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that was just one of many situations on the streets of san francisco today. from a crash cart to a flattened transit bus. the soggy streets of san francisco proving too much to bear. >> as root systems gave way and trees toppled down. this was the same near union square where a large limbs snapped. it collided with a crowded muni bus. >> about 1200 trees and tree limbs. tree branch is big trees coming and roads one on a bus today. some on cars. thankfully, no serious injuries at all, which is our number one priority is to try to keep people safe. rachel gordon was san francisco's public works, says that crews raced from one scene to another trying to stay on top of the trees weakened by the recent flurry of storms. >> he's doing field were whether it's the engineers looking at the slides, hits the street cleaners tree crews. everyone is working overtime right now to make sure that san francisco's be taken care while crews worked residents watched. >> surprise to buy all of the damage that they were this summer. expect crazy storm >> and say, i've lived here for a year and a half and i come here growing up my entire life. but i've never had a thunderstorm here my entire life. and it was thunder. lightning like shaking the building and there's never thunderstorm again. it was crazy. >> olivia what happened today in san francisco with all of that thunder and lightning that we saw now. also tonight, a plea from public works crews. they're asking residents to please if they put up caution tape, they're trying to make sure that you stay safe police to go underneath the caution. tape. there are a lot of people that were walking around the muni bus. they thought that was really interesting. there was a man walking around the crash, a car. i'm very close. everyone else had protective gear and safety glasses. i was standing afar just using my telephone do. but they really they put the caution tape for a reason. and they're just asking everyone, especially as we have more storms coming. debt to be mindful and to stay back because they really are out there to clear the scene so that everyone doesn't get hurt. reporting live here in san francisco. i'm theresa back to you guys. >> alright theresa, thank you. let's check in on our 4 zone forecast. a lot of the fact that more rain is on the way. this is a live look out over san francisco tonight with things are so quiet and maybe not for long kron for meteorologist brittany begley is here with what's happening now. britney and what's next? yeah. thankfully for some of you, you're getting a break. that's the good news. but not all of you as we take a live look. you can see right here. we still have that shot on the roadway from all the rain today. but what i'm watching with stormtracker 4 right now as we speak, you can see to the north of us where we're all seeing all the action. so just north of santa rosa near windsor, we still have some rain coming down for you. the storm is headed towards the sacramento area. earlier we had thunderstorms. so it's not as bad, but still we're not out of the woods. up to the north will continue to update you about every 20 minutes happening now. we still have the high surf warning. this is going to stay in effect until tonight to am. so places on the coast could actually see waves up to 20 to 25 feet. so if you live near the coast to care for your parking tonight, of course, want to stay off those rocks, avoid those state beaches and the surf zones because it's still dangerous as you head out right now and walk the dog or go to bed. temperatures are still chilly. we're in the 50's is going to slowly warm up for you tomorrow. you can see san francisco. 57 oakland, 56, san jose. 58. but there's a story to this. your morning commute could be dicey. we have another round of rain is going to happen around 3 o'clock. and then i think during rush hour we could have problems and then more rain in the afternoon. so some of you are getting a break right now, but changes are headed our way not to mention of the sierra portion of 80 was shut down for dangerous driving conditions. many of the peak of everything happening in the mountains coming up next. thank you, britain. a pg and has been reporting a lot of power outages today as a result of the latest storm in the bay area. >> they are warning people more storms. more outages are likely coming on this pg e power outage map. you can see at this hour the south bay is the area most affected, especially the areas around campbell saratoga, los gatos. >> boulder creek and lexington hills, the area indicating 500 to 5,000 customers without power in san jose. 2100 pg and e customers in the willow glen area remain without power this evening. the storm brought down a tree and a chain reaction level of transmission tower and several distribution towers in that area. utility crews have been on the scene since just before 2.30, this morning when that tree fell. the damage is quite extensive and is now leaving several nearby businesses in the dark. >> when i got here, everything was dark and often we can turn on