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I failed. Ill admit it. I did try thats huge news. No, this was and i moved on her heavily. I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I will show you where they have nice furniture. I moved on her like a i couldnt get there and she was married. All of a sudden i see her she has the big phony and is totally changed her look. Well, since that video has been released, many republicans the partys president ial candidate. Fox news correspondent Jennifer Griffin has the latest from the campaign trail tonight. I said it. I was wrong and i apologize. A rare apology from drurp as donald trump as a fire storm brews. Calls on saturday for donald trump to step down after leaked audio from a conversation he had in 2005. Bragging about his treatment of women. Im automatically attracted to beautiful. And when you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the. Do anything. The Trump Campaign immediately going into damage control with trump releasing a video statement around midnight apologizing. Anyone who knows me, knows these words dont reflect who i am. The backlash was immediate. Hillary clinton tweeting, quote, this is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president. This is behavior t outrageous. Gosh, im sad to say im not surprised. But potentially more damaging is the fallout from republicans. His running mate, mike pence releasing a statement saying he does not condone the remarks and cannot defend them. Rnc chairman Reince Priebus saying, quote, no woman should be described in these terms or talked about this manner ever. House Speaker Paul Ryan saying he is sickened by the remarks and Mitch Mcconnell calling unacceptable. And utah representative Jason Chaifetz going so far to rescind his endorsement. Im out. Can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. Donald trump saying in an interview today that there is no chance he will drop out of the race. The second debate is tomorrow night. In st. Louis, Jennifer Griffin, fox news. And almost 24 hours after that video that was aired, we heard from his she sent out an official statement saying the words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me this does not represent the man i know. He has a heart and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology as i have and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world. Donald trump today was scheduled to appear in the fall fest in elkhart, wisconsin. But following the release of those lewd comments, the republican president ial look, let me start off by saying there is a bit of an elephant in the room. And it is a troubling situation. Im serious. Is it. I put out a statement about this last night. And i meant what i said and its still how i feel. But that is not what we are here to talk about today. Vicepresident ial candidate mike pence was scheduled to appear at todays rally in place of trump but he backed out at the last minute. Well, republicans here in arizona trumps controversial remarks. Senator jeff flake was the first republican to weigh in tweeting around 9 30 this morning, donald trump is wrong about his level of support. He needs to withdraw from the race. A few hours later senator john mccain officially with drew his support for donald trump tweeting, there are no excuses for Donald Trumps offensive behavior. Cindy and i will not vote for him and then a link to a longer statement on his website. Late tonight former arizona to twitter saying she continued to support trump but she strongly condemned what he said. Her statement began, i am repulsed by the detestable language used by donald trump. It was wrong, inappropriate and disgusting but went on to say however, withdrawing my support from donald trump our republican nominee would simply not be doing the right thing for our country. So far tonight no comment from arizona Trump Supporters sheriff joe arpaio. State treasure jeff dewitt or governor doug ducey. Politicians weighing in. Oscar de niro Robert Diniro that was filled with insults. Hurled at donald trump. Colin powell said it best. He said national embarrass much. He is an embarrassment to this country of it makes me so angry that this fool and this bozo has wound up where he has. He talks about how he wants to punch people in the face. Well, id like to punch him in president . I dont think so. Well, Hillary Clintons campaign is active on three major fronts tonight. One debate preparation. Two, responding to an unexpected gift from her campaign that trump audio and three, the fallout from newly released emails showing that clinton in what could be described as a disengine within light. Clinton campaign is not saying whether or not the new emails released by wikileaks are authentic. They are quoting Intelligence Community members who say possible whoever leaked the emails could have altered some of them to make them more damaging calling it a sophisticated russian campaign. It should concern every american that russia is willing to