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To set a makeshift barricade ablaze sending plumes of black smoke into the night sky they responded with fireworks and stones the acting interior minister and underground the my last get warned that they would meet the full force of the law shortly and get either to fit in literature their work or that those who had wanted to say to exercise their right to strike in protest have been able to completely freely and those who infringe democratic freedoms are facing and will continue to face proportional but forceful action of the law expressed through the forces of state security to these militant groups I want to send this message we will apply the penal code to the violent independence movement with all force and I remind them for the crimes committed against the authorities the penal code carries punishment of up to 6 years in prison a federal court in New York has found the brother of the president of Honduras guilty of drug trafficking charges attorney in and as was arrested last year in an undercover operation in Miami he is Leonardo Russia the ruling is a big embarrassment for President one numbers one of the United States main allies in Latin America during the 2 week trial prosecutors presented overwhelming evidence showing that this use his contacts in the Honduran government to help smuggled more than 200 tons of cocaine into the u.s. One of the most shocking accusations came on the opening day of the trial in Manhattan prosecutors said that president announces had received $1000000.00 in bribes from the jailed Mexican drug lords who are El Chapo Guzman he denied the allegations Mexico's president under his men were pairs of a door has defended the decision to free a son of the jailed drug lord Chapo Guzman saying it had saved many lives of video Guzman Lopez was released by the security forces hours after he was captured on Thursday in the city of coolie can his will grant we found out in some of the details that came out later today that there. Some members of the military the army were being held hostage so it appears that that may well have influenced the decision to let him go but whatever the reasoning behind this it is very shocking at 6 astonishing to many Mexicans that this would be done that the government would have wanted drug cartel leader in their hands and then let him go in this manner the u.s. Food and Drug Administration has said it's found evidence of asbestos in a shipment of baby powder produced by Johnson and Johnson the company said it was recalling the shipment it is denied for years that its based products ever contained chrysotile as best as I can is and Karl is a German thousands of consumers are suing the company this is the b.b.c. News. Lebanese riot police have fired tear gas as they clash with anti-government protesters in Beirut tens of thousands of people have been protesting in the capital and across the country on a 2nd day of demonstrations the biggest in years they're angry at unemployment high prices and the dire state of public services the 1st of all women space walkers taken place in another milestone for space exploration more than 200 people have carried out space walks since 1965 but only 14 of been women and until today they were accompanied by men this 1st all female space walk was originally shared from March but was postponed because NASA realized he didn't have the correct size space suits for the women his payload Goetia the flight engineers made history as they stepped out of the International Space Station their space suits gleaming in the blackness of space their mission involved routine maintenance the women spent more than 5 hours walking along the space station to replace a battery charging unit or just some insulation and install a new fitting to the European Space Agency's laboratory module but there was nothing routine about it as Christina Cochrane Jessica Mayer became the 1st all female space walking team in more than half a century of space travel the ball Garion football team as head coach. Log of has resigned following the racist abuse of England players during a European Championship qualifier on Monday play had to be stopped twice after some Bulgarian fans taunted influence black footballers. A court in Pakistan has jailed a man for 5 years for a Facebook post deemed to be blasphemous in the 1st case brought under new cyber crime laws only was found guilty of putting blasphemous and derogatory content on the social media site critics say the government could use the laws to restrict freedom of expression b.b.c. News. The world is supported by new whose yellow green and red approach to categorizing food helps you make better meal choices with the goal of losing weight and keeping it off for good learn more at new and o.o.m. Dot com. I'm Marco Werman And you're with the world we're a coproduction of the b.b.c. World Service w g b h Boston p.r.i. N.p.r. X. At one time a green bug cartoon seemed mostly harmless appearing in all sorts of memes but social media can be a cesspool of awfulness take Pepe the frog they are right movement in the us adopted Pepe during the 2016 presidential election he was used in racist and anti-Semitic messages and that pretty much killed Pepys chances for any mass appeal here but Pep is emerging once again as a political icon this time in Hong Kong the World's Patrick when tries to figure out why a year ago if you told me I was headed to a rally full of people shouting and waving pep a dolls I would have been kind of freaked out and I definitely would not have guessed that they'd be chanting in Cantonese. The son of hockey in a typical demand the Mexican drug lord that is serving a life sentence in the United States so what happened then was basically full on war violence out of control and people were told to shelter in place. Tell you this we don't know who you're going to tell us now and. Then after 3 o'clock and many people were distributed more were at the bank or shopping and simply they just took shelter whatever they could He was full seen violence shoot outs. Just people docking their cars trying to put protect their children so basically it just brought the city to a standstill but he