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And with behavior and stuff and she wants to talk to us about her facility that you tend for about I think about. 15 years now and also about the problem with owning a hybrid and sometimes she said that you may not even know if they have blue lightning and I didn't feel well maybe they mixed German Shepherd and Siberian Husky husky and I think a great theory is so like the ones that were on Game of Thrones those were all those rare these hybrid dogs. Surely at Dogwood has a dog that they figured out is like 7 they did genetic since like 60 percent or something like. Talk to her in the future about that because walls and dogs are not the same animals even if they enter a breed and we want to do all we can to keep the lines separate and to make sure that anyone who has a wolf dog is properly trained and equipped and has the right mindset to keep the animal safe and to keep people safe from the animal that is are a little issue speaking up which a tragedy in granite day which is up near Sacramento this week where a 13 month old child a boy was killed by the family's pit ball while an adult was apparently present I don't know all the facts about this and probably won't know but this is a terrible tragedy animal control picked up the the wall from the excuse me pit bull and took it in and it may be euthanized may have been already but typically they get at least 7 days and then go look at euthanizing the animal I don't know if that's a good thing in this case are a bad thing I certainly don't oppose. Putting down dogs to kill people on the other hand. 13 month old probably smaller than the dog if you think about it. The dog may not really have known or understood and probably isn't a danger to adults so if we put down this dog that we could is easily keep away from 13 month old kids what you know what would we do. How would we do that differently can we keep the dog alive and put it in a sanctuary or shelter someplace if such a facility exists I suspect I predict the dog will endure being put down but I'm not sure that that's the best thing as a Sara Lee for the community or for the animals. Right and most interesting if they said that and you know it from the training you know I think there had to have been some signs but they're saying that there was absolutely and the dog attack appeared to have been unprovoked. You know you would wonder about that but you know I'm here again and we don't know what happened there and why this happened but it is kind of interesting situation and they just had. When you're talking about whether to use and I think dog or not they need you remember Michael Vick and all his. Yes sorry dude I'll just writing this from his dogfighting business right well I guess the Washington Post that's recently looked at what happened to all 47 of Michael Vick's dogs and they found out that this guy I mean they were kind of harmed in the sense that they were a little bit shy but none of them were aggressive dogs all of these 47 dogs even the one that was I champion fighting dogs. Ended up living in someone's home and living on a normal life which is just pass it. And it's been about 12 years so. There's not many. Survivors But even with the 11 survivors actually ready to walk to talk to the owner they said that the only problems they've had has been socialization issues where the dog may set up a little bit. Of another dog. And so they've had to walk that type of situation but a lot of it is due to and I don't know you are with us I'm sure you are best for and it's a sanctuary. Where. You talk. They actually took the dogs then because at the time and even now Peta says no we don't we don't want. They should be euthanized because they have the background and. Story but best friend took a man and actually work with and socialize them and almost all of them according to the gentleman there can best friends he said I'm. Afraid they were not aggressive which I thought was really amazing to what they went through so well best friends runs a lot of programs they recently canceled the bus program that was doing transport so they're a little on my bad list this mom but they do good work and again this is the difference between Peta which would kill all pit bulls given the chance and a rescue which wants to save them and successfully did save them I don't believe there is any incidents involving these dogs that they took from Michael Vick right then the next 47 dogs got rid of really bad situation I mean they were fighting. To talk to us about any of this we were at 479-108-4719 extension 80 area code 831 eye. Am David Coursey back on the program Laura pay kiss is here Griffin's in the control room or was and Billy Billy you're here thank you you're welcome I did not know you were going to be up to doing the program so I was sort of seriously a village at a pet stories where. Rosie knew I was coming in and I presumed Rosie had said something to somebody well that's been really busy week here Michael I mean even as you might imagine really for Michael Yeah we've. You know the fair just ended I wanted to go I so badly wanted to go down to the fairgrounds and the problem I'm having is aim still having difficulty driving in cars for great distances I wonder why David you know you know they only open up and it's just