and other survival items. Aziz is also accused of using multiple twitter accounts to give out information reported members of the u. S. Military. He called out for as agait u. S. Citizens. Disney world, sea world and universal theme parks have all installed metal detectors at park entrances. Park Officials Say the move is around the world. All three parks have also added more uniformed security guards inside and outside e parks. On social media, m my Theme Park Fans welcomed the changes calling them long overdue. Archiving continued yesterday of the documents and items collected from memorials to the paris attack victims. Officials are rounding up items as part of a permanent memorial archive for the attacks. They say the goal is to never let futurere generations forget. More tn a reminder of the attacks themselves, the archive will show the solidarity and support that blossomed over the days that followed. The director of the paris archives has said that the collection will be open to the public. So, far no charges have been connection with a threat at the high school in newman grove, nebraska. The threat was posted on facebook and forced authorities to lockdown the school wednesday. The school was searched and given the all clear later in the afternoon. The four students were being held at the northeast nebraska juveniele detention center. North high school was arrested. Were learning more about what happened after he resigned last friday. Sioux city police took Lucas Sursely into custody yesterday morning. Authorities are charging him minor. According to Court Documents admitted to police he sent pictures of himself wearing underwear to a 15yearold student and asked her a sexual question. Sursley resigned last friday shortly after an investigation into these claims started. Superintendent dr. Paul gausman says allowing sursely to resign helps disconnect him from the school faster. We recieved the information on friday afternoon [and] we immediately acted, said dr. Paul gausmann. The investigation continued to the other part where we brought in other agencies and authorities. We took the appropiate action related to that. We will continue to behave with that level of care [and] that level of caution. Dr. Gausman added surselys case has been sent to the iowa educational board of it deals with teacher certifications. Sursely could face up to five years in prison if convicted. Sioux city was iowas leading Manufacturing Center from the late 1880s to the 1960s. Yesterday afternoon, dozens of people gathered at the Sioux City Public Museum to learn about the history behind the citys durable goods manufacturin g industry. The presentation talked about the more than 150 manufacturer s in sioux city in 1890 and that doubled by the 1920s, according to museum representatives. Its my goal to help people not only remember some of these things, because many of these manufacturies have been around in living memory, but also to remind people of our past, said tom munson, archival clerk for the Sioux City Public Museum. The presentation was part of the museums high time at noon series. It is a Monthly Program where people can bring their lunch and listen to photo history lessons. A new type of wheelchair is helping paralyzed veterans. Thats coming up in healthbeat four. Average streak of temperatures will linger through the weekend and into the start of our work week with a slight chance of a wintry mix returning for wednesday. During the Holiday Season we all want everybody to have a special christmas. One Oklahoma Company is giving back to veterans in a big way. Giving them the gift of mobility. Lacey lett has more on the unique donation in healthbeat four. nats veteran its a new ride around town for a group of disabled veterans. Nine all terrain wheelchairs were given to the midamerica chapter of the paralyzed veterans of america on tuesday. sot hodge wood, disabled veteran a hunting trip or a fishing trip. You just cant do that with most systems. 200,000 Christmas Gift from the employees at itc, an electric transmission company. sot Gary Walker Itc area manager, comm. Affairs so he said ok employees every dollar you raise ill personally match and then the company matched. reporter stand up lacey lett doing easy tasks like stepping up onto a sidewalk is almost impossible in a regular wheelchair, but now with one of these donated track chairs, its making it much easier for disabled veterans to get around. sot bill kokendoffer, disabled veteran going across the yard. When youve sat in a chair for 40 years saying i wish i could away or 100 feet away you might be in the next town over. The organization plans on loaning the new wheelchairs to its 800 members on a first come first serve basis. That way veterans like hodge wood, a former air force Service Member can go to places theyve never dreamed theyd achieve again. sot hodge wood, disabled veteran well if i can afford the money to get back to the gulf shore thats exactly what came to mind when i got in. That was lacey lett reportiti. 