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But. The president. Part of. The president. That. The president. Is today 1800 for free packet and reversing or managing. Small and mid-sized businesses are increasingly targets for cyber criminals an industry surveyed nearly $600.00 u.s. Companies finds that 76 percent experienced a cyber attack in the previous 12 months up 70 percent year over year and up 63 percent from a 27000 survey nearly 60 percent of the attacks were fishing or social engineering scams the challenges for such more companies are described as a lack of information technology staffs and a lack of comparable sophisticated monitoring software which not surprisingly comes down to money consumer records and intellectual property came in as the top areas needed to be protected Georgetown's on reporting $20.00 new moons have been found around Saturn giving the rain cloud a total of 82 scientists said Monday that dates Jupiter at 79 minutes it was fun to find a Saturday as the truth said astronomer Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for science this is Tunnel dot com. As he tries to opposition to the. British. Nation. The U.K.'s Northern Ireland. Place just. Attacked. The campaign. Black face Conservative Party. Taking a 2nd term in the 21st elections the. Last. I guess. I everybody this is Dave Michaels here to let you know that time is running out on our 2 per one sale down at the day by 2 products get one of equal or whether it's for you or your pet Don't miss this chance to save up to 7 pm through Friday this week. And. On. And. On. And on. And. On and. On and. On and on and on the City of Angels near the Pacific Ocean Good morning good evening wherever you may be across the nation around the world I'm sure you won't come to coast to coast am later on tonight shadow people in the hatband Here's what's happening in. Rational Democrats claiming to have a good reason for not fully enough. Fishel impeachment against President Donald Trump at this time despite calls from Republicans for them to go on record and back up their public threats against the commander in chief Representative Debbie Dingell Democrat of Michigan defended the party line and said an official vote isn't required plain that the facts of the case was Paramount before any congressional action can be. Made while President Donald Trump has launched a harsh attack on NATO allied Turkey threatening to destroy its economy if it takes a planned military strike in Syria too far even though the u.s. Leader himself is on to the door for a Turkish incursion Mr Trump said he would totally destroy an obliterate Turkey's economy if it took action in Syria that he considered off limits following his decision on Sunday to pull out u.s. Forces from south eastern Syria televangelist Pat Robertson has joined the chorus of conservative critics lambasting President Donald Trump's decision to pull out these u.s. Forces out of northern Syria endangering America's Kurdish allies Mr Trump was slammed by many of his usual defenders Let's check in with online columnist John Curtis John what's going on here a little revolt Well you know trying to I've said this before to get out you even anti-war candidate number one that he doesn't believe that the 50 advisors that we have a north eastern Turkey on the Kurdish areas are all really all that significant and if the Turks have it down strip they're going in with a military operation certainly doesn't want. Any u.s. It visors cross caught in the crossfire this hysteria on Capitol Hill right now among especially the you know the war hawks like Lindsey Graham and others using this basically as some kind of a gesture area that somehow we're going to create a power vacuum there are no combat troops in that region there is no power vacuum it's already there and the Turks what we as a NATO a comparison is completely off the wall you know talking about Trump as 1st a candidate from God and now he's a doubt ready to lose his lease on something about heaven and you know his mandate to join in a double or something yeah I mean that it's so completely preposterous we've got $58.00 George advisers over there and non-chemical combat capacity but you Trump is after 100 percent right that he doesn't want them getting caught in some kind of an operation and what does Pat Robertson think in the u.s. Policy should be or Lindsey Graham that the u.s. Is now going to March to war against Turkey because they consider the b y p g Kurdish militia one of their arch enemies over there in Kurdistan the turned the Kurds know perfectly well they are not helpless the Peshmerga are explicitly experience biters they know the Turks backwards and forwards they know how to move around in the area and they know when the encroach too far on the Turkish border that the Turks are going to start lobbing bombs and engage in military operations so all this talk about how we're abandoning the Kurds the you know boots on the ground the u.s. Has been fighting ISIS it's completely took a. Recent nobody in the Kurdish military of the Peshmerga But what you've asked and the only ones that I think that are getting anything out of this are the military industrial complex the truckers very suspicious of They'd never find it and they never have a fight a opportunity to get into some kind of a military incursion there's no way that it that the u.s. Is going to go after a native ally like Turkey now what Trump said was that if the Turks go further than what they're claiming they're going to do and they do try to go into Kurdistan that Trump will apply extreme economic sanction chancy done on Turkey so there are restrictions on that but the idea that we're all going to go into massive stereo Route 50 advisers in a non-combat role in south eastern north eastern Turkey is just for possibly don't even know why we're still in Turkey in the 1st place