computers or do anything. he can do anything we fix cars we can if i get back in business on friday will be awesome. but like i said, i'm already looking out looking for generators. >> pg and e does not have an estimate for whon power will be restored this time. but did say that the crews will not stop working until the lights are back on. >> and take a look at this. damage to this is less cat us that huge tree falling on a pickup truck this morning. it was on los gatos boulevard between highway 9 in loma alta. police say the driver. i mean, that looks terrible. but the driver had minor injuries. fortunately, at last word, the road is still closed in walnut creek, a stretch of ignacio valley boulevard remains closed tonight. strong overnight winds toppled a tree. there damaged a power pole, shutting down eastbound lanes between civic drive in tampico, place. this is near the john muir medical center pg and e crews have been out there all day making repairs. walnut creek police say the road probably will not reopen until tomorrow morning. drivers are being told to use treat boulevard instead. this, of course, is a major thoroughfare in walnut creek. coming up on kron, 4 news at 9 kron, 4 s amanda hari. we'll have more how ball of this was affecting commuters. and take a look at this. this is pretty dramatic. a lightning strike hit the top of the transamerica pyramid in san francisco this afternoon. >> it happened about 12, 30. it was captured live during our noon newscast right here on kron 4. and the pyramid was not the only skyscraper to get hit today by lightning. a viewer shared this video with us of lightning strikes hitting sutro tower in san francisco as well. >> and the search for a 5 year-old boy who was swept away by flood waters resumed today. this isn't a san luis obispo county. crews are looking for him in the san marcos creek bed and san miguel paso robles. that little boy has been identified as kyle dawn. his father says his wife and son were on their way to school yesterday when there roads became dangerous. he said with no signs of road closures, his wife decided to keep driving. but the car got stuck. neighbors were able to rush over and pulled the woman to safety. kyle was swept away. search and rescue teams. look for kyle from the air and on the ground for hours yesterday, the search was temporarily called off because conditions were not safe for first responders. the sheriff's office today was looking for the boy again around flooded creeks and drones. the storm shut down several major roads in santa cruz including part of highway one crews were working to shift a logjam of debris from the san lorenzo river highway. 17 shut down yesterday. that has reopened today. this was the scene yesterday, a mudslide on 17 caused a lot of problems that was on the southbound lanes near glenwood drive. the storms taking a toll in many ways. 17 people have died across california during these dangerous winter storms. that number. >> announced during an update from governor newsom as he toured the damage in santa cruz the governor did get a firsthand look at how the beach town of capitola is recovering. kron four's justine waldman has that story. >> we're so this place is so >> with more rain on the way, governor gavin newsom gave a dire warning during a state storm update in capitola. we're not out of the woods. we expect these storms to continue at least through the 18th of this month. expect a minimum 3 more these atmospheric rivers and different shapes and forms. >> the relentless rain has already ripped apart the historic pier in capital brought mounds of mud to the streets and flooded businesses and shops some beyond repair. the governor got a firsthand look at the damage to this beach front community and also warned wild weather patterns will be the new normal in the state and had a stern safety message for all californians, but a big part. >> what everybody is mindful to take seriously the orders or recommendations coming from law enforcement. the city of capital has declared a local state of emergency. president biden declared an emergency for the entire state over the weekend. >> the governor said that he is in contact with the white house to ensure that california gets the federal help that it needs to rebuild in the newsroom. i'm justine waldman. kron. 4 news. also today, governor newsom announcing his plan to budget for california in the next year. kron four's capitol bureau reporter will have the details on how the governor plans to spend taxpayer dollars. >> that story is coming up in less than 15 minutes. >> especially in times like these california needs a warrior in washington. >> progressive democrat katie porter is running for the u.s. senate. her announcement comes amid uncertainty over whether california senior senator dianne feinstein will retire at the end of next year. she is 89 years old. porter's platform is based on challenging establishment leadership. she says, for example, she wants to lead the push to ban congressional stock trading. we talk about all this today with our political analyst michael yaki team. >> as really carved out