the staples I mean. So I was having that problem but I very much had a good time last year loved being there with you and everyone else and I'll be there next year I'm not going to miss 2 years in a row because the Santa Cruz County Fair is a special event and it's part of what makes our community special and I want to be a part of it yeah it was a great deal of fun and of course I spent a little time looking at the critters and you know we had not just the typical farm animals but you know they have a lot of other stuff there as well including you know the reptile farm and that and the chicken barn which this year was highly amusing they had some really even though they had some salmonella around the state in some other locales but our poultry exhibit was you know certified Ok to have you know post and have and so they had a full barn full of chickens and it was really fun to fantasy as they did last year and some of these chickens are downright bizarre looking oh there's one that looks like a cross between Rod Stewart and Tina Turner. You don't need. To had a broad Stuart you know. Tina Turner hair you know that you know yeah. Yeah it's about something or other I can I can pronounce it but it's a yeah it's a Polish Czech and Polish origin and it's a beautiful bird but you know you walk in and that's the 1st thing you see was a black one that we had best of show last year when there was not the same check and this year I don't think but yeah it was the same line same coloring and everything while well and then of course there are all the flowers and the arrangements that I thought were just so interesting last year the African violets for Millie ads and all of those it's so well worth while of and I even had a parking pass I could have maybe gotten close if we but I don't know how it got in around the fair but well they probably want to let you drop right off you know but the only way can get around the fair Jets probably probably probably for you this year probably a Wiltshire might have been the best way to do it yeah motorized cart is what I actually do that at the grocery store. And people chase me and. By the way we should we I know you did it on one of your social media posts but I should point out that David David has a very good relationship with the grocery store Tracy where he lives and they've been awfully nice to him and we appreciate that they have been very very nice to me and a guy you may have met at some point Michael O'Shea does that name ring a bell yes yes yes he was saying that up there in Santa Rosa where he runs radio stations that really is a wonderful sponsor and it's like the 2nd or 3rd largest sponsor on k s r o and he said you know they're really great people and you know he was pleased but not surprised if you go over to David Coursey on for. They spoke you'll find this essay I wrote basically during the time I've had cancer. I've gone into railways and they've got they've just been so caring and supportive and I don't want to cry but they have been so caring and so supportive during the I guess all those 9 months that times yeah they've been tough but they looked after me and were there to say hi and you know they're open 17 hours a day meaning that I could show up in the time almost day or night and somebody would tell me that they're happy that I'm doing well somebody would tell me that they're praying for me yeah yeah David let me just say this way collect yourself I have been telling my friends and colleagues here at the station that you're probably the only person I'll ever know my life who got your diagnosis and survived and so you know I sort of look at you as the guy that replaced. You know all of our thoughts and prayers and my family you know what we lost my brother to prostate cancer stage 4 and so you know to it's nice to know somebody that has a sex as a success against this horrible thing we call cancer I you know well pain critic cancer is a big killer only about I guess now up to 12 percent maybe the official number who have the disease will survive 5 years I am now a 200 day survivor we start counting survivor days the moment you're diagnosed mine was January the 15th I had my Whipple surgery which. In a way that does not sound fun at all I take it your gallbladder no bunch of other stuff well my gallbladder had been chronically inflamed side had problems before I was sort of pleased my gallbladder is gone but they reattach your stomach in your guts and. Your bile duct it's a major rearrangement of your innards and that's what the doctor said I'm rearranging your innards No not really and I would had this done in Kaiser My Cancer Center is Kaiser in Modesto I live in Tracy and I do this program from Tracey and had the surgery done at the new Kaiser in. Oakland which is the only place in Northern California where they do this when I was a 6 and a half hour operation she's I don't remember any of it but still that's a long time to. Play around inside yourself you know cattle whole team of some guys in Some Girls too lots of women in my surgical team minus easy ologist I hope you've eaten lunch by the way I'm Ok. Let's. Come to become regrets yes he does he got one of those too. It was that kind of an interesting conversation because I don't think Dave was. Done with the edit. I wasn't entirely done but I knew how to