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Wolf Creek has a wide variety of terrain for skiers and boarders of all levels their calendar of events is online at Wolf Creek Ski dot com. As a vote on impeachment nears some say Democrats will pay a political price and we'll hear what one freshman has to say if this issue ever comes up again we want to precedent that says Now this is unacceptable behavior for Sunday December 15th this is All Things Considered. I'm Michel Martin Also this hour a look at 63 up the latest in the famed docu series that's checked in with a group every 7 years the latter is a 21 you asked me if I'd had enough experience with men before I got married and I thought that was actually insulting question and I got very angry and if the holidays have you stressed what about a board game I would recommend catcher which is a game about making quotes and that will calm everybody down but 1st this news. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Janine Herbst the House is preparing for another week of debates as the 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump moved to the House floor for a full vote the rules committee meets Tuesday to discuss how to proceed with the debate and decide when the phone of a final vote will be held it's expected to pass the Democratic controlled House and then trouble face a trial in the Republican led Senate next year Meanwhile a conservative leaning House Democrat who opposes the impeachment of President Trump is expected to change his party and become a Republican as N.P.R.'s Bobby Allen reports Congressman Jeff Andrew represents a swing county in southern New Jersey that voted for Trump and 2016 a senior Democratic aide tells n.p.r. That van drew conducted internal polling that showed his support slipping among likely voters in his district the aide said only about a quarter of voters polled wanted to see van drew reelected raising fears that he was vulnerable to a primary challenger fan Drew is a 1st term moderate Democrat who is one of only 2 House Democrats to vote against the impeachment inquiry in October political analysts say ventures switching parties shows the pressure moderate Democrats are facing and districts where voters are divided on impeaching Trump fan Drew has not confirmed his plans to switch parties Bobby Allen n.p.r. News Washington the European Union says the results of the climate change in Madrid are disappointing because of a watered down final agreement reports the biggest decisions on how to curb carbon emissions and help vulnerable countries rather make manage climate damage were pushed to next year 2 days of extra negotiations weren't enough to bridge the remaining differences between some of the almost 200 countries who'd been working in Madrid for 2 weeks leaving delegates to adopt to a climate activists view as a weak accord the biggest sticking point was on carbon markets which would allow countries to pay for in trade emissions allowances on a global level with a view to constantly reducing them e.u. Representative. We'll disappointed Paul. Just because of a collective inability to find the right compromises the right solutions around dissipating 14 months but the e.u. Position was that looking for a deal next year has better than accepting a bad one at this meeting for n.p.r. News I'm Terry Schultz in Brussels in Hong Kong. Are you more clashes between protesters and police today it took place in a shopping mall as holiday shoppers watched from the floors above police arrested several of the protesters reportedly spring liquid into their faces this latest pro-democracy protests comes as Leader Kerry Lam continues her visit to Beijing as her 1st since last month's district council elections the markets are trading a mixed territory at this hour the Asia dollar up about 110th of a percent the Nikkei the main market in Japan is down about 110th of a percent you're listening to n.p.r. News from Washington the Department of Agriculture is working to expand Internet access to rural communities from member station k.u.n.c. Carly huckle reports the u.s.d.a. Is set to begin a 2nd round of funding for this project early next year. $550000000.00 of funding appropriated by Congress will be going to the U.S.D.A.'s reconnect pilot program the program provides grants and loans to help rural areas cover costs of construction facilities and equipment that is necessary to provide reliable high speed internet and even activity service in areas that would otherwise not have it the goal is to provide sufficient broadband services to as many rural premises as possible including homes libraries health care facilities and schools rural communities may apply for funding at the end of next month for n.p.r. News I'm Carl in Greeley Colorado at the weekend box office Jumanji the next level I stowed frozen for the top spot bringing in an estimated $60000000.00 in ticket sales the Sony sequel star and Wayne Johnson and Kevin Hart is a follow up to the 2017 film Frozen drop to 2nd place with $19000000.00 after claiming the top spot for 3 weeks in a row Disney's film crossed the $1000000000.00 mark globally to become the studio's 3rd animated $1000000000.00 project along with a 1st frozen answer topia in 3rd place knives out with an estimated 9 $1000000.00 in ticket sales and Clint Eastwood's struggling controversial drama Richard Jewel viewed in 4th place with $17000000.00 I'm Jenny and her n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include American Jewish World Service working together for more than 30 years to build a more just and equitable world learn more at a.j. Ws dot org and the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. Good evening and thanks for listening to All Things Considered on support is provided by the Durango olive oil company announcing their fresh off the press monthly in his letter featuring new recipes product specials and more located at 640 main avenue with a wide variety of olive oils balsamic vinegar and gourmet foods Durango olive oil dot com. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Michel Martin in 3 days the House of Representatives is expected to vote on whether or not to impeach President Donald Trump it will be an historic vote one that's only been taken twice before and also one that's expected to highlight the deep partisan divide in Washington and the rest of the country right now beyond that though the impending vote is causing reflection and perhaps even consternation among some Democrats especially it seems those newly elected and those holding seats where Republicans remain competitive one of them freshman Democrat Jefferson van drew of New Jersey is even expected to switch to the Republican Party throughout his career in government he's taken more conservative votes than most of his colleagues but his opposition to impeachment apparently is the last straw for him we're going to begin the program by hearing from another freshman Democrat Congresswoman Kim Schreier of Washington state she's the 1st Democrat to be elected in her district 36 year history and she is with us now Congressman Dreier thank you so much for joining us thank you Michel so you announced just this past Friday that you would vote for impeachment as briefly as you can what was the deciding factor in your decision but the deciding factor for me has to do is setting a precedent for all future administrations that it is not Ok for a president to put his own personal interests above the interests of the country it is not Ok to abuse power for success and then the election and it is absolutely not Ok to obstruct Congress that we need a balance of powers and if you take that away we lose our democracy you posted a press release on your website that says quote given all the facts before us impeachment is the only remedy and you also pointed out the precedent that used just cited you said no future president should ever believe that this was acceptable behavior was there any push for something short of impeachment a censure for example you know I have heard some people talk about censure but in my mind that was really not. For an option the option here is the remedy that the founders of this country prescribe to that impeachment is appropriate when you have a president who goes so beyond what is acceptable behavior that the trays his oath of office that betrays the people who elected him and the remedy for that is impeachment can just confirm yesterday we talked with a member of the leadership chief deputy whip Dan Kildee of Michigan he said that the Democratic leadership is not whipping the vote which means that they're not offering incentives for example or not promising new things they're not pressuring members they're not saying that they're going to punish members who don't vote with the party leadership is that true can you say that for yourself that they they have not pressured you that is absolutely 100 percent true leadership has not asked me how I will vote on this. I think that leadership knows how a lot of us feel and I think they also understand that this is really a sad time in our country's history and I think one of the things that makes it particularly sad is that this is turning into a more partisan vote and really this is about patriotism it's about our democracy and that we need to think about the future of our country and when this issue if this issue ever comes up again we want to precedent that says Now this is unacceptable behavior we mentioned your district is represented by Republicans for 36 years until you won the seat in 2018 now the Republicans their campaign committees the president are all saying tweeting very loudly that they think that a vote for impeachment will carry a political cost for Democrats and in 2020 I mean you know the fact is the president is very popular among Republicans he is not very popular among others so so do you think that's true I mean do you think this is a vote that could be politically consequential and if so why this vote may be politically consequential but that is not part of my calculation on. What I'm doing is what I believe is right ultimately I'm going to have to look at myself in the mirror I'm going to have to answer to my own 11 year old child I'm going to have to answer to my thousands of patients who are looking to me to make good sober decisions and we're all going to have to answer to our God and this is this is not a political calculation Well before we let you go that is actually where I want to go next you are you're home right now in the district presumably your constituents talk to you you know all the time however they communicate with you you said last week at a press event you said quote What I hear most often is not impeachment it's not what's on the front page of The Washington Post it's what are you going to do about the cost of our prescription drugs so now that you are home what are people saying to you about it are people raising impeachment with you what are they saying and what are you saying to them Well look it comes up because it is the issue of the day but I just had a town hall yesterday and one of the pretty bread parts of my district it's a $26.00 Town Hall and the main topic of conversation was the cost of prescription drugs and a new bill to make it easier for our farmers to have a reliable workforce so even then we did talk about impeachment because I think people deserve to now how my mind is working and how I'm thinking about this but it was not the issue of the day that was Congresswoman Kym Schreier she represents the 8th district of Washington state and we reached her at her home office congresswoman Schreier thank you so much for joining us thank you Michel now we're going to spend some time thinking about how political uncertainty in the u.s. And the u.k. Could affect global conflicts this week as we just heard the impeachment of President Trump will likely move forward after a full House vote and in Britain parliament will return with a much more robust conservative and prober exit majority all but ensuring Britain's departure from the e.u. Although it's still not clear under what conditions both will likely have an impact on global polity. Because the 2 countries are among the largest contributors of global aid and military assistance around the world and politically the u.s. And the u.k. Have been seen as stabilizing forces in global conflicts so the outcomes of this week's events may affect how each country and their leaders will respond to chaos around the world we wanted to learn more about what this week's events could mean for global conflicts so we've called on David Miliband he is the president and c.e.o. Of the International Rescue Committee that group response to humanitarian crises around the world by helping people affected by conflict to rebuild their lives helping refugees with health care resettlement costs for example he is also a former member of the British parliament and the former u.k. Foreign secretary he served in that role from 2007 to 2010 and he's with us now from New York David Miliband thanks so much for joining us yes great to be with you so let's just take a step back briefly and just take a look around as you look around the globe at some of the protests happening around the world some like. Very much in the news others less visible in other parts of the world but what do you make of it I mean how would you describe what's been happening in many countries around the world this year I think there is a really existential struggle for countries to come to terms with the consequences of global connection we all know that economy and society and communications are more intertwined than ever before but the international political system is struggling to keep up and what you're seeing I think is global problems growing