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>> reporter: i think the picture is not so great as a was yesterday. probably partly cloudy. cooler today. >> reporter: rain is on the way by tomorrow. >> reporter: good sunday morning to you, a great day yesterday please skies. temperatures were in the '60s, '70s. a bit different today but we have extra clouds. slightly cooler temperatures, look for highs getting into the upper 50s, still above average for this time of year. clouds on the increase tonight. more clouds at 8:00 p.m.. in advance of a weather system over the pacific. it will bring and the chance of rain, it's something we have not seen for quite awhile. we have a wet week to follow. today is the last day of the nice weather. high of 60s. 66 oakland, i will let you know more about the rain coming up in just a few minutes. >> reporter: the search for man suspected of kidnapping a 4 year-old. he matched the description of jose retrogress. is the same place the four year olds body was found. an autopsy can lovely scheduled for tuesday. the mother now says she has closure. >> reporter: tabitha says her family at the paterson community can heal. since the body of jose rodriguez can put an end to this tragic objection. >> a big relief. >> reporter: the question is why. tabitha says now she will never know why her son was kidnapped by her ex-boyfriend. >> i want a believe it was an accident. >> reporter: the sheriff's department believes jose rodriguez may have been so angry over the breakup, that the kidnap the little boy in january. it was not his biological son. >> we know he drove to the canal from the abduction site. his intent was to commit suicide and murder little guiliani. >> reporter: it was floating near the skate at 830 saturday morning. located 11 mi. from where the investigators pulled his car out last month. >> we knew we would recover cover jose rodriguez from that canal. >> none of this seems real to me. i'm an like some kind of a bad dream that never ends. >> reporter: julianne is body was found not long ago in the same canal further down the stream. even though she will never know the motive tabitha and knows rodriquez will never be able to hurt her again. >> i feel like there's closure now. jose is found i don't have story about him to come back and get this baby. >> reporter: tabitha is due in two weeks with jose rodriguez's baby girl. >> reporter: in other news six people including two children have been hospitalized after being pepper sprayed in a mini station. new the paul station. they don't know why the victims were pepper sprayed. new over night in san francisco police looking for a rapist. around 3:30 a.m., police were called to market street in hayes valley. at the time of the alleged rape the suspect had a blue hat on, and a tree on his left forearm tattooed. weighs 160 lbs. with a light complexion. >> reporter: the latest in egypt. the military rulers have rolled to dismiss parliament. inmates two key demands military officials said it will stay in power for six months or until new elections have been held. they've called for protesters to go home. this is from earlier today thousands of protesters demonstrators have been cleaning up all the debris that has been left behind for two weeks of protests. many say they will stay put until they know for sure free market street is reached. --democracy--many have gathered to remember the 300 victims that lost their lives in egypt. >> they gave their lives in order for the change to happen. for all that happened through the 18 days. they are the symbol, of this big jet democratic change. >> we want to end the state of emergency in start elections. get rid of all of the mubarak krajina. everyone who supported his biddictatorship. >> reporter: will have more on >> reporter: tomorrow washington president barack obama will present the 2012 budget blueprint. he has promised to freeze domestic spending for five years. no pay raises for federal workers, offset spending with cuts elsewhere. 400 billion in cuts in social. republicans are committed to cutting $100 billion from the president's 2011 budget. neither side appears ready to tackle the big four. >> reporter: new details of been released on the deadly tiger attack in san francisco zoo. we'll have that. >> reporter: alive look at the bay bridge. lots of overcast out there. setting us up for new weather pattern this week. we will be back. 2z!kwé >> reporter: newly raise documents on the tiger attack in san francisco the suit. it shows the tiger was likely provoke to. it is rare that it would pass by the word heart cages and lesser was a strong motivation. tatiana closed heard inclosure in 2007, killing one. two of his friends were also injured. the closure has been remodeled. meanwhile the brothers reached a settlement for the city out of court. they have been in and that of legal trouble trouble over the past few years. >> reporter: that would abolish hundreds of town homes it would replace them with as many as 7000 housing units. the high- rise buildings would remain but the low two-story buildings and open spaces would no longer exist. longtime residents say they are disappointed by the commission actions. >> reporter: we have big parks, you can go it backdoor a lot of these homes are connected together. in the meantime you still have that open space. >> i don't want to move this base will be gone. they wanted to commercial buildings. >> it would put a lot of us, in disarray. >> any new changes would go before the board of supervisors and that could be months away. >> reporter: we will be talking to henry. >> henry: climate change radicals attacking is there no hope? yes there is actually. a tonic for all of that a man who can promise everything will be great. explain how things might (announcer) roundup extended control is no ordinary weed killer. because