20thousand dollars each. Stil to come on news 4 today. Paypal is changing their maternity and paternity leave for next year. And some movie theatres are trying to get rid of the lines by letting you preorder yesterday the stock market gave back all of its big gains from wednesday. Mining companies fell along with the price of gold and copper, while a proposed congressiona l budget deal sent Solar Power Companies higher. The dow fell 253 points to finish at 17,495. The nasdaq dropped more than 68 points. And the s p lost 31 points. Paypal is doubling parental leave for new mothers who work at the company, starting in january. New moms will get 16 weeks of fully paid leave, up from the previous policy of eight weeks off with 80 percent pay. New dads will get eight weeks, a perk previously offered only in california. The us is far behind europe, where six months of paid parental leave is common. For those still needing to wrap up their holiday shopping, today is Free Shipping day. More than n 0 merchants are taking part this year. With offers of items that will purportedly arrive by christmas purchase required. To check out who is participating. Log on to Free Shipping day dot com. Next time you go to the movies. You may not have to wait in line for your popcorn. Amc theaters and Regal Entertainment are Testing Technology that allows moviegoers to preorder and prepay for their food and drinks via an app on their smartphones. Customers then collect their items at a pickup station. Amc has been testing its version of the service at four theaters in kansas city while regal has been testing five theaters in when we come back, well have a rundown of the top headlines in siouxland. Plus. Netflix has released the and Macaulay Culkin is not a fan of being left home alone. Thats coming up in thth hollywood mimite. The sioux city North High School band director who resigned abruptly last week has been arrested and charged with Sexual Exploitation of a minor. Thats a class d felony against 34year old Lucas Sursely. Urt documents say sursely admitted to police he sent pictures of himself wearing underwear to a 15yearold student and asked her a sexual question. He could face up to five years in prison if convicted. Republican president ial candidate Mike Huckabee brings his campaign back to siouxland. The Sioux County Livestock Company in sioux center was one of several stops for the former arkansas governor on thursday. Huckabee, who won the 08 iowa caucus, says nobodys been able to embody the things that matter to the Republican Base like sanctity of life and traditional marriage like he has. He continues his siouxland visit today with stops in emmetsburg, laurens, storm lake and sac city. Siouxlanders line up to see the world premier of star wars the force awakens. Sioux citys promenade and Carmike Cinemas were both packed with movie goers last night. Blockbuster is today, but early night. Fans we talked to say the movie hype. One moviegoer told us its a must see. Remember the show. Full house . We now know when netflix is releasing the full house reboot appropriately titled fuller house. Plus Macaulay Culkin still seems upset after being left home alone. Mary moloney explains in todays hollywood minute. And let us know the Tanner Family is moving back in february. nats max the e ir, huh . Yeah max, cut it out. It became an instant comedy classic nats ahh Kelly Clarkson but on inside the Actors Studio steve carell said 40yearold virgin was nearly shut down for good. steve carell actor universal saw the dailies and thought, this guy killer. Lucky for us ththcast and crew got the movie made for moloney. Weve got a lot headed your way in our third half hour. Todais National Ugly sweater day. Weve got our ugly sweater competition coming up. And weve got some doozies youll want to see. Plus we have todays holiday trivia question. D the Bishop Heelan n rls are ranked in iowas class 4a but they ran into buzzsaw from an unranked team from sioux falls. Well have the highlights good morning. Thanks for joining us on this friday, december 18th. Coming up in this half hour of news 4 today. Republican marco rubio criticizes ted cruzs plan to deal with immigration while on the campaign trail iiowa. Well hear from rubio about what he had to say. And another republican president ial candidate campaigned in siouxland yesterday. Former arkansas governor Mike Huckabee talk to voters in the hawkeye state. And the wait is over for star wars fans. Movie theaters across siouxland were packed with people hoping to catch one of the first showings of the new