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Earth Campaign Trump may run over the next 16 days. Scrambling to protect vulnerable seats in any way they can. Ill each you in suspense. The unprecedented threat he may not accept the Election Results sent the party into a tail spin. Republicans rushed to condemn trump. I dont believe in that theres a rigged election system. Senator john mccain said in a statement, in every previous election, the loser congratulates the winner and calls them my president. Thats not just the republican way or the democratic way. Its the american way. In a new nbc news surveymonkey online poll shows that 45 of republicans may not accept the results of the election if trump loses. The integrity of the electoral process is at risk. I think its already rigged to be perfectly honest. Red states from arizona to georgia even utah are now in play. The rnc is focusing trump where traditional battleground states with Competitive Senate races even if trump himself may not win that state. Because getting out trump voters still matters. We are going to win the state of wisconsin p. But the debate about the actions is now the main issue in competitive races across the country. Pat toomey and donald trump, theyre just wrong for the wom of pennsylvania. Kelly ayotte stood by him. A t trump. And on saturday, an 11th woman came forward to accuse trump of Sexual Misconduct. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over. Republicans in tough races are trying everything from complete disavowal. No matter who the next president is, New Hampshire needs a strong voice in the u. S. Senate. That senator, kelly ayotte. Would be bad enough. Reject jason candor. To accepted im a change agent. And somewhere in between. Im still in the same mode i was monday night which is feeling stuck. Joining me now is the democratic nominee for Vice President , senator tim kaine of virginia. Welcome back to meet the press. Chuck, good to be with you. Thanks. Clinton said yesterday shes done responding to donald trump on anything and then added as were traveling in these last 17 days well be emphasizing the importance of electing democrats down the ballot. Do you believe this election is in the bag either . No, neither hillary and i do. If you look at the schedules for the next 17 days were not taking anything for granted. Its a season of surprises. We like what we see now. We like the early voting activity and the absentee ballot well do everything we can before the polls close on the evening of november 8th. I want to go to the hacked emails, wikileaks. You dont want to respond to them because you dont believe that they have all been confirmed but there has been out of 25,000 some emails released i think theres only been a dispute about two or three. Why shouldnt the public look at these wikileaks emails and have it be something that informs them about secretary clinton . These are connected to a russian government propaganda effort to destabilize the election, to affect the outcome of the election. Does that change what but does that change whats in the emails . The motive for them is very, very important for americans to understand. This is near historic and then the one that has referred to me was flat out completely sending it didnt know what they were talking about. But clearly, i think theres a capacity for much of the information in them to be wrong. As you know, i want to bring up a politico story, the headline is wikileaks poisons hillarys relationship with the left. We were already kind of suspicious of where her instincts were, but now we see she is who we thought she was, said one operative. The honeymoon is going to be tight and small and maybe nonexistent. Is it fair for progressives to look at these emails and have some doubts about clintons electioneering switches . I dont think so. If were able to win, it will be america, you know, moving one step closer to our equality ideal. Making history and that should be a cause for excitement. Look, we have to get we have to come together, democrats, republicans and independents, challenges that we have to tackle together. I was with hillary at two great rallies today. She laid it on in terms of her own views. But she said at the end of the day, if i am president , i have to be president for everybody and weve got to reach out to everybody to craft an agenda that will work in all parts of this country. You know, its interesting that you bring that up. Ive heard her say that. Shes also described half of trumps supporters as deplorable. Shes criticized for instance pat toomes she wants to pledge to be president of all the people, but are you going to be able to work with republicans who supported trump or when you campaign against republicans who support donald trump does that mean you dont want to work with them once they come to washington . I think the best evidence of that, chuck, is both of our track records. Hillary had a super track record working across the aisle. She had that record as first lady. Im struck as a senator from virginia how many of my their respect for hillary and i know that thats the way shell approach governing. Of course we stand with our teams during an election season. That doesnt surprise anybody. After election day, were expected to reach across the aisle thats what i have done in virginia and thats hillarys track record too. Let me go back to wikileaks and one on tpp. This one was allegedly from ron clang and it was about the tpp flipflop. He says this, she has to be for it. She called it the Gold Standard of huge flip flop. She can say that as president she would work to change it. Can she say it would better, but i think she should support it. Why shouldnt her