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Mendocino and lake counties up to the north of the bay area. Temps in the spots again falling into the upper 20s to low 30s. Where is the rest of us will see anywhere from the upper 30s in petaluma nevado and fairfax to the 50s alameda, San Francisco and berkeley. Among our most mild spots, redwood city. Youre at 40 degrees right now. Dublin at 42 and nap at 43. So weve got some really cold temperatures out there to start the day. Definitely one, as ive noted to bundle up a little bit more than you may be are used to 60s and 70s later today with lots of sunshine. So from a cold morning comfortably kept cool afternoon, all over again. Just like yesterday, all getting to the beginning to the rest of your forecast through the halloween holiday. Still to come over to rain. All right, johnny, those forecast so i could plan what to wear travel into the city this morning. 7 minutes may so that fremont street exit. Lets check on the san mateo bridge a 80 to 1, 0, 1, 13 minute ride heading across towards the peninsula. Well, the richmond, sandra fell bridge about 7 minutes heading out of richmond. And lets go ahead and get a look at whats happening across the Golden Gate Bridge. 37 to the tolls. 20 minute drive on this thursday morning. Well, the time is now 04 31am. And and north bay city faces a lawsuit over its parking lot since march. The vast double as ban arbys from parking on city streets during the day this week. The aclu chapter of northern california, lawsuit against the city krogers amanda hari explains what city leaders say theyre doing to help these people. And why some say is just not enough. People who are living in vehicles like arbys on the streets of sebastopol have been forced to find a new place to park. An ordinance that went into effect earlier this year bans vehicles used for human habitation on commercial streets during the day. Homelessness is a regional problem. Its not solved by one town or one city. It decided to exclude people who have to live in their vehicles for that town pushing them somewhere else. William free man as a lawyer with the aclu of northern california. He says the ordinance is unlike anything hes ever seen before. Most other cities and towns that want to restrict are these are oversized vehicles, at least have a pretense. That theyre doing so as a matter of traffic safety. And so thats the poll does not have even have that pretense, according to this ordinance, arbys can no longer part here on the street. From 07 30am, until 10 00pm. But there is somewhere new that they can be part. And thats right over here in this rv park set up by the city. The rv park is called to rise and shine village. It has sinks showers and security cameras. It houses 20 arbys and about 30 people who are formerly living on the city streets. But freeman says its not enough. By the count of the Sebastopol Police department. There are more than 40 of the street. Theres no guarantee that this particular location will remain open after december. The city says theyre not trying to drive out unhoused people. And they hired outreach workers to meet with People Living in our bees to find more stable housing. But freeman says they filed a lawsuit because they want to find a longterm solution with the city where people can stay in their vehicles. Well, they work to improve their situation. The problem with this ordinance is that it targets the most vulnerable members of the community, best of pools, city manager says. Aclu statements and claims, quote, this characterize the nature of the intent of the new parking ordinance. In a statement, he said, quote, the previous situation with unsafe, unregulated, continuous rv parking, especially on morgan street was untenable. The area was impacted by trash, sewage, human waste. And other Public Health and safety issues in sebastopol. Amanda hari kron, 4 news well in the north bay, american canyon, police are searching for 2 men accused of threatening someone with a gun while. Trying to steal a catalytic converter an app on iron horse drive on tuesday night. Police say a resident saw a man cutting off the catalytic converter from a car in front of their house. Well says the second man and threatened him with a gun and told him to get back inside. Police arrive to see 2 men taken off in a silver Toyota Corolla Police Lawson on westbound highway. 37. Alright, heads up if you live in the north bay. People living in sonoma and napa counties could see some smoke today. Cal fire is scheduled to prescribe burn on up to about 105 acres and the pepper would preserve from around 10 00am to 05 00pm today. Cal fire shared these photos of crews getting ready for that the burns. But to reduce wildfire risk on a ridge that is strategic for fire control and separates friends valley and mark west area. Residents are asked to not call 911 about this fire. State regulators are proposing finding pacific gas and electric more than 155 Million Dollars for Deadly Northern California wildfire in 2020. They say pg and e fell to remove 2 trees which have been marked for removal. One ended up falling into a pg and e distribution line in Shasta County sparking that deadly zogg fire that killed 4 people destroyed 200 homes and burn 88 square miles. Regulators also want the utilities to submit a plan showing it will make sure trees marked for removal are logged in a database and removed pg and e which is facing criminal charges over the fire says that they are reviewing that proposed fine. Got to on the