Wrongdoing and will not face charges. Coverage of the Sonoma County District Attorneys decision. They take you through the ruling just a moment we begin with the brewing over sites protest the protest just wrapped up a loss 30 minutes of the location or any lopez was shot and killed certainly anger in this Community Supporters and many lopez directing anger toward District Attorney crews decided not to file charges against a deputy who shot and killed and lopez 13 year old whos holding a replicar ak47 about the toy gun did not pose a threat to anyone to this deputy to the neighborhood he was a kid here shot because youre the kid tearing a toy gun where kids play. A justice that cannot be permitted those angry with a dissertation to us of the office he made the announcements charges would not be filed at one point monday afternoon 50 protesters took the streets chanting as they marched to the site where lopez was shot and killed he knew these kids play in the field he knew that. Excuse that he feared for his life was exactly that to get away with murder that needs to change. What some feel this is a racist the press conference mostly white. No accountability memorial site or lopez was shot and killed i can tell you there was protest rally schedule for 1 00 outside the District Attorneys office on tuesday plans are in the work for a saturday protest as well. Continuing the coverage the details of the decision made by District Attorney filed criminal charges against the deputy. 19 seconds pass behind a sheriffs deputy doll house call for a emergency assistance. When he fired eight rounds hitting 13 yearold danny lopez seven times killing him that actions or lawful no criminal charges will be filed against him at this time monday District Attorney announced the shooting justified that the colts the subject to drop the gun twice the voice line often heard we heard about running out the field his at the far end of the field. We also know that he did not drop the weapon. But according to evidence we received turned toward the deputy from a distance of approximately 67 ft. It also the deputy subject turned toward him the weapon in his hand turn as well. And the girls started to rise the a show the replica ak47 lopez was holding on the bottom of the photo above that are real ak47 d. A. Says well tragedy the evidence suggests the shooting does not justify a criminal charges he believed honestly reasonably he was faced with a do or die dilemma. Where for the subject to fire what he believed to be a Deadly Weapon and risk their he was partner shot and killed or far his weapon when the threat was turned toward him. here the implementation we enforce reasonable response under the circumstances District Attorney now are for the report to a grand jury as well as the Guitar Department of justice and case said one person with a of a this officer for several large rights violation and center one man in custody after allegedly breaking into a bedroom of 11 yearold girl in kensington. Crowleys but today one young girl in kensington. According to the Kensington Police department 22 yearold of richmond 0 after one monday morning trade allegedly climbed into bed with an 11 yearold girl. After liberal woke up sheet spend the night or after 440 in the morning Berkeley Police reported to crawler along the center road 6 mi. Away from the earlier break and officers arriving on scene spotted hubbard and detained him that he was later identified as a suspect in both the break in and crawling incidents. Arrest on suspicion of the first degree burglary and looted in the actions of his on morrissey thousand dollars bail. no surprise that caught dry conditions difficult for thought california firefighters, fire says last week alone Agency Responded to 275 fires. The total number of fires up to 3000 already this year that number 900 more than the normal number of fires for this time of year the like right here. The bus fire burning in northern nappa county and like connie and marcello fire is in yellow county you see down here south east of the lake this is a larger right now the more dangerous fire this started friday night on crossfire are burned 6,500 a. Right now 35 percent contained a couple dozen homes have been threatened right now all the evacuation orders have been lifted or the 1600 fire personnel are working this fire airline significant progress with the bus fire starting last tuesday no. Now but it ripped through more than four fells acres now 90 percent contained two homes were destroyed in this fire we have look a big was the deal here from last tuesday when the fire was raging this courtesy of helicopter partnership with abc seven news investigators looking into how each of the fire started toprated initialed an south bays really damage in the Early Morning fire a firefighter is recovering this evening. The fire happened just before 4 00 in the village lane and los gatos one firefighter injured in the fall while fighting the fire. Hes taken to hospital was not lifethreatening injuries. Recently he was featured in the wine enthusiast magazine among the what top 100 libra stress and of the country. Cause of the fire still under investigation slight developing news third plane filled with undocumented the Central American immigrants weather burchfield Southern California this morning protests continued the Border Patrol station in marietta calif. 