says that the hardest part was actually that people felt. That the city had been kidnapped after the incident happened there they couldn't actually go back to what they were doing they took shelter and slept in shops he speaks about a Wal-Mart that put the mattresses on the floor so people can sleep in people when 2 people open their doors to others just to stay there and feel safe just for a minute because they didn't know what was going on. Any of us here in the United States have seen the videos from Korea can I mean it looks sadly like a mass shooting here in the United States going on for many hours what is the atmosphere there today what did Lewis out there to tell you lose tells me that when he woke up this morning to do his radio show as a 5 am there was nobody on the streets there was no police just nothing just like totally He said he felt like a curfew had been going on in the city but just a few hours later he says that little by little the state is coming back to normal so the police capture a good man in this round up of 4 suspects what happened a good man after that was tells me that this violence that engulfed the city of color can was actually a way from from the drug cartel to put pressure on the police to release the video was man labas and it seems that it worked now in a press conference earlier today Mexican president under as Manuel Lopez Obrador defended that decision to release Goodman in Korea can say it led to lives saved Do people in Korea can agree with what Louise Arbor to say well this is what he was out there to told me but if you don't there's a lot of public anger monologue there's a lot of this you're somewhat normal and so is that was the response from your look at somebody or is also on President at his base he may simply accepting defeat the secretary of security has explained that actually the police were outnumbered by the traffickers and they just had to give up so this is some. And that is not reflecting very positive on Brother or c. Much the world's Maria Elena Romero thanks very much for the scepter You're welcome Marco we just heard what the situation was like on the ground in Korea can fighting ambushes and cartels outgunning the police let's take a step back now and look at the rising violence in Mexico and President under his Manuel Lopez Obrador is approach to curbing cartel influence Deborah Bono is a security analyst and reporter in Mexico City She's reported expect extensively from Sinhala Deborah says the incident yesterday raises serious questions about the state's capacity to respond to cartel violence 12 into a government crackdown on organized crime the military patrolling in what is the heartland of this in the lower cartel while they know equipped to repel that kind of firepower we've long known how the cartels are armed and what they're armed with the military and the National Guard should be equipped to repel that kind of firepower so I mean what we saw is the police releasing a dangerous player in the cartels What does that tell us about President under his Manuel Lopez Obrador is progress on dealing with corruption in the police force President on that as long as has been completely inconsistent on this issue you know he came into power saying he wants to improve Mexico security using hugs not guns but then he also created yet another militarized security force called the National Guard that was supposed to replace corrupt law enforcement officials from the previous administration and deal with the drug trafficking issue that security force has since been dispersed to mop up Mexico's immigration disaster which there's no time to go into now he also says in the early months of his administration that the drug war was over that Mexico was not interested in capturing k. . Pin's they wanted to improve the root causes of poverty and you know the socio economic factors that drive young men and women to work for the cartels you know by handing out depends and grants and improving education they have launched some programs targeting vulnerable youth there's no doubt but he has been completely inconsistent on this issue I'm just not sure the ever owns figured out exactly what his strategy is against the cartels because the kind of confrontation that we saw yesterday is exactly the sort of thing that he said wasn't going to happen anymore when he came into power you know again it's just kind of more confusing moves from from a president who just doesn't really seem to understand how to govern violence is on the rise in Mexico murder rates hit a new record this year so would you characterize the violence and what happened yesterday as a flare up or a turning point in terms of rising cartel strength and influence last week 14 municipal policemen were bushed and shot dead in the southern state of Michoacan a further 20 people more or less were killed in a violent altercation in the southern state of Guerrero the violence here is higher than it's been in Mexico's modern history and yet is making declarations about how Mexico is reaching an inflection point where things are starting to die down I just don't see the evidence for that and I don't think anybody else does either I think what we're seeing a worrying signs of how organized crime in Mexico is becoming a parallel government where they set the rules this conflict is rolling and until Americans stop wanting to take cocaine and meth and you know heroin in Fenton though this will continue finally Deb what has been the net effect of all the violence on almost popularity like today impunity is kind of above 90 percent so all people. Well who are murdered or disappeared you know are often never found those cases very rarely go to trial faith and confidence in Mexicans in the police and even their army has slowly eroded over the years people are resigned to having to pay extortion to do business people live in fear of local government officials as well as local organized crime bosses because it's they who decide how things are going to be you know they are the law and I think resistance is kind of few tile you know the whole point of the use of this kind of violence it's a terror tactic you are not going to stand up against a body of power that you