a name for herself with a student, we student warren and she's carved out a name for herself on the house banking committee for financial services committee. for the way that chance essentially. got it on live tv, corporate ceo for which he believes are r r they're misty to profit taking. >> porter does currently serve in the house. she represents the state's 47th district in the irvine area. feinstein is the senate's longest-serving woman member. >> coming up, a shooting in an east bay school puts it on locked up just as classes were ending for the day. also convicted of one killing now in court for another. the man accused of the 1970's stanford killings in terms of plea for another alleged victim. >> and our storm coverage continues. heavy leading to flooding and closed roads and alameda county. a look at the damage and details on when those roads might reopen. >> the winter storms have led to a big loss for napa valley winery. a 275 year-old oak tree. a lot of people knew the tree was approved early yesterday at the vista to a winery in santa lena. the winery president says that tree had been a big part of their history. a lot of parties, a lot of picnics held under its branches. the tree had also withstood earthquakes and fires over the past centuries. staff members say they're sad but grateful that nobody was injured. now to our 4 zone forecast as we look live. this donner summit and it looks pretty snowy right now. sure does. britney is back and she's taking a look at the snowfall in the yeah, that's one of the active areas continue to watch throughout the evening. we still have that winter storm warning. so that's something we want to make sure. >> that, you know, castle creek, yeah, portion of 80 at colfax. the state line that is going to be shut down and shut down right now. an update you every 30 minutes. but we have dangerous driving conditions actually, caltrans actually calling it impossible. conditions. and that's why 80 is shut down. 50 need change. but we're going to the potential of inches of snow in some spots and wind gusts up to 80 miles per hour, 80 miles per hour. dangerous driving conditions could rip off a roof. now storm tracker for what we're watching as the storms are headed towards the sierra, which we just showed you. what we're watching right here is just an active the santa rosa area. you can see we're still watching some showers as this actually heads towards the sacramento area. a little bit more than a quarter of an hour and a range. so we still have a inch of rain. half an inch of saint this area. >> again, for the next 30 minutes, taking a look at futurecast for when you wake up. this is what i'm watching. i think you could hear rain around 3 o'clock. but on your morning commute, that's when we have that concern again. at 6.15, it could be dicey, not for everybody, but some folks, especially on the coast, the santa rosa area as we fast forward, even at one 45 in the afternoon. we're going to still see. you can see right here, san francisco, oakland, the showers. so we're not out of the woods yet thinking maybe an inch of rain. so it's not going to be like today. we had the rain. we had the hail, but it all adds up over time. so i'm still saying it's going to be a tough morning. so make sure again to wake up with us. we can map it out for you. temperatures are going to be around 55 60. so that's the good news is that it's going to be warm. the bad news on top of the rain is that we're going to see gusty conditions. so on the coast again, we could see wind gusts up to 30 miles per hour. and again, when i say that, like, okay, what does that mean? and that's when you start to see those large tree branches sway that whistling sound. so which is not out of the woods yet, but we will get a break on thursday. we need to something to look forward to. yes, i like that well, fremont high school in oakland was placed on lockdown this afternoon because of a nearby shooting. that shooting happened on acl avenue near the corner of 47th avenue, which is >> where the school's campus is located. the shooting was reported at about 2 45 1, 2, people arrived at the hospital with gunshot wounds. the school was placed on lock down temporarily as officers investigated. they are still investigating. in fact, the shooting they have not announced any arrests. a serial killer who terrorized stanford university in the 1970's pleaded guilty to murdering the university's law librarian today. the body of leslie pearl off was found in hills which overlooks stanford's campus. it happened back in february of 1973. it was 45 years later when the santa clara county district attorney's office matched dna found under her fingernails to john arthur, get through catcher was formally charged with her murder in 2018. prosecutors say get your is believed to have committed a string of assaults and killed at least 3 people in the 1970's. he was convicted for one of those killings last year. he is now 78 years old and incarcerated in the california health care facility. stockton. police in menlo park say 4 people have been charged in a retail theft ring. >> safeway