it does two jobs... at the same time. one: it kills the weeds you have - right down to the root. two: it forms a barrier, that prevents new weeds from growing for up to four months. roundup extended control - kills and prevents. [ male announcer ] not are created equal.acturings not all engineering standards are created equal. which is why not all luxury vehicles are created equal. the hard way means never taking short cuts. the hard way is how lexus inspires absolute confidence. this is the pursuit of perfection. see what it takes at it is a 4:00 p.m., changes in certain bay area. his disguises it was a pyrrhic lowand low fog >> reporter: brian will say it's partly sunny not partly cloudy. (laughter) >> just in time before the rain get here look for sunny skies and ram the day today. mostly sunny but increasing high clouds for this evening. i weather system that closer to the bay area. then for tomorrow periods of light rain through the mid- late hours. heavier rain is forecast for the north bay. a second system arrives tuesday. this tuesday system looks stronger, dusty winds, heavy rain. after that goes by a series of systems coming in and out of the gulf of alaska and not a whole lot of rain, but wet conditions and cool weather spirit future cast at noon today, low clouds hugging the coast. that's what we are dealing with initially. then high clouds streaming in from the weather system in the pacific. the rain at 6:00 a.m., moving on shore. the box of it will not be here till mid-late hours. notice the light color showing not heavier rain, winding down monday night. tuesday morning. the second system for tuesday midday. it could bring heavier rain late in the day tuesday. more wet weather wednesday, thursday, friday. future cast show through monday night midnight. into tuesday morning the heavier rain in the north bay at half inch at san rosa, napa. light amounts closer to the bay. one-tenth of 2 1/4 an inch. really nice this weekend. clear skies over tall. mostly sunny in the forecast. highs in the mid-50s, rain and snow develops monday. snow levels drop throughout the week as colder air comes into northern california. your highs today '60s. high of 65 for napa, partly-mostly set skies. ung our direction monday, tuesday wednesday. chance of showers wednesday, thursday, friday. no big systems but occasional showers mixed with sunshine. unseasonably cool air working its way and the highs and lows- mid-50s. >> henry: the future is scary. we don't know what's going to come so we get frightened. sometimes we are positive about it. is the glass half empty or half full. our next guest mark stevenson the glasses mostly full. one man answers what's next? >> that's the u.k. cover. >> henry: that's the cover i have. cellmark, you're not a total optimist. >> when i wrote the book it was called the world tour of the future. by the time i came back i found out amazing things. and at that rather than the future it could be anything. i'm saying we have a choice. i didn't realize we had it been red so i wanted to put it on paper and say it could be great. >> henry: on going to be the test message. climate change, we know we have reached the tipping point. we know it will be terrible situation that will change the world for the worst. >> climate changes a definite problem. we need to do things about it. i found three solutions that we could implement quickly. i've met a man in new york who guarded machine that keeps carbon dioxide out of the air. you can take that carbon dioxide put it through something that creates gasoline. >> henry: it's the magic bullet. that is several human generations away. the point is if we do things right the climate change will not and human life as we know it. >> i'm saying we have a choice. >> henry: there's war, terror, violence and humanity is doing it. >> violence is actually declining ad it incredible rate. you'll find the chances of you being killed criticize 60%. now it's 0.3%. terrorism is declining as well. as we are more connected, we think the world is getting more violent because it is the exception rather than the social norm. >> henry: famine people are starving. >> in general we managed to increase food production per capita since we have started farming. the un says the food situation worldwide is improving. >> henry: ok death. >> a you worried about dying? >> henry: well it is inevitable. >> we are living longer and healthier. 100 years ago the lloyd's lowest average life expect to unseat was 22. now it's 44. that's in afghanistan. >> henry: i'm feeling much better how you feel folks? if you wanna get a glimpse of a possible positive future tomorrow 730 in mountainview, for more affirmation go to our web site. he heads has other appearances as well you can look up on his web site. thank you for sharing us up. coming up chinese new year treasure hunt. [ man ] i was deciding what to do with my citi thankyou points when it happened... [ glass breaks ] ...again. ♪ [ child ] run! [ man ] first it was the mailbox, then my squirrel... and now, this. so i used my points to make a donation to get the park down the street built. when it finally opened, i also used my points for... car repair. [ male announcer ] use citi thankyou points for almost anything. and earn them fast with the new citi thankyou preferred card. what's your story? citi can help you write it. >> reporter: in san diego taxicab plows into a bunch of people the severing the leg of one of the pedestrians. the cab driver hit 25 people early yesterday morning. one lady is lake had to be amputated. the cabdriver told officers he blacked out before the crash. some bystanders attack the driver leaving them with cuts and bruises. >> reporter: and new application is being causing problems. the marketing shows up at that truck driving through what appears to be u.s. mexican border. you can see immigrants