peninsula, group of protesters expressing their frustration with Gilead Sciences saying the drugmakers charging too much for their medication. All this week, the aids Healthcare Foundation is staging daily protest outside to Gilead Sciences headquarters in foster city. They say the company has overcharge patients who use their drugs and illegally restricted access to some of their medications. They say that low Income Patients in particular are struggling to afford their medications and theyre asking the company to provide them with some relief. We certainly appreciate gilead doing the right thing and put in the people over their profit and make it equitable for folks to be able for their trucks. Prosecutors plan to return the protesters plan to return to foster city today and friday. Kron 4. We reached out to Gilead Sciences for comment. We havent heard back so far. And san carlos cracking down on illegal fireworks. The city council has approved a measure to double the fun for getting caught with them. Anybody found fireworks, including the ones label safe and sane are going to be charged with a misdemeanor and could be fined up to 1000. It also face 6 months in jail. It will be a second vote to ratify ordinance before it takes effect. Mayor london breed was on hand to celebrate a new supermarket opening in San Franciscos bayview wednesday. They view Hunters Point has historically been and it still is a food desert. The new luckys on 3rd street is going to get more people access to healthy, fresh and affordable food. Its going to also create some opportunities for local jobs. There. The location of the new market and they get for over 3 years after the walgreens that used to be their closed also featuring a lot of the local products are made right here in the bayview couple which is bayview of fresh pasta. Thats me right here locally. Were also featuring organics, which is right here off of the Produce Market amongst many others. So were really excited to bring this story to the theres also a Small Community rule next to the store which can be used as a small gathering. And a community space. Well, Utility Companies in california cannot shut off water just because a customer is behind on their bills. Attorney general rob bonta detail the options that people have to keep the water running regardless of the status of your payments. You have other rights as well. You have the right to seek an alternative payment plan while keeping your water running, you have the right to contest an appeal charges you believe to be improper and qualifying lowincome individuals have the right to pursue a onetime payment, fords their water bill and to have interest charges for the 12 prior months wave. Bond is also reminding water providers of the requirements. Design to protect residents facing water shut offs. President biden says the federal government is working to get rid of billions of dollars in socalled junk fees. This includes hidden fees on your cable bills. Airline tickets. Your hotel bookings, many of which may be illegal. Put more money in the pockets of middle income and working class americans. Whole big corporations accountable. These steps will immediately start saving americans collectively billions of dollars and unfair fees. The president says the federal trade commission is working on a rule to crack down what he calls unfair and deceptive fees across all industries. While the Los Angeles City Council Voted unanimously to since or to Council Members and their former council president. You also deal and Kevin De Leon refused to resign after there roles in a secretive lee recorded 2021 meeting laced with bigoted comments. The former president of la city council Nery Martinez made those remarks. Wednesdays meeting was brought to a hot for a short time and protesters began shouting about 2 dozen people were removed by police. Switching gears, there was a spike in air travel complaints during the month of august, which have been on the upward trend during the pandemic. Most of those complaints of all flight delays, flight cancellations, baggage complaints made at the second highest category. August complaints were up 6 from july and more than 320 from prepandemic levels. The Airline Merger between spirit and jetblue is one step closer to reality. However, travel experts are not celebrating. Some say the sale could have a major impact on flight prices with if youre a competitor prices are expected to rise even more. The transaction is expected to be fully confirmed in 2024. Still to come on the kron 4 morning news. Health officials are warning that parents need to be on the lookout for more than just covid and the flu. Why doctors are saying are he was coming back coming back with a vengeance. Well be right back after the break. All right, for your health this morning there. Something else aside from covid and the flu for the parents of Young Children to worry about. Its called rsv a respiratory virus is actually pretty common, but its hitting harder this year bigger numbers. Kron fours dan kerman talk to experts to find out why this is happening. Surges of the respiratory virus rsv are now being reported at hospitals across the country, including packard Childrens Hospital at stanford and ucsf benioff Childrens Hospital in oakland because a lot of mucus and insulation in the chest. It can cause a pretty nasty cough and a cough that can last a long time. And the youngest and most vulnerable patients, we see cases where that level of mucus and inflammation in the chest actually makes