know can kill you burn down your store kidnap your daughter I mean who would go into bad against the. Security analyst and reporter Debra but no speaking with us from Mexico City thanks very much you're welcome Marco good talking to you. Athletes are always looking for an edge a little boost to make them go stronger faster higher and long distance running they may have found an answer in a new kind of shoe the Nike vapor fly some athletes say the shoe gives runners who wear it an unfair advantage the world Sarah Birnbaum has more. Last weekend Elliott became the 1st person to run a marathon in under 2 hours on his feet for the vapor flies Nike claims the shoe can make you 4 percent more efficient they retail for 250 bucks and since the 1st debate came out in 2017 they've been the go to shoe for pros and amateurs alike so if you're running your normal shoes and then you go out. You try them you're like This is weird and I don't know if I like this Brendan Everett is an amateur runner in Boston he's run 2 marathons now in the vapor flies most recently last week and Chicago and he says they probably help shave minutes off his time the shoe is built kind of like a rocker and rather than flexing like an ordinary running shoe it has a stiff plate in there that allows you to do that rocking motion I think with less fatigue but does all of that add up to an unfair advantage the I am a track and field governing body has been getting requests since 2017 to regulate the shoes but when Nike recently came out with a new version of the vapor flies a group of runners who wear a didas complained again according to The Times of London they said the shoe is ruining the sport Thomas Allen who teaches sports engineering at Manchester Metropolitan University says every generation or so technology comes out that changes the way athletes compete think composite tennis racquets or the full body swimsuits that reduce drag the tennis racquets are allowed by the way but the swimsuits are banned from competition but really it comes down to what are the rules of that particular sport and if a piece of equipment falls outside of those rules then it can't be A's and then that would essentially then be considered cheating but Alan says exactly where to set those rules when it comes to technology is difficult because we been designing running shoes for a long time and the manufacturers will claim that every time they bring out a new shoe it's better than the previous And every time you could argue that we're having some kind of technology don't bang Allen says with the vapor flies it may be too late to reel this latest technology back in Nike has patented the design sure but it's only a matter of time he says before other manufacturers come up with their own versions for the world I'm Sara Birnbaum and speaking of. Of remarkable human achievements 2 NASA astronauts made history today and took the 1st ever all female space walk great view here for a boat that Christina cook on the end of the robotic arm with the red stripes on the length of her spacesuit to hand to just visible below her Jessica Mir That was a commentator with NASA t.v. Christina cook and Jessica Mir floated outside the International Space Station to replace defective equipment even though it looks like they're floating a spacewalk is one of the most physically challenging things an astronaut can do you can perform a safety get a swap and say yes that's our mast 1st rock your green hook and then relocate your to your yellow hook to the s s r m s really for it at a point. 14 other women have done space walks but always with male astronauts Catherine Sullivan was the 1st American to do it 25 years ago she reflected on today's accomplishment and terms of getting an important job done it's that the gender makes no difference at all these are 2 superbly trained professionals who will I'm sure have no problems but in terms of the inspirational value and moment in time to reflect on how women's roles have grown and expanded in the space program I think it's a very quite significant moment I hope lots of young people all around the world are watching and maybe raising their sights and what they think they can accomplish themselves the 2 astronauts Christina Cooke and Jessica Mir spoke on the phone this afternoon with President Trump they said they were just doing their jobs and a lot of female. I guess. You and I are still on earth listening to the world. Hi this is Lakshmi saying please consider becoming a member of Alaska Public Media when you do you make a strong statement and an even stronger impact on k s k s ability to bring you fact based trustworthy journalism now and in the future go online today to Alaska public dot org and make a one time or sustaining gift to invest in quality local programming Thank you. In south central Alaska skiing and snowboarding is a big way Alaskans get outdoors when you enjoy carving up Alyeska slopes all winter long and never paying for a pass contribute to Alaska Public Media today and you'll automatically be entered to win 2 Aeneas for resort 20192020 seasons key passes you don't have to contribute to enter but we sure hope you will go online to Alaska public dot org or call 55084842 donate right now and keep those fingers crossed. I'm Marco Werman You're with the world shelling and gunfire continued in northern Syria today a day after Vice President Mike Pence said Turkey had agreed to a 5 day pause in the fighting to stop attacking Kurdish led militia a spokesman for the Kurdish forces Mustafa body said Turkey is continuing to pound civilian areas as well as a hospital in northern Syria Turkish president Rich uptight Bedouin spoke to reporters in Istanbul today and disagreed with those reports Well the us is not going to lose a bit of been in middle of immunity so Move ahead one said I do not know where you receive information from but according to the information I get from my defense minister there are no ongoing clashes he said reporters have misinformation President Trump said no shots are being fired in the Kurds are very happy I just spoke to President or one of Turkey we're doing very very well with Turkey there's a ceasefire or even a pause or whatever you want to call