fall out of the track. devout developer says they wanted to point out how easy it is a hoot to cross the border illegally. we will be right back. this is kron 4 morning news. >> reporter: it is 8:30 a.m., golden gate bridge fog covering the bridge right now. rain is on the way. brian has the bay area forecast. >> reporter: good sunday morning. yesterday blue skies all over the place. temperatures were into the '60s, '70s. to date different but still a nice day. extra clouds today and cooler temperatures instead of the '70s. your highs getting into the upper 50s low to mid '60's. below average for this time of year. clouds on the increase tonight. more cloudiness at 8:00 p.m., that is an advance of the weather system over the pacific. it will bring in the change for rain, something we have not seen in quite awhile. a wet week to follow. today's the last day of the really nice weather. '60s up to 67 san jose, livermore, said arrests appeared 66 oakland. more on the rain coming up in a few moments. >> reporter: in egypt the military says returning to security is a top priority but they dissolve parliament and suspended the constitution. this is the cleanup continues after 18 days of protests. traffic return to the square today for the first time in two weeks. hundreds remain in liberation square unwilling to trust the military. there were a few alterations this morning as the 10's were removed. military asking protesters to return home. some refused to clear out into action to the move on democratic factions. citizens need to see some of their own along side the military so they can and keep faith that treasures and is continuing. >> reporter: it's fueling debate, conversation, copy. >> reporter: in the most traditional of the egyptian settings there are subtle changes. the state newspapers for example that used to propagate the government message praise their revolution appeared conversations around untouchable topics. nobody was bold enough to openly express dissatisfaction. he is the eldest among this group of friends. they would head to the demonstration site on a daily basis and a third here to debate. we would talk about corruption and the need to dissolve parliament commute and free elections. the coffee shop is by state to the headquarters whereon this man works as a director. i am happy, and said this is a president who carried a street tough times. he demonstrated against his own network on friday realizing he had to make a decision. between right and wrong. his breaking point was pro motta people move through and unleash violence that claimed hundreds of lives. >> i am happy because we are freed of things that were imposed. people were so rich last it was as if we were buried alive. the bauble of oppression burst the joke, we don't have a clean up the mess. >> reporter: egypt is like a newborn baby who needs to be protected. and then after year or two he can stand on his own. everyone is society has to do their part. >> reporter: a rally is planned in the run. telling people to move in solidary. the opposition group opposes. they voiced support for egypt, but refused to let people and i run to those same demonstrations. last week authorities rejected the opposition's request to stage a rally tomorrow and warned there was going to be consequences. >> reporter: investigators since then as loss county has found a body of this man they believe to be jose rodriguez. autopsy is set for tuesday. he is suspected of killing four year-old guiliani last month. >> reporter: all water authority worker found jose rodriguez body near this gate. around 830 saturday morning. investigators say it's located 11 mi., from where farm worker reported seeing the cargo and. >> we knew we would recover jose from that canal. >> reporter: he is suspected of kidnapping a 4 year-old boy from the patterson home last month. he was let ex-boyfriend of giuliani's other. investigators say nobody will ever know why the can that not been suspected what he did. >> we know he drove directly to the canal. that would lead us to believe his intent was to commit suicide and murder the little boy. >> i wake up and it doesn't seem real. i feel like i'm a bad dream. >> reporter: giuliani's body was found farther downstream two weeks after the kidnapping. the boy's mother tabitha says she is relieved to know rodriquez is dead. >> there is closure now i don't have to worry about him coming back to get this baby. >> cab and is due in two weeks with the baby girl of jose rodriquez. schulman that may be guiliani. >> reporter: still ahead thousands of women in italy say bosto saybasta. >> south bay san jose same-store around the bay is the weather is changing. we will right [ male announcer ] breakfast for breakfast. breakfast for lunch. breakfast for dinner. with three new breakfast lovers dishes, who needs a break from breakfast? denny's. america's diner is always open. >> reporter: alive look at walnut creek. you can see over past skies. partly cloudy, or is brian says mostly sunny. all depends on your look. the high will be in the low 60s. >> reporter: italy today women are on the move. rally and in rage by prime minister's scandal with an underage nightclub dancer. thousands of women called for his resignation. tired of his escapades which this respect women's. he is dismissed the accusations and prosecutors are targeting him for subversive reasons. women in the country are getting anchored appeared 50,000 signed a petition against him. protests planned in other countries included the united states appeared there are protests with people who support him as well. >> reporter: let's check in with henry who is celebrating the year of the hair. >> henry: it's a hairy vetch. during the chinese new year's parade. a treasure hunt. looking for had hidden treasure is an intellectual troubles of the bay area. i will tell you