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We're calling about 1400000 drivers side inflators in the u.s. Because they could burst early shrapnel There's also concern the driver side bags might not inflate properly to protect people in the event of a crash the recall covers certain vehicles made by b.m.w. Folks wagon Honda Toyota and Mitsubishi between 1905 in the year 2000 recalls have already been issued by b.m.w. With the other automakers expected to follow a mass small tourist or canceling travel plans Paris is going thousands of places. For massive nationwide strikes and protests that gets president plans to overhaul the retirement system transport will be hardest hit by the won't flights trains buses cancelled most of Paris subway system coming to a halt that walkout begins of next 24 hours breaking news and analysis at townhall dot com. People are charged with conspiring to make an concealed excessive campaign contributions the Justice Department is charging 8 people with conspiring to make contributions to Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign while concealing the actual origin of the funds 28 investigation by the Associated Press reported one of the suspects. Was among a group of executives who contributed that least $6000000.00 to Democratic and Republican candidates and groups that all nations earned access to Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign and a post-election oval office visit with President Donald Trump might cross Washington 2 of the 4 teens who escape the juvenile detention center into the sea have been captured police are still searching Morris Marsh and Brandon Carruthers both 17 and 14 have been facing murder and armed robbery charges only stories at Town Hall dot com and John Scott. I. Am c.e.o. News talk time currently one o 5 Time now for your Casio king of the hill traffic in weather and taking a look at Highway 17 in the southbound direction just south amount Herman road we've got a report of a traffic collision involving a black Qantas Civic. According to the report there is a lot of debris on the road and the reporting person said the vehicle passed him at 90 mph and saw the vehicle fly off the road. So that's getting taken care of however delays are still reported at only being marginal only 3 to 5 minutes at most but that again that's Highway 700 southbound just past exit 3 or the Mount Hermon Road exit should I not have that southbound number correct taking a look at Highway 70 north However nothing to worry about at this time Highway 101 between Salinas and say no they both directions moving along at the limit as well as highway one between Santa Cruz and Monterey taking a look at our weather it's currently $64.00 outside k.s.c. Oh we've got a light rain shower going on San Jose it's $57.00 and cloudy 63 right now in Monterey. And as for our current weather taking a look at our local Doppler radar we see showers affecting all the way from Santa Cruz to Watsonville and a little bit in Monterey as well heavy rain in Prunedale and some rain in Salinas as well for the scene a cruise area we can expect these rain showers to end and just before 3 o'clock according to the future cast taking a look at our time now news talk time is one of 7 Time now for our number 2 of the Charles Freedman program here on a. Cruise. Ok 7 minutes past. The hour in the middle of today's broadcast news of the day issues of the day talked about here live on the radio by you and me. 471980 s. The telephone number 479-1080 if you're out of our local calling area 83147980 s. Good if the operator says number please it's Greenwood 91080 a few moments ago I had a telephone call from a gentleman named bred who was very positive in his view that President from had indeed committed impeachable offenses and was critical of the concept of people saying wait a minute this is hearsay don't lie well whatever anyway we had an interesting conversation as the caller said at the end of it we agreed to disagree which sometimes happens on the program but I took the opportunity to say thank you to the caller and encourage him to call again Well I'll tell you why 1st of all it's because the caller was quite civil and made his points well and that's always welcome here but secondly you wouldn't believe how many people have responded to Brad and I just want to share one e-mail response this is from Joe he said I was a scene of breads phone call after his studies 100 percent wrong sorry I have no phone only e-mail so he wanted to call him he could 19 minutes after Trump was elected president the New York Times posted a pro impeachment article. That's the 1st time I've heard that I would it doesn't surprise me that I don't know that it's positively true no evidence of any crime were introduced in this article it couldn't be that I have a big problem with people who think like Brad we had to have a system that is innocent until proven guilty Congress is not the investigative branch of our public the proper channel should be color if a crime workable wait a 2nd Congress is the oversight branch. Investigation done you go to the Justice Department or to the f.b.i. Or something but Congress has. Investigative committees whose job it is to do oversight so that comes into that So Joe you should include that in your analysis the proper channel should be followed if a crime were committed it should be easy enough to describe and prove then move to impeach when the proper protocols are followed we can