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>> seven shots, loud popping cracks, pandemonium, everyone running everywhere. >> there were a lot of people around, witnesses say innocent bystanders for screaming and running away from the scene, witness to the picture of this man shot and left leg he appeared to be an innocent bystander, at least one other victim ran into this metro pc as for help, there is a pool blood inside the store. >> we have for possibly five victims, it is gang- related, one gun in custody and one possible suspect being detained. this is an ongoing investigation, no injuries were life- threatening at the time they were all lower extremities. >> police detain this man after the shooting, he is believed to be one of the two suspects police say that they're looking into the motive. here is another live look at market in jones, it looked as though the police officers are in the process of opening up the street. this is a very busy street that has been shut down for about two and a half hour of almost three hours. the police are not releasing a lot of information about the victims, you saw the one in the story, an older man and we were told by the police officers that another victim is 26 years old. they say this is gang-related, not related to the gay pride celebration nearby. live in san francisco kron4 news. >> thank you for reporting live on market street in san francisco, meantime in san jose one person was killed and six others injured when a vehicle crashed into a nursing home, police said an elderly woman visiting a relative at the nursing home may have mistakenly pushed the gas pedal instead of the break. >> one resident has died, five others and a staff member were injured at a nursing home in san jose on saturday when an elderly woman drove her car into a wall through a room where an exercise program was about to begin. >> the car came right through and there were shards of glass, parts of the wall or down. in the car just kept moving forward. >> you can see that she tried to stop once she got inside because there are a lot of tire tracks and rubber burn. >> she just turned 100 years old. >> kim is a caregiver for one of the injured. >> they said that her wheelchair is demolished, i do not know how she just got a scratch on her foot is her wheelchair was demolished. >> the car went through the dining room, and then stopped. >> the ninth year-old woman that was driving the car was not injured. the >> new details tonight, authorities say that a truck driver tried to stop the big rig before it slammed into the side of an emeryville bound amtrak passenger car on friday. now investigators have the skid marks indicating that the driver did try to stop his semi trailer before yesterday's collision. passengers said they had to get out of the train very quickly. >> i was just sitting there looking out of the window and the next thing i know, we got hit by something a big ball of fire came i jumped out the window. >> you jump out the window! >> yes, it was on fire. i tried to unlock the doors and start helping people out. >> the driver and at least one person on the train died in the accident but officials say that it is possible that more bodies could be found in the two amtrak cars that were badly damaged. at least 200 people were on board at the time. >> pride week in is under way in san francisco, you can see the sights and celebration of all over town, one of the the defense, the annual pride parade takes place to mop. thousand celebrate gay pride festivities this weekend. gay communities are reacting to the new marriage bill passed in new york, they approved a bill for same-sex marriage yesterday making your the sixth estate in the nation to allow same-sex marriage. we got reactions from some participating in the private festivities. >> we are very excited, this is a new wave, a new turn, lead as the ball rolling. >> lisa and her partner rolled out the pink triangle at the top of .. this was often used ashamed homosexual prisoners, later this was taken over by it gave individuals. they discuss the gay marriage bill recently passed in new york, many are looking forward to the future of equality for gay and lesbian couples in california >> one of the strengths the san francisco has is been a beacon of hope and opportunity, i think the message to the san francisco has had about celebrating diversity and celebrating being lesbian, gay, a transmitter that is something that we are sharing with the world-- transgender is something that we are sharing with the world. >> this is about loving each other for who we are on a much deeper level, it is very much needed right now. >> we are challenged and inspired by our victories the challenge by the adversity that we continue to face in terms of discrimination, lack of recognition for families, for members of the trends gender community--transgen der community. >> gay people are one of the many groups fighting for equality the the good thing about this country is that we will all get it. [music] >> and a lot of fog made things cooler tonight, barely getting into the 80's for the inland spots, we have more of the same on the way for tomorrow, a pretty typical summertime pattern with fog at the coast. we are keeping things a mild, cool to mild with a couple more response inland. that will be the trend for monday but things will change next week, a