employees called police yesterday to report that a group of people i was in the store just clearing things off shelves and taking off. they told police 4 people then drove across the street to a big 5 sporting goods store and witnesses say they began to grab lots of clothing and a hit that store to living in the same car, a red chrysler. they were later spotted and arrested. police found items from at least 6 different stores. they say they also found drugs and credit card skimming machines. now to the state's spending of your tax dollars today. governor newsom unveiled his preliminary budget for the next fiscal year. he also talked about how california will handle a huge deficit. capitol correspondent eytan wallace has the story. >> well, here it is. this is the governor's preliminary budget summary. all 149 pages of it, a budget that includes priorities for homelessness, drought and education. and when that takes into account a projected deficit, this budget is resilient. governor gavin newsom describing his proposed preliminary 297 billion dollar budget for the coming year as the state is projected to face a 22.5 billion dollar deficit, a deficit. the governor maintains california is prepared to take on. i think we're better position than any other jurisdiction in the world period. full stop. but why a projected deficit a year after the state saw a record 100 plus billion dollars surplus. as the stock market loses ground interest rates increase in inflation, stays high. california's top earners will likely rake in less money. the department of finance says those top earners who usually make at least $500,000 per year. >> provide nearly half the income tax revenue for the state. less money for those earners means less tax revenue for california. but the governor says the state has already taken steps to get ready for this exact scenario pain down those long-term liabilities. we put it. an inflation adjustment. >> set aside last year and then once again focusing one-time surpluses on one-time spending to some notes that helped lessen the blow of the deficit. for now, the state plans to make 5 and a half billion dollars in reductions. another 3.9 billion, a trigger cuts, meaning cuts that could happen if the economy does not improve. and he expects a delay in projects that would have cost nearly 7 and a half billion dollars. still argues those challenges will not lead to an increase in taxes all while dressing. california's needs want to make this point up top. we're keeping our promises that he says includes 15 billion dollars to address homelessness, including efforts to clean up encampments, do our job. >> this homeless crisis is out of control. people that criticize that are right. we need to see progress on climate. he wants to see 48 billion dollars to help the state achieve its long-term goals to reduce fossil fuels. california grapples with rain and floods. newsom vows more than 200 million dollars on urban flood infrastructure. while on drought, the state will invest 8 billion dollars. 3 years of drought. we're not out of the drought. k to education will see one of the largest investments of the budget at 108 billion dollars coming out to more than $23,700 per student for not backing off in terms of accelerating these priorities. republican lawmakers argue the governor's budget includes too much spending. we cannot continue to overspend. >> and again, what is happening is that when when the budget grows and grow uncontrollably. you know, californians are going to pay more and get less and they're rightfully frustrated. and remember, today was just a preliminary version of the proposed budget. the governor will come out with an updated version in may reporting from sacramento. wallace kron. 4 news. >> a live look outside over downtown san francisco. another office building in the city about to get a little the latest business announcing a wave of layoffs. >> the san francisco based cryptocurrency platform called coinbase says it's going to be cutting nearly 1000 jobs. it's being blamed in part on a bigger effort to cut operating expenses. the company ceo seem to point the finger ftx referencing what he called fallout from unscrupulous actors in the industry. the layoffs will cut roughly 20% of the coin based at the biden administration moving forward with its proposal to lower student loan payments for low-income americans. this so-called safety net plan. >> is what they're talking about now. it offers a a new route to repay federal loans. changes include lower monthly payments, an easier path to forgiveness and a promise that unpaid interest will not be added to a law. this proposal, however, is separate from the loan forgiveness plan which is set to go in front of the u.s. supreme court next month. >> and just in talking about loans or anything, we owe money. maybe this will brighten your night. the numbers for the mega millions jackpot are now in. >> the winning numbers on your screen. if you match all of these numbers, 7, 13, 14, 15, 18 in mega number 9, you are the winner of the 3rd largest mega millions jackpot in the game's history. there have been 