new position on tpp be referred to as a flipflop . Why isnt it a standard definition of flip flop . Well, look, i mean, ill use my own example. I voted to give the president the fast track ability to negotiate the best trade deal in 2015, i said, look, i have a couple of concerns and youve got to address these concerns because im not guaranteeing i eat vote for it on the merits. My concerns were largely around enforcement issues. Hillary had the same view, there were a number of things she liked and other things she didnt. As was the case when she was a senator, remember, she voted for some trade deals and she voted against others. If they didnt meet her standard of raising the number of jobs, raising wages, and the enforcement and National Security angles, shed vote against them. And her conclusion about the tpp which is required to be voted on up or down, no amendments, as it falls short of her standards. Was it a requirement before you joined the ticket you come out against tpp . No. Because you didnt come out as forcefully until after you joined the ticket. Well, it was because look, i was in the middle of meeting with various groups about the final product, but i had put on the record in 2015 deep concerns that i had, especially about the enforcement provisions. Those concerns were not addressed and, you know, i tell you, trade deals if theyre good enough can be okay. But if you embrace a trade deal thats bad, you deepen peoples skepticism about trade in general and its better to wait and try to find deals that meet your standards and not embrace deals that aub overseas. Probably talking up the idea of tpp and an asian trade agreement. If you guys are elected, will you pursue an asian trade agreement even if its not the tpp . Hillary and i havent talked about that question directly, chuck, but look, we arent against trade. We want to find export markets for american businesses because theyll be able to add workers and whether its in asia or in europe, if we can find deals that meet those goals more jobs, higher wages and good for National Security, and good enforcement provisions were open to them. So no, you never close the door. If you can get a deal thats going to be good for American Workers and our so she could pursue a version of tpp . . Again, we havent talked about that in particular. We are not sure what the process going to be for whether the tpp will be brought up for a vote. We dont know what Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan will do. If im in the senate ill vote against it. We have to wait and see what theyll do. Again, hillary has laid out the standard. If it doesnt meet three pillars we cant support it and tpp doesnt. Do you think it will be appropriate or inappropriate for well, its pretty common to serve at least during part of it. One of issues that would be practical again were not getting ahead of ourselves. Im not assuming im going to win, but if i do, then the governor of virginia would have to make a decision about who to appoint to replace me and that isnt necessarily automatic. So rather than where virginia would have only one senator i would want to serve until a replacement is named. Im curious as if as a catholic you were offended by one of the wikileaks that came out. An email exchange that included the Campaign Spokesperson jennifer palmieri, one person wrote that referring to Rupert Murdoch for instance that they are both catholic, theyre attracted to the faith because of the systemic thought and severely backward gender relations and palmieri said i politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldnt understand if they became evangelicals. Did that bother you as a catholic, senator . You know, first, again, i dont know if those folks wrote those emails or not. But a lot of catholic americans have heard that, and some are offended by it. What do you say to them . Heres what i say to them. Hillary clintons feeling about faith and about catholicism in particular is most demonstrated by the fact that she asked me to be her running mate and she described one of the reasons that she me was because of my own faith background. My missionary service in honduras and my jesuit education which she felt was a close match with her methodist upbringing. Thats the most direct evidence about what she thinks about catholics. One final question here. Obama administration wasnt implementing a no fly zone over aleppo and i know he endorsed the idea of a no fly zone over syria. Heres what he said to me. Ill ask you about it on the other thing. First things first, we must defeat isil. Dod has told us that the assets we need to be able to do that have to be diverted. We could not do both. The Obama Administration says both cant be done. Secretary clinton believes they can. Why do you think the Obama Administration is wrong . Strong supporter of the president. Strong supporter of the president , but since february of 2014, i have suggested that the United States and other nations should help implement the u. N. Security Council Resolution passed during that month to allow for the cross border delivery of humanitarian aid into safe spaces in northern syria. I dont think it would be easy or automatic and i agree with didnt do it, we would see what we have in fact seen, a mass exodus of refugees from syria that are dangerous to the refugees themselves and destabilize other countries. My concern if we dont do that, well continue the see the exodus that will cause a security concern. Theres a report over the weekend at t going to buy time warner. Almost some democrats including al franken are very skeptical of the merger. Including donald trump as well. He said im skeptical of huge media mergers because they can lead to higher costs and worse service for consumers. Are you a skeptic of the merger as well . I share the concerns and questions. We have to get to the bottom of them. Generally pro competition and less concentration i think is generally helpful. Especially in the media. But this is just has been announced. I havent had a chance to dig into the details but those are the kinds of questions we need coming in. You bet. When we come back, well hear from the other side. Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway joins us. Ill ask her some of the poll numbers that just came out. As we go to break, a light moment here with snls take on the election last night. In the first debate, i set the table. In the second debate i fired up the grill. The grill. And tonight, i feast. 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Giving them the agility to have speed precision. Welcome back. Just out this morning ask a new abc tracking poll and it has some tough news for donald trump. It has Hillary Clinton up by double digits nationally. 12 points. 5038 in a fourway race. This is likely voters. Last week by the way abcs poll had clinton up by just four. Joining me manager for trump, Kellyanne Conway. Welcome back to the show. Hi, chuck. Let me ask you, most of polls have shown a large lead for secretary clinton. There are a couple that have different methodology that have shown a tighter race. Where do you see this race right now . Do you acknowledge that youre behind . We are behind. She has some advantages like 66 million in ad buys just in the month of september. Thereby doubling her ad buys destruction, ses pool kind of quad ads. She has a former president campaigning for her, her husband, and shes shes seen as the incumbent. We were behind one, three, four points in some of the swing states that mitt romney lost to obama. Our advantage is that donald trump is going to continue to take the case directly to the people. He doesnt expto and the way were treated by some. And so hes taking the case, hes going to visit all of the swing states many times as his running mate governor pence. We feel with Hillary Clinton under 50 even though shes run a traditional and Expensive Campaign we have a shot of getting the undecideds voters who says i dont want to vote for Hillary Clinton, and we need sense that you guys had a reset speech. Donald trump going to gettysburg to he quoted lincoln at the top. Talk about healing divisions but before he got to the first 100 day agenda items it was as substantive as a speech as hes given, he talked about threatening to sue all of the accusers who have come out threatening Sexual Misconduct is that a way to reset the last 16 days of the campgn said many times which is none of this is true. Theyre fabrications, all lies. He dispensed with that in a sentence or two. But he talked about the rigged, corrupt system. It did include some in the media, not all, but most. 96 of the donations went to Hillary Clinton by working journalists. 96 . Theres no arguing no act there was no political journalists in there. That, but that includes people who cover sports or entertainment. I mean, im just saying. Lets give it some nuance here. Okay, lets give it nuance. Get it down from a couple of points from 96. Theres no nuance, chuck. You have a print reporter from a major outlet saying, hey, im just a hack, john podesta, so do you like what im saying in the article . Heres some editorial latitude if you want to change anything. This should not be. So when he talks about the remember, hes standing up for the forgotten man and the forgotten woman. This is not about him. This is about the people. This is about folks who are white knuckled trying to paying the bill. Theyre feeling their pressnary against the nose of the rigged system and cant get in their. Theyre watching everybody else benefit. He speaking for them. He has legitimate is because he was once an insider. He said that yesterday. I understand that. He instead focused on himself. I mean, this is campaign it was a small piece of a 42minute speech. A small piece. Threatening a lawsuit though to all of the women. Let me ask you this. If theyre all why not sue them now . Why wait till after the election . Because were busy winning the presidency. Were little bit busy over here doing that. And hes i think putting people on notice that they just they cant just falsely accuse him. Hes said none of this has happened. Theyre all lies and i thought he gave a robust and substantive outline of what he did. What reminded me of the first contract of america, there are specific solutions and he said hold us accountable. No accountability in washington. Drain the swamp. Given the various tweets, maybe subtle tweets you have done this week when people have said, hey, somebody shouted i wish he would focus on message answer, not a conwayesque answer. You responded with a wink and a nod and then a trump supporter said to mike pence this yesterday. Take a listen. Please tell donald trump to stick to the issues and hell beat hillary. Im tired of the crap. Good luck. That voter, he said, dell trump this is what tell trump to stick to the issues. Y brought up the lawsuit threat yesterday . I think donald trump is at his best when he sticks to the issues its how hes started. Its whats propelled his candidacy. But the issue sets benefits the pence the trump pence ticket in this way. People believe that radical they think that obamacare is a bad deal for Many Americans and everyday affordability is elusive to them and bringing back manufacturing the jobs, thats the issue set, building the wall and securing the border that propelled trump. When he talks about it like he did yesterday in gettysburg, hes at his