have no discussion then we can have the discussion of impeachment all the witnesses and introduced only hearsay I got my point across. And thank you very much Joe for that once again Brad as inspired respond and. A few more months on right now Arthur health through the break and I'm so grateful to him for his patience Hello Arthur how are you. Thank you Charles again you're such a gentleman that's why I listen and call you it's afternoon I started listening to your show right from noon during lunch breaks. Louis Armstrong Yes and even more delightful to me I heard your introduction that you do whatever you want to call it your commentary and that was followed by Andres Yes who I enjoyed all the way through to listening to you now read the emails from Joel about that there's one poll and I want to say almost irrational caller who he refers to I don't want to mention his name don't want to give him any credit you already read that and I was tempted to write you an email but I thought I would call not just about that one person from the last hour who understood you nice clean but. I want to say let me start off by saying before I get to tongue tied I'm not a Republican I'm not a Democrat and then independent guy with common sense looks and ways all the issues and try to do all the research and find the facts on anything I buy on line on any any product that our company is going to win Dorce and any candidate I'm going to vote for and with that type of procedure you can look back over the last 468 years all the way back to these are all your impeachment and see that there are no grounds for this impeachment This is a trade and hate is a very powerful motivator Either that or you have to be ingratiated with some type of recompense as a result of Democratic policies if you're a school teacher or if you're a government worker if you have contracts with the government I think then you going to be Dyess towards favoring the swamp and the way the swamp operates well then you're going to be against President Trump give a little more credit to me. Embrasure the teachers union people like that obviously they have financial fish to fry but it is a misnomer to think that they they do what they do and think what they think for reasons of personal financial aggrandizement know they are true believers and that of course makes them more difficult to deal with because they do have a lot of sincerity in what they're doing they are sincerely wrong in my view but nevertheless that's something that I have the job of going out and pleading the case that's that's part of what I do here on the radio in so far as. This particular impeachment process is. It seems so cut and dried to me the Democrats as soon as Mr Trump took office as soon as he was declared the winner of the election. A certain fairly sizable chunk of the Democratic Party including its elected members of Congress simply decided no this cannot be allowed Well it is allowed it's constitutional the election was conducted fairly The winner was clear and no recounts were necessary this time we didn't have any States decided by 500 votes this time. Mr Trump I think has as close as margin was in Michigan and there was like 10000 which is close but you don't need a recount 10000 you would so this is something that Mr Trump's more exigent opponents have made and will accept and. In honesty you have to also understand Mr Trump himself has done a lot and sometimes it seems everything he can. To enrage and excite these people and essentially get them to behave the way they are this is one of the things I think he attempts to do with his outrageous commentary from time to time his shall we say controversy will tweets I mean there are plenty of people like me who are supporters of President Trump who wish he would just want to say act like a president and you know his is supporters will say Oh you mean that he should just take it never going to be no no not at all a president is perfectly capable of defending himself after all you're the president you've got the bully pulpit but President Trump has done as much as any single person to bring us to where we are and it's. It's something I hate to see because the fabric the political fabric of this country is being shredded on a daily basis. And I keep looking around for the guys in the white hats. And to some extent I can claim that because after all it isn't Republicans are anally indulging in this impeachment nonsense but if you go to somebody and you doing something can you then point a finger at them and say Oh shame on you for doing that you see what I'm saying. Charles I certainly agree with that but I think you're overlooking one point that was mentioned by thanking Joe's. 19 Minix maybe it wasn't 19 maybe it would mean our after President. Maxine Waters and so much news on c.n.n. . Let's eat. Like that turned against President Trump and demanded we're going to win peach. And yet it's been going on for oh my God ever since he supposedly told me you're watching from the oh God It still requires. The Russians interference and well you know what's that has been pretty well debugged I mean there are still I'm sure there's Bradbury be saying it was still true I haven't a call as you call it still true just because the point is that if Mr Miller's report had offered that this was a far more substantive inquiry than anything we've seen about this phone call Ukraine this was a real inquiry conducted by a special prosecutor with subpoena powers and