dial them my my phone Well I was always there the 1st person I saw as I woke up and I woke up only once was my wife leaning down over me. Saying saying hi or saying whatever and after about 10 minutes I said gee I need to call people and let them know I'm still here. That phone calls and no I don't remember what I did afterwards I know I went back to sleep because you aren't you work you are somewhat loopy Now I like to leave but a little bit of the way wife's to St Just so everybody knows that. Eleanor is a singer and she's she's just done a lot she's done a lot of stuff I mean just taking care of the the critters why you can't do it is a major undertaking. Dogs and cats and stuff we do have a few animals. Eleanor we're talking about you on the radio. Like somebody. You know that I need to open the vent in the studio here. Air conditioning coming in at a high rate of speed to a small. It sounds like it's going to whistle and it will stop it doesn't like a teakettle. 471980 if you'd like to talk to us about pets our cancer questions I'd be happy to answer any of those you may have. Back here say Hi Eleanor she waved. She's not a stooge my. Dear she is. What do we want to talk about pet wise. You know I was I was thinking about it and. I have an aquarium and it's not a big aquarium it's a 10 gallon aquarium but I found very interesting and not a real knowledgeable person I ended up because I feared a bait is that would be the kind of thing that I can you know if I'm not going to kill it because I think it will last and even like stagnant water. Really. They had. But I had this bait and I had the means and I said it I wanted to get another thing I never knew that I think David Scott was a beta male beta but I never knew that I can't add any more fish fillets aquarium and I. Thought that was kind of interesting really how many future innit. What kind. Of course a. Little thing with. 12 and 3 and they have orange tails they're not light. But they're real tiny little thing and so I. Went to up. And asked them about you know what I could put in the tank so now I have a shrimp freshwater shrimp in this tank and that about the only thing I can add to it so. People have tried things with you know adding. Something to it but I thought maybe you know a lot. Of killed more fish in my lifetime. Be a match and. Story in the in the in the paper or there was a story in the paper this past week about the smallest fish having surgery. Oh yeah I was like a got b. And they they did they did open fish surgery they put it in a bowl that had an aesthetic in it knocked it out and then they went in and fixed some did microsurgery on it they needed a like a huge magnifying glass and very small instruments to to do surgery on especially when it was successful. Yeah I didn't even know you know you could do surgery on a fish let alone little tiny one but it was doing Jackson's on one of my big fish at one time we also have a fisher vet who is down a lean this I think who mostly works on big expensive fish is what she says and but but yeah. You know. That's the amazing what a subspecialty for Veterinary Medicine I work on fish well reptiles are the same way snakes surgery. Yes. But they have. Not everybody can do that right. Well I think if you're going to work on a poisonous snake I you know you drive the Who gets to draw the short straw to get it out of the cage you know you know. The way they do that by the way. As p.v.c. Pipe they get the snake to go into the pipe they sometimes force it in a little bit the pipe has holes in it are views that allow you to do injections and some examination but the head can't turn around that's in the back out because sometimes they'll use a little bit of tape and they'll tape the snake head out at the open end but it will be taped in so you can't go anywhere and maybe have something some tape to keep the Mel shot and they'll use that as a way to. To keep the snake handled while the snake handlers are doing injections and weights and stuff such as that. I've seen that done. The only state I mean like a medical doctor deals with one species of veterinary a 100 species and so yeah I mean I think you just ask. How do you know what's going on there her things. And that's a lot of credit. Well coming up in the next half hour we'll take a break in just a minute culling Combs will be here from Green Dog Rescue talking about things going on in her rescue world including what specific topics are we going to get into Laura what she wants to talk about the importance of adoption and also about finding a record. And also I think they have an event called Giving Tuesday a bath approach and she wanted to mention. Ok we'll talk about all of that coming up in just a moment you've got David that's me that's her Billy you know Billy he's always talking on this radio station Griffin isn't talking on the radio station right now but will try later this c.e.o. Pet Radio thank you so much for joining us if you want to talk to us wait 479-108-4791 extension 080 back with Colleen and the gang right after this I had a key to. Put it down because. I had a bunch of kidney and had I tried and they wanted to put. It Back. Again and. I had a calcium and they landed the addict in. Why don't you put them on and I had never stopped you doing and I have recommended it Lady Gaga down here