John we went in there to try to get ISIS out of there in a Bashar Assad out of power that never happened what are we doing there were they are as a buffer to me as well and some of the Iranian You know the Al Qaida National Iranian revolutionary guards that are over there and Assad get these people out of his own country now I study it's got just way too many fire city putting out continuously all over it or in the hinterlands of Syria that are in the desert regions where were all of them hide so I think the u.s. Has no business being over there and certainly not getting in the middle of any kind of a incursion between Turkey and the Kurds the Kurds are very well equipped to deal with the Turks All right thanks John John's web site online columnist dot com for devoted coffee lovers just one cup of coffee. The in the morning may not be enough to knock all the cobwebs from your eyes this leads to multiple trips to the coffee pot but if this sounds like your typical a.t.m. Routine you might be putting yourself at greater risk of suffering episodic migraines according to a new study. Story we have on our highlight reel of coast to coast am dot com amazing Saturn has overtaken Jupiter as the planet with the most moons in our solar system a team discovered a new hall of 20 new moons orbiting the ringed planet bringing its total 80 to Jupiter by contrast has 79 natural satellites Let's check in with Dr sky Steven Kates for his weekly report but Steven how do they find 20 new moons now I mean we've had great telescopes 20 years ago absolutely George about the higher technology that we have with these amazing telescopes thinkin Sams of megapixels and a lot of these telescopes are able to see things in satellites by the way Georgia rather small in comparison to the main satellites of Saturn and just to let everybody know George that Saturn's there was easy to see in the southern sky on any clear evening now about 930000000 miles away but we begin with space tourism exciting a giant asteroid may have hit the Earth as recent as 12000 years ago which caused some global climate change to this asteroid event was known as the Younger Dryas event and it sounds of an asteroid impact to get a little bit agreement and creating a 19 mile wide crater but the interesting part is that this crater was the scabbard back in 25th name it's one of the 25 largest impact craters on the earth and according to historians and scientists it may have wiped out a prehistoric group of peoples known as the coldest George we keep our eyes to the skies always and don't forget folks asteroid up Opus and I'm 942 pass of the earth on April the 3rd think of 2029 at some 100000 miles away but they're saying at the cloudy confident it's close but maybe no cigar and thank goodness I'm moving on to astronomy George to be here showers we talked a little bit about this last week and the next few days the 1st one is ongoing it's called Adric owners. They're known for some slow fireball misspeaks on Tuesday evening the way to see it is look to the northwest sky after sunset with clear sky and last year observers in Europe so $140.00 of these meteors per hour rates will be lower big time because of the modem the sky and then the other one look Wednesday night into Thursday morning and hang on to the northeast guy after midnight the southern torrid meteor shower also part of slow moving fireballs wrapping it up the lives guy George the moon is quite fascinating right now for observers it's bright high in the southern sky for many observers now about 10 days past new it reaches the full phase the next beautiful full moon this one for October the fall of hunters will not occur as on Sunday at exactly 5 o 8 pm Eastern daylight time but one final trick if you have a pair of binoculars go out and look at the moon now in the binoculars right along the Terminator and that's the shadow line not the other side of the edge you'll see this this thing crater it's called Copernicus one of the deepest craters on the moon some 60 miles in diameter are planets towards Mars Venus and Mercury in the glare of the sun in a slowly becomes brighter as it moves away and into the evening sky but the sky naturally reminds you to always remember to keep your eyes of the sky email me and we appreciate that Dr sky show that you mail dot com and check out this never ending website to learn in richer mind with the sky or by George Dr Scott I will talk to you next Monday as a matter of fact Up next divination it's knee art of seeking knowledge from a supernatural force source Up next Paul O'Brian back with me was last on about short half years ago we're going to talk about divination synchronicity and some other great things next on coast to coast am. 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And welcome back to coast to coast George Norry with you let me tell you about our special guest Paul O'Brian is a visionary entrepreneur who invented a new category of software back in 1990 that evolved into becoming the world's largest astrology in divination websites now he sold the company in 2007 innocence authored a number of books Paul is a sought after speaker the Lancer piston founder of the educational divination foundation back in April of 2015 I think you were last on with us Paul welcome back thank you Joy It's great to be back looking forward to this have you been over the last 4 and a half years well I've been you know relatively busy just a bit I want to be working and I had my own radio show that I've had now for 30 years. Which we syndicate which the divination foundation and I've written a couple books just came out with a new one right now it's being launched It's called into it intelligent make life changing decisions with perfect timing and it's got quite a bit about divination and synchronicity in there so I didn't I didn't do a good for you good for you how did you get