it there was some sniper fire this morning there was mortar fire this morning that was eliminated quickly and they're back to the full pause the deal brokered by the Trump administration is a victory for Turkish president air to one it gives Turkey a sphere of influence in northern Syria Trump has also handed a gift to Syrian President Bashar al Assad Assad has been suppressing a rebellion in Syria with brute force for 8 years and the chaos of the past 2 weeks Assad has regained control of nearly a 3rd of Syria I sat down with correspondent Sam Dagher to talk about just how the Assad family has managed to remain in power for decades Dagher is the author of Assad or we burn the country how one family's lust for power destroyed Syria they have been around for 50 years they've outlasted 8 u.s. Presidents since Richard Nixon so they've been playing this game before using terrorism as a bargaining chip as leverage in their dealings with the Western. Hours right after 911 Bashar Assad initially sent a letter to George Bush saying I want to cooperate with you I want to help you you know fight al Qaeda in fact for a short period the infamous CIA rendition planes were making stops in Damascus handing over al Qaeda suspects to be tortured in regime prisons so initially he was cooperating with the u.s. In the fight against terrorism then he feels threatened after the the swift toppling of Saddam Hussein what does he do we support the insurgency in Iraq and then he rounds up all the jihad is that he had helped get to Iraq through Syria puts them in prison and gets as a result some sanctions relief from the Americans John Kerry met with him at least 5 times between 2008 and 9 and he gets sanctions relief he begins to be again treated as a reformer who's trying his best in this difficult neighborhood and then fast forward to the uprising 2011 the 1st thing he does a month into the uprising is he released his more than a 1000 militants from prison that he had put in prison you know a couple of years before so to the question How has the Assad family been able to remain in power for nearly half a century it sounds like you're saying through a kind of thing extortion scheme Absolutely so the extortion in its dealings with the outside world with Western powers but domestically it's a very brutal regime I mean they have one of the most elaborate police state system in place we're talking about intelligence services made up of 4 directorates every directorate has branches in every city and town. Precisely so your neighbor is watching you I mean your neighbor is is calling them saying you know I saw something suspicious and I was told by people in Germany that the infamous Stasi the secret police in East Germany former. East Germany helped half of the last of the father construct them how about. So and now with a family in Damascus that has kind of taken to co-opting terrorists for their own goals and now these ISIS fighters are fleeing from prisons formerly held by by the Kurds I mean what do you see happening now yeah I mean this is this is the biggest worry we don't have evidence of it yet but last December December 2018 when President Trump announced he was leaving Syria if you recall Yeah but then the his generals and the defense secretary intervened and he basically dialed back and he said we're going to know we're going to leave you know at least a 1000 and at the time some French officials senior French officials of the macron administration that I'm in touch with I met with them in Paris and they told me that one of their biggest worries at the time was the wipe e.g. The Kurdish faction that both the French and the Americans and the Brits and other Western powers had been cooperating with to fight ISIS had begun talks with the Assad regime and one of the things that the Assad regime and again this is based on French intelligence one of the things that the Assad regime had asked for from the white b.g. Was give us some of these ISIS prisoners particularly the ones that have you know French or British citizenship and we will take them and why do they want them to they say to basically use them as as leverage to extort France and Britain and to say to France and Britain either you remove sanctions on us because again you have to remember also the Russians at the time had been asking the French and the Germans to pay for the reconstruction of Syria and they had baulked and Assad would basically tell the French look I have your citizens I mean effectively these are like French and British and European citizens they're in my presence What do you want me to do with them keep them or send them back to you basically if you want me to keep them then you have to remove sanctions you have to give me some money to rebuild parts of Syria that he. And his main backer Russia had basically destroyed in their scorched earth campaigns and also potentially reopen your embassies so that's the game he would play and that's what the French officials told me I mean that they that we are concerned that was their main concern yes I'm speaking with Sam Dagher who is the author of Assad or we burn the country you've been detained in a Syrian prison you've seen brutality in many corners of Syria close do you think we here in the West appreciate just how ruthless the Assad regime is. I don't think so because again you have to remember the image we see is this soft spoken fit tall professional eye doctor with a beautiful wife born in Britain speaks flawless English with a British accent and we say oh they look like us I mean look at his children even his kids are like you know of this picture perfect family they could be anywhere they could be in Europe you could be like the Danish ruling family or something and then we find it hard to believe that someone like that would commit all these crimes you know what did you experience that suggests the exact opposite of that image again I mean I spoke to people who were inside the regime in the inner circle who were explaining to me the the tools of the deception basically how all of this was orchestrated before the death of his father Hafez Assad It was a way for this regime to reinvent itself to repackage itself I mean you have to remember the