climate change being a good example but frankly trade wars are a symptom of a failure of global governance as well and the local level elites in countries like Lebanon failing to deliver for their own people and a consequent howl of pain now in democratic countries that how looking fortunately has a vent through the ballot box and I think that's what you're seeing in a number of countries around the world Britain as well and the u.s. Will see next year so now that the u.s. And the u.k. Have been mired in their own political divisions of the u.s. With the impeachment Vesta geisha. In the u.k. With Boris Johnson's election victory and I think that the voters there are telling us that this is similarly reflective of deep divisions despite the fact that the outcome seems rather lopsided How does the rest of the road see what's happening in the us in the u.k. Affecting them I think there are 3 main changes that are being triggered 3 domino effect The 1st is the retreat from global problems that we're seeing in a number of Western cases the us most obviously if I think about the places of my she military and distress at the moment Syria Yemen Myanmar where there was ethnic cleansing of 700000 Muslims what's notable is the absence of American and British diplomacy now Western diplomacy doesn't always stabilize things one can think of the Iraq War In that context but the withdrawal of countries like the u.s. And u.k. From acts of international diplomacy is creating frankly a crisis of diplomacy and the refugee crisis is one symptom of the 2nd thing that's happening is that there is license for bad actors to commit more and more crimes without accountability more aid workers are being killed in service and more civilians caught up in conflict we're seeing that not just in Syria but elsewhere as well and the 3rd danger is that the international political system becomes a vacuum countries like China are taking more responsibilities but they can't substitute for the thorough going anchor role the u.s. Has played and frankly the Western alliance has played in international governments since the 2nd World War So that how do you forgive him and I ask you to rely on your own your knowledge of your home country I mean how do you understand last week's results in the parliamentary elections I think the data is absolutely clear the Labor opposition was actually repellent for large numbers of voters and although they found Boris Johnson in the Conservatives untouchable they preferred that they saw that as a lower risk than voting Labor out. Brigs it is now going to happen and many of us feel. Not only will Britain pay the price of that retreat but that the influence that Britain's been able to exercise a stable world global stability in gets undermined in a very serious way I think what I hear you saying then is that leadership matters the quality of the leader matters leadership definitely but as I don't want to should all pray to the so-called great land theory of history that it's all about individuals but without individuals there is no history on the choices. How the global reverberations what it was a reflection is that the old division between the best policy and foreign policy has basically broken down issues of economics of integration of climate on out local issues that have local consequences and it's not central tension between the local and the global But I think it's playing out in politics around the world today that is David Miliband president and c.e.o. Of the International Rescue Committee he's a former member of the British parliament and a former foreign secretary we reached him in New York Mr Miliband thank you so much for talking to us thank you so much. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. And. A lot has happened since Beethoven broke on the scene in Vienna a whole new world of classical music has unfolded and is still unfolding today all around the world I'm Fred Child Let's take a journey through Beethoven into new discoveries join me every day for performance today from 8 pm. Join us for performance today weekend that comes your way from 7 until 9 tonight and support for all things considered as provided by Alpina clinic and Dr John Petit dedicated to bringing their patients the most advanced interested lasik technology available that some Lasik can provide a whole new world of clarity and boundless possibilities more information on Lasik and appointments are at 970-385-1583. I'm Janine Herbst with these headlines a historic vote takes place on Capitol Hill this week as the House is expected to vote to impeach President Tropp if that happens he'll be the 3rd president in history to be impeached after the measure goes to the Senate for trial next year New Jersey's governor spent the day encouraging his state to embrace its diversity in the wake of a deadly attack on a kosher market in Jersey City last week authorities call that attack domestic terrorism and the marathon un climate summit in Madrid has wrapped up the meeting aimed to outline ambitious goals but the final agreement from nearly 200 countries the late an important decision on how to regulate carbon markets putting that decision off until next year I'm Janine Herbst n.p.r. News in Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Subaru with their Subaru share the love event now through January 2nd details on the not for profit organizations that it supports are at Subaru dot com slash share love it's what makes Subaru Subaru. And from the n.p.r. Wine club where every bottle tells a story and n.p.r. Shows become lines like Wait Wait Don't Tell Me Pino in Wa are available to adults 21 Years or Older learn more at n.p.r. Wine Club dot org. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Michel Martin we're going to head to Israel now where for a 2nd time this year leaders fail to form a government now they have called for what will be an unprecedented 3rd election in less than a year and around the country people are trying to figure out whether they can settle things this time Naomi several off reports from Tel Aviv here in Tel Aviv's furniture district the country's divisions are playing out in an argument between coworkers. It's Bibi's ego this is divvied Zahari out using the nickname for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu he says that Netanyahu ego is stopping him from stepping down over corruption charges but his coworker disagrees and. I think as long as he's not proven guilty he can do everything says I Sure Ben shoeshine he says that any uncle has the right to stay in power she was a ruling I all your goals are to continue to go back and forth so Haria says that already had the chance to defend himself and hearing then Shushan says he hasn't been convicted yet the prime minister's legal woes are more than fodder for debate they are one part of the story of why Israelis will be returning to the ballot box for the 3rd time