with which President Trump cooperated in this got done McGann his own lawyer who's now evidently not going to testify before this congressional committee he spent 30 years pardon me 30 hours of testimony answering questions from Mr Miller and his associates so when that report came out and there was nothing impeachable in it nothing nothing there you know there there. Again you know certain people in the Democratic Party just became unhinged Well we've got to find something so essentially they they latch on to this phone call which I don't know the wish you could. Say is it didn't exercise that presidential judgment that even that. Presidents get to do that President Obama once importuned. Go back and tell Putin Hey tell him I'll be more flexible after the election presidents make statements from time to time. Well let's just say they're a little bit questionable but it's not an impeachable thing it's a presidential judgment that's why you elected the guy Hey listen thank you for the call Arthur You're welcome thank you for. Hearing more phone calls in just a moment Greg's our next caller how about you for 7. I'm going to p.j. Any downed power line a way from it and keep others away call 911 letter 1st responders cannot handle it or will respond as well as to learn more p.d.e. Dot com. 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Program is brought to you by locally owned hardware stores in Watsonville freedom arena Salinas and Gilroy slippery days and slip out with the goods in your bag and a smile on your face there. From the early thirty's Louis Armstrong at this point he was recording. Contemporary popular songs many many of the songs became standards all of me is a good example but every tune was new once and this one was in 1932 when the track was laid down by this time Louis Armstrong had made the crossover and the 1920 s. He was known as a jazz artist and he was being sold on 8000 series. To a black audience the decision was taken that Armstrong was such a tremendous talent and such a such a. Fantastic entertainer let's take him mainstream Let's pull him over on to the main line Ok number series the 40000 series let's give him a bigger band and instead of recording all you know jazz tunes that most people hadn't heard of let's give him current popular songs that have a lot of buildup behind them and a lot of publicity a lot of emphasis and let's see if this guy can be as much of an entertainer as we think he can course it was a talk about a good bet lay your money on Louis Armstrong you won't lose and that is what you're listening to when you hear these recordings this is the beginnings of Armstrong's new career as a mainstream entertainer Ok let's see here we've got Greg and we've got David he's a 1st time caller let's Greg's been waiting for a longer so let's take his call 1st Hello Greg how you doing. Are you doing this afternoon fine sir. I want to ask you I don't have access to a t.v. Because I'm going to my car Sorry I won't be able to listen to the radio and I got her to Virgin's testimony what was the Rush Limbaugh where he said that there was nobody who witnessed or been president or president the president but the bride and then your caller while drew a breath was it said there was all kinds of testimony have you been able to see if there was any actual witnesses. There's really no need we have the transcript. The whole thing was started when somebody claimed they were a whistle blower and the Democrats would not allow us to find out who that was so we got somebody to say hey look hey look but but he shrouded in anonymity which is a problem you know you have a credibility problem there now Brad in the course of this call he was saying we have all this testimony but he himself acknowledged that it was hearsay testimony and he confronted that by it's really nice saying here say testimony is perfectly valid and I. Engage with him on that but he understood that what we were talking about is people who tell Well I heard this or I heard that. Ok see if you agree with me and that's basically the way I see it the framers of the situation took a look at the situation so your president did commit crimes and you know even bad now you deal with the well let's do this we get a grand jury indictment before we get in trouble. With the president basically I think the House impeachment hearing a grand jury. Taking. It can be likened to that yes I think that basically our neighbor gets their way of dealing with the president you know update from a grand jury. But I think that's basically what the House of Representatives sitting as a grand jury which then decides whether or not to indict and that impeach indict same thing and then if that is moved to a trial takes place and a trial takes place in the Senate is presided over by the chief justice recommended for trial Ok now it's a case it seems to me you've got to go to the folks who are cases he knows each truck and when in court. Even present to the grand jury but. Proper action right but in this case we've got our grand jury going out and looking for things to. Try instantiate their claims get strong. Again. But when you're taking the work basically saying we're not here to do our jobs until we strike the end I thought that the answer to that is you're ignoring you're leaving out one important thing and that is the political angle when a district attorney is deciding whether or not to bring charges generally it's it's not a matter of politics there's nothing