about the treasure hunt coming up on the ground for news weekend. kron 4 news weekend. alive look from mount tam. beautiful view from up there. >> reporter: checking with brian with the latest. >> reporter: just-in-time for the rain tomorrow. partly sunny for midday today. i was listening for the afternoon increasing high clouds this afternoon. a weather system is closer to the bay area. for tomorrow mainly light rain. mid to late morning hours into the afternoon. the heavier rain forecast for the north bay. second system arrives tuesday as one comes right after the other. tuesday will be strong burke with gusty winds and heavier rain. series of systems coming in now and really producing a lot of rain. but what conditions with cool weather. highs will be stuck low-mid-50s for much of they the part of next week. and noon today the low clouds are hugging the coast. dealing with the initially but then high clouds streaming for the evening hours. from the system in the pacific. there rain is moving on shore. the bulk of it won't be here until the last mid-late morning hours notice a light green color showing this is not heavy rain. the stars to wind down into tuesday morning. the second system arrives tuesday midday. it could bring heavy rain late in the day with more wet weather expected. future cast rainfall total shows through monday night midnight, in tuesday morning. heavier rain in the north bay. generally light amounts closer to the bay about one-tenth-1/4 an inch. all the snow from the sierra, nice this weekend, clear skies over top of. mostly sunny and the forecast. highs in the mid-50s. chance of rain and snow develops. through the week progressively colder air moves through northern california. highs today '60s, 66 oakland, fremont, high of 65 with partly to mostly sunny skies. here is the unsettled weather in our direction. monday, tuesday rain, chance of showers wednesday, thursday, friday. optional basis jealous but occasional showers. unseasonable cool air working its way and a highs slow to mid-50s. >> henry: is been going on 20 years, the new year's parade a parade has been going on. about 1800 people are among the crowd surges bidding in the chinese new year treasure hunt. it has become a gym of activity in the bay area. to folks jason is the organizer and a mad genius. >> this is our 16th year. >> henry: the way this work >> they get clues in the china beach area. think it to solve the puzzles and go to the location find something, that allows them to answer questions. >> henry: a piece of information they can only find at that location give us a couple of clues for the folks at home. . >> on a street whose new york names state is great and white, across from the garden you will find a museum for hope folks were not beaten. search for a vegetarian cat. >> henry: i love the look on isabella's face. great might be in the original garden you will find a museum for folks who are beat and not beaten, >> henry: now give us another one. >> this place bears the name of what gives each of us nine digits. also part of the name of the secretive national agency concerned with transmissions. >> henry: marty and is the dollar turned figured out. >> marty: i got lost where the cat is. >> henry:: so you get the set of clues, difficulty levels, what is a process for you? >> about a people, and a share. as soon as the gun goes off we head off where we for burn hour, hour-and-a-half would sit there and use collective minds to sell as many clues as weekend. it is a matter what order you do it. if you hit the streets. is a very fun atmosphere. a lot of people running around but it is not your friend. >> henry: and then leave much time went on to us the answers. >> the first one is broadway, across from the garden of eden, away from the beat museum. the second is security pacific place. >> henry: national security agency. wow. the lesson is broadway. chinese new year a treasure hunt you can participate. 1800 people. for information go to treasure hunts for 15, this man is fiendish. we will take a break, come back another ingenious. a man who is the most amazing future you can imagine. [ son ] my parents always lived in the states, until my dad transferred to istanbul. they settled in quickly, found their local deli, a few shortcuts and a neighborhood hangout. but there's one thing they miss... the seventh-inning stretch. so citi helped me use my thankyou points to give them something special. their old seats: 5 and 6, row c. [ male announcer ] use citi thankyou points for almost anything. and earn them fast with the new citi thankyou preferred card. what's your story? citi can help you write it. >> reporter: tomorrow one of the busiest days of the year. because is valentine's day. henrik and forgot. they expect to sell over 40 million roses for discovery delivery. >> we have six ballantine roses , >> mass of is the word that comes to mind. it is over 20 times bigger than christmas. over than 20 percent is one week. 2% in the year a lot of planning and lot of learning. 13th-14th valentine's day. the year after we prepare. about 10% on pete ordered a we can take up to 100,000 calls a one day. >> i get a lot of calls from dads, grandmas, sons. >> men are the predominant customer for valentine's day. they aren't the ultimate procrastinators. we market weeks before the actual day. however the number one is the store today is three days before valentine's. managers procrastinators. we don't do anything before we have to. -- men are procrastinators--men wake up and say owe all i haven't thought of anything yet. >> reporter: i have two messages from one a hundred flowers. (laughter) >> still to come we will preview of a rally for the same couples. >> reporter: san mateo bridge we have been looking outside around the bay area. most of looks like that overcast skies. we will be right back. >> reporter: above-average for this time of year. clouds on the increase tonight. more cloudiness it 8:00 p.m.. that's an advance of a weather system out in the pacific. he is going to bring in the chance of rain. that's coming up for monday. and a week wet week to follow. 