Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20170610

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random attack by a homeless man. they say the 40 year old came up to this kid out of no where in the middle of the library's plaza and stabbed him several times on both his arms. blood stains are still visible on the ground.the good news is that he is expected to recover but is in surgery at an area happened this afternoon around 2:30 after the taylor middle school student was let out early. fortunately a sheriff's substation is only a few feet away and deptuies responded in 20 seconds. by then a spokesperson credits the quick thinking of the boy's friends. ( steve ) the wife and attorneys representing derick almena - the man in charge of the ghost ship warehouse in oakland, that went up in flames last year, came out fighting today. the attorneys accused the alameda district attorney of grand standing saying their client should not be held responsible for the criminal prosecution of those who died. earlier this week, the alameda d-a charged derick almena and max harris the creative director with 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter after 36 people died in the fire... however, almena's legal team countered the charges --- saying they draw focus away from the real issues. attention away from it's client, the da must hold those responsible. the two are back in court next week to enter a plea. (grant) an anti- muslim rally is planned for tomorrow in the south bay... the american congress for truth for america... is an zatiorgani that's described as a hate group...according to the southern poverty law center... this comes as 27 other chapters... nationwide are holding silimar coordinaed events this weekend. about 124 human rights, religious and political organizations have planned a "unity rally" in a counter- protest at the same location. the rallies will be from eleven in the morning until three p-m... at stevens creek boulevard and winchester avenue in santa clara. "are you ready to testify under oath?""one hundred percent."(grant) president trump says he will swear that james comey is lying about their conversations.(steve)just yesterday, the former fbi chief declared under oath that the president was a liar. (grant)catherine heenan says the gloves are off in washington. "some of the things he said weren't true." "those were lies plain and simple."somebody's lying.that's the takeaway from the past 24 hours.james comey testified in congress that he felt pressured to drop the fbi's investigation into trump's fired national security adviser.and was fired because he didn't do it. "i didn't say that." "so he lied about that?" "well, i didn't say that. i mean, i will tell you, i didn't say that." "and did he ask you to - " "and there'd be nothing wrong if i did say it according to everybody i've read today. but, i did not say that."in other words, i didn't pressure comey, and even if i did, it wasn't illegal. "no collusion. no obstruction. he's a leaker. but we want to get back to running our great country."the president was also grilled about his may 12th tweet suggesting he had secretly recorded his conversations with comey. "i'm not hinting at anything i'll question?about it over a very "when will you be trump> "over a very short nald period of time."comey's admission that he leaked information about his white house meetings drew a reponse from the president's private attorney.marc kasowitz says he is preparing a formal request for a justice department and or congressional investigation. the house minority leader says that is a typical trump reaction. . "first, he tries to charm you. . if that doesn't work, he tries to bully you. if that doesn't work, he walks away from the deal. and if that doesn't work he sues you. ." (steve) help is coming to the city of oakland's homeless population which currently totals about 19-hundred people (grant) the mayor has proposed a budget that includes 185-million dollars... over the next two years... to tackle the issue. part of the proposal calls for a new city santioned encampment to house about 60 people. also proposed: regular garbage service and port-a-poities in about ten of oakland's largest encampments. the city counsel is set to discuss the plan later this month. (grant) a chance to make history the warriors battling the cavaliers tonight in cleveland --- looking to clinch the championship --- and become the first n-b-a team with a perfect post- season record.(steve) but the cavs will certainly not go down without a fight. dub nation hoping to cheer the team to victory thousands of miles away.(grant) tonight we have team coverage on the finals... kron-4's hermela aregawi is at a watch party in concord.