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The White House meeting. Publicly about his role in the Trump administration's dealings with Ukraine are Wednesday November 20th it's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. I'm Audie Cornish and I'm Ari Shapiro the ambassador to the e.u. Told the impeachment panel that the pressure campaign on Ukraine to investigate the 2016 election came from the White House Republicans on the committee challenge his claims you don't have. Your notes because you didn't take notes you don't have a lot of recollections I mean this is the the trifecta. We'll hear from a former ambassador to Ukraine about what someone had to say later a look at the new district attorney in San Francisco the status quo tough on crime policies in the ninety's in 2000 are not working are not popular now as these headlines. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jack Speer round 2 of today's impeachment inquiry proceedings are underway on Capitol Hill at this hour lawmakers hearing from David Hale an Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and Laura Cooper a top Defense Department official for Eastern Europe Cooper saying she realized over the summer military aid Ukraine was being held up in July I became aware of a hold being placed on obligation of the State Department's foreign military financing or f.m.s. And D.O.D.'s USA I funds in a series of interagency meetings I heard that the president had directed the Office of Management and Budget to hold the funds because of his concerns about corruption in Ukraine Cooper says embassy officials there asked about security assistance July 25th the same day President Trump spoke to Ukraine's leader suggesting the Ukrainians knew about the situation far earlier than initially thought testifying today before the House panel conducting the in Corina President Trump European Union ambassador Gordon song Linda sorted top u.s. Officials were aware of what he called a quid pro quo with Ukraine That's N.P.R.'s David Wolman explains one of the official sideline implicated was secretary of state Mike Pompei o ambassador Sonnen testified he queried secretary of state Pompei o about having Ukrainian president Volvo Demers a lead ski announce an investigation into the 2016 election and the Ukrainian gas for embarrassment secretary Pompei 0 essentially. Gave me the green light to brief President Selenski about making those those announcements a short time later at NATO headquarters in Brussels pomp ale was asked if he was indeed in the loop about Ukraine policy I know precisely what American policy was with respect to Ukraine I was working on it Tom Peo said he had not heard silenced testimony David Wolman n.p.r. News Washington the president of the United Auto. Workers is resigning That's according to his lawyer as member station. Newman reports the move follows an effort to remove him from office Gary Jones is stepping down at a time when the u.a.w. Corruption scandal is reaching a new high union leaders claim Jones directed the submission of false expense records and removing to expel him a widening embezzlement probe has produced more than a dozen federal indictments and 10 convictions so far Jones has not been formally charged acting president Rorie Gamble says the u.a.w. Is committed to implementing attics reforms and financial controls the racketeering scheme is also the focus of a recent legal battle between the big 3 General Motors is suing FIA Chrysler alleging the automaker bribed the union officials to get better labor agreements for n.p.r. News I'm in line Newman in Detroit stocks move lower today the Dow was down 112 points the Nasdaq fell 43 points you're listening to n.p.r. . Houston teachers are trying to stop a pending state takeover of the 7th largest school district in the country used in Public Media's lore eyes and see says details on the federal lawsuit filed this week the education commissioner of Texas recently announced plans to take control of Houston area schools citing board misconduct in chronic low performance at one school the Houston Federation of Teachers claims a state takeover discriminates against black and Hispanic residents and violates their federal voting rights teacher Daniel Santos is one of the plaintiffs robbing us of our voice is a power grab that denies our communities the right to hold policymakers accountable Santos says similar takeovers in states like New Jersey and Louisiana haven't helped students this legal action by teachers joins a similar suit by the Houston school board to stop the Texas Education Agency from replacing the elected board with outside managers I'm Laura Tyson see in Houston Britain's Prince Andrew says he's pulling back from public duties amid criticisms over his association with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein Andrew now says he quote deeply sympathizes with those who were victimized and regrets his association with the late financier Epstein took his own life while in prison awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges for as Andrew says it's clear to him his previous association with Epstein has become quote a distraction he has denied having sex with a 17 year old girl record for him by Epstein crude oil futures prices move higher after falling sharply yesterday oil up a dollar and 90 cents a barrel the end the session at $5711.00 a barrel in New York I'm Jack Speer n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include a math Naisi I'm committed to building math success critical thinking and problem solving skills teaching students face to face and more than 1000 franchise locations more at math Naisi I'm dot com. It winter storm warning is in effect for the San Juan Mountains through Friday at 5 am during this period significant snowfall is expected at elevations above 8000 feet along with difficult travel conditions across the high passes shipped out or has details and updates on road conditions across the state and at this point it looks like the best chance for snow accumulation in the mountains will be later this evening and into Thursday but little to no accumulation is expected across the rest of the Casey listening area it's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Audie Cornish and I'm Ari Shapiro on Capitol Hill today hours of testimony and filling out the picture surrounding President Trump's pressure campaign on Ukraine Today's main witness Gordon Solomon the hotel owner and Trump's mega donor who serves as the president's ambassador to the European Union is one of the so-called 3 Amigos who handled Ukraine policy for Trump I was acting in good faith as a presidential appointee I followed the directions of the president we worked