storm developing out in the pacific, that could become an hour with for the middle of next week. in the meantime look for more of the same, mild temperatures, the system is forecast to approach late tuesday and perhaps bring in a chance for some showers and cooler temperatures coming up wednesday. for tomorrow, look for a lot of fog in the morning. at the start of the parade tomorrow things will begin to clear up. sunshine increasing for the afternoon, temperatures at 1030 p m will be in the mid- 60's,--temperatures at 10:30 a.m. will be in the mid-60s. >> volunteers continue their search for the missing scooter michelle le. >> if you are tired of seeing advertisements on facebook and pandora, i have bad news, the top on-line this week is an twitter ads. >> tonight, the sit-lie law and how to know if you are breaking it. plus the world's ugliest dog and how he got the title coming up. [ woman ] sam begged and pleaded... so i sent him to camp. we'd earned lots of points with our new citi thankyou card... and i put them to good use. he told me about his bunkmates, and how he signs up for every activity. ♪ he even hangs out with the camp director. just like that. [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it. >> volunteers are coming in undisclosed location for missing nursing michelle le. the family has turned all nations in fund raising by selling t-shirts to keep the hot for clues going. >> every cent that goes into the bucket for donations and every shirt that we sell, that will all go towards machel's case. if we be making more t-shirts, making more fliers, providing food for the volunteers, that is all being purchased from the money that we get from these donations. we cannot describe how important they are. >> she has been missing for 29 days, a new surveillance video has barely showing a couple suspected of stealing a car within one month old baby in the backseat it happened outside of the morgan hill's to make last month. it shows a vehicle that people still believe is being driven by couple who are responsible for the theft in the kidnapping. it has been described as a dark late model tuille a camry with a shattered window. apparently a good american that pulled a gun in downtown san mateo while seeing a woman being pushed is facing a felony charge. this 23 year-old try to shoot the man that allegedly pushed the woman down but did not have a blood in the chamber, the man that pushed the woman could face criminal charges he is not been identified. her face clear at a mall in colorado, and the stolen motor in north dakota are expected to crest at any time the latest on the severe flooding coming up. >> of the fog is cushion into the bay, look for a cloudy starts tomorrow morning it will be nice for the afternoon i will have the forecast coming up. [music] i want to crush more cars. i want to sell more tea cups. ♪ i need help selling bread. ♪ i want to sell more crabs. [ male announcer ] you know where you want to take your business. i want to design more buildings. [ male announcer ] in here, small business solutions from at&t can get you there. like the at&t all for less package, starting at just $70 per month, voice plus broadband. it's the at&t network. helping you do what you do... even better. it's the at&t network. and a forward thinking spirit. at bank of america, we've been fueling economic growth here for over a century. today we're investing in innovations that will define our future. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion. from financing a solar project for the milpitas school district to funding the institute at golden gate. because when you're giving, lending, and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen. >> two explosive devices were found a call from all this morning. the bomb squad was called in, the officials detonated the device safely, no one was injured, the fbi and the joint terrorism task force join the investigation so far no one is in custody. two seattle men face firearms charges after allegedly trying to kill her service members at a military post. the pair were picked up at an fbi sting after they told the seattle detective that they were shopping for guns and grenades. they rented the weapons inoperable and they could face life in prison if convicted. now the fbi says a tipster that led them to the mob boss james of boulder, they would miss to him from a latest tv campaign. they say she called the fbi after she saw 32nd commercials that ran and ran 14 different markets, and leak was of want to sort of 19 murders, he made his first court appearance on friday. and now the town of minot the code is struggling to stay dry. about 15 to 20 percent of the town is under water, this is described as the worst flooding in this century. about 12,000 residents have been evacuated. in this river will not rest until late saturday night or early sunday morning. some people say will not be able to get back in their homes for a month and a majority of the homeowners did not have flood insurance. [music] >> fortunately not many complaints with the weather in the bay area, we did have some fog and freezing wind, but the sunshine did make an appearance later this afternoon in san francisco, a beautiful shot. right now live if you want to look at the upper left-hand side of the screen, how you will see some fog running alongside the golden gate. san bruno is