(steve) but first let's go to spencer blake at oracle.. this place slowly filled up as the night went onand based on the noise alone, you wouldn't even be able to tell the game is happening in cleveland. as the warriors take on the cavs on átheir home court, oracle arena has an atmosphere just as lively.but the excitement of fanswasn't always filled with joy.the cav's went up 49-33 after the first quarter."oh that was a rough first quarter man, but i know the warriors are gonna come back. it's in their dna." "the refs, they had some bad calls against the warriors, ya know, but it is what it is. it's a finals game. atmosphere's great here. i'm blessed to be here."and some people weren't so who ádidn't have tickets waited in line for hours, hoping something would come available in standbyeven though things sold out on monday."they said they were sold out but they're dropping them little by little." "what if you don't get tickets?'then we go home and watch it.''you okay with that?''i'd rather be inside, but i'll be alright with watching it wherever we can."inside, the 'all gold everything' signs were on every seata clear reference to the larry o'brien trophy. but steph curry, kevin durant, and company couldn't hear the live d-j, nor see the warriors dancers, or the light show. their first half was full of struggles."i think we have a lot of room to come back if the calls just aren't as bad as they were the last quarter. i think they're doing great, but i think we'll do better. we always come through in the third quarter."clearly, citizens of dubs nation don't need their team to be on the floor in front of make a party of it. (adlib)when you're up three games to one, you still have a hard time hanginyour head. bring home the championship at at oracle arena, spencer blake, kron four news. (grant) thank you spencer ...we'll check back in with you later in the show. (steve) staying in the east bay... where another watch party is happening right now.(grant) kron-4's hermela aregawi joins us live from todos santos plaza in downtown concord...hermela how are fans feeling tonight. people of all ages, families , children. it's a place really for anyone looking to comfortably watch the game. we've had raffles for retail shops and restaurants in the area.but of course the main spectacle is the game.we spoke with a lot of kd an curry fans.. let's take a listen. stephen callaghan/warriors fan: came out here summer of 75 when warriors won the first championship. woo. then it's been a ride since. niner fan way back in the day. i had 26 year season ticket holder, the warriors are just icing on the cake, especially when you got kevin durant, kd baby. defense wins championships. you know they have a great on that but it comes down to the d straight up.raymund respicio/warriors fan: kd man, without kd i don't think we'd make it this far, especially with lebron on the other side, you know what i mean. well i hate lebron with a passion so seeing him cry all series has been a blessing. (steve) thank you hermela for thank you (steve)(steve) thank you hermela for that report. we've got you covered on the n-b-a finals. as soon as the game ends...we will break it all down kron-4 sports director gary radnich will be here with complete highlights and analysis. and we will have post -game reaction from players and coaches. all here on kron-4 and online at kron-4 dot com. (grant) sun back out today after a gloomy thursday.(steve) kron-4's meteorologist lawrence karnow joins us now with what to expect for the weekend. lawrence karnow: skies began to clear today but not before leaving behind a few more rain drops in the south bay. otherwise there was plenty of afternoon sunshine but cooler than normal temperatures. the winds really picked up in the afternoon and continue very breezy in spots. now it's time to focus on the weekend. low pressure in the gulf of alaska will head toward the state to usher in cooler temperatures. there's even a slight chance we could see a few showers or isolated thunderstorms. ahead at eight.. bart's seat hog law could be coming to an end....what is being proposed instead. plus. a bold robbery in pleasanton.. as two masked men storm into a 7-11 and threaten a clerk. and next. parents worried about a playground plan in the east bay... over concerns there is a health hazard. (grant)new tonight, some neighbors in the east bay city of alamo are concerned that a new park... might not be safe. (steve) the park, which is currently under construction, is the site of a former gas station and there's concern that lead contamination from the fuel could be lingering in the soil. kron 4's charles clifford has details. natscharles clifford says here at the corner of danville boulevard and hemme avenue in alamo a new park, hemme station, is under construction. through the fence you can see new benches, a bathroom, and paved pathways. but, some neighbors believe the park may be unsafe because of something you can't see.david cardiff lives nearby. he says that this location used to be the site of a hotel, the shady way inn, which also had old standard oil gas pumps. the hotel was demolished in the 1960's but cradiff worries that lead contamination from the pumps could be lingering in the groundsotdavid cardiff says the problem with those old tanks is that they were riveted. they weren't a completely sealed tank so the chances of them leaking was high.the county acquired the land from the san ramon valley fire district in 2014. as part of the environmental review of the hemme station project, a contractor was hired to test the ground for any contamination. their tests found that the site was safe but the contractor's investigation apparently didn't factor in the shady way inn or its gas pumps.when concerned neighbors pointed out the potential danger the county asked the same contractor to retest the property. back in may, the contractor announced that they did find elevated lead levels at one spot near danvelle boulevard but they ultimately concluded that "based on a review of the analytical results, it is our opinion that there is no