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Our to how clean they need to be if humans hope to avoid even more deadly extreme weather drought rising seas disease outbreaks and food supply disruptions the disparity is known as the emissions gap that gap is large and growing scientists continue to warn that greenhouse gas emissions must fall significantly in the next decade but global emissions are still going up many large economies are not on track to meet their emissions goals and that includes the u.s. We're greenhouse gas emissions are falling more slowly than they were in the past the authors of the report suggest that countries ban new coal fired power plants expand mass transit and push for all vehicles to be c o 2 free Rebecca her sure n.p.r. News just as Americans prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday and P.R.'s Amy Held reports there are 2 major weather systems that could complicate travel a snow storm building over the plains is bringing 6 to 12 inches of snow from Colorado through Minneapolis to parts of Michigan over the next couple of days Meteorologist Bob Orr vec is with the National Weather Service high winds also produce blowing and drifting snow so it would be a lot of travel nightmares but anywhere from different high it all up to the upper Lakes farther west a powerful storm developing in the Pacific is bringing strong winds and heavy rain from Oregon through much of California into Wednesday that presents an added danger to recent burn areas of Southern California those areas or in the spirit of some flash flooding mudslides it comes as AAA predicts $55000000.00 Americans will be traveling mostly on the roadways for the holiday Amy Held n.p.r. News a federal judge's order and former White House counsel John will began to appear before Congress Democrats had sought his testimony in the course of the Moller investigation amid questions about possible obstruction of justice by the president and P.R.'s Ryan Lucas explains how this relates to the current impeachment inquiry associated with the president's interactions with Ukraine did. In astray she has blocked other senior administration officials from testifying in the Ukraine matter that includes Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney former deputy national security advisor Charles Copperman those 2 were both subpoenaed as as part of the House impeachment inquiry both refused to appear in theory yes this ruling could provide political cover for individuals like those 2 who want to come forward and testify but there's no indication at this point that mole veiny or Copperman or former national security advisor John Bolton for that matter really do want to come forward and testify and P.R.'s Ryan Lucas this is n.p.r. News in Washington. Russian sports officials today are protesting recommendations from a committee of the World Anti-Doping Agency that Russia be banned from the Olympics for 4 years there will be a decision at a meeting of the agency's executive committee on December 9th in Paris last year Russia was banned from games by the International Olympic Committee as a punishment for alleged state sponsored doping at the 2014 Games in Sochi at least 8 people are dead after a powerful earthquake struck the small eastern European country of Albania Christopher Alyse reports several buildings collapsed trapping residents beneath the rubble in the capital Toronto and according to the u.s. Geological Survey the shallow epicenter was less than 20 miles outside the city and registered a magnitude of $6.00 so strong it was felt across the Adriatic Sea and southern Italy so far most of the deaths have been reported in neighboring cities like that of a grandmother in Doris who shielded her grandson by cradling him with her body according to local media since the initial tremor at least one strong aftershock has rocked the Tirana the impoverished Balkan nation is known for its mix of Roman Ottoman bashes and communist era architecture it's the 2nd powerful earthquake to rock the area in about 2 months for n.p.r. News I'm Christopher lives say in Rome a midair helicopter collision over Mali has left 13 French soldiers dead according to French president Emmanuel Micron the soldiers were fighting Islamised extremis and the aircraft collided during a combat operation told reporters on Louise Schiavone n.p.r. News Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include a little passports and their new science junior subscription for kids ams to inspire curiosity designed to bring projects to life while utilizing new science concepts more at little passports dot com. This is The Will be playing from. State Music conversation community involvement 100 percent emission free this week and eat and join us for Saturday at noon here on Jefferson Public Radio. Hey Randi Duras with the World Cafe at one point in your life you've probably been in a cafe or a bar with an open mike musician set up maybe not even on a stage with their guitar probably playing covers just over 5 years ago Devon Gilfillan was one of those college bar it's now he's heading out on tour with Grace Potter in the New Year. When he played at the. Robert. Later. This week one of the. Group. Hey I'm Marina Douras it's World Cafe there's a lot going on in this song and that's just fine pretty parts of Sudan Archives says her new album touches on every kind of little influence she said the next album. One of those influences but I wanted the 1st one to be like this is everything here's what everything sounds like in Sudan archives confessions. Lol I'm. Led. Goa Molo. With one toe dipped in country and the other in Punk Singer songwriter j. Jackson's a blend of roots and rock stands out for Bill mates at the Americana Music Festival Her latest album wilderness sees her teaming up once again with her mentor and producer Mike Ness of punk band Social Distortion Jay Jackson recorded live at the American a music festival in Nashville on the next World Cafe. Hey this is I'm Danielle Kelley I love listening to public radio because Public Radio in riches my life with new ideas new sounds and new perspectives I listen because it's a non biased source of information presented clearly unfairly it's news I can trust I listen to feed my hunger for new music music that broadens my horizons and introduces me to my new faves runs and great programs and a generous support of our listeners if you're current a.p.r. Contributor or sustaining member thank you if you'd like to become part of the fuel the powers g.p.s. Work and which is our community visit our website I g p r o r g or reach us by phone 185526191 thanks. This is j p r southern Oregon University's Jefferson Public Radio 89 point one k. S. . N.p.r. News and all things news. Good morning the ousted secretary of the Navy says allowing a Navy Seal accused of war crimes to keep his status sends a dangerous message what does that mean for the u.s. Military It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. The president ordered the Pentagon to stop its disciplinary review Gallagher I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm Rachel Martin what does the case mean for the president and the military standards he is meant to protect. Many world leaders promised to try and hold global warming below 2 degrees Celsius now the u.n. Says temperatures will likely double that by the end of the century and how one medical school is teaching doctors when and how to prescribe opioids It is Tuesday November 26th Tina Turner turns 80 years old today. The news is next. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Louise Schiavone a new United Nations report concludes that steep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions are in order if the planet is to avert the most acute punishment of global warming the u.n. Annual and mission Gap Report calculated that current national pledges for cutting greenhouse gases would by the year 2100 leave the world 5 degrees warmer than pre-industrial times as a cold snowy system moves across the Great Lakes and the northeast over the course of this Thanksgiving holiday week Forecasters say another storm will arrive on the west coast Brian Hurley is a meteorologist with the Weather Prediction Center that's a very unusual storm in the sense that it's also a very deep low pressure system going to carry a lot of precipitation with it much of it's going to be snow if you get inland from the coast of California Oregon a lot of wind with it as well and then of course we're looking at the potential for some excess of rainfall at the Southern tail of the storm to southern California especially with those burn scars fire is currently scorching thousands of acres of the Los Padres National Forest and Santa Barbara County and central California has proclaimed an emergency details from k c b x reporter Tyler Pratt evacuations have been issued for more than 6000 residents living in the hills of goal lead out by nightfall the mountains glowed orange and 3100 acres of forest burned an ash rained down firefighters are working to prevent homes from burning but there are thousands of structures remain threatened and the fire is 0 percent contained there was a sigh of relief among the firefighters as the winds died down early Thursday morning but we're expecting a weather front to come in and the winds in front of those fronts can can be pretty unpredictable erratic that Santa Barbara County Fire Battalion Chief Patrick by he says the next 48 hours will be challenging that's when rains are expected to hit the region which has some of the mountainous seaside community concerned a rainy storm could trigger debris flow for n.p.r. News I'm telling Pratt in Santa Barbara County 13 French soldiers were killed in a helicopter crash in Mali and P.R.'s Eleanor Beardsley reports French.

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