also getting low clouds, that should push towards the release of valleys tonight. tinters in the '50s, the low 60s. a 63 degree, a mid-60's in san raphael, sanders is go at 54. ray skies once again for tomorrow morning, but the great will give away to the blue as the skies cleared pretty early on for the east bay valleys, about 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. in the morning. so initially, i think we will have a cloudy star for the parade, but sunshine for the afternoon winds. about 20 to 30 m.p.h. as we get closer to three or 4:00. now temperatures about the same as today, maybe up a few degrees, upper 50s to arouse '60s were the coast, sans the cisco 62, low '70's redwood city and outgo. we will have 60s or oakland, hayward, '70s for union city and fremont, the warmest places in the low to mid '80s. perhaps about two degrees to 3 degrees warmer tomorrow. 82 concord, 80's for livermore, and south bay we have clouds early on, sunshine for the afternoon and high as close to 80 for san jose during a case you degrees warmer for monday, but the same kind of pattern, we have the cassandras fog along in the morning and then late into the afternoon. things will begin to change, we have a weather system that is arriving mid week that will increase the clouds for late tuesday. there is a chance for showers around the bay area wednesday. a slight chance right now, just about anything could happen with this system. i would have to watch it closely for the next few days. look for warmer temperatures in the next few days. >> if you spend a lot of your time on twitter, you will see some changes soon, mrs. twitter spent the week trying to incorporate advertising into its feeds last year facebook earned $2 billion in revenue and twitter or earned $45 million, not even half as much, we're watching the story as twitter 5 screen select--tried to find out how to make more money. >> when it comes to media, of i could go on and on, facebook,, twitter, but last year and facebook made a big-time bucks, twitter, not so much, that is why the top on-line this week has been twitter advertisements. >> i can see that i am not very welcome by the twitter community. >> welcome or not, they say de klerk ad--adas are coming. and the base say that your time line will probably soon have an advertisement and promote ty--promoted rock tweets that will be going off on your page. something i found out this week was being was the army had some ads. but some say as long as it is done in moderation it is ok with them. >> i think it will be ok as long as it is not as bad as you to do. >> as long as they're not popping up like pandora, you can no longer listen to that because every five seconds there is another at. >> and i would now my if i was interested in the product or service. >> if they did enough information surgeon to see what i like, the ads would be relevant to me. >> the new "sit lie" lal, we will take a look at who was in violation in people behaving badly. new droid incredible 2. i could use a smartphone with social apps to stay up on what my friends are doing. and it's global, so i'll know what they're doing while they're doing it, even when i travel. i'll have to act surprised when they tell me stuff. i don't have a good surprised face. maybe i can look up videos of surprised people on my new phone for reference. yep, i really want that phone. upgrade to the new droid incredible 2 by htc with global capabilities for only $149.99. now on america's largest, most reliable high-speed network. verizon. and >> this sign reads my wife has been kidnapped, i the $1.98 to get her back. he is sitting at a muni bus stop but he is not waiting for a bus, but he is violating the san francisco "sit lie" her law. often when you think of "sit lie" you think of haight street. after all, that is where it was born. it i want to school you on "sit lie" a and case you are not sure what it is. let me use some real-life examples to explain. it means that you can not plop down anywhere outdoors without a purpose. so, sitting at a bus stop scraping the crusts off of your feet could be considered a violation of "sit lie". if you sit at a bus stop and beg for money, then you move and sit down again, that also could be considered a violation. now, if you stand completely motionless like a statue, that is not a violation of "sit lie". it then you are a street performer. and but, if you are flat out sleeping on the sidewalk in broad daylight, that my friend is a violation of "sit lie" rock. the same applies if you're standing in holding a sign saying i need money for weed. what you may think that how you have a purpose, the police may not. consensus is gone, stanley roberts with kron4 news. >> if you have a comment or a story idea for stanley, e- mail us at people behaving badly at same-sex marriages now recruit in six states across the u.s., the celebration and what is ahead. plus is celebrating pride in the bay area what you can expect to see incenses' go tomorrow. >> five people shot, two seriously injured. right now the suspect is still at large to. we are live at the scene of the shooting what is the latest? it's >> at least one suspect is still at large. want to give a quick update, marquetry right behind me has reopened. the police officers at one point should is busy intersection down from, market in jones street about two hours was shut down