context of all of this in 2000 a decade before the Berlin Wall had fallen in 89 the Soviet Union had unraveled the Soviet Union being the main military and political backer of the Syrian regime and the Syrian regime had to pivot to the west had to reinvent and repackage itself in everything they did was very deliberate including the choice of this wife of this match between Bashar and a small Assad sandbagger the author of Assad or burn the country how one family's loss for power destroyed Syria it's great to finally meet you thank you for being here my pleasure Marca. News headlines are coming right up you're listening to the world. For almost 40 years trailside discovery camp has provided award winning outdoor education it Saturday October 19th you can help trailside bring this quality camp experience to more campers at the family's and flapjacks fundraiser joint trailside discovery from 10 am to noon for a breakfast fundraiser and silent auction at Kincaide chili the whole family is welcome with support every kid can have the chance to be a camper tickets available online at trailside Discovery dot org or purchase at the door this message sponsored by the Alaska Center Educational Fund. Protesters in Hong Kong have been carrying stuffed animals wash green frogs. Some of. This referendum sure I've got an energy for energy from Pepe the frog that Pep a symbol of white nationalism in the 2016 u.s. Presidential election Pepys Hong Kong comeback but still ahead on the world. B.b.c. News with Macintosh there's been violence on the fringes of a largely peaceful mass protest in the Spanish city of Barcelona against the jailing earlier this week of cattle and separatist leaders Riot police fired tear gas at Hughes who set up a burning barricade the Spanish interior minister warned that those responsible for violence could face up to 6 years in prison a federal court in New York has found the brother of the president of Honduras guilty of drug trafficking charges Turney and Anders was arrested last year in Miami Prosecutors accused him of using his Honduran government connections to smuggle $200.00 tons of cocaine into the u.s. . The Mexican leader under his men were Lopez Obrador has defended his decision to free a son of the jailed drug lord. Man he said many lives had been saved as a result the arrest of video guzmán dog has led to ferocious street battles involving gang members. The World Health Organization says the Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo remains a public health emergency of international concern it said the epidemic was being contained within specific regions the u.s. Food and Drug Administration has said it's found evidence of asbestos in the shipment of baby powder produced by Johnson and Johnson the company said it was recalling the shipment it's denied for years that its based products ever contained a carcinogenic material. The Bulgarian football team's head coach Cressy Amir Belloc off has resigned following the racist abuse of England players during a match and saw FIA on Monday play were stopped twice after some bold Garion found taunted England's black players. The 1st all women's space walk has taken place the American astronauts Christina cock and Jessica Mir replaced faulty equipment on the outside of the International Space Station b.b.c. News. The world is supported by new whose yellow green and red approach to categorizing food helps you make better meal choices with the goal of losing weight and keeping it off for good learn more at new and oh and dot com. I'm Marco Werman And you're with the world we're a co-production of the b.b.c. World Service w g b h Boston p.r.i. N.p.r. X. At one time a green bug cartoon seemed mostly harmless appearing in all sorts of memes but social media can be a cesspool of awfulness take Pepe the frog they are right movement in the us adopted Pepe during the 2016 presidential election he was used in racist and anti-Semitic messages and that pretty much killed Pepys chances for any mass appeal here but Pepe is emerging once again as a political icon this time in Hong Kong the World's Patrick when tries to figure out why a year ago if you told me I was headed to a rally full of people shouting and waving pep a dolls I would have been kind of freaked out and I definitely would not have guessed that they'd be chanting in Cantonese. Reclaim Hong Kong they're saying the revolution of our times we think about Hong Kong's protests you might think about millions of protesters marching in all black or riot cops and tear gas. But you should also think about Pepe the frog that. This referred to show. And the chief kept that smoke She's $32.00 a clerk at a dental clinic she's excited for this rally a doll in hand and she's not the only one fired up there are thousands at this unlawful protest and hundreds of pet base signs and pet baby dolls and drawing. As of this frog scowling or crying out in anger I turn to another protester named Mandy asking her to help make sense of this can you tell me about one of them if there are breaks going if we'd like to use paper in our media. Do it's right. We are thinking of the name and. Fame and she's right that day is famous and also this is hard to explain especially to anyone having flashbacks of the last us presidential race when you would turn on c.n.n. And hear something like I'm Donald Trump Jr for example he put this image on his Instagram account it's a name Pet Day And for those of you who don't pet that is a white nationalist symbol but he didn't start out that way Pepe is not from a t.v. Show or a movie he's just a drawing 1st posted to My Space about 15 years ago people love to redraw the frog with different facial expressions or outfits just silly harmless fun or it was into the right embraced pep and put him in Nazi uniforms and during the 2016 campaign had him seeing atrociously dark racist stuff that day even popped up in the social media feeds of Donald Trump and his son which made Hillary Clinton say he is taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican Party so yeah in the u.s. Has major baggage but in Hong Kong Well when I wade into this noisy crowd and ask about Pepys background did you know in the United States