with Mr Giuliani because the president directed us to do so in his opening statements acknowledge that he is not a note taker never has been he said and that is memory has not been perfect but he went on to say unequivocally that when it came to Ukraine there was a quid pro quo Mr Giuliani's requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for President Selenski Mr Giuliani demanded that Ukraine make a public statement announcing the investigations of the 2016 election d.n.c. Server and very smart Mr Giuliani was expressing the desires of the president of the United States and we knew these investigations were important to the president Simon said it wasn't just the people working on Ukraine policy who knew these details again. Everyone was in the loop Here's House Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff following up on that point you say that other senior officials in the State Department and the chief of staff's office including McNeil the 80 secretary Pompei o were aware of this quid pro quo that in order to get the White House meeting they were going to have to be these investigations the president wanted correct and in this evening's testimony Defense Department official Laura Cooper addressed the timing of the hold on military aid to Ukraine specifically on the issue of Ukraine's knowledge of the hold or of Ukraine asking questions about possible issues with the flow of assistance my staff showed me 2 unclassified emails that they received from the State Department according to Cooper the Ukrainians asked about the aide on July 25th the same day as president Trump's call with President Saleh ski for more on how this testimony played out we are joined by n.p.r. Justice correspondent Ryan Lucas and n.p.r. White House correspondent Tamara Keith good to have you both back here in the studio Good to be vetted and let me begin by following up on that we just heard from Chairman shift how significant is it that as someone says and the Democrats kept emphasizing today everybody knew about this pump a 0 pence Trump Mulvaney they were all in the loop. It's significant it is important the fact that others were in the loop key senior officials were all aware of this push for investigations is not something that we previously knew there's been a lot of attempts to try to distance oneself from all of this and this pushes back on some of what the president's Republican allies have said that Simon was perhaps acting alone in this also highlights the fact that you know the White House the State Department the Office of Management and Budget have all refused to hand over documents records and now what them across are saying is now we may know why so each of the people who we just named Pompei Oh Pen's Trump Mulvaney has either refused to testify or made clear that they're not planning to testify Let's listen to shift addressing that point we can see why Secretary Pompei and President Trump have made such a concerted and across the board effort. To obstruct this investigation and this impeachment inquiry and I will just say this they do so at their own peril I remind the president that Article 3 of the impeachment articles drafted against President Nixon was his refusal to obey the subpoenas of Congress so Tom how does this fill in the picture that has been building over the last week plus of testimony Well certainly for Democrats as Schiff alluded to they are trying to figure out what articles of impeachment might be and Schiff is saying that they would certainly consider obstruction of Congress as part of that here's the big picture you have coordinates on land saying the president directed him and several other officials to work with Rudy Giuliani he then says that Rudy Giuliani laid out a quid pro quo that if the president's Alinsky wanted a meeting that he was going to have to publicly announce these investigations that President Trump wanted into this Ukrainian Ukrainian gas company and interestingly he didn't say he had to do the investigations just that he should publicly announce them right and why publicly announce it because that would be useful that would be fodder for president Trump's campaign at least that is the implication but what we kept hearing from witnesses last week who represented the United States in Ukraine was that this was some kind of side deal the irregular channel as they characterized it and what someone said today was no this was not an irregular channel at all I'm not sure how someone could characterize something as an irregular channel when you're talking to the president the United States secretary of state the national security advisor the chief of staff of the White House the secretary of energy I don't know how that's a regular It's so Ryan how do you reconcile that well I think that he has a point that if you are talking to the president of the United States and keeping the secretary of state in the loop it is hard to call that in a regular channel I think that the point that others were making is that there was a group of a fish. Hills including the top u.s. Diplomat in Ukraine Bill Taylor and senior folks at the State Department who were pursuing the traditional policy goals of the United States in Ukraine pushing for particular investigations was not traditionally what the u.s. Has done in Ukraine and that's where I think this this characterization as it as in a regular channel fits in but I think part of what someone was trying to say is that he saw these investigations as necessary to get to the goals of the regular channel and so he didn't see it as separate right he said there was a log jam and to break the logjam I had to go through Giuliani which might not have been what we wanted to do but it was what we had to do right he wanted the money to flow and before that he wanted this meeting to happen at the White House which incidentally has still not happened one of the points that Republicans keyed into was Did someone have firsthand information that the military aid to Ukraine that Ukraine so badly wanted was being held up on these investigations and someone said he didn't have that information firsthand So here's what the Democratic counsel Daniel Goleman said in response to that this kind of a 2 plus 2 equals 4 conclusion that you reached pretty much the only logical conclusion to you that given all of these factors that the aid was also a part of this quid pro quo and now let's listen to what Republican said in response to that exchange this is him speaking with Republican counsel Steve Castor you acknowledge that this is speculation right it was a presumption Ok that you've. It was a guess in fact I think you even said this morning well I want to say that it goes back to Mr Goldman's minder