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coroner's office. he worked for the union for the last 17 years. today colleagues tell kron 4 that he was a wonderful man who will be terribly messed. >> 20 years in the military. he was active in his church and man of great faith. he believed in giving back to the community. he mentored children placboy is, also followed up with them to make sure they were in school. he was committed to his family and proud of his three children. they'll graduated from college. his daughter is a doctor. his son a think is working on his master's degree or completed its and counseling. he taught his children at an early age that was important to give back. his kids were her pride and joy and his daughter recently had his first grandchild. he bought back to texas at christmas and he was so excited to meet her and be with her. >> coming up on kron 4 news, at 5:00 we will have more on bingham's death and more on the investigation. a search is under way for enter linda high school teacher 53 year- old debra schmidt was last seen a week ago today at ross elementary school. the high school english teacher was reported missing after she did not show up to teach a class at the high school in san or file. it students found the words thank you everyone written on the blackboard in her classroom sambar file police took the initial missing person report but then turn the case over to ross police where she lives with her police. today ross police and marin county search and rescue use search dogs in the ross area hoping to find her wood joist hiking on long trails. a photo of schmidt during a recent hiking trip to just a short time ago. if her family spokesperson person put out a plea for her to come home. only here on kron 4. >> debbie, we miss you we need to so much you are our north star. why it is lost without you. we need to back to your. please come home talk to someone, and get connected back with us. we need to. we love you and your loved and look at this outpouring, your students were shipped you as a teacher. if you are so necessary and the thought of you sat, depressed, lonely and feeling abandoned it's not the reality, it's not the reality please get help and please come back we love you. please. >> cross police believe they will continue searching for debra with see the eight partners in marin county. investigators at this time they did not suspect foul play is involved in this missing persons case. >> a live look outside from the bay bridge toll plaza a few high clouds out there today mostly sunny skies, temperatures are widespread in the 60s with a couple exceptions. if fairfield 52, 53 antioch because the fog really on to the early afternoon. it's clear the fog of reform shortly. 660 in oakland, 67 in redwood city, 60 in half moon bay. let's take a look at our current visibility, were seeing reduced visibility in concord, not the novato it's more of a haze. in concord we will see the fog formed shortly for a special in fairfield. the fog earlier 10:00 a.m. all through the dull thud into fairfield, concord and in clear until the afternoon. but to o'clock finally some sunshine peeking out and will see another round of fog tonight. tonight by 7:00 p.m. the fog forming in places like fairfield in antioch. it tomorrow morning we will see areas of fog and cold. the colder the temperatures are more likely to seek the fog. in the afternoon another warm day on tap we do the changes in the weekend and all details coming up for you in a bit. >> state senator elin leak in san francisco received a death threat to. katherine eunice now out here to explain all this. >> it's an ugly thing senator you taking this release seriously his office got the threats by threats it all happen when rush limbaugh made final the visit to u.s. by chinese president. he was telling his audience that one of his speeches was not translated. here's what rhumba started. >> nobody was translating, that his clothes as i can get >>. a lot of people are outraged by the senator calling it racist, very offensive even suggesting a boycott of some of the sponsors off his show. in san francisco this contains a reference to limbaugh it's littered with racial slurs. today the senator says this is on the board chilling because of the recent arizona shooting. >> sometimes you kind of scoffed at the threats this is part of the course, but given the gifford shooting i think all of us take these threats a little more seriously. >> are authorities looking into this? >> guess we know so far that lee is turning the faxes to the senate to investigate. did you might remember he got a threat back in april after he called for sarah pale in speaking fees. remember a california university. now are some pleas are contacting him looking into whether there might be a connection between these faxes in the shooting of congresswoman gifford. >> a lot going on spreading him. it will stay on top of that thank-you. and it was around the bay. authorities are investigating a fatal officer involved shooting and happen in santa clara county police were responding to reports of a suspicious man allegedly wielding a knife outside of san jose. following a confrontation san jose police officers filed multiple shots at the suspect, the suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. his name has not yet been released. meanwhile, teachers and oakland are getting raised all school district employes will receive a 2 percent raise. the district says even though it's not the best time for raises teachers have gone without them for some time. oakland teachers are among the lowest paid these races, as the school board looks at cutting next year's budget by 7 percent. if this is to help bring down a $12 million deficit. the layoffs are also possible. many mayors and the state are facing budget crisis one of those mayors san jose chuck reed spent the day in sacramento today talking with about local budgets with the governor. his word about how gov. jerry brown's proposal to eliminate we develop and agencies will affect the economy. it from oppose taking $1.7 million from the redevelopment fund help pay for schools and public safety run the state. mayor reed said doing so would have a harmful effect on the already tough job market. coming up at 5:00 we will take a look at once in as a project that was created with help from the redevelopment fund. look at cited traffic this is in san francisco the top of your screen traffic headed toward the lower deck of the bay bridge is moving quite slowly the bottom of your screen southbound 101 traffic looking good. will be right back. california should be proud. we were the first to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do. it's not too well done? nope. but it is a job well done. what are you reading, sweetie? her diary. when you're done, i'd love some feedback. sure. your mom and i read that thing cover-to-cover. loved it. thanks. would you mind if i cut the lawn this weekend? only if you let me talk to your mother on the phone for hours on end. done. [ male announcer ] u-verse brings peace to the family. at&t u-verse lets you record four shows at once from any room and play them back on any tv. get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for 6 months. at&t. rethink possible. the dow gained eight points the nasdaq was up 20 points and here's rob to tellus basically what's happening the fed's top today did that affect anything? >> what's happening is will jump a further ahead there's low inflation, low interest rates, bank and federal reserve are taking people and are raising interest rates and not see inflation as a problem is the economy is still quite not hot. earnings season is going great. honestly if i were to look at things there's no reason not to carry and for some reason everyone including of, not only did he give you a higher tax cuts extension but now he's talking about corporate tax cuts coming out as far as negotiations on the budget. it's going swimmingly. the dow hit 12,000 which is a big psychological number. if we like round numbers, no one cares of its 11,999 and carry it at 12,000 for some reason. of all working call you and say i hit 12,000 of the market for your time off on a going to get back. the 12,000 as a nice psychological. in the market works on psychology. >> in the midst of all this home builders are left for dead as you put it? is it that bad. ? >> the new sales numbers came out and are better than expected. my prediction 2011 will see a pickup in new- home sales. it doesn't equal your home values they overbuilt kind of had a problem admitting they overbuilt. they had a problem cutting the extension and they did. the consolidated at think it will be a big year for home builders. -if your building two sectors are like they're out of love left for dead and financials because of incredibly low book values economic and world expansion. the old sector should do well. homebuilder start moving in it's nice to see because every dog has a stake and holder of lawyerhomebe had a bad date. earnings at 30 percent every year. did you can't be bought this deck. that's glory as the best in our lifetime, great numbers and and the trend is your friend. if we will have that for the rest of the year because if i were to put that in high job numbers if i your goal or two years ago, now were jumping over 30 percent growth which is a 5 ft. tall to build the number of bits and possible to jump over. that's will be in the third year of expansion of predicting a weak year in 2012. 20 level looking good. >> google is going to hire about 6000 people. good news right? >> i'm thinking about putting a rise in may and, that's where they have a benefit over group on that they are going to acquire perry had their mature company with 30,000 + employees. well established company and when you have that many people and a lot of google employes have grown with the pds page they invented something kind of cool. if the dome for high- quality employees and a screening process. -and a tough economy i would like to work at google and i'd like to work at google in a good economy. the doings of the correct. >> a lot of people would love to work for google. >> they have free food on their campus, even their five years to get the google 60. whatever that's worth. >> rob is coming back were blended talk about just in bieber, the super bowl and the bieber fever. the search for juliani card you as the 4 year-old boy was kidnapped by his mother's former boyfriend jose