possibly three hours. they say shooter injured four people possibly five. is that is going to some video that we shot earlier, the shooting happened around 6:30 p.m.. witnesses say at least seven shots were fired heating at least one innocent bystander. the police say that the shooting was gang-related. right after the shooting, they detained a young man that is believed to be one of the two suspects involved in the shooting. asked a police say that they're still looking for one other suspect is still looking for a motive. let us come back alive, police officers did not release a lot of information about the victims, we know that at least one person is an innocent bystander but we do not know who the other four victims are, or how old they are. we are waiting to learn more information about that. police made very clear that this was gang-related and not related to the gay pride celebration in a sense of fiscal. live in san census, kron4 news. >> it is official, new york and joins five other states in legalizing same-sex marriage, the governor signed the bill into law hours after it narrowly passed the senate. it will be 30 days before the law takes effect, and 30 days before the same-sex couples to marry, but we have the story. >> same-sex partners and advocates celebrated at the new york state capitol friday night as the legislators passed a married quality bill. >> i am very proud, proud to be a new yorker today. >> and governor cuomo who formerly oppose the bill signed into law tonight. >> we had >> the bill passed 33 it to 29 is the first time with such a gop majority approved a bill. most say this is a powerful statement not just for new yorkers, but for the nation. >> that is the power and the duty of new york, the other states look to new york for the progress and direction. >> while there was joy among the supporters... >> it is such a relief to know that we are treated as equal. >> opponents of same-sex marriage were not happy. >> i feel for our children because the next-generation will have to deal with a culture where gender does not mean anything. >> i am still and reporting from 11. >> in san francisco to try to begin is under way, organizers said the financial hole that they have been and has not affected this year's celebration. it began today, it is expected to include just as many state is in events as last year, the nonprofit san cisco prize committee says that they have reduced a their debts to 77,000 from 270,000 since december. justine has a look at the roof. >> of this year's parade promises to be a bigger and better than any year in the past clearly want to make sure that you know what is the one on if you happen to be taking part or even watch in this year's event. we made a map of san simses go where the parade will start, it will start on the corner of market right here it is a sleek leavitt. expect 1 million people how to participate in some way shape or form, it will be crowded. we goes right down market street through the heart of the city and in on markets and a street there will be different clothes, operates in music and in other people will wear outrageous costumes. cabbies are the different marshals for this year, the grand marshal is the child of sonny and cher. we also have a local pastor that will take part, we also have yeets of the top shelf, and then the actors olimpia that is what is happening for the 41st gay pride parade. hopefully you will be watching our coverage. >> it in florida, were people were dancing in st. petersburg, residents say this is a great way to get those involved, is the largest in the state in britain and tens of thousands of people from all over the country. now turning to new around the bay, supervisors approved a 2.5 million square--$2.5 billion budget, the close and then come one $28 million funding new gap. among those steps, eliminating 100 and a plus positions and eliminating health care, public assistance and protection. the whole of the there will not be any layoffs, but most of the jobs that they will lay off our field or unfilled and they will try to shift employees that will be eliminated to other jobs. now the budget for july 1st represents a 1%, or a $25 million increase over the current boston. her now the daily city only female firefighters has filed a lawsuit she complained about the women's restroom and fire house. 50 year-old fire capt barbarous into the bathroom had no law and was used by her male colleagues that left a mess. she says that she suffered retaliation when she complained and the suit seeks unspecified damages. a woman that was killed thursday in a crash that starting a 4 a. grass fire has been identified as for the old albert. it happened at crockett, reviewed would reportedly hit a power pole and then started fire. the fire was under control in a little more than two hours. [music] >> here is a beautiful shot looking out towards the ocean and the sunset. a beautiful evening, cool and breezy. this new breeze is really whipping up that is pushing up fog into bay. we will wake up to low clouds, some drizzle along the coast two-part thing off. but the of fog clearing away about 8:00 a.m. until noon. some fog still hanging out at the coast for the afternoon i will let you know how much warmer it will be for our son said. >> good news for drivers, white should cross the annual trip to the dmv to play your registration fees, and