running on a day to get her a few months later. That my body is an unbelievable and I had it. And then I came on air. And. I might have that and find that it had. A good friend or the healthy start back for yourself log on to k s e o Deals dot com That's k s t o Deals dot com. We keep our friends close and George Norry from coast to coast am coming to you. With this k.f.c. Always one of my favorite stations. For our next program right here. It's the. Talk radio Remember the door to. Die. Am very excited by the work that the Foundation fighting blindness is doing to end blindness age related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss a better century Ashanti this Sunday and every Sunday 161800 read here I am 1080. Is that promo just a little bit vaguely frightening to any of you I'm David Coursey You're listening to k.s.c. O. Pet radio along with me at large has my regular co-host also here as Billy from Billy Graff from k.s.c. Oh production and engineering and if it doesn't work we use gaffing tape if it does were no what is it is deputy 40 if it doesn't move and it's supposed to and duct tape if it moves and isn't supposed to. You've now you've now figured out the entire engineering. Don't let people go and look at the towers out back and belly not on no those are done by professional tower guys had all those Howard. Roto Incorporated. Joining us on the live line from Windsor Calif I almost moot ended up here is culling cones of Green Dog Rescue Helo calling. Me and you know Laura Laura before I don't think you know belly belly meet Colleen Hello. How are you. I was Billy is the official voice of this radio station he's also our institutional memory he and Rosie and. All kinds of other things when something is broke we call Billy and he has to drive a good ways into the radio station to fix it but thankfully he always does or else we would be so off the air it would be amazing and today everything's working so. I will only only after you got here to sweet talk it well. I work hard some sweet talk not come I wouldn't had. Not a problem what for 7980 if you want to join us on the telephone Colleen So what are we here to talk about today from Green dog's perspective. Well we. Had an interesting train. There wasn't actually in Tracy By the way we need to. Know which is Alameda County. The Tracy shelter got blamed for some of this and. I know where it wasn't people got all upset that I might say but no it was out out towards the hell's but not in the city Let are even in San Joaquin County I just say that for clarification. Shed some light on the trouble when talented. But it. Probably. Happened and. It simply untrue there are wonderful dogs at every shelter that I know of in this area and will start in the north up in your part of the world up in Windsor and you of course act as something like a shelter handling adoptions we then have again Stockton has some great dogs always has great dogs Tracy always has some great dogs unless we've had a run on dogs the last few days you're not going to and you'll find purebred dogs in shelters. So there is a dog in the shelter if you want a dog I by the way know a man 96 years old who just got a puppy speaking of being an optimist. But if you want a dog go to the shelter go to a couple of shelters make a list meet the dogs and make arrangements if you have other animals to bring them in to meet. And go to it because I promise you there are great dogs out there there's no shortage of great dogs that need new homes. And you're absolutely right. And. It's not. Happen all the time. And opportunity. And there are animals in need a new home people get kicked out of where they are our need to move and can't find a place and this is a big deal people cannot find a place that will accept them in their pets and therefore something has to go and typically that means the animal has to go because they can't find anywhere else to live in this hyper inflation I mean expenses for housing and they don't have a place they can afford. And it. Just took. The. Decision for. The family question. That point. At shelters and. So what does someone need. A doctor. Or a shelter or rescue that might not be obvious. Ask some of these questions but let's let's start there Kali or 2 people. In Lincoln did not also. Let you do a trial or even have to spend a lot of time to get. What they get. At the shelter. A little more flexibility. Vironment with the dogs or social. Go back a few times and then. Question and get there not that personality that you might not. Represented in a cage. You might get a different perspective that once you get out of that out in public or out in an open environment you. Get to know them a little bit. On your part the other part of it which are you don't look at a dog just for cosmetic value. Coach people counsel people every day they come looking for. One and. They're very specific about what they think they want and the one that made all of the doctors are absolutely not the right personality or energy level that that household will be happy with. Translation and how that person. Will fit into your house not just completely stuck on a cosmetic value. I've seen. A website they have a little test that it takes to see you know what type of greed you want to earn that will get. People doing that that when they're looking for