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Lauren shields seems like a typical kid riding her bike, hanging out with her big brother. [ laughs ]. Walking the dog. And swas a typical kid. Until six years ago, when her life took a terrible turn. Well, it was around the time of my seventh birthday that i started feeling just very tired, and i just was not like myself at all. I didnt have any appetite, and i lost all my energy. Doctors discovered laurens heart was seriously damaged. So. It was just [exhales] a complete shock, just to know that from one day to the next, id gone, like. I was never born with any defect or anything. I had simply just caught a virus that attacked my heart. Thats how lauren wound up on a list the long, long list of americans waiting for a transplant. We have, nationwide, 117,000 people are waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant, and simply put, there are not enough people registered as organ donors to save to save lives. Fortunately for lauren, a donor came through in time. She received her new heart and started on the road to recovery. She spent so much time in the hospital, she and her mother created a book about her experience. Wanting to make a difference, lauren teamed up with the organization donate life. They urge people to enroll as organ donors. My friend lauren received a heart transplant. I have a liver transplant. And we have between us, we have about nine extra years of life already. So, youd think that lots of people would sign up to be organ donors, but lauren learned that many dont, and that gave her a new mission in life. She helped persuade her state legislature to pass a new law. It changed the drivers license form. In the past, that section on that form was optional. Now when people are going to get their license or renew their license, they will have to answer the question, do they want to become an organ donor . They can either check yes, or they can check skip this question. By being required to check either yes or skip, people cant just ignore the question like they could before. Its believed that extra moment of consideration might be enough to make more people willing to become organ donors. Oh, and, by the way, the name of the legislation . Laurens law. Wow. That was, like, incredible, to actually have a law named after me, and that could ultimately make a difference in Organ Donation and hopefully increase the numbers of enrolled donors. It was just a great experience. Oh, say, can you see by the dawns early light lauren shares her story as often as she can. For example, she makes it a point to attend the ceremony where new american citizens are sworn in. Its a great opportunity to tell the new citizens of this great country about the opportunities they have to participate in our democracy, and one of those things being saving lives. And the governor signed into law. Into law that bears her name laurens law. [ applause ] at age 13, lauren is already an experienced public speaker. Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, the doctors came in and told mommy that my donor was found. I had an angel that was willing to give me the gift of life. The very next day, i had a heart transplant that saved my life. By enrolling in the organdonor program, you will someday help people just like me. [ applause ] its just amazing how this young girl stands up there and tells people about her journey, which, in turn, inspires others to join this movement, you know, to sign up and become organ donors. I mean, just today, we had close to 50 of all the people there signing up. Prior to the speech i. Didnt want to be an organ donor, but after hearing how it changed her life and gave her another opportunity, i decided to become an organ donor. I love to help people. I love to give for people. So its, you know its in my heart, so its its touched me a lot, her story. Lauren would have gladly passed up this way to become famous, but she is using her story to spread an important message, and so can you, even if youre not yet old enough to register to be a donor. Teens can help by learning about Organ Donation, discussing it with their friends and family, and, if it resonates with them, you know, advocating for it. Lauren is very aware that her life is possible because someone elses life ended. Shes forever grateful to people who choose Organ Donation if a tragedy occurs. Its the best gift that you will ever give anyone. Youre giving the gift of life, and your life is living on in someone else. In fact, the organs from a single donor can save the lives of eight people. To find out more, theres a link on our website. Ever hear the saying, alls fair in love and war . Well, ill tell you why thats not true. Most of us have never experienced what its like to be in a war, and hopefully, we never will, but thousands of people around the world arent so lucky. For them, war is a very real danger, and thats where the American Red Cross plays a vital role. The red cross helps educate people that whether youre a soldier, prisoner of war, or a civilian, you have certain rights and protections. Its all part of whats called International Humanitarian law. Alexa found out more about that law through a special Red Cross Program for teens. Okay, just so were all on the same page, lets make sure we agree on what the word humanitarian means. Humanitarian . When youre, uh, for the good of the people . Humanitarian isnt that, like, someone whos really into, like, human rights Something Like that . Its, like, what should be done, like, morally. Humanitarian is someone whos thinks about other peoples feelings and other people the people around them. To have humanity . It has to do with, like, human rights and, like, just, like, causes and stuff. Like, my mom does a lot of, like, humanitarian stuff, so. Humanitarian can mean two things. One, it could be the person who helps to alleviate human suffering, or it could be the act of helping out people in need. And she should know. Amanda works for the American Red Cross. So, what is International Humanitarian law . International humanitarian law, also sometimes known as the geneva conventions, are basically the rules of war. And whats happening today . Today is something that we call raid cross. Its a series of simulations that teaches young people about the rules of war. So, the idea is that there are two opposing armies one, the haddarian army, and the other one is the deldarian army, and theyve been in conflict for a long time. The point of having two separate armies