started and all this years ago well. I think in my case it's a kind of a funny story it started when I was in college and I was attracted to this thing called the teachings or I changed. And this girl was showing it to me and I was an undergraduate at Berkeley and I like I think she was pretty cute I wanted to hang up her so she was showing me the system where you talk these points and you get an answer to some question that's on your mind and being a 19 year old smart alec you know I was just kind of making fun of it but I've gone along with it and I came up with some question that didn't really mean very much to me and I was just kind of making fun of it and in my very 1st reading with each thing I got the x. a Grand number for which would entitle you to full folly that student lacks respect for the teacher and I thought Well and that's kind of strange So let me try that again so that. I was the one making fun of it I would think it. And I got this reply that had a line it said I sitting the sincerity of the speaker and I realized oh my God this thing it is such a mirror you know if I make fun of it it makes I mean I think that it needs I would look and so I started studying this ancient book with a 3000 year old book but more than a book it's a divination system and it started using it and you did and I didn't tear it all out it up for every major decision. So I see it as a tool up for decision making and then a few years later I got of all the software I was totally fascinated by software my friend how to get a job at this computer center where they had a computer is called a mini computer and I don't know if you remember that far back to earth and so things are take up half a room told there were huge need and gigantic mac tapes and maybe a card reader and that's when I had one tiny little screen it was like an a so it's go and my fanfic sim joysticks up to it he wired them up and he got to software over Arpanet now that receive internet and that an early seventy's and he got to suffer from mit so that we can play a game called Space War and it's p.d.p. 11 mini computer that $150000.00 machine and we're taking it you know at midnight over smoke and Titan really adds you know I loved it but I never did much of a gamer but I just thought that it's so cool I mean the fact that somebody wrote some code that delivered this immersive experience and dad turned me on and I wanted to get a job there so bad was this before the pong days yeah this is the 4th of August 5 years before Apple. Is for the really early days and I saw the potential of software to deliver an interactive experience or an immersive experience that I was having fantasies about multi me. In 1974 you way ahead of your time Paul I know I'm a visionary That's right you tapped into things well I think dab an ability to then but it's something that I can teach doing it something that my books are about the book intuitive intelligence is about what I call visionary decision making and that's basically following your know if you know following what fascinates you are following what you love like in my case I was fascinated by the ha. Fascinated by the potential of software so I got a job there at the secretary is that right that's how my career started at the secretary and I kept going and going and. I did promoting myself you know I started to get Secretary to actually very powerful position you're taking the call to the boss right now that's right and you protect the boss and everything else I go to closing deals for the vice and so that kind of like my career as a software marketing specialist that's now when we talk about divination in your definition what is that in my definition it's very simple and down to earth it's not fortune telling it's a way to stimulate your intuition this think outside the box around problems that logic can't handle. And that it's kind of supernatural you use the word supernatural the beginning of the show. For this because it's so extraordinary Most people don't know how to access their intuition when they need it most They don't even know how to notice their intuition it can't tell the difference between their intuition and a strong feeling and yet when something happens they go into that woulda coulda should've mode because they know and they knew if they'd only acted on their got what you call a dinner intuition they could've saved themselves a lot of problems. Right but you know it's that easy you know there's so much noise going on there's so many distractions it's very difficult to make good decisions and that's why. It was like so important to me to get input from outside of myself and so that he provided that for me my entire life and I would use it when I had a problem that logic can handle and there's a lot of problem areas in life that logic can handle as we all know I mean relationships come to mind negotiating strategies timing. Things are all about feel you know life is like a dance you know it's about it's not about is that about just having technique you got to have a feel. Paula Brian with us his latest book is called intuitive intelligence making life changing decisions with perfect timing and that that key phrase perfect timing is so important Paul because sometimes you have to be there at the right place at the right time or you have to make that decision quickly at the right time too and if you're off by just a little bit nothing you know the whole thing could fall apart Oh you're so right you know to say timing is everything is the Holy Grail if we can get the timing right if. Everything works but that is not easy as it sounds. I mean is a decision you know if you going to make a strategic decision if you're going to make a move in life you're going to change your career move to a different town or whatever or get a divorce or get married or whatever you know. To questions you have to answer what is the