finest. I have a sense of humor that some are lacking. Earlier in the debate, as does my client here, donald trump, said thats all good. Were having a great time here. I only retweeted for a simple just hearing at last a republican president ial candidate before tens of millions of people giving the best messaging the best impassioned defense of life, the sanctity of life. And he talked about being prolife and he took the case to Hillary Clinton. Youre the one whos a extreme, abortion, any time, anywhere. Been working on that for decades, it took donald trump to do it. Let me ask you this final voter fraud fears and this and that, donald trump appears to have walked it back a bit. You walk it back a lot. Everybody that works for donald trump has walked it back a lot. But our new nbc surveymonkey poll showed nearly half of Trump Supporters will believe the election is rigged if he doesnt win. Do you expect some responsibility or does the campaign accept some responsibility for that number being so high with no. People already think that the entire system is rigged against them and theyre right. Meaning the corrupt, rigged system. The elections every four years are part of that. Its the essence of the candidacy, chuck. But do you believe the elections are rigged in this country . I believe well, i dont like a lot of the information, the objective information about the dead people on the rolls debunked. People die 2. 5 Million People die every year on the voter rolls so it takes time to get dead people off the voter polls. It takes our government an awful lot of time to do most things competently. Thats part of the problem here. But when it comes to the elections i think if you went through every single hypothetical possible with my colleague robby mook or his client, Hillary Clinton, they would walk back were going to accept the Election Results. If you a point in this state or if it came down to 500 some votes in that state we dont know. So of course we respect the principles of american democracy and if were concerned about the american democracy as so many chest beaters were this week, ask Hillary Clinton why she takes fens of millions of dollars from countries that hate women and disrespect women and throw gays of off of building. Thats using the state department as a concierge for foreign donations not really respecting our american democracy. Kellyanne conway, i will thanks for coming on the show. Thank you. Coming up, were going to look at some early clues about how the vote may be those new glasses . They are. Do i look smarter . Yeah, a little. Youre making money now, are you investing . Well, ive been doing some research. Let me introduce you to our broker. How much does he charge . I dont know. Okay. Uh, do you get your fees back if youre not happy . dad laughs wow, youre laughing. Thats not the way the world works. Are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management, i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. People rely on that first cup and i wouldnt want to mess with that. But when my back pain got bad, i couldnt sleep. I had trouble getting there on time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a sleep aid . Look up at a new day. . Hey guys now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. Nt . , well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. Liberty stands with you . Welcome back. The panel is here. Stewart stevens, first time joining us. Eliana johnson, welcome to the table for the first time. And tom friedman. All right. We have stewart you have been in her role before. Interpret what she said when it came to Donald Trumps 100 day speech. Look, your job she has is to spin whatever happens. I hate going out with those accusations that you are going to sue everybody. Its the craziest way to begin a substantive speech. A groom showing up at the rehearal dinner with a stripper and thinking the wedding is does he just do it . I really have no idea. It stops you from being able to deliver a clear message. She was trying to say that, yes, he should stay on the issues and the ideas she didnt want to say she didnt want to go behind him and say he should not have brought up these women. But thats what happened. In the debate you could tell he was kind of sticking to the issues. He was at his best when he was talking about abortion, talking about guns. Conservatives like that. Then he started saying he might not accept the results of the election. That turned the whole headline into that. Is at his best. Everybody thats working for him is trying to get him to do that. Trump is going to do down the way he wants to. I laid out this morning the coverage ever his speech yesterday. Only the wall street journal did the headline as the agenda and subhead as the lawsuits. Everybody else was the lawsuits was the headline, the agenda was subhead. Thats a problem right there. You know, people always ask, are these things scripted . Does he plan it . No. When trump acts like trump, he puts his aides in these horrible positions. Very, very uncomfortable for the people that work for him. Thats kind of the position you put yourself in when you work for a guy like that. I want to move to tim kaine. You spent a lot of time traveling the world. This tpp issue, nobody has ever truly believed if you covered Hillary Clintonng on this was anything other than political. Did anything tim kaine said convince you otherwise . Not in the least. If i were an oil company and i had a huge spill on the coast of california, im hiring her. I have never seen anybody able to talk her way out of a bad client. The real truth i think chuck, when be look back at this election, it will be the election that both parties blew up. Donald