60s for san jose, fremont, livermore. 66 oakland. we will tell you more about rain and a couple of minutes. >> reporter: the search for man suspected of kidnapping guiliani is over. they pulled the body from a canal that matched the description of jose rodriquez. an autopsy is scheduled for tuesday. julie on his mother says her family and the community can heal she says the discovery of jose rodriguez body cannot put an end to the tragic abduction. --can now. >> reporter: that this is now she will never know why her ex- boyfriend kidnapped her son, drove the car in to the delta canal. >> i want a believe it was an accident. >> reporter: that sheriffs department says that rodriquez may have been so angry he kidnapped the little boy and jane uri. guiliani was not his biological son. >> we know he drove from the abduction site to the canal. we believe his intent was suicide and murder. >> reporter: it was floating around this gate 830 saturday morning. it is located 11 mi. from where investigators pulled his car last month. >> we knew we would rid recover him from the canal. >> none of it seems real to me. i feel like i'm just in a bad dream that never ends. >> reporter: giuliani's body was found not long ago in the same canal but farther downstream. even though she will never know the motive, tabitha says alicia knows rodriguez will never be able to hurt our again. >> jose is founded i don't have to worry about him coming back to get this baby. >> reporter: tabitha is doing to we saw with rodriguez's baby girl. in paterson kron 4 news. >> reporter: 6 people including two children more hospitalized after being pepper spray in san francisco it happened near the turnstiles of the powell station. authorities don't know why they're pepper spray to. so far no arrests have been made. police are searching for a suspected rapist. around 3:30 a.m. please were called in hayes valley. at the time of the rape the suspect had a great button- down shirt with a blue hat. he headed tree tattooed in his left forearm. >> reporter: in egypt today the military roles have dissolved parliament suspending the constitution. that meets to demands of the protesters. military officials say they will stay in power for six months. or until new elections are held. they call the protesters to go home. as you can see this was shot earlier today thousands remain in freedom square. they have been cleaning up all the debris. many people say they will stay there until they're sure free democracy is reached. hundreds of demonstrators showed up saturday afternoon at the civic center. they gathered to remember the 300 victims who lost their life's. demonstrators say they serve as markers to the millions grows up to protest. >> they gave their life to get this change to happen. for all that happened through the 18 days. they are the symbol, of this democratic change in egypt. >> we want democracy, will attend the state of emergency have a free and fair election. get rid of marxist regime. everybody who supported his dictatorship. >> reporter: we will follow the latest on our web site. kron 4 doc >> reporter: coming up will tell you how same-sex marriages are trying to get married on valentine's day >> reporter:. looks like we have a nice day ahead of us but that could change coming up. >> reporter: supporters of same- sex marriage says it will protest to more on valentine's day. dozens of couples are expected to go to city hall to have asked for merifor marriage licenses. it when exposed discrimination on prop. bay. a judge ruled it violated the rights of same-sex couples spirit that is on hold pending arean appeal. >> reporter: the tiger attack in san francisco zoo show the tiger was likely provoke before the attack. the tiger expert says it's rare tiger would leave its prey and passed by the cages without attacking and lest they were is strong motivation to do so. she escapes 2000 to seven calling 17 year-old carlos. two of his friends were also injured in that attack. the inclusion has been remodeled to ensure no tigers will be able to escape in the future. the brothers reached a settlement with the city out of court they have been in and out of legal trouble over several years. >> reporter: still to come dozens of people sick at hugh hefner said mention and loss angeles. >> reporter: bay bridge issue and see overcast skies on much of the bay area this morning. tells us of a storm coming. >> henry: i'm sitting here with that trend center man. he is a genius? some say crackpot but i say that in the nicest way possible. he says like as we know it will be transformed. sooner than you know it. (announcer) roundup extended control is no ordinary weed killer. because it does two jobs... at the same time. one: it kills the weeds you have - right down to the root. two: it forms a barrier, that prevents new weeds from growing for up to four months. roundup extended control - kills and prevents. >> reporter: beautiful weekend before the rain gets here tomorrow. partly sunny midday today. mostly sunny for this afternoon but high clouds this evening as the weather system gets closer to the bay area. tomorrow light rain through mid-morning. the heavier for the north bay. second system arrives tuesday. one right after another. the second system is stronger. it will have heavier rain. after that we'll get a series of systems coming in and out of the gulf alaska. nonpartisan a lot of rain about what conditions with cool weather appeared highs stuck in to the low-mid '50s for the next week. low clouds are hugging the coast, that's what we deal with it initially appeared that high