movie. Well check out the excitement in just a minute. And later. Well check out a special place in storm lake, iowa thats filled with christmas spirit. And dont miss our ugly sweater competition coming up. Well reveal our festive threads but first, heres ben. Primary. The New Hampshire primary will be held on tuesday, february 9th, maintaining the states firstinthenation primary status. New hampshires secretary of state made the formal announcement thursday. The contest will be held eight days after iowa holds its caucuses on february first. In prior years. The setting of New Hampshires primary date was more uncertain, and contentious, as other states threreened to ve their primary or caucus dates forward. But New Hampshire always successfully defended its early state status. And has done so again in 2016. President ial candidate marco rubio took his feud with rival ted cruz to the campaign trail in iowa. Each has accused the other of intentionally misrepresenting their past views on howowo handle undocumented immigrants curreny in the us. Rubio said that cruz has not told the truth about his past positions on a legalization process. Their battle over immigration exploded during tuesdays republican president ial debate when rubio. Who supports allowing undocumented immigrants to become citizens. Equated crcrs stance to his own. Rubio says cruz left himself wiggle room on legalization should he survive the republican primary. He was a supporter of legalization, said sen. Marco and he repeated to multiple Media Outlets for months that he supported legalizing people who were here illegally. Rubio also said he doesnt think its good for america to have millions of people permanently in the us with no chance to ever become citizens. Republican president ial candidate Mike Huckabee made a Campaign Stop in siouxland yesterday. The former governor of Arkansas Made an appearance at the Sioux County Livestock Company inin sioux centnt. It was one of several stops throughout siouxland for the republican this week. Huckabee says his wellrounded principles are what set him apart from the crowd of republican candidates. Nobodys been able to, i think, embody the full breath of the republican principles not only economically, but also the principles of sanctity of life, traditional marriage, things that really matter to the Republican Base, said huckabee. That give me a unique kind of level of qualification. Huckabee will still be in siouxland today, with planned stops in emmetsburg, algona, laurens, storm lake and sac city. Ben carson will be in siouxland this morning. At nine, hell take part in a meet and greet at buena Vista University in storm lake. That will be followed by a townhall meeting at Northwestern College in orange city at 3 p. M. And a rally in sioux city at stoney creek inn tonight at 7. Watch for coverage tonight on ktiv news s democratic National Committee officials have accused president ial candidate Bernie Sanders campaign of improperly accessing confidential voter information gathered by Hillary Clintons campaign. Sanders Campaign Manager jeff weaver says that a lowlevel Campaign Staffer had viewed the Software Vendor hired by the dnc for a the staffer to gain access to the data. Weaver says the staffer has since been fired over the incident. The incident has led to suspending the sanders campaigns access to a list of likely democratic voters. The update briefly opened a window into proprietary information from other campaigns. Officials with the vendor say a full audit will be conducted. Democratic president ial candidate Bernie Sanders will make Campaign Stops in siouxland next week. On monday, the vermont senator will be speaking at the boys club of sioux city at 7 p. M. On tuesday he will be at buena Vista University in storm lake at 10 a. M. The last time sanders campaigned in siouxland was in july. Yesterday, russian p psident Vladimir Putin yeyeerday called donald trump quote the absolute leader of the president ial race. Putin told reporters he welcomed trumps interest in improving relations between the us and russia. And he called trump a very bright person, talented without a doubt. Defense secretary ash carter admits he made a mistake by using a p psonal email account for some official pentagon business. He never sent any classified information and stopped the practice a few months ago. He told reporters, quote, i known better. The Senate Armed Services committee will review the matter. Star wars fever began last evening at the promemede in downtown sioux city. Dozens of people filed in before the seven oclock premiere of the movie. There were people of all ages looking forward to catching the could. The battles, the lightsaber battles and he likes the laser xander deleperdang. First movie there was not that david satory, a sioux city