chairmanships 2 plus 2 equals 4 in my mind at that point Ok but you didn't have any evidence of that correct other than the aid wasn't being released and we weren't getting anywhere with the Ukrainians Ryan why is this exchange so important well it's important because this is a point that Republicans had time and time again this is a key witness saying that he was not told directly by the president that the aide is linked to the investigations so on the question of aid they have no direct link no one saying that there was a quid pro quo for that and that was important for Republicans and they did time and again come back to that with him and Republicans also point out that Giuliani was the one giving directions to Sandland Sunland says you know the president told us to talk to Giuliani Giuliani told us this but the White House points out there's no direct link there that the president wasn't laying out those conditions to the song and even though the president did not have this particular conversation with someone about holding up military aid in exchange for the investigation it was clear that the president and Solomon did speak frequently including this now famous phone call in a restaurant where the there was some salty language we should say this is an exchange with the Democratic counsel Daniel Goldman Well he also testified. You confirm to President Trump that you were in Ukraine at the time and that President Selenski quote loves your ass unquote Do you recall saying that sounds like something I would say. That's how President Trump and I communicate a lot of 4 letter words in this case 3 letter in this case 3 letter a letter you know it makes the relationship sound very chummy and familiar Sunland talked about being readily calling the president and talking to him about a number of things he clearly was able to use his cellular telephone to just call the president of the United States though later after that testimony President Trump does what he often does Oh I hardly knew the guy and son Lindsey was told about this in his response was easy come easy go. One point to add on this was that one of the things that other witnesses have said including the u.s. Special envoy to Ukraine heard Volcker is that what he brought to the table saw what Stalin brought to the table was the ability to get in direct contact with the president because no one else in this had that ability to just call him up and get the president on the phone in another part of the program we hear from a Republican consultant who thinks today was very successful for Democrats less so for Republicans Republicans were clearly trying to punch holes in Solomon's credibility let's listen here to Congressman Mike Turner of Ohio and then I'd like each of you to say how successful you think today's testimony was for Democrats pursuing impeachment you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations other than my own presumption which is nothing I mean that's what I understand sir you know what hearsay evidence is Ambassador hearsay is when I testify what someone else told me you know what made up testimony is made up testimony is when I just presume it Tam Ryan how impactful do you think this testimony from someone today was here is someone who was brought into the administration by the present. One of the United States who was on national television saying there was a quid pro quo now it was related to a meeting and not related to the aide but that is a quid pro quo and that is something that that takes away partially a talking point that the president has been repeating on repeat Ryan I think the exact same thing getting that out of saddling today before the cameras is a huge huge victory for Democrats as they push this Tamara Keith and Ryan Lucas thank you both thank you. If you're listening to All Things Considered I'm Tanya Moseley I'm Robin Young the impeachment inquiry into President continues with more hearings on Capitol Hill we'll have the latest in review what happened in the latest Democratic candidate presidential debate in Atlanta these stories and we check in on the power vacuum in Bolivia next time here in that. Case you tease midday news program here now comes your way from 12 until 1 pm. 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News this is All Things Considered I'm Ari Shapiro And I'm Audie Cornish to San Francisco now where voters have recently elected a progressive lawyer and public defender to be the city's new top prosecutor she said Lee Dean narrowly won the district attorney's race on a platform of radically overhauling how that office handles crime and punishment as N.P.R.'s Eric Westervelt reports the teen's family story of crime and incarceration shapes how he views his work ahead San Francisco just elected a district attorney who has never prosecuted a case and certainly doesn't sound very much like a prosecutor the status quo tough on crime policies of the ninety's into thousands or are not working or not popular and it provides me with hope about the possibilities for San Francisco in this whole country in terms of moving away from our dependence on prisons and jails to solve social problems 39 year old chasuble Dean joins a wave of progressive da's elected in big cities including Philadelphia St Louis and Boston they vowed to repair a broken justice system they say is built on economic and racial inequality and where too many mentally ill and substance addicted are warehoused behind bars not treated putting this pledge to do his part to end mass incarceration starting with bail which he says discriminates against the poor and minorities a measure to abolish cash bail across California will appear on the 2020 election ballot but voting isn't waiting around he says his 1st act will be to tell as prosecutors never to ask for money bail because we shouldn't be putting a price tag on freedom because we shouldn't be determining incarceration based on wealth and it's what I intend to implement as policy on day one we're doing also wants to radically deemphasize prosecution of misdemeanors and create a wrongful conviction unit to review excessive sentences and he promises to launch what could be called the nation's largest experiment in Restored of justice that's a process of face to face reconciliation between victim and perpetrator through mediated dialogue that aims to have the offender repair harm his predecessor had a restored of pilots. Rajat for low level crimes and juvenile offenders but he wants to dramatically expand that as a potential option in lieu of normal penalties such as jail time I want to give every victim of every crime in San Francisco the right to participate in Restored of justice if they choose to for all crimes including