clouds come in for the evening hours. from the weather system in the pacific. there's rain at 6:00 a.m., beginning to move on shore. the bulk of it will not be here until mid to late hours. mainly light, the lake rain showing this is not heavy rain. starting to wind down from monday night into tuesday morning. the second system is arriving to state-midday. it could bring heavy rain late in the day. more wet weather wednesday, thursday, into friday as well. rain halted shows midnight into tuesday morning heavier rain in the north bay, half-inch for san rosa, napa. light amounts closer to the bay on the order of one quarter of an inch. all this for the sierra. nice for the weekend clear skies and light topcoat. mostly sunny and the forecast and warm. mid-50s but the chance for rain, snow develops monday. they dropped through the week as progressively colder air works its way into northern california. highs today into the '60s, partly-mostly sunny skies. 7 day around the bay, on settle whether coming in our direction. monday, tuesday it rain, a chance of showers lasting wednesday, thursday, friday. no big systems but occasional showers mixing with sunshine. unseasonably cold air moving in. your highs of low-mid-50s. >> reporter: he's an award winning engineer a millionaire several times over because of his inventions. the holder of 24 patents. chief inventors of the flatbed scanner. >> henry: this is a clip of transcended man is a documentary. he's known as the genius or a true crackpot according to some people. so i'm here with the creator of the documentary. ray concept goes way back you were considered to be more and that.of but not to.k about the similarity. the speed of technology is increasing. you say within 20 years. >> it grows exponentially, computers are more powerful. that will happen again in 25 years. by 2029, they will reach human levels, they will soar past that after that. by the time they are smart as we are they will be smarter because the master all knowledge. once it can read things they can read everything on the web. they're not here to displaces they are tools to make ourselves smarter. we will put them in our bodies and brains. this is making me smarter role ready. i should put it in my brain. the whale would lose that. (laughter) >> henry: and you couldn't turn the ring or off. >> were in a merged with the technologies and expand human intelligence a building full. so that is a singularity. a singular change in human history that does nothing compared to. >> henry: can you describe how if we were sitting here at this moment in 2045, how would be different. >> we would live in a virtual realities, it will be just as realistic. we don't have to sand have the same bodies, pecan be someone else. we can change our environment. we can think bigger thoughts. appreciate art and science. >> is imminent danger that intelligence could be used for evil, or it could go off on its own an " independent and i guess. >> more likely conflict will continue but between human groups. technology is a double edged sword. ever since we had fire it kept us warm but has used it as a thing of descriptiodestruction appeared e weekend keep technology safe. it's the only way we can do with challenges of humanity like party and disease. i'm not oblivious to the dangers. there's a movement that we should not do these things. because based on my articulation of the dangers. they are real. >> henry: you've done a great job of sitting there is a proper. what was it that made you think we need to do a documentary? >> i picked up, as i said i did not get pass chapter one before wanted a film about it. so that's what we set out to do. >> henry: you talk about the fact that there is condensation in terms of cost and space for computer power. you say eventually, a computer will be the size of a blood cell. >> when i went to mit it took up half the building. now it is smaller and thousand times powerful. it can be a robot that acts like a white blood cell but is smaller. white blood cells don't recognize the cancer because it thinks it's you. it can attack you. it has limitations. we can keep ourselves healthy from inside. it will put their brains on line and make us smarter. give us all of the access to knowledge. >> henry: here some information on it transcended man. it will be sold out. the book is called singularity. thank you for joining us. we will take a break and think about this. 2z!kwé ♪ [ male announcer ] not all steel is created equal. not all manufacturing processes are created equal. not all engineering standards are created equal. which is why not all luxury vehicles are created equal. the hard way means never taking short cuts. the hard way is how lexus inspires absolute confidence. this is the pursuit of perfection. see what it takes at >> reporter: it's a set up fog we should expect for the week. we will be back. >> reporter: live from the bay area news this is kron 4 morning news. >> reporter: 9:30 a.m., alive look outside mount tam on your left. beautiful heavy cloud cover. the left side is golden gate bridge. the clouds are there. >> reporter: brian has the changing forecast for you. >> could sunday morning blue skies all over the place. temperatures were in the '60s, '70s. today bit different but nice day. extra cloudy today. slightly cooler temperatures. look for highs getting into the upper 50s low to mid 60's. still above average for this time of year. clouds on the increase tonight. more cloudiness at 8:00 p.m., that's in advance of a weather system over the pacific. it is getting closer. bringing rain. that comes in on monday and of wet week to follow. your highs today '60s. 66 oakland, i will let you know more about the rain coming up in a few >> reporter: minutes he chipped the military says restoring security is a top priority. --in egypt. --this is the cleanup in freedom