evidence of impact to the property due to the former gasoline station." david cardiff is skeptical. ending its seat hog law on trains the law went into effect in october. but has not been enforced. it allows police to fine train riders for occupying more than one seat. but the bart board president says the law is a waste of resources, could cause delays, and could lead to police using force. instead a board member suggested bart post rules === advising riders on how to behave. a vote on ending the law is expected in two weeks. (steve) pleasanton police are sharing video of two men holding up a 7-11 store this week.... they're releasing - in the hopes that someone will recognize the men.... police say the two masked men walked into a 7-11 store on hop-yard road around 6:20 monday morning....and pointed a gun at the clerk. they both ended up behind the counter and got away with cash and tobacco products. (grant) june gloom took on a whole new meaning as some wet weather caught commuters by surprise in the santa cruz mountains.(grant) rain fell throughout the area and even in parts of saratoga in the morning and mid-day hours. expectg rain in june, and even those who were ready...say the slick roads demand full attention. (grant) both highway 1-7 and highway 8-5 were impacted by this morning showers. several c-h-p officers responded to several minor accidents no serious injuries were reported. (grant) alright i'm joined now by kron-4 meterologist lawrence karnow... rain in june! an unusual late season storm... why is that happening? lawrence karnow: skies began to clear today but not before leaving behind a few more rain drops in the south bay. otherwise there was plenty of afternoon sunshine but cooler than normal temperatures. the winds really picked up in the afternoon and continue very breezy in spots. now it's time to focus on the weekend. low pressure in the gulf of alaska will head toward the state to usher in cooler temperatures. there's even a slight chance we could see a few showers or isolated thunderstorms. the best chance for rain will be in the north and east bay. if you plan to head to the sierra pack some warm clothes. it will be chilly in the high country with highs in tahoe in the 50s on saturday and dropping to the 40s on sunday. we could even see snow as low as 6,500 feet on sunday too. if you're looking for warm weather you can find it in the central valley where you'll find temperatures in the low 80s. there should be plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures in the 70s in southern california if you're headed that way. highs locally will be cooler this weekend. valley temperatures will be in the upper 60s to low 70s inland, 60s and maybe a few low 70s around the bay, and cool 50s and 60s at the coast. there is some summer heat on the way. after a cool weekend temperatures start warm on monday. but it in the late part of next week with highs soaring well into the 90s. new ahead at 8. california is one step closer to becoming the first sanctuary state ----for marijuana. ((gary sports tease))coming up later in this broadcast game four. cavs are they going to extend the series or the warriors going to wrap it up? we'll chat about it a little bit later in this broadcast. i no longer live with the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. where a walk down main street... there's a place like no other... where a walk down main street... blah blah blah .. hey! the name's rocket and i need your help! the collector has trapped my friends, the guardians of the galaxy in this weird...freakshow... check it out...this is the joint we're in... and we need you to help us break out! got it? move it..i a go! there is magic for days! and we need you to help us break out! the uber of shipping. a new app is out that can help you get something from point a to point b... and it's cheaper than traditional shipping methods. so far it's getting good reviews. but is it safe?kron 4's tech reporter gabe slate met with a bay area user to find out. ((pkg)) roadie is like the uber of shipping. sot kyle maclean /roadie app user: kyle lives in san francico before he drives anywhere in the bay area or out of the bay area.. he checks the roadie app for gigs. to see if anyone needs something shipped to where he is going so far he has made 113 deliveries making some good money sot kyle maclean /roadie app user: roadie can help you ship everything from small items to furniture, to pets whatever it is.. it will be cheaper than traditional shipping methods. and it's good for the enviroment someone is using gas going that direction anyway. sot kyle maclean /roadie app user: the drivers are thouroughly vetted and you can follow your driver and stuff on a map with real time updates of where they are and kyle says there are further safety features for users built in. sot kyle maclean /roadie app user: with your tech report gabe slate kron 4 news ahead at eight.. arrested hours before prom. now a teen boy faces a fight with ice. plus. an altercation turns deadly outside a denny's. now a sheriff's deputy and her husband are accused of murder. the warriors --- just one win away from their second title in three years. and roar-acle is rallying behind the dubs. we go live next ((brittney )tease)i'm kron 4 meteorologist lawrence karnow. coming up, i will take a look at your 7 day forecast.details are right after the break. is is the story of how q got curly. quin was crazy about curls. curly fries. curly straws. curly haired dogs. even those cute curly tails on pigs. but to quin's chagrin everything about her was so very stight. which made the next twist so amazing. did she expect to find a high-end hair curler at a mind-bendingly low price? never. but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it mahalls. your s (steve) the warriors on the brink of a second championship in three years ----they could do it with a sweep in cleveland tonight.