he has a different meaning that's at the moment we haven't heard about that yet. I can't find a single person here who knows anything about Pepys dark side everyone says. He's just that Internet frog we like him so we adopted him when they do stumble across some creepy All right rin dition of Peping they are baffled like why are Americans making pep a so disturbing is coming from here it's right there and I saw the photo and it's a happy kid in hip south killing himself but the Hong Kong portrayal of pepper is not like that there pepper a is a he ROIC freedom fighter enraged by police violence and sometimes female protesters with Pepe dolls like to put the frog in a dress with a bloody bandage over her eye so she can represent one of their martyrs so to speak to fellow protester who didn't die but her eye was badly wounded when police shot her point blank with a beanbag around her. That is her in an online video disguising her voice to stay anonymous telling everyone she is too injured to keep fighting now her admirers bring out these pet they frogs in her likeness so through Peping she can be there in spirit that's one big thing that one of the I heard and then if you have a fan think that girl boy is hurt. Yes this is the enduring power of this bug eyed frog for some reason that base seems to draw out whatever is inside you if you're a racist you turn Pepe into a Nazi if you're a Hong Kong protester you turn pepper a into a crusader against police brutality the movement hasn't successfully reclaimed the city but in a way Hong Kong has without fully realizing it are reclaiming Peping from racist in America they've reformed Peping in fact they don't even really call him that day p.p. Yet p.-p. Hong Kong or say p.p. Or bet big. Baby. Yeah b.b. . So sorry white nationalist or b.p. Is now a young Cantonese speaking woman seeking vengeance from the cops for now at least because as one of the protesters Mandy is quick to point out b.p. Is always subject to change he can express emotion but nowadays maybe he will think that you can see his face through all of sadness but I hope he will be happy in keeping track Yeah for the world Patrick when Hong Kong. A massive polio vaccine campaign launched this week in the Philippines with people going door to door giving kids droplets of an oral vaccine on one of them was. Crying the universal reaction of kids everywhere forced to swallow medicine after being polio free for nearly 2 decades the disease has returned to the Philippines 2 cases were identified last month polio can cause paralysis there is no cure so now the Philippines is trying to vaccinate more than a 1000000 children under the age of 5 Heidi Larsen has been directly involved with the global campaign to eradicate polio She heads the vaccine confidence project at the London School of Tropical Medicine She says the Philippines is experiencing something called vaccine derived polio it doesn't mean that when you take the back scene you immediately get it but it's a live virus which chance a bit complicated but it's very little of it so it doesn't make you sick but it goes right through you and Vironment and if there's no protection in the environment that live virus can travel to somebody else and the cases that came up in the Philippines actually came from that process because they didn't have that protective cover that vaccine allows when everybody. Gets it so let me get this straight Heidi you're saying for example a Filipino kid got vaccinated with his live polio vaccine and then I don't know you're unaided and that goes into the water stream and then other people drink that yes it's not true you're a nation it's through ball and it gets into the water and starts to circulate and we've seen that happen in a few places and part of the reason it's happening is because we've eliminated so wildfires for most of the world so when it does circulate it becomes much more potent So you're basically saying the virus from the vaccine caused this resurgence in the Philippines Yes In addition there were a low vaccine rates and meets mistrusts to begin with how did that start well in 2017 their country which has a very big burden as they call it of dengue a virus which is a really bad fever an People call it a bone breaking disease it's very painful it can kill children and it's transmitted by a mosquito Yes it's like malaria but it's interesting they transmitted edge a different time of day than Harriet so because Brazil and the Philippines had some of the worst in the world when there was a new vaccine available that could prevent it those were the 2 countries that really started to introduce it but a year later the manufacturer who makes that x. Seen sent out an announcement and said We've just learned that there is a small risk that this vaccine can create more severe dangly if you've never been exposed to before so that created a panic in the population and that's that was not a rumor that is in fact true is that right that was true and that's another challenge with building vaccine confidence is that there are risks. Vaccines I mean there's risks in just about any medicine you take but this was a real risk and there are ways to manage it you just need to make sure that the people who get the vaccine have had some kind of exposure and that can just mean living in an area that has a lot of. But they did stop the vaccination campaign and it really really scared the public so now the government of the Philippines has this big vaccine drive going on this week it started out that going do you see any problems so far it's going well and there's been a big investment in trust building and we've gone back into research and the population what do you thinking about vaccines do you think they're safe do you think they're affective do you think their importance and actually the confidence is starting to come back Heidi Larsen has the vaccine confidence project at the London School of Tropical Medicine thank you very much thanks Michael. 