potentially rape murder kidnapping I'd like to give victims that choice in every case and it's going to take time and it's going to take work and we're have to see how many victims want to engage in a process some won't but this is about putting victims 1st but it will take a lot of buy in from police and scores of city and state agencies as well as money to enact his progressive agenda and many of these ideas are strongly opposed by law enforcement especially the unions in the campaign the police union here spent nearly $700000.00 criticizing the Dean as quote the number one choice of criminals and gang members in a statement after his win the Union warned that his policies will decimate public safety but things reformist views are shaped by his personal story like more than half of all Americans he has an immediate family member behind bars his parents were self described revolutionaries with the radical leftist Weather Underground in 1901 when Dean was in diapers his parents who were white dropped him off with a babysitter and went to take part in a Brinks armored car robbery at a mall with members of the Black Liberation Army or b l a that evening echoes of the violent radical underground of the 1960 s. Rolled over the New York suburb of Menuet today in the botched ambush of an armored car that left one guard and 2 policeman dead footings parents were driving the getaway U.-Haul truck with 1600000 in stolen cash and members of the b l a in the back when police pulled the van over at a roadblock I'm going to say opened up the door to the you have all the shots just started to be fired a surplus before mom served 22 years in prison for her role in the robbery and murders his father remains in prison in up stay. New York serving a 75 year sentence booting got to know his parents through plexiglass and on occasional weekends through a visiting program where he slept in a trailer on prison property he says he and his parents saw too many examples of inmates who were never rehabilitated years now decades of this ng my parents behind bars taught me hard lessons about how broken the criminal justice system is about how devoid of compassion is it's not healing the harm that victims experience it's not rehabilitating people and in many ways it's making us less safe buttin was adopted and raised by x. Weather Underground members turned university professors he says he knows his privilege private schools counselors and whiteness helped him navigate growing up with parents behind bars he became a Rhodes scholar and a Yale Law graduate today he talks often of the need to get at the larger why behind criminal behavior is mental health or drug addiction at the root of what occurred is there something else motivating it we need to do a better job identifying what's contributing to the crime and making sure we hold people accountable in a way that addresses that root cause you talk a lot about root causes what were the root causes of your parents' crime I was a year old when that occurred but I think the root cause was there dissatisfaction with an alienation from our democratic process and you know I'm I'm really proud that I've gone full circle from that and been able to to choose to try to reform a system that I see is broken not through armed struggle as they did but rather through the marketplace radios and a democratic election the son opting for his own form of revolution will need lots of support to get his agenda enacted when he's sworn in come January including cooperation from the many powerful forces who opposed him and were stunned when he won Eric Westervelt n.p.r. News San Francisco. While many Americans are watching the impeachment hearings play out on television screens some are learning about it in classrooms n.p.r. Asked teachers around the country what it's like to teach impeachment for India Meisel in Suffolk Virginia it's not her 1st time she taught through the Clinton hearings but she says this time is different my generation one as you waited for the newspaper to come out you know to see it on t.v. The whole 9 yards Meisel says Nowadays students receive a lot more information and they get it through social media like Twitter and Tom Schultz also taught during the Clinton impeachment and he says the news cycle ves days makes it a challenge to keep up with current events I could see something 1st period and by the time I got to carry it over 7 period things would change dramatically another challenge that comes with teaching impeachment arguments and facts some teachers try to avoid the topic because of how polarizing it can be that's why the teachers that spoke to n.p.r. Say they're using it as an opportunity to teach civil discourse both Schultz ski and Meisel who serve on the National Council for the social studies give a lesson at the beginning of the school year on respectful discussion Meisel says it's helped her Virginia students avoid arguments even when they strongly disagree and I've got some kids that are very opinionated that the president did no wrong and I've got some kids that are very opinionated that oh my gosh the faster we can getting out of office the better off we're going to be in Provo Utah teacher Riley hammy has a different problem the main issue I have is they start to become an echo chamber Hanny says she make sure that her 8th graders look at current events like the impeachment from all sides before the end of the discussion she says making her students feel like their voices matter is important to their civic engagement later on they have opinions and they're valid and now I don't know if they're just too little for the Senate writing to come out teachers told us their students often ask them to be part of the classroom discussion. On impeachment but many educators told us their opinions are not the ones that matter Riley hammy says she'll tell students what she thinks but only on the last day of school without fail she says they always forget. This is n.p.r. News. The trumpet ministrations clamp down at the southern border has migrants looking for a new route into the u.s. They're feeling a lot more pressure than they ever had down south and they found loopholes to exploit via Canada power tensions at the northern border changing the character of a once neighborly frontier I feel it's very intimidating just to have the barrier there it's like a law tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Support for National Native news as provided by the Durango and summer to narrow gauge railroad celebrating the Polar Express Christmas children's train beginning this Friday featuring live performances a trip to the north pole and a visit from Santa Claus details and tickets are available at Durango train dot com The time