in less than a year it lacks the support in parliament to form a government so does his main rival Benny Gantz the 2 leaders could make a stable coalition together but Gunns has resisted partnering with Netanyahu over his corruption charges political wrangling aside the impasse is a symptom of deeper issues Israeli society is very much split down the middle that's Ruben has on a political science professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem he says that another election isn't going to change the left right divide but that doesn't mean Israel will be stuck in election mode forever looking ahead there are new factors at play Gunn says in a stronger position now that his co-leader game. Upon a power sharing agreement that left guns as the sole head of the blue and white party Netanyahu is facing a challenge from within his own party another politician wants to replace him as the head of Likud the charges against Netanyahu will no doubt play a role again here is has on we could see an election campaign that will end up with very very different results or with slightly different results which could be enough for now the political deadlock is more than just a social divide it's sidelining other issues like the Israeli occupation and Palestinian rights the standstill is also affecting the day to day lives of Israelis Gabriela a ts clue Steen works at a government funded startup that she says stopped getting support Israel's security care government can only make limited decisions we have had no funding from them for half a year already so it's definitely affecting our development she believes the funds will soon be reinstated but many others will have to wait until the new government is up and running Meanwhile Israel is gearing up for what has on projects will be one of the most polarizing election campaigns in the country's history outside the furniture store I asked the 2 workers what it was like to have a colleague on the opposite side of the divide. Divide the Haria who supports guns says it's a democratic country people think differently from each other but I'm sure Ben shoeshine who supports Netanyahu strikes a dismissive tone. The more he says his coworker has been brainwashed by the media Israel's 3rd election will be March 2nd for n.p.r. News I'm in Tel Aviv this past week there was big news regarding corruption in Mexico's long running war against the country's drug cartels the f.b.i. Arrested Mexico's former secretary of public security and. For allegedly taking millions of dollars. In bribes from the notorious drug lord Joaquin El Chapo Guzman the news resonated around Mexico and here at n.p.r. 9 years ago we aired an investigative report that said that the Mexican government was favoring El Chapo Sinhala cartel the reporter on that story was N.P.R.'s John Burnett and he is with us now from the Texas Mexico border John thanks so much for joining us Hi Michel So how big of a deal was the arrest of Garcia Luna the Mexican official Well he was the top any narcotic cop in Mexico Gussy Alluna was the face of that country's war against the cartels 10 years ago Michel imagine the head of the D.E.A.'s getting arrested for taking millions of dollars from the nation's richest opioid and meth traffickers what producer Marisa Penaloza and I reported on was the widespread belief that the government of then President Felipe Calderon was waging a rigged fight it's taken nearly a decade but now the u.s. Justice Department says they have evidence of this quote in exchange for a multi-million dollar Broad's the defendant allegedly permitted the scene a lower cartel to operate with impunity in Mexico what did you in recent find back then well we reported extensively in Mexico City and in quite as where the scene loans were battling for dominance against a rival mafia and it was an open secret everyone was talking about the favoritism toward the sina loans journalists opposition politicians security experts and we even talked to some loose lipped Mexican policeman what we did was analyze more than 2600 press releases from the Mexican federal attorney general's office on the arrests of drug traffickers and it turned out only a small proportion of those arrests had targeted chop those carto which was the largest and richest of them all we talked to Manuel Clytie here an outspoken congressman from the conservative paan party yet it will be animal on East gas at the end and preeminence out which will do better than I don't know at the lesson or the cow that own government has been fighting on. Denies crime in many parts of this country but has not touched seen alone I know this I'm seeing a low and my family lives in so you know it's like we're trimming the branches of a tree when we should be tearing it out by the roots and so there were unproven reports around town that Garcia Luna was on the take Marissa asked for an interview but his office would never talk to us so what happened when your story aired Well I can tell you the findings were widely repeated in the Mexican media Mexican officials came out and announced the story and insisted they were hitting every crime syndicate equally hard officials with the Obama administration were tight lipped at the time the White House was a partner to President Calderon and his drug war they were giving him $1300000000.00 in military and judicial aide So what happened to finally break the case it is you said this was an open secret right we'll chop it was put on trial earlier this year in New York you got a life sentence and there was explosive testimony in that trial for instance an associate said he personally delivered briefcases full of millions of dollars to Garcia Luna and until his arrest last week Garcia Luna had been living in south Florida in a posh $3000000.00 mansion I should add that he's been indicted by a federal grand jury he has yet to enter a plea What's the reaction been to the news of course the island has harassed well in Mexico narco related violence has spiked this year and people are scared and they're angry and now they've learned that their country's top crime fighter was allegedly working for the cartels for 17 years they're furious and now there are calls for x. President called on to face justice I remember what a veteran investigative journalist for he cut Osco told us he said a cartel cannot flourish at their level referring to the scene alone and without civil and military protection at the highest levels to that point John just can't just ask you this though I mean it does seem remarkable that a person who is supposed to be a government official. You know was obviously displaying a lot of wealth and had a lifestyle that was just compatible with his government sat. Larry so I guess the question remains why did it take so long well it wasn't until he moved to Miami and the f.b.i. Started poking around and trying to put it all together that he had a lifestyle