(grant) but the cavs not making it easy as they try to stay alive. kron-4's spencer blake joins us live from oracle arena tonight. and spencer what are fans telling you (grant) thank you spencer we will stay on the top of the game and bring you highlights and post-game coverage as soon as it's over. telling youwhat are fans telling you (grant) thank you spencer we will stay on the top of the game and bring you highlights and post-game coverage as soon as it's over. (steve) a teenager from ecuador living in new york illegally is now facing deportation..(grant) he was taken into custody the morning of his prom.. now..his school is filing an appeal so the teen can finish hgh school. an immigration judge reportedly ordered 19- year-old diego puma's removal from the country back in november. a puma's family spokesperson says he had been working to get legal immigrant status but was unable to. puma is currently in ice custody and his removal from the u-s is pending (steve) a texas couple indicted for murder. the two are accused in the death of a man during an altercation outside denny's. sheriff's deputy chauna thompson and her husband terry turned themselves in last night. they are out on bond. but facing charges in the murder of john hernandez. investigators say it started when terry thompson yelled at hernandez to stop urinating outside. then an altercation ensued. video shows terry with his arm around hernandez' throat while his wife restrained him. hernandez later died. if convicted the couple may face five years to life in prison. (steve) lawmakers arr pushing legislation in an attempt to make the state of california a sanctuary state for marijuana.(steve) the proposed bill would block state and local police from assisting federal agents who target legal marijuana business unless they have a court order. the bill passed the state assembly last week... and now has to face the state senate. california isn't the first state that's tried to protect its marijuana colorado lawmakers tried to pass a similar bill but failed. and oregon has a law prohibiting businesses from collecting customer information. (grant) a live look outside at the golden gate bridge... an orange sky as the sun sets this friday. (steve) let's check in with kron-4 meteorologist lawrence karnow has your weekend forecast. lawrence karnow: skies began to clear today but not before leaving behind a few more rain drops in the south bay. otherwise there was plenty of afternoon sunshine but cooler than normal temperatures. the winds really picked up in the afternoon and coinue very breezy in spots. nowt'time to focus on the weekend. low pressure in the gulf of alaska will head toward the state to usher in cooler temperatures. there's even a slight chance we could see a few showers or isolated thunderstorms. the best chance for rain will be in the north and east bay. if you plan to head to the sierra pack some warm clothes. it will be chilly in the high country with highs in tahoe in the 50s on saturday and dropping to the 40s on sunday. we could even see snow as low as 6,500 feet on sunday too. if you're looking for warm weather you can find it in the central valley where you'll find temperatures in the low 80s. there should be plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures in the 70s in southern california if you're headed that way. highs locally will be cooler this weekend. valley temperatures will be in the upper 60s to low 70s inland, 60s and maybe a few low 70s around the bay, and cool 50s and 60s at the coast. there is some summer heat on the way. after a cool weekend temperatures start warm on monday. but it in the late part of next week with highs soaring well into the 90s. (steve) new at ten:campbe community as their own personal shopping mall.(vicki) the criminals seem to be driving around -- looking for packages to stop and take. tonight we have video of the thieves in action. a man wearing a green shirt walks up to a home in the city of campbell and nothing seems out of the ordinary but if you switch to the porch camera it reveals something else he is grabbing packages then he runs away with packages in hand which turned out to be electronics at a different home the security camera records a white van that first stops at the stop signthen backs up and parked across the street from the home as two men exit the van you can see them walk around the neighborhood as if they are casing homes what they are doing is looking for packages nats: ambiance and both men head to two separate homes the man closest to us puts his hooding up to conceal his identity while the second man is on the porch of the home directly across the street then the man in the back hoodie reappears carrying packages . which according to campbell police do not belong to him .they belonged to the homeowner.nats ambiance both men reenter the van and they take off and in the process running a stop sign