engage in such hostile acts in order to help donald trump become president of the united states. The hacked emails released yesterday include thousands of Campaign Emails apparently sent by the chairman revealing the inner workings of the Clinton Campaign and containing potentially damaging experts one speech given in 2014 has the header clinton admits she is out of touch, saying i am far removed because the life i lived and the economic fortunes that my husband and i enjoyed but i havent forgotten it and the speech delved into her support for a single pair heal care system and expressed praise for trade deals and open borders. Clinton Campaign Spokesman said in a statement, quote, earlier today the u. S. Government removed any reasonable doubt that kremlin has weaponized election. Donald trump tried to use the leaked emails to divert attention from his hot mic moment saying Hillary Clintons secret wall street speeches prove what we have known all along that clinton is a selfserving washington insider who has continued to deceive the American People for 30 years. And of course donald trump scheduled to square off with Hillary Clinton on sunday for the second president ial debate. Our john hook and steve krafft are in st. Louis right now for that debate taking a look at john hook along with steve krafft here in st. Louis. Washington university, the site of the debate and the backdrop with all of this trump stuff coming out, i never seen anything like it. Its like a bomb was dropped on donald trump. Last night the whole country is reacting to it. And nobody knows what he will be like tomorrow night. How combative he will be. Whether he will really apologize which he didnt quite do last night. Who knows. Its a mystery. And now we know that many condoleezza rice, john mccain, how hewitt, the conservative talk show host. Mike lee from utah. Prominent conservatives dropping by the wayside right now. What does that mean . There is talk, some people saying, trump should drop out and there should be another nominee. I dont see that happening. I think a lot of people feel its too late for that to happen. He said he wont drop out. He wont drop out. The name trump has been printed on ballots that people are voting on right now. Back in the tube . You cant. Tomorrow it will be a town hall style debate. Half of the questions will come from the people that are uncommitted voters and the other half from martha are a ddz and radditz and anderson cooper. This kind of debate doesnt lend itself to a discussion of these types of unseemly issues. This is an odd place to raise these issues. Its going to come out. Someone in the crowd will be asking donald trump directly and its going to be than if Hillary Clinton brings it up or a moderator. If its just a regular voter saying please explain your conduct, how can i hold you up as a role model for my kids . How can we vote for you . Explain yourself that will be a dramatic moment. And all of this coming as we have emails from Julian Assange that are unflattering of Hillary Clinton and her cozy relationship with wall street where people are saying she said one thing to those guys and another thing to voters, but thats been kind of washed over expect donald trump to bring that up. He will say, look, you were really cozy with all of these wall street people that you have been publicly dumpin on. Why dont you come clean about this. He will take the attack on that and also whats he going to say with respect to bill clinton . Debate for donald trump tomorrow night . Well, assuming he isnt already broken, its a crucial, crucial debate for him to rehabilitate an image that no matter how you feel about donald trump, even if you are his most good news. Steve and i will be live from Washington University throughout the day on fox news now and tomorrow night all through your coverage on fox 10 news. From st. Louis tonight, we will see you tomorrow, debate day from st. Louis. This is going to be must see television. Is that for sure. So again do not miss our president ial debate coverage. We will have it live with john and steve and of course we will be live tweeting and carrying this on fox news now on our fox 10 news as you covered for this it should be an explosive debate so keep it right here. Next on fox 10 news a valley teenager, the father of a newborn baby shot and killed last night and tonight we are hearing from his devastated family. And a terrible day for the resort city of palm springs, california. After three Police Officers are shot, two of them killed. What we are learning about those officers tonight. Hurricane matthew continues its move up the east im joel waldman in savannah, georgia, we will have the of Hurricane Matthew is still the wrath of Hurricane Matthew still being felt in parts of georgia and the carolinas. Fox news correspondent joel waldman is in savannah, georgia, with the latest on the storm. Hurricane matthew is the east coast. Officials say matthew has the potential to bring deadly flooding and storm surge to the