Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20160617

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kron-4. tonight grant lodes has a timeline of how this all unraveled. >> reporter:and kron-4's justine waldman joins us live from oakland with how th scandal could get even bigger. >> reporter: >> pam:but first. >> pam:the alameda county district attorneys' office. calls itself a national leader in saving young sex workers. and prosecuting those who abuse them. >> pam:now. the agency is looking in on itself. >> reporter:kron 4's kate cagle joins us live with reaction from those who have worked on this project. >> reporter:kate? (laughter) nearly half of all arrests and prosecutions for human trafficking in california are done by the alameda county d-a's office. >> reporter:it has been a huge effort by the d-a. when officers meet an underage sex worker like celest guapthey know exactly what they are supposed to do. >> reporter:take her - or him - to a medical center for treatment.and then home to their parents. but insteadguap who is now 18 claims she developed relationship with officers. >> reporter:sending naked photos and hooking up in exchange for protection and tips. >>"a minor has been exploited and abused for years." >> reporter:vanessa russell is the executive director of love never fails us. >> reporter:she works with victims of human trafficking and the alameda county district attorney's office. >> reporter:and she is dismayed by the allegations of sexual abusebut not surprised police are involved. >>"i think there are a lot more women and men and children that are victimized not only by police officers but by the general public." >> reporter:but still.the scope of this scandal is widening. >> reporter:two oakland police officers have resigned.three are on leave. richmond officers are on leave. >> reporter:a police chief pushed out. >> reporter:and nowa member of the da's own office is implicated. investigator nick orozco has been placed on leave in connection to the scandal and guap confirms to kron 4 she sent photos to him as well. while officers have been placed on leaveno charges has been brought. >>"the officers knew what they were doing and they need to be held accountable." >> reporter:thank you, kate. >> reporter:kron-4 first alerted the public about this sex scandal in early may. and now. just five weeks later.lives and careers have changed on several fronts. >> reporter:grant lodes has been tracking developments. he joins us now with a breakdown of events. >> grant: it is more and more astonishing as the days passed. all sparked by the suicide of the officer who killed themself on october of 2015. he had an affair with a call girl. he also left a letter with the other names of officers who had dealings with the call girl as well. two weeks later he was out of a job, sources say he was forced out because of the mishandling of this scandal. when the income from she left the department another one tenured was in place that only lasted for six days. with information that she learned, the mayor learned of the alleged affair that he had with a subordinate several years ago when he worked for ropy e d. he said it was not true. >> grant: and that statement. he admitted to having an of barrett from about a decade ago. at a man the day please cut the investigation on administrative leave. oroscoe >> grant: in addition to the alameda dea office and the oakland police department. it has want to its corporate with a following of other departments which some personnel being investigated. of this text scandal. >> grant: contra costa county and the al mead of police department. >> pam:may 10th was when our reporter, haaziq madyun oakland police officers were on leave because of this investigation. >> pam:justine? >> justine: the oversight committee could take over the oakland police department by this time next week and the number of changes of police officers involved with prostitutes have and climbed even higher. >> a lack of confidence. >> justine: climbing to have seen and engaged in relationships with oakland officers or alameda county sheriff sheriff's deputy. >> justine: 5 officers are all leads from being involved with a and under age call girl. >> justine: this is a shocking and unacceptable way for officers to be the hating. -- to behave >> justine: he fears that there could be more of these scandals but people are not coming forward. >> justine: the councilman says the sec's workers were calling to get help and work with a church. you want to be clear that a number of calls does not mean that anything inappropriate is happening is to is that something that they are now looking into. >> >> pam:thank you, justine. it is all just a click away at kron4 dot comincluding the graphic text sent to our haaziq madyun >> pam: a teacher at a palo alto high school has been are arrested for allegedly committing sex crimes involving a student. 