trump blew up the Republican Party. It was patched over because of the urgency of defeating donald trump who was a greater threat. Trade will be a central part of what will see that fracture. Its the first place it will appear. We will see it right away. As you know, right after its the november trip, being a white house correspondent, i hated it. Its the long trip. President obama will be talking up tpp the whole time. Immediately, the president and potentially the president elect no mat wins the presidency are going to be at odds over a huge deal around the world. I actually think that thats exactly right. Because of the crisis in the Republican Party is garnering all the headlines, the democrats are overlooking the looming crisis in their party because i think the primary between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton really showed that Hillary Clinton is where the head of the Democratic Party is. But the people really are with Bernie Sanders, particularly on trade. You saw tim kaine say, well, an asian trade agreement, yeah, probably for that. The Democratic Party their heart is against that. Thats going to be a bloody fight. The same is true in the Republican Party. Ive been talking to progressives who tell me they are organizing against Hillary Clinton. They are saying, we will have to push her every step of the way. We dont trust her. This idea about tpp, theyre not going to like tim kaines answer. They are thinking that, i dont trust these people. I dont know what theyre going to do when they get in there. Greatest liberal achievement on trade since we have negotiated trade agreements. The first deal that has real labor protection and real environmental protection. Thats exactly what obama will be selling the morning after. Ironically, stu, i have had democrats say this to me, especially in this issue, if you are Hillary Clinton, secretly you hope paul ryan is still the speaker of the house, you need one republican majority to basically tell progressives, this is as far as i can go. Whats extraordinary about of the democrat. He is up there saying Bernie Sanders is right. He wants 45 tariffs. I dont i think it would be good to have someone like paul ryan there who can argue a more conservative viewpoint of why we need this. Lets go into numbers. We got early voting numbers here. Over 4 Million People have cast their ballot so far. We know the partisan break down of the voters. You can see how the candidates are stacking up with data provided by a Democratic Firm called target smart, floridas vote, republicans and democrats are pom polling about the same, 4242, 3940. Look at north carolina, republicans accounted for 50 of all absentee vote in 2012. Now its closer. Its proof that it looks like the democrats have the mechanic president ial politics, two equal campaigns. We have never had a situation where the Trump Campaign doesnt have much of an organization. Its more of a concert tour. What are the implications of that . Some have argued as trump did in the primary, it doesnt matter. Were going to see the first test of that because say what you will about the Clinton Campaign, they have designed a very effective machine. With top people. And i think that republicans are states because we never went through the president ial campaign of raising money and giving it to the states to build this. We will see how it plays out in the early numbers. How much pan do you hear from Senate Candidates . Absolutely. I would add one note of caution about the early voting numbers. We dont know how any of these people went into the ballot box and pulled the lever. This is based on the Party Somebody is affiliated with. Going to vote like traditional democrats . Are republicans going to vote like traditional republicans . Just a note of caution on that. To stus point, this is like a Political Science experiment in whether ground game matters. What you have heard from Senate Candidates are they have had to build out president ialtype ground games in each and every state. Thats tremendously difficult. I will wrap this up. We will know on election day if her lead increases from what the National Polls say. Then it will tell us that ground gamo with the beach boys who sang catch a wave. If the democrats catch a wave, could they sit on top of the senate and house . Thats next. First, more from last nights snl. So you are just never going when you travel, you want your needs to be understood no matter where you go. With watson on the ibm cloud, travel Companies Like wayblazer can apply cognitive analytics to social data to understand what a destination is really like. And who exactly, it will appeal to. Today watson is helping businesses create experiences that revolve around you. Because thats what the ibm cloud is built for. . . Before it became a medicine, an inspiration. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures. Had 12 years of setbacks and breakthroughs, 4,423 sleepless nights, and countless trips back to the drawing board. At first they were told no, 8,500 patient volunteers, and the hope of millions. And so after it became a medicine, someone who couldnt be cured, could be. Me. . . We are back. Data download time. Hillary clinton is holding on to a solid lead. So democrats are looking to run up the score down the ballot. Their chances to take back the what would turn 2016 into an actual wave election that could help democrats get the 30 seats they would need to win a House Majority . Our pal at the Cook Political Report rated these 19 house districts across the country as pure tossup races. 