political about somebody who smashes a window and steals a watch or hit somebody over the head and takes a while and if you have the evidence you prosecute. In the case in the case of this exercise it's all political the Democrats in the House of Representatives know that if they bring an impeachment trial in the Senate they will not prevail they know that but they're doing it anyway because it is a political exercise and that Greg is the answer to your question Ok let's compare that little. If you like the picture of you. That is exactly basically what they are teasing Trump Right now it's abusing their power for political gain which is exactly what they're doing is Ok there's a term for that it's called projection. You have some difficulty so you accuse somebody else of the same thing you project your inadequacy guilt whatever on somebody else. For going after the Democrats projection is something the Democrats on the left do by instinct it is it is their default position so for them to be doing this Greg what are you surprised about I'm not surprised it just seemed like the pot calling the kettle black to me well it was a good way of putting it that that is exactly what projection means in human terms you're absolutely right. Much degree we do wish that he was acting a little more present and rising above it and realizing he's president of all of us including the Democrats if he would just go on television one time and explain his claws and status case to the American people but he simply the bully pulpit of the president and he will not use it that just riles me thank you for the call Greg thank you for Appreciate Let's grab our next caller before the bottom of the hour we may have to continue this one after the break Hello David in North Carolina where are you in North Carolina tell me you're in Asheville. North Carolina Mastro about 2 hours away from a. Good afternoon to you sir. And Bird county down there around Charlotte Bellamy Rockingham County counterspell to try that so that's going to be going away. Point you know. Mark Well the world in Greensboro of course and then you know do you know when. When for. Rest the silent prayer as you know I mean this is the truth about rotating the same raly and their own color of u.n.c. Chapel yard but truly Tobacco Road runs through the triad was silent Greensboro High Point but I'm from a little small town that was back again years ago called retail North Carolina American back company and once again thank you for taking my call so as you say I like history I like to deal with history and I was told that you are a a history guru thought I was white knight I mean hammered out anyway go ahead I'm enjoying this and then saying I want to tell t. About a particular topic come up some time ago it was probably a bit passe he might even have some overkill I don't know but it tends to be more important to people where I'm from in my community but I would like to take just a moment that you are that gentleman talking before me Craig and you know the pot calling the kettle black and and I hear all this time I remember 20 years ago when the Republican Party was was trying to impeach impeach President Clinton because of something that he uses exactly how to do which were more on a personal nature more of a personal nature but he was still using his executive power and now the Democratic Party is trying to increase impeach President Trump something it appears to be a little bit more to that process of what you would think a piece of it would be but. Look at the fact that you know at the end of the day it's almost like a professional wrestling match you know. The bad guy here and there you know that Calhoun or Gorgeous George when you need him well you know that exactly right you know and this is you know require a country here but you know there are the day after day after day you know cause it's all around so it's in a family go or even a. Good guy and a bad guy they go out now didn't together that's right things to be with if we as a people realize that you know you know that they are working for us and we need to do better and we need to come together could allow him to. And then and I want to say I would agree with Greg you know we if you're going to be the president anything that you do you need to act appropriate you need to be presidential if you will be a radio talk show host and you need to be working within the appropriate files a bayonet radio talk show host and I think it takes the presidency should be that way so hopefully you know we can come better as a country come through this. I don't know the smoky area that we have right now now going to the thing I want to speak to you about Hang on just a 2nd hold that thought because I'm already a minute late for my bond on the hour break the lad would like to ask you to do please remain on the line we'll continue the call after our bottom of the hour break because I am very anxious to hear next point. Thank you very much not at all 130 at k.s.c. Else. Then let's tell you about. The local independent. Day long lived and. The. The art of hope because in 2900. 20. Tickets on sale now. And. See here to report how amazed I am at so many listeners have made beyond an integral part of their lives how many Plenty more than enough and growing every day hopefully this commercial will make those numbers swell even more now I don't know about you but I just. 