resididt. Second set had a lot of computer graphphs. This ones supposed to be a mix of both so im happy both ways. Many fans were dressed in costumes to help bring the movie alive in their own way. Princess leia because shes the girl, said cathy roronson, a marcus, iowa resident. Shes the pretty princess. So thats why. Ive got the mandalorian mask going on, said patrick it shows how much of a mandalorian how revan took on the Mandalorian Army on by himself. The promenade theater is showing the movie nearly 2 dozen times on the hour or half f ur today. The promenade wasnt the only place with star wars mania. This was the scene at carmike cinema inside the Southern Hills mall where fans were getting ready to watch the movie. After seeing the movie, the initial reaction from star wars fans was that the film lived up to all the hype. It opens up a whole new chapter for what theyre going to come out with next, said charles watkins. Its actually a lot more exciting than i thought it was going to be. Coming in i wasnt sure what to expect, but after watching the movie, i must say, its a must see. Both of sioux citys cinemas are showing star wars the force awakens on multiple screens, about one showing each hour. Its even available in 3d santa has his own castle right here in siouxland. Well take you their next to show you how hes spreading the christmas cheer. And ill have your complete forecast next announcer a horrific teteor attack in paris. Then, a brutal act of terror here at home. Its time for a tested and proven leader who wont try to contain isis. To destroy them. And keep america safe. Jeb bush the United States should not delay in leading a Global Coalition to take out isis with overwhelming forcrc announcer tested and proven leadership matters. Jeb bush. Right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. Paris theres a lot to do on a dairy farm. Nobodys gonna do it for you. You have to get out there and do it yourself. Bernie sanders is a wellknown friend of family farms. Bernie cannot be bought out by big money. Bernies opinion cannotote purchased. Its time for our next president to get in there, roll up his sleeves, take off the gloves, and take on wall street, take on big business, take on big money, and get the working class back to where they should be. Hes a rock. Continue into tomorrow. With even warmer temperatures expected saturday afternoon. Highs will climb closer to that 40 degree mark due to southeasterly winds. The above average streak of tempeeatures will lingee through the weekend and into the start of our work week with a slight chance of a wintry mix returning for step inside e is storm lake attraction and its like taking a step back in time. Ktivs sam curtiss takes us to santas castle. If you want to visit santas castle, its open tomorrow from 10 am to 2 pm. The Bishop Heelan girls are buzzsaw from an unranked team from sioux falls. Well have the highligs. And, the sgt. Bluffluton wrestlers try to stick north and west. Some ranked teams fared better than others on the coururlast night. Ktivssrad pautsch has more in the sports fource morning wrap. In the latest class 4a rankings. After an Opening Night loss to west, the crusaders have won their next two games. Heelan trying to make it three in a row against sioux falls roosevelt. The crusaders were in trouble right from the start. Roosevelt was on fire from the outside tahia mitzel drops in the 3. Rough riders up 163 after a quarter. The crusaders try to catch up. Lexie stolen drives through the lane and get the runner to fall but heelan was down by 20 in the second quarter. Heelan picks up the defense Mckenzie Pratt with the steal ahead to grace hanno for the layin but the crusaders only scored 9 points in the first half. Roosevelt pulls away maddon wawatman drops inhe long 2 and the rough riders win at heelan 5736. Wrestling triangular sgt. Bluffluton had already beaten west trying to top north. We start at 113 pounds sbl sophomore Ethan Kempema gets the near fall for 3 points he wins 9 nothing to improve to 71 on the season. Sbl rolls at 120 8thranked rhyker sims just a sophomore gets the first period back points he would win by technical fall hes the warriors dominate the lighter weights secondranked brayden curry did everything but pin his man curry wins the bout 14 to 2 and sgt. Bluffluton improves to 80 in duals with a 5517 win. For more basketball action check out sportsfource extra tonight at ten. Im brad pautsch with the sports fource morning wrap. The weather is looking g gd for the weekend. T. J. s in next with the forecast. Plus, well have todays holiday trivia. And its time for us to put on our ugly christmas sweaters. Wx timer 1 15 abundant sunshine returns today with temperatures climbing closer to average levels once again. Highs will approach the upper 