3 department of human Start Services shall the emigrants from the plane to one of san diegos Border Patrol stations white house says most of the children arriving without parents or guardians of the u. S. Mexican border will be sent back to their home countries the reason is they are not likely to qualify for humanitarian relief the lead in time Obama Administration expected ask for congress to billion dollars more to handle thousands of young immigrants who have crossed the border other National News more than 50 people shot in chicago over the fourth of july weekend. Some reports put the town as high as 82 people families 14 of the victims died a of the shooting incidents reportedly of all to please. Department superintendent says all of the police appeared to be justified calling for tougher firearm penalties until such time as something happens and the individuals to carry these firearms everybody asks me what about the fence with near chicago and say very simply the of the house as a down to no. Shooting incidents up over last year sold more alert issued to respond during an seven the enrollment missing since last night at 84 yearold esther bless got reported missing this morning by her daughter. Last seen last night about 1130 and a 2004 buick century, said st. In san leandro. Please issue is following her daughter as they drove to a oakland Car Rental Company car was spotted by lessons they can run free on this morning. And the early stages of dementia. Construction on a key piece of a bart extension to Silicon Valley his snack congestion are free back on lending road in milpitas. Crews will build a tunnel under to make way for the board track. The original plan called for the full closure of the road allowing the crews to complete the work in time months. But now milpitas won a court ruling okie to road partially open wasnt and the impact on commuters along with nearby businesses however extending the construction time here by the additional eight months design build approach due to a partial closure full closure is one aspect of a mate megaproject. Does not directly correlates to an added overall schedule. It doesnt greatly impact the duration of the construction and that immediate area the project of this magnitude that could be doing several activities are doing numerous activities currently. Thus significantly impact the duration of this concession in the area by transportation and stories of any time loss on a milpitas much of the 10 mi. Extension from fremont to North San Jose likely be made up elsewhere and will likely not have an impact on overall completion date of late 2017 soft a congressman is calling on the Food Drug Administration to end a controversial regulation presence in gabe bisexual men from donating blood. Congressman says that the band marginalizes stigmatizes and stereotypes healthy the bisexual men all across the country also says overturning the ban will increase donor blood supplies and could help save files of lives National Gay Blood drive was held today and part of a great effort the consideration of a blood drive is scheduled for friday afternoon i had tonight at eight new security measures sure to affect how you travel safely in the skies show you how what the fed tightens for later in the newscast something of a mexican next trip to the emergency room more breeze next Oakland Police chief speaking out only on for about in kron steps have people talking about the city about the city safeway gets that staying on budget can be a real bear. Thats why theyve got lots of ways to save. Real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. Its a great time for a cookout. Fresh sweet corn is 10 for just 2. 00. Ranchers reserve ribeye steaks are only 6. 99 a pound. And refreshe water is just 2. 79 a case. Theres more savings to love. At safeway. Ingredients for life. And in the crime that played oakland lettuce numbers indicate a Violent Crime dropping. An exclusive interview with the police chief michel only see tonight on 4. What did he have to say is very happy to know the numbers are dropping as for Violent Crime and oakland is concerned what exactly is the Police Department role in all this will we continue to see these number to drop. People who live here know at that crimes in oakland to be the worst in the country new numbers show Violent Crime is actually dropping. Sure strategies appear to be working here are the latest numbers compared to last your active time, is down 16 . Robberys down 35 and robberies with a firearm down 50 . And police chief has been on the job since may of last year he believes there are several reads listens to the drop of crime and giving area commanders more resources on failing programs such as operation ceasefire put a dent in crime problem. So the biggest help though coming from the community and other agencies help with contracting and u. S. Marshal very good about locating a lot of what it suspects. It had people provide us with video captured from their home. Also helps sell war crimes because the citizens of oakland and all the citys notorious for a crime rate. As