12 years ago today we lost musician a Lucky Dube a South African reggae star and a star among reggae fans around the world but beyond that not very well known. To. Us Today it's fair to say that Lucky Dube a has not slipped into obscurity but he's been certainly obscured by other late reggae artists like Bob Marley and Peter Tosh I recently stumbled across one surprising place though we're Lucky Dube a is bigger than ever in the remote Aboriginal communities of central Australia he was bigger than the Beatles still is that's from a podcast here shot from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation an uplifting story about how Lucky Dube a remains popular in the outback and how shortly before he died he was a source of a unique Aboriginal style desert reggae it all started with a single cassette from South Africa Australia musician Jason Butcher is legal targets for the Aboriginal reggae group the cheapie band I was just a little boy at the playing outside and I had the 1st song. To sing made me feel. The beat and I want to listen to over and over oh and then sit next to my father and. That in the tone that's. Looking songs like this one called victims dealt with topics from colonial oppression to family breakdown to social problems caused by poverty that resonated in Aboriginal communities in Central Australia places like Alice Springs a.b.c. Reporter Riyadh and Stevens picks up a story some 10 years after that Lucky Dube a cassette began circulating. A young entrepreneur was looking to bring a big name international act to Alice Springs. Had been throwing around suggestions with his friend Joe Miller who hosted a reggae show at the Aboriginal radio station. And it suddenly was just one day Lucky Dube a lucky day they said his lucky day they said to me yes guy this guys is just going to trick all this attention and and all this and of course I just couldn't Google it back then you just didn't know her but Joe had been hearing Lucky's popularity grow over the airwaves so central Australia Lucky Dube it was one of the favorites and then the community really like to do all the songs that we always requested like you do basic songs I mean gets very very proper Like for example like Slate. The promoter Scott book took the advice of his d.j. Friend and in 2005 he brought Lucky Dube it to the outback the risk paid off his book UK again so lucky stood on that stage when you're wrong that he stood there and he didn't say a word it was one of those moments where you think you're standing in the middle of a strain and it's a back to a concert in front of I very large indigenous warriors because at that point we knew how big it was going to be because of all the buses that were registered to come in and I'll never to this day know what he was thinking but I'm guessing you must think it was a very special it's a very good guess lucky did 2 more shows on that tour the reception was so good book out plan to bring him back a year later in 2007 though on October 18th Lucky Dube it was killed outside Johannesburg the 43 year old musician was shot in cool as he was dropping his son off close to the center of the city police believe he may have been the victim of a carjacking attempt and is searching for 2. He suspects Lucky Dube it was not forgotten in the Australian outback he was the inspiration for a generation of desert reggae bands like Jason butcher's cheapie band. Lucky Dube we would be playing reggae today to be still playing rock and country. And I think he must be broken down and smiling and telling us to keep playing we think. So in honor of South Africa's Lucky Dube a here's part of his legacy in Australia. With the. Big thanks to the a.b.c. And reporter Riad and Stephen for sharing that story with us and with you to listen to all 30 minutes of our podcast come to our Facebook or Twitter page we are at p.r.i. The world. You're listening to the world. 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I'm Marco Werman this is the world they did it the British government struck a deal with the European Union and found a way to extract the u.k. From the European club that is if if parliament agrees the House of Commons meets tomorrow to debate the Bracks a deal it's the 1st time parliament has sat on a Saturday since 1902 during the Falklands War The Stakes tomorrow could not be higher and the outcome is by no means certain Prime Minister Barak's Johnson has been beseeching members of parliament to support his new deal I hope very much not that my fellow n.p.c. In Westminster do not come together to get bricks it done to get this excellent deal over the line and to deliver for exit without any more delay so that we can focus on the priorities of the British people Ok so what now in the world or the Barrie joins us from London or learn other week full of twists and turns for Bracks it but finally there is a deal the end is in sight I think if only Marco If only I heard one m.p. Saying earlier it's like the t.v. Series $24.00 with Jack Bauer that each hour is another cliffhanger and no one quite knows what's going to happen next so the positives are we have a deal so there was a great boy and mood out of Brussels yesterday but today it's back to brass tacks it's back to whipping M.P.'s to support Boris Johnson as as one headline put it here bars love bombs M.P.'s in bed for Commons majority so lots of ministers and M.P.'s have been out giving interviews on radio and t.v. Over the last 24 hours including the foreign secretary Dominic Robb he's been warning M.P.'s not to stand in the way of the deal those that want to criticize or to block this deal will be holding Britain back and I think it's only through this deal and through the leadership that the prime minister is showing that we can get brakes it done but we can also get the. Country as a whole moving forward sounds a bit like a threat of sorts so M.P.'s voting in the special setting of parliament tomorrow or can bars Johnson get the votes he needs where at this stage you could actually go either way by the way they're calling it Super Saturday just to add another and knowing term that they've come up with you know they got around it I guess yeah exactly you know brags a jargon and so yesterday evening when they were counting votes they reckoned he was maybe 5 votes short that appears to have changed in the last 24 hours because 9 Labor M.P.'s are indicating that they might back Johnson's deal now they will back the