rodriguez. it is picture also on the screen. it happened last tuesday while juliani was at his grandmother's: the central valley area of paterson. police received a report that a car matching the description of the vehicle driven by rodriguez was seen going into the nearby delta mendota canal. to date dive teams continue their search at that canal and pulled another car from the water and found several other objects including a cement block. it teams have gone back to the site where they believe the car driven by rodriguez actually went into the water. please submit their starting to get discouraged. >> were getting discouraged our evidence tells us that the car went into the water, we searched almost 12 mi. of the canal and still have not found the vehicle. at the same time it is a sign of " maybe the car that did go into the water that left the tire tracks could be a different car we just haven't located it, we hope that 4 year-old guiliani is out there at a house or the suspect has him hiding out at a friend's house or something like that. >> police at this time do not know if they will continue the search. meantime, in paterson at the home or guiliani cardenas was kidnapped at the scene was emotional. it this is tabitha cardenas the child's mother as she arrived home less than an hour ago. she was in tears as she got out of her car having to be comforted by friends who were operating arrival at home. it she told friends that she was tired and upset because she misses her friend. be sure to stay with kron 4 news and as we continue to cover the latest developments from patterson of the search for juliani. >> i live look outside from the golden gate bridge sunny skies this afternoon and a few high clouds streaming in. i have a warm afternoon with temperatures in the '60s except for along the delta up. it will see fog over night areas of fog mainly along the delta and the north bay. chilly conditions a warm day tomorrow but we will change as we head into the weekend starting on friday. visibility reduced in part to the north bay, mainly his but we will see fog form again shortly in concord and especially in fairfield. the fog cleared times for tomorrow, no fog expected for the bay shore or san jose the concord will see dense fog cleared about 1:00 p.m. tomorrow. the same thing with antioch of fairfield clearing at about 11:00 a.m. in santa rosa and the north bay. livermore macy patchy fog briefly in the morning. a look inside on storm tracker 4 radar we see dry air really dumb data are forecast over the past several days. it crystal clear skies here with the storm track well to the north. that will change as we head into the weekend. saturday evening bring in the chance of rain into the bay area continuing early sunday morning. by 9:00 a.m. chance of rain bay area wide and as a push into the later hours by saturday the rain will push out. each of the computer models that have come and he joined the chance of rain on early sunday morning. 30 percent chance and there will keep you posted as we get closer right now we have work conditions tomorrow fog lasting through friday, cooler conditions in the weekend and definitely more cloud cover and a chance of >> traffic on the golden gate bridge heavier on the right side with teaches northbound into marin county, not too bad coming to the san francisco. more news ahead after the break. [ male announcer ] rockin out to the big hot pastrami. big. hot. pastrami. don't dare call it a cover band -- unless you're talking about covering freshly baked bread with layer upon layer of flavor-packed pastrami. this sub lays down power cords of tasteocity with pickles, mean licks of mustard and riffs of melty, bubbly cheese. catch 'em before the fresh toasted tour leaves town. subway big hot pastrami. crank up the flavor at subway. as but it appears to be in the midst of checking text chat. >> shall media website their readers happens sending them screen shots of what it looks like when the go to visit facebook front page. on the top right-hand corner, next to those buttons for sent a message it is a cult and search their people not clear exactly how the button works. many believe this is proof that facebook is working on a voice chat feature and that they are testing out this would bring facebook into close competition with google who is already integrated voice calling into g mail. stay with us kron 4 news @ 4:03 p.m. coming up next. live from the bay area's new station this is kron 4 news @ 4:30 p.m. survivors of the deadly san bruno gas line explosion are receiving money donated to them from people all around the bay area and the world. christine conley spoke with one victim who says the money is much needed as the first check is received. >> i open the front door and everything was gone. >> this is edward he is one

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Arizona , United States , Marin County , California , San Bruno , Oakland , Texas , Redwood City , Santa Clara County , China , Sacramento , Central Valley , Delta Mendota Canal , San Francisco , Chinese , Tabitha Cardenas , Christine Conley , Jose Rodriguez , Katherine Eunice , Jose Chuck Reed , Livermore Macy , Jerry Brown , Debra Schmidt ,

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