the chief how his Department Plans on keeping crime on a downward trend with the santa course identified strategies that do appear to be working sometimes in the past we had trouble with not many committees strategy that works. Record make the mistake any more we know is working bread queue that and we keep up our hiring will be able to have the efforts we have now warnings for japan to dry typhoon heading toward the Southern Island of okinawa. For graf from today showing a large size of the it astronaut reese said the picture from the International Space station the typhoon stress wind gusts up to 185 mi. An hour believed to be the most powerful or storm to hit the stores in 15 years right now the typhoon is equivalent of a strong category two hurricane sitting here off the coast of taiwan. We try to get there is japan as moves toward japan the water right here very similar to what we saw on the east coast of hurricane arthur colder as a mixed here closest to boat southern japan it will weakening to a category one equivalent of a cat or one as it makes landfall will be dropping down to a Tropical Storm strength. Still powerful storm as the rise through japan up the coastline you see the track introductory i overland which is a good one that keeps it from strengthening but still coastal waters your all a cooler it will be weakening sticking it turned a local weather was awesome very very bizarre weather for the bay area at some tropical moisture coming and you see that too high clouds assault today beaconsfield in the humidity has to take a look at satellite radar picture and police showers back building in the bay area. Some returns on radar but it really not much has hit the ground reports of few isolated sprinkles and what we generally see picture from sematech or earlier today you see these dark wisps of clouds. The stop about here now hitting the ground the rain at this rain dried out before it makes it to the ground but thats what we have seen today and continue to see a picture from milpitas a very high clouds still moving through temptress to the cooler than the cloud coverage and then velez can link the clouds for more comfortable temperatures 79 concord. Antioch and livermore pre warm carrot a lot warmer if it were of low clouds as a ticket tomorrow temperatures largely in the 60s and 70s. As a course inlands 80 in antioch 82 concord 85 and closing 10 upper 70s and the north and south bay. So the extended forecast marceau going to have cloud coverage but again very minimal chance of any rain ahead if it happens all few isolated sprinkles wednesday through friday typical summer pattern morning fog afternoon sunshine mild temperatures we will warm up as we head into weekend early next week. coming up tonight at eight firefighters from be prepared ready as fires continue to threaten the greater bay area at novel solution to ongoing drought both here are filling up their water tanks and lime coming up house some east bay residents keeping lawns and gardens green for free and still managing to in quite a toll on lawns gardens all across the bay area and one east bay Water District come up with a novel way to stay green and conserve taking us to recycle water giveaway lining up for followup. Drastic right eye of the do we have to do is 710 residents bringing antirent cartons at not cause anything that can fill up on free water. Recycle water from center own Wastewater Treatment facility in pleasanton water that normally flushed into the bay because of the drought in california 25 percent mandatory water restrictions we have. A lot of residence the lawns and flowers are getting it stressed we set up this program which we think is probably the first one in the state of california on the state fully attain anything save landscaping. 50 years a landscaping my daughter at a rate cut by 50 percent but still not enough to do landscaping will be here all times a week into the trees and shrubs alive long will have to go behind me hear the tree and plant where the water is recycled to wondering about the original source yes it is the toilet bowl. Thats where residents giving signs and instructions a first party is the sewage water. And for human consumption only for thursday gardens. It lost in trinket you choose to drink it is thaddeus for those purposes people oh wait the 300 gal. Per trip for free with no limits on the trip the make and led at sfo before your next flight there are new to say rules you will need to know about to clear the security lines hassle free for over 60,000 california foster children, having Necessary School supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. The day i start, im already behind. I never know what im gonna need. New school, new classes, new kids. Its hard starting over. To help, sleep train is collecting School Supplies for local foster children. Bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right. Not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. All his fault that pledge and for the bay area man convicted after his dog mauled the to yearold grandson normally a hero and situations like these california lifeguards falls victim corruption of violent since then francisco over weekends and net now at 830 about a Holiday Weekend San