17 are held by republicans. Just two by democrats. If this does become a wave election, democrats would probably win the lion share of those races. Throw those in. Add in several seats that largely because of redistricting that took place in florida and virginia and the democrats could net 21 seats just in those two categories. However, for this truly to be a wave election, democrats are going to have to score upsets in places republicans normally win. So these are the 12 lean republican races across the country. There are three that im going to pay special attention to on election night. Indianas ninth district which includes bloomington. These are the races to watch to see if democrats win two of these three or all three of them, then it will tell you a lot about moderate republican turnout. It may have not been there which could, in turn, mean a bad night for the republicans across the board. We did see big waves in 2006 when the democrats took back the house and senate and in 2010 when republicans flipped the house back by a huge margin. Not be on the democrats side. The last time the house of representatives changed hands in a president ial election year, 1952. Ask yourself, is this an eisenhower wave thats come sng when we come back, we will talk about whether there is a real possibility to rig a general election in the United States. As we go to break, here is another light moment from last nights snl. All of the newscasters are how are we doing that . By taking all of the things i say and all of the t before fibromyalgia, i kept on top of things. I was a doer. Then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. She also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. For some, lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. 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This man creates software, used by this bank, to protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Back now with our panel. Before we get to the election rigging stuff, i want to talk about what i just did on the data download, the house. Its a long shot. Not since 1952 has the house Republican Party . I find myself with two minds when i think of that. One is, you would like to have republicans have skin in the game. Both for the reasons you talk about, to discipline the left wing of the Democratic Party but also that we cant get anything big done without that. But i have another mind. Maybe this party just needs to crash and burn. This version of the Republican Party needs to die so out of the ashes just as a new Democratic Party came out of the postmcgovern era, council movement, a sane Republican Party. There you go. Thats going to happen regardless whether republicans lose the house will there be 75 of the party are trump voters. Its 25 that think the way you think. What i think is going to happen is the party is crashing and burning right now. Donald trump i think will preach to the converted after the election. But the party is going to have to Trump Supporters i think party. The party is going to grapple with how to incorporate Trump Supporters and parts of trumpism on trade and immigration in particular. That needs to happen. I think both parties have neglected the voters. Many of them are former democrats. Whats best for the Republican Party, total collapse or keep paul ryan there to be the guy that sort of where the Republican Party goes is up in the air. Its got to be reality based. I just keep going back to this, 1980, Ronald Reagan vote. Mitt romney got 59 and lost. A lot of these conversations you hear about the Republican Party are like you are on the interstate, you have 100 miles to go and you only have 45 miles of gas. The car doesnt care. Its going to stop. Republicans have to decide we can reach out to more nonwhite voters and will elections or not. Theres no alternative. For pence and for donald trump and i talk to people, they dont feel as though the Republican Party really stuck with them. They feel like the party just doesnt understand the anxiety they are feeling about the economy and also about health care and what theyre going to take care of their families. They sound like people who voted for obama. I was talking to people about whether they voted for obama. They thought there was going to be change. The Republican Party, 75 of them dont sound like the people that thees that up. Iowa and ohio havent sort of Hillary Clinton hasnt taken off during this spell. That means, there are obama voters from 12 who they painted mitt romney as the guy that fired you, those people are with trump, because he is talking the way obama talked about romney. Theres not an enormous segment but a significant segment of the electorate that feel necessarily that the election is going to be rigged but that the system is rigged against them. They havent gotten the attention from either party that they deserve. I think thats scorned by elites in both parties. I dont think that the debate is over whether or not the republican needs to reach out to minority voters or to these voters, but its how to do that. Immigration reform, the magic bullet . Does moderating the party stance on entitlement reform or welfa constructive . It does seem as if i thought one of your i thought ross had an he said the risk with Hillary Clinton is the idea of group think about globalization. This is what some skeptical trump people who still may vote for him are thinking about. You know what . Maybe shes not going to rethink how globalism works. I would take it one step technological inflection point. The workplace is being transformed. What bill clinton said in 1992 just doesnt apply anymore. What did he say at that convention . If you work hard and play by the rules you should be in the middle class. Good luck with that. You have to work harder, reengineer, retool. And i used to say, when i graduated from college, my daughters have to invent a job. Thats whats new. You may get your first job but you have to reinvent and nobody wants to trust the people with that truth. Its really scary. Does the Clinton Campaign get this . Its hard to say that they get this. If you hear them talking about the economy or you hear if you hear them talking about giving people opportunities, they still believe that if you go to college or if you do this, it sounds like they are saying, you can sounds like bill clinton. Have. Theres this american dream. When you talk to people who have four degrees or masters programs and they cant find jobs or theyre living in the basement of their parents house, those are people who voted for Bernie Sanders or are solid Trump Supporters. 