is 530 National Native news is next. This is National Native news I-Man Tonia Gonzales one of the West's largest coal fired power plants located on the Navajo Nation permanently shut down this week as Arizona Public Radio's Ryan hunches reports owners close the Navajo Generating Station as the industry faces more competition from natural gas and renewables officials with the Salt River project say all 3 units at N.G.'s closed after on site stockpiles of coal were used up the plant's owners voted in 2017 to shutter the 2250 megawatt plant that had been operating since the mid 1970 s. Many environmental groups have long been critical of N.G.'s and are now calling on the Navajo Nation to shift to a more sustainable energy production and water use the coal horse herder as an activist from Black Mesa on the nation this kind industry has changed our culture and the way that we live and our relationship to the earth that we live on and that life giving element the window of opportunity is there that we can move from transition to more sustainable project on a more sustainable economy to investment firms as well as a Navajo Nation owned company made attempts to buy N.G.'s and keep it and the nearby Kayenta mine operating but the efforts failed the Navajo and Hopi tribal governments will lose large portions of their revenue without the coal royalties and the mine closure forced the layoffs of hundreds of tribal members N.G.'s his owners will now begin the decommissioning process which will take 3 years and cost about $150000000.00 They'll also continue to lease the property for more than 3 decades from the Navajo Nation in order to conduct long term monitoring for National Native News I'm Ryan hunches in Flagstaff the u.s. Border on Geographic Names has approved changing the name of the bay and Southeast Alaska following a petition from tribal leaders complaining of its association with military aggression Jacob Resnick reports sagging. The Bay had been named after a u.s. Warship that 150 years ago destroyed 3 clean hit communities earlier this year both the Alaska House of Representatives and Alaska historical commission endorsed changing the name to be the request came from the organized village of cake the local tribal government and received final approval on November 14th and 869 the 3 villages targeted by the u.s. a Saginaw had evacuated in advance of the attacks but soldiers also burned winter food stores the According to oral accounts led to the starvation and suffering of an untold number of people. Other southeast place names including murder Cove surprise Harbor and retaliation point speak to a series of dark episodes and $869.00 the cane to be collectively known as the cake war skid off Bay lies off coup you Island about equal distance between Petersburg and Sitka for National Native News I'm Jacob Resnick in Juneau Alaska this week marks the 50th anniversary of the occupation of Alcatraz by native people chunk elder and veteran Kerry fund maker recently reminisced about his time there everybody not only Native Americans but in general across the United States who has a lot of protests colleges were protesting the Vietnam War and all this stuff and so I think. Means and most people I think that 868 Fort Laramie Treaty that they said any federal excess land you know reverts back to native American people so hence they went out there and we just stayed in the barracks and there's different people that gave donations to that cause in fact the boat where we would go back and forth there was called the best tub and that was bought or let Creedence Clearwater that's how we got back and forth out there fund makers says for him it was about tribal self-determination for more than a year native people occupied the island in San Francisco Bay to draw attention to Native Issues I man Tony Adams all us. National Native news is produced by Cormac Broadcast Corporation with funding by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Support by vision maker media whose mission is to empower and didn't gauge native people to share storage vision maker media is now inviting film projects intended for public television you can find out more that vision maker Media dot org. From northern Minnesota Red Lake Nation foods is pleased to support this show and share the bounty of the harvest wild rice products and wild fruit jams jellies and syrups produced by American Indians and the vailable at Red Lake Nation foods dot com. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Zoom Zoom offers cloud video conferencing online meetings and a video conference room solution in one platform featuring digital video and audio with screen sharing account registration and more at Zoom dot us from Indeed with its skills tests built for employers who want to see a deeper sense of the person behind the resume learn more it indeed dot com slash n.p.r. And from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station this is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Ari Shapiro And I'm Audie Cornish throughout the impeachment inquiry veteran diplomats have raised concerns about a so-called irregular back channel that was sending a message to the new president of Ukraine and that message if you want u.s. Support and nouns investigations into president trumps political rivals today's key witness said all of that happened in the open I'm not sure how someone could characterize something as an irregular channel when you're talking to the president the United States secretary of state the national security adviser the chief of staff of the White House the secretary of energy I don't know how that's a regular That's us Ambassador to the European Union cordon someone to help us make sense of the u.s. Approach to grain we've asked a former u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine to join us Steven Pifer Welcome to the program. How much did what you much of what you heard today deviate from the norm. Well the channel there was this obviously with the you want to call it in a regular channel however you term it it was a challenge that was not pursuing u.s. Government interests what Ambassador your Vonnegut's was doing in Ukraine before her early removal and then Ambassador Kaylor was designed to advance u.s. Interests and on the side with you called an irregular channel or whatever you've got Mr Giuliani ambassador son been working on an effort that's designed to promote the president's personal political interests sound that sound like you weren't buying Sahlins saying that look it's not a regular everybody understood what was going on you well I mean I think one of things that we learned today was at least at the top it sounds like the chief of staff at the White