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rescuers are still hoping to find survivors. look at the damage to those cars. 50 dogs are being used in the search, they're using listening devices. here is more of the devastation. >> one of oklahoma's a deadly twister snaking down an interstate, a tractor trailer pulled over to the side write in the path of the tornado. with the trailer is close, pieces swirling into the air, this is what is left of the cab, the driver survived and held a couple of motorists hiding under their car. not far away, storm chasers were there as what turned out to be a brick home took a direct hit. another >> killer tornado. >> this photographer had to dodge like telephone poles. he said in 20 years of strong tasting, this was the first time he was concerned for his own safety. >> the first time in my life, doing what i do, i was a little worried yesterday. >> 68 counties in oklahoma are under a state of emergency in search efforts are underway. >> i have been in office 20 years and been through a lot of natural disasters but i have never seen this many in the short period of time. how >> does of home in southwest oklahoma city were reduced to splinters. >> it is devastating. >> toll in joplin missouri rose to 125 today. it has been revised to nine in oklahoma. four people died in arkansas and to people in kansas. i am grande lotus, kron 4 news. >> we have new video out of joplin missouri, this is a surveillance video, it shows how quickly people can hit. look at the customers and workers reacted, this is inside of a frozen yogurt shop. space-bar the tornado and then ran. look at the debris, the windows are being blown out and debris flying all over. sunday's tornado had winds of more than 200 mi. per hour. 125 people killed, that number could go up as crews continued to search for bodies and survivors. roughly 1500 people are still missing. we have a more dramatic images from the midwest tornadoes plus your of eulachoyour photos from. that is on our web site, >> the life of a 17 year-old student about to read way from high school, tonight people are looking for his killer. that teenager was gunned down near ricci and all of st. just a few blocks from castlemont high school, his high school. reggie kumar is alive at the oakland police headquarters with the latest on the >> student has been identified as ditiyan franklin jr. jr., they said that he just left high school and was almost home when he was shot and killed. >> teens body was lying right here on this carpet outside of his home, you can see bloodstain on the material, gunfire hit the fence and the wall of a home. the couple who lives here did not want to be on camera, they said the bullet penetrated the wall of the room and hit this box. they said if someone was in this room that could have been hit by the bullet. the back window of his car was also shattered by gunfire. a resident who lives in the neighborhood did not want to show her face, she describes what she saw people we hear her voice. >> they came to the scene of the victim, there were tried to hold him back. ditiyan franklin jr. >> to your was the victim, he was riding his bike when he was shot and killed near ritchie and olive streets. he was a senior at castlemont leadership in repertory has cooled. oakland police say it is early in the investigation into that are still searching for a motive. it is unclear if a team was an innocent >> about 60 people were at the scene after this shooting was over. they say that those people quickly left as soon as officers arrived. they are asking those people if they saw anything to please come forward, in oakland ritchie kumar kron 4 news. >> the kron 4 news at 10:00 p.m. is just getting started. >> the prime suspect in the kron 4 beating case goes before witnesses in a police lineup tonight. i spoke to legal experts about how important i witness testimony is for the prosecution. >> a computer error lead to the release of some california prisoners and what the state is saying about the mistake. >> there is an intersection in oakland that some people are calling the most dangerous. take a look to see just how bad it is. that is in the next edition of people behaving badly. ♪ [ woman ] this icelandic mud was working wonders on my skin. but if it was going to do the same for my spa, i had to figure out a way to get it back to the states. so i called my citibank small business expert. he got me a line of credit to make it happen and even improved my cash flow. now, my spa has more business than ever. ...and so does our cleaning crew. [ male announcer ] at citibank, we believe small business is a big deal. what's your story? citibank can help you write it. kuala propehoc fau >> in the process and and and bryan still be case went before a witness is in a police lineup and las angeles. no word if the giovanni ramirez was positively identified, and this statement tonight police are saying they're satisfied with the results of the line and began to give