a dog. Absolutely it's not going to tell you everything as far as that dot com. But it is going to narrow that down quite a. Fine example that our u.s. Frequently friend who knows that I do that for a living and. When I get a dog and. Athlete we run marathons 20 to 25 miles and much more than I'd ever. Even excited to get. So that he could have a dog trained. Some of the dogs. A good match for that. In the what level of excitement he found a greyhound. We couldn't have. Traded because we got a dog that he was excited about Ritalin and it's a runner and the dog won't run with them very far and I said no because you've got a sprinter. You need a 3rd. Period to be a potentially wonderful match. Just for station and for both the dog and for him because he simply didn't have didn't have to be able to keep up with him for that long and. Finding the right. After that. Just because it looks like an athlete doesn't mean it's the right athlete. For such sweet dogs. I mean. But they're used to running mile distances for great. But that's that's kind of a long distance but it's that's about the max that they want to run. They are wonderful I've heard. When they're not running. But yeah I think that narrowing it down on sites like that where you can take those tests are a great start I also think that talking. Shelter rescue organization that. Might be a great opportunity to get some counseling. Person and character if you're looking for. Better suited to your house. Fostering our fostering to adopt right. Correct many. Are going to. Actually. Check it out after. They get. On a trial. Without the fact that we understand what we're trying to accomplish. With. A dog. It's a. Personality that you. Know everything and. They didn't get a vote. They didn't get the memo number one thing people need to if you. Want to. Jump on that that's within 24 hours and our best friend forever and they they've learned the opportunity to have a little time to acclimate. And we found that a lot with we have someone call up and say I just a doctor this dog I want to get training get Ok to come out tomorrow I'm going to be sending you know what you don't even know what problems this dog has because. It's in a new environment it's the be very cautious and it's not going to show any behavior issues current recession days. You know let's have a kind period too when I'm training because you know you could start training giving it some structure and that but really when there are issues in dog you know that it takes awhile for the dog to get used to the family but I have another question for you because this one is just kind of a theory I have. If you put the same dog in 2 different households would it react differently Absolutely. Good. Behavior going to be the same I mean there's certainly ality behaviors that are going to get Thanks but that absolutely if you if you take a. Look take some of the fact that we took from that we. One dog in particular that we that fantastic dog. And it was absolutely. In the house. Everybody wanted to. Share this dog. And it's not good not a lot of human contact with. The only dog with absolutely completely shut down. And. Kind of acted as a bridge. And all the focus and attention on the 1st. That. Back. It up just for showing just how a phenomenal opened up in his personality at a. Different health. Care completely differently. A little bit better sometimes I think I'm not but you know you know. Anything. Is there ever a time to buy from a breeder you think. Yeah I don't I am not a lot of people think that I personally or many rescuers feel it better in the rescue world feel that they are you know absolutely anti breeder I am not one of those rescuers I am not anti breeder I am very pro responsible breeder and there's that's a big word right there. I see too many times that there are these builders that are there for the money and that's the case that was the situation with this situation in Bahrain. But there are other breeders that only believe there are females than males you know once a year instead I was often as possible they're very specific about who they're allowing to acquire these dogs. I mean if you don't have responsible breeders the breeds are going to die out. We don't want that to happen but we do want to stress that the responsibility of the breeder is to make sure they're keeping healthy dogs they're not interbreeding. They are responsible for their puppies if they go out it doesn't work out they'll take them back you know not just well that's not my problem you bottom. You know just and that's the due diligence of the purchaser is check out where they're actually being housed are the conditions clean are the dogs healthy are the moment out on site that you can see them and see that they are healthy are they not just healthy but well behaved well mannered too many of these jobs that are in the bread often start developing behavioral issues aggression issues other health issues so looking at the big picture of the breeder instead of just being intimate with the dog itself you know looking at the whole thing because this is a commitment for that dog for the rest of its life. Not to believe in those. You know like that 7 weeks they do like a temperament test that type of saying Have you ever gotten involved with prat. And I've been involved from time to