carolinas. With up to 15 inches of rain expected in some areas. Stay off the roads. Stay in your house. Because at this point in time there are deadly conditions. And most historic cities, savannah, georgia, and charleston, South Carolina. Streets were flooded and trees ripped from the ground. Do not plan ongoing back home today or tomorrow. Is it not going to be safe for you to go in. Between downed power lines and trees, and then just unsafe structures. Earlier matthew barreled into florida, storm surges measuring more than four feet in some areas. There is a lot of beach erosion. And you will see the storm surge had an impact. We are still blessed and i will direct impact. The storm knocked out power to more than a Million People all along the southeast Atlantic Coast and Hurricane Matthew also being blamed for multiple deaths in the united states. This catastrophe this weekend was something else. Forecasters expect the storm to weaken as it moves out to sea, but there is a chance that matthew could loop around and hit florida again sometime next week. In savannah, georgia, joel wallman, fox 10 we spoke today with an arizona man in the southeast. He is checking out all of the damage there jim coke drove to savannah, georgia, to check out the damage. He says as he got closer to the coast that damage did become more apparent. Hurricane matthew has damaged a lot of the southeast with Evacuations Ordered in some states. Jim says the damage wasnt as bad as he thought it was going to be. Signs damaged a lot of power lines down. Some light flooding here and damage like i expected to see coming into it. Jim says he will be staying the night in South Carolina to get a better look at the damage there in the morning. Hope you are all having a great weekend. We saw some rain this morning and in fact its still raining in some parts of the state. We will let you know how long it will last and what you can expect as we get into your it may be only october well, it may only be october but believe it or not its beginning to look like christmas in happy jack. Fox 10 viewers kitten bruce sent us this fall photo of hail in the area. And you can see tiny bits of hail on the ground there in their back yard. Your weather forecast. Here is ty brennan. We are used to seeing you in the morning. Pulling double duty today. Take a look outside. Gorgeous on your saturday evening. You see the lights out there, the Arizona State fair, the first weekend for the fair so hopefully folks are enjoying that. A beautiful night. Currently 86 degrees out there the winds a little breezy tonight coming out of the east at eight miles per hour. See those die down as the night progresses. Your current temperatures most everybody in the mid80s. 85 in 82 in chandler. 7. In fountain hills. Cave creek there at 80 and 82 in deer valley. Up north they are cooling down nice for tonight. 42 current temperature in flagstaff. 64 in sedona. 63 in payson. Prescott there 53. Kingman currently at 66 degrees. Take a look at the satellite and radar. We saw the rain in the valley early this morning that started to dissipate there are areas that are still seeing some and so i will show you what we are talking about. The majority of the rain is our state but heavy bands moving through places like globe earlier this afternoon. They saw quite a heavy band. Thats starting to move its way right now to the north and to the east. So if you live along those areas near show low you are kind of in the bullseye for more of those showers for this evening. Also right here just on the extreme eastern portion, thats the bored there are seeing showers. They are starting to dissipate as we get into the evening hours and up north just a few scattered showers around the grand cany city this much is a look at your day. Up to 97 degrees. Our normal for this time of year right around 92 degrees so a little warmer than we should be this time of 9 year but nowhere near our record which was set in 1987 of 104 degrees. These are your forecasted lows for this evening. Getting down to 5 in places like sedona. 53 in payson. 45 for you in show low. A cool one on the map up in flagstaff. 38 degrees for your overnight low. Kingman 58. Bullhead city 71. For tomorrow things looking much like they did today, no chances for showers tomorrow and those temperatures will be hovering around the seasonal averages so we will see 93 in phoenix. 95 in casa grande. 97 gila bend. The warm one on the map, yuma teetering with the triple digits tomorrow. 