is the way that we can show simulations with prisoners of war and humanitarian workers and indiscriminate weapons. Can i join in . Absolutely so i joined the group haddarians, and we got ready for the things to begin, which they did, with a bang. Everyone up lets go lets go stand up get up so, the first simulation that we do is called prisoners of war, and what we do is we sort of surprise the students. Theyre not anticipating it. We take away their rights to food and water and the ability to contact their family members, we make them do pushups and situps, and we run them around, and they have to repeat a song. 10 jumping jacks. Lets go. Repeat after me. First came the soldiers. All first came the soldiers. Then came the sailors. All then came the sailors. Jumping jacks. Lets go. Then came the prisoners of war. All then came the prisoners of war. And the whole concept is to teach them that prisoners have rights, as well, and that they are allowed to get in touch with their family members. They are allowed to speak to the International Committee of the red cross. At first, it was a little bit exciting, cause we were moving around and doing stuff, but then, i actually realized that it stood for Something Like, for example, the pushups were representing, like, torture and physical activity. And then, later, we learned that that was actually violating the geneva laws that are human rights. Next, we learned about humanitarian assistance. This activity teaches students about what it feels like to be a humanitarianaid worker. So, instead of being members of the haddarian army, they are now members of the International Committee of the red cross. The mission is to carry a box of supplies through a dangerous area. Okay. Okay, now put it down. Put it down . Yeah. Wait, wait, wait. Hold it, and then lift your right leg up. Uhhuh. And step over that theres a chair next to you. The people behind the first person in line had to give directions on how to navigate through the field without hitting any of the mines, and once the person did, they would have to pass the coat and the package and the blindfold to the person behind them. Left leg. Together aww youre dead. Oh, but youre gonna together awww. [ laughter ] i was up next. With a lot of help from my teammates, i made it safely through. But it didnt end there. The border guard didnt seem to care that i was a humanitarianaid worker. Who are you . Uh, alexa. What are you guys doing here . Uh, im delivering this package. Whats in it . Um. Whats this cross . I dont you guys are what is this . Were with the red cross. What is that . I dont know what that is. I think your government allowed us to be here, so. No, they didnt. We dont know anything about you. What are you guys doing . What did you learn from this . That its really difficult to even work in the red cross, because when you visit different places, theres always danger and a sense of unfamiliarity, and youre not always treated like you should. So, heres a question. You come across two soldiers from opposing armies. Both are wounded. Who do you help first . Well find out the answer when we return. Theres been a battle many people are injured come come were at a special program run by the American Red Cross. Its called raid cross. Were learning that there are rules that must be followed in warfare, and for this exercise, we have to hurry to help the injured. We call this our wounded soldier simulation, and the idea behind this is that we want to teach the students about the priorities of those who are wounded, and that is actually not based on which army youre on, which side you believe in. So, youre expected to help the soldiers that arent on your side . Absolutely. So, after a soldier has stopped fighting and has put down their weapons, they now have certain rights, because they are not actually engaged in the conflict anymore, so they are supposed to be treated as the same as the soldiers on your side. So, in this activity, you guys are soldiers. Youre part of the haddarian army. And im going to hand out weapons. Youre only going allowed to stand from here back. And take a look. Take a couple minutes to see which target you actually aim plan to hit. Youre not going to throw every ball at every target, cause then youre going to hit all of them, right . So you want to be able to see the pictures first see who youre hitting before you make that decision, cause its a big decision, right . This activity, called artillery, is a scenario where the students throw all different size of weapons theyre just small balls ranging to large at photos that represent either soldiers or civilians. And the idea is that sometimes, the targets are people who we mean to hit, and sometimes its other civilians who are not involved in the conflict. Im going to aim for the guy in the trees. Okay. We just want to teach the students about the idea that some people get hurt when maybe theyre not intended to be hurt. So, i tried aiming for a war tank and ended up accidentally hitting over another image that contained two soldiers trying to help out a friend, so it really shed some light on the perspective that soldiers have to go through every single day when they are trying to aim for a certain target in a battlefield. [ gavel bangs ] this is the trial for the International Committee of the red cross into the International Criminal court. The last exercise in the program is a trial for those accused of committing war crimes. Youre all being held accountable now for the actions that you made throughout the day. So, why is there a trial . The students need to know that there are rules to International Humanitarian law, and if they break those rules, they need to be held accountable. I now sentence you to two years in prison. [ gavel bangs ] so, what did you think of the raid Cross Program . Well, i think it was really great. In this program, i was a captive soldier. I learned how it was like to be a prisoner at war and the advantages and disadvantages i had. So, overall, it was very eyeopening. The red cross was created over 150 years ago because of the need for humanitarian action during wartime. Today, the American Red Cross continues this mission by inspiring our generation, encouraging us to not only learn about International Humanitarian law, but to respect and support it. For teen kids news, im alexa. Their work is on display in a worldfamous museum. And theyre just kids i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america. And to the republic for which it stands. One nation, under