House the secretary of state the vice president were aware but you know people who are working in managing u.s. Ukraine relations on a day to day basis it appears were not involved deputy says the secretary can at the State Department for example or Dr Fiona Hill and Colonel didn't at the National Security Council they only became aware really late in the game about this and someone also insisted that there was a clear quid pro quo that Ukraine's president Selenski had to call for investigations if Selenski wanted to get that meeting with the president or military aide but Zelinsky has always said there was no pressure no blackmail from the u.s. How do you understand those remarks based on your experience in Ukraine I'm not surprised I mean there is no advantage to President slim security Ukraine for him to come out now and directly contradict the president the United States what Ukraine has to do and I think they're doing a fairly good job of Alaska going to walk this fine line between on the one hand trying not to antagonize the president but also when I was in Ukraine about 2 and a half weeks ago as far as I could see there are no serious investigations they also don't want to have Ukraine inserted into our domestic politics in a way that would disrupt a huge asset the cleanest had going back to 1901 which is that is bipartisan support. Republicans and Democrats like Congress but now you've got rain is in the headlines all the time I mean you were in Kiev How are people reacting to the impeachment inquiry in the u.s. And they're nervous I mean Russia has inflicted a conflict on Ukraine now for more than 5 years more than 13000 people have been killed and well Ukrainians want to be fully integrated in Europe they look at the United States to say the United States is the geopolitical balance to Russia and anything that sort of threatens to cause tension or problems in that relationship between Russian t.v. Is going to make Ukraine nervous you know particular now at a crucial time when they have a fairly new president and in the just a couple of weeks he's going to sit down for his 1st me with of Lattimer Putin and try to see if he can in the war in eastern Ukraine he's doing that as the u.s. Says no and boy raid since Ambassador Karl Volcker stepped down does that make sense for us. It depends on how we want to pursue the diplomacy remember Ambassador Volcker 1st came on board and his duty was a primary function was to deal with the Russians in a way to support the bridge the German and French led effort to mediate peace my understanding is for the last year and a half arsed last year and a half or so the Russians haven't been prepared to engage with embassador Volker So that is really no longer relevant but you know they need if we want to be more actively engaged we may need to have some more diplomatic or start to help with Ukraine that's former u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer He's now a senior fellow at Brookings thank you for your time thank you the stock market slump today after a report that many trade deal between the u.s. And China may not be finalized anytime soon the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled more than $250.00 points after Reuters reported the negotiations over a phase one trade deal could drag into next year markets pare their losses later in the day and a White House spokesman insists progress towards a deal is being made. But with trade tensions weighing on the u.s. Economy President Trump is once again trying to blame the Federal Reserve N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley reports President Trump often treats the stock market as a scoreboard of his personal performance especially when stocks are up speaking to a business audience in New York last week boasted the Dow has jumped more than 50 percent since the 26000 election and the Nasdaq's gains are even bigger and if we had a Federal Reserve that worked with us you could have added another 25 percent to each one of those numbers I guarantee you that Trump has complained repeatedly that the Fed was too quick to raise interest rates last year and too slow to cut them this year while the central bank has cut rates 3 times since July Trump notes other countries have done more to encourage borrowing in some cases even pushing interest rates below 0 Give me some of that. To me some of that money I want some of that money our Federal Reserve doesn't let us do it. Renewed that argument this week when he summoned Fed chairman Jerome power to the White House for a meeting where the president says he protested the level of interest rates Trump described the meeting with Powell as cordial The Cathy boss chances of Oxford Economics warns the president's tone could change quickly and sometimes it looks like he's setting the Federal Reserve as the fall guy if the economy does South one of the biggest waits on the economy has been the president's own trade policy which boss Jan 6th says has paralyzed business investment while also depressing exports and manufacturing as last meeting in October the Fed's rate setting committee cut interest rates by a quarter percentage point but also signaled that's likely to be the last cut for a while unless the economy worsens the told lawmakers last week the central bank will take its cues from the economy not the president's browbeating politics plays absolutely no role in our decisions we use the best data it has the now also as we can muster. We're here we're human we'll make mistakes but we won't make mistakes of character integrity economic growth is already slowing to an annual rate of less than 2 percent during the summer and fall many forecasters expect even slower growth in the final months of this year while the Fed is likely to leave interest rates where they are in December last chance excess conditions may have changed by the spring of the presidential election year our view would be that as we get into 2020 the data is going to be disappointing in and that there would be another rate cut but it wouldn't come till the March meeting unless a preliminary deal is struck with China by mid December the administration is threatening to impose new tariffs on another $160000000000.00 worth of imports including popular consumer items like cell phones and laptops at a cabinet meeting this week Trump told reporters he's feeling no pressure and we don't need to do his job and it just made the terrorists even higher even if the u.s. And China do reach a partial deal analysts say trade tensions are likely to. Linger in the new year that would be a drag on the u.s. Economy but if the slowdown gets bad enough the Fed may be forced to cut interest rates like the president wants Scott Horsley n.p.r. News Washington. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. To Thailand where the Bangkok fire department is busy in the summer not with fires but smokes last year the department got more than $37000.00 small incursion calls and this year in might be more Michael Sullivan reports from Dublin Welcome to our lobby at the bank and fire station near the airport firefighters sit in the ready room listening to the radio tower waiting for a call out the it's still the tail end of the rainy season and that means confinement going have fewer fires more snakes and the snakes never stop that's the city's chief snake wrangler 50 year old opinio Pokemon you know how many fires maybe 4 or 5 per day how many snakes sometimes 200 a day according to opinion in the bank just. 70 percent or Python and then Cobra fibers and banded crates the bendy crate is the most venomous we find in Bangkok opinio has been with the fire department for 30 years the last 15 specializing in snake removal I ask how many he's caught since the department started answering snake incursion calls in 2003 and I mean bad pun boy about 8000 in the past 16 years sometimes as many as 10 or 20 a day and yes they have been known to wiggle their way up through the toilet even if it's occupied says he's been bitten over 20 times each time he says he learned something new about not getting bit again and proves it in a demonstration behind the stage. There he shows off a 4 foot long monocle Oprah taken from a nearby home the night before. He holds the stake just below it. And lifts its head right in front of his face. He blames bank never ending development for the number of snake incursions that's been increasing every year. But you will who and what I have I don't know people who cross the line when they build in the snake's habitat what we think because we're human and we're always right and that the snake is the intruder they're not us with me. In a dark room behind the station's fire dropped Piniella stashed dozens of pythons Cobras and pit vipers in cages or plastic containers. But mine is. To do we keep these guys here for instruction to teach others their habits and how to catch them the snakes are kept here no more than 2 weeks then released by the park department in a forest far from the city. Where on the day I visit opinio is way below his usual hole we're in a struggle the 1st call turned out to be a bust but then you'll get another about a python in the rafters of a house 10 minutes away. Let me know meal he's been here many times because the woman who lives here keeps chickens and the chicken feed attracts mice and rats in yo says he once caught a python here more than 15 feet long today's intruder is just a baby that's still big enough to scare 50 year old kid up for school ma. Not go out very much it looks very scary to me and I'm afraid it's going to bite me so I'm very happy when this pin you know laughs and tucks the baby python into a bag he predicts he'll be back here within a week one month. One Yeah with accidents or fires it's very sad when you see people lose people they love or their property but when I catch a snake I'm happy happy he says because he can make people who are desperate or insecure feel safe in their own homes for n.p.r. News I'm Michael Sullivan in bet. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. That. Sonny Landreth is one of the most accomplished guitarists in the world his latest album live in Lafayette was Grammy nominated in a couple years old but who knows maybe something's got some news for us he'll tell stories about touring with Peter Frampton be friending Eric Clapton and will hear blazing live performances it's Sonny Landreth on the next World Cafe. World Cafe weekday evenings on k s u t from 10 to midnight support for all things considered is provided by guard Schwartz Sporting Goods annual extravaganza on Friday and Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm and Sunday from 10 until 3 at the plot of county fair grounds garden short serving the 4 corners since 1928 with quality outdoor clothing gear and accessories for camping hiking and winter sports on the next fresh air. It's a beautiful day in the snow but we talk with Mariel Heller about directing a beautiful day in the neighborhood starring Tom Hanks as Fred Rogers based on the friendship that developed between Rodgers and a cynical journalist assigned to profile him join us my neighbor. Alone named for. Fresh air coming your way at 6 o'clock each weekday on k s u t support for all things considered is provided by to for your beret and associates p.c. a Local certified public accounting firm supplying tax and financial planning services to for you Barrett and associates p.c. Proud to support the public radio and the 4 Corners community more information is available at 970-259-8000. It's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Audie Cornish and I'm Ari Shapiro the public phase of the House impeachment inquiry has pushed Republican Jim Jordan to center stage clear language clear understanding and commitment and those 2 things didn't happen so you had to be wrong the Ohio congressman's loyalty to the president and his combative staccato interrogation style are a big part of why Republicans added him to the committee leading up to the inquiry Mick Evans of member station w o s u visited Jordan's district to hear what his constituents make of the G.O.P.'s high profile inquisitor Urbana is an old railroad town in western Ohio and it's where Jim Jordan was raced as a bustling little restaurant downtown called Cafe parodies where Rob Pollock is sitting on a stool he has this county's Republican Party and says Jordan's brash style is what his voters want to see it's not the same Washington d.c. That used to be right so I think it is helpful to our district that our congressman is. Sharp enough to recognize that what worked in the past isn't going to work in the future Jordan's hometown as part of the jury mender district sprawling from far western Ohio to the outskirts of Cleveland nearly 150 miles northeast is solidly Republican offering Jim Jordan some latitude in staking out political positions and defending the president the American people see through all this they understand the facts support the president they understand this process is unfair and they see through the whole darn sham he's become a fixture in the impeachment hearings Joss said glaring over the top of his glasses to grill witnesses that take no prisoners style was on full display last week as he interrogated ambassador Bill Taylor you didn't listen in present from Skull presidencies call you never talk a cheap sample of any I never did you never met the president that's correct and 3 meetings