46 year old is a biology teacher accused of four felony charges, and clean job molestations and sexual battery. the crimes and bob one of the students a ninth grade at a student at 15 years old and young girl police say scutaro was accused of fondling the team and then on race to meet up with her the a social media. the district is cooperating with the police investigation. the teacher is now on administrative leave. >> reporter:in the south bay today, community leaders gathered victims of last mass week's shooting in florida. kron there. >> reporter:thursday evening, a small group of about 50 people gathered outside the zanker road headquarters of seiu local 521 in san jose. they came to honor the shooting at the pulse nighclub in orlando florida. members of the muslim community, the christian church, and the naacp spoke to the gathering. all called for an end to religious intolerance and denounced the latino and lgbt communities. >> reporter:seiu's vice president also said that the union needs to show solidarity with the communities impacted by this tragedy. >> reporter:in san jose ,charles clifford kron 4 news. >> reporter:since the massacre in running to blood banks to donate. but there's one community donating. >> pam:gay men can't just walk intokron 4's alecia reid joins us from the newsroom, with more on the frustration. >> reporter:since the massacre in orlando, people have been running to blood banks to donate. that has a hard time donating. gay men can't just walk into a blood bank and donate. kron 4's alecia reid joins us from the newsroom, with more on the frustration. alecia. >> reporter:a lot of inquiries for blood donations started coming in on monday. there's been a 36% increase have something holding them back. >> reporter:blood centers of the pacific to orlando as neededand they've been welcoming lots of doners. >> reporter:gay men, men that have sex with other men or m-s-m have before giving blood. there was a permanent ban for men, but last december one. that deferral is also in place for other high risk >>dr. suchitra pandey - i can understand the frustration with the gay community. >> reporter:or someone having sex with an individual that has h-i-v. >> reporter:the highest priority is keeping the blood supply safe. dr. hyman scott says science and testing have marginalized over the years. and that the ban is harsh. >> reporter:science supports the ban isn't necessary. they can days. even with the new donations, blood supply is low. >>very low >> reporter:this ban was lifted 6 months ago, and it'll take time for blood bank is encouraging more people to come in and donate. >> the science will support that this 12-month ban is not necessary. >> very low and the tories and all blood levels right now. -- very low inventories >> reporter:this change by the f-d-a is still being implementedthen more data needs to be gathered and studies done. so changes to the new law probably won't happen any time soon >> reporter:reporting live in the newsroom >> pam:ahead at eight. >> pam:the pipeline explosion that killed 8 people and devastated a community. how the criminal case against p-g and-e is moving forward. >> reporter:plus. fans on the edge of their seats at oracle arena. while golden state shoots for back to back championships in cleveland. >> pam:and next. a somber salute to a south bay police officer. killed in the line of duty. >> brittney: we are tracking a warming trend and we will see how hot it will get for father's day weekend after the break! >> pam:a somber scene in san jose today. as a procession moved through the streets. killed in the line of duty this week. >> pam:a police officer killed in a collision while on duty tuesday was san jose to a los gatos funeral home this afternoon. officer michael katherman, 34, was struck by a silver minivan while on patrol tuesday afternoon on north 10th street and succumbed to his short time later, police said. >> pam:katherman was in a casket draped with the american flag carried by placed him into a hearse from the santa clara office in san jose just before 1 p.m. >> pam:fifteen police motorcycles led the procession that also included numerous police cars along a route that went down south bascom avenue and >> pam:east hamilton avenue in campbell before continuing south on state highway 17. along the way, many fire trucks and police vehicles blocked traffic as personnel saluted roughly 20-minute darling & fischer chapel of the hills funeral home in los gatos. >> pam:katherman's funeral service is scheduled for 11 a.m. tuesday at jose. he had been on a department motorcycle while heading up north 10th street, where he was hit by was making a left turn at horning street, police said. >> pam:the minivan driver stayed at the scene, cooperated with investigators and wasn't police. a growing memorial outside filled with flowers, notes, candles and a white department motorcycle in tribute to thefallen officer. >> pam:katherman, who is survived by his wife and two children, served with the police department >> pam:the body of officer michael katherman was carried out in casket. draped with the american flag. >> pam: in the hearse.which led the roughly 20-minute procession. >> reporter:crews in southern california continue to battle the large wildfire that started wednesday afternoon this is video out of santa fire" quickly covered more than 12-hundred acres. >> reporter:mandatory evcuations