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in northern california. that's the heavy stuff moving into the bay area. the core of the storm is off-shore here. and you can see it moving down to the southeast. notice the cloud cover behind the main band of rain. autobroken, indicates instability, and we're gonna -- it's broken, indicates instability, and we're going to be seeing thunderstorms once it pushes #24r50u. upon at mid-night -- pushes through. at mid-nit, the storm pushing through the north bay. it's going to get worse too. the 1:00 hour, starting to spread south. heavy rain over in napa, fairfield, san rafael, over the east bay. at 2:00 in the morning, fairfield, concord, oakland, look at the white on your screen, that is off the charts heavy rape. we're going to be seeing downpours into the 2:00 hour, the 3:00 hour. and nearing antioch. we'll finish tracking this out on futurecast because we also have storms in the forecast for tomorrow. >> glen: it's going to be an amazing couple of days for us in the bay area. and it's coming down pretty hard right now. reggie is standing by in the north bay where we can see it is already pouring. >> reporter: , yes, it's coming down. there are strong gusts come here. all eyes are on this creek because it's known for over flowing its banks. it's not going to happen because this is the first storm of the season and the creek is only at 2 feet. it can holdup to 13 feet of water. however, the rain did catch some off guard. >> reporter: rain started falling in marin county early tuesday evening, and some were not prepared for it. these ladies did not have an umbrella. this jogger was also caught off guard, but she was wearing a ball cap. the rain filled up this canopy causing water to spill out audiotape the sidewalk -- onto the sidewalk. crews sut away huge branches. high winds can cause these trees to topple over into power line lines. >> glen: we always look at prepositioning crews in these areas and look at the times according to our meteorology department when these crews are going to need to be brought on. when a storm hits this early in the accept, we see some of the leaves -- in the season, some of the leaves are still on those branches. they can bring entire trees down. >> reporter: in the santa cruz mountain, caltrans and county road crews were out in force clearingly leaves from cull vert and roadside drainage systems. the chp blamed the wet weather for spin-outs and warned drivers to watch their speed in the rain. caltrans and other city and county crews all over the bay area on stand by to take care of possible storm damage and power outages. >> glen: and here's a live look now -- >> a live look now at conditions in the golden gate. traffic backing up, could in, the right side of your crime scene. it looks like there might be some caltrans work going on there. but you see the wet pavement coming down on the golden gate. the heaviest rain will be in san francisco and point south in just a few hours. into oakland hills there are flooding concerns tonight business. crews spent the day clearing mud and debris away along skyline boulevard. as a precaution, oakland public works crews have set up sand bags along some of the most problematic areas in order to help keep the drains open. >> >> glen: weather deadly today in arizona. this huge dust storm caused a series of accidents along interstate ten between tucson and phoenix. a half inch of rain caused this mess in las vegas. our rain tonight is expected to move into las vegas, and the rest of nevada causing more problems tomorrow. no matter where you are, log onto for up to the minute radar. and for the forecast. you can e-mail us your weather pictures. or post them on the fan page. another big story tonight. after spending four 4 years in prison, amanda knox is back in the united states and she's grateful. >> what's important for me to say is just thank you to everyone who's believed in me, who's defended me, who's -- supported my family. [ crying ] . >> knox spent 4 years behind wars after being convicted of murdering her roommate, meredith kercher in perugia italy. she and her specify were acquitted yesterday -- and her boyfriend were acquitted yesterday. in oakland, the battle over how to stop the violence is heating up. this is video taken from tonight's city hall meeting. outside there were protestors there. three measures are on the -- being taken up tonight. a curfew, a loitering measure, and expanded gang injunctions. council members are saying they want everyone to be heard. and that could take a while. of the meeting has yet to adjourn. a final decision on the issues may not come until a little later date in san jose, police have launched an investigation into the sdpeeshs of this south bay woman, valerie casillas, 28 years old. her family reported her missing on sunday evening, saying it's not like her not to call home. she was getting into a car when she was last seen. thatture car was located near -- that car was located near her house, waiverly wave and orlando drive. ? beshgly, good news for people lined up with those police booths on their cars. police unveiled a new car booth that could be unlocked by purchasing a code. car owners that have a boot on their car can call a number on the citation, and give a credit card number to pay the types. once the fines are paid, the driver will be given a code and unlock the boot. in cupertino, apple unveil aid new iphone. but it wasn't what a lot of people were expecting. tim cook, who you see her, steve job's replacement at ceo, took the wraps off the new iphone 4 s. many industry analysts thought there would be an iphone five. still, the new model is an upgrade. it will hit stores later this month. still to come tonight, another bank is joining a growing list. we'll tell you how much more citibank plans to charge customers just to have an account. we continue our knchl of the mikel jackson death -- michael jackson death trial. coming up, later in in their broad cast, the baseball playoffs heating up. so hot a camera man can't stay on his feet. that story later in this broad cast. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call the bay area home. from funding that helped a local entrepreneur start a business... to providing grants to a nonprofit which offers job training and placement... and supporting an organization working to help the environment. because the more we do in the bay area, the more we help make opportunity possible. man can't stay on his feet. that story later in this broad cast. broadcast kron4 the trial of michael jackson's personal physician continued today as one of conrad murray's girlfriends took the stand. prosecutors have been trying to get details on the doctor's schedule the day michael jackson died. >> reporter: prosecutors are trying to show that conrad murray was trying to juggle his medical practice, personal life, and super star patient all at the same time. he is accused of giving michael jackson a lethal dose of propofol here in the singer's bedroom in 2009. murray's doctors argue that jackson took the fatal dose himself. 29-year-old micoal alvarez testified tuesday -- nicole alvarez. her testimony is important because the propofol murray used on jackson was shipped on her santa monica apartment. >> i would always check the lobby to see if there was anything there for myself or conrad. and i do recall picking up a package in the the lobby area. >> and you didn't ask him what was in these packages did you? >> no. >> reporter: prosecutors are trying to pin down the time line of knl what happen exactly what happened the day jackson died. also, tuesday, les vegas pharmacist, tim lopez, prosecutors say he sold and shipped more than 4 gallons of propofol to the apartment of murray's girlfriend. >> he asked me specifically to find pricing and availability of propofol and normal saline iv bags. heavy rain starting to push into the bay area. and we'll look at snow? the sierra for the fleet week weekend. so i got this new job last week, but their health insurance doesn't cover my kid's pediatrician. which is not cool. she was so fantastic. she had this sock puppet that she would use to explain exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it. i just wish there was someone to explain to me how i'm going to find another doctor like that. [ male announcer ] we know a good doctor is hard to find. we have some of the largest networks in california so you can choose one that's right for you. blue shield. [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at following the lead of its competitor, citibank is upping the fees on its customers. starting in december, the minimum balance for mid-level accounts will go from $6,000 to $15,000. anyone who does not maintain that balance will have to pay a fee of $20 a month. >> we have been telling you about it since last weekend. it is finally here, a powerful early-season storm rolling into the bay area. we're starting to see moderate rain cells up through the north bay, lighter rain starting down south of the golden gate. it's going to get a lot worse into the over night hours. the tail end of the storm is extending down the west coast, finally starting to push into northern california. as this moves through into the over-night hours, we're going to see a cold pool of air push into the bay area. what that means is we're going to see thunderstorms into tomorrow afternoon, and they'll be scattered though. the rainfall associated with the cold front hits mid-night tonight. heavy rain through the north bay. look at this area of rain here on your screen. continuing through the 1:00 hour, and picking up in intensity through the 2:00 hour. the areas here are shaded are in white, off the chaurts heavy rain -- charts heavy rain. it's not going to linger around for long. into the 3:00 hour, you'll see the rain pushing toward hayward, the santa cruz mountains, antioch. and for your morning commute, largely dry conditions. we will see scattered rain cells though. we'll see quite a few sun breaks into the early afternoon. and temperatures are really going to start to drop off. the 1:00 hour, we'll see scattered thunderstorms through the north bay, by the 2:00 hour we're going to maintain the chance of thunderstorms throughout the bay area. even though futurecast is pinpointing the activity south of the golden gate by 4:00, we could still see it north of the golden gate at this hour. later in the evening, the threat of thunderstorms will come to an end, and we could see a few scattered showers into thursday morning. we're going to be seeing snow in the sierra that starts asin ra. as we see the warmer part of the storm may have been -- starts as in. in the 3:00 hour, look at that, also the yellow all the way through the sierra. in the 4:00 hour, mostly rain. but the blue is snow. watch it turn to snow as the cold moves through. and the pool of air slides in. we're seeing snow through the sierra, it's gonna keep going into the afternoon, and do the evening, we'll see snow flurries, which is why we do have a winter storm warning in effect for the sierra. it is in effect until tomorrow afternoon. the heaviest snow will be tomorrow morning. we'll see six to 12-inch was snow