it difficult to breed. And so kids come to the hospital because they have difficulty breathing. Doctors say this october surges earlier than usual, also unusual is that severe cases are not just hitting infants, but those 1, 2, 3 years old doctors chalk that up to the pandemic. As we all know, the pandemic has prompted people to be significantly more isolated. Many kids didnt go to school. Most children appropriately wore masks and so didnt see the normal child viral infections that the company, the first few years of life. So now were seeing a little bit of deferred exposures. Doctors say most children who get rsv. Do not have to be hospitalized and there are steps children can take to avoid getting it really the best. Things that we can do with our kids is making sure that they learn to cost in their arms and not cough and other people to cover their mouths when theyre coughing as best they can and to wash their hands frequently, especially when theyre in shared environments like preschools or even in the house with somebody whos sick. Doctors say the surge in rsv cases will likely continue through the winter months, which is why parents should see that their kids are as protected as possible. Whether are no vaccines for bronchiolitis. There are vaccines for 2 respiratory viral pathogens that are quite common. Currently. One is covid19 and the other is influenza and giving your child those vaccines will significantly mitigate the risk across the course of the entire winter. Dan kerman kron, 4 news. Alright, doing the best we can to keep our little ones safe. All right. Well, if you are planning on going out over the next few days, john, you talked the halloween forecast. It may be very cold and might even sprinkle across some parts of the bay area, right . So yeah, after halloween, good news for that. Looks like weve got a dry halloween ahead of us, but it is going to be chilly for it. So youre right, definitely bundle up with those extra layers. Maybe integrating an extra layer in terre haute costume, a jacket or something that goes along with the costume Golden Gate Bridge looks nice and clear. Dont have cloud cover out there this morning. We are going to be looking at clear skies throughout the day today. Just another comfortably. Cool one. Now, obviously this morning we are colder right back down to the 30s and 40s that are very coal dust. So definitely a morning to also consider throwing on that extra layer, especially if you walk to work, take mass transit and spend a little more time outside. Youll want to stay nice and cozy as we work our way through this afternoon. You can see it here. Lots and lots of sunshine for us. As we move into tomorrow, more that sunshine, another cold start for your friday, followed by a nice mild afternoon. Few passing clouds for your friday and a few more into your saturday. Now saturday night could see a couple of sprinkles, but mostly just for the north bay. Halloween on monday, looking good 60s for your highs and San Francisco and out along the coastline today. Where is our bayshore cities will share range of 60s to 70s foster city at 71 saying carlos in woodside at 72 south bay numbers, mostly in the low 70s with san Jose Campbell and cupertino at 71 freeman through hayward in the upper 60s, whereas pleasanton dublin will reach the low 70s. Well, the creek, youre only spot that all classified as the mid 70 up to 74 degrees. The rest of us just a little bit cooler than that. Really all in all. Were all in the same boat this afternoon. Now, high temperatures remain very steady all the way through halloween on monday, low 70s at the warmest 60s for much of the rest of the bay area. Low chance of rain between now and halloween will be just a slight chance of a couple of north bay sprinkle saturday night monday drying back out for trick or treating and then tuesday and wednesday after halloween are are better chances of rain with Colder Weather along with it too. So enjoy next several days before next weeks cool down. For that. Lets look at your traffic this morning. Traveling into the city right now. 7 minute ride may so that fremont street exit. Well, the san mateo bridge, 12 minute ride 80 to 101. You know, Richmond Center fell bridge about 7 minutes tolls to one on the air and the Golden Gate Bridge. 37 to the tolls. 19 minutes. Time now for 49 am and a father and a son are climbing el capitan in yosemite. And if theyre able to reach the summit, the boy will become the youngest person ever to climb the 3,000 foot law. Jennifer ortega has their story. Well, you do need to be that. Does that way. And then the this the biggest let person know that. Joe banker and his 8 yearold son sam from colorado making the climb of a life time together. The summit nearly 3,000 feet above the valley floor. This am getting ever get nervous. Well, mostly excited. Joe says theyve been training for this. Climb up copy town and Yosemite National park for years climbing what sam, all over the nation since he was 3 years old, he struggled the first 2 pitches a little that is because his feet in the wrong spot. And then once you got it, he was like sonic. The hedgehog said about right. I want we caught up with the dad and son as they finish their first 5 hours right before they set up camp hanging off the side of the sledge and Nicole Porter ledges. And theyre like. Sam sam talks about sleep layup and hes got says buy in the joe says theyll spend the next 4 days and 3 nights on the wall until they reach the top illusions that was where. The top never