best next move to me sort of like a plan to get it set and the 2nd question is When should I make it because that's the time in question well the 1st one logic can help but you can help you figure out what the best next move but logic can't figure out timing question that is like almost 100 percent intuitive and that's why developing cultivating intuitive intelligence it's so important and if you get more into it if you develop your intuitive intelligence yes what if timing is going to automatically improve that it's nothing more than an intuitive question. Well that's so true and you can use it if you're good at it in just about every facet of your life Oh absolutely and I'm not saying I'm good at it in every facet of my life but I have got a pretty good story. I'm not improbable it is a success it was almost entirely intuitively driven and that's in the book is if it works part memoir. But to come you know 15 years after I got the job of the secretary to computer center I developed. Synchronicity which was the 1st. Program was the 1st edition software ever published and I did this it's out of love I just spoke about it I remembered it you know I always remember you know that so much reverence for it I thought about 30 different versions of it now I mean inching up there in my own right. There the western version of it translated into Mandarin and hold on for 2nd Paul we're going to take a break but we will come right back and talk more about your work intuitive intelligence later on we'll take phone calls with Paul O'Brien right here on coast to coast am feeling lost radio grab your smartphone or computer and listen to hard radio pick up the hard radio at. Radio dot com. You still think that's the way things are going to the global elite still want to dominate the planet and that they might succeed I think they didn't dominate the place. Until 7 in 76 because the founding fathers decided to. Cover one that was. There were eternal right to keep laughter and. All of the people it. The earth it to cool it like that for 240 few years they've been trying to get it back and we America has read it and that the fight if we see it going on right now doesn't it still feel out of kilter golf to you there's something wrong there's a gray or that out there that need not just one thing eat to capture the full of the world but I don't think they're going to win I don't think they're going to win classic. Lost in self 1st album was one of the most successful debuts in rock history one of the great songs from that record is a long time which was coupled with a short instrumental called for Play the band's late singer Brad Delp once provided the background on those tracks was one of my favorite songs to do when we play outlined it is just it's a really fun song to sing and it's one that I still enjoy listening to the little organ piece to that the heat intitled for play is another thing that goes back to when I 1st met Tom He had this little sort of semi classical piece that he really liked a lot but didn't know where to put it in and work out very nice and then we did a long time and he said he is a perfect sponsor then. Came Together a classic. Push the goods did we keep our friends close with this. Part of life on Earth come from I'm George Noria joined us on our next program as I talk with an expert about how life might have developed in the cosmos don't miss out on Coast to Coast followed by of course something very special. We keep our enemies closer. Looking for the truth. You'll find. Me ask you a question how do you determine what is a fake news story from a real. Because the waters have. Bad. Actually reality you don't even know exactly when there's a fine line between the fake news story that perched someone or the fake news story that is put up for entertainment and stuff like that and that's what we have to watch out. Coast to go see I'm sure sounds great in the middle of the night but you don't have to be not drunk to enjoy this amazing show insider is to a normal life for the day you can wake up refreshed knowing that last night show is waiting for you with. Listen on your way to work and again on your way home or listen to one of. Our calling from the past year. Is a must for all those am listening visit. Today . Knowing you'll never miss your favorite. Ever again remember a one year. Only. Today goes a. Well I'm looking forward to Thursday October 31st that's our annual ghost to go show it's going to be fun and what makes it even greater is because you get to participate in a yes we're looking for a few folks to tell us their scary story so if you have a good story e-mail us a ghost stories at coast to coast am dot com Give us your phone number the ghost story you have we just might pick you to read it on the air how many are you going to pick Tom for the entire program well I have to see how many people divide it by the number ours we were going to have regular ghosts. And we're going to have special guests in and out and. So we just kind of figured out super Ok that's October 31st it's our Any will go to go show and send your e-mail with phone number to ghost stories at coast to coast dot com. 