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There is no estimated time for those particular customers yet. In other news a Scotts Valley burglary is still being investigated anyone with information on the early Sunday morning burglary at the at the Togo's and Scotts Valley is encouraged to contact the Scotts Valley Police Department. And finally reportedly the reason that Cesar Chavez middle school lots and Bill is cold these days is because there have been several gas leaks in the building so the heating system has been shut down officials with the power of al Unified School District say that repairs are scheduled to begin tomorrow and they are expected to continue throughout the weekend as a long term goal a district spokesperson says they want to replace all of the gas lines in the aging building. A radio news joshed even sear keeping you in the now. Time currently 134 Time now for your c.e.o. King of the hill traffic in weather we're taking a look at Highway 17 in the southbound direction right when you get past the reservoir watch out for brake lights there is a reported crash along that area however. Oh yes that's what's happening so basically a vehicle had spun out. And it is blocking the wrong side of the freeway so we received a report that it will happen on northbound summit however traffic is being affected in the southbound direction of Highway 17 here me sitting at 10 minutes worth of delay at this time I was 17 northbound nothing to worry about getting over the summit into San Jose Highway one between Santa Cruz Watts and muscling in Monterey both directions moving along at the limit same story goes for Highway one on one between Salinas and San Jose currently at $61.00 outside k s e o with a light rain shower going on in San Jose it's currently $5862.00 right now in Monterey. And taking a look at our local Doppler radar we see those showers are still persisting. But they should be wrapping up by about just before 3 o'clock. We will be expecting some lingering clouds into tomorrow and temperatures will be dropping down to the lower fifty's News Talk Time 136 Time now for some more Charles Friedman here on a c.e.o. Santa Cruz. Mr Armstrong blowing his horn behind him a saxophone section and a rather interesting sound. In this particular recording this is you can depend on me you get an inkling of why Armstrong always said that Guy Lombardo was one of his favorite bands can you imagine that of course Louis Armstrong one of the greatest jazz band if not the greatest and Lombardo of all people Neal the epitome of syrup the saccharine music Armstrong like the way that Lombardo saxophone straight and in his own orchestra you can hear the long Bardot sound in that hell of an al Qaeda borrow from who you like and that includes Mr are showing himself we're going to continue a conversation we've been having with David who is in it read Bill North Carolina read through what. I was taught Reidsville North Carolina where they they are growing lot of tobacco back in the day and he's called in to exchange some ideas and I'm so glad. You know one thing that you had mentioned when you were talking about the impeachment things with Nixon it was abuse of power that was what you were talking about and with trumpeter trying to get him on his abuse of power with Mr Clinton it was an abuse of power it was perjury which of course is lying under oath and the one the one I said well if it's something that's easy to do but. The fact of the matter is that Mr Clinton was guilty of perjury there's no question about that he was not removed from office because the political judgment of the people and their senators at that time was that Mr Clinton's offense did not rise to that of an impeachable offense and I put out on the air a few weeks ago the idea that whether or not it was a surprise Nixon. Those of us who have voted for me always felt they were capable competent smart guy a straight shooter and then all of a sudden he's abusing power so there's a shock that you there and people recoil I know I did with Mr Clinton he is accused of a land ring with a young woman but we all knew that Mr Clinton was a felon or when he was elected and so I think one of the main reasons he wasn't removed from office is because people look at this in said Ho Hum Well you know what. This or this guy does this and he lies about it we know him. Cracker excellent point excellent point he makes thanks so much for clearing that up for me to the point I wanted to make about your feel and your take on what Cory Booker was trying to run with a car and a lot of people jumped on the bandwagon with things who have lost its. Power there are several sputtering out. It's all a reprimand actions. Reparations Yes referees Ok. Cory Booker. Seems to be following about the same trajectory as Conall Harris except that Ms Harris actually did have a bump in the polls which she promptly lost Cory Booker has never really gotten off the ground and. I don't rely on I'm going to ask you. With me has Mr Booker Senator Booker made the reparation issue a centerpiece of his campaign or is it just one of the things he's talked about. One time I think he was trying to push a thank you really tried to make that for fraud Ok Well look I did it and I love the way below now I'm wondering do you think sputtered recalls It was all reparations and you know there are a lot of. Emotions concerning reparations all stars you're right and also I would point out there are a number of other Democrats who are contending who have a favorable view towards reparations So Mr Booker