leaves her now. and the winner is, we will show you the prize pooch in the world's ugliest dog competition coming up. [ kate ] if this icelandic mud could work wonders on my skin, imagine what it could do for my business. now, i just had to figure out a way to get it back to the states. so i called john, my citibank small business expert. [ john ] kate, how are you? [ kate ] he got me a line of credit and together we made it happen. now, my spa has more business than ever. ...and so does our cleaning crew. [ male announcer ] at citibank, we believe small business is a big deal. what's your story? citibank can help you write it. >> starting next month, the dmv is giving car owners an extension for renewing their registration that is because state workers and not decided whether to change the flames. now we know what drivers need to know terrible over limited them on car owners and after new in july or august are giving a 30 day grace period to pay their fees to the dmv. new date is july and, the new due date is august 5th. at&t spokesperson told me that if the legislature does not decide to renew or raise the current fees by june 30th, their pleas will be reduced by 40 percent. ruth huma chp spokesperson says all law enforcement agencies across the state of have an act to not cite the drivers for two months have expired tags from july through december. >> of the legislature put a provision in the bill that would ask law enforcement not to sites until the first day of the second month after the registration is due. for instance, if the registration was due in july 2011, and law enforcement personnel would not issue anything until september of 2011. >> and san francisco, reggie kumar kron4 news. >> up city supervisors have passed a bill that aims to stop electronic waste to be taken overseas. now the east toward program tries to prevent the waste from going overseas to pour companies so that it can be broken down cheaply, but those companies that may have children working for them in the could be exposed to lead and other things. now i cannot exceed as the western re-enactment turns bloody when one of the actors use is a real bullets. now the casey anthony trial in florida we have updates. >> mid '70s for the south bay, low '70's east bay i will let you know what it will be like for sunday coming up. >> it was supposed to be an extra long day in the trial for casey anthony but instead, the judge recessed until monday due to an undisclosed legal issue. david give us a look at what may be behind the surprisingly short day in court. >> today and casey anthony murder trial, the jury never had a chance to come into the courtroom instead the judge and the attorneys went into a closed-door meeting which is unusual because usually they just go to a sidebar where they discuss whatever matters they need in front of everyone. this time they went behind closed doors with a court reporter to record the proceedings. what was said they would not reveal. but when the judge came out he had this announcement for a very surprised courtroom. >> both sides concur that a legal issue has arisen unrelated to the issue that we talked about the first thing this morning dealing with a doctor ferdnan that would necessitate us for a breaking for today. >> what is legal issue could be we are not sure the judges and not elaborate and no attorney's after this. but if it is something minor at the very least, it will push the trial further into the fourth of july weekend. the judge hope that the jury would begin deliberating one week from today, that obviously will probably not happen. but if it is something major is something that could affect the outcome of the trial, it could be an issue involving one of the insurers, or the witnesses or some of the testimony that we have heard in this case possibly even one of the attorneys, but we just do not know, we may have to wait until monday for any type of elaboration on possibly what the effects of the delay may be. >> hundreds of people turned out to look for a missing indiana student, lauren and vanished three weeks ago after a night out with her friends, her parents were among the first to head out to find her. her family is offering a one of the thousand dollar reward leading to her recovery. the faa say to people were killed when a small plane crashed into a home in northern michigan a third person on the ground was seriously hurt. federal officials say that the plane and two passengers took off from fort wayne indiana early friday evening. no word yet on what brought the plane down. a virginia state police trooper has been killed in the line of duty identified as 28 year-old adam boeing he was responding to a call for help when he collided with another vehicle they said the force of the impact knocked the squad car off the road into a light pole. two people and the other vehicle were taken to the hospital for minor injuries. in south dakota, was supposedly a mock shootout in the the being in actual shootout happened during a re-enactment of a gun fight, but live rounds were fired and hit people in the audience, three tourists were hit and no one was seriously injured. [music] >> a beautiful view of san francisco from twin peaks today. you can see the breeze blowing, that was a cool breeze keeping things at a high of 60. tonight we're watching the temperatures tumble, this is a live view of san jose. we made it to 75 today and right now the temperatures currently are is 60 degrees, 69 for napa and the same for oakland. cooler at the coast, the golden gate park speaking of the coast, tomorrow we will see a lot of clouds in the morning, some sunshine for the afternoon. not the best beach day, but not too bad. temperatures generally in the mid-50s to the low 60s and around the rest of the bay area well, a few degrees warmer for tomorrow but essentially, a carbon copy type of day. reading is topping out in the '70's and low 80s. up to 83 degrees in fairfield, one of the warmer locations. 