24 since the last jackpot was claimed that was back in october. if you went to night and take the lump sum option, you will get just under 569 million dollars. >> all right. still ahead tonight at 8, a decades long study into lead exposure tied to a bay area airport. the warning that it brings the children who live nearby. >> and there is no legal concern for a conflict of interest. the case, a judge says san francisco da brooke jenkins is cleared to take part in all she says she won't. >> and happening now, we're watching tracking that rain to the north and showers tomorrow. break on thursd >> the size hail pelting san francisco for several minutes. a day as the afternoon wave of the storm moved through. >> this video is from the city's richmond district and the driver who shot the video said rain and hail have been coming down so hard. he had to pull over until things calm down a bit. it's kind of scary there for a while. this after the brittany begley joins us again, mostly dry at this hour. but some spots still get great. yeah, it's to the north. we continue to watch it. we start the 5 o'clock newscast. all eyes are on the so watching babysitting it make sure everybody's on a pair. right? as we take a look at the headlines. here's what we want to know. again, we're still babysitting the north tracking the rain to the north tomorrow. we're watching. is really keeping an eye on that morning commute for you. want to make sure that you're prepared. >> and looking ahead, the good news. we're getting a break on thursday. we really need that break. the bad to summit leases that we have more rain headed our way. that's going to start again on friday all the way to monday or tuesday. so again, stormtracker 4 showing you are still watching to the north. some showers. things are slowly getting better in that area. earlier watching thunderstorms. but we still seeing sprinkle so this is near mark west springs as it makes its way into sacramento. and it puddles of the sierra. so taking a look at the rainfall, the good news is that we've had a lot of rain. you can the water year starts october. 1st, oakland yardi at 17 inches. san francisco already at 16. that's 172% above normal. so as you know, it's been a very active weather, actually think it's been very active since we rolled into january. we're still going to see next week as well. so futurecast for again, showing you as we plan that morning commute. i think around 3 o'clock and you start to see some showers, 6.30, again, a santa rosa nevado is even not just north of san francisco with the potential for rain around 7 o'clock same story. and it's just going to hold steady throughout the day. but i just want to set that tone that were so watching for your morning commute on top of this futurecast when showing you tomorrow is going to be breezy and you can see by 4.15, on the coast, some places 31 miles per hour near half moon bay. again, that's when you start to hear those a large tree branches swaying back and forth. that whistling sound so we're not out of the woods yet. most of us getting a break right now. but what about the sierra? it still snowing mass? i'll show you a live look coming up next. thank you for running. >> a homeowner in castro valley is upset with the alameda county public works department. the problem, its response to a mudslide affecting his home kron four's haaziq has that story. >> this is an alameda county public works vehicle driving by tyler reads home palo verde road and cast their typical diet by with that. >> during a typical drive-by, that's all we've got in this entire time. reeves claims that he and his family have been abandoned by the alameda county public works department ahter he says they've got no response to a major mudslide that came down this hill and onto his property during the storm. >> during a plug hillside came down. i came all the way down into our driveway and we've had to dig ourselves out with our tractors in and continue pushing the mud. >> that direction because it keeps coming down from the hillside. the alameda county public works department close palo verde and placed a yellow slide area. sign at the intersection. >> reeves says there's been no help actually clearing the road and protecting his property. >> we called in 3 o'clock new year's day to the county because that's when the hillside broke and and fill this whole area. and we've had 0 response except for them driving by. >> that's that's not true. we've been out there a number of times. john met lot. junior is the deputy director of the alameda county public works department. >> he says public works. crews have been routinely clearing that stretch of palo verde during these storms. >> we've been clearing that roadway december medlock says the hill is privately owned and that the county is not responsible for baiting the mud from sliding. it's emanating off of private property. >> on the want the road, the property, the opposite side of the roadway and probably winding up on his property. the road, however, is county property. >> there is a discrepancy about them of being cleared. tyler reeves says there