god. Indivisible, with liberty. And justice for all. Our disabled veterans pledged to sacrifice life and limb to ensure our way of life. Now, they deserve our support. Find out how you can help disabled veterans in your community. Visit dav. Org. Tell you about a new medical website designed especially for older folks. Website you say i cant work on computers, theyre not seniorfriendly. Blah, blah, blah. But the National Institutes of health fixed all that. Now you can make the type bigger, increase contrast, even make it talk to you. Just go to nihseniorhealth. Gov and get the best medical Information Available anywhere. Nih seniorhealth. Gov. Built with you in mind. To have your artwork exhibited in a prestigious museum is one of the highest honors an artist can receive. As emily reports, for some kids, its a dream come true. Youve probably heard of van gogh. Cezanne. And picasso. [ record scratches ] but how about minerva. Eliomar. Or jenny . Okay, so theyre not as famous as these artists, but they do share something in common. Like them, their work has been on display at the worldrenowned Guggenheim Museum of art. I feel honored. I find it pretty amazing, and im kind of surprised that my artwork would be here in the same building as other Famous Artists artists like picasso and many others. Its all thanks to a program called learning through art. Guggenheim began the program in the early 70s, when the arts were being cut from the new york city public schools. Many of the schools dont have art at all, and so this would be the only art program that these students have in their elementaryschool years. I think they get the chance to be artists and work with a real, live artist who comes into their school and brings in lots of wonderful materials that real artists use. Towards the end of the school year, a big party is held at the museum. Some of the student artists, family, and friends are on hand to celebrate. [ applause ] after the speeches were over, the kids led everyone up the museums famous circular walkway to their exhibition. Here, more than 100 art creations are on display. The learning through art program is helping you to learn about art different pieces of famous art and to help you use what you learn to make to design and make your own things. For example, one of the programs assignments was to create a picture that showed the past, the present, and the future, all on one page. And these are, like, oldendays houses. This is, like, more modern, like now houses, and the rest is, like, futuristic. Besides paintings, there are works of art made from things like wood. Clay. Paper. And even fabric. This is a vest, this is a belt a belt, and this is a bag a handbag. We really want the kids to not only have a fun, engaging experience with art, but to understand that art and learning are connected and that art is a way to communicate and to actually share ideas and express things that are on their minds. Art is important because. With machines and electronics and everything like that, you dont really get to express your feelings that much. I think that every time i grab a paintbrush and i just start drawing whatever i can, i pour my emotions into the paper. I think weve got some future masters here in our midst by the way, heres a bit of trivia for you. The unique design of the guggenheims building was the creation of the visionary architect frank lloyd wright, so i guess you can say that the kids who got their work exhibited there all had the wright stuff. Its been a pastime in school yards and city streets for years. Now, in some schools, its being recognized as an official sport. Music i want some more. Whats he doing . Please sir, i want some more. More . He has asked for. Thank you. Well he did say please. Yes he did. And thank you. Please and thank you. Pass it on. crowd of children thank you. crowd of children thank you. Um]um] [tum] [tum] [tum] [tum] [tum] [tum] [phone ring,] car brakes hard [phone ring] [car crash] glass shatters [sirens] this video was submitted by a student through the safety scholars program. For more information on teen safety visit driversedge. Org. Its an activity were used to seeing on the sidewalk. Every girl jumps rope at some point. [ whistle blows ] but not every girl jumps like this. These are stans pepper steppers. The worldchampion doubledutch team is showing new York Public Schools how its done. Listen out for the whistle. Katie, get ready to go in. [ whistle blows ] new york is the First School District to introduce double dutch as an official sport. Anybody can learn it. It just takes time to get to a certain level of double dutch. Competitionlevel double dutch is scored on a point system. There are three components. The first is compulsory. That means there are certain requirements. The second component jumpers are judged on is speed how many times the left foot hits the ground in two minutes. Peter proves double dutch isnt just for girls. I like double dutch because its different. Its, like most boys play basketball, but since im a boy and i do double dutch, it makes me stand out. Many, many years ago, this was a sport that was dominated by men. The reason women were wearing skirts. Experts say dutch settlers first brought the game to the United States. Thats why british colonialists later called it double dutch. Its now played worldwide. New York Public Schools hope it will get more kids interested in sports. Kids like to jump. [ chuckles ] so it doesnt matter whether theyre bouncing up in the air or what. Kids like to jump. And it helps us fight obesity Childhood Obesity and and diabetes, as well. Only 10 of boys and girls in new York Public Schools participate in sports. I like double dutch because it keeps you in shape, you learn a lot of new things, and you make good friends from it. And you learn about teamwork. The third component of competition is freestyle. Jumpers are judged on execution and originality. Creative routines involve acrobatics, quick handoffs, and even splits. After watching freestyle, i tried my style. I think ill save the splits for next time. [ whistle blows ] for teen kids news, im nicole. [ applause ] yeah well, that wraps it up for this weeks teen kids news, but well be back next week, so see you then. Announcer brought to you by. For more than 40 years, working to preserve the world we share. Hanna in the business of horses, what happens when they cross the finish line for the last time . [ african tribal music plays ]

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