Francisco grand here with the details on what happens is the night and not relevant if the victims in seven shootings in San Francisco since friday night for the shooting is not a map alway the to enter into a trade group fatal the video from the video on rebel avenue on the sunnyvale neighborhood. They got the call of this homicide after 3 00 this morning investigating as we speak a few hours later this morning another homicide kron 930 this morning on iron would weigh and hearts. Area meanwhile early sunday morning and fiddle shooting on the cell avenue in the bay view to guys trout one suffering life threatening injuries. Friday night around 10 00 man shot while short in his car same general area. Please to not have any suspect information for any of these matters so francisco now seen 18 homicide detectives so far this year. Fourth of july also solve some pretty serious car accidents. Friday police in san jose say that a man blew off both of his hands when illegal explosive went off prematurely. In another case to men sunnyvale also seriously injured when they tried to let a mortar like explosive. In that case one man lost fingers on his left hand and finger tips on his right hand. All a second victim was part of his right hand. But fires in california raging nonstop this year the weather is not helping. There are 275 fires throw the state. Last week or already so far this year that caught fire has battled three fouls and blazes. This side hundred flaw others above average this and the story. It is for those fires fire Authorities Say people should be vigilant about preventing fires they said People Living in a high hazard areas should go the extra mile to make sure their homes have defensible space. To cut the risk of fire. It should the proper clearance from their homes very hard for clears. Debris away from their their edges of the host. Mature all progress on all run homes but they get them removed. Fire season goes up to early november. All fire crews battling 70 percent more fires than they were this time last year. Anticipate that number will increase because of the drought. Judge orders that 56 yearold steve high on she be sentenced to three years probation and a one year jail time. Because for the dog long death of his two yearold grandson suppressant. And voluntary manslaughter of theyll incident occurred back in july 2010. After the toddler made his way into a garage. Are high on she had three couples. Id expect any of this to happen had i known i would of not left. The adults of the house and the as we didnt communicate enough to really know of anyone though both the responsibilities. He will remain out on one Million Dollar bail. Pending his appeal however the judge ordered he continued to wear an ankle on a string bracelets are out the process to align its tonight at 8 duteous ferrules the some airport surrounding, and gas gadgets that will carry. what you need to know declares interline hassle free land is your phone battery is dead that could keep you from getting past security and boarding your airplane. Csa said security has been stepped up on certain flights and to the u. S. including passengers to power devices no official list which airports are affected not however the their recording that is warm. they need to say that of bunching gadget and not been hollowed out to use as a bomb in his measures in response to reports that affirmation terraces syria and evan built a bomb that might invade the existing screen processing on gadgets been targeted phones tablets laptops handheld scanning devices british journal for i phone samsung galaxies have already been singled out for additional scrutiny certain airports in europe middle east and africa as a device out of trees by people cipher for the screen or a device might not make it on to aircraft might have to leave it behind for now this is affecting people travelling into the u. S. Part departing from domestic airports like sfo oakland or been of the san jose it should not have the power devices experts in the Security Community believe this could be a normal thing u. S. Airport force in line at recommend during up portable back up Power Battery packs or almost any device you can find the most Electronics Stores First Time Ever Newport Beach lost a lifeguard on duty 32 yearold ben carlson trying to save a summer last night this in eight to 10 ft surf all our fault large wave apparently hit a 15 year veteran carlson did not arrive at one point and Southern California dozens of people trying to find him in the watter the dislocate after three hours of searching pronounced dead people obviously distraught their Newport Beach fire chief says carlson a class act always had a smile on his face their help in every single moment an odder treasury to lose a man of the caliber summer carlson trying to rescue was pulled from the ocean fuller recovered coming up tonight running for their lives in spain a local then turns into one believable Discovery Zone for the scientist will show you what theyre so excited about are you tired of long ways away to the emergency room. Something that could help you out what level process about sunset francisco you cant see much low clouds moving back and. We have more clout coverage through