time. I see personalities developing. That that's major That's not nurture. I can tell you which ones are going to fight scene which ones are going to dominate which ones are. Just on the personality but in their letter that being said sometimes it's temperament. By people and they don't apply. Maybe if younger dogs and readers. Once they start getting animal shelters and that's what the McAfee. I think animal shelters are doing and dogs are Ahmed setting them up to fail. Because it's just that's the environment I would I was wondering if they can even get a good result from it. Yeah I do very well but when shelters reach out to me to take this and I get from it and and it's everything and I have to be honest I would say 80 percent of the time I might glance over the temperament but I don't. Break it from. Going to take that. Document in the 1st. Writing in a shelter. Would look at it from a dog's perspective if it was a stray start they were captured they were put in a. Thank you to some. Given back pain for one shot. Then we call that abduction. Well after that point where you're not getting on that one. Isn't it isn't it also true that you know when you go to the to the shelter to look at you know pets is a potential adopter. Sometimes it just falls into place the dog and you hit it off. I love the opportunity and that's when I always. Yeah yeah yeah. Your beautiful beautiful moment when. They recognize you I had might my dog. When in many many years now. When I walk and I would not looking for a doctor never owned a dog when I was a large great person and when I want you to turn the corner down a. Shelter. That had a wristwatch on and staring at it and tapping its butt like. Me Well you know the best the best story like that I've ever heard was my dad found at the end of our half mile long driveway when I was a kid and we had a 99 acre ranch he found a cardboard box and in the cardboard box was a corgi puppy. And my my dad brought it to the house and my mother took one look at the dog and said well don't name it we're not keeping it we kept the dog for 20 years. And we refused my mother refused to give it a name it was the best dog we ever had she ended up calling that girl for its entire life. That was the dog's name and you know it began a long succession of Corgis in our family's life I have a half corgi right now is. Same as Gabby's half corgi half a century. And you know Aegis fall in love with a particular dog and it ends up carrying on we've had 6 of them since I was 4 years old when we. Got. Through Well you know it's funny when you when you're young mother on a 99 acre ranch and you have 2 little boys who are 14 months apart and you have a corgi you don't really have to worry about the kids running off because the dog will herd you home I know. That dog herded us home and we got too close to the county road she'd start pulling on our clothes. Even a baby you know a great one Yeah that's a. Lot of. Yelling David Coursey interrupting for just a moment that was Billy Graff you heard familiar voice here k s e o along with Colleen combs a green dog rescue up in Windsor and larp a customer a regular co-host here on Parrot radio we're on the air every weekend on Sundays from noon until 2 o'clock and it's impressive that we're on the air at all and Billy you know this I have been trying to talk a couple of Central Valley radio stations into carrying our program except they all want money real money particularly when you consider where they are and how many people listen to them it is unusual that there are radio stations today that do real programming on the weekends every moment of which you know yeah we have we have sponsored programming Mr Real estate is often on before or after me he sponsor programming we get paid but a lot of that we don't get paid for and it's just sad that so many broadcasters are willing to give up to valuable days they could be used for gardening cooking. And wine this program that they're willing to give that up so that they can make a buck or 2 because it well they don't have a lot of reason to be in business otherwise I'm afraid that just bugs me a lot really does you have any you put around longer than I have the I think a program like the one we're conducting right now is quite valuable for the community look Santa Cruz is famous we have one of the I I I'm pretty sure it's one of the very few no kill shelters in the state for sure in the United States definitely and I think a program like ours highlights the fact that. We care about pets pets are important I'm reading an article here that having a pet could lead to better heart health if you have a dog you're more likely to have a successful date there's a whole bunch of stats like that about successful cancer surgery yes and there's a whole lot of things why pets help with p.t.s.d. They help with a whole bunch of things and you know I'm a lifelong pet owner myself even when we lived in the South Pacific we had a dog and the thing about it is I don't know how people survive without a pet live I'm glad we have a pet that barks when there's something unusual happening outside you know there's there's a whole host of reasons why I think pets are a great idea whether it's a cat or a dog or goldfish or whatever floats your boat I don't I see this program as a huge positive for the