deal because they either have supported leave themselves are they come from very strong leave constituencies basically bars Johnson's biggest problem and it's been his problem for some time is the Northern Irish party that supports the government the d u p the Democratic Unionist Party they came out yesterday when the deal was announced and said that they couldn't support the deal and they have been appealing to M.P.'s to vote against the deal here's the party's Bragg's its books man Sammy Wilson the stable goes against everything 1st of all that the government promised they would not do to Northern Ireland siphoning us off from the rest of the kingdom pretty important during the early say the c.m. Tying museum sort entering overturning all of the c.f. Cards which there are in the Belfast Agreement so if the M.P.'s approve the deal tomorrow that puts the u.k. On the road towards Brecht's it on October 31st but what of the vote fails. Well here again we're back to the guesswork so if he loses the vote he is obliged by law which the law which is passed here in parliament in September to go back to the e.u. And ask for an extension on till January 31st and he has said he will obey battle but remember we said it before he has also said we will leave on the 31st of October Deal or No Deal and he has continued to say that over the last few days as well so nobody quite knows what he plans to do in that circumstance it is possible by the way that the e.u. If he even went to the e.u. To ask for an extension that they might refuse to give an extension and it was interesting this afternoon the French president Emmanuel he said he believes there was no need for a further extension. To talk on a. Macro has always been a hard line e.u. Leader when it comes to dealing with the u.k. And dealing with Gregg's it one imagines that he is saying this in order to persuade M.P.'s in Parliament to vote for the deal tomorrow and it does no harm to Barra's Johnson to have people like McCracken coming out today saying you know we don't need an extension the deal needs to get through we don't need to negotiate this again and again and again with the e.u. It's always a little of never say never the world's Orla Barrie in London thank you you're welcome Marco. Finally today a story with legs lots of them a researcher in Brazil has named 4 species of spiders after heavy metal musicians Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden is one of them Def Leppard Rick Allen is another the stroke of genius came from Christina reams she studies spiders at the Bataan Tun Institute in Sao Paolo says she's a headbanger herself and she was inspired by the Brazilian heavy metal singer under a motos he died unexpectedly at the age of 47 this past June he was a singer that I actually met once or twice when I was another lesson and I did follow his career and I like the type of music he played and he was kind of my age so when he died so suddenly it was like whoa. And I decided that I'd like to honor him with the spider species that particular spider is one of 4 species in a related group or genus and to build on the ideas she paid tribute to some of her other heavy metal favorites some kind of music I like and I usually listen to and. I always listen so and I really like Iron Maiden and I do like that schlep burden I've always wanted to to honor because because I think he's kind of an example I mean you have a drummer that loses an arm you learn how to play with only one arm so I think he's kind of an example so he's one of the extraordinary you well part of Reims job is mapping different spider species and how they're related reams classify spiders that she finds in the wild and in museum collections so she has to come up with a lot of names but rim says one of the perks of her job is that while there are some rules she has to follow she gets a lot of say in the matter you can be creative I mean they give you this amount of Schiedam to create a name for my Amazon young specimens I got all of the main characters from the Brazilian legends and then I had another genius from Mexico and I decided to go with demon so I like research. Seeing and looking for interesting means and as for her heavy metal muses themselves they're pretty excited at least one of them is. The lead singer of scorpions gave his approval for the use of his name he actually tipped his hat to her on Facebook he got pretty excited and he actually asked me for a certificate of official significate with the paper and everything so I even joke around that he has my autograph now. Rocking out with 8 legs Think about all the crazy dances from the Nana bill her studio at w t v h you're in Boston I'm Marco Werman wishing you a great weekend. 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Still much to be papered over as the president says are papered I guess not papered over. Does it does it feel any different out there it feels like we're back in April like the summer didn't happen we are adding a phase one stage I call her to call it a mini deal a deal late but however you call it basically the hard stuff is. Been avoided in the stay aware bad with China buying some agricultural goods but the hard the big ticket items are still needing to be negotiated like removing those tariffs that's a deal Beric breaker for China as we know there's still a growing list of black listed companies from China who cannot do business with us firms and for the u.s. It's really about IP protection and making sure that the u.s. Companies can convene in China on an even playing field you know this is not going to be a deal that gets comprehensively negotiated in a matter of weeks I think we have a long term ahead in terms of trade talks do you suppose that the difficult things get dealt with in a timely manner or does the president as he seems to have done declare victory and Porterfield the president needs to declare victory and he knows he needs to do something to be able to declare victory he needs to be able to go to all these rallies saying I fought China and got a deal the rhetoric matters more a year before the election than the reality but the reality is not good the things .

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