are still in effect and shelters and santa inez firefighters are battling the flames by air. using air tankers, heli-tankers, helicopters and d-c-10s. >> brittney: as we head into the weekend thinks will warm up. with temperatures and land pushing into the '90s for a few locations could get into the triple digits. plus, we do not had a great chance of rain showers. we did see some activity mainly in the north that. partly cloudy conditions, especially for tonight amber reconditions. -- breezy confitions >> brittney: much warmer temperatures for sunday, monday and tuesday. >> brittney: our futurecast for shows what is in store as we go into the rest of tonight. we will mainly stay dry with a passing sprinkle of rain. >> brittney: will see the clouds a decreasing. we will see partly cloudy skies. >> brittney: pressure returns and along with that is much sunshine. >> brittney: -- high pressure returns >> brittney: as we head into sun vacancy 90 degree temperatures. tomorrow we are at 784 inland. our 7 day forecast coming up!--78 inland >> pam:phillipe how is it tonight? >> reporter: have closed in double digits. it is down to nine. the crowd is into it. otherwise what has been a horrible night for the warriors. in the first quarter current with the lowest score all season want. and down to 20. at one point. but now, it seems like things are changing. >> reporter: would just about seven minutes remaining. the fans are worried. they are not looking for to the cavaliers returning to the oracle on telling us. -- oracle arena >> it is glenn to happen tonight!-- going to >> we were down 22 plants and now we brought it down to eight so that we are still in it. >> the war years are going to bring it home. -- warriors >>dubs nation, baby! we gotta do it! (cheers & applause) >> reporter: to night the war years are trying their best. --tonight the warriors are trying their best! >> reporter: if they do not win they will return ho me on father's day! >> reporter: for game 7 >> reporter: thank you, phillipe >> pam: the disturbing past of the orlando killer. >> gary: we have the story at later in this broadcast! at later in this broadcast! at later in this broadcast! ♪ ♪ >> pam: new tonight at 8 animal facility workers and antioch are processing 17 docks. and they all came from one apartment on wednesday night. -17 dogs >> pam: kron4 spencer blake le to see how the pubs are doing, and what is in store for the couple who was courting the pets. >> reporter:it all started wednesday night when firefighters responded to reports of smoke coming from an apartment. inside they found *21 dogs, couple. >> reporter:these are some of the pets rescued from hoarders, now facility. city workers brought in three mothers and 14 puppies. >> reporter:as it turns out, there was no actual fire, but the animals smelled pretty bad because of the smoke from a stove. >>tanya lopez â animal facility volunteer "we've been bathing them, feeding them, putting them >> reporter:an employee tells me the couple who owned the animals is deaf, so there were some communication barriers while they took the animals away. she says the couple got hostile. >>"they were really scared. >> reporter:those owners could face misdemeanor charges, though one animal facility workers says it's not likely they will. >>"it's crazy! i mean, how does one person have 15 puppies?" >>"and in addition to the 17 puppies that ended up here, there were also three more that the owners *were allowed to keep. that's according to city ordinance. there was actually a fourth one as well. city workers didn't realize one of the owners was holding that fourth puppy while they were gathering the other ones deal with that one later. >> reporter:in antioch, spencer blake, kron four news." >> pam:sushi has taken the world by storm. so much so that there's an international sushi day. >> reporter:seriously? >> vicki:tonight on dine and dish - vicki liviakis shows us how to make sushi at home. >> vicki:well, let's just say i got a lesson from one of the world's top sushi chef's. you be the judge. >> vicki:international sushi day - some people think that should be every day. so why not make it at home? top sushi chef ca bian of roka akor claims anybody can do it. >> vicki:chef bian uses these mats to roll. and really sharp knife to cut. >> vicki: that could be dangerous. >> it could be. >> vicki:the taste test. here's a finished platter of sushi made by the pros. >> vicki:beautiful, artful. mine, not so much. which only supports the saying, the only thing some reservations. >> pam:ahead at eight. the c-i-a admitting that despite military efforts. spreading. >> pam:and now the terror group is calling for more attacks on u-s soil. >> reporter:plus. >> reporter:a trip to what's supposed to earth turns into a nightmare. disney giving few answers after a deadly alligator >> pam:and next. the president delivers a strong message. following the deadliest mass shooting >> pam:while one politician says, mr. obama is directly to blame for the orlando >> brittney: and, we sought a cooler below average workweek. now we will tell you what is ahead for the weekend after the break! >> pam:an emotional