radio station and for the public in general I don't know what we would be doing on Sunday if we weren't doing some live like this. Well I appreciate it but you know without Michel this program simply would not exist and it took some convincing but the family of course loves animals and loves the radio station and I've been fortunate enough to why I guess I've known Michael for 20 years now. As I have. A little more than 20 maybe yeah and you're not going to find a small market radio station probably in America that is as locally driven is this one is it's not that we don't make mistakes it's not that we're always perfect we certainly aren't but we are very much about it you see this and you know I'm a news person during the week or I will be when I come back and we actually put a lot of our own money Michael's money into having a news department we're trying to sell it we're looking for sponsors but we're investing in improving the quality of our programming and we do that in lots of different areas and during the week I think somebody counted there are at least 100 different voices on this radio station 98 we believe we've counted them 98 distinctive voices weekly on the radio station which is just phenomenal when you think about it hey we're almost out of time here I want to point out that you have assembled so many great people to be part of your pet program like the 2 people we have on with us right now we do we're very fortunate to have them and I'm going to be going to a conference mid October to do a bunch of interviews with even more famous people if you look at the website Radio dot com you'll see all of these great people that come on our program and it we really do appreciate them listeners we appreciate you would like it more if you call this 479-1080 money is David Coursey he's Billy Graff She's our pay because Colleen camp culms will hold you to after the news k s c o. News this hour from townhall dot com. The showdown continues between the trouble ministration in Congress over access to intelligence was a blowers complaint complaint is described as serious and urgent and reportedly involved a phone conversation between President Trump and a foreign leader even though the president says the claim is ridiculous his administration has kept Congress from even learning what exactly the whistleblower is alleging lawmakers are pressing for oversight of the executive branch Well Mr Trump dismisses the complaint as partisan even though he acknowledges he doesn't know the identity of the whistleblower Greg kludged the White House some Democrats have taken to threatening the u.s. Supreme Court that according to a leading Republican here is Correspondent Bob Agnew from Capitol Hill Senator John Thune says 5 prominent Democrats filed an amicus brief suggesting the court is brokered a new for a big shake up you don't rule the way that we want you to you won't like the consequences the majority whip says a threat to pack the court won't happen so long as Republicans are in control of the said all 53 Republican senator sent a letter to the justices underscoring our commitment to protecting the independence of the judiciary says that's the only way to ensure the protection of individual rights new reporting that regulates a free people are dead 4 others are hospitalized in what they believe to be a mass drug overdose Lee said of the victims appear to have taken are caught at the same time and in the same location a private residence of the city's south side the words say they're concerned about a tainted potentially deadly batch of drugs in the community protestors are Hong Kong have traveled to Chinese flag vandalize to subway stations and sent troops to a street tires as pro-democracy demonstrations to go by what turned once again to day's action began peacefully as protesters filled a shopping mall and told a paper origami cranes one of the stories at Town Hall dot com fome. No word in English language is less convincing than probably. First. It's been 23 minutes. Probably you should wait 30 minutes and. I mean with. Print. I can probably hit the green from here probably. So. I'm probably Ok. Probably Ok isn't Ok especially when it comes to drinking and driving if you're drinking call a cab a car or a friend bus driving drunk driving dot com There's been a big increase in the number of tips to u.s. Law enforcement about potential mass shootings on average the f.b.i. Receives about 22000 tips about potential threats of violence on a weekly basis that volume increase by about 15000 following the high profile shootings in California Texas and Ohio experts say media coverage of those shootings made people more willing to inform on those who may pose threats some of the would be shooter sent text messages to friends who are posted on social media that they hope to one up previous mass shootings by killing even more people that's correspondent Julie Walker better work call the Congress gave the millions of a ar 15 to make a 47 stop firearms has raised questions about how such a program would be carried out if the government operated buy them all back at face value the price tag could easily run into the billions news and analysis a Town Hall dot com. $6000.00 in stolen corners was found of a California baby stroller.

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