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Earlier And so I have a whole process for helping people learn how to make big decisions that the subtitle of the book is about make life changing decisions with perfect timing so it really all kind of goes back to. It a cultivation of intuitive intelligence. And that have to do with. You know actually you know you're asking about deliberation and I think that if I just got a definition works it might shed some light hearted sure on the whole process because what you really have is 2 factors and a definition experience and I think divination it could be terrible cards it could be astrology could be used that way. Oh or that each thing is the oldest form there's another one called runes every culture is God One some some African cultures use different kinds of bones and and stones and it's the do you keep Bruce had a divination system that were these rooms that were in the breastplate of the High Priest and God would actually tell him to do it he'd say you know talk the runes and figure out who's going to be the new king or you know that's in the Old Testament somewhere so anyway given nation is like a worldwide phenomenon but what it really depends upon it a set of archetypes so I could take Terrell cards you've got 78 cards he started an archetype in each king you have $64.00 decks a grand $64.00 chapters each one of those is a is an archetype and so did theory behind archetypes occurring on the great depth psychologists studied this stuff for 30 and more than 30 years and he came up with the term synchronicity which I want to get to in a minute but he also used the term archetypes in this way to talk about different qualities of human energy different dynamics of human activity that we all have so all 78 Dero cards are inside of you or me they're all there all those architects are potentiality is within us you know you've got the King you've got the warrior you've got the lover you've got the magician you've got you know a lot of different capacities or potential self I suppose you could say and each think about it in 64 and in astrology you have the 12 signs and the 10 planets blah blah blah. So that's archetypes everything and psychological capacities of a human being which we all have inside of it so when you give yourself if you will pull a tear apart reading it so you've got some of it you and you want to get some clarity about it so you shuffle the cards in and while you're totally focused on that issue you pull a card that card represents something that's already inside of him so it's been calling for this thing that's inside of you now with divination you don't have to be specifically religious or spiritual Do you own it or not it up you know I mean the archetype there are psychological structures that apply across the board everybody's got a king or queen everybody's got a sovereign everybody's got a warrior there's no warrior like a mama grizzly and everybody's got an a magician which is a creative part everybody's got a locker so we all have the archetypes within it's not related to you have to believe anything now Paul when you look can't what you have called Strategic Logic and we need that with intuition are the same. It's a good defense you know like I said it I apply divination when I have a problem that logic can't handle but if I have a problem that logic can't handle that logic and handle I go with logic effect at all chapter in the book and of a way to use logic that's a lot easier then but most people are used to people do pros and cons you know if you've got some choices. Pros and cons but that's not a very good system that's been around for a long time but the problem with that is that we're we're way more impacted by the cons than we are by the pros were more impacted by fear than we are by Hope generally speaking because we're a fearful species primates are very nervous that there is a lot of predators that can lead that we had reason to be afraid of and maybe we don't have the same reasons to be afraid anymore but we're nervous species I mean luckily that's offset by our cherry acidy but so does the negatives always take on that's why the news is so negative it's because it that's what gets people that's what really upstream for the body to beat up but a negative so protocol that it gets at the I've got a better system in there that I call the weighted prose system so anyway logic very important but when it comes to the big decision the life changing decisions you can't lead with logic like you can help you narrow down your reasonable option and but and that's a good use of it. But ultimately you've got to go with your heart you gotta go if you've gotta go but here intuition which is the voice of your heart into it and intelligence is a higher form of intelligence and very few people have developed very much of it and it's a lifelong learning and that claiming are you born with that or do. I think we're all born with it I think we're all born with instinct and instinct and way of knowing things instinctively I think for. And away from it by you know by being taught that we have to be as rational as possible all the time because intuition is not rational when I did starting a business a definition software business was considered crazy all of my peers thought I was crazy and I wasn't sure they were wrong it was not really a very I would have gotten he chewed a live on Shark Tank that's for sure. That no one of them may have taken it in and that's maybe Robert I don't know but yeah no I mean I never had any investors I think barely able to get any money from the bank even though it's turning a profit it's a trading business to go into who bought it if I can ask it was bought by a company that was their kind of a roll up you know they had like. Hedge fund money or something and they had you know cans of millions of dollars for acquiring small companies so they were gobbling up whatever they could find I guess yeah they were a domain name company and they thought I had the world's largest horoscopes and we provided all the 1st steps for a.o.l. And for Yahoo. As well as the 1st Coke gadget for Google so we became the number one astrology website it's not anymore but it was in the early 2010 meaning company thought well a part millions of domain names may thought well by their part they could put it in the or scope on there and make some money I have everything I think or something like that so that was interesting that's what they told me but they never did that . They never did and of course they didn't have the entrepreneurial spirit that you did to