square that continues after 18 days of protests. traffic return for the first time in two weeks. thousands remained in a liberation square unwilling to trust the military. there were some altercations this morning as the tents were removed. one opposition leader say citizens need to say some of their own along side the military so they can keep faith. >> reporter: hundreds gathered for the eventual to remember the chips protest. as jeff pierce explains demonstrators say who died for the cause are seen as heroes. >> egyptian celebrate the end of the real shame. they gathered san francisco saturday afternoon. >> it became a solemn celebration as i recognize the 300 protesters who lost the lives and what was the revolution. >> they gave their lives in order for this change to happen in egypt for mark to resign. for all that happened through the 18 days. they are the symbol, of the democratic change. >> as symbols they are murderers to the aspirations to the egyptians who rose up peacefully to pros >> we want democracy, and the state of emergency, have a free and fair election. get rid of the regime. everyone in his government who supported his corruption and dictatorship. >> reporter: even with the military holding the reins. there is confidence on those who protest toppled the regime. >> the people of egypt will fight for their freedom until they finally get it. we are happy markets out but we know this is the beginning not the end. --marke >> reporter: a rally in chiron, the opposition polled in the rally accuses the government of double standards by voicing egypt support. but refusing per fish permission and i run.iran.t week authorities rejected the opposition's request to stage tomorrow's rally and warned there will be consequences if held. >> reporter: the search for the man suspected of kidnapping for year-old guiliani may be over. saturday they pull the body matching the description from the canal in paterson. the same area they found giuliani's body february 1st. rodriguez was the prime suspect in the kidnapping. dahlin talk to the family after authorities recovered the body. >> reporter: the water authority worker found jose rodriguez body near this gate. around 830 saturday morning. investigators say it is located 11 mi. from our farm worker reported seeing record this car plunged into the canal. >> we knew we would recover him froma that canal >> he is suspected of kidnapping for year-old julia cardenas. he was an ex-boyfriend of giuliani's mother. not the boy's biological father. investigators say nobody will ever know why he did what he did. >> we know he drove directly to the canal. that would lead us to believe his intent, was to commit suicide and murder little guiliani. >> i wake up and nothing seems real. i feel like i'm in a bad dream, that never ends. >> reporter: guiliani is body was found farther downstream two weeks after the kidnapping. the boy's mother tabitha says she is relieved to know rodriquez is dead. >> i feel like closure he is found and i don't have to worry about him coming back to get this baby. >> reporter: tabitha is doing two weeks with the baby girl. she will lanes it curled guiliani. >> reporter: in solana candy please are arrested man after finding his car for an dead in her apartment. 28 year-old adam in the parking lot of talk about. arrested him on a parole violation. he later admitted to a confrontation with his girlfriend. that eventually led to her death. he was previously convicted with felony assault appeared >> reporter: still ahead we will get into a story about a new video game application. >> reporter: we will take you outside to lake tahoe area. highway 50, nice clear streets and highways. it is all little overcast. the internet on a plane! are you from the future? um, no. cleveland. listen cleveland, your savings account is stuck in the past! earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking baby! so instead of making peanuts, your savings will be earning three times the national average. oops. sorry. three times more? i'll have that! it is now safe to go online to what's in your wallet? buh-bye... call me. it's not too well done? nope. but it is a job well done. what are you reading, sweetie? her diary. when you're done, i'd love some feedback. sure. your mom and i read that thing cover-to-cover. loved it. thanks. would you mind if i cut the lawn this weekend? only if you let me talk to your mother on the phone for hours on end. done. [ male announcer ] u-verse brings peace to the family. at&t u-verse lets you record four shows at once from any room and play them back on any tv. get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months. in the network, everyone can get along. >> reporter: we are back at 9:41 a.m., here we are in italy. women rallying in rage by the scandal this is studio. thousands of women called for his resignation. they feel he disrespects women. he dismisses the accusation saying prosecutors are targeting him. protest to reflect growing anger among women in a country where a middle-aged women have long been the key supporters. 50,000 signed a petition against him. protests also in other countries including the united states. are people who support him. he could be reelected easily. >> reporter: and ipad i up is drawn criticism for making fun of illegal immigrants. it hasn't been released yet. marketing video show pickup truck driving through what looks to be the u.s.