52 for san francisco. about 20 to 30 mph later in the day, 73 redwood city, mid-60's from richmond, to berkeley, to oakland. some fog early in the morning, but giving way to sunshine around 8:00 a.m.. highs for the afternoon are getting into the low to mid '80s. for the south bay, morning clouds, then sunshine mid to late morning, sunshine for the afternoon high in the low '70's. in a little warmer for monday, may 80's the warmest location inland, turning cooler for tuesday, there is a weather system that is getting closer to the bay area. if it turns out just right, we will see a chance for showers on wednesday, that is a chance for the north bay along with cooler temperatures. but after the system goes by we're warming up into the end of next week. >> time now for tech talk with dave slate. >> this is the h a t c evo 3 d. --htc evo 3 the. on the backside, you can see that it has to camera lenses for taking three the pictures-- 3d pictures. this is a 4g foam, it should be about 10 times faster than 3g. here is the first look. >> this is the regular android a smart phone that led to do certain things in 3d a button on this side would change the display from 2d to 3d. you can take pictures, you can record video, unfortunately through my video camera and you cannot see the 3d this not translate. so you just have to trust me, glasses free on this phone, 3d works. the images are not jumping out you, but it adds a lot of depth. the phone come spree loaded for free, the blockbuster application on the foam will let you read, or by other 3d movies. it will cost $200 with a two year contract. for more information logged into kron4 dog, and look for my tech page. >> if you use google you must have seen the are work that appears on their page. now a seven year-old is in the spotlight for creating this for google. he is the nationwide winner for the doodle for google his school is receiving a $25,000 technology grant, it is now on display in a museum in new york. now charles clifford was at the ugly dog contest. >> i am charles clifford and a new champion has been crowned in the annual world's ugliest dog contest and you will not be disappointed that story coming up. ♪ [ woman ] sam begged and pleaded... so i sent him to camp. we'd earned lots of points with our new citi thankyou card... and i put them to good use. he told me about his bunkmates, and how he signs up for every activity. ♪ he even hangs out with the camp director. just like that. [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it. >> a new champion has been crowned in the world ugliest dog contest held in petaluma. charles clifford was in the north bay today and brings us called the action. >> of dozens of ugly purebreds and months it took to the stage tonight at the sonoma marin fair. after three rounds of judging, only four remained in the world's ugliest dog contest first up, yoda a newcomer, age 14is. and rascal the 2002 champion that went on to movie stars--or movie stardom. now this boxer makes from citrus california to the crown in 2009 and finally, princess abbey, this is what made this to what the queen of ugly but in the end, their only can be won and she took the really big trophy in a landslide victory. >> the 2011 ugliest dog is yoda. yes, this micro size of fur ball was the crowd favorite all evening, look at her that is one ugly dog. she strolled casually to the front of the stage and then fell off. not to worry, the dog was fine. in petaluma, charles clifford with kron4 news. >> you know they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. it >> an ugly is something to be proud of. >> today was a beautiful day. it >> tomorrow looks nice as well. about the same as today, temperatures up in the afternoon. upper '70's for san jose and low to mid '80s for the east bay valleys. 86 for antioch, there are some changes coming next week, raindrops and the forecast. we will have to watch that closely as we are looking at a system coming in for wednesday. possibly some rain. >> that will wrap it will be back at 11:00 p.m. and maybe we will bring back the ugly dog. >> that would be great. >> see you then. [music] the internet on a plane! are you from the future? um, no. cleveland. listen cleveland, your savings account is stuck in the past! earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking baby! so instead of making peanuts, your savings will be earning three times the national average. oops. sorry. three times more? i'll have that! it is now safe to go online to what's in your wallet? buh-bye... call me. 10 piecesuh-bye... of the world's best chicken, [ male announcer ] bring home a complete meal for your family. 3 large sides and 6 biscuits. enough real food to feed a family of 4 or more

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