was not offering something that you couldn't get elsewhere. I think that Senator Booker suffered I think a lot of these people suffered by just the plethora I mean you got 2 dozen people running for president and it's very difficult to get oxygen in such an atmosphere 4 years ago the Republicans had what I think we had something like 14 or 15 but one of them was Donald Trump and you know whether you like or dislike his presentations they were so but I want to say. That they as presently sucked all the oxygen out of the room the news channels even the ones who didn't like him would run his rallies live on television while the other candidates would be attempting to get noticed sell we don't have anybody on the Democratic side this time less quite that see Actrix ality to it. At least I don't see one deal. No No And I think you know if anything that that's a. Pleasant surprise if you could say that because you know we in this country sometimes we are so much more. Influenced by the spark when fluence by you know better yeah tricks as opposed to being influenced by you know gritty truths things that are are very important but are bad people we tend to go for the Pop Tart and the broccoli and that's been our issue as a country particularly in the last 3540 years you know we want to we want to go to the delays on the donut on this program that comes down to a good 8 between style and substance. And as frankly this is this is why I continue to be a supporter of President Trump I don't like his style and make no bones of that but when I look at the judges he had pointed when I look at the condition of the economy when I look at the record low unemployment particularly any black and Hispanic communities I like the results I like the substance and style I'm still on board. Well I can see that you know. In the bill are different you know I look at things a little differently I know a lot of things overlap and a lot of times even under different presidencies a lot of they get credit for other things that were put into place by the former president says we know that even going back to Jimmy Carter we know that you know they were President Carter you know he was basically you know the hostages were freed under him but they kept him in Germany until President Reagan was in office so he could have that credit we know about all those things so we know a lot of stuff can overlap and people at the end of the day it's about who have the best caring Well you know David I would I would I would argue with you on the air. The thing about the hostages there the reason the ayatollah it's present kind of been reelected that hostage release will happen because the Ayatollah was playing him like a like a violin but there are points in the Carter administration that you can use to substantiate that for example Mr Carter appointed. Volcker to the Ted reserve part of Volcker was a go eventually with Reagan's cooperation was able to kill the inflation that Carter was the guy who actually put it in place further. President Carter was the one who when the Soviets advanced s.s. 20 missiles into Eastern Europe President Carter was the one who said Ok let's send our Minuteman missiles into Western Europe so Carter had that idea 1st Reagan picked it up and ran with it but yeah there are ideas that Mr Carter had that Reagan that Reagan used so your point is. We also former President Clinton you know he will do a lot of coke a lot of resources to do so because of 12 years of Conservative spending but you know the Republican probably would rather regular 4 years of George w. So George h.w. Scuse me so well you know we could say all of that you know you're exactly right sometimes I just kind of tired of the games when when we were supposed to be one country I did kind of get tired. Of all the games of all the professional wrestling . You know right before the break even though you were pointing out before the break before we stopped you were pointing out that our leaders often you know they engage in these impeachment terror. Cetera et cetera and you said which to the effect correct me if I'm wrong but that it was up to us the people to try to provide an anchor to try to provide some stability try to understand that at the end of the day yes we do have a beer together and I. I really love hearing that your fare well it's been great talking to you I won't pick up all your talk of you I'm very intelligent I really enjoy talking to you and I'll probably try to call back again this little black Well listen you do that your own in North Carolina obviously you're not getting our radio signal are you what are you listening online Well listen all I like and quite pick it up so I can go in the black and listen to your boxful go to c.l. Dot com and there should be a something there that says listen here a listen live or something I am no computer whiz David so I'm not going to pretend it's exactly what to do but let me put it this way others even less competent than me have managed to let us know. When you do a great job search our presets of time. Before you go to North Carolina great bands that came out of North Carolina Hell Camp in his orchestra k Kaiser's orchestra down and down to Charlotte Jimmy good. Lead a band they made one session for Victor there is a James Gunn school in North Carolina the man spent years as a music teacher but he made some size for bluebird in 103637 that are just absolutely explosive. Hard Williams orchestra recorded in North Carolina there