it was Alinsky didn't come up and 2 of those they had never heard about as far as I know although Jordan is often associated with the Tea Party he was elected to Congress a few years earlier he helped establish the freedom caucus which was able to. A handful of strident conservative voices into a potent political check on g.o.p. Leadership in the house but Ohio State political scientist Paul Beck notes the congressman's legislative accomplishments are limited he says in Congress there are workhorses and show horses and he has been more a show horse he indeed has authored legislation but I think he really is seen as much a policy person as a very articulate and passionate spokesperson for the most conservative part of the Republican Party as an outspoken conservative Jordan does have his detractors here back at the cafe William Hope finds his embrace of President Trump and his aggressive style off putting I really don't agree with a lot of the stuff these Republican. Appreciative of the fact that he seems to be one of the top people the fun of this guy outside of politics Jordan's defining experience is probably wrestling he was a state champion all 4 years in high school and a national champ twice in college those around him often bring it up to explain his combative style by Casella was a national wrestling champ at Ohio State a few years after Jordan served there as an assistant coach and facilities to attend camps run by the Jordan family he doesn't agree with Jordan's politics that being said as a person. Like there are a handful of good people that I think in Washington and whether I agree or disagree with them I do think he is probably on the top of the list but Jordan's wrestling history comes with baggage hundreds of athletes and students now report they were molested by a team doctor during Jordan's tenure Jordan has repeatedly insisted he knew nothing about that the congressman has never faced a strong challenger and many here say as long as he's defending the president will likely remain popular for n.p.r. News I'm Nick Evans in Columbus. And now the story of a 2nd chance r.g. Williams spent 36 years in prison for a crime he did not commit tonight he's performing at New York City's Apollo Theater in the amateur night competition N.P.R.'s Rose Friedman reports Archie Williams likes his odds. Says. He's made it through 2 rounds and he's pretty psyched hours dream the. Dream has come true. I met Archie Williams in his lawyers office at the Innocence Project in New York he was goofing around in the hallway not unlike a kid letting off some steam you when it just wasn't you were 22 you feel like like you're picking up where you left off to feel like 22 you know Joe do as the do things about Dave and I was 22 right now mainly that's singing Williams says he grew up in a talented family in Baton Rouge but his musical career was cut short by his arrest from 1982 rape and attempted murder his lawyer finesse Apoc and picks up the story he was just you know walking down the street one day when the police snatched him up and ended up putting his photograph in a photo array that was viewed by a woman who had been attacked in her home the woman didn't they do. Williams at 1st but she was shown his photo 2 more times eventually she told police it was him and he was convicted you know he sends Angola prison basically told he's going to die there you know a life sentence no possibility of parole he endured prison life but there was one small saving grace he was able to form a better. As the 1st place I was. Going it was. Also during that time Williams reached out to the Innocence Project he was 12 years into his sentence we recognize that forensic science could help prove him innocent the state fought tooth and nail Popkin says the state of Louisiana wouldn't give them access to evidence including the fingerprints that had been collected at the crime scene really just blocked the way successfully for 2 decades in till a woman named commissioner Kimball took the bench she ordered that the fingerprints be searched in the F.B.I.'s database she said you know we're going to get to the truth here and within 8 hours those prints were matched to a serial assailant and Archie's innocence was proven but entering back into society as a 58 year old isn't easy the Innocence Project can help Williams pay for an apartment but they say they're having trouble finding anyone who will rent to him and he's missed out on a lot of technology today's technology is really my heart is part of what's going on in today's society I'm learning piano or in. Computer. So I'm trying to get back into society like I once was because I lost so much for his performance at the Apollo Williams has chosen a Stevie Wonder song he says to him the lyrics are spiritual I'm pretty sure everyone can relate I wish I had our talks about when we was key is that these we used to do that's what the song is all about I wish those days would come back once more why did those days have to go sneak in the back to hang with those who don't free isn't my. That. If Archie Williams is successful tonight he'll be eligible to sing for the $20000.00 grand finale prize under them or $27.00 Rose Friedman n.p.r. News New York. With all the news happening every day it can be hard to keep up check out our podcast up 1st you get the day's biggest stories in about 10 minutes it's available every weekday morning where ever you get your podcasts. And. You're listening to All Things Considered. Support for n.p.r. 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Dot org slash never run out and from Sony Pictures with a beautiful day in the neighborhood directed by Mariel Heller and starring Tom Hanks a journalist learns about empathy and kindness after being assigned a profile of Mr Rogers only in theaters November 22nd support for all things considered is provided by enemas surgical hospital physician owned and just minutes from downtown Durango at the Rivergate medical campus experience surgeons and nurses provide personalized care resulting in favorable outcomes and higher rates of patient satisfaction online at Animas surgical dot com and support is also provided by Dr Michael Ware General Psychiatry delivering compassionate psychiatric care to adults now offering transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment for depression Dr Michael Russian Ski General Psychiatry proud supporter of k s u t more info at to Rango psychiatry's dot com 970-799-6911 this is k s u t Ignacio k u t e Ignacio Katie and Durango Farmington k u s w Flora Vista and k p g s p go to springs the time is 6 o'clock it's time for fresh air Have a great evening and be safe from the of us.

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