looks any closer. But the ground gets really find a way it is. Take this out. This is what is my view right now. Can see it but joe and sam are not alone. He says theyre accompanied by 2 expert climbers and also have hundreds of pounds of gear, food and water for the entire trip. Its just super special to do to data big objective and work their side and then accomplish it. Joe says he loves seeing sams inner confidence to climb living up to his middle name adventure building. A bond together, like never before. I just think its so important. Thats we invest in our kids and that we we get out and we do cool stuff with and get out camping with them. Its so life changing. Jennifer ortega. I look at them. Well be right back after the break. I see it in my office all the time. Kids getting hooked on flavored tobacco, including ecigarettes. Big tobacco lures them in with flavors like lemon drop and bubble gum, candy flavors that get them addicted to tobacco products, and can lead to Serious Health consequences, even harming their brain development. Thats why pediatricians urge you to vote yes on prop 31. It stops the sale of dangerous flavored tobacco and helps protect kids from nicotine addiction. Please vote yes on 31. Vote yes on prop 31. Welcome back. 4. 54. On this thursday getting closer to the weekend in closer to halloween. Just around the corner, were in a Holding Pattern all the way up through the holiday, which is going to bring us temperatures that are mild into the afternoon. But fairly cold during your morning hours. Were back to the chill this morning. Quite our looks good and are some clear skies, but were not seeing is the way its feeling outside with nevado at 39 right now, santa rosa hayward and fremont in the 40s, oakland and concord. Youre at fortyseven degrees. While vallejo at 49 later today at the coastline, temperatures will rise into the low 60s jack unworthy all day long for coastal spots. Well, our inland areas to see a return of the 70s much as we have the past few days, rain. National geographic is out with this top. 25 ref taking places to visit in 2023, the list judges location by community culture, nature, family and adventure. One bay area city has made that list. San francisco was recognized for it. Brandnew presidio tunnel, top part and the publication suggest people hike their urban crosstown trail. Other american places that made the list include milwaukee, wisconsin, big ben National Park in texas and charleston, south carolina. Winners outside the u. S. Include egypt, switzerland, and alberta, canada. All right. Got to put those on list of places to visit. Still to come in the next hour, they may not have won 700 Million Dollars. One lucky resident, 1 1 Million Dollars. We have a live report on that in the next hour. And a bay area city is now facing a lawsuit over havana, our fees on city streets. But hear why one lawyers say the citys ordinance was unlike anything that hes ever seen before. And a community prepares to mourn to teens left did at airbnb. We break down what we know of the case so far after the break. Im karen. Im living with hiv and im on cabenuva. For adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, longacting hiv treatment you can get every other month. Its two injections from a healthcare provider. I really like the flexibility. And for me, its one less thing to think about while traveling. Dont receive cabenuva if youre allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. Serious side effects include allergic reactions postinjection reactions, liver problems, and depression. If you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. Tell your doctor if you have liver problems or Mental Health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. Some of the most common side effects include injectionsite reactions, fever, and tiredness. If you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. Ready to treat your hiv in a different way . Ask your doctor about everyothermonth cabenuva. With everyothermonth cabenuva, im good to go. Where theres a pet theres always. This. Thats why we wi have innovationsnth cabenuva, like the maytag pet pro laundry pair. So you and your favorite sweater can forget about all about those hairy situations. Shop maytag and more exclusive out of the blue innovations at lowes. From the areas local news station. Youre watching the kron. 4 morning news far. Good morning. And happy thursday to you. Im daria and im james waking up this morning. A bit closer to the weekend, but closer to halloween. Yes, its feeling. Frightful out. I noticed it was cooler. Definitely this morning. Clear again, john, yet clear. Calm and very cool. You guys are. Alright, were right back to it this morning. Another morning to bundle up as much as you can. I mentioned are even put on her jacket this morning. I didnt know its cold when that happens. We are looking at a cool one. But after you warm yourselves up, Everything Else is pretty good to go. Your view outside of the east bay right now looking nice and clear Berkeley Hills camera not showing in the cloud cover out there whatsoever for the for this northern reaches of the bay. Im looking at you lake and mendocino counties and the for this northern reaches sonoma county. Youre under some frost advisories and some freeze warnings through 09 00am this morning. Lets get a look at our temps. So san jose. 47 same for you in oakland, hayward in concord, Fremont Livermore at 44 right now, whole redwood cri

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