But the fire started in cobb. The Hidden Valley lake area is still seeing damage as the valley fire continues to burn out of control. Vicki for a full list of evacuations in place visit our website at kron4. Com vicki currently there are nine Evacuation Centers in place for those forced out of their homes. The majority are in kelseyville including their high school and presbyterian church. The Largest Center is at the napa county fairgrounds in calistoga. There are also two centers in lakeport at the auto movies and Big Valley Rancheria gymnasium. In ukiah. The shelter at the redwood empire fairgrounds has room for people as well as their animals. For a full list of evacuation shelters visit our website at kron4. Com. Vicki joining us now on the phone, is Daniel Berlant from cal fire. Daniel, what can you tell us . 1 zero containment why is this fire so hard to control . this fire is creating its own whether pushing fire in multiple directions. Hamburgers flew over our fire fighters. The weather in side the fire itself is pushing in the fire all over. Vicki you cant anticipate where its going next. its a lot harder for us to predict. We are making sure that we are covering it not all run this fire. 20,000 people have evacuated. We want to keep the fire away from the homes. Vicki 2 so many people driven from their homes. Whats your priority . Saving lives, of course is first and foremost. that is the main focus yesterday. We are working that out during marriage of the fires. Fire fighters are trying real hard to keep the fires away from the homes. Vicki 4 are there special concerns for the firefighters after 4 were injured . Vicki we take you back out to the front lines. With Team Coverage of the valley fire. Scott rates joins us now from middletown. Where several hundred homes have been destroyed. Scott, it looks like a war zone. What can you tell us . Reporter this scene is like this all over. Few stores in theyre nothing left. Just this playground is the only thing standing in the middle of it. Cars are gone. Holmes a leveled the dead animals and on the side of the road. Its a really awful scene out here. Reporter a Massive Wildfire burning out of control in lake county has forced almost un describe scene up here, the valley fire ruining so many people lives, possessions gone in flash. And firefighters still struggling to get a handle on the fire. Power is out in several areas up, pgande crews have been working non stop to remove lines for the road the damage so bad it here it is going to a long time for them to pick up the pieces and move on. Another issue out here is the smoke, it is bad, crews out here working have been slowed down by it, parts per million. Vicki from what we can see. The fire has just about decimated the town of middletown in lake county. Forcing thousands of people to flee their homes. Kron 4s alecia reid joins us live from middletown. She shows us the damage left behind from that merciless fire. Alecia. Reporter these goggles have been my best friend all day as i walked around and surveyed the damage. The smoke is sitting on the ground. Its thick. You can barely breathe, and it burns. My eyes are stinging as we speak. its burned reporter cars burnt to a crisp. An entire neiborhood eerily resembles a war zone its just another natural phenomena the fire was 360 degrees. It was all the way around you. It was amazing to see. It was like wow. Reporter after surviving the lake county fire, hes riding around taking it all in. His housing complex escaped without damage, but a house nearby wasnt so lucky. i actually tried putting one house out but it didnt quite work. the gutter was on fire and i tried cleaning out the gutter but the sheriff told me to get off the roof and the fire truck didnt come and it went up in flames reporter another example of how devastating yet unpredicable this fire wasthis home and all the homes around it were all completely leveled. The car sitting in this garage, charred and unrecognizable. If you come outside and into the driveway, this car has some front end damage, but then the fire jumped the street, completely burned the ditch, but then all the homes there are untouched. yea its a mess reporter most families have evacuated. Some came back to check on their properties. Theres no electricity, or water. Pg e crews have been checking downed power lines throughout the day. And firefighters are still checking on hotspots. This natural gas fire is burning itself out. Reporter it is a bit hard to fathom that just a day ago, this was a neighborhood with children running around. And now their homes have literally disintegrated. There were some houses that survived. Vicki a Massive Wildfire burning out of control in lake county has forced almost un describe scene up here, the valley fire ruining so many people lives, possessions gone in flash. And firefighters still struggling to get a handle on the fire. Power is out in several areas up, pgande