20s totoay to near 0 in most spots. The dome of highhpressure giving us oururpleasant conidtions will continue into tomorrow. With even warmer temperatures expected saturday afternoon. Highs will climb closer to that 40 degree mark due to southeasterly winds. The above average streak of temperatures will linger through the weekend and into the start of our work week with a slight chance of a wintry mix returning for wednesday. Every year, al, ben, and i have our best christmas threads. Tj is filling in for ben this morning and our producer, kaitlyn, is getting it on it, too. Ad lib about sweaters and be sure to vote for which of our sweaters is your favorite. Go to the ktiv Facebook Page to its time for todays 12 days of holiday trivia question. Today is the ninth question of 12. Al has 8 points i have 6 and ben has 5. Each day we play for a player at for today. Im playing for kim riordan from pierson, iowa. Im playing for jalene woods of meriden, iowa. And im playing for ben today. And hes playing for tammy so lets get to it. Heres our morning show producer Kaitlyn Kinney with todays question. Ok guys. If you get the question correct, your players win a 20 dollar gift card to a step in thyme florals. If you get the question wrong theyll get a 10 dollar gift card to the floral shop. Here is todays question. How many gifts would you receive if you received all of the gifts in the song the 12 days of christmas . a 364 b 12 c 120 d 99 and you can play from home. Give us your answers on the Facebook Page. Al and sarah . Its. Time for a break. Were back with our fourth half hour of news 4 today. First though. Heres a look at some of the events on the ktivdotcom community calendar. Have your next burger with a side of awesome. The oneofakind, creamy blend of sweet and tangy. Miracle whip and proud of it. At kraft we start with quality ingredients. All expertly blended to make our mayo. So you can take whatever youre making good morning and welcome back to news 4 today. Coming up in this half hour. President obama visits with the families of the victims of the San Bernardino attack. This as the feds charge a friend and neighbor of the shooters deadly rampage, as well as two other attacks. Weve got the latesfrom washington. Also. Weve got the latest on the investigation of a former band director at sioux citys North High School accused of sending sexual Text Messages to a student. And well answer todays holiday trivia question and well tell you how you can get your hands on a ugly christmas sweater and support a siouxland charity, too. But first ben. Today president obama meets wiwi familili from the San Bernardino terror attack. After assuring americans that the government knows of nothing else in the works. Tracie potts is in washington this morning with a preview of todays trip. Farook plot earlier attacks in 2011. That never happened. President obamas message after reviewing the latest intelligence sot president barack obama no super intelligence and counterterrorism professionals do not have any specific and credible information about an attack on the homeland. But lawmakers arent satisfied the administration really knows whos crossing our borders sot rep. Jason Chaffetz R Utah you can see why we are scared to death that this administration , the department of homeland security, the state department is not protecting the american people. San bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik was allowed in. Even after talking about jihad sot rep. Jason Chaffetz R Utah they made the wrong call they made a really wrong call. The San Bernardino investigation is ongoing sot james comey fbi director untangling the motivations of which particular terrorist propaganda motivated them and in what ways remains a challenge. The fbis trying to figure out what the shooters were doing. In the hours after the attack. Before they were killed. The couple was buried privately in an undisclosed cemetary. Im tracie potts in washington, now back to you. A harrisburg, pennsylvania man was arrested thursday for trying to provide Material Support for isis. The investigation into 19year old Jalil Ibn Ameer aziz started on november 27th. Investigators found a backpack in azizs closet, which contained highcapacity weapons magazines, ammunition, a knife, and other survival items. Aziz is also accused of using multiple twitter accounts to give out information on 100 reported members of the u. S. Military. He called out for violence against them, as well as against u. S. Citizens. Disney world, sea world and universal theme parks have all installed metal detectors at park entrances. Park Officials Say the move is in response to growing violence around the world. All three parks have also added more uniformed security guards inside and outside parks. On social media, many