nats ambiance then there was 23-year-old jamie haines yup police know her all to well they need to find her jamie actually made two trips first she took amazon packages then she briskly walks them to the car then on her second trip she grabbed a larger box which contains more items including baby items but notice she left the gro baby swing nats: ambiancenow jamiis unique in the fact that she has two tattoos one on her left shoulder and then other on her loser back . the 4 people i just featured .campbell police call them porch pirates and they want them off the street the best part is you can help them anonymously yup there's an app for that just search for campbell police department nats: ambiance there use to be a time when you delivery people could simply leave your packages on at the door and you come home and they are still there.that was then and this is now in campbell stanley roberts kron 4 news still ahead at 8. he flunked out of police k-9 school...but the reason why ... ended up landing this pup another job. and next. disqualified because they thought she was a boy... how a girl's soccer team is standing in solidarity with her. there's a place like no other... where a lk down main street... where a walk down main street... blah blah blah .. hey! the name's rocket and i need your help! the collector has trapped my friends, the guardians of the galaxy in this weird...freakshow... check it out...this is the joint we're in... and we need you to help us break out! got it? move it!...i gotta go! there is magic for days! (grant) a youth girls soccer team in nebraska is cutting their hair to support a fellow teammate.(grant) 8-year-old mili hernandez and her team were kicked out of a tournament due to some gender confusion. hernandez was mistaken for being a boy because of her short haircut. in response every girl on the team has chopped off some of their locks. some have even cut more than a foot of hair. (steve) one pup that was training to be a police dog in austrailia didn't make the cut..(grant) everyone had high hopes for the pooch...but his trainers say he was just too nice to get the job done.. this is "gavel" apparently he was happier licking strangers than restraining them. so the k-9 training program kicked him out. the governor of queensland, austrailia...who fostered the dog before training... has officially adopted him. he said the sweet pup now has a job that better fits his personality. gavel's duties include welcoming guests to the governor's home and the country. (steve) it is about that time again, time to go out and buy a powerball lottery ticket. (steve) whoever the lucky winner is, they will win 435- million dollars. this is the tenth-biggest jackpot in u-s history. the odds of having a winning powerball ticket are one in 292-million. the drawing to see who has the lucky ticket will take place this saturday. in sports -- we'll check how the warriors are doing in the fourth quarter plus -- lebron james could be leaving cleveland sooner rather than later --gary will explain coming up your eyes work as hard as you do. but do they need help making more of their own tears? if you have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation, restasis multidose™ can help... with continued use twice a day, every day, one drop at a time. restasis multidose™ helps increase your eyes' natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis multidose™ did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. your eyes. your tears. ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose™. no more face-to-face doctor visits, exams or trips to the pharmacy to get this -- birth control in texas. a new app launched statewide this week allows women to answer a questionnaire, get a prescription and days later the pill arrives on her front door. it's called the nur-x app...a game-changer for low-income, minority and rural-based women. unidentified woman: "accessiblity is always a good thing." dr. jessica knox, nurx medical director: "we were getting hundreds of messages from patients in texas and we were just really prohibited by the limited texas telemedicine laws." dr. jessica knox is the medical director for the california-based app. it comes at a time when the state just expanded its telemedicine laws, which opens the door for patients to chat with a doctor on their computer, smart phone or tablet without an initial face-to-face visit. knox says because a woman -- who's 18 and older -- can talk with a medical professional from the comfort and convenience of home -- patients armore likely to open up to doctors and use the app. knox: "we have had patients tell us that i feel way more comfortable talking to you and asking you sensitive questions. you've provided me way more information because i've been able to ask questions that i felt asking face-to-face with my own doctor." but, opponents of patients ordering prescription drugs through an app without personally seeing a doctor first fear a spike in misdiagnoses. knox says birth control is a safe medicine line, plus with the click of a button patients can get back in contact with doctors for follow-up questions. knox: "a lot of doctors aren't comfortable with model so dramatcially. but, the model needs to change because it hasn't been working for really long time." right now the several forms of emergency contraception prevention medication. it other prescription next few years. gigi barnett...kxan news. dr. knox says the centers for disease control doesn't person doctor's visit before a provider can prescribe birth control. game four of nba finals -- warriors and cavs are playing. cavs came out on fire right now -- meanwhile at oracle arena -- the warriors are having a watch party. it's completely sold out -- fans so far not enjoying the game with the warriors being behind but great chance to enjoy a game for a cheap price -- all you have to waste 30 bucks -- 20 to enter and 10 to park here's a fan talking about the event(sot: warriors) "so we've got a steph curry fathead, i gues.'hold it up.' 