97 in Lake Havasu City and the next couple of days looking nice as we get into the beginning of your workweek the temperatures hovering around plenty of sunshine and polgt of seeing those possibility of seeing storms on tuesday and maybe seeing some showers but of course we are few days away from that but we will keep you posted. Then next weekend beautiful. Temperatures in the upper 80s. And you know this morning was nice. I woke up a lot of rain outside of my house this morning. Some people were surprised by it. Cooled things off. And we saw a picture from the National Weather service, they tweeted this up in flagstaff. Mount humphreys. Tell me how you did this. You were here this morning. Back here tonight. Get a nap . Coffee . Both and i will sleep under this desk and be here tomorrow morning at 6 00 a. M. You will be back here in the morning. Hopefully if that alarm goes off, if not you know where to find me. Thank you for being with us. Dont leave yet. One more hour. Well, nice day to be outside as we talked about. How about going to the Pumpkin Patch today . This was in buckeye broadway and jackrabbit trail this morning it was a farm crossfit that was set up. Look at this get your exercise while picking out your purposecon. People got to your pumpkin. The Pumpkin Patch will be open throughout the month and have a zip line there in two weeks. And for those of you looking for a scarier side of halloween, there is the fearcon event thats going on. That will celebrate all things related. Held this weekend in tempe. Some of the things that event include the famous supernatural car that winchester brothers drove. And people will get a chance to meet celebrity guests. And one star says its your one stop shop for anything horror related. This is most awesome horror event of the year in arizona. Horror movie celebrities, horror merchandise. Anything spooky, craze eerk halloween related they have it he. Sharknado 2. That convention will run through sunday night. Still ahead tonight at 9 00, the weather cooling off in the valley and you know what that means. Its festival season and we will take you to this tasty greek festival after the break. And this was a terrifying scene in the waters in San Francisco after a sailboat packed with people including kids capsizes. We will have the latest on that his whole life ahead of him. Tonight we are hearing from his devastated family looking for answers if you like to contact me on social media it would be great to hear from you. Learning about the controversial involving donald trump. If you want it chime in you can find me on facebook at Marc Martinez at fox 10 news or a boat carrying 30 a boat carrying 30 people capsizes off pier 45 in San Francisco and 27 people on board that boat including three kids. Some of them were trapped under that hull of the recreational sailboat but rescue crews were able to get them out of the water. Sadly a fiveyearold was pulled from that water unconscious and is in the hospital right now with lifethreatening injuries. There is no information about what caused the boat to capsized. Three officers are shot while responding to violence call in palm spring, california. 27yearold returned to the force from Maternity Leave and a mother of a four month old daughter and jose gilbert vega, a father of eight. 35 year veteran of the force. He was scheduled to retire in december and was working overtime shift this weekend. No update given on the third officer wounded. Police say the three officers were trying to resolve a family springs when a man shot them. The officers were talking calmly to the man and they were trying to resolve it when he opened fire on them. New at 9 00, Valley Family is heart broken and looking for answers after a young father is shot and killed. His girl friend watched this all happen and is speaking to fox 10 tonight about this tragedy. Fox 10 is live with the story. The girlfriend is devastated and all of his Friends Family are he was shot early this morning just after 12 00 and he died at the hospital. Now a police have made an arrest. Family and friends are still wondering why his life had to be taken over. Something they are calling very small. He was everything. Im sorry. He was my best friend. 17yearold victoria salinas has a shattered heart. Horrifying image for the rest of her life. I hear the glass break and all of a sudden i see him jerk a little and i got scared. She was sitting in the passenger seat. Her boy friend, 18yearold juan diaz was in the driver seat. Someone started shooting at him. I felt his hand and like there was so much blood. It was going everywhere and i freaked out. And victoria says she struggled to pull juan from the car. She was shot in the back of the head. I yelled for help and thats when the security saw me and he ran and and they came and they took him and they pulled me off him. She learned early this morning juan was brain dead and on life support just before 1 00 they pulled the plug. Today family and friends are grieving and they say juan was a man who was turning his life around for the better. He and victoria became parents to baby boy five months ago. He was a good father. He really was. You know, just because the way he looks didnt mean anything. He really did love him. He would come for his lunch just play with him and just talk to him and make him laugh. And certainly a nightmare for this young lady. Such a traumatic event to go through at a young age. Police have arrested and arrested Javonte Baker young with first degree homicide. Police have not told us