should be no debate about the situation being a hazard endangering his home. >> i understand there's priorities. this is a public safety issue. >> in castro valley has kron. 4 news. >> the state department of water resources providing an update today about flood mitigation efforts happening across california, the division of flood management says that it has handed out nearly 400,000 sandbags since the string of atmospheric river started some areas including duval and alameda county are currently doing flood control releases in order to manage the high levels of water. and officials say managing those high levels of water and atmospheric rivers at the same time, maybe something californians will have to get accustomed to in order to deal with the fact that climate change is with us. recent storms demonstrate the importance of the critical storm, water wastewater infrastructure in the bay area. >> and the systems were designed decades ago long before we knew about climate change with climate change, we're expecting more droughts, more intense storms like we've seen over last 2 weeks. there are major investments occurring at the state and federal levels. so we're better prepared for these extreme storms as they become the new normal with climate change. >> so as for california's ongoing drought, the state reservoirs are at 81% of their average stores level for this time of year. so still below where they need to be, however, progress is being made. lake oroville, for example, is that 85% average of 46% capacity. the water levels there are up 85 feet since december. the first. >> san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins office will be allowed to preside over criminal case involving mayor london breed's brother, the attorney representing breeds brother tried to disqualify the da's office, arguing there is a conflict of interest because breed appointed jenkins as d a a state court judge denied that request today. jenkins had earlier asked the state attorney general to take her to take off the case and that was denied. the case will move forward with the office. but jenkins will not be directly involved in any proceedings. brother napoleon brown watched a reduced sentence for armed robbery carjacking and involuntary manslaughter. he was convicted of stealing money from a johnny rockets restaurant in the marina district in 2000. and while trying to leave the getaway car stopped right in the middle of the golden gate bridge where brown pushed the driver out of the car. a woman who was then run over and killed by a drunk driver >> children who live near the reid-hillview airport in san jose have elevated lead levels in their blood. that's according to a new decade long study published today. it found that the closer participating children live to the airport, the greater the probability that their blood lead level exceeded acceptable levels of lead children who live east of the airport where more than 2 times more likely to present a blood lead level above the limit. the study says the lead emissions are at a level that could cause health effects. the clean air act of 1970, call for lead to be face out of gasoline. used for cars. however, leaded gasoline still remains a staple for fuels used in aviation. >> still ahead, we are looking outside the bay area of some of the damage created by the seemingly nonstop series of winter storms. also demanding action from southwest the airline's new deadline to help customers affected by the company's holiday melt back. (vo) if you overdraw your account, wells fargo gives you an extra day grace period to avoid the overdraft fee. what if everything came with a grace period? like accidentally parking where you shouldn't... (driver 1) hey what about this one? (driver 2) nah... that one gets an extra day. (driver 1) somebody got lucky. (vo) like having an extra day grace period? when it comes to overdrafts, you can with wells fargo. [narrator] everyone needs quality health insurance, even if you're healthy and active. covered california is a free service to help you get covered. 90% of members have received financial help. and every plan offered is comprehensive, covering preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. regardless of your income, check today to see how covered california can help you. and if you have questions, there's free assistance every step of the way. covered california, this way to health insurance. enrollment ends january 31st. go to you go by lots of titles. veteran, dad, hair stylist. so adding a student title might feel daunting. national university is here to support all your titles. national university. supporting the whole you. >> federal authorities are giving a southwest airlines just 60 days to make things right with customers. after the airlines holiday meltdown, federal authorities have had thousands of complaints, including from people who say southwest is not following through with promised refunds. southwest says the cancellations are costing as much as 825 million dollars. federal officials now say southwest must honor refund requests within 7 days. the world health