are just a number of really terrific outfits came out of that state so yeah North Carolina great music over good Coltrane a little late for me. Yeah these guys who came along during my lifetime I don't know. The true moley think David but you know I like it too I like the big band styles I like to go braces I like to go at times I like I like to be bigger but I like to be where. Ellington is is over and above everything. Thank you for your call David pleasure hearing from you I look forward. Next call. You 2147 a k s e o we will be back with Andres in just a moment I'm Charles Friedman 7 and 10 eighties the phone number I read your pharmacist dead if you have been studying healthy bodies for 35 years and what I've got to tell you may shock and surprise you but if you listen up it may change your life drug companies are always looking for new ways to push their products in a case of statens the anti-cholesterol cardiovascular medication so beloved by drug companies and doctors who literally dispense them to the tune of $30000000000.00 annually the search is going on to take advantage of their toxic effects is a novel way to kill cancer cells so it came as no surprise when researchers at the University of Pittsburgh concluded that cholesterol lowering stat drugs may be able to mitigate the metastases or spreading of various cancerous tumors the discoveries being explored as a way of creating new cancer treatments based on the mechanism of action of the stat namely their ability to stop cells from making cholesterol what these researchers are saying is that drugs not only poison cholesterol making processes take place inside of cells they alternately poison the cells themselves in this case their ability to get around in other words the scientists are basically concluding that stat drugs are cytotoxic toxic to cells true the studied effects were chemotherapy they were demonstrated on cells that were cancerous but because all cells need cholesterol it's somewhat obvious that the same kind of toxicity will occur in healthy ones too so if you're concerned about cancer and metastasis one day you may have to take a stand drug but if you're not sick and want to stay that way and if you value the health of your cells you might want to think twice about whether you really want to take that cytotoxic your cells will be grateful for Mrs been here urging you to go to k s e o health dot com to order beyond the Healthy Start packing other nutritional supplements that I personally use and recommend you can purchase these premium quality products at wholesale prices online a k s e o health dot com That's Health dot com I'm a pharmacist that believes that staying healthy and strong is not only about medicine it's about giving your body the raw materials it needs to do its work go to k.f.c. On health dot com Make sure you check out the cool videos too at k.s.c. 0 health dot com that stay as c.e.o. Health dot com. It was. Jimmy gun in his orchestra with the burning very you know I found a new baby records for Bloomberg in 1037. At me Charlotte North Carolina. This record is legendary because there was an itinerant trombone known only as slats said to him 100 The particular the southeastern part of the country playing here and there no one knows his real name or anything about him well he is supposed to abandon on this recording session which would make it the only time he ever got recording and so the trombone work that you hear on this is by this guy slats and it turns out that as a trombone as a jazz Trumbo next he is the stuff let me see if I get a solo up for here. In this one or not this one shuffle where you get to hear him really. See if I can to get up sometimes excavating for it on the air is no good and drains Welcome to the program said lead to have you make space for taking my call you back want to curtail the situations where the Left international left. And so we're looking at it. Well you know how a lot of immigrants are actually. Wrong it's not going tightening in Europe and England have you heard how they're going to back watts when it comes to some some types of sex education in the public schooling system and one. You know this is something that had not hit my radar. Well he doesn't it doesn't sound surprising I get you get these people coming in from various parts of the world was saying you know sex education doesn't belong in the schools frankly when it comes to the lower grades I don't think it does either. What I've been hearing of. Agree with here but not only are they they. Are going to on the record you're complaining about that but they also have a big problem what the trans gender transsexual. Including that normalcy of life style on the children so there was a big backlash so what I wanted to point out was the the big tent the left has in some spots backfiring on itself and recently you know the girl the young girl named . Berger. Yeah that abused child from from Norway or Sweden Norway or. One of those places that incidentally she is a victim of child abuse let's be kind. No I guess you know. One of the statements she made. You know straight out said that. Climate change or. Crisis is something that is on the planet by a. Racist. System or something along those lines so there was a sort about trying to connect. With the global climate change crap sounds like kind of an all purpose inclusive gripe frankly I don't think that kind of of stretches of logic is going to attract the many people who aren't already