the rest of the bay area high clouds. The talk about why were seeing all this cloudiness coming up see room the notorious for long wait times now you can avoid sitting around a hospital to see a doctor and said were from the comfort of your own couch. They tell us you can now book your visit to the emergency room online. When your sec nothing more painful than sitting in a hospital waiting room out with a few clicks on line you can skip the waiting and see position of mourn the senior director at st. Marys Medical Center part of dignity health. They use an online e are waiting Service Patients deployment on the hospitals website then comes the are so staff knows what symptoms are coming in this Online System is not meant for every illness and its lifethreatening key words like just pain hemorrhaging those words come up a bill automatically stop the patient and tell them to call on one airline it does filter out. But theres explaining when others are left in the waiting room. Some hospitals charge 10 to book online reserving the exam room bed. Biggity health does not charge patients get in a climate within the hour making them feel better home worse this year dramatic flooding images from a Minor League Baseball ball park in davenport poor by what normally it is a waterfront park. Watter not surrounding it on all sides though like back here. Also want to show situations in clarksville missouri people are dealing with floodwaters. Company donates sandbags in san all tears filling them up the worst of the flooding expected on wednesday when the Mississippi River is expected it another star is actually hurting across the middle of the country for more on that sfax seller in a picture shows band showers solve this is intense. When up to the north right now will start to slowly died down to the south will impact and mississippi later in the week but wednesday thursday. Luckily the things of our own sea monster coming up from the south. Some of the month so a lot more central california. Sensing showers over the sierra. Its th dry ous many as a senior and radar picked up a few returns but none of that is actually hitting the ground first look at mt. Tam can meet and see low clouds rolling and to different types of close out their local laws of the coast the we also have high clouds the conceit here from the camera at the bay bridge toll plaza bohai cloud coverage to make up the little cooler than in days past. Remember the rain is next a hit the ground it is perfect picture to illustrate that. Dark clouds to concede with of the darkness here. Rain right their body seedstocks about here before it hits the ground to dry out before his the ground because it encino really tried picture from milpitas of the causes evening high cloud coverage or sitting still at this hour as mentioned its been clear to dead ends to cloud coverage inland. Once ilion agrees in concord to advance the cause 90 those still in an sec 88 livermore lot warmer if it were not for the cloud cover. Tomorrow a similar condition 60s and 70s will have a is in line up bradys and antioch fairfield 85 in pleasanton is the 87th in redwood city 79 in sunnyvale. Slightly cooler conditions next several days. Wednesday thursday friday really typical summer pattern minus the scorching heat he and 70s aesir on the bay area this weekend will climb back up to the 90s away from the coast near miss an airshow how close the spider got just got to the spectators. In sports giants as a round want to garry has update straight ahead plus the fans suing after falling asleep you treat every minute like its a chance to do something. So youre always moving. Constantly searching for the next opportunity to make the most of what life has to offer. Your time is valuable. So you reach for something better. Fewer calories. Fewer carbs. More to experience. Michelob ultra. The superior light beer. Call awesome, terrifying maybe both about that different angles for you in epic seen jet getting really close to a crowd the saturday show in england over the weekend the jet making a landing in see the runway or end up landing be on this guy right there. He was coming and to our runaway demand buzzes the crowd with a how close it gets to those spectators right there all of them hit the deck to close for comfort no word from a pilot on what his motives were the big bay bridge series first of four in oaklands first to in to enter francisco out nobody scored. As have a lot of base runners the vogels son has accounted scoreless in the bottom of the fifth inning really good news for the as 1975 last time they had six all stars as mere do lunt europes no. Josh johnson shown here will start vologda fans bell opened at theres bay last evening on the adjacent and petro 1992 allstar wade and on as and the sixth selection who expected anybody on the list to be an allstar this year these are guys who people say could not do it was sometimes they at the sports people. Seven sla cant do it what have they done their work there but it will work for they are as big names you guys who worked hard became a big names adjacent getting down every sunday night at 9 00 on kron 4. Jackie showing great knowledge. Why this is in such a big deal pam it is that mcgwire did store all the same