the case to the da at the appropriate time. the suspect's lawyer has come up with several alibi with this info evidence. he says it proved police have the wrong man. kron 4 as laurie kelly talk to a legal expert about the case. >> shows that people at the scene can identify the perpetrator, it is evidence. >> former prosecutor pierre defazio says while eyewitness testimony can be important to a case is far from being proved beyond a reasonable doubt. >> is not all that necessarily reliable, a good defense attorney can deal with eye witness testimony better than fingerprint or dna evidence or things of that nature because you have cross-cultural identification, people who are frightened, people who cannot see that well, lighting conditions, so much to talk about. >> bosnia says the prostitution paula prosecution should be able to deal with. there are these photos showing ramirez equinox be in pictures. the lawyer for ramirez says that his client has multiple alibi witnesses including his 10 year- old daughter who says that she was with her dad all of opening day while he was babysitting her in a relative's home. the attorney also claims that there are several friends and relatives who can back up that alibi. >> the best alibi witness was i was not there, i could not have been there because i was in county there. that is pretty compelling or, i was in the hospital or something of that nature. your mother, daughter, a cousin or best friend saying i was with him all day, that is questionable. that is palatable. a good prosecutor would be able to eat him up. maureen kelly >>, kron 4 news. >> police are going to hold a news conference tomorrow morning about this case, the victim remains in critical but stable condition at san francisco general hospital and his family remains at his side. >> a look at our extended forecast on the temperature is warm in a little bit, tamara another chance of rain by friday, details coming up in just a bit. ♪ [ woman ] sam begged and pleaded... so i sent him to camp. we'd earned lots of points with our new citi thankyou card... and i put them to good use. he told me about his bunkmates, and how he signs up for every activity. ♪ he even hangs out with the camp director. just like that. [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it. >> with three days search for a missing danville teenager has ended. people believe that 15 year-old allison bayliss committed suicide. she disappeared monday, her bicycle was found near the golden gate bridge. hundred people gathered in danville for a vigil. this story has made a big impact on the community. >> stretch from the entrance to the church down the sidewalk as this large group showed up to attend a vigil for allison bayliss at the danville congregational church. inside, people packed the rose and sat on the floor. >> god, we really do not know why. >> as friends lit candles, others hugged one another for support as everyone struggled to deal. after the hourlong vigils outside, people spoke about how the death of alison has affected the entire community. >> me and it alli met in sixth grade, she seemed like the happiest person, you would not expect anything better to come of it. it is really depressing inside that someone would take their lives just because they feel like something is happening the wrong or they are doing something wrong. >> they have had counselors, i see people who are upset, i feel for them, i feel bad. i did not know her, i feel horrible about it. >> this incident has affected everyone in the immediate area, all the way down to my friends in fremont. we all went home and is booked our kids to let them know they need to talk to us no matter how they feel, no matter what they have to say, they have to talk to us. that is really important. >> in danville, terisa estacio kron 4 news. >> also today, san ramon valley high classmates along with a school district spokesperson talked about a loss of allison bayliss. >> everyone was crying when we heard the news that she went missing and then that they stopped searching for her, in my english class, we all wrote letters to her family. >> i was shocked, i really thought she is going to come home alive, it is shocking to know that anyone of us to do that. >> we swam on the swim team together for five years. there were a lot of kids on our school that knew her well, we will miss her a lot. >> our worst fears have been realized now. we are trying to communicate to the community and support kids and to support students and staff members, parents who are now instead of hoping for a rescue effort are now coping with a loss. >> since the news about allison, the school district has had counselors on campus. the golden gate bridge has seen its fair share of suicide dumpers and officials say they are in the final stages of trying to get a suicide barrier system, that could still take a lot of time. that project has been approved but the $45 million price tag is considered too high right now. >> we do not currently