vastly out of balance with his government salary in Mexico and then the testimony came at a chop post trial and it all fell together before I let you go what's the timeframe of this what's the next step in this well Garcia Luna. He'll have to issue a plea and then he'll prepare for a defense so that he won't spend the rest of his life in prison but right now Mexicans are enraged and they're calling for called it owns head they want him to be judged why did the president who said he was throwing everything he could at the cartels actually one hand was tied behind his back because his chief security minister was allegedly on their payroll that is N.P.R.'s John Burnett John thank you you bet Michel. It is the original reality t.v. a Long running social experiment and one of the most ambitious documentaries ever produced starting with 7 up filmmaker Michael Apted has followed a group of British children from across social strata every 7 years since they were 7 Tim grieving reports on the latest 63 up in 1963 Michael Apted was 22 studying law at Cambridge but he really wanted to be a filmmaker he made a few documentaries at school then landed a job as a researcher on a new film being made about Britain's future directed by a Canadian you know thing about documentaries. So I had to education about 7 up took 14 kids boys and girls rich and poor and interviewed them about education wealth race and what they'd be doing when they grew up Tony Walker wanted to be a jockey the community here in Egypt the governing idea was an old Jesuit motto give me a child until he is 7 and I will give you the. Man when he was 7 Walker was a poor kid from London's East End He did not wind up being a jockey but became a cab driver as he told me from London everyone suffers the same slings and arrows will go boldly all sure their wives will show after work we will go behind families in the same question was who or what but the only thing is when you see it from a young child going food everyone can know I didn't if we human beings have to do Walker has been in every up film and apt had himself took over as director for the 2nd documentary even though he broke into Hollywood directing Coal Miner's Daughter and even a James Bond film he continued to visit these kids every 7 years he says it wasn't tough to get them to participate not really because they all wanted to do it I mean there were stalls there the show was incredibly popular. Treatment but that is one angle I'd like to find out all about you know that Nick Hitchon was the farmer's kid from the Yorkshire Dales when he was 7 today he's an engineering professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and he says he's not sure he's always been accurately represented by the edited clips and aptitudes films even making t.v. He wants to make good t.v. And anything that would give him the way of that he's going to be sacrificed in every So it's always been the case that if I said something really embarrassing he would use I'm not saying that to be all about that's just the way things are Michael Apted doesn't think he's been unfair to his subjects the light to them if I go that feeding you know the had made a mistake saying this and it's not particularly healthy thing for them to have said on television that I certainly didn't put them through it and become a lot of things stuck in their comforters I mean you know how we could television can be every film since the 1st has debuted on British t.v. More and more over the years Apted has let his subjects speak not just about what's happening in their lives. But what they think about being in these films and 63 up Jackie Bassett says she thought Apted once had a real blind spot when it came to women only really young I kept thinking Lucille asking me questions about marriage and men and why it was you know also me questions about as a country is jews are you some of them true you're not alternate and we did things together oh this film that you treat she's seen us as we mean it's totally different and yes I can only can cabdriver Tony Walker thinks the project has been fair I've always emplaced a mark I like to shine through more than you would do if you didn't embrace it so we have any adverse fings it was up and in a trust him alone and Nick Hitchon too keeps coming back even though Apted scammer has watched as his 1st marriage fell apart and his career as a nuclear physicist got sidelined he was diagnosed with throat cancer just before his 63 up interview he says the film project has been intense and you know it's very uncomfortable but people seem to think it's important and the fact that he won't be uncomfortable sometimes very unhappy doesn't mean much. Out of the original 1411 participated in 63 up one died just after the last film and to have dropped out Michael Apted who's 78 now doesn't know what the future holds for the Up Series it's a question that I would after all and separate was the question is if I drop dead which is not a likely actually the 3 know in the next 7 is a little bit something about I gave to the television a fair no one ever take about away from a book I didn't have. I don't want to think about it. This has been a glimpse of Britain's future. Every up film since the very 1st one has ended with this music which seems even more for Brit now that the participants are considering their mortality for n.p.r. News I'm Tom Brady. You're listening to n.p.r. News. In Mexico and parts of Latin America it's the season for last us a tradition that reenacts the story of Mary and Joseph journey to Bethlehem and the Biblical accounts Mary and Joseph are weary travelers seeking shelter but finding no room eventually one innkeeper takes pity on them and allows them to stay in a stable where Mary gives birth to the baby Jesus for some along the Us Mexico border the Christmas story has also become a commentary on immigration policy as N.P.R.'s Liz Baker reports from the 26 annual Posada soon from terrace in Santa Seadrill California. You. Keep usually disperse out a song is a cross border call and response worshippers on the want to side singing Marian Josephs request for lodging and the Americans responding is the innkeeper granting shelter both sides right up against the border close enough to sing to each other even to touch each other through the fence and share this Christmas tradition as though there were no rusty wall keeping them apart that's the idea behind the facade us in from terrace the posada Without Borders leave. But this year it's not just the border wall keeping people apart the river flooded the usual location in Friendship Park forcing the u.s. Group to relocate so instead the group of 100 or so people are getting as close as they can the parking lot behind a busy outlet mall a few meters away from an official port of entry. Welcome given us if you have any of those in traditional facade us neighbors and friends gathered each