drag this and make it happen yeah you know they milked it and then they sold it they did very very well that company had a lot of value and I'm not complaining I feel like I did very well in that transaction. But I did my intuition you know. I had investment bankers selling the company and then they finally found me as a possible buyer at just when I was going to fire them and so then when I got down the road with that buyer and I told them they could I said Ok I'll take it over now I'm going to take over the deal making and they just flipped out and they were so afraid that I was going to screw the deal up and I ended up getting twice as much as they would have gotten me and now they brag about me so he. But it I very fortunate to be able to do something meaningful and that's more of my story George I left a high paying career to do something cool it's something more meaningful to me that I love the chance with each thing that I had to throw cetera and I left my name and status. For creative freedom I wanted to I wanted to create something meaningful for me not sent Oh indeed all of the money came anyway yes sometimes that happens out way even bigger than when you're trying to know I didn't have an exit strategy I never thought I was going to be worth a lot of money I thought maybe I'll make a living at it but the money wasn't your motivator now. Just enjoy doing what you're doing let's talk a little bit about synchronicity here Paul I don't believe in coincidences I think things happen for a reason sure there's luck every once in awhile but in terms of you don't you just happened to come on to some place and somebody was there you were thinking about now I think I think there's destiny involved in the synchronicity What do you think I agree with you you know the basic I don't I mean what is sacred I think our young define synchronicity a meaningful coincidence and by the way when you do a divination process whether it's an eating reading or a terror card reading here you're actually doing you're sort of creating a meaningful coincidence the coincidence is the which card turns up while you're thinking about x.y.z. That's a coincidence or the way the coins land while you're thinking about x.y.z. That's a question it's in your manufacturing so you're manufacturing a question it's an intimidation system gives you a way to interpret that that's what's so awesome about it so yeah I agree with you there are no accidents every I'd like to believe and I can't prove it but I like to believe everything happens for a reason yes it makes me feel better to believe that and it also works better when you're right but it's true it's true well I believe it but I will take calls next hour I wonder how many other people believe it. I don't think it's our job to necessarily know what the reason it is but it's kind of governing you know there it was. Almost like there's somethin out there or there is something in there that the stings happen. Call it God Call it whatever you want to but there's something definitely out there making nice things happen. I agree with you and you know you and I are both Gemini that we were both born in Detroit yeah I think it's amazing. That a long time ago Detroit going to just voted one of the 3 miserable cities in the country by the way. That I don't know they're. On my mom still out there She's 90 years old God love her but she loves you lots of the winters are tough. Coming back yeah it is it is and I. Think that synchronicity if I think that a city and a meaningful coincidence are happening and we don't notice them because what we what we do is they go oh I was just a coincidence I mean some of that is what made you think about talking to somebody and often your own rank and it's that or stuff like that hurt your you know there are ways that you can leverage synchronicity and that's what I'm writing about in this book I mean it and a bold proposition that you can learn how to leverage synchronicity but you can do it it's really a function of your intuitive intelligence and that's why I am obsessed with this intuitive intelligence stuff because I want to learn I want to get better at it I want to have better and better timing and make the right moves at the right time no matter what area of life not because I want to make money not because I want to do anything specific just because I want to have more I want to be and think it's actually Sean Paul to see this work when you're doing things that the lack of chapter in my book is called the synchronistic lifestyle it's about exactly that and I'm not claiming I'm living in the zone all the time by any means George but it's it's pretty I've had that experience and it's pretty clear that that it's possible insurance now you know as we talked about you're born with that you can train people for it how do people learn it when they don't get it at this point. Yeah well I think basically it's a function of getting out of your own way like meditation you block it don't you yeah you're blocked in so you've got to remove the blocks it's really. And those blocks you know are part of the things that are life that cause our our consciousness to get stunted you know maybe it's something that happened when you were 4 years old when you're 4 years old you you know you came to the conclusion that you had to be perfect in order to be lovable because that's the way it felt then and you can imagine that your parents just weren't very good at parenting and they come to this conclusion yet to be perfect in order to love to see go through your whole life feeling inadequate and always you know struggling to be loved all because you had this one core belief that was sort of like a running or operating system you start off you work with a quote from Albert campus chemist life is the sum of your choices. You follow that. Oh yeah I think that making is the most powerful skill