above 7,000 feet, three to 5 inches depending on where you are below 7 feet. and gusts to 100 miles an hour. chains will be required. and it will be pretty treacherous on the roadways. you might want to postpone that trip if you can. it's only going to be tomorrow and early thursday we're going to see this wicked weather. we are going to be see the heavy rain, gusty winds be. and a little break tomorrow morning. into the afternoon, thunderstorms roll in. and could see some lingering cells until thursday morning. but into friday and the weekend, we're going to see sunny skies and warmer conditions. it'll be like night and day. the diamondbacks try and stave up playoff elimination against the brewers. and one team is dancing into the champion round. ok, kids, our cable will let us record one more show. who should get it? i really love jennifer. yeah, she's great. yeah. yeah. kyle's got that thick head of hair. and that should be rewarded. ok, moment of truth. on "three," say which kid you love the most. oh, fun, yeah. 1...2...3... jennifer. jennifer. whoa. wow. ha! she's so pretty. yeah. or, we give it to kyle. it's really all he's got. [ male announcer ] switch to at&t u-verse and record four shows all at the same time. now at the lowest price ever. at&t. now at the lowest price ever. ♪ going to the bank without going to the bank... that's a step forward. with chase quickdeposit on your smartphone, you just snap a picture, hit send and done. chase quickdeposit. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ we just keep on keepin' on ♪ ♪ keep on good evening, everybody. lay on the couch and watch baseball all day. games that matter. saint peters berg florida, the first team that skews from the postseason tournament, courtesy of adrian beltre, hits three home runs for texas as they eliminate the tampa bay rays. the cameraman run -- we've been running this all night. he falls every time. beltre joined six major leaguers to hit three home runs in a game. babe ruth did it twice. you remember reggie jackson in the world series for the yanks? 4-3, rangers eliminate the tampa bay rays. they will now wait for the survivor of the yankees and detroit, and ay burnet walked three people the opening inning. look out! saved by curtis granderson. this game could have gone the other way had granderson not made the play. burnet, battered all year. from there, not bad. and derrick jeeter scored in the third, doubled home a couple of runs, and the yankees turn it into a blowout, 10-1, scoring eight in the 8th inning. and granderson really was the mvp with his glove tonight. series tied at 2, they're off tomorrow. and thursday the 5th and deciding game in yankee stadium. the team that excused the giants are still alive. the diamondbacks of arizona, rookie paul goldschmidt, he hit a grand slam in the postseason. diamondbacks went 8-1, they'll play again tomorrow. phil phil, we think this is kind of -- philadelphia, we think this is kind of cute. tony la russa -- what is that maracka noise going on here? okay. geez. i can't even concentrate. anyway, ben francisco hit a 3-run homer to left of jamey garcia. phillies win 3-2 to lead that series. two games to one. they'll play again tomorrow. show me the thing so i can -- >> what? i was motioning to the floor -- it had nothing to do with you. >> by the way, it's raining. did you know that? [ laughter ] >> give me the thing. the thing that was making all the noise. >> it was my breaklet. >> go like that. show the audience. >> are you trying to get me in terrible? >> oh, yeah, they're going to get you in trouble. >> i was motioning to the floor director and you just -- >> no, but i could hear that noise and i'm concentrate >> you're not a professional if that distracted you. >> thank you. thank you. >> [ laughter ] >> okay, i'm not. >> you're talking with that woman doing -- >> i'm going to be honest with the audience. when it rains you think you hear something, and you're a nice person. but when it rains, i don't know you. 'cause all of a sudden, in fact, jacqueline, the other night, they usually do these teases, and jacqueline goes, please get out of the way. [ laughter ] >> i don't want to hear these guys talk. just show them walk in. so we can show guys in expensive suits the lockout today, nothing good. i don't know if they're going to play at all. kobe brian was dressed up -- bryant was dressed up. mark cuban had a sweater on, and the whole thing. bottom line: they've already postined all the exhibitian games, and they could -- exhibition game, and they could very well postpone the first two weeks of the regular season by monday. surfing is now officially a high school sport in hawaii. did you than? that in today as i bring you all the the news. and a dog in montana set the record. that's everything this hour. >> goodnight, goodnight. even through customs. that's what it feels like to be a member. [ female announcer ] delicious real fruit meets rich creamy yogurt. all you do is add milk, blend, and you've got a yoplait frozen smoothie. it is so easy... and it is so good. in the frozen fruit section. should we order panda blossom, panda moon... how about chinese at home with wanchai ferry? you can make it in just 14 minutes. mmmh, orange chicken. great. i didn't feel like going out anyway. [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry. restaurant quality chinese in your grocer's freezer. (stage manager) we'rback in two minutes! so are you going to ask out the head? the head? there are these two msnbc guys we keep seeing around, and we don't know their names,

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