'with his mouthpiece in his mouth.''i wanted to know, do you think you could make a steph curry face like you've got a mouthpiece in your mouth? it's good!'" lebron james' future as a cavalier is picking up some steam. according to a report -- lebron could be heading to los angeles and play for possibly the clippers or lakers following the 2018 season. this hasn't been the first time lebron has said he want to play in l-a. his good friends with clippers team captain, chris ul. and with magic johnson being the leader of the lakers franchise going there is a viable option. lebron spents most of his free time in los angeles -- he has an entertainment company in the city and owns a home in brentwood, that recently was vandalized. the raiders are making a little bit of noise-- according to a report -- the team is expect to make derek carr the highest paid quarterback in the league. carr could earn 25-million dollars per year. if this stands -- the raiders quarterback would top andrew luck's paycjeck of nearly 24.6 million dollars per season. both sides hagve made it clear they want to the get the contract done as soon as possible. carr has said he wants to get it done before the start of training camp to avoid any possible distractions. raiders will open camp in late july. meanwhile the 49ers -- signed rookie linebacker reuben foster. the former alamaba star agrees to a four year deal with the niners. he will join a linebacker core that is led by four-time pro bowler navarro bowman. the late first rounder is still recovering a shoulder injury. he's considered as one of the best players in this year's draft. the a's in tampa bay opening a three game series against the rays andrew triggs had one of his worst performances this season. in the first inning -- steven souza hits a 3-run blast to put tampa bay up by 3 in the fourth -- mallex smith bombs a 2-run shot to put this game away (triggs: 3.2 ip, 9 hits, 8 runs, allowed 3 home runs) tampa bay wins the 2020 olympics are still three years out......but the i-o-c announced today they are adding three-on-three basketball to the games will be the first time the olympic games features the sport...which ioc president, thomas blach says will help the make the more urban and youthful. there's a place like no other... where a walk down main street... where a walk down main street... blah blah blah .. hey! the name's rocket and i need your help! the collector has trped my friend thguardians of the galaxy ind this weird...freakshow... check it out...this is the joint we're in... and we need you to help us break out! got it? move it!...i gotta go! there is magic for days! [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. (grant) apple c-e-o tim cook gave the commencement speech at m-i-t today... and in the midst of being inspiring....he also had a little fun...and took a poke at rival microsoft.( steve ) this is cook at an apple event last year. he was mostly serious during his address to graduates. then he started telling a story about when he was in graduate school at duke. cook capped the story by saying "in a moment of youthful indiscretion, i might even have experimented with a windows pc. and obviously that didn't work." tonight at 10 i have tested ac transit and they failed nats ambiance i tested union city transit and they failed nats : ambiance so this time i tested tri delta transit how did they? do i'll show you in the next edition of people behaving badly or is it nicely (grant) american ninja warrior... is next then, we are back at 10:00 with the day's big stories, including people behaving badly, gary has sports... and your four zone weather forecast with lawrence karnow. it's the kron 4 news at ten ... right here on the bay area's news station. the bathroom. when things go wrong here, you remember. quilted northern is designed to work so well, you can forget your bathroom trips. but daddy gator can never forget. "i've got to motor out of here. this is no place to raise a child." male narrator: one week ago, we saw dreamdashed... gbajabiamila: oh, again and again. narrator: and we saw dreams fulfilled. iseman: buzzer number three. - yeah! it was an absolute dream come true. narrator: tonight, a new set of dreamers takes the stage. - i'm pumped. i'm ecstatic. iseman: look at that joy. - this is the year for the cowboy ninja. narrator: they seek redemption. iseman: no! - having this second chance, i want to do really well and prove that i deserve to be here. narrator: they seek glory. both: oh! iseman: lost his grip. oh, my goodness! - if i don't believe that it's my destiny, i will fail. i can't let that happen. narrator: and they seek a place in history. - midoriyama! - this has to be the year that somebody's gonna do this.

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