about a motive, friends tell me this was all over facebook drama. Live in the studio, stefania okolie, fox 10 news. Thank you for that. Police need your help finding two suspects who stoleon station. The suspects got the money out of the atm in a very unusual way. They hacked at it with a hatchet. This happened at the shell gas station. And one of the women was wearing a blonde wig at the time. The case is under investigation. If you know anything about this case or saw anything suspicious, qualifies police. On to another robbery. Police are looking for a suspect in connection to the armed the shell gas near 40th street and southern. The suspect held that clerk at gun point and then demanded money from the clerk. See the guy walking in right there. Police say the clerk did the right thing here. They complied with the suspects demand. The clerk did the right thing complied. But most people probably didnt realize a robbery was occurring. We are relying on the descriptions and people in the neighborhood saw him or know where he lives. Well, the suspect you here wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with red shoes. Silent witness needs your help in finding that person. They need your help finding a suspect, boy, a lot of suspects on the floos connection to a string of armed robberies. The man here is robbing a Check Cashing store and several of them in the last couple of months. It happened a few stores in phoenix right on thomas road. Police say that man wearing a black baseball hat along with and last seen in a white sedan. Two we talked about, you are asked to call silent witness. 480witness. You can remain anonymous. New at 9 00, phoenix fire crews responding to a fire that started in an appliance at an assisted living facility. Smoke alarms activated. The crews say they could see the smoke inside. They evacuated the facility and were able to trace the smoke back to a faulty appliance. Residents all out of there for their own safety but they were allowed to return home after the clear. Luckily nobody was hurt in that fire today. One family is still looking for closure after a loved one was hit and killed in a crime that happened five years ago. Police are still looking for that suspect who hit and killed martha sanchez. Silent witness has offered 1,000 reward for any information. Marthas daughter says she wants someone to come forward and bring closure for this family. If you are out there and if mom, just please call silent witness and there is a reward out there. And just help us bring closure to this. This family just wants answers as to who did this so many years back if you have a recollection of may have happened or heard something, call silent witness, 480witness. Medical marijuana, it is big business in arizona and it could soon be joined by recreational pot. An all day seminar taking place to tea get started. Voters will decide the fate of prop 205 in the upcoming November Ballot that proposition will decide if adults 21 and older can smoke marijuana for recreational purposeles. The man teaching the seminar says marijuana will become a booming business. This industry is expanding and why people are interested in how to start a career or business. If you are in arizona, the the Cannabis Career Institute has been holding seminars in this state for six years now. Pretty perfect weather in the valley today for the greek fest that could be a little cooler. But today they had a great time atle Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox cathedral in phoenix. The festival taking place near maryland avenue and 20th street. It wouldnt be complete without greek food and music. And the people at that event got to enjoy a dance p well. One woman who was at the greek fest says this is hands down the best place to get the best greek food in town. The greek food is the best greek food you will find in the state all year long. Everything is made fresh by our right parishioners. We have slow roasted lamb shank and greek potatoes and green beans. And now im hungry again. Dont worry if you missed it today, tomorrow you will have festival. Coming up, when you think about yoga, usually you think about downward dog. So what are these goats doing hanging out with these yogis. We will explain this coming up after the break. Most kids love halloween for all of that trick or treat candy. But what valley girl is on a mission to use the holiday to do Something Sweet for other kids. What is driving performance . Its not a weekend hobby. You have to live and breathe it for 50 years. Its the sound. And the fury. Its letting it all hang out there, and its hanging on for dear life. That is what amg driving performance means. And this is where it lives. The 503horsepower mercedesamg c63 s coupe. Burgers. And spicy flavors like chipotle and jalape . O. Wait what if i put them together . smoky chipotle sauce, pepper jack cheese, and jalapenos, on a buttery bakery bun. Ill call it the chipotle jalapeno burger boom. Someone got that, right . Chipotle sauce. Pepper jack