president obama declared today. that 49 lives. because congress has made it easy for deranged individuals to get their hands on automatic weapons. >> reporter:some strong words as he and florida to meet with the families of the victims of last weekend's terror attack on an orlando nightclub. >> reporter:as catherine heenan has the president's reaction and new developments in the investigation into america's worst mass killing. >> reporter:some strong words as he and florida to meet with the families of the victims of last weekend's terror attack on an orlando nightclub. >> reporter:as catherine heenan has the president's reaction and new developments in the investigation into america's worst mass killing. >>obama "today, once again, as before, i held and hugged grieving family members and parents and they asked, 'why does keep happening?' and they pleaded that we do more to stop the carnage. they don't care about the politics. neither do i." >> reporter:in this election year, any terror attack is a political issue. today senator john mccain blamed the president for the massacre. >> reporter:the arizona republican said, quote, "barack obama is directly responsible because when he pulled everybody out of iraq, al qaeda went to syria, and became isis." the shooter, omar mateen, apparently had no direct ties to the terror group, but declared his allegiance in a call to a local t=v station from inside the nightclub. >>"he said i'm the shooter. he started saying i did it for isis. i did it for the islamic state." >> reporter:he also sent a text message to his wife. she has told authorities she had a suspicion he might have been planning an attack when he left the house. >> reporter:in the weeks before the massacre, the couple shopped for weapons and ammunition. >>omar mateen came into the body armor. >> reporter:the head of one gun shop said he alerted the fbi after an arabic=speaking customer asked about police=grade protective gear. >>which is not a question a question a normal civilian would ask. >> reporter:a newly released cell phone video shows the bathroom where mateen killed several hostages. >> reporter:a survivor describes the scene. >>i said let's lay on the toilet, prop our feet up. but i heard many people ran to the back stall. the gunman heard that, and went off with his rifle: pow, pow, pow, " >> reporter: catherine heenan, kron 4 news. >> pam:tonight. new details are coming out about the orlando gunman's history of violence. grant lodes joins us now. >> pam:and grant there was practically a lifetime of red flags. in omar mateen's life. >> pam:the alarming information reveals the mass killer had a pattern of disturbing behavior. >> grant:extending back to childhood.former classmates coming forward.saying even as a young boy --- omar mateen was troubled and disruptive. >> grant:when he was in fourth or classmates says mateen threatened to bring a gun to school and kill everyone. he was just around 10 years old at the time. >> grant:documents obtained from the saint lucie county school district in florida show he was disciplined thirty one times over a seven year span. >> grant:the record described him as quote "rude and aggressive" and say he frequently talked about "violence and sex". mateen's high school peers say in the days following september 11-th.he claimed osama bin laden was his uncle.and mocked the attacks. >>"he was acting like a plane, he had his arms out. he was making a plane noise and made a boom sound, like an fell in his seat, and was laughing about it, like it friends and i were like, 'if you don't stop, man there's going to be a problem.'" >> grant:that pattern of behavior continued in his adult life.just a few years ago. >> grant:he was transferred from a job as a security guard at a courthouse-- after making inflammatory comments about terrorism. that's when the f-b-i started investigating him. his ex-wife has also called him mentally unstable and disturbed. >> reporter:thank you grant. >> reporter:the c-i-a handed congress a grave assessment of the threat isis poses to the u-.s c-i-a director john brennan testified that isis can draw on a "large cadre of western fighters". >> reporter:and despite military efforts to crush the group. the terror threat remains as dangerous as ever. >> reporter:and although the orlando connected to isis the head of the c-i-a said isis wants to encourage more "lone wolf" attacks. >>"the group is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the west, including in routes and legitimate methods of travel." >>intelligence committee chairman "isil's global battlefield now includes the united states, and we cannot stand idly by. we must take the fight to them." after thousands of airstrikes and loss of territory.isis maintains key advantages. money and manpower. >> reporter:isis collects an estimated tens of millions of dollars each month through intimidation taxes and oil sales. and there are between 23 and 30 thousand in the group.far exceeding al qaeda at its height. >> grant: >> this just in to the kron 4 newsroom. >> grant: an officer being investigated for alleged criminal conduct according to the mayor administrator this has nothing to do