-mexico border. as a truck drives over the cliffs and mountains and dead animals, immigrants are shown in this game falling off of the bed of the truck appeared each one that falls off floors the paris accord. the developer said he wants to point out how easy it is to cross the border illegally. >> reporter: your fall forecast coming up. later the best cities to find love. first let's check beckon with henry. >> henry: how do i love the let me count the ways. shall i compare thee to a summer's breeznight. know that doesn't w love poems are that difficult. it's the best gift you can give. we broaden expert in to show you how to do it. >> reporter: president barack obama well show his budget blueprint. to offset spending increases in critical areas with the consent well. the platform and billion dollars in cuts to social programs impacting mes, law enforcement and the environment. gop wants to cut $100 billion from the 2011 budget. critics and neither side will target the big four. defense, or medicaid, medicare, social security. >> reporter: of beautiful weekend for us to a just-in-time before the rain gets here tomorrow. artless and his guys about midday. it was listening for afternoon. increasing high clouds this afternoon that weather system it's closer to the bay area. . the main line of rain tomorrow. for the mid-late morning hours and the afternoon. heavier rain forecast for the north bay. the second system it arrives tuesday. it seems to be strong for with gusty winds, heavier rain. after that's goes by we have a series of rain that comes buying and producing a lot of rain. making for what conditions with cool weather, high stuck in the low-mid-50s for much of a part of next week. and in today there are low clouds, hugging the coast. that is what we're dealing with a nationally. then high clouds streaming, for they need our spirit from the system in the pacific. there ran at 6:00 a.m., beginning to move on shore. the bulk of it will be here until mid-late morning hours when light, notice the light green color showing this is not heavier rain. starting to wind down monday night, tuesday morning. the second system are arriving for tuesday midday. heavier rain late in the day tuesday more wet weather wednesday. thursday, friday as well. future cast show through monday night, midnight into tuesday morning heavier are on the day here. let your mom's around the bay. all this mean snow for the sierra. willingness this weekend's fifth clear skies over lake tahoe. mostly sunny and the forecast parent highs in the mid-50s, dropping through so we cold air war began to have a california. 60s for the most part today. i have 65 from napa, partly-wellesley sunnier skies. 7 day around bay. unsubtle whether coming in our direction. one day, rain, her chance for showers wednesday, thursday, friday. number of systems but occasional showers with is a son. unseasonably cool air working its way and the highs of low-mid-50s >> henry: 4 showing here are of homes just right, for a starter and expert. i can't think of it last line. an expert well right. that's why she's the poet and i'm the guy sitting here. we're joined by jennifer. also the form of co it for henry's garden back where we have a poet. think you for joining us right angle of home is of great valentine's gift. it can do it. >> anybody who feels lost, or where to livealive again. one dy need to say, how worried when to say a fair and sometimes strange as it may sound. some time reinecke's a good way. it gives direction, where to go. it creates sound play into the home. sound is a staple of poetry. >> henry: it is true. when i mess around. i don't write poetry about running does help bring along. freeing of some of the ideas. give us an example of an opponent of is this line. funny i should ask. >> this is the up home by an-- this is a pull.kupom--you'll hel off central is old and i love the something else. she says if ever to or one then surely way if ever a man loved my wife. then they. if every man was happy with a man compare with a lemon if you can. i price my love more than full of lines of gold why all villages they east holds. so let's compare it. >> henry: comparison comparison of you behalf: his comparisons. >> on on it in honor of black history. hughes often ask comparisons to described once beloved. this is harlem sweeties. caramel treat, honey gold baby, is big enough to eat, peach skin curley, chocolate darling out of a dream. we have always been food abscessed appeared >> henry: just enough time for your love poem. >> a simple shared omen is wonderful if this is too daunting. i often think about your amber eyes, sculpted toll shall, swift steps, more than that i think about juror feet to and i feed steering are red rented paddle boats into the fountain that got us so wet even the alley he didn't dress off. we had tea dinners at alice's standing up. (laughter) >> henry: the prost producers and goodbye. think you jennifer a great lesson. kron 4 news will be right back. >> reporter: yet firm of sullivan was day. that eased ranked the best cities for love. and they said the bay area. >> reporter: sen the antennae of texas, milwaukee, virginia beach, and san diego. san francisco was the 11th place. does that mean there's a lot of night life. >> reporter: i'm still puzzled by milwaukee. >> henry: it's a hot bed. >> reporter: isn't that the place that has 10,000 years to visit. >> reporter: that wraps it up for us happy have at happy valentine's day. >> reporter: we will see you here next saturday at 7:00 a.m.. thank you. (laughter) 2z!kwé discover the champion in you! (applause) well, god bless you! it's a joy to come into your homes. we know god has great things in store. if you're ever in our area, please stop by and be a part of one of our services. i promise you we'll make you feel right at home. thanks so much though for tuning in today. and thank again for coming out. i like to start with something funny each week and i heard about this college professor. he was going to prove to his class that there is no god. he said, "god if you're real, knock me off this platform and i'll give you 15 minutes to do it." with every minute that went by, he taunted god. "god, i'm still here. god, i'm still waiting."

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