organization is urging passengers to wear masks on long flights. that said as covid cases are spiking in some countries that's being blamed in part on the spike in omicron variant cases in the u.s. mask-wearing will continue to encourage service members to get vaccinated and also noted that unvaccinated troops may not be eligible for deployment. coming up next in sports, the forty-niners back on the practice field. getting ready for their wild-card game against the seahawks sports director jason dumas. co >> more on today's wild weather. this is video of a pea size hail falling today in the oakland hills, covering decks and porches and laws. >> looking like a coating of snow. heavy rain, hail and strong winds pounded the oakland hills to the late morning and afternoon hours. it was followed by partly cloudy skies and even a little sunshine. and kron four's. brittany begley, joy, around here. brittany. it's a big deal for us to see hail, thunderstorms and >> what we're watching right now. you can see the storm tracker for us. we're still kind of busy with a sprinkle or 2. so if you're headed out right now maybe you're hearing it right we still have near daily city, maybe a sprinkle or 2. you can see that with radar. so again, i want to show you the radar stormtracker 4 every 15 minutes. make sure you know everything that's going on. so we again near daily city could see a sprinkle or 2 high temperatures for tomorrow. some places going to hit 60's. you can see that san francisco santa rosa. 59 san jose. 61. but that's not really the story to me. the story to me is that potential again for rain. you can see as we fast-forward futurecast, rain totals by tomorrow, places like bodega bay could actually received 2 inches of rain. santa rosa close to a half an inch of rain while places down south, maybe a half an inch of rain to a quarter inch of rain. so it's still going to be an active day. i don't think it's going to be as active as it was today in terms of thunderstorms and hail. but we're not out of the woods not to mention wind places on the coast. 31 miles per hour or so. tomorrow could be a little bit on the warmer side. but we're watching those windy conditions and the rain because watching radar, we'll update you every 15 minutes. all right, brittany, thank you very much. the storms, of course, are not only hitting the bay area. >> california has been drenched all corners. reporter nancy loo is giving us a look at the damage around the state. >> the latest round from the ongoing storm has been the worst dumping up to 8 inches of rain through central and southern california. we road closures are everywhere due to falling hillside. some with massive boulders or due to giant trees uprooted by the over saturated ground. over the past day, emergency crews have rescued dozens of trapped drivers and residents from summer's cars and homes. mud flows have even stopped semi trucks in their tracks while in la 2 cars were swallowed by ppa giant sinkhole leading to the risky rescue of 2 people. we had to risk. >> personnel to save the others and they were viable. and we needed to put that into play here in studio city flooding. mud, debris is everywhere. water is beginning to drain away. but the saturated hillsides in this area threatened to create new hazards. >> at union station in la, some commuters had to wade through flood waters to get to their trains while at sofi stadium last night. slippery conditions caused several injuries during the college national championship game in santa barbara county. water. sports are now possible on some city streets >> and now kron 4 sports. >> we are well into game weekend. the takes are already flying. vegas has the niners as 10 point favorites with make sense on paper. this matchup isn't close. san francisco is the more talented team and the numbers back that up. but the scary thing about the nfl playoffs. >> is that it's win or go home. you can have a bad day shoot. >> you have a bad quarter. and then all of a sudden their season is over. now i've been listening to kyle shanahan and the players in that locker room all weekend. they don't seem like a group that lacks any confident, quite the opposite. actually, most of these guys have been here before. most of these guys know exactly what it takes to win in the playoffs and that's bad news for the rest of the nfc. >> if you want to sit and think about all the outside stuff, i'm sure you can psych yourself all out. but that's only thing i would say through experience of it is what you get on the field. there's absolutely nothing different. so whether it's a playoff game weather, super bowl and all you can do is control the athletic sporting event that are involved and don't make it more than that. it's all about just not making the situation better than what it you know, i knew that back when i was young guys from the older, the older guys like richmond. >> you know, staley, all those all those guys and you know that at the end of the day, it's still football. you know, you want to you want to play at your best. but that doesn't mean going outside. what your to do? you know, you just