team they never had six allstar still at once again an arbitrary deal nonetheless 6 is pretty good guys have to madison bob garner who will not appear in the game scheduled to john sunday for the giants also hunter. This one story i guess the new machine fully admit i do it wont be shown with you to than just low you looking at vending machines will be for the vending machines with beer at the allstar game pam doesnt drink beer but check the bottom but lawyer familiar with and shocked top. you for this vessel with a flavored version but its like a blue moon this man wants to sue espn has a shot of him sleeping during the game the mans name andrew a it kills by espn making fun of him during a yankees game it difficult for him to be on his friends future employment and says the announcers are unleashed his discharge awards against to ensure was to beat compensated for being made fun of on tv broadcast will born james worries going and not talking to a miami also a purse like to the Cleveland Cavaliers larry began his career in law says put the calves chance of winning the nba title 41 non down to attend one. Thinking run not fooling around for more warriors coach mark jackson preaching is world vision day take this for what its worth one of the rumblings among warriors management when they wanted to get ahold of mark on sunday if the team was not playing he would be in Southern California preaching he has a congregation down there and says you talk to guys some people really close lawyers and they say hes not all hes cracked up to be. When somebody leaves us with the talk rugby guy that lets air was like to my got a kick out of it. I hate to say if he wants to preach one day a week. What it preached pay get to remain as a region on the phone when you need. Accept also find on covered by workers in silicon raleigh heat shields are compromised. We have multiple failures. Whats that alarm . Fuel cell two is down. Im going to have to guide her in manually. This is very exciting. But im at my stop. Come again . Im watching this on the train. Its so hard to leave. Good luck with everything. Watch tv virtually anywhere with the uverse tv app. With at t, the uverse revolves around you. Occurred restate nobles is the town of year again raise souls come facetoface with angry bowls for the traditional running of the bulls. According to norcross for people injured as they chased the seat of red and white bandana clatters as they do every year. To and have run to express our morning for one week in july workers uncovered a number fossils which are meal of millions of your soul over milpitas and you would imagine as paleontologist it said about find. But the fund and explains what happened fossils found all workers were digging into the side of a dam to make improvements. An amazing find for scientists and the science and the work being done in this video from a helicopter partnership abc seven. Here is still show larger scope chow. Twoseat fishes a shark. To some of my blood on shark. This could be 4 in. Are larger there were huge the top predator and oceans the back then have huge appetites and lend it at the age at wales. That was their main food source bigger the wells we have now they were under water to fresno fish were alive. Scientists estimate these analysts women in those waters 20 million years ago. Fish fossils are amazing but most exciting fossil as well almost completely intact the cervical vertebra well with onsite attached to other vertebra down here the tail has a peer or hoping to find rebs more flippers the line next thing that will happen is they will be dug up are the ground to a tool that will paleontologists will inspect them very carefully essentially making their way to a museum preferably ones here the bay area as a wrapup the newscast and muscat check with the weather hot money up there today high clouds quite a different weather pattern. A little bit out there tomorrow morning that in the afternoon where sunshine still on the cooler side this week mainly 70s and 80s from the bay area that tonight at 11 00 sit connected through kron4dot com com have a n[ heart beating ] [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. Thats why, coming soon, xfinity will double the Internet Speed on two of our most popular plans. Xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. Double the speed. [ heart beats ] double the speed. Having Necessary School supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. The day i start, im already behind. I never know what im gonna need. New school, new classes, new kids. Its hard starting over. To help, sleep train is collecting School Supplies for local foster children. Bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right. Not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. Narrator in the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In new york city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. These are their stories. Suspect turned east from columbus onto ninefive. over radio threefive william will pick up. siren blaring i lost him between columbus and cpw. siren wailing tires screeching get him, sammy, get him barking barking grunts snarling, barking

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