have the funding for all to that. we're working in washington, we're working in sacramento, everyone knows that dollars are hard to come by right now, but we do have that project and we are moving along as we can pass through the final design phase. >> the system would use nets, they would not be installed until at least next year, a similar setup has prevented suicides at a bridge in switzerland. >> we saw cooler conditions today as the storm pushed 3, sunthrough, look at the difference over the past 24 hours, 5-10 degrees of cooling in most spots. no change in hayward or fremont, a degree warmer in san francisco. seven degrees cooler in san rafael, nine degrees cooler in now but, fairfield, antioch and livermore. a live look outside on storm tracker 4 radar, showers have pushed to the east. clearer skies behind this body cloud cover for tomorrow and then behind that another storm that will impact us for friday, that could possibly bring us some showers in the north bay on friday morning. tomorrow we will enjoy it warmer conditions, and temperatures in the '60s in los 70's, 73 in antioch, 71 in los gatos, 68 in napa. we're still going to be running temperatures well below average for this time of year. here is a look at what you'll see tomorrow, and temperatures in the '60s. average temperatures in the '70s and '80s for this time of year. concord should be at 80 degrees, it is only going to be 68. 12 degrees below average, 30 degrees below average in livermore. the cool weather will stick with us to the we will warm up for the weekend if temperatures are still below average for this time of year, stay with us, we are back right after the break. half [ coach ] in albuquerque, citi pre-approved my mortgage. [ whistle blows ] all right, layups, guys. let's go. in sioux falls, i locked in a rate. coach, you get that house yet? working on it. [ coach ] the appraisal? ...springfield. wherever i was, my citi mortgage consultant had me covered. [ crowd cheering ] and 500 miles from home... [ cheering, cellphone beeps ] ...we finally had a new home. [ male announcer ] from pre-approval to closing, citi is with you every step of the way. what's your story? citi can help you write it. >> time for tech talk with gabe slate. i >> pioneer and build a radio that can be installed into any vehicle. it is the app radio, blended a smart phone with a car bringing the popular world of smart phone applications into the car for the driver in a safe way. the app radio replaces an existing car radio, am/fm radio and so much more. once you put your iphone or ipod touch into the connector, the app radio allows you to interact with the apps on your phone. a big six and a touch screen. your smart phone powers the average yield, the touch screen is your access point your phone or ipod touch. you would be safer using this to the worker phone while driving. for now, only certain abs works with this but hundred are expected when it hits the market and thousands soon after that. political i got a demonstration of pandora radio, there is also an up-to-the- minute traffic ap, miotionx ap rep deal gives you access to music on your device. it is an ipod player as well. build and lead to so that you can make hands free calls to your car's speaker. think of the pioneer a greatpp deal as a way to keep you connected your smart phone while your in your car. you can only run as winds up that are relevant to driving when you're driving. you cannot watch it or look at pictures or play games while your car is in under $500 and will hit the market in june. another $100 or so to have been installed. for now only works with the iphone and ipod touch. later they might expand the capability. gabe slate, kron 4 news. >> a programming change, dr. phil is moving to 4:00 p.m., that means at 8:00 p.m. there will be a new kron 4 newscast, that change begins monday may 30th. [ man ] i got this new citi thankyou card and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ ♪ there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it. >> the state inspector general says that hundreds of prison inmates who served time were let out on parole but without any supervision. they say that was a mistake, they are blaming that on a computer program that assesses the risk of prisoners. >> the office of the inspector general reviewed a portion of the 10,000 or so people who were out of prison without supervision on parole, this was in july of 2010. with they found was a 50% should have been supervised, that is about 1005 and 71 inmates. the reason is because they had a high risk of real spending. 