other's homes each night before Christmas asking for and granting Posada to give to the receive people to make people drawn to the you accept that into your house as with the meaning of Father Ramiro Chan is a priest with our Lady of Guadalupe Church in nearby Chile the stuff this is 3rd time attending opposite us in front terrace that is for. 1st time attending on the u.s. Side is very different. Their feeling to be in the other side of the wall asking for us to Friend us. Is a feeling of the people that they don't have chance to ask for Posada and any other place or they have been asking for for years and they're still to us I think that the feeling that Mary and Joseph feel. And they were just walking and walking with God nobody opened the door for the San Diego Bishop John Dolan says he understands that some of the Catholics he preaches to might not want to tie immigration policy debate to the holidays but you know if we're going to celebrate Christmas we've got to celebrate it all that celebration is bittersweet for United Methodist pastor tony area she walks with a small wooden cross scrawled with words and black marker a memory on Mr Sky either has a memory or death people who will die specifically her brother who fled violence in El Salvador but was not granted asylum in the u.s. When he was sent back to Israel so he was murdered is that it think for us. But this remind us we need to go and do you fight it. Because we need to do that and. We need to be together it's stories like Rios is that emphasize the posada some from terrorist political undertones still this person it is mainly a spiritual experience participant marché Riley says she values the opportunity to pray alongside worshipers on the Mexican side of the border that's what's so powerful that it is nothing like knowing that someone has your back even if they're far away or you can't see them or touch them I really feel these kinds of things break down barriers especially she says around Christmas time Liz Baker n.p.r. News San Ysidro California. This is n.p.r. News. Room on the next fresh air actress Charlize Theron who stars as former Fox News anchor Megan Kelly in the new film bombshell she tells us about transforming herself physically for the role and she'll talk about growing up on a farm in South Africa during apartheid and being raised by a strong mother join us. Live. To join us weeknights at 6 for fresh air. Support for all things considered is provided by dates market with locally made holiday gift baskets plus a variety of soaps and lotions jewelry table linens candles and décor gift wrap and shipping are available as well Dietz market celebrating 35 years into ranking off Highway 160 South they're on line it ditz market dot com. Janine Herbst with these headlines the u.s. Special envoy Stephen began is in South Korea to meet with the country's president before leaving to consult with Japanese officials in Tokyo His trip comes days after North Korea's announcement of another test of its long range rocket launch site in Lebanon thousands of anti-government protesters rallied outside parliament in Beirut hours after security forces chased them out using tear gas and rubber bullets and injuring dozens It was one of the most violent crackdowns on protesters sense demonstrations started 2 months ago and in Italy officials evacuated $54000.00 people out of a southern port city after authorities discovered an unexploded bomb that dates back to World War 2 and Herbst n.p.r. News in Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Capital One committed to reimagining banking offering savings and checking accounts that can be opened from anywhere Capital One what's in your wallet Capital One and a from t.i.a.a. Committed to the idea that while most things in life run out from clean shirts in the morning to a favorite dessert at night lifetime income in retirement shouldn't learn more it t.i.a.a. Dot org slash never run out and from the ne ek c. Foundation. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Michel Martin as this decade winds down we're looking back on some of the biggest stories from the past 10 years today we're focusing on the opioid crisis. This is a major public health problem and it's getting worse rapidly so this crisis is taking lives. Destroying families. The generation. The. Epidemic. And its owners the family are now the center of hundreds of companies. A couple of years ago N.P.R.'s Yuki Noguchi traveled to Indiana to report on how the crisis was affecting business is there in the course of reporting on that Yuki was struck by how far reaching the effects of opioid addiction have become and then the story became personal when she met a young woman named Katie Sexton I met Katie in the summer of 2017 I was in Muncie I was working on a story about people who are dropping out of the workforce because of addiction and during that trip I went to a church which hosts like a Thursday night recovery meeting there are lots of people there recovering from addiction and Katie was among them and I was really ashamed for a while because I had gathered more clean time under my belt than I had had since I was 12 years old and that was really an improvement for me I was so happy to be able to say that and I missed that part of recovery is relapse and you just at the end of the day you can't beat yourself up over it and I'm just I'm happy and I'm happy that I'm here I'm happy that I'm alive because many close calls in my life you know the part of the tape that's missing there is where she told me that 7 out of her 10 high school friends had passed away from opiate addiction and so that's why she says she considered herself you know happy and lucky. And when I think met her I felt very much like she was at a major crossroad in our life you know she was at that point 30 days sober which you know as sort of a delicate time in recovery and she had been arrested but was trying to hang on to this nursing assistants license that she had had for years she was 23 years old she'd been a straight a student high school and had a college scholarship so I became personally invested I guess in Katie's story I mean I felt like if there's hope for this community you know if Katie who has so much going for her makes it then maybe these communities can sort of see its way through. And at the time you know that I talked to her she was talking about getting a shot a new kind of drug at the time called Vivitrol to control her cravings and I urged sure to get that shot and I told her you know I'm going to come back to Muncie and I want to talk to you again and I got her cell phone number and I texted her and we talked about the Vivitrol shot and we exchanged texts until she you know stop texting back and. Just a few weeks after that that her mother replied back telling me that Katie had died on on Halloween oh my goodness well. Let's hear some of your story where you just you