Theme Park Fans welcomed the changes calling them long overdue. Documents and items collected from memorials to the paris attack victims. Officials are rounding up items as part of a permanent memorial archive for the attacks. They say the goal is to never let future generations forget. More than a reminder of the attacks themselves, the archive will show the solidarity and ort that blossomed over the days that followed. The director of the paris archives has said that the collection will be open to the public. So, fano charges have been filed against four students in connection with a threat at the high school in newman grove, nebraska. The threat was posted on facebook and forced authorities to lockdown the school wednesday. The school was searched and given the all clear later in the afternoon. Held at the northeast nebraska center. A former band director at sioux city North High School out on bond. Hes accused of sending sexual messages to a student. Ktivs sam curtiss with reaction from the superintendent of Sioux City Community schools. Lucas sursely on thursday. He facing charges for sexually exploiting a minor following a complaint about the former north high band director last friday. I assure the community that we take matters of this nature very seriously, said dr. Paul gausman. Sioux City Community school alerted authorities, and hours later, sursely resigned the job that started in 2013. Court documents paint a deeper picture. A 15yearold student on the receiving end of a picture of sursely in his underwear. Then, asking that student something sexual in nature. All of which, according to the documents, sursley admitted to authorities that friday. The districts top priority is to ensure a Safe Learning environment for our students, said dr. Paul gausman. Superintendent dr. Paul gausman says sursely resignation accelerates the distance between the school and former employee. There are times where a resignation brings that closure with a certain level of immediacy in certain areas, said dr. Paul gausmann. Just a few months ago, sursely students at starfest, talking about the effort put into the marching band festival. Whats a lot of fun is putting in all the work in august and september and and you can ever imagine, said Lucas Sursely. Sursley, now faces five years in prpron if sam curtiss, ktiv, newew4. Surselys scheduled to appear before a judge on december 28th. Were back after the break with trivia question. And ill have your complete forecast next wake up in your first home. Wake up in a home youve made a bit bigger. Wake up in a home with a new address. Wake up in a home that doesnt even have an address. As your life evolves, your dream home evolves too, and prprecting it takes committed support. See how you can save with dont forget to take a guess at this mornings 12 days of holiday trivia question. How w ny gifts would you r reive if y y received all of the gifts in the song the 12 days of christmas . a 364 b 12 c 120 d 99 and be sure to weigh on what you think the answer is on the Facebook Page. So are you looking for the perfect ugly christmas sweater this year . It can be hard to find some original ones. But a op in siouxland is offering some special sweaters, and its all to benefit a local homeless shelter. Stay tuned for that, but well head into the break with some of your photos of your paris theres a lot to do on a dairy farm. Nobodys gonna do it for you. You have to get out there and do it yourself. Bernie sanders is a wellknown friend of family farms. Bernie cannot be bought out by big money. Bernies opinion cannot be purchased. Its time for our next president to get in there, roll up his sleeves, take off the gloves, and take on wall street, and get the working class back to where they should be. Hes a rock. If you missed the tonight show on the show tonight, john boyega and channing tatum. You can catch the tonight show with jimmy fallon right here on ktiv at 10 35 after news 4. Friday sarah singer Christina Aguilera is 35 al Actress Katie Holmes is 37 sarah pop singer sia is 40 al rapper dmx is 45 sarah professional wrestlerturnedactor stone cold steve austin is 51 al Actor Brad Pitt is 52 sarah comedian ron white is 59 al actor ray liotta is 60 sarah movie reviewer leonard al movie producer director Steven Spielberg is 69 sarah rock singer musician Keith Richards is 72 our first 4 on 4 birthday of the week is hazel spreeman. Shes from norfolk, nebraska. Hazel turned four on saturday, december 12th. She loves dancing, playing outside and reading books. Next we have james from calumet, iowa. He turned four on wednesday, december 16th. James loves superheros, farming and any sport. Celebrating another wednesday, december 16th birthday is aiden. Hes from spencer, iowa. Aiden likes his new puppy named solo and Remote Control