that is that human beings have. It's what we pay C.E.O.'s a fortune to do it's what we get politicians enormous power to make decisions it's actual leverage human activity there is and so if you really want more happiness or success in life you and it's really incumbent to start making better decisions whether you're the leader or not I mean I'd like to take the attitude that everybody is the c.e.o. Of their own enterprise and everybody's alternately working for yourself but if you're a nurse working in an outfit oh yeah of course there's a. Institution but still you have the freedom at least in this country to quit and get a better job or you know maybe out for it or maybe change your working conditions or I mean you have the free you don't have to do it you're working for yourself and you decided to write it up out to the hospital and if you think that is one example so I'd like to take the attitude that everybody is the c.e.o. Of their own life and that we need to make it what's in C.E.O.'s primary job making decision I get it out I mean that's of the whole book is about it's about the visionary decision making process and. Which I think is the most critical skill there is. So there was a poet who wrote years ago as numbers John Greenleaf Whittier something that I've always thought about and it is sad words of tongue in pen the saddest and. It might bend how many people always look back Paula at the things they've done and they keep themselves. Because of bad decisions right you know and it's so easy to make bad decisions because we were trusting the wrong criteria usually people think I have this thing I call O'Bryant law O'Briens law states that the stronger the feeling the less trustworthy It is as a criteria for good decision making and most people think just the opposite you know they're getting it well I have a strong feeling about the way I've got to go well if you think about it what are the strongest feeling to psych fear and greed and you know are craving addiction you know these are the strongest feelings of evil overriding anything on and so people make bad decisions because they can't access their intuition because they're so overpowered emotionally by strong feelings or different. You know p.t.s.d. Or something like that can say that Ok sorry just so day out they just analyze and analyze and continually take in more information and never have enough information and then that's the window of opportunity so it's really easy to make bad decisions and not even know. You know that it's something very liberating about taking a risk that's the kind of risk that's going to grow you it's going to grow you because it's coming out of something that it your heart cares about something that you're fascinated by something that you're in love with and those are going to be decisions that you will never regret because you will learn something and who knows what how it's going to turn out because that's a lot of rocket fuel when when you propel from the inside out because you're looking for meaning rather than. Well like. Grammar. Hilarity here. All right we're going to come back in just a moment here on. This kind of intuitive story you'd like to share with us in addition to a question with share that with us here what you've gone through whatever happened it could be a simple is you know you were thinking about somebody in. Anything like that side of course divination dot com to coast Konstam dot com And his book is called intuitive intelligence and we will be back with your calls in just a moment on Coast to Coast area. With the. I read your pharmacist that you have been studying healthy bodies for 35 years and what I've got to tell you a shock and surprise you but if you listen up it may change your life while many topically applied vitamins have skin health benefits none can come close to the wide ranging anti-aging effect provided by the retina commonly called vitamin a that is available in 3 major forms the most common in the most stable form is known as retinal palpitate And while it's readily available in creams and lotions it doesn't do very much for your skin the 2nd form of vitamin a is retinol it's more active and in fact if you use a high enough concentration say 5 to 10 percent you can get a nice. 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Health in 8104.1. 0 at a cruise and $1340.00 k. Oh and wine. The battle against the Islamic state Syria. The United States of turning its back on its allies but President Trump says it's time for the us to get out of these ridiculous endless wars and bring our soldiers home he goes on to say we will fight where it is to our benefit and only fight to win right House correspondent Greg public and Senator Susan Collins of Maine with reporters when they criticize House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Chet's handling of the impeachment inquiry. The. President has rejected accusations he did anything improper u.a.w. President Terry Davis is casting doubt on whether there will be a settlement anytime soon in a contract dispute with General Motors corresponded to reports both sides are feeling the pain of a strike that strikers are having to live on $250.00 a week now and they normally make at least $1200.00 the company on the other hand by one and all of that in the. Dollars a Day all of their u.s. Production is shut down. General Motors admitted a new contract for the u.a.w. Monday morning as the union nationwide strike against g.m. Added its 4th week of sort of a man who spent 10 days in jail after he. Has had his record cleared and is no longer on probation report that a Palm Beach County judge circuit judge will set of the contempt fighting against 21 year old Somerville on Monday saying Somerville has been apologetic and totally rehabilitated this is townhall dot com. Good morning.

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