456 had a high risk of violence. the inspector general office indicated that was the situation but the state department of corrections say they are disputing the findings. they say the risk assessment has improved and in addition they have gone back and we reviewed. they say that these numbers are completely wrong. >> please have a lot of concerns with this, in short we are disputing it. we have already gone back in and picked up a lot of vendors and put them on active supervision is just under precaution. >> the inspector general's office says yes, corrections to go back and review that. they said the review was done prior to their assessment, they say they have re-reviewed that and they have to put 400 people back on supervision, the bottom line is that there review was in july, so the 15 other people they found were still unsupervised at that point indicated there was still a problem. >> 8250 year-old oak tree nicknamed granny has been given a reprieve at least for now, it was in danger of being taken down, it is in the middle of the pipeline improvement projects. jeff bush has more from menlo park. >> randy the old tree is still standing and it might be saved. past the heavy equipment sits quietly on the job site where this section of a 9 mi. pipeline is being installed. possible return it is to cut and the tree down was discussed, the original plan was to remove the tree because the root system would be destroyed by the pipeline. you can see the trenches have already been done except for this protected area around the tree. one alternative is to vary the pipe deeper and to go under the root system. the problem is the alternative could cost the agency and a half million dollars to duke and might not work after all. you can see why, each of the sections of pipe are 40 ft. long and weigh a whopping 20,000 lbs. each. it is impractical to go around, there's not enough to room and the pike needs to be straight so that there is proper flow for the millions of gallons of water that will go through it. construction is held off until late next week. in the meantime neighbor to of the trees will have to wait to see what happens. in menlo park, just push kron 4 news. >> a beach report showing the best and worst beaches in california is targeting a few local beaches. kron 4 begins coverage in san francisco. >> every year at the nonprofit heal the bay grades 445 b-2s across california. 68 are here in the bay area. for the 2010- to the rows 11 season, 84 percent of our beaches received a or b meaning they had excellent or good water quality. aquatics part end of lake shore park in san mateo both received d as did alan needed help each. baker beach in san francisco was ranked one of the most polluted shores in california. it came in 8th. it is considered dirty because of this creek that drains on to the beach. tess- bacterial contamination. of the dirty is to beat and all of california according to heal the bay was cal beat in santa cruz. rob fladeboe drove south today to visit the shoreline. " >> run fact that cal beat is the most polluted beach in california according to the new study by hill the day comes as no surprise to officials here in santa cruz county. as we speak, here is a sign on cal beat up that says warning, ocean water may be contaminated and unsafe for body contact but order of the santa cruz county health department. when a similar warnings like this were posted at beaches all along the county, 128 of those days were posted for carroll beach right here. this is the beach just north of the municipal wharf in santa cruz. popular for surfers and beachgoers, heal the bay says that polluted beaches often occurred near a municipal wharf like this one because a lot of times businesses and tourists in traffic cars, automobiles, rainfall, run off into the water contributes to the bacteria count. that is not the only reason, one health official says there are multiple factors in addition to what i mentioned. there is also a lot of south kelp the water which can contribute to the bacteria ", it breaks zulus, moves into the shallow and the case. there is a high number of birds and sea lions which also contributes to the bacteria count and finally water flow. officials say there is just not a lot of water moving in this particular clothes into the water tends to get stagnant especially in the summer months. they say the further out into the water you go, the better the water quality is. in santa cruz rob fladeboe kron 4 news. >> he'll debate does updated reports every week. this memorial day weekend you might want to watch out for these five pieces, they all got f grades meaning that are polluted or they might have dangers of bacteria. the grading was done in both dried and rainy weather. here are the beaches. for a closer look at those beaches into the weekly updates, had our web site on click on news leaks. >> we will of this morning to wet weather. the total rainfall, santa rosa is where is all the most rain, nearly a half an inch. and now but, one-third of an inch. as you go further south, the rainfall totals were less. a live look at storm tracker 4 radar right now, northern california is mostly dry, a few lingering showers over the hills the east of to go where a tornado touched down today, improving conditions tomorrow, cloudy but decreasing cloud cover and warmer temperatures into the afternoon. we will talk about that and another