know help us get started. Well yeah I mean I knew I needed to return to Muncie as I had planned to another woman I interviewed had actually also fallen into a coma from an overdose around the same time and I wanted to see her and her mother in the hospital and I also wanted to pay my respects to Katie's parents. And as fresh and as raw as things still were for them I mean they had told me that they never actually even talked about what happened that day you know remarkably. And courageously they let me into their home and they let me into their grief and this is our conversation the sexton say they haven't put words to what happened since that day between sobs Melissa recounts returning from the store and making coffee then finding Katie slumped in her bed. It is so I would be duly starting c.b. Your goalie don't let me see her parents say Katie had been trying to fill a prescription for medication to blunt the drug cravings but insurance required a waiting period Melissa Sexton says she has not visited Katie's room but occupies herself collecting mementos a small one of my Katie boxes I just put stuff together and in it are photos and items that played hearts and cherished histories or inside jokes as we talk and thumb through 23 years of Katie's life we're tabulating in a sense all that the sexton's of lost innocence laughter a future with grandchildren Katie was a cellist she wanted to become a nurse so she could help care for her severely autistic brother Jacob the financial loss on top of everything is another source of despair they drain their accounts to try to save Katie now they're left with feelings of failure and self recrimination I don't know what water could have made a difference. I just know it was my responsibility. And I couldn't be good. If. You did everything honey you cashed your last pension so that we could send her to rehab up in. Every church we did everything we could to the expense of our family's well being to try to save her the sexton's are still trying to tie up the loose ends of Katie's financial life her student loans they. Of course are wanting their money and it's like she's gone and on her phone bill last time I got a collection call from rehab saying we still need this much money I didn't send him a check I sent him a death certificate These are the cruel practicalities that Dale Sexton tries to spare his wife. Well you can't just devastating and you know one of the points that you've been making in your reporting is that this is being repeated you know over and over again you know all over the country. But I understand that you spoke this past week to Katie's mom can you just tell us a little bit about how they're doing well you know there are amazing people and so courageous and eloquent in their honesty as you could hear. But now one doesn't come back from the loss of a child and they're struggling it's just heartbreaking to me when Melissa tells me that Dale still blames himself for something he had no control over to begin with. I want to go back to something that you said at the beginning was when you 1st met Katie you said that you kind of felt like well if there's hope for her there's hope for. The community and now these couple of years later a lot of things have happened the court cases settlements with the companies that made and distributed these drugs what do the families talk about now is there anything in this whole story that feels different does the community in any way feel like it's on a different trajectory as. Well back then and still now I think the biggest question for the families is resources you know how do you address a problem that already is so big you know how to remediate the all the people that are already addicted to these substances and then also at the same time prevent it from getting bigger you know how do you treat a chronic relapsing disease where as many families will tell you treatment after treatment after expensive treatment sometimes doesn't work. And you know right now most of that burden falls on families who like the sexton's often exhaust all their resources trying to fight it you know some of the settlement money that you talked about from the drug maker suits are earmarked for these communities and where that will go what it will do how effective it will be I mean I'm interested to know. That is N.P.R.'s Yuki Noguchi talking about her reporting on the nation's opioid crisis Yuki thank you so much for your reporting thank you. Social media has become a minefield of false news stories media outlets and tech companies have been struggling to give people tools to separate fact from fiction but a couple of people have taken the issue into their own hands by developing games that show how fake news spreads as a way to inoculate people against it we'll hear more about that as part of our regular segment called Trouble watch. N.P.R.'s tech correspondent Shannon Vaughan tried out some of the games and has this report internet trolls exploit our emotions and gin up outrage with fake stories but instead of just telling you that what if I showed you how trolling works I'm playing a game where the goal is to spread this information my instructions arrived by text message from a mysterious contact only identified as boss you become I mean to neutral that uses malicious means fake news talk a good actor to icing. Conspiracy theories to spread fear hate on distrust ya know component is the brains behind the web based game called troll factory He's head of Ai and personalization at Wiley Finland's public broadcaster we spoke on Skype told factory is sort of a Choose Your Own Adventure you win by becoming the most malicious online troll it's a simulated smartphone screen at the top the scoreboard counts my imaginary followers and racks up how many times my posts are shared that they do you succeed the more influential you become your game so it's very literal My task is to whip up anger against immigrants I'm not actually putting hateful content on the Internet of course but the posts and images I'm choosing from in the game are real examples from social media I'm cautious at 1st choosing posts that are provoked of but not the most offensive but I only game a handful of followers my boss in the game urges me to do better so when I'm asked to explain a real life tragedy I pick the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris heres my n.p.r. Colleague Eleanor Beardsley with. The real report on the devastating play is back in April although Notre Dame is a Catholic cathedral Persians of all faiths and backgrounds embraced it taxi driver Basheer brought me to Notre Dame this morning this Muslim who's originally from Tunisia says he can hardly bear to look at Notre Dame today but in the game the fake story I post claims that Muslims celebrated as the church burned Of course that's not true but I realize that the more I dial up the outrage the more successful