cheese. Youll call it the chipotle jalape . O burger. Boom. Good work everyone. Another winner. Introducing the chipotle jalape . O burger. This time of year halloween is this time of year halloween is on the mind of many youngsters. But its mostly about their costume or trick or treating. Tonight one valley girl is also thinking about others, in particular kids who are less for fortunate than she is. Marcy jones has the story. Olivia may look like your she may sound like one. Me and mommy were talking about halloween and i thought how much i loved halloween and how much i love candy. But there is something extraordinary about this sevenyearold. Herselfless giving spirit. Came to mind about the Homeless People that had nothing. So i thought i wanted to bring them a little bit of joy. A little bit of joy translates to an almond joy a snickers and reeses pieces. They are small treats but to those who have nothing, its pure rare luxury. Originally olivia wanted to gift her halloween candy to the less fortunate. So we started talking about, well, if we bring the halloween candy after halloween, then that opportunity has passed. So we started thinking, okay, what can we do before hand. After a quick facebook post. The news of olivias candy collection took off. Friends, family, schools, even Fitness Centers joined in. What started out as a sweet the outpouring has been so surprising to me. Something i like is that a lot of times with charities they will it a lot of fundraising for thanksgiving, turkey drives and such or christmas. And i rarely hear anything for children during halloween. So this is a real, real treat for me to watch her. This week olivia and her mom will deliver the treats to five valley shelters proving that oftentimes its the Little Things that make life so delicious. What do you think t are going to think when they get this bag of candy from you . I think they are going to think yea marcy jones, fox 10 news. And if you like to donate you can drop off at mccormick ranch, Paradise Valley and scottsdale ranch. The location of the orange fury fitness gym. A couple of trails have been closed temporarily after somebody spotted a bear in the area. The old baldy trail was closed after a bear was seen at the hikers. The other trail closed its the super trail. The Forest Service wants to remind if you are out there and see wildlife, stay away from them while on the trails and if you are approached by a bear, they tell you to make yourself look big. A lot of different kinds of yoga and now you can add goat yoga to that list. This idea is exactly as it sounds. You see it here. You are doing yoga in a field with goats. The two women who started it say they wanted people to be able to do their workout wle connected to nature. The goats take over your yoga mats. Sarah williams says she has comedian jimmy fallon to thank for this idea. He was talking about this goat lady in seattle, arizona needs that. And we got aprils goats and we got all of our social media friends together and started doing goat yoga classes. There you go. A pregnant woman even took the class because she wanted her baby to be in tune with nature as well. Found my inner bliss with the goats. I did. Its a special experience. All right. Ill take your word for it. This is special. Sun devils hosting the bruins. Can we get a touchdown of this game . A defensive battle a lot going on in college football. Alabama, arkansas, what about the cats . Some big games today. Some stunning finishes. College football coming up if todd grahams team will will go a long way. They will have to do it with backup quarterback brady white up against an offense that can put up points in josh rosen and ucla. This is a bruins team many believe could be the team to beat in the pac12 south. You got to keep your head on the football. Nice play and nice recovery from jo jo ricker here. This is you look at wickers fumble recovery and this is kind of the tone of this game. Lj off the Kalen Ballage and ucla recovers. Its been a defensive struggle. Both offenses have sputtered. Ballage turns it over. Rosen turns it over. Brayedy white trying to make a play. He gets picked off. And thats the game its been so far. Tied at the half at three. Asu, ucla. Defense, very physical and very aggressive and actuall knocked rosen out of the game late first half. Again we will keep tabs on this game. Asu ucla, this is a critical point in the season. Pac12 conference play for todd graham. For the cats at utah to take on the utes. This utah team, lets face it many believe they could be the team to sneak up there and contend. You lock at this play right here. How about it . Shawn brown 75 yards. The cats take a 70 lead. Brandan dawkins at the helm. Watch the fake on the reverse. He will keep it. Touchdown cats up 143 over utah this would be a big win for rich rod and the cats. As for utah, nice throw here. Williams to smith and as we speak its 1914, the utes thats in the third. 