chance of rain as we have to address to the we, stay with us what our back right after this. r ♪ [ woman ] this icelandic mud was working wonders on my skin. but if it was going to do the same for my spa, i had to figure out a way to get it back to the states. so i called my citibank small business expert. he got me a line of credit to make it happen and even improved my cash flow. now, my spa has more business than ever. ...and so does our cleaning crew. [ male announcer ] at citibank, we believe small business is a big deal. what's your story? citibank can help you write it. [ male announcer ] atwe were the firstieve small to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do. you got a state-of-the-art man-cave, but the savings account of a cave-man! hey sports fans check this out. [ beep ] oops, my bad. earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking, baby! ooh, 3-d! instead of earning bupkus, your savings could be earning three times the national average! three times more. go online to what's in your wallet? what's this do? [ beeping ] >> in the national news, the man who kidnapped elizabeth smart nine years ago has been sentenced to life in prison. brian mitchell was convicted back in december for conducting and reading smart when she was a teenager. a homeless preacher took the then 14 year-old from her bedroom at knifepoint in june 2002. that is smart in a recent interview, after nine months of abuse she was rescued and reunited with her family. today, she reacted to the sentencing. >> i would once again like to express my gratitude to everyone who has ever pray for me, search for me or put in time thinking about me, that made an effort to bring me home. i would like to thank the u.s. attorney's office, for all of their work and everything they have done. i am deeply grateful, from the bottom of my heart, i am grateful to everyone and for the wonderful outcome that has happened today. like my father said, i am so thrilled with the results that came out today, the light sentence, i could not be happier. >> smart says that the sentence today marked the end of really long chapter for her as she put it. the beginning of a very beautiful chapter. >> if federal judge says that jarred laughner is not confident enough-,-but it enough to stand trial for a shooting in tucson. he is accused of killing six people and injuring 13 others including congresswoman get real difference. u.s. marshals had to forcibly removed laughner from court after an outburst. he was heard to say thank you for the freak show, she died right in front of me. the judge says often does not understand the charges against him and it does not trust his lawyers. his next court date is in september. john edwards could face criminal charges, he is accused of using money from a supporter to cover of his extramarital affair with a campaign staffer. an attorney for edwards says he did not break the law. case said an indictment could come within days unless a plea deal is reached. >> in a look at the extended forecast, warm and dry conditions for tomorrow but another chance of rain on friday. i will tell you all about it coming up in just a bit. i know you're worried about making your savings last and having enough income when you retire. that's why i'm here -- to help come up with a plan and get you on the right path. i have more than a thousand fidelity experts working with me so that i can work one-on-one with you. it's your green line. but i'll be there every step of the way. call or come in and talk with us today. >> and an average of at least 100 pedestrians are hit and killed by drivers every year in the bay area. most of them are killed at a few very dangerous intersections. this map shows one of them, and broadway in oakland. stanley roberts is taking a look at the problem in this edition of people behaving badly. >> this is the intersection of fifth and broadway in oakland, a woman just into the crosswalk. the driver making the turn of failed to yield is a the pedestrian. it gets worse, watched the driver of this car across multiple lanes of traffic while the woman is still crossing then, there is this minivan driver who ignores a man in the crosswalk and has the nerve to ask me why i am recording him. drivers are trying to get to interstate 880 or the webster packed ignore the pedestrian right of way law. it is a law that gives people on foot priority when crossing a street. whether the crosswalk is unmarked or unmarked. i mentioned on marked crosswalk because the intersections and oakland, this one should be clearly marked that it is not. in fact there is only a partial market on the street, in one area there are no markings at all. where p there is something else i need to show you, see this person waiting to cross? let's stop the tape right here, they get the block signal, it means it should be safe for them to walk, but watch this. this woman has a way of an umbrella to get the attention of drivers before crossing. many people simply run