crews have been working non stop to remove lines for the road the damage with thousands of people evacuated out of their neighborhoods and homes. School will be canceled tomorrow in lake county. All the schools in the region will be shut down tomorrow. The county says closures will be and that some schools may open quicker than others. For daily updates be sure to check with your childs school. Vicki four firefighters are recovering after being burned yesterday. The men were working to put out the valley fire raging through lake county. All four calfire fighters were this is a picture calfire tweeted this morning. Firefighter Richard Reiff while trying to get a hold on the wildfire. All of the men are expected to recover. Reporter windy weather conditions have made it difficult for firefighters to contain the reporter a spinning batch of tropical moisture over Northern California has helped to produce higher humidity and a few sprinkles today. But despite the cloud cover weve seen today, temperatures were up across much of the bay area. Highs have made it into the 70s by the bay, 80s the east bay valleys. Cooler weather is expected to come our way pretty quickly the next few days. Onshore winds will push fog into the bay and valleys tonight. Those low clouds should take a while to clear monday morning. This will help to bring afternoon highs down into the 60s and 70s for monday. Only the warmest valleys should hit the 80s. A cold airmass coming out of the northwest this week will also help to drop afternoon temperatures. By tuesday, most locations will be confined to the 60s with the valleys getting into the mid 70s. A developing storm system currently way up there in the bering sea, west of alaska, will drop into the bay area wednesday afternoon and bring a shot for significant rainfall to the north bay. There could be as an inch. Amounts will be much less south and east of the golden gate. This will be some welcome relief for firefighting efforts in lake county. After that storm goes by, look for the return of more sunshine and warmer temperatures into the weekend. Vicki back to our top story. A raging wildfire burning in Northern California has forced 10thousand people from their homes. At least 1thousand firefighters it first broke out yesterday afternoon in lake county. And has now spread to napa and sonoma counties. Areas that has had several homes destroyed by the fire. Reporter there is a hundred people staying here tonight for the most part did our. Reporter they look like this we thought we were toast reporter the grand rabbi moses and aaron add that there 0 latter was my clothes reporter hundreds of bottle of water these are clothes that been donated. Reporter amy is dropping back is a close. Reporter 1 volunteer said that everyone in that town is here. Reporter now as touchy as the dis pile of clothes we speak to their red cross they say we dont have enough stuff we will also need money because the next step will be tell people build their homes. Reporter a spinning batch of tropical moisture over Northern California has helped to produce higher humidity and a few sprinkles today. But despite the cloud cover weve seen today, temperatures were up across much of the bay area. Highs have made it into the 70s by the bay, 80s for the south bay, and 90s for the east bay valleys. Cooler weather is expected to come our way pretty quickly the next few days. Onshore winds will push fog into the bay and valleys tonight. Those low clouds should take a while to clear monday morning. This will help to bring afternoon highs down into the 60s and 70s for monday. Only the warmest valleys should hit the 80s. A cold airmass coming out of the northwest this week will also help to drop afternoon temperatures. By tuesday, most locations will be confined to the 60s with the valleys getting into the mid 70s. A developing storm system currently way up there in the bering sea, west of alaska, will drop into the bay area wednesday afternoon and bring a shot for significant rainfall to the north bay. There could be as much as a quarter to a half of an inch. Amounts will be much less south and east of the golden gate. This will be some welcome relief for firefighting efforts in lake county. After that storm goes by, look for the return of more sunshine and warmer temperatures into the weekend. Yesterdays technology, today. Tv from space. [whispered] space as long as its not too rainy. [whispered] rainy or windy. [whispered] windy or there isnt a branch in the way. [whispered] branchy welcome to the moment no ones been waiting for. The Fastest Internet and the best tv experience is already here with x1. Only from xfinity. It took Serena Williams years to master the two handed backhand. But only one shot to master the chase mobile app. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. The drought is affecting at pg e weve definitely put a focus on helping our agricultural customers through the drought. When they do an Energy Efficiency project and save that money they feel it right in their pocket book. Its exciting to help a customer with an Energy Efficiency project because not only are they saving energy but they are saving water. We have a lot of projects at pg e that can help them with that and thats extremely important while were in a drought. Its a win for the customer and its a win for california. Together, were building a better california. Vicki a church celebrates 200 years of worship. The president ial candidate who showed up. Plus the Iran Nuclear Deal half of americans dont trust it. You might be surprised how the iranians feel about it. And thousands of people chased out of their homes tonight. What hope they have of returning after a raging wildfire. Great change comes from doing the right thing. Like the radical idea that health isnt an industry. Its a cause. So we do things differently. We combine care and coverage. And believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. So forgive us for not going with the flow. We just think the flow should go with us. Which makes us rebels with one cause. Your health. Vicki breaking news were following tonight. A wildfire burning out of control in lake county. Has now spread into napa and sonoma counties. At least 10thousand people have been forced from their homes. And several hundred homes have been destroyed. An air quality alert has been issued in northern napa county due to the fire. Joining us on the phone now. Is tom flanagan from the bay area air quality district. we do have a westerly flow which is causing did it the smoke to go east. The smoke of fax are really being felt in the central valley. Here in the bay area we see this smoke level low. Vicki 1 i swear i could smell the fire all the way here in san francisco. Just imagining it . we expect at be send air quality here. If the winds change of course that will change. Vicki 3 what advice can you give people with respiratory problems . we encourage them to stay indoors and that limit their exposure to the outdoors. We want to make sure that everyone is taking the right key proper care. Vicki we have Team Coverage of the valley fire. Scott rates joins us now from middletown. Where several hundred homes have been destroyed. Scott, it looks like a war zone. What can you tell us . in the past 15 minutes there is the least one person that has died. We dont know the circumstances around that death by we will be more information. The destruction is a very noticeable. House of poorhouse just like this one destroyed. Its the like this up and down the street a couple of homes were not burned. Theres a lot of devastation and destruction here. 20,000 people remained evacuated. Very dangerous situation out here as far as the fire is concerned. We spoke to this jumron yesterday. i can tell you this much the fire was as high as the empire state building. Los turn this save my hay barn but it burned down. It didnt scare me just have to deal with. Reporter the California Department of forestry has confirmed one person has died. There is no containment with this fire right now. Vicki the fire has attacked the town of middletown in lake county. Forcing thousands of people to flee their homes. But some families decided to stay behind in order to keep an eye on their properties. Kron 4s alecia reid joins us live from middletown. Is the community banding together . Reporter theres no electricity, and no water but that isnt stopping some people from staying in their homes. Pg e made sure that the one Grocery Store in the area had a generator, so they were able to reopen today. And people made the best of it. They picked up staples milk, cheese, bread and sandwich meat. Of course they also packed up on ice because there is no electricity, and with all the downed power lines theres no telling when electricity will be back on. The owner of hardesters market tells me pg e hauled the generator from napa county to their store so that neighbors can have access to food. He says the closest market to this one is in clear lake, which is about 20 miles away. im very impressed with pg. Reporter did you evacuate we were now supposed to combat but we did reporter one guy says he and his children are treating this like a camping adventure. Luckily they can now get groceries. The nearby gas station is also working on getting a generator hooked up, so that the people who are here, can fill up on gas. Live in middletown. Vicki kron 4 viewers have been sending fire. We have a slideshow of those pictures on our website. If you have a picture youd like to share with us, just email it to breakingnewsatkron4dot com. Reporter a spinning batch of tropical moisture over Northern California has helped to produce higher humidity and a few sprinkles today. But despite the cloud cover weve seen today, temperatures were up across much of the bay area. Highs have made it into the 70s by the bay, 80s