signed and doing right so that's what I'm going to ask you because I don't think just took their word backlash from going in Europe to the trans sexual agenda now I can see the left to the left agenda the international agenda trying to make the carbon tax idea and reparations trying to make you know mixable And I think in my opinion that is going to there's going to be a huge backlash hopefully from the black community who will say wait a minute we've been told that the longer the leave or or do believe and reparations as a good thing. They're going to probably say you know what I do and many others have seen it from the beginning as a tool of separating people and getting people to fight against each other even though the left might be trying to unify the. People Unfortunately I tend to see your point that the reparations issue is one that's being used more as a political tool than anything else I don't think there is a real chance of that happening and the reason is because the one example as pointed to a said well what about the people who were interned during World War 2 Japanese Americans who were in changer in World War 2 engine. Suffered loss of property loss of freedom for a significant length of time and during the Reagan administration by act of Congress cash settlement was made on each of those people the point being this cash settlement did not go to all Americans of Japanese extraction rather it went only to those who could verify that they had then in turn you know in other words the this. To use a Japanese phrase this go men money was paid to people who had actually experienced the injustice. Now obviously today there is not a single person alive in the country who has ever been held as a slave in the United States one. It's possible that certain people may have been enslaved in other parts of the world there could be people here right now from parts of the Middle East or or Northern Africa where slavery is still practiced and they might have thank God gotten out and be here now but they wouldn't be veterans of the American slave experience and now frankly the idea that. It just to me it does not it does not ring true for example if you were going to do this I guess you'd have to make a cash settlement to every African-American in the country which would include men like Robert Johnson who are. Millionaires men I think Robert Johnson is a billionaire so you know the money going to people like money but people like you and me would be paying money to to give a benefit to somebody who could buy and sell. What I'm saying that it's not going to. Sort of what they're trying to next but through it together you know Marriott are trying to unify the. Movement crater left movement and they're calling all the stops and I think it's going to expose them to some sort of a backlash. Well I don't know about that the I would think that people of all colors and ethnicities would be upset by somebody who tried to sell them a combination of reparations and the Green New Deal this it seems to me is coupling one. Questionable idea with a truly o.d.s. One the Green New Deal is just utterly off the edge and. A person who comes along and makes that the corner piece. Their presentation I think is going to wind up losing which is exactly what should happen yeah I hope so you know we're all so I think you know what about our local congressman to me and I don't. Know green you're you know you'll notice that he's not running for any kind of higher office he knows better. And then secures the state exactly what's that you say he should be institutionalized. For the phone call. To character take it easy I just monkeying around here. This last shuffle by Jimmy Caan. Still looking for that. One capable bone artist featured with Jimmy gunner in his orchestra tremendous jazz band a great swing band out of Charlotte North Carolina once again thank you for to day things are earlier in the program for motivating me go to Charlotte it is 2 o'clock at k.s.c. Oh Santa Cruz and we see today is Wednesday that means common sense actually will be and next here in your favor radio station k s e o Santa Cruz there. Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com I'm peeved leader for law professors and that's the finest hour at the House Judiciary Committee hearing into the impeachment inquiry on President Trump University of North Carolina law professor Michael Gerhardt says lawmakers have a clear choice if Congress fails to impeach here and the impeachment process is lost all meaning wrong with that or conservations carefully crafted safeguards against establishing a king on American soil and therefore I stand with the Constitution and I stand with the framers were committed to ensure that no one is above the law but George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley says impeachment is not the answer here we're all mad. Where's that taken us. In the slipshod impeachment make us less minute. Will it only invite an invitation for the madness to follow every future administration. That is why this is wrong Republican Congress one Martha Roby says there are no specific impeachment charges Holly and the other side of the al have it made it they don't know what articles of impeachment they will consider how does anyone extract a panel of law professors to weigh Yun on the legal grounds for impeachment charges aren't even now hearing what the charges brought that this committee on.

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