across to avoid getting hit. >> this is the worst in a section in oakland. >> he may just be right. in oakland, stanley roberts kron 4 news. >> after some morning rain we are seeing drier conditions in the bay area, in look at storm tracker 4 radar, showers have pushed to the east. we are seeing clear conditions behind that, we will have one day of dry conditions before another storm drops into the bay area. most likely just bringing us cloud cover and cooler temperatures, but a chance of winning. here is a look at what you expect tonight and tomorrow, a decrease in cloud cover will be to chillier conditions overnight, the temperature is dropping into the low 40's in some spots. into the afternoon, partly sunny conditions and warmer. mostly sunny to the south, and temperatures are up to 5-10 degrees from what we saw today. increasing cloud cover back on thursday and another storm approaching. let's take a look at temperatures of neighborhood by neighborhood. 56 in santa rosa, 68 in napa and concord. obverse '60s tomorrow. --upper 60s tomorrow. 71 in morgan hill. a little warmer and drier tomorrow. a 20 percent chance of light showers, most likely we will just see cloud cover and cooler temperatures until friday afternoon. trevor to warm up as we head into the weekend, they will still be several degrees below average for this time of year and mild as we head into >> sports coming up next. >> sports coming up next. you deserve our best. that's why there's so many flight options. [ webber ] southwest airlines has seven daily nonstop flights from the bay area to chicago midway to fit your schedule. ♪ hey, we're on your schedule, not ours. there will be another one back here in a second, just watch. what did i tell you -- there's another one. [ ding ] istle blow all ri layups, g let's ioux falls i lo in a rate coach, you get house yet rking on i [ coach ] appraisal ...ngfield. whver i was,citi mortg coltant had overed. [ crowd ring ] and 500 s from hom eering, ceone beeps ...we fly had a nome. male annor ] from prproval to ing, citi ish you everep of the wa what's youory? citi canp you writ. what'? ohat's wron withr hair? oh. i wasising the wor. ware you weg? it's got od. nt one? boom. done ding! ] [ boy ]lookinod mr. ths, bro-sep are you v chatting? with myfrie? yeah!hey, t! [ mockinne ] mo higeed interns more affore than eve with no hphone requ. ly in the ork of possities. higeed interns more affore than eve at&t. >> or the giants are still going. hauhot the giants are on nbc. mike stanton, the longest all they have ever seen hit at at&t park, that was during batting practice, about 500 ft.. here are the giants against the marlins. the game is tied at 2, in the ninth it looks like half year lopez is going to be on the short end and then, with the bases loaded, who had four hits tonight goes into the gap with the bases loaded. the giants are a real team, they keep coming back. they get a couple to make the score 6-4. right now is 6-6 in the eleventh inning. as always pour we will keep an eye on the game. would you rather watch pitch after pitch or watch as give you the update? a nice move by barry bonds, he has promised to pay for the college education of both of the children of bryan's bill when the time comes. the kids are ages 12 and 8, the pledge comes more than a month ago after bonds visited bryan still in a las angeles hospital. things are not going good for the oakland a's, bob kerrey is getting a lot of conversation, we will give you the latest in a minute. her big game is tied ads .1 the angels are pretty good, they start slow and then, they get the guy at the the angels lose 4-1. zapp >> as it is a shame, a magic is sitting through a game and then kron 4 is on, what are you going to do? hot the giants are tied. no. when this is really damning, from a former player for the a's, he got in trouble with one of his players, he said there is no communication. this is what was said by houston houston street just rip think bob kerrey. he never managed to baseball before. >> the dallas is on to the nba finals. 1/2 to oklahoma city blows a big lead. the mavericks and a game on a 17-6 run. they win 196, jason kidd was one of the key ingredients of a leading dallas from the backcourt. what they are waiting on miami who could close of chicago tomorrow night. the new coach of the lakers is a man named mike brown. he coached lebron james in cleveland park course in a similar deal with kobe bryant. when they asked mike brown have you talked to kobe he said, we have sent text messages but he is busy with his family, that is not a good start with mike. " there was a bay area kit, brian shaw he had been an assistant coach for the lakers, many thought that he would get the job. >> maybe a in the ask him but he said he was not interested. >> we will be back in a few minutes. the giants are tied it right now. live, this is kron 4 news at 11:00. look at this funnel cloud turning into a tornado,

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