1914 utah leading arizona. A major move in the scc . Nick sabans alabama crimson tide this defense fabulous. Austin allen with the fumble. Tim williams recovers and will take it to the end zone. 217 alabama. They just reload. Every year. Just reload. Plug them in and make it happen. Jaylan hurt, this young quarterback really been dynamic for nick saban to damien ohare. He will take it the rest of the way. Harris 122 yards rushing. Its all alabama. 4930. Bama 49, arkansas 30 the final. Tom herman, you hear his name a lot as far as big jobs and openings that used to go to lsu. We will see how it plays out. Keep an eye on navy. This was a stunning upset will worth to brabden cologne. Its tough to try to defend that triple option. Chance allen with the touchdown catch and houston down 4640. Houston going for the onside kick and the midshipmen men, this is an epic win. The last time they beat a top ten team you go back to 1984. Navy president stunner over houston 4640. How about that . Tennessee, texas, a m. One of featured matchups. Thats a fun game to watch. Joshua dobbs making a play to alvin. This Tennessee Team had to come from behind and tied it. Now in the second overtime, Trevor Knight is going to keep it himself. Take it in off the edge. A m went to two overtimes. Dobbs needs to pull it off and they need to score and its picked off and game over. A m wins it. Texas a m, how about that one . Florida state and miami. All of college football. And look at this miami team one of the better young quarterbacks in the game. Greg tries to make a play and does. This is late in the game under two minutes to go. Down 2019. Watch the point after touchdown. Coming up right here. Michael bagley, its blocked. And Florida State wins 2019. Florida state on a blocked p. A. T. Comes away with yet another win. And speaking of wins, the they needed to win at the niners. Calais campbell one of the big reasons why. The big fella, number 93, the cardinals. We will take a look at their off weekend and review what happened thursday night against San Francisco. Hey guys. I called you all in because i just had an idea. Brunch. Allday, every day. Brunch . Thats great whered you get that idea . Well. Sweetie . You know what were craving right now . Crispy chicken, and fried egg, with bacon. Like brunch. Brunch . But its 8pm and its tuesday. Should we get started . Who wants coffee . Introducing my new brunchfast menu. With tasty options like my brunch burger and a crispy bacon and egg chicken sandwich. Arizona cardinals get the weekend off after an impressive win. Certainly they needed it with that 13 start but last thursday beat the niners. Drew stanton got the job done and get production from special teams and the defense really, really delivered. This is one of the big reasons why. Number 93, loosen up and warming up and getting it done. Watch Chandler Jones with the deflection and Calais Campbell coming down with the int. The big fella some many times so bruce arians said give me more. Give me that big play capability. And you know what . Calais campbell did that they gabert time and time again and number and when you look at the big fella Calais Campbell you say we will take the safety. Thats the kind of effort this defense will need if they will come around and make an impressive run the rest of the way. I knew it was i was due up. I had been working very hard and just playing the game the right way and sometimes things just fall your way. And there was still a few plays out there i left that im really disappoint in the end it was a great game. And felt good to be in. And just a good team win. And dont forget its a big scheduled set for you tomorrow and starts at 8 00 a. M. Set the alarm at 7 59. Wake up for fox 10 nfl kickoff at fox nfl sunday and then dont forget about the line up and sports night on sunday night. Javier baez coming off with a home run and a 10 lead in the dexter fowler, is this the year of the chicago cubs . Is this finally going to be that year . Two games in you got to like what you see. Just figures out a way with the bases loaded. A little floater. And drive in some runs here. The cubs taking advantage of that home field. Of course, wrigley and look at 30 and then there is kris bryant. Hunter pence will try to lay out here and Wilson Contreras scores, 40 and the Chicago Cubs Team certainly the in the post season and so far two games into this post season they delivered. 52 the final with that home run. 52 the final and the cubs lead that series against the giants two games to none. A lot more to come. We will keep tabs on whats happening in the world of college football. Asu, ucla, arizona and utah. Stay with us as we continue. Thank you for joining us and thank you for joining us for fox 10 news at 10 00. We are less than 24 hours now from the second president ial debate and both candidates are dealing with some big problems. Donald Trumps Campaign is still reeling from the fallout of a controversial recording. He was taped off camera this was during a 2005 segment on access

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