cars. From. Wakefield, nebraska we have timothy. Hes celebrating his birthday saturday, december 19th. He loves tractors, girls and he loves to dance. And our final 4 on 4 birthday today is elsie. Shes from sioux city. Shell also be celebrating her birthday tomorrow, saturday, december 19th. She loves minnie mouse, frozen, and watching barbie movies. Do you have a siouxland kid celebrating a fourth birthday . Send us their picture about a week ahead of time, some fun facts about them and well put it on friday 4 on 4s. And weve been asking you to share your photos of your best ugly sweaters. Carol ruden sent us this one. These are the ladies at the le mars, iowa hyvee pharmacy. Heidi sagert from sioux city sent us this one. This is heidi and her husband, aj, at her Company Christmas s rty last weekend. And she saysyses she made them and her husband was a good sport about it. Heres one from lindy johnson. And he made this last year for a contest for the ugliest sweater and he won. Check out bear. He lives in leeds and hes a 13weekold newfoundland puppy and hes keeping warm m his ugly sweweer. And he did seem to mind wearing it. Thanks miles petersen for sending that to us. If you have an ugly sweater you want to show off. Send us your pics. You can send them to connect ktiv. Com, or you can post them to our Facebook Page. Our christmas sweaters were hand made by the staff and volunteers at crossroads shelter for homeless women and children. They made hundreds of sweaters as a fundraiser for the shelter and the women that stay there. Here to tell us how you can get your hands on one is the director of the shelter, alice mollet. Alicic thanks for being here. Crossroads got together to make these amazing sweaters, how many did you make . Theres only one place in siouxland to get your hands on them. Where can people pick them the sweaters are going quickly, but there are still plenty left. How will that money be used . What are some of the services crossroads provides . How many women and children do you help each year . Whats the connection with crossroads and classique closet. If an ugly christmas sweater isnt your thing, youre still looking for donations of clothing and were wrapping things up on this friday morning. When we come back well give you the top stories in siouxland. And one couple in chicago is hoping santa will see their friday morning in siouxland. The sioux city North High School band director who resigned abruptly last week has bebe arrested and arged with Sexual Exploitation thats a class d felony against 34year old Lucas Sursely. Court documents say sursely admitted to police he sent pictures of himself wearing underwear to a 15yearold student and asking her a sexual question. He could face up to five years in prison if convicted. Republican president ial candidate Mike Huckabee brings his campaign back to siouxland. The Sioux County Livestock Company in sioio center was one of several stops for the former arkansas governor on thursday. Huckabee, who won the 2008 iowa caucus, says nobodys been able to embody the things tt matter to the Republican Base like sanctity of life and traditional marriage like he has. He continues his siouxland visit today with stops in emmetsburg, laurens, storm lake and sac city. Siouxlanders line up to see the world premier of star wars the force awakens. Sioux citys promenade and Carmike Cinemas were both packed with movie goers last night. The official release of the blockbuster is today, but early screenings started at seven last night. Fans we talked to say the movie lived up to the hype. One moviegoer told us its a guthrie good morning. Coming up, breaking news in the president ial race of accessing Hillary Clintons private campaign data. Were live with the punishment also ahead. Theme parks, across the what the new measures will mean then. Carson pays it forward to a remarkable woman, whos been steering kids in the right direction for more than 4 decades. Plus. What fans are saying, after packing theaters overnight to see the new star wars. And, han solo himself harrison ford. When we see you, here on today. A chchstmas display outside of chicago is getting a lot of attention lolo at this giant letter to santa its accompanied by a humongous pencil, glass of milk and even a time to answer todays 12 days of holiday trivia question. Today is the ninth question of 12. I have 8 points. Sarah is in second with 6. And ben is in third with 5. Lets go to our morning show producer Kaitlyn Kinney. Ok, kaitlyly read us the question one more time. How many gifts would you receive if you received all of the gifts in the song the 12 days of christmas . a 364 b 12 c 120 the answer today is a, 364. Good morning. Partners in terror . The friend of one of the san

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