for the south bay, and 90s for the east bay valleys. Cooler weather is expected to come our way pretty quickly the next few days. Onshore winds will push fog into the bay and valleys tonight. Those low clouds should take a while to clear monday morning. This will help to bring afternoon highs down into the 60s and 70s for monday. Only the warmest valleys should hit the 80s. A cold airmass coming out of the northwest this week will also help to drop afternoon temperatures. By tuesday, most locations will be confined to the 60s with the valleys getting into the mid 70s. A developing storm system currently way up there in the bering sea, west of alaska, will drop into the bay area wednesday afternoon and bring a shot for significant rainfall to the north bay. There could be as much as a quarter to a half of an inch. Amounts will be much less south and east of the golden gate. This will be some welcome relief for firefighting efforts in lake county. After that storm goes by, look for the return of more sunshine and warmer temperatures into the weekend. Costsfirefighters working into the night trying to stop an out of control wildfire. Theyre praying for rain. But a new worry thunderstorms. Vicki back to our top story. A raging wildfire burning in Northern California has forced 10thousand people from their homes. At least 1thousand firefighters are battling the blaze. It first broke out yesterday afternoon in lake county. And has now spread to napa and sonoma counties. Hidden valley lake is one of the areas that has had several homes destroyed by the fire. That is where kron 4s philippe he has talked to People Living through the fire. Reporter honor show you the amount of donations that the comedian be as brought to the evacuate did. A lot of this close will probably go to other locations we will there will make sure that these resources will be divided up. They have more. Vicki new changes to the federal college aid system that could help students get a better and earlier handle about whether they can afford school. Students and their families will be able to fill out the federal aid form in october for the school year that begins the following fall. Under the current system. They must wait until january. The white house says requiring students to wait until january slows down the process. And makes it harder for them to qualify for private scholarships and figure out whether they can pay for college. Vicki Hillary Clinton is helping celebrate the 200th anniversary of a Methodist Church where her family attended services during bill clintons presidency. The democratic president ial candidate says that foundry united Methodist Church was a place where her family could worship in washington outside the commotion of Daily White House life. Vicki clinton says scripture teaches the need to make it possible for people to discover and use their gifts from god. And live up to their potential. Vicki the us average price of gasoline dropped 27cents over the past three weeks to 2. 44 a gallon. An industry analyst says the pump price fell even though crude oil prices gained strength. As gasoline supply outweighed demand. Further price drops are likely if crude oil prices do not the United States was charleston, South Carolina at 1. 94. The highest was 3. 31 a gallon in los angeles. As for bay area gas prices. San francisco averaged at 3. 20 a gallon. Oakland 3. 04. And san jose at 3. 02. Vicki jr stone in to talk about plus an update on that monster wildfire and where its spreading now. It took Serena Williams years to master the two handed backhand. But only one shot to master the chase mobile app. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. Because at t and directv are offering yesterdays technology, today. Tv from space. [whispered] space as long as its not too rainy. [whispered] rainy or windy. [whispered] windy or there isnt a branch in the way. [whispered] branchy welcome to the moment no ones been waiting for. The Fastest Internet and the best tv experience is already here with x1. Only from xfinity. Vicki heres what we know so far. The valley fire has scorched nearly 50thousand acres. The fire broke out yesterday near high valley road and bottle rock road in the town of cobb. At least 100 homes have been destroyed. And thousands of structures threatened. Fivethousand people are without power. Vicki taking a breather from the firefight. Jr stone in tonight alongside bip roberts for sports night live. You talkin football, right . Reporter its korean to be windy for the next couple of days. There will be a few isolated showers. We will have more rain on wednesday afternoon. Could bring unto quarter of an inch in each. Vicki thats it for the kron 4 news at 8. Stay connected with kron 4 and get latest news developments at kron4. Com or download one of our mobile apps. Our next newscast is tonight at 11 oclock. See you then. Goodnight

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