45 seconds with our end game segment, including something that hasnt happened since Harry Trumans first year in office. Coming up, meet the press coming up, meet the press end game, brought to you by no, not wine, but that does work too. One little switch. Plug electronic equipment into a power strip. Turn it off every night. Youll save money and time for wine. Meet the press enter game is brought to you by boeing, building the future one century at a time. Clinton wanting to work across the aisle, should paul ryan stay or go, its clear clinton and obama are looking for a wave. Look how much president obama is suddenly appearing in down ballot tv ads. Here is a montage. Terry is running for congress. We need more people like her in washington. Vote for brad and the democrats. So we can keep americas promise to our seniors. [ speaking spanish ] charlie your vote. Please stand with him. I know he will always stand with you. This reminds me of mitt romney 2014. He was popular enough to use in the down ballot ads. He suddenly is popular in swing state ads. Its a huge advantage for any party to have a popular person, its a sweet spot to be in for the next few weeks. You can call and say, do you want the president , do you want the first lady, do you want Bernie Sanders, do you want bill clinton . How about joe biden . You can build a rally with those people. They have constituencies. Its really starkly different when you see whats happening with the Trump Campaign and who he is traveling with. It limits the audience appeal. How do the Senate Candidates handle this that president obama is playing he called out marco rubio. This has to make that vice grip tighter. Republican candidates are constrained not only by democratic strings but by trumps weaknesses. Voters want a check on a clinton presidency. Republican candidates cant say that. Theres a segment trump voters who will vote against them, threaten to vote against them if they say that. They cannot go out and Campaign Election to Hillary Clinton. They are running ads on republican Senate Candidates being a check. They would have to say it forthrightly. They cannot do that. Nevada senate, tom, the republican nominee, he came out against when trump and the Sexual Assault language came out, he said he said it was personal for him. His wife had been a victim of Sexual Assault. He couldnt do it. Apparently, he hasnt led him. I think what is scarier is what happens if trump loses after the election . Which donald trump people say he will start his own Media Company and be constantly terrorizing the Republican Party from the right. This will be very interesting. You see a tension between trump ink and trump inc. The United States Government Association next year i think is holding the womens u. S. Open at a trump golf course. You can see a real tension between trump ink and trump inc. The people punishing the down ballot candidates, they are buying into the idea the election is rigged. If you say i want a check on Hillary Clinton, you are conceding that you are buying into the system that you are somehow part of the system that is denying trump his rightful win. Thats a problem. I should say to add, i covered Bernie Sanders for a long time. He would say the economy is rigged. This idea is that it was seeds that grew into what we see now. Because its not a far leap for some people. Why does your Party Struggle with its most conservative movement being satisfied with incrementalism . While the progressive wing of the Democratic Party accepts it . I think it has to do with the base of the Republican Party being a base that always assumed that the next generation would be better. They really bought into this a birth right of being an american. That basic compact with the government and with society feels threatened. I think thats very frightening. Well, we will leave it there. By the way, i should note, im a dodgers fan. My staff is making me do this. Last night the cubs clinched i will say this with clinched teeth, a trip to the world series after beating my dodgers. The cubs will be facing the series since 1945. And they won a world series they havent won since a roosevelt was president , teddy. That was in 1908. They have only won when Teddy Roosevelt is in office. Here is Hillary Clinton, a onetime chicago native, celebrating the watching the cubs postgame celebration. She did not don a yankees cap. Thats all we have for this meet the press. On todays show hurray for the riff raff then its the journey of siah, plus the rise of Gabriel Ponte and later brian trust me when i tell you this ca on latin nation [theme song] [theme song] welcome to latin nation celebrat from coast to coast im your host Humberto Guida and show we feature one of my favorite folk bands of all time, they are hurray for the riff raff from the beginning lead singer a knew that there was more to the country than just her bronx neig age she backbacked

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