got to make sure that your, you know, really detail in the way that you prepare. and then when you go out there, you play with their hair on fire. >> damion lee was back in the bay today as his phoenix suns are in town. taking on the does that one is getting ugly. lee received his championship ring before the game. his brother-in-law gave a tour staff, of course, this morning i sat down with damian and we discuss what he learned from that title run last year is strong relationships with his ex warrior teammates and more. here's a snippet of our conversation. >> now i saw a picture on instagram or twitter couple for about 6 weeks ago. there really cool. pickett was you jta and why's that at why the g league game obviously got for that championship brotherhood. you know, why didn't the young impressionable player and, you know, i'm sure you probably could use to was that moment like and how how often do you keep in touch with lift the guy that you know before these bars with here in the bay? >> i mean, it was it was it was really just a perfect storm that we flew down. we were playing the clippers in next day and the lakers played the night before play the day after us. and was the general manager of santa cruz and made him talk almost every day and he was light. you've got yeas are combined to the game call on. he said he was already on the way. so it's perfect. timing is great to see those guys want been going at it for the past 3 years like that's my brother. same thing with wise. that's my brother. and we actually have a group chat team that we want to championship it. we were just texting and that light the day before we know is we coming down the plane. but guys in there, in a group chat talking it up. so i think, though, do run helped us like i was, you know, the brotherhood, the memory of the year, the show is going to i think the run and the rain when it all helps solidify that because now we have not only season in april, we've got 6 more weeks of memories grow. let's wait. who's that? we fought together to, you know, reach the common goal. >> that was such a fun season. now the whole blowout just a couple miles down the embarcadero. the warriors getting their butts whipped. they lose in 94 to 70's, probably even worse than that at this point. but damion lee has 16 points for the phoenix suns. of course, as soon as that game goes, final, we will have full highlights. let's go to the ice. the sharks in arizona taking on the coyotes, 3rd period. we have a tie score. logan find matt nieto. nice goal. there is 3 to 2 there and tack on another goal and the kings fall there will be in la tomorrow to take on the kings. they beat the coyotes for to it. all right. that's your look at sports. (vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. let our injury attorneys help after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. is your accident case worth more than insurance offered? call the barnes firm now to find out. you might be surprised. >> the great american company iconic brand in and out has decided to place their 1st and they on a right here in tennessee. >> yeah, he's talking about a great california company. that is tennessee. governor bill lee announcing a big expansion california zone in and out burger will be opening in nashville and 2026. the governor says the state will also be home to the companies, newest corporate cup could hungry. just looking at me the california company plans to invest more than 125 million dollars to build an office building for its eastern expansion. it will mean more than 275 jobs. and that will be the chain's first location east of texas. you know my perspective, we kind that wraps up kron. 4 news at 8 o'clock. is tuesday night. i guess we better go get something to eat a grand are here to tell us what's coming up on kron. 4 news tonight at night. i thank you, pam. thank you, catherine. now here's what's coming up on the news. at 9. a newly surfaced video. >> it's fueling outrage in san francisco. it shows he's been us business owner there. he's >> hosing down and unhoused woman. the man is defending his action and reaction tonight from one city leader who says he wants that man charged. also more storms leaving more damage across the bay area in one east bay city here. strong winds forced a major thoroughfare to shut down. >> basically all day how that led to a traffic nightmare for hundreds of people trying to get around this afternoon. and tonight. more rain is on the way current for meteorologist brittany begley. we'll have details ne >> when fun time from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at known. >> now at 9, the recent storm leaving behind downed trees and damage all around the bay area. thanks so much for joining us. i'm vicki liviakis and i'm grant lotus. the recent storm system bringing heavy rain and strong winds to an already saturated bay area. as a result, trees big and small. >> falling over landing on whatever cars, roads, homes. >> and that, as you can imagine, is called causing a headache for drivers all around, especial

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