I become as a troll the fake story really gets things going my score surges when I finish the game I've hit 1500 followers they shared my post 14000 times I win the title director of disorder but it makes me wonder isn't it wrong to expose people to such hateful material even if it's just a game component says showing people how fake news spreads can make them more skeptical in real life and there is evidence supporting that when you when you inject. A small dose we can do those news people can go. Mental and bodies and become resistant to it that's Sander Van der Linden He's a psychology professor at the University of Cambridge in the u.k. We also spoke on Skype. As a research project he and his colleagues made their own game called Bad news here 2 players post conspiracy theories and means to gain followers more than a 1000000 people have played the game and the researchers found it helped Vander Linden says that after players use the tools themselves they were more likely to say fake news was not reliable so Ben will go investing and expose people you know a Ranger. They're going to be inoculated because they can. Better. Use our fake news and trolling are proving hard to stamp out entirely from social media these experimental games suggest that increasing our own resistance could be a better solution Shannon bond n.p.r. News San Francisco and finally today we have a few more words about games but now we're going throw back because this is the season when old school rules and a lot of people like to break out the board games and if you are one of those people you are in luck because in addition to the classics monopoly and Scrabble there's a bevy of new games to liven up those after dinner get togethers we want to learn more about these new offerings so we've called on Taylor Jenkins she is the owner of the Philly game shop in South Philadelphia where you can buy board games and people get together to play board games Taylor Jenkins welcome thanks so much for joining us hi thank you so much Michel So let's talk about a few of the board games that stood out to you this year what were some of your favorites my favorites this year our tapestry tapestry is civilization building but it's totally random you're moving along different tracks that societies can move along like science or military and you're competitively doing this but you're also asymmetrically doing this which means that you're doing different things at the same time as the other players and because it's so random there's just that little aspect of chaos that's pretty fun about it as well Ok What's another one way fans of the bird watching game it's very accurate to an amateur birders such as myself it contains many many birds that you are collecting and trying to. Build point permutations upon so you have different cards with different abilities in order to get Point combinations what's another one obscure IAU that's a silly team or a game you are a bunch of magicians locked in a magical library and somebody has said a bunch of trad she when you have to cooperate to interpret images that are given to you by a magical tome and if you don't work together if you guess lots of different things then you lose solidarity points so if you are not on the same page you're not going to get out of the library in time but it's neat because it's cooperative you have to work together in order to get out Oh I should think of a lot of places where that would be quite helpful since I'm here in Washington d.c. That's all I ever know about you know I understand that there are people called Game Somali A's Yeah I get asked to make recommendations every day at my job and people are somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of choice there are thousands and thousands of games it's even hard to pick what to sell so I'm thinking you've already kind of helped us with this specific suggestions for people in specific circumstances so let's just come up with a classic which a lot of people are going to be in in the next couple of weeks got teenagers who the mere thought of getting them to mantissa paid in any family activity away from their screens the are rolling has already begun what is a good game for that scenario actually it doesn't seem like it would be so addictive but there's this game called Splendor where you're collecting they look like poker chips with gemstones on them they allow you to purchase cards your only goal is to get 15 points the points are in the cards the cards are on the table and you're just trying to collect the right combination before the other people at the table that's all there really is to it but because it's so simple allows for a lot of layers of strategy but on the other hand it's extremely excess full for all ages so I find and actually I've heard from my friend who are extended to teen center at the Free Library that the teens love splendor so I highly recommend that one this year and finally the game for people who you really would like people to take it down a notch I would recommend Patrick which is a game about making quilts and that will calm everybody down and Taylor Jenkins is the owner of the Philly game. Op thanks so much for joining us thank you so much and Happy Holidays to you he to thank you. Thank. You. For Sunday that's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Michel Martin you can follow us on Twitter at n.p.r. A.t.c. Or follow me at npr m i c h l Thanks for listening we hope you have a great week support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Indeed with it skills tests built for employers who want to see a deeper sense of the person behind the resume learn more it indeed dot com slash n.p.r. From the pajama gram company creators of matching holiday pajamas for the whole family including dogs and cats with Charlie Brown Star Wars and Grinch themes in its fleece and flannel available at pajama gram dot com and from the John d. And Catherine team MacArthur Foundation at mac found dot org Good evening and thanks for listening to Weekend All Things Considered here on k s u t a. Katie and. Farmington u.s.w. Floor of Astaire and k p t s p goes to springs n.p.r. News music discovery and more we're on line 8 k.s.u. T. Dot org Stay with us coming up next we have 2 hours of classical programming on performance today weekend. Light therapy is sometimes used to treat conditions like depression now a doctor in Arizona is exposing patients with migraines to greenlight every day it was a transformation could his experiment help relieve other chronic ailments just scratching the surface implications can be really significant so if it works for other conditions as well on the next Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Join us for N.P.R.'s Morning Edition weekdays from 6 to 9 here. Of next is a performance today weekend with support provided by pine needle.

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