with the big sex scandal that has rocked the oakland police department. an unnamed officer was either on or off duty saturday participated and misconduct. below is a statement released about five minutes ago. from the mayor saying that they are still not at liberty to discuss the details without risking the compromising an investigation potentially holding the wrong words are accountable. -- wrong doer's >> grant: that is the statement from the mayor, libby schaaf and administrator. >> pam:we have shown the bryant streets in san francisco. documented in numerous segments of people behaving badly and drivers who are trying seem to throw all traffic rules out the window. >> reporter:one of our reporters attempted to cross the notorious intersection to get the embarcadero and.'s what happened. . (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> stanley:this is me driving my kron 4 car dash cam rolling heading back to the office when i hit traffic at bryant and second a intersection i've documented several times >> stanley:the traffic to the left is heading to the bay bridge and the lane i'm in get to head straight onto the water front now for the record i was not for some reason it always happens to find me >> stanley:i want you follow along as to what is about to happen i'm still stuck in traffic . >> stanley:now notice as the car makes the right and i still have the green light but i realize i won't be able to clear the intersection so i wait instead of trying to beat the light >> stanley:now cross traffic on second is sorta stuck because traffic from bryant is blocking the roadway which is a ticket able offence but watch what happens next as the light turns green i wait for the cross traffic to clear and yes i have traffic behind me when it looks like i can clear the intersection because the lane i want is clear i proceed >> stanley:now at this point had i waited for yet another light this is when it get bad notice the blue car turning right i still have the green so i should be able to go around but i can't >> stanley:come one people let me though here.let me through here >>horn blows. >> stanley:where the hell are you goingnow the light is red for me and i'm stuck right smack in the intersection >> stanley:there i sit until the driver that ran the light can get into the lane to go on the u in the rear window . low and behold it was a uber driver >> stanley:who was such in a rush to me only to still be stuck in traffic i finally get to go on my way with no more traffic in front of me >> stanley: this is how you get stuck in traffic because someone else be hit as badly. -- behaves badly! >> stanley:in san francisco stanley roberts kron 4 news return >> pam:still ahead at 8. a 8=th grader's time to shine at graduation. and he did just that. >> pam:now his speech is going >> reporter:and next. why just one sunburn could put you at risk for cancer. ♪ dogs - sure can be messy. but with nexgard, their flea and tick killer doesn't have to be. nexgard, the vet's #1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. so it's easy to give, easy to take. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. why mess around? for powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. the #1 choice of vets for their dogs and yours. >> reporter: >> reporter: >> reporter: i found a thai place. oh, good read a review. there's no review it's just a phone number. how am i supposed to eat there if i don't know what other people think about it? get high speed internet from at&t. keep calm, your internet's on. get high speed internet from at&t. ♪ ♪ get high speed internet from at&t. keep calm, your internet's on. >> pam:a trip to the happiest place on earth turned into a nightmare for one nebraska family.after their son was drowned by an alligator tuesday night. the body of toddler. lane graves was found on wednesday after a frantic search. >> steve: standing in less than a foot of water. the alligator dragged him into the water and when his parents tried to save was too late. >> steve: officials say the animal may have already been caught. but they'll keep searching until they're certain they've got the right one. >> steve: a heartbreaking discovery after a frantic search for two-year-old lane graves. he was dragged by an alligator into lagoon tuesday night - near the walt disney grand floridian hotel. less than 24 hours later - dive teams found his body in the water nearby. >> distraught but also i believe somewhat relieved that we were able to find their son with his body intact one. >> reporter:lane's family was on vacation from elkhorn, nebraska. they were at a movie night - when the two-year-old waded out into shallow water. >> steve: witnesses say his horrified parents matt and melissa graves tried to save him. but it was too late. >>sheriff jerry demings/orange county, fl there's, like, no question in my mind that the child was drowned by the alligator." >> pam:officials say the animal may but they'll keep searching until they're certain they've got the right one. >>we're going to try to continue searching and we're going to make certain that we have the alligator that was involved and that we remove it, >> pam:there were signs warning "no swimming" posted around the area. and this lagoon is no stranger to gators. disney has an open permit to pull alligators from the water when they're spotted. >> pam:as the state of florida and disney work to see if there changes. condolences have poured in. from the c-e-o of the governor of their homestate of nebraska. and back home. they were protective, they tragedy. it was a tragic accident, one that could anybody out there. >> pam:there's well over a million alligators in the state of florida but attacks are extremely rare. disney has never had an attack like this. and in there's only been one other alligator attack in the state of florida this year. >> pam:disney ceo bob iger is in shanghai to open a brand new disney theme park but during the opening ceremony of the new park. this tragedy back home was not mentioned. >> pam: gary radnich is here with the sports! >> pam: probably taking his time due to watching the game. >> gary:the warriors with a 2nd chance to close out an nba title tonight in clevland >> gary:kerr was thrown out because of arguing! but it was over by then. >> gary: if someone steps to the mike in the next few minutes. maybe we can go to that immediately. if you are a basketball fan you are looking at the all-time great player, lebraun james. the back and forth. >> brittney: no one 3 >> gary: no one gets whipped on more than lebraun james. >> gary: you are looking at one of these five the greatest players of all time creek and he is playing like the best player in the world and that is how it went down tonight. with the golden state warriors getting off to a horrible start. not quitting. about the defendant--defending champs, you would expect them not to quit. >> gary: >> brittney: >> grant: people are to be talking about this because curry is a wife has tweet it out... a shocking tweet about the nba! >> grant: this is where it for money and ratings. i have lost all respect. >> gary: then is she said that with a hundred percent true you do not say that. the internet0... >> grant: the internet is going crazy. >> gary: you do not say that after a loss. again, she is a nice person. but you do not do that after a lost. >> gary:giants with a day off before starting a seven road trip. but the a's in oakland trying to beat texas in their series finale rangers starting pitcher colby lewis with a great day on the hill >> gary:9th inning >> gary:lewis had a no-no through eight. but in the ninth max muncy's breaks it up after nomar mazara failed to hang onto the ball >> gary:final: 5-1 texas >> gary:a's record: 27-39 >> gary:our lexus ultimate highlight. check this out from a lithuania-a league game yesterday (cheers & applause) >> gary:dzimtry koub scored an 86th minute equalizer and immediately sprinted into the stands to give himself some polite applause. that he did it at an away match makes it even better. (cheers & applause) >> gary:. and that's our lexus. pursuit of perfection. ultimate highlight >> gary:round 1 of the u.s. open in oakmont, pennsylvania cut stort today by rain >> gary:andrew landry leads by 1 stroke at 3-under through 17 holes the remainder of the 1st round and the 2nd round will be played tomorrow weather permitting >> gary:andrew landry sinks the the leaderboard at 3- under through 17 >> gary:then came the second and last rain delay the remainer played tomorrow weather providing. >> gary:the ufc has two possible groups intersted in buying the m-m-a company its being reported the two buyers posted bids ranging around 4.1 billion dollars. >> reporter: we will be right back after this break! ♪ ♪ (laughter) >> grant: that isn't a great graduation someone is doing a barney sanders imitation. >> pam: we will see you later everyone. revving up you hear that? that's the sound of our summer sale firing up its engines with fares as low as 69 dollars one-way. so get ready to take off... because sale prices as low as these don't happen every day! book your low fare now at low fares. nothing to hide. that's transfarency. clap, clap, ding wannwith sodastreamter? you turn plain water into sparkling water in seconds. and because it's so delicious, you'll drink 43% more water every day. sodastream. love your water. (indistinct conversations) (beeps) (door unlocks) (computer whirring) (beeps) (door whooshing) (air hisses)

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United States , Los Gatos , California , Iraq , Shanghai , China , Alameda County , Thailand , Oakmont , Nebraska , Oakland , Texas , Embarcadero , Saint Lucie County , Florida , Syria , San Francisco , Thai , America , Floridian , American , Spencer Blake , Alecia Reid , Bbob Iger , Walt Disney , John Brennan , Catherine Heenan , Vanessa Russell , Hyman Scott , Jerry Demings , Andrew Landry , Al Qaeda , Max Muncy , Al Mead , Hill Gary , Santa Inez , John Mccain , Colby Lewis , Bernie Sanders , Pam Moore , Kate Cagle , Barney